
Defines functions post_estimation ols block_solve log_odds classify isolate_interaction which_include get_interactions get_degree model_matrix complete complete_vector match_arg mod is_continuous N_distinct toFactors

Documented in toFactors

# helper function used by FSR() and getPoly()

# converts each df column in cols to factor, returns new df
# for getPoly(), and by extension polyFit() and FSR():
# should be used on any categorical variable stored as an integer
# is optional for binary variables
# is optional for categorical variables stored as characters
#' @export
toFactors <- function(df, cols)
  for (i in cols) {
    df[,i] <- as.factor(df[,i])

# the rest are not exported...

N_distinct <- function(x) 
   if(ncol(as.matrix(x)) == 1) length(unique(x)) 
   else unlist(lapply(x, N_distinct))

#is_continuous <- function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) N_distict(x) > 2 else FALSE
is_continuous <- function(x) 
   unlist(lapply(x, is.numeric)) & N_distinct(x) > 2

mod <- function(m) paste0("model", m)

match_arg <- 
   function(arg, choices){if(is.null(arg)) arg else match.arg(arg, choices)}

complete_vector <- function(x) !is.null(x) && sum(is.na(x)) == 0

complete <- function(xy, noisy=TRUE){
  n_row <- nrow(xy)
  # xy <- xy[complete.cases(xy),,drop=FALSE]
  xy <- na.exclude(xy)
  if (is.vector(xy)) xy <- matrix(xy,ncol=1)
  n_raw <- nrow(xy)
  # xy <- xy[complete.cases(xy),,drop=FALSE]
  xy <- na.exclude(xy)
  n <- nrow(xy)

model_matrix <- function(modelFormula, dataFrame, intercept, noisy=TRUE, ...){

    tried <- try(model.matrix(modelFormula, dataFrame, na.action = "na.omit", ...), silent=TRUE)
    if(inherits(tried, "try-error")){
      if(noisy) warning("model.matrix() reported the following error:\n", tried, "\n\n")
    } else {
      if(intercept) return(tried) else return(tried[,-1,drop=FALSE])

get_degree <- function(combo){

  if(grepl("\\^", combo)){

    ch <- unlist(strsplit(combo, "^"))
    start <- match("^", ch) + 1
    end <- match(")", ch) - 1
    return(as.numeric(paste(ch[start:end], collapse="")))


get_interactions <- function(features, maxInteractDeg, 
                             may_not_repeat = NULL, maxDeg = NULL, 
                             include_features = TRUE){
  if(length(features) < maxInteractDeg)
    stop("too few x variables to obtain desired interaction degree.")

  # interactions will initially be an R list, one element per
  # interaction degree
  interactions <- list()

  if(length(features) > 1 && maxInteractDeg > 1){
    for(i in 2:maxInteractDeg){

      combos <- combn(features, i) # i x choose(n, i) matrix
      combos <- combos[ , which_include(combos, may_not_repeat)]

      if(!is.null(maxDeg)) # drop combos for which sum of degrees > maxDeg
        combos <- 
           combos[,-which(colSums(apply(combos, 1:2, get_degree)) > maxDeg)]

      interactions[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(combos), 2, paste, collapse = " * ")

  interactions <- unlist(interactions)

     return(c(features, interactions)) else return(interactions)


gtInteractions <- get_interactions

which_include <- function(combos, may_not_repeat){
# prevents multiplication of mutually exclusive categorical variables' levels
# suppose you have a factor variable, party with levels D, R, I
# at this point, factor features are strings formatted
# (party == 'D') and (party == 'R')
# but identical((party == 'D') * (party == 'R'), rep(0, N)) == TRUE
# this function uses grepl() to prevent such 0 columns from entering
# the formula subsequently...
# also, different monomials of the same variable should not interact
# raising the polynomial degree beyond user specification

  combos <- as.matrix(combos)

  keepers <- 1:ncol(combos)

  if(length(may_not_repeat) == 0){



    to_drop <- list()

    for(i in 1:length(may_not_repeat)){
      to_drop[[i]] <- which(colSums(apply(combos, 2, grepl, pattern = may_not_repeat[i])) > 1)
    to_drop <- unique(unlist(to_drop))

    if(length(to_drop)) return(keepers[-to_drop]) else return(keepers)

# depracated
isolate_interaction <- function(elements, degree){

  f <- paste(elements, collapse = " * ")
  for(i in 1:degree){
    tmp <- combn(elements, i)
    if(i > 1)
      tmp <- apply(tmp, 2, paste, collapse="*")
    f <- paste(f, "-", paste(tmp, collapse=" - "))


classify <- function(probs, as_factor=TRUE, labels=NULL, cutoff = NULL){ # not meant for binary labels...

