#' Profile an R expression and visualize profiling data
#' This function will run an R expression with profiling, and then return an
#' htmlwidget for interactively exploring the profiling data.
#' An alternate way to use \code{profvis} is to separately capture the profiling
#' data to a file using \code{\link{Rprof}()}, and then pass the path to the
#' corresponding data file as the \code{prof_input} argument to
#' \code{profvis()}.
#' @param expr Expression to profile. Not compatible with \code{prof_input}.
#' The expression is repeatedly evaluated until `Rprof()` produces
#' an output. It can _be_ a quosure injected with [rlang::inject()] but
#' it cannot _contain_ injected quosures.
#' @param interval Interval for profiling samples, in seconds. Values less than
#' 0.005 (5 ms) will probably not result in accurate timings
#' @param prof_output Name of an Rprof output file or directory in which to save
#' profiling data. If \code{NULL} (the default), a temporary file will be used
#' and automatically removed when the function exits. For a directory, a
#' random filename is used.
#' @param prof_input The path to an \code{\link{Rprof}} data file. Not
#' compatible with \code{expr} or \code{prof_output}.
#' @param width Width of the htmlwidget.
#' @param height Height of the htmlwidget
#' @param split Direction of split. Either \code{"v"} (the default) for
#' vertical, or \code{"h"} for horizontal. This is the orientation of the
#' split bar.
#' @param torture Triggers garbage collection after every \code{torture} memory
#' allocation call.
#' Note that memory allocation is only approximate due to the nature of the
#' sampling profiler and garbage collection: when garbage collection triggers,
#' memory allocations will be attributed to different lines of code. Using
#' \code{torture = steps} helps prevent this, by making R trigger garbage
#' collection after every \code{torture} memory allocation step.
#' @param simplify Whether to simplify the profiles by removing
#' intervening frames caused by lazy evaluation. This only has an
#' effect on R 4.0. See the \code{filter.callframes} argument of
#' \code{\link{Rprof}()}.
#' @param rerun If `TRUE`, `Rprof()` is run again with `expr` until a
#' profile is actually produced. This is useful for the cases where
#' `expr` returns too quickly, before R had time to sample a
#' profile. Can also be a string containing a regexp to match
#' profiles. In this case, `profvis()` reruns `expr` until the
#' regexp matches the modal value of the profile stacks.
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.profvis}} for printing options.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Rprof}} for more information about how the profiling
#' data is collected.
#' @examples
#' # Only run these examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Profile some code
#' profvis({
#' dat <- data.frame(
#' x = rnorm(5e4),
#' y = rnorm(5e4)
#' )
#' plot(x ~ y, data = dat)
#' m <- lm(x ~ y, data = dat)
#' abline(m, col = "red")
#' })
#' # Save a profile to an HTML file
#' p <- profvis({
#' dat <- data.frame(
#' x = rnorm(5e4),
#' y = rnorm(5e4)
#' )
#' plot(x ~ y, data = dat)
#' m <- lm(x ~ y, data = dat)
#' abline(m, col = "red")
#' })
#' htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p, "profile.html")
#' # Can open in browser from R
#' browseURL("profile.html")
#' }
#' @import htmlwidgets
#' @importFrom utils Rprof
#' @export
profvis <- function(expr = NULL, interval = 0.01, prof_output = NULL,
prof_input = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL,
split = c("h", "v"), torture = 0, simplify = TRUE,
rerun = FALSE) {
split <- match.arg(split)
c(expr_q, env) %<-% enquo0_list(expr)
if (is.null(prof_input) && is.null(expr_q)) {
stop("profvis must be called with `expr` or `prof_input` ")
if (!is.null(prof_input) && (!is.null(expr_q) && !is.null(prof_output))) {
stop("The `prof_input` argument cannot be used with `expr` or `prof_output`.")
if (interval < 0.005) {
message("Intervals smaller than ~5ms will probably not result in accurate timings.")
