#' Evaluate Precision-Recall curves with specified tools and test sets
#' The \code{run_evalcurve} function runs several tests to evaluate
#' the accuracy of Precision-Recall curves.
#' @param testset A character vector to specify a test set generated by
#' \code{\link{create_testset}}.
#' @param toolset A character vector to specify a tool set generated by
#' \code{\link{create_toolset}}.
#' @param auto_combo A Boolean value to specify whether a combination of test
#' and tool sets is automatically created.
#' @return A data frame with validation results.
#' @seealso \code{\link{create_testset}} to generate a test dataset.
#' \code{\link{create_toolset}} to generate a tool set.
#' @examples
#' ## Evaluate curves for c1, c2, c3 test sets and crv5 tool set
#' testset <- create_testset("curve", c("c1", "c2", "c3"))
#' toolset <- create_toolset(set_names = "crv5")
#' res1 <- run_evalcurve(testset, toolset)
#' res1
#' @export
run_evalcurve <- function(testset, toolset, auto_combo = TRUE) {
# Validate arguments
new_args <- .validate_run_evalcurve_args(testset, toolset)
# Prepare tool sets and test data sets
if (auto_combo) {
new_testset <- rep(new_args$testset, length(new_args$toolset))
new_toolset <- rep(new_args$toolset, each = length(new_args$testset))
} else {
new_testset <- new_args$testset
new_toolset <- new_args$toolset
# Evaluate curves
testres <- .run_curve_tests(new_testset, new_toolset)
summres <- .summarize_scores(testres, new_args$testset)
catres <- .summarize_cat_scores(testres)
summres <- .add_cat_labels(summres, catres, new_args$testset)
bptsres <- .get_base_points(new_args$testset)
predres <- .predict_curves(new_testset, new_toolset)
ttitiles <- .make_titles(toolset)
reslst <- list(
testscores = testres, testsum = summres, catres = catres,
basepoints = bptsres, predictions = predres,
titles = ttitiles
# Create an S3 object
structure(reslst, class = "evalcurve")
# Validate a Precision-Recall curve
.run_curve_tests <- function(testset, toolset) {
tfunc <- function(i) {
tool <- toolset[[i]]
tset <- testset[[i]]
vres <- .eval_x_range(tool)
vres <- rbind(vres, .eval_y_range(tool))
vres <- rbind(vres, .eval_fpoint(tset, tool))
vres <- rbind(vres, .eval_intpts(tset, tool))
vres <- rbind(vres, .eval_epoint(tset, tool))
rownames(vres) <- NULL
resdf <- data.frame(
testitem = c(
"x_range", "y_range", "fpoint", "intpts",
testcat = c("Rg", "Rg", "SE", "Ip", "SE")
scoredf <- cbind(resdf, vres)
basedf <- data.frame(
testset = tset$get_tsname(),
toolset = tool$get_setname(),
toolname = tool$get_toolname()
cbind(basedf, scoredf)
res <-, lapply(seq_along(testset), tfunc))
sres <- res[order(res$testset, res$toolset, res$toolname), ]
rownames(sres) <- NULL
# Check the x value range of a Precision-Recall curve
.eval_x_range <- function(tool) {
# Test 1
if (all(tool$get_x() >= 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
test1 <- TRUE
} else {
test1 <- FALSE
# Test 2
if (all(tool$get_x() <= 1, na.rm = TRUE)) {
test2 <- TRUE
} else {
test2 <- FALSE
if (test1 && test2) {
success <- 1
} else {
success <- 0
scores <- c(success, 1)
names(scores) <- c("success", "total")
# Check the y value range of a Precision-Recall curve
.eval_y_range <- function(tool) {
# Test 1
if (all(tool$get_y() >= 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
test1 <- TRUE
} else {
test1 <- FALSE
# Test 2
if (all(tool$get_y() <= 1, na.rm = TRUE)) {
test2 <- TRUE
} else {
test2 <- FALSE
if (test1 && test2) {
success <- 1
} else {
success <- 0
scores <- c(success, 1)
names(scores) <- c("success", "total")
# Check the first point of a Precision-Recall curve
.eval_fpoint <- function(tset, tool, tolerance = 1e-4) {
bx <- tset$get_basepoints_x()
by <- tset$get_basepoints_y()
if (!$get_x()[1]) && !$get_y()[1]) &&
(abs(tool$get_x()[1] - bx[1]) < tolerance) &&
(abs(tool$get_y()[1] - by[1]) < tolerance)) {
success <- 1
} else {
success <- 0
scores <- c(success, 1)
names(scores) <- c("success", "total")
# Check intermediate points of a Precision-Recall curve
.eval_intpts <- function(tset, tool, tolerance = 1e-4) {
bx <- tset$get_basepoints_x()
by <- tset$get_basepoints_y()
if (length(bx) > 2) {
fpfunc <- function(i) {
xs <- tool$get_x()
ys <- tool$get_y()
xidx <- abs(xs - bx[i]) < tolerance
if (!any(xidx)) {
xs_left <- xs[xs <= bx[i]]
xs_right <- xs[xs >= bx[i]]
if (length(xs_left) > 0 && length(xs_right) > 0) {
prev_x <- max(xs_left)
next_x <- min(xs_right)
prev_y <- ys[max(match(prev_x, xs))]
next_y <- ys[min(match(next_x, xs))]
if (any(, next_y)))) {
yvals <- NA
} else {
yvals <- approx(c(prev_x, next_x), c(prev_y, next_y), bx[i])$y
} else {
yvals <- NA
} else {
yvals <- ys[xidx]
if (any(abs(yvals - by[i]) < tolerance, na.rm = TRUE)) {