  if(ncol(as.matrix(probs)) == 1){

      labels <- c("label1", "label2")

      cutoff <- 0.5

    classified <- labels[(probs > cutoff) + 1]


      colnames(probs) <- labels
      colnames(probs) <- paste0("label", 1:ncol(probs))
    classified <- colnames(probs)[apply(probs, 1, which.max)]


    classified <- as.factor(classified)



log_odds <- function(x, split = NULL, noisy = TRUE){

  if(N_distinct(x) == 2){

      x <- as.numeric(x) - 1
    p <- mean(if(is.null(split)) x else x[split], na.rm=TRUE)
    y <- ifelse(x == 1, log(p/(1 - p)), log((1 - p)/p))


      x <- as.factor(x)


      p_reference <- mean(x == levels(x)[1])
      y <- matrix(nrow = length(x), ncol = (length(levels(x)) - 1))
      colnames(y) <- levels(x)[-1]
      for(i in 1:ncol(y)){
        p_interest <- mean(x == levels(x)[i + 1])
        y[ , i] <- ifelse(x == levels(x)[i + 1],

    }else{ # put whole sample on training scale, so N rows, not N_train

      x_train <- x[split]
      p_reference <- mean(x_train == levels(x)[1])
      y <- matrix(nrow = length(x),
                  ncol = (length(levels(x_train)) - 1))
      colnames(y) <- levels(x_train)[-1]
      for(i in 1:ncol(y)){
        p_interest <- mean(x_train == levels(x_train)[i + 1])
        y[ , i] <- ifelse(x == levels(x_train)[i + 1],

  if(noisy && sum(is.na(y)))
    warning("NAs encountered by log_odds")


# if !recursive, divides into blocks based on n and max_block
# if recursive, calls block_solve(), rather than solve(), until n/2 < max_block
# note: matrix inversion and several matrix multiplications must be performed on largest blocks!
# assumes matrices are dense; otherwise, use sparse options...
# max_block chosen by trial-and-error on 2017 MacBook Pro i5 with 16 gigs of RAM
# (too small == too much subsetting, too big == matrix calculations too taxing)
#  S, crossprod(X), will be crossprod(X) only at outer call
# Either S or X should be provided, but not both
# S = | A B |
#     | C D |
# for full expressions used below: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invertible_matrix#Blockwise_inversion
# returns NULL if inversion fails either due to collinearity or memory exhaustion

block_solve  <- function(S = NULL, X = NULL, max_block = 250, A_inv = NULL, recursive=TRUE, noisy=TRUE){

  if(is.null(S) == is.null(X))
    stop("Please provide either rectangular matrix as X or a square matrix as S to be inverted by block_solve(). (If X is provided, (X'X)^{-1} is returned but in a more memory efficient manner than providing S = X'X directly).")

  if(!is.null(A_inv) && is.null(X))
    stop("If A_inv is provided, X must be provided to block_solve() too. (Suppose A_inv has p columns; A must be equal to solve(crossprod(X[,1:p])) or, equivalently, block_solve(X=X[,1:p]).")

  solvable <- function(A, noisy=TRUE){

    tried <- try(solve(A), silent = noisy)
    if(noisy) cat(".") # optional progress bar... better than message() or warning()
                       # controlled by user input in FSR()
    if(inherits(tried, "try-error")) return(NULL) else return(tried)



    stopifnot(nrow(S) == ncol(S))

    symmetric <- isSymmetric(S)
    n <- ncol(S)   # if S is crossprod(X), this is really a p * p matrix
    k <- floor(n/2)

    A <- S[1:k, 1:k]
    B <- S[1:k, (k + 1):n]
    D <- S[(k + 1):n, (k + 1):n]


    n <- ncol(X)     # n refers to the resulting crossproduct of S as above
      k <- floor(n/2)
      A <- crossprod(X[,1:k])
      k <- ncol(A_inv)
    B <- crossprod(X[,1:k], X[,(k+1):n])
    D <- crossprod(X[,(k+1):n])

    symmetric <- TRUE   # refers to S, not A, B, or D (B in general will be rectangular...)


  invert <- if(recursive && (k > max_block)) block_solve else solvable

    A_inv <- invert(A, noisy=noisy)


      # S, crossprod(X), will be symmetric at highest level but not at lower levels
      # want memory savings from that symmetry when it applies
      # by symmetry, B == t(C), so C is never constructed
      if(exists("S")) remove(S)
      C.A_inv <- crossprod(B, A_inv) # really C %*% A_inv since C == t(B)
      schur_inv <- invert(D - C.A_inv %*% B)


        S_inv <- matrix(nrow=n, ncol=n)

