
testthat::context("CIF's & surv.obs's congruence & comparison w/ survival::survfit")

testthat::test_that("surv.obs about the same as Kaplan-Meier & CIFs close to Aalen-Johansen", {
  BL <- list(fot= seq(0,19,1/12), per=c(2008,2013))
  sire2 <- sire[dg_date<ex_date, ]
  sire2$statusf <- factor(sire2$status, levels = 0:2, 
                         labels = c("alive", "canD", "othD"))
  x <- lexpand(sire2, 
               birth  = bi_date, entry = dg_date, exit = ex_date,
               status = statusf,
  st <- survtab(Surv(fot, event = lex.Xst) ~ 1, data = x, surv.type="cif.obs")
  setattr(x, "class", c("Lexis", "data.table", "data.frame"))
  testthat::test_that("CIFs and surv.obs sum to 1", {
    testthat::expect_equal(st[, CIF_canD + CIF_othD + surv.obs] ,  rep(1, times = st[,.N]), tolerance = 0.0001, scale=1)
  x <- lexpand(sire2, 
               birth  = bi_date, entry = dg_date, exit = ex_date,
               status = statusf,
               breaks = BL["per"])
  fb <- setdiff(BL$fot, 0)
  su.km  <- survival::survfit(Surv(time=fot, time2=fot+lex.dur, event = lex.Xst!="alive") ~ 1, data = x, id = lex.id)
  su.km  <- summary(su.km, times = fb)
  su.km  <- cbind(data.table(time = su.km$time), data.table(su.km$surv))
  su.cif <- survival::survfit(Surv(time=fot, time2=fot+lex.dur, event = lex.Xst)~1, data=x, id = lex.id)
  su.cif <- summary(su.cif, times = fb)
  ## see issue #125
  prev_var <- intersect(names(su.cif), c("prev", "pstate"))
  stopifnot(length(prev_var) == 1L)
  curve_nms <- dimnames(su.cif[["table"]])[[1]]
  keep_curve <- curve_nms %in% c("canD", "othD")
  cif <- cbind(data.table(time = su.cif$time), data.table(su.cif[[prev_var]][, keep_curve]))
  testthat::expect_equal(st[, surv.obs] ,  su.km[, V1], tolerance = 0.0032, scale=1)
  testthat::expect_equal(cif$V1, st$CIF_canD, tolerance = 0.0022, scale=1)
  testthat::expect_equal(cif$V2, st$CIF_othD, tolerance = 0.0011, scale=1)

# custom status var -------------------------------------------------------

testthat::test_that("survtab status argument works as expected", {
  BL <- list(fot= seq(0,19,1/12), per=c(2008,2013))
  sr <- sire[dg_date < ex_date, ]
  sr$statusf <- factor(sr$status, 0:2, labels = c("alive", "canD", "othD"))
  sr$statusb <- as.integer(sr$status %in% 1:2)
  st <- NULL
  x <- lexpand(sr, birth  = bi_date, entry = dg_date, 
               exit = ex_date, status = status)
      st <- survtab(Surv(fot, lex.Xst) ~ 1, data = x, surv.type = "surv.obs", 
                    breaks = list(fot = 0:5))
    regexp = paste0("Some status indicators (3648 values in total) were NA. ",
                    "Usual suspects: original status variable has NA values, ",
                    "or you have numeric status variable with more than two ",
                    "levels and you did not assign e.g. type = 'mstate' ",
                    "(e.g. Surv(time = c(1,1,1), event = c(0,1,2), ",
                    "type = 'mstate') works)."),
    fixed = TRUE

  st <- NULL
  x <- lexpand(sr, birth  = bi_date, entry = dg_date, 
               exit = ex_date, status = statusf)
  st <- survtab(Surv(fot, lex.Xst) ~ 1, data = x, surv.type = "surv.obs", 
                    breaks = list(fot = 0:5))
  testthat::expect_equal(class(st)[1L], "survtab")
  st <- NULL
  x <- lexpand(sr, birth  = bi_date, entry = dg_date, 
               exit = ex_date, status = statusb)
  st <- survtab(Surv(fot, lex.Xst) ~ 1, data = x, surv.type = "surv.obs", 
                    breaks = list(fot = 0:5))
  testthat::expect_equal(class(st)[1L], "survtab")

testthat::test_that("survtab works with more complicated estimation", {
  x <- data.table(popEpi::sire[sire$dg_date < sire$ex_date, ])
  ## pretend some are male
  x$sex <- rbinom(nrow(x), 1, 0.5)
  ## period
  x$period <- cut(year(x$dg_date), c(1993,1998,2003,2008,2013), right = FALSE)
  # age group
  x$agegr <- cut(x$dg_age, 4)
  x$stat <- factor(x$status, levels = 0:2, 
                   labels = c("alive", "canD", "othD"))
  x$enStat <- factor(rep(0L, nrow(x)), levels = 0:2, 
                     labels = c("alive", "canD", "othD"))
  xl <- Lexis(entry = list(FUT = 0, AGE = dg_age, CAL = get.yrs(dg_date)), 
              exit = list(CAL = get.yrs(ex_date)), 
              data = x,
              exit.status = stat, entry.status = enStat, 
              merge = TRUE)
  ## observed survival
  st1 <- survtab(Surv(time = FUT, event = lex.Xst) ~ factor(sex, 0:1, c("male", "female")) + period 
                     + adjust(agegr), data = xl, 
                     weights = list(agegr = as.numeric(table(x$agegr))),
                     surv.type = "surv.obs",
                     breaks = list(FUT = seq(0, 5, 1/12)))
  ag <- splitLexisDT(xl, breaks = seq(0, 5, 1/12), timeScale = "FUT")
  ag[, lex.Cst := as.integer(lex.Cst)]
  ag[, lex.Cst := 0L]
  ag[, lex.Xst := as.integer(lex.Xst != "alive")]
  ag <- aggre(ag, by = list(sex, period, agegr, FUT))
  st2 <- survtab_ag(FUT ~ factor(sex, 0:1, c("male", "female")) + period + adjust(agegr), 
                    weights = list(agegr = as.numeric(table(x$agegr))),
                    data = ag, surv.type = "surv.obs", d = "from0to1")

  testthat::expect_equal(st1$surv.obs.as.lo, st2$surv.obs.as.lo)
  testthat::expect_equivalent(st1, st2)

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popEpi documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 5:08 p.m.