} else {
fcounts <- lapply(2:(length(bx) - 1), fpfunc)
success <-, fcounts)
total <- length(bx) - 2
success <- min(success, total)
} else {
success <- 0
total <- 0
scores <- c(success, total)
names(scores) <- c("success", "total")
# Check the end point of a Precision-Recall curve
.eval_epoint <- function(tset, tool, tolerance = 1e-4) {
bx <- tset$get_basepoints_x()
by <- tset$get_basepoints_y()
epos1 <- length(tool$get_x())
epos2 <- length(bx)
if (!is.null(epos1) && ! && (epos1 > 0) &&
!$get_x()[epos1]) &&
!$get_y()[epos1]) &&
(abs(tool$get_x()[epos1] - bx[epos2]) < tolerance) &&
(abs(tool$get_y()[epos1] - by[epos2]) < tolerance)) {
success <- 1
} else {
success <- 0
scores <- c(success, 1)
names(scores) <- c("success", "total")
# Summarize curve evaluation results
.summarize_scores <- function(testres, testset) {
sumdf <- stats::aggregate(testres[, c("success", "total")],
by = list(
testres$testset, testres$toolset,
FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE
colnames(sumdf)[1:3] <- c("testset", "toolset", "toolname")
sumdf$label <- factor(paste0(sumdf$success, "/", sumdf$total))
sumdf$lbl_pos_x <- 0
sumdf$lbl_pos_y <- 0
for (tset in testset) {
tsname <- tset$get_tsname()
sumdf[sumdf$testset == tsname, "lbl_pos_x"] <- tset$get_textpos_x()
sumdf[sumdf$testset == tsname, "lbl_pos_y"] <- tset$get_textpos_y()
sres <- sumdf[order(sumdf$testset, sumdf$toolset, sumdf$toolname), ]
rownames(sres) <- NULL
# Summarize curve evaluation results by category
.summarize_cat_scores <- function(testres) {
sumdf <- stats::aggregate(testres[, c("success", "total")],
by = list(
testres$testset, testres$testcat,
testres$toolset, testres$toolname
FUN = sum, na.rm = TRUE
colnames(sumdf)[1:4] <- c("testset", "testcat", "toolset", "toolname")
sumdf$testcat <- factor(sumdf$testcat, levels = c("SE", "Ip", "Rg"))
sumdf$label <- factor(paste0(sumdf$success, "/", sumdf$total))
sres <- sumdf[order(
sumdf$testset, sumdf$toolset, sumdf$toolname,
), ]
rownames(sres) <- NULL
# Add label2 and pos2 to result summary
.add_cat_labels <- function(summres, catres, testsets) {
summres$label2 <- NA
for (i in seq_len(nrow(catres))) {
testset <- catres$testset[i]
toolset <- catres$toolset[i]
toolname <- catres$toolname[i]
srrow <- (summres$testset == testset) & (summres$toolset == toolset) &
(summres$toolname == toolname)
new_lab <- paste(catres$testcat[i], catres$label[i], sep = ": ")
if ([srrow, "label2"])) {
summres[srrow, "label2"] <- new_lab
} else {
summres[srrow, "label2"] <- paste(summres[srrow, "label2"], new_lab,
sep = "\n"
summres$lbl_pos_x2 <- NA
summres$lbl_pos_y2 <- NA
for (tset in testsets) {
tsname <- tset$get_tsname()
if ([summres$testset == tsname, "lbl_pos_x2"][1])) {
summres[summres$testset == tsname, "lbl_pos_x2"] <- tset$get_textpos_x2()
summres[summres$testset == tsname, "lbl_pos_y2"] <- tset$get_textpos_y2()
# Get base points from test datasets
.get_base_points <- function(testset) {
bfunc <- function(tset) {
tsname <- tset$get_tsname()
bpx <- tset$get_basepoints_x()
bpy <- tset$get_basepoints_y()
data.frame(testset = rep(tsname, length(bpx)), x = bpx, y = bpy)
bpres <-, lapply(testset, bfunc))
rownames(bpres) <- NULL
# Predict curves by tools with test datasets
.predict_curves <- function(testset, toolset) {
pfunc <- function(i) {
tool <- toolset[[i]]
tset <- testset[[i]]
tsname <- tset$get_tsname()
setname <- tool$get_setname()
toolname <- tool$get_toolname()
x <- tool$get_x()
y <- tool$get_y()
testset = rep(tsname, length(x)),
toolset = rep(setname, length(x)),
toolname = rep(toolname, length(x)), x = x, y = y
predres <-, lapply(seq_along(testset), pfunc))
rownames(predres) <- NULL
# Make plot titles
.make_titles <- function(toolsets) {
tfunc <- function(ts) {
if (ts$get_toolname() == ts$get_setname()) {
tname <- ts$get_toolname()
} else {
tname <- paste(ts$get_setname(), ts$get_toolname(), sep = ":")
titles <- unlist(lapply(toolsets, tfunc))
# Validate arguments and return updated arguments
.validate_run_evalcurve_args <- function(testset, toolset) {
assertthat::assert_that(length(testset) > 0)
for (tset in testset) {
if (!methods::is(tset, "TestDataC")) {
stop("Invalid testset", call. = FALSE)
assertthat::assert_that(length(toolset) > 0)
for (tool in toolset) {
if (!methods::is(tool, "ToolIFBase")) {
stop("Invalid toolset", call. = FALSE)
if (tool$get_setname() %in% c("auc5", "auc4")) {
stop(paste0("Invalid predifend tool set: ", tool$get_setname()),
call. = FALSE
if (!environment(tool$clone)$private$def_store_res) {
stop(paste0("Incorrect store_res value in ", tool$get_toolname()),
call. = FALSE
list(testset = testset, toolset = toolset)
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