        S_inv[1:k, 1:k] <- A_inv + A_inv %*% B %*% schur_inv %*% C.A_inv
        remove(B, A_inv)
        S_inv[(k+1):n, 1:k] <- -schur_inv %*% C.A_inv
        S_inv[(k+1):n, (k+1):n] <- schur_inv
        remove(schur_inv, C.A_inv)
        S_inv[1:k, (k+1):n] <- t(S_inv[(k+1):n, 1:k]) # since symmetric matrices have symm inverses



      C.A_inv <- crossprod(B, A_inv) # S[(k+1):n, 1:k] %*% A_inv  # really C %*% A_inv


        if(exists("S")) remove(S)

        schur_inv <- invert(D - C.A_inv %*% B, noisy=noisy)

        S_inv <- matrix(nrow=n, ncol=n)
        S_inv[1:k, 1:k] <- A_inv + A_inv %*% B %*% schur_inv %*% C.A_inv
        S_inv[(k+1):n, 1:k] <- -schur_inv %*% C.A_inv
        S_inv[(k+1):n, (k+1):n] <- schur_inv
        S_inv[1:k, (k+1):n] <- -A_inv %*% B %*% schur_inv
        remove(B, A_inv, schur_inv)



ols <- function(object, Xy, m, train = TRUE, y = NULL, y_test = NULL){

  X <- if(train){
                        Xy[object$split == "train", ],
                        noisy = object$noisy, intercept=TRUE)
                        Xy, noisy = object$noisy, intercept=TRUE)


      y <- if(train) Xy[object$split == "train", ncol(Xy)] else Xy[, ncol(Xy)]

    if(ncol(X) >= length(y) && object$noisy){

      message("There are too few training observations to estimate further models (model == ",
              m, "). Exiting.")
      object$unable_to_estimate <- object$max_fails


      XtX_inv <- block_solve(X = X, max_block = object$max_block,
                             A_inv = object$XtX_inv_accepted)
                                    # initialized to NULL,
                                    # which block_solve interprets as 'start from scratch'


        object[[mod(m)]][["coeffs"]] <- tcrossprod(XtX_inv, X) %*% y


          object$models$estimated[m] <- TRUE

          object <- post_estimation(object, Xy, m, y_test)
            object$XtX_inv_accepted <- XtX_inv


    warning("Unable to estimate model", m, "\n\n")
    object$unable_to_estimate <- object$unable_to_estimate + 1
  if(object$noisy) message("\n")

post_estimation <- function(object, Xy, m, y_test = NULL){

    P <- if(object$outcome == "multinomial")
            nrow(object[[mod(m)]][["coeffs"]]) else length(object[[mod(m)]][["coeffs"]])

    object$models$P[m] <- object[[mod(m)]][["p"]]  <- P

      y_test <- Xy[object$split == "test", ncol(Xy)]

    if(object$outcome == "continuous"){

      object[[mod(m)]][["y_hat"]] <- predict(object, Xy[object$split=="test", ], m, standardize = FALSE)
      MAPE <- object$y_scale * mean(abs(object[[mod(m)]][["y_hat"]] - y_test))
      object$models$MAPE[m] <- object[[mod(m)]][["MAPE"]] <- MAPE


      pred <- predict(object, Xy[object$split=="test", ], m, standardize = FALSE)

      object[[mod(m)]][["y_hat"]] <- pred$probs
      object[[mod(m)]][["classified"]] <- pred$classified

      object$models$test_accuracy[m] <- mean(as.character(pred$classified) == object$y_test_labels)


        object$models$AIC[m] <- if(object$outcome == "binary")
                                    object[[mod(m)]][["fit"]][["aic"]] else

        object$models$BIC[m] <- object$models$AIC[m] - 2*P + log(object$N_train)*P


    if(object$outcome != "multinomial"){

      R2 <- cor(object[[mod(m)]][["y_hat"]], as.numeric(y_test))^2

      adjR2 <- (object$N_train - P - 1)/(object$N_train - 1)*R2

      object$models$test_adjR2[m] <- object[[mod(m)]][["adj_R2"]] <- adjR2

      improvement <- adjR2 - object$best_test_adjR2


      adj_accuracy <- (object$N_train - P)/(object$N_train - 1)*object$models$test_accuracy[m]

      object$models$test_adj_accuracy[m] <- adj_accuracy

      improvement <- adj_accuracy - object$best_test_adj_accuracy


    object[["improvement"]] <- improvement

  if(object$improvement > object$threshold_include){

      object[["best_formula"]] <- object$models$formula[m]
      object[["best_coeffs"]] <- object[[mod(m)]][["coeffs"]]

      if(object$outcome == "multinomial"){
        object[["best_test_adj_accuracy"]] <- adj_accuracy
        object[["best_test_adjR2"]] <- adjR2

      object$models$accepted[m] <- TRUE

      if(object$outcome == "continuous"){
        object[['best_adjR2']] <- adjR2 
        object[["best_MAPE"]] <- MAPE

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