# PMML: Predictive Model Markup Language
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Zementis, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG
# USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates
# and/or their licensors.
# This file is part of the PMML package for R.
# The PMML package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The PMML package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for details (
# #############################################################################
#' Discretize a continuous variable as indicated by interval mappings in
#' accordance with the PMML element \bold{Discretize}.
#' @param wrap_object Output of xform_wrap or another transformation function.
#' @param xform_info Specification of details of the transformation. This may be
#' a name of an external file or a list of data frames. Even if only 1 variable
#' is to be transformed, the information for that transform should be given as
#' a list with 1 element.
#' @param table Name of external CSV file containing the map from input to
#' output values.
#' @param default_value Value to be given to the transformed variable if the
#' value of the input variable does not lie in any of the defined intervals. If
#' 'xform_info' is a list, this is a vector with each element corresponding to
#' the corresponding list element.
#' @param map_missing_to Value to be given to the transformed variable if the
#' value of the input variable is missing. If 'xform_info' is a list, this is a
#' vector with each element corresponding to the corresponding list element.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return R object containing the raw data, the transformed data and data
#' statistics.
#' @details
#' Create a discrete variable from a continuous one as indicated by interval
#' mappings. The discrete variable value depends on interval in which the
#' continuous variable value lies. The mapping from intervals to discrete
#' values can be given in an external table file referred to in the
#' transform command or as a list of data frames.
#' Given a list of intervals and the discrete value each interval is linked to,
#' a discrete variable is defined with the value indicated by the interval
#' where it lies in. If a continuous variable \bold{InVar} of data type
#' \bold{InType} is to be converted to a variable \bold{OutVar} of data type
#' \bold{OutType}, the transformation command is in the format:
#' xform_info = "[InVar->OutVar][InType->OutType]", table="TableFileName", \cr
#' default_value="defVal", map_missing_to="missingVal"
#' where \bold{TableFileName} is the name of the CSV file containing the
#' interval to discrete value map. The data types of the variables can be any
#' of the ones defined in the PMML format including integer, double or string.
#' \bold{defVal} is the default value of the transformed variable and if any of
#' the input values are missing, \bold{missingVal} is the value of the
#' transformed variable.
#' The arguments InType, OutType, default_value and map_missing_to are optional.
#' The CSV file containing the table should not have any row and column
#' identifiers, and the values given must be in the same order as in the map
#' command. If the data types of the variables are not given, the data types of
#' the input variables are attempted to be determined from the \bold{boxData}
#' argument. If that is not possible, the data types are assumed to be string.
#' Intervals are either given by the left or right limits, in which case the
#' other limit is considered as infinite. It may also be given by both the left
#' and right limits separated by the character ":". An example of how intervals
#' should be defined in the external file are:
#' \preformatted{
#' rightVal1),outVal1
#' rightVal2],outVal2
#' [leftVal1:rightVal3),outVal3
#' (leftVal2:rightVal4],outVal4
#' (leftVal,outVal5
#' }
#' which, given an input value \bold{inVal} and the output value to be
#' calculated \bold{out}, means that:
#' \preformatted{
#' if(inVal < rightVal1) out=outVal1
#' f(inVal <= rightVal2) out=outVal2
#' if( (inVal >= leftVal1) and (inVal < rightVal3) ) out=outVal3
#' if( (inVal > leftVal2) and (inVal <= rightVal4) ) out=outVal4
#' if(inVal > leftVal) out=outVal5
#' }
#' It is also possible to give the information about the transforms without an
#' external file, using a list of data frames. Each data frame defines a
#' discretization operation for 1 input variable. The first row of the data
#' frame gives the original field name, the derived field name, the left
#' interval, the left value, the right interval and the right value. The second
#' row gives the data type of the values as listed in the first row. The second
#' row with the data types of the fields is not required. If not given, all
#' fields are assumed to be strings. In this input format, the 'default_value'
#' and 'map_missing_to' parameters should be vectors. The first element of each
#' vector will correspond to the derived field defined in the 1st element of
#' the 'xform_info' list etc. Although somewhat more complicated, this method is
#' designed to not require any external features. Further, once the initial list
#' is constructed, modifying it is a simple operation; making this a better
#' method to use if the parameters of the transformation are to be modified
#' frequently and/or automatically. This is made more clear in the example
#' below.
