Defines functions FSR

Documented in FSR

# FSR: Forward Stepwise Regression ###
# FSR() by default, uses 90% of data for training, 20% of which is set aside for validation.
# FSR() is primarily intended for dense matrices.
# If you have a data frame that contains factors with many levels,
# you may wish to use another function found in the polyreg library
# which takes advantage of sparse data.
# continues making the model more complicated (adding interactions, polynomials, etc.)
# until either max_poly_degree and max_interaction_degree are reached or
# improvements do not add at least threshold (default 0.01) to explained variance (of validation data).
#' FSR
#' @export
FSR <- function(Xy,
                max_poly_degree = 3, max_interaction_degree = 2,
                outcome = NULL, linear_estimation = FALSE,
                threshold_include = 0.01, threshold_estimate = 0.001,
                min_models = NULL, max_fails = 2,
                standardize = FALSE,
                pTraining = 0.8,
                file_name = NULL,
                store_fit = "none",
                max_block = 250,
                noisy = TRUE, seed = NULL){

  if(!is.matrix(Xy) && !is.data.frame(Xy))
    stop("Xy must be a matrix or data.frame. Either way, y must be the final column.")
  Xy <- complete(Xy)
  if(pTraining <= 0 || pTraining > 1)
    stop("pTraining should all be between 0 and 1.")
  pValidation <- 1 - pTraining

  store_fit <- match_arg(store_fit, c("none", "accepted", "all"))
  outcome <- match_arg(outcome, c("continuous", "binary", "multinomial"))

  out <- list()
  class(out) <- "FSR" # nested list, has S3 method
  out[["standardize"]] <- standardize
  out[["N"]] <- n <- nrow(Xy)

  out[["seed"]] <- if(is.null(seed)) sample(10^9, 1) else seed
  if(noisy) message("set seed to ", out$seed, ".\n")
  out[["split"]] <- sample(c("train", "test"), n, replace=TRUE,
                           prob = c(pTraining, pValidation))

  Xy <- as.data.frame(Xy, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
  factor_features <- c() # stores individual levels, omitting one

  Xy_distincts <- unlist(lapply(Xy, N_distinct))
  Xy_ch <- unlist(lapply(Xy, is.character))
  for(i in 1:ncol(Xy)){
    if(Xy_distincts[i] == 2 || Xy_ch[i]){
      Xy[,i] <- as.factor(Xy[,i])
  x_factors <- unlist(lapply(Xy[,-ncol(Xy)], is.factor))
  for(i in which(x_factors)){

    if(Xy_distincts[i] > 2){
      tmp <- paste(colnames(Xy)[i], "==", paste0("\'", levels(Xy[,i])[-1], "\'"))
      tmp <- paste0("(", tmp, ")")
      factor_features <- c(factor_features, tmp)
      factor_features <- c(factor_features, colnames(Xy)[i])

  # below code can probably
  continuous_features <- cf <- colnames(Xy)[-ncol(Xy)][!x_factors]
  P_continuous <- length(continuous_features)

  out[["continuous_features"]] <- continuous_features
  out[["factors"]] <- colnames(Xy)[-ncol(Xy)][unlist(lapply(Xy[-ncol(Xy)], is.factor))]
  out[["y"]] <- colnames(Xy)[ncol(Xy)]
  out[["P_continuous"]] <- P_continuous
  out[["P_factor"]] <- P_factor <- sum(x_factors)
  P <- P_continuous + P_factor # P does not reflect intercept, interactions, or poly

    out[["outcome"]] <- if(is.factor(Xy[,ncol(Xy)])) if(N_distinct(Xy[,ncol(Xy)]) > 2) "multinomial" else "binary" else "continuous"

  out[["linear_estimation"]] <- if(out$outcome == "continuous") TRUE else linear_estimation
    out[["XtX_inv_accepted"]] <- NULL

  out[["y_scale"]] <- if(standardize && out$outcome == "continuous") sd(Xy[out$split == "train", ncol(Xy)]) else 1

  out[["train_scales"]] <- list()
    tmp <- which(unlist(lapply(Xy, is_continuous)))
    for(i in tmp){
      out[["train_scales"]][[colnames(Xy)[i]]][["mean"]] <- mean(Xy[,i], na.rm=TRUE)
      out[["train_scales"]][[colnames(Xy)[i]]][["sd"]] <- sd(Xy[,i], na.rm=TRUE)
    Xy[,tmp] <- scale(Xy[,tmp])

  for(i in 2:max_poly_degree)
    continuous_features <- c(continuous_features, paste0("I(", cf, "^", i, ")"))
#    continuous_features <- c(continuous_features, paste("pow(", cf, ",", i, ")"))

  features <- f <- c(continuous_features, factor_features)
  if(max_interaction_degree > 1){
    for(i in 2:max_interaction_degree){
      features <- c(f, apply(combn(f, i), 2, paste, collapse = " * "))

  models <- data.frame(features = features,
                       test_adjR2 = NA,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  models[["estimated"]]<- FALSE # will be updated based on whether successful ...

  if(out$outcome == "multinomial"){
    out[["best_test_adj_accuracy"]] <- 0
    models[["test_adj_accuracy"]] <- 0
    out[["best_test_adjR2"]] <- 0
    # computes pseudo, most important for logit. for ols, multiple definitions of R^2 equivalent including squared correlation.
    # applies the adjustment found in adj R^2 even though out of sample ...

  out[["improvement"]] <- 0  # 0 not meaningful; just initializing ...

