##' Extract design matrix and data specials from a model.frame
##' The function separates special terms from the unspecial terms and returns
##' a list of design matrices, one for unspecial terms and one for each special.
##' Some special specials cannot or should not be evaluated in
##' data. E.g., \code{y~a+dummy(x)+strata(v)} the function strata can and should be evaluated,
##' but in order to have \code{model.frame} also evaluate dummy(x) one would be to define
##' and export the function \code{dummy}. Still the term \code{dummy(x)} can be used
##' to identify a special treatment of the variable \code{x}. To deal with this case,
##' one can specify \code{stripSpecials="dummy"}. In addition, the data
##' should include variables \code{strata(z)} and \code{x}, not \code{dummy(x)}.
##' See examples.
##' The function \code{untangle.specials} of the survival function does a similar job.
##' @title Extract a design matrix and specials from a model.frame
##' @param terms terms object as obtained either with function \code{terms} or \code{strip.terms}.
##' @param data A data set in which terms are defined.
##' @param xlev a named list of character vectors giving the full set of levels to be assumed for the factors.
##' Can have less elements, in which case the other levels are learned from the \code{data}.
##' @param dropIntercept If TRUE drop intercept term from the design
##' matrix
##' @param maxOrder An error is produced if special variables are
##' involved in interaction terms of order higher than max.order.
##' @param unspecialsDesign A logical value: if \code{TRUE} apply
##' \code{\link{model.matrix}} to unspecial covariates. If
##' \code{FALSE} extract unspecial covariates from data.
##' @param specialsFactor A character vector containing special
##' variables which should be coerced into a single factor. If
##' \code{TRUE} all specials are treated in this way, if \code{FALSE}
##' none of the specials is treated in this way.
##' @param specialsDesign A character vector containing special
##' variables which should be transformed into a design matrix via
##' \code{\link{model.matrix}}. If \code{TRUE} all specials are
##' treated in this way.
##' @return A list which contains
##' - the design matrix with the levels of the variables stored in attribute 'levels'
##' - separate data.frames which contain the values of the special variables.
##' @seealso \code{\link{EventHistory.frame}} model.frame terms model.matrix .getXlevels
##' @examples
##' # specials that are evaluated. here ID needs to be defined
##' set.seed(8)
##' d <- data.frame(y=rnorm(5),x=factor(c("a","b","b","a","c")),z=c(2,2,7,7,7),v=sample(letters)[1:5])
##' d$z <- factor(d$z,levels=c(1:8))
##' ID <- function(x)x
##' f <- formula(y~x+ID(z))
##' t <- terms(f,special="ID",data=d)
##' mda <-,data=d,specialsFactor=TRUE)
##' mda$ID
##' mda$design
##' ##
##' mdb <-,data=d,specialsFactor=TRUE,unspecialsDesign=FALSE)
##' mdb$ID
##' mdb$design
##' # set x-levels
##' attr(mdb$ID,"levels")
##' attr(,data=d,xlev=list("ID(z)"=1:10),
##' specialsFactor=TRUE)$ID,"levels")
##' # special specials (avoid define function SP)
##' f <- formula(y~x+SP(z)+factor(v))
##' t <- terms(f,specials="SP",data=d)
##' st <- strip.terms(t,specials="SP",arguments=NULL)
##' md2a <-,data=d,specialsFactor=TRUE,specialsDesign="SP")
##' md2a$SP
##' md2b <-,data=d,specialsFactor=TRUE,specialsDesign=FALSE)
##' md2b$SP
##' # special function with argument
##' f2 <- formula(y~x+treat(z,power=2)+treat(v,power=-1))
##' t2 <- terms(f2,special="treat")
##' st2 <- strip.terms(t2,specials="treat",arguments=list("treat"=list("power")))
##' library(survival)
##' data(pbc)
##' t3 <- terms(Surv(time,status!=0)~factor(edema)*age+strata(I(log(bili)>1))+strata(sex),
##' specials=c("strata","cluster"))
##' st3 <- strip.terms(t3,specials=c("strata"),arguments=NULL)
##' md3 <-,data=pbc[1:4,])
##' md3$strata
##' md3$cluster
##' f4 <- Surv(time,status)~age+const(factor(edema))+strata(sex,test=0)+prop(bili,power=1)+tp(albumin)
##' t4 <- terms(f4,specials=c("prop","timevar","strata","tp","const"))
##' st4 <- strip.terms(t4,
##' specials=c("prop","timevar"),
##' unspecials="prop",
##' alias.names=list("timevar"="strata","prop"=c("const","tp")),
##' arguments=list("prop"=list("power"=0),"timevar"=list("test"=0)))
##' formula(st4)
##' md4 <-,data=pbc[1:4,],specialsDesign=TRUE)
##' md4$prop
##' md4$timevar
##' @author Thomas A. Gerds <>
##' @export <- function(terms,
# {{{ analyse the terms
if (missing(terms))
terms <- attr(data,"terms")
if (!inherits(terms, "terms"))
stop(gettextf("'terms' must be an object of class %s",
dQuote("terms")), domain = NA)
