
Defines functions set_data_to_at check_at_names check_values check_factor_levels check_at build_datalist

Documented in build_datalist

#' @title Build list of data.frames
#' @description Construct a list of data.frames based upon an input data.frame and a list of one or more \code{at} values
#' @param data A data.frame containing the original data.
#' @param at A list of one or more named vectors of values, which will be used to specify values of variables in \code{data}. All possible combinations are generated. Alternatively, this can be a data frame of combination levels if only a subset of combinations are desired. See examples.
#' @param as.data.frame A logical indicating whether to return a single stacked data frame rather than a list of data frames
#' @param \dots Ignored.
#' @return A list of data.frames, unless \code{as.data.frame = TRUE} in which case a single, stacked data frame is returned.
#' @author Thomas J. Leeper
#' @examples
#' # basic examples
#' require("datasets")
#' build_datalist(head(mtcars), at = list(cyl = c(4, 6)))
#' str(build_datalist(head(mtcars), at = list(cyl = c(4,6), wt = c(2.75,3,3.25))), 1)
#' str(build_datalist(head(mtcars), at = data.frame(cyl = c(4,4), wt = c(2.75,3))))
#' @keywords data manip
#' @seealso \code{\link{find_data}}, \code{\link{mean_or_mode}}, \code{\link{seq_range}}
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @export
build_datalist <- 
         at = NULL, 
         as.data.frame = FALSE,
    # check for `at` specification and `as.data.frame` arguments
    if (!is.null(at) && length(at) > 0) {
        # check `at` specification against data
        check_at(data, at)
        # setup list of data.frames based on at
        data_out <- set_data_to_at(data, at = at)
        at_specification <- cbind(index = seq_len(nrow(data_out[["at"]])), data_out[["at"]])
        data_out <- data_out[["data"]]
        if (isTRUE(as.data.frame)) {
            data_out <- data.table::rbindlist(data_out)
    } else if (isTRUE(as.data.frame)) {
        # if `at` empty and `as.data.frame = TRUE`, simply return original data
        data_out <- data
        at_specification <- NULL
    } else {
        # if `at` empty, simply setup data.frame and return
        data_out <- list(data)
        at_specification <- NULL
    return(structure(data_out, at_specification = at_specification))

check_at <- function(data, at) {
    # check names of `at`
    check_at_names(names(data), at)
    # check factor levels specified in `at`
    check_factor_levels(data, at)
    # check values of numeric values are interpolations
    check_values(data, at)

check_factor_levels <- function(data, at) {
    # function to check whether factor levels in `at` are reasonable
    levels <- lapply(data, function(v) {
        if (is.factor(v)) {
        } else if (is.character(v)) {
        } else {
    levels <- levels[!sapply(levels, is.null)]
    at <- at[names(at) %in% names(levels)]
    for (i in seq_along(at)) {
        atvals <- as.character(at[[i]])
        x <- atvals %in% levels[[names(at)[i]]]
        if (!all(x)) {
            stop(paste0("Illegal factor levels for variable '", names(at)[i], "': ", 
                        paste0(shQuote(atvals[!x]), collapse = ", ")), 
                 call. = FALSE)

check_values <- function(data, at) {
    # drop variables not in `at`
    if (inherits(data, "data.table")) {
        dat <- data[, names(at), with = FALSE]
    } else {
        dat <- data[names(at)]
    # drop non-numeric variables from `dat` and `at`
    not_numeric <- !sapply(dat, class) %in% c("character", "factor", "ordered", "logical")
    at <- at[names(at) %in% names(dat)[not_numeric]]
    if (inherits(dat, "data.table")) {
        dat <- dat[, which(not_numeric), with = FALSE]
    } else {
        dat <- dat[, not_numeric, drop = FALSE]

    if (length(dat) > 0 & length(at) > 0) {
        # calculate variable ranges
        limits <- do.call(rbind, lapply(dat, range, na.rm = TRUE))
        rownames(limits) <- names(dat)
        # check ranges
        for (i in seq_along(at)) {
            out <- (at[[i]] < limits[names(at)[i],1]) | (at[[i]] > limits[names(at)[i],2])
            if (any( out ) ) {
                datarange <- paste0("outside observed data range (", limits[names(at)[i],1], ",", limits[names(at)[i],2], ")!")
                warning(ngettext(sum(out), paste0("A 'at' value for '", names(at)[i], "' is ", datarange),
                                           paste0("Some 'at' values for '", names(at)[i], "' are ", datarange)))

check_at_names <- function(namevec, at) {
    if (is.null(namevec)) {
    if (is.null(names(at)) || any(names(at) == "")) {
        stop("'at' contains unnamed list elements")
    b <- !names(at) %in% namevec
    if (any(b)) {
        e <- ngettext(sum(b), "Unrecognized variable name in 'at': ", "Unrecognized variable names in 'at': ")
        stop(paste0(e, paste0("(", which(b), ") ", gsub("", "<empty>", names(at)[b]), collapse = ", ")))

# data.frame builder, given specified `at` values
## returns the `at` combination as a data frame
set_data_to_at <- function(data, at = NULL) {
    # expand `at` combinations
    if (inherits(at, "data.frame")) {
        expanded <- at
    } else {
        expanded <- expand.grid(at, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)
    e <- split(expanded, unique(expanded))
    data_out <- lapply(e, function(atvals) {
        dat <- data
        for (i in seq_along(atvals)) {
            is_factor <- inherits(dat[[names(atvals)[i]]], "factor")
            if (is_factor) {
                levs <- levels(dat[[names(atvals)[i]]])
                if (inherits(dat, "data.table")) {
                    dat[, names(atvals)[i]] <- factor(atvals[[i]], levels = levs)
                } else {
                    dat[names(atvals)[i]] <- factor(atvals[[i]], levels = levs)
            } else{
                if (inherits(dat, "data.table")) {
                    dat[, names(atvals)[i]] <- atvals[[i]]
                } else {
                    dat[names(atvals)[i]] <- atvals[[i]]
        structure(dat, at = as.list(atvals))
    return(list(data = data_out, at = expanded))

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prediction documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:18 a.m.