  if(out$outcome == "continuous"){
    models[["MAPE"]] <- NA
    models[["test_accuracy"]] <- NA
      models[["AIC"]] <- NA
      models[["BIC"]] <- NA


  models[["formula"]] <- NA
  models[["accepted"]] <- FALSE
  models[["P"]] <- NA
  out[["models"]] <- models

  out[["y_name"]] <- as.character(colnames(Xy)[ncol(Xy)])
  out[["N_train"]] <- N_train <- sum(out$split == "train")
  out[["N_test"]] <- N_test <- sum(out$split == "test")
  out[["unable_to_estimate"]] <- 0

  out[["best_formula"]] <- ""
    min_models <- min(P, N_train - 1) # 'attempt all x variables additively'

  out[["max_poly_degree"]] <- max_poly_degree
  out[["max_interaction_degree"]] <- max_interaction_degree
  out[["threshold_include"]] <- threshold_include
  out[["threshold_estimate"]] <- 0.001
  out[["max_fails"]] <- max_fails
  out[["min_models"]] <- min_models
  out[["file_name"]] <- file_name
  out[["store_fit"]] <- store_fit
  out[["max_block"]] <- 250
  out[["noisy"]] <- noisy

  if(noisy) summary(out, results_overview=FALSE)

  m <- 1            # counts which model

  if(out$outcome == "continuous"){

    y_train <- Xy[out$split == "train", ncol(Xy)]

  }else{ # classification setup

    out[["training_labels"]] <- as.character(unique(Xy[out$split == "train", ncol(Xy)]))
    out[["labels"]] <- Xy[,ncol(Xy)]
    out[["y_test_labels"]] <- out$labels[out$split == "test"]

    if(out$outcome == "multinomial"){

      tallies <- table(Xy[out$split == "train", ncol(Xy)])
      if(noisy && min(tallies) < 10){
        warning("Training the model with rarely observed labels is not recommended.")

      modal_outcome <- names(tallies)[which.max(tallies)]
      out[["reference_category"]] <- modal_outcome
      Xy[ , ncol(Xy)] <- relevel(Xy[,ncol(Xy)], out$reference_category)

      if(out$noisy) message("Multinomial models will be fit with '",
                          "' (the sample mode of the training data) as the reference category.\n\n")


      out[["y_train_mean"]] <- mean(as.numeric(Xy[out$split == "train", ncol(Xy)]) - 1)



      ln_odds <- log_odds(Xy[,ncol(Xy)], split = (out$split == "train"), noisy = noisy)

      if(out$outcome == "binary"){

        Xy[ , ncol(Xy)] <- ln_odds
        y_train <- ln_odds[out$split == "train"]

        y_train <- ln_odds[out$split == "train", ]
      y_train <- Xy[out$split == "train", ncol(Xy)]
      y_test <- Xy[out$split == "test", ncol(Xy)]
  } # end classification setup

 if(noisy) message("beginning Forward Stepwise Regression...")

 while((m <= nrow(out$models)) &&
        ((out$improvement > out$threshold_estimate) || m <= out$min_models) &&
        out$unable_to_estimate < out$max_fails){

    out[[mod(m)]] <- list()


      if(grepl("\\*", out$models$features[m])){

        tmp <- unlist(strsplit(out$models$features[m], "\\*"))
        if(mean(tmp %in% out$models$features[out$models$accepted]) == 1){
          out$models$formula[m] <- paste(out[["best_formula"]], "+", out$models$features[m])
          if(noisy) message("Skipping ", out$models$features[m], "\n")
        out$models$formula[m] <- paste(out[["best_formula"]], "+", out$models$features[m])
      out$models$formula[m] <- paste(out$y_name, "~", out$models$features[m])


      if(out$outcome == "continuous"){ # fit, etc.

        system.time(out <- ols(out, Xy, m, y = y_train))

      }else{ # begin classification

        if(out$outcome == "multinomial"){


            system.time(out <- ols(out, Xy, m, y = y_train))


            if(noisy) message("\n")
            system.time(out[[mod(m)]][["fit"]] <- multinom(as.formula(out$models$formula[m]),
                                                           Xy[out$split == "train", ], trace = noisy))
            out[[mod(m)]][["coeffs"]] <- t(as.matrix(coefficients(out[[mod(m)]][["fit"]])))
            out <- post_estimation(out, Xy, m)

        }else{ # start binary

            system.time(out <- ols(out, Xy, m, y = y_train))
            system.time(out[[mod(m)]][["fit"]] <- glm(as.formula(out$models$formula[m]),
                                                      Xy[out$split == "train",],
                                                      family = binomial(link = "logit")))
            out[[mod(m)]][["coeffs"]] <- out[[mod(m)]][["fit"]][["coefficients"]]
            out <- post_estimation(out, Xy, m, y_test)
        } # end logit
      } # end fit, etc.

      out$models$estimated[m] <- complete_vector(out[[mod(m)]][["coeffs"]])

        summary(out, estimation_overview = FALSE, results_overview = FALSE, model_number = m)

      # saving or removing ...
      if(out$store_fit == "none")
        out[[mod(m)]][["fit"]] <- NULL

      if(out$store_fit == "accepted" && !out$models$accepted[m])
        out[[mod(m)]][["fit"]] <- NULL

        if(out$noisy) message("\n\nsaving (updated) results as ", out$file_name, "\n\n")
        save(out, file=out$file_name)

    m <- m + 1

  } # end WHILE loop

  out$XtX_inv_accepted <- NULL

  if(out$noisy) summary(out, estimation_overview=FALSE)



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polyreg documentation built on March 31, 2022, 9:05 a.m.