#' @author Tridivesh Jena
#' @seealso \code{\link{xform_wrap}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' # First wrap the data
#' iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Convert the continuous variable "Sepal.Length" to a discrete
#' # variable "dsl". The intervals to be used for this transformation is
#' # given in a file, "intervals.csv", whose content is, for example,:
#' #
#' # 5],val1
#' # (5:6],22
#' # (6,val2
#' #
#' # This will be used to create a discrete variable named "dsl" of dataType
#' # "string" such that:
#' # if(Sepal.length <= 5) then dsl = "val1"
#' # if((Sepal.Lenght > 5) and (Sepal.Length <= 6)) then dsl = "22"
#' # if(Sepal.Length > 6) then dsl = "val2"
#' #
#' # Give "dsl" the value 0 if the input variable value is missing.
#' iris_box <- xform_discretize(iris_box,
#' xform_info = "[Sepal.Length -> dsl][double -> string]",
#' table = "intervals.csv", map_missing_to = "0"
#' )
#' }
#' # A different transformation using a list of data frames, of size 1:
#' t <- list()
#' m <- data.frame(rbind(
#' c(
#' "Petal.Length", "dis_pl", "leftInterval", "leftValue",
#' "rightInterval", "rightValue"
#' ),
#' c(
#' "double", "integer", "string", "double", "string",
#' "double"
#' ),
#' c("0)", 0, "open", NA, "Open", 0),
#' c(NA, 1, "closed", 0, "Open", 1),
#' c(NA, 2, "closed", 1, "Open", 2),
#' c(NA, 3, "closed", 2, "Open", 3),
#' c(NA, 4, "closed", 3, "Open", 4),
#' c("[4", 5, "closed", 4, "Open", NA)
#' ), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#' # Give column names to make it look nice; not necessary!
#' colnames(m) <- c(
#' "Petal.Length", "dis_pl", "leftInterval", "leftValue",
#' "rightInterval", "rightValue"
#' )
#' # A textual representation of the data frame is:
#' # Petal.Length dis_pl leftInterval leftValue rightInterval rightValue
#' # 1 Petal.Length dis_pl leftInterval leftValue rightInterval rightValue
#' # 2 double integer string double string double
#' # 3 0) 0 open <NA> Open 0
#' # 4 <NA> 1 closed 0 Open 1
#' # 5 <NA> 2 closed 1 Open 2
#' # 6 <NA> 3 closed 2 Open 3
#' # 7 <NA> 4 closed 3 Open 4
#' # 8 (4 5 closed 4 Open <NA>
#' #
#' # This is a transformation that defines a derived field 'dis_pl'
#' # which has the integer value '0' if the original field
#' # 'Petal.Length' has a value less than 0. The derived field has a
#' # value '1' if the input is greater than or equal to 0 and less
#' # than 1. Note that the values of the 1st column after row 2 have
#' # been deliberately given NA values in the middle. This is to
#' # show that that column is meant for a textual representation of
#' # the transformation as defined for the method involving external
#' # files; however in this methodtheir values are not used.
#' # Add the data frame to a list. The default values and the missing
#' # values should be given as a vector, each element of the vector
#' # corresponding to the element at the same index in the list. If
#' # these values are not given as a vector, they will be used for the
#' # first list element only.
#' t[[1]] <- m
#' def <- c(11)
#' mis <- c(22)
#' iris_box <- xform_discretize(iris_box,
#' xform_info = t, default_value = def,
#' map_missing_to = mis
#' )
#' # Make a simple model to see the effect.