if (!is.null(expr_q)) {
# Change the srcfile to add "<expr>" as the filename. Code executed from the
# console will have "" here, and code executed in a knitr code block will
# have "<text>". This value is used by the profiler as the filename listed
# in the profiler output. We need to do this to distinguish code that was
# run in the profvis({}) code block from code that was run outside of it.
# See
attr(expr_q, "srcfile")$filename <- "<expr>"
# Keep original expression source code
expr_source <- attr(expr_q, "wholeSrcref", exact = TRUE)
expr_source <- attr(expr_source, "srcfile", exact = TRUE)$lines
# Usually, $lines is a single string, but sometimes it can be split up into a
# vector. Make sure it's a single string.
expr_source <- paste(expr_source, collapse = "\n")
prof_extension <- getOption("profvis.prof_extension", default = ".prof")
if (is.null(prof_output) && !is.null(getOption("profvis.prof_output")))
prof_output <- getOption("profvis.prof_output")
remove_on_exit <- FALSE
if (is.null(prof_output)) {
prof_output <- tempfile(fileext = prof_extension)
remove_on_exit <- TRUE
else {
if (dir.exists(prof_output))
prof_output <- tempfile(fileext = prof_extension, tmpdir = prof_output)
if (!identical(torture, 0)) {
gctorture2(step = torture)
on.exit(gctorture2(step = 0), add = TRUE)
rprof_args <- list(
interval = interval,
line.profiling = TRUE,
gc.profiling = TRUE,
memory.profiling = TRUE
if (getRversion() >= "4.0.3") {
rprof_args <- append(rprof_args, list(filter.callframes = simplify))
on.exit(Rprof(NULL), add = TRUE)
if (remove_on_exit) {
on.exit(unlink(prof_output), add = TRUE)
repeat {
inject(Rprof(prof_output, !!!rprof_args))
lines <- readLines(prof_output)
if (prof_matches(zap_header(lines), rerun)) {
env_bind_lazy(current_env(), expr = !!expr_q, .eval_env = env)
# Must be in the same handler context as `expr` above to get the
# full stack suffix
suffix <- rprof_current_suffix(env, simplify)
lines <- gsub(suffix, "", lines)
} else {
# If we got here, we were provided a prof_input file instead of expr
expr_source <- NULL
prof_output <- prof_input
lines <- readLines(prof_output)
message <- parse_rprof_lines(lines, expr_source)
message$prof_output <- prof_output
# Patterns to highlight on flamegraph
message$highlight <- highlightPatterns()
message$split <- split
name = 'profvis',
list(message = message),
width = width,
height = height,
package = 'profvis',
sizingPolicy = htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy(
padding = 0,
browser.fill = TRUE,
viewer.suppress = TRUE,
knitr.defaultWidth = "100%",
knitr.defaultHeight = "600px",
knitr.figure = FALSE
prof_matches <- function(lines, rerun) {
if (is_bool(rerun)) {
!rerun || length(lines) > 0
} else if (is_string(rerun)) {
mode <- modal_value0(zap_meta_data(lines))
!is_null(mode) && grepl(rerun, mode)
} else {
abort("`rerun` must be logical or a character value.")
with_profvis_handlers <- function(expr) {
error = function(cnd) {
message("profvis: code exited with error:\n", cnd$message, "\n")
interrupt = function(cnd) {
message("profvis: interrupt received.")
#' Print a profvis object
#' @inheritParams profvis
#' @param x The object to print.
#' @param ... Further arguments to passed on to other print methods.
#' @param aggregate If `TRUE`, the profiled stacks are aggregated by
#' name. This makes it easier to see the big picture. Set your own
#' global default for this argument with `options(profvis.aggregate
#' = )`.
#' @export
print.profvis <- function(x,
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
split = NULL,
aggregate = NULL) {
if (!is.null(split)) {
split <- arg_match(split, c("h", "v"))
x$x$message$split <- split
if (!is.null(width)) x$width <- width
if (!is.null(height)) x$height <- height
aggregate <- aggregate %||% getOption("profvis.aggregate") %||% FALSE
if (aggregate) {
x$x$message$prof <- prof_sort(x$x$message$prof)
f <- getOption("profvis.print")
if (is.function(f)) {
f(x, ...)
} else {
#' Widget output function for use in Shiny
#' @param outputId Output variable for profile visualization.
#' @inheritParams profvis
#' @export
profvisOutput <- function(outputId, width = '100%', height = '600px'){
shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, 'profvis', width, height, package = 'profvis')
#' Widget render function for use in Shiny
#' @param expr An expression that returns a profvis object.
#' @param env The environment in which to evaluate \code{expr}.
#' @param quoted Is \code{expr} a quoted expression (with \code{\link{quote}()})?
#' @export
renderProfvis <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE) {
if (!quoted) { expr <- substitute(expr) } # force quoted
shinyRenderWidget(expr, profvisOutput, env, quoted = TRUE)
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