response <- attr(terms,"response")
if (response==1)
terms <- delete.response(terms)
if (dropIntercept) attr(terms, "intercept") <- 1
design <- attr(terms,"factor")
varnames <- rownames(design)
termsOrder <- attr(terms,"order")
stripped.position <- attr(terms,"stripped.specials")
stripped.arguments <- attr(terms,"stripped.arguments")
stripped.position <- stripped.position[sapply(stripped.position,length)>0]
stripped <- names(stripped.position)
specials.position <- attr(terms,"specials")
specials.position <- specials.position[sapply(specials.position,length)>0]
specials <- c(names(specials.position),stripped)
names(specials) <- specials
if (is.logical(specialsDesign) && (specialsDesign==TRUE)){
specialsDesign <- specials
if (is.logical(specialsFactor) && (specialsFactor==TRUE)){
specialsFactor <- specials
# }}}
if (length(specials)>0){
# {{{ extract information about specials
specialInfo <- lapply(specials,function(spc){
if (match(spc,stripped,nomatch=0))
## delete.response does not know about stripped terms
## so, we need to adjust manually
pos <- stripped.position[[spc]]-response
pos <- specials.position[[spc]]
## print(pos)
## print(class(design))
## print(design)
## print(NCOL(design))
if (NCOL(design)>0 && NROW(design)>0){
ff <- apply(design[pos,,drop=FALSE],2,sum)
## stopifnot(pos==1)
## there is only one variable
ff <- 1
terms <- seq(ff)[ff>0]
if (any(termsOrder[terms]>maxOrder))
" can not be used in an interaction of order higher than ",
## extract additional arguments from term.labels
spc.vnames <- varnames[pos]
specialTerms <- unlist(lapply(specialInfo,function(x)x$terms))
termLabels <- attr(terms,"term.labels")
## only specials
if (length(termLabels) == length(specialTerms)){
unspecialTerms <- NULL
unspecialTerms <- drop.terms(terms,specialTerms)
# }}}
# {{{ loop over specials
specialFrames <- lapply(specials,function(sp){
Info <- specialInfo[[sp]]
sp.terms <- attr(terms, "term.labels")[Info$terms]
spTerms <- terms[Info$terms]
attr(spTerms,"specials") <- NULL
if (length(xlev)>0){
spLevels <- xlev[match(sp.terms,names(xlev),nomatch=0)]
if (length(spLevels)>0)
spData <- model.frame(spTerms,data=data,xlev=spLevels)
spData <- model.frame(spTerms,data)
} else{
spData <- model.frame(spTerms,data)
spLevels <- .getXlevels(spTerms,spData)
if (match(sp,stripped,nomatch=0)){
## stripped specials may have arguments
## in which case we need to know which
## columns are affected
vars <- names(stripped.arguments[[sp]])
mterms <- lapply(vars,function(v){
if (match(v,names(spLevels),nomatch=0))
else v})
names(mterms) <- vars
stripped.args <- stripped.arguments[[sp]]
arg.names <- names(stripped.args[[1]])
arguments.terms <- lapply(arg.names,function(a){
val <- stripped.args[[var]][[a]]
if (length(val)==0) val <- NA
tmp <- rep(val,length(mterms[[var]]))
names(tmp) <- mterms[[var]]
names(arguments.terms) <- arg.names
if (sp %in% specialsDesign){
spMatrix <- model.matrix(spTerms,data=spData,xlev=spLevels)[,-1,drop=FALSE]
attr(spMatrix,"levels") <- spLevels
if (match(sp,stripped,nomatch=0)){
attr(spMatrix,"arguments") <- stripped.arguments[[sp]]
attr(spMatrix,"arguments.terms") <- arguments.terms
attr(spMatrix,"matrix.terms") <- mterms
if (sp %in% specialsFactor){
## force into a single factor
## in this case ignore any arguments
if (NCOL(spData)>1) {
cnames <- colnames(spData)
spData <- data.frame(apply(spData,1,paste,collapse=", "))
names(spData) <- paste(cnames,collapse=", ")
} else{
if (match(sp,stripped,nomatch=0)){
## stripped specials may have arguments
attr(spData,"arguments") <- stripped.arguments[[sp]]
attr(spData,"arguments.terms") <- arguments.terms
attr(spData,"levels") <- spLevels
# }}}
# {{{ unspecials
if (length(unspecialTerms)>0){
if (length(xlev)>0){
uLevels <- xlev[match(attr(unspecialTerms,"term.labels"),names(xlev),nomatch=0)]
if (length(uLevels)>0)
X <- model.frame(unspecialTerms,data=data,xlev=uLevels)
X <- model.frame(unspecialTerms,data=data)
} else{
X <- model.frame(unspecialTerms,data)
uLevels <- .getXlevels(unspecialTerms,X)
if (unspecialsDesign==TRUE){
X <- model.matrix(unspecialTerms,data,xlev=uLevels)
if (dropIntercept) X <- X[,-1,drop=FALSE]
} else {
uLevels <- NULL
attr(X,"levels") <- uLevels
# }}}
# {{{ no specials
if (length(xlev)>0){
levels <- xlev[match(attr(terms,"term.labels"),names(xlev),nomatch=0)]
if (length(levels)>0)
X <- model.frame(terms,data=data,xlev=uLevels)
X <- model.frame(terms,data)
} else{
X <- model.frame(terms,data)
levels <- .getXlevels(terms,X)
if (unspecialsDesign==TRUE){
X <- model.matrix(terms,data,xlev=levels)
if (dropIntercept) X <- X[,-1,drop=FALSE]
attr(X,"levels") <- levels
# }}}
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