#' fit <- lm(Petal.Width ~ ., iris_box$data[, -5])
#' fit_pmml <- pmml(fit, transforms = iris_box)
#' @export
xform_discretize <-
function(wrap_object, xform_info, table, default_value = NA, map_missing_to = NA, ...) {
newrow <- NULL
colnamesGiven <- FALSE
j <- 0
orig_field_name <- NULL
derivedFieldName <- NA
sampleMin <- NA
sampleMax <- NA
xformedMin <- NA
xformedMax <- NA
centers <- NA
scales <- NA
fieldsMap <- NA
dataMatrix <- NULL
default <- NA
missingValue <- NA
sep <- ":"
xform_function <- NA
newBoxData <- .init_wrap_params(wrap_object)
# if command given in older format
if (!is.list(xform_info)) {
# Extract data from xform_info
# [a->c][d->s]
minf <- as.character(xform_info)
# separate variable names and data types
split0 <- strsplit(minf, "]\\[")[[1]]
split0[1] <- gsub("\\[", "", split0[1])
# is dataTypes given?
given <- length(split0)
# discretize: a->c
# dataTypes: d->s
if (given == 2) {
discretize <- split0[1]
split0[2] <- gsub("]", "", split0[2])
datType <- split0[2]
} else {
split0[1] <- gsub("]", "", split0[1])
discretize <- split0[1]
datType <- NA
# discretize: a->c
# split the variable and dataType strings
if (grepl("[^-]->", discretize)) {
st <- "->"
} else {
st <- "-->"
val <- strsplit(discretize, st)[[1]]
# inVal: a
inVal <- gsub(" ", "", val[1])
# outVal: "c"
outVal <- gsub(" ", "", val[2])
# if data types provided
inDat <- NULL
outDat <- NULL
if (! {
if (grepl("[^-]->", datType)) {
st <- "->"
} else {
st <- "-->"
datsplit <- strsplit(datType, st)[[1]]
inDat <- gsub(" ", "", datsplit[1])
# outDat: "s"
outDat <- gsub(" ", "", datsplit[2])
# convert double, integer to numeric for field_data
if (!is.null(outDat)) {
if ((outDat == "double") || (outDat == "integer")) {
outDat <- "numeric"
} else {
outDat <- "string"
# make variable name and data type rows to bind on data map later
vname <- NULL
vdtype <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(inVal))
vname <- c(vname, inVal)
if (is.null(inDat)) {
vdtype <- c(vdtype, "numeric")
} else {
vdtype <- c(vdtype, inDat)
vname <- c(vname, outVal)
if ( {
vdtype <- c(vdtype, "string")
} else {
vdtype <- c(vdtype, outDat)
# placeholder for interval and values
vname <- c(vname, "leftInterval", "leftValue", "rightInterval", "rightValue")
vdtype <- c(vdtype, "string", "double", "string", "double")
# Extract data from table
# read interval data from csv file
tabl <- as.character(table)
file <- scan(tabl, what = character(0), sep = ",", quiet = T)
ndat <- length(file)
nrows <- length(scan(tabl, what = character(0), sep = "\n", quiet = T))
numcols <- ndat / nrows
dataMatrix <- matrix(file, nrow = nrows, byrow = TRUE)
# add columns for left/right intervalType/value
dataMatrix <- cbind(dataMatrix, NA)
dataMatrix <- cbind(dataMatrix, NA)
dataMatrix <- cbind(dataMatrix, NA)
dataMatrix <- cbind(dataMatrix, NA)
# default_value=f,map_missing_to=g
if (! {
default <- as.character(default_value)
if (! {
missingValue <- as.character(map_missing_to)
# add variable info to the data matrix
top <- rbind(vname, vdtype)
dataMatrix <- rbind(top, dataMatrix)
rownames(dataMatrix) <- NULL
type <- "derived"
orig_field_name <- inVal
if (is.null(outDat)) {
dataType <- "string"
} else {
dataType <- outDat
transform <- "discretize"
derivedFieldName <- outVal
# for each field map row given except the top 2 (name and type)
for (j in 3:nrow(dataMatrix))
leftValue <- NA
rightValue <- NA
leftInterval <- NA
rightInterval <- NA
if (grepl(sep, dataMatrix[j, 1])) {
range <- strsplit(dataMatrix[j, 1], sep)[[1]]
if (grepl("^\\[", range[1])) {
leftValue <- gsub("\\[", "", range[1])
leftInterval <- "closed"
} else if (grepl("^\\(", range[1])) {
leftValue <- gsub("\\(", "", range[1])
leftInterval <- "open"
if (grepl("\\]$", range[2])) {
rightValue <- gsub("\\]", "", range[2])
rightInterval <- "Closed"
} else if (grepl("\\)$", range[2])) {
rightValue <- gsub("\\)", "", range[2])
rightInterval <- "Open"
# end if both left and right limits given
} else {
range <- dataMatrix[j, 1]
if (grepl("^\\[", range[1])) {
leftValue <- gsub("\\[", "", range[1])
leftInterval <- "closed"
rightInterval <- "Open"
} else if (grepl("^\\(", range[1])) {
leftValue <- gsub("\\(", "", range[1])
leftInterval <- "open"
rightInterval <- "Open"
} else if (grepl("\\]$", range[1])) {
rightValue <- gsub("\\]", "", range[1])
leftInterval <- "open"
rightInterval <- "Closed"
} else if (grepl("\\)$", range[1])) {
rightValue <- gsub("\\)", "", range[1])
leftInterval <- "open"
rightInterval <- "Open"
dataMatrix[j, 3] <- leftInterval
dataMatrix[j, 4] <- leftValue
dataMatrix[j, 5] <- rightInterval
dataMatrix[j, 6] <- rightValue
colnames(dataMatrix) <- dataMatrix[1, ]
fieldsMap <- list(dataMatrix)
suppressWarnings(newrow <- data.frame(type, dataType, I(orig_field_name),
sampleMin, sampleMax, xformedMin,
xformedMax, centers, scales, I(fieldsMap),
transform, default, missingValue,
row.names = derivedFieldName,
check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE
suppressWarnings(newBoxData$field_data <- rbind(newBoxData$field_data, newrow))
newBoxData <- .xformData(dataMatrix, default, missingValue, dataType, newBoxData)
} else {
# for each xform indicated
for (k in 1:length(xform_info))
dataMatrix <- as.matrix(xform_info[[k]])
colnames(dataMatrix) <- NULL
datatypes <- c("string", "String", "double", "Double", "boolean", "Boolean", "integer", "Integer", "float", "Float")
for (l in 1:ncol(dataMatrix)) {
dataMatrix[[l]] <- as.character(dataMatrix[[l]])
if (!(dataMatrix[2, 1] %in% datatypes)) {
dataMatrix <- rbind(c("string", "numeric", "string", "double", "string", "double"), dataMatrix)
fieldsMap <- list(dataMatrix)
dataType <- dataMatrix[2, 2]
colnames(dataMatrix) <- dataMatrix[1, ]
orig_field_name <- dataMatrix[1, 1]
derivedFieldName <- dataMatrix[1, 2]
default <- default_value[k]
missingValue <- map_missing_to[k]
suppressWarnings(newrow <- data.frame(
type = "derived", dataType = dataType,
I(orig_field_name), sampleMin, sampleMax,
xformedMin, xformedMax, centers, scales,
I(fieldsMap), transform = "discretize",
default, missingValue, xform_function,
row.names = derivedFieldName,
check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE
suppressWarnings(newBoxData$field_data <- rbind(newBoxData$field_data, newrow))
colnames(dataMatrix) <- dataMatrix[1, ]
newBoxData <- .xformData(dataMatrix, default, missingValue, dataType, newBoxData)
.xformData <- function(dataMatrix, default, missingValue, dataType, newBoxData) {
type <- NULL
dataMatrix <- tolower(dataMatrix)
for (j in 3:nrow(dataMatrix))
if ([j, "leftValue"]) && (dataMatrix[j, "rightInterval"] == "closed")) {
type[j] <- 1
if ([j, "leftValue"]) && (dataMatrix[j, "rightInterval"] == "open")) {
type[j] <- 2
if ((dataMatrix[j, "leftInterval"] == "closed") &&[j, "rightValue"])) {
type[j] <- 7
if ((dataMatrix[j, "leftInterval"] == "open") &&[j, "rightValue"])) {
type[j] <- 8
if ((dataMatrix[j, "leftInterval"] == "closed") && (dataMatrix[j, "rightInterval"] == "closed")) {
type[j] <- 3
if ((dataMatrix[j, "leftInterval"] == "closed") && (dataMatrix[j, "rightInterval"] == "open")) {
type[j] <- 4
if ((dataMatrix[j, "leftInterval"] == "open") && (dataMatrix[j, "rightInterval"] == "closed")) {
type[j] <- 5
if ((dataMatrix[j, "leftInterval"] == "open") && (dataMatrix[j, "rightInterval"] == "open")) {
type[j] <- 6
newcol <- NULL
origName <- colnames(dataMatrix)[1]
derivedName <- colnames(dataMatrix)[2]
if (newBoxData$field_data[origName, "dataType"] != "numeric") {
stop("Non-numeric matrices not yet supported for transformations")
# Initialize values to default rather than missing
if (! {
if (dataType == "numeric") {
newcol <- rep(as.numeric(default), nrow(newBoxData$data))
newmatrixcol <- rep(as.numeric(default), nrow(newBoxData$data))
} else if (dataType == "boolean") {
newcol <- rep(as.logical(default), nrow(newBoxData$data))
} else {
newcol <- rep(default, nrow(newBoxData$data))
newmatrixcol <- rep(default, nrow(newBoxData$data))
} else if (! {
if (dataType == "numeric") {
newcol <- rep(as.numeric(missingValue), nrow(newBoxData$data))
newmatrixcol <- rep(as.numeric(missingValue), nrow(newBoxData$data))
} else if (missingValue == "boolean") {
newcol <- rep(as.logical(missingValue), nrow(newBoxData$data))
} else {
newcol <- rep(missingValue, nrow(newBoxData$data))
newmatrixcol <- rep(missingValue, nrow(newBoxData$data))
} else {
newcol <- rep(NA, nrow(newBoxData$data))
newmatrixcol <- rep(NA, nrow(newBoxData$data))
orig_field_name <- colnames(dataMatrix)[1]
derivedName <- colnames(dataMatrix)[2]
# for each field map row given except the top 2 (name and type)
for (j in 3:nrow(dataMatrix))
if (type[j] == 1) {
newcol[newBoxData$data[, origName] <= as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "rightValue"])] <- dataMatrix[j, derivedName]
if (type[j] == 2) {
newcol[newBoxData$data[, origName] < as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "rightValue"])] <- dataMatrix[j, derivedName]
if (type[j] == 3) {
newcol[(as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "leftValue"]) <= newBoxData$data[, origName]) & (newBoxData$data[, orig_field_name] <= as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "rightValue"]))] <- dataMatrix[j, derivedName]
if (type[j] == 4) {
newcol[(as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "leftValue"]) <= newBoxData$data[, origName]) & (newBoxData$data[, orig_field_name] < as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "rightValue"]))] <- dataMatrix[j, derivedName]
if (type[j] == 5) {
newcol[(as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "leftValue"]) < newBoxData$data[, origName]) & (newBoxData$data[, orig_field_name] <= as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "rightValue"]))] <- dataMatrix[j, derivedName]
if (type[j] == 6) {
newcol[(as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "leftValue"]) < newBoxData$data[, origName]) & (newBoxData$data[, orig_field_name] < as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "rightValue"]))] <- dataMatrix[j, derivedName]
if (type[j] == 7) {
newcol[as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "leftValue"]) <= newBoxData$data[, origName]] <- dataMatrix[j, derivedName]
if (type[j] == 8) {
newcol[as.numeric(dataMatrix[j, "leftValue"]) < newBoxData$data[, origName]] <- dataMatrix[j, derivedName]
col <- as.matrix(newcol)
colnames(col) <- colnames(dataMatrix)[2]
rownames(col) <- NULL
if (dataType == "numeric") {
newBoxData$data <- data.frame(newBoxData$data, as.numeric(col),
check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE
colnames(newBoxData$data)[ncol(newBoxData$data)] <- derivedName
} else {
newBoxData$data <- data.frame(newBoxData$data, col, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
newBoxData$data[, dim(newBoxData$data)[2]] <- as.factor(newBoxData$data[, dim(newBoxData$data)[2]])
if (!is.null(newBoxData$matrixData)) {
if (dataType == "numeric") {
newBoxData$matrixData <- cbind(newBoxData$matrixData, as.numeric(col))
colnames(newBoxData$matrixData) <- colnames(newBoxData$data)
} else {
newBoxData$matrixData <- cbind(newBoxData$matrixData, col)
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