
Defines functions critical_path gantt network_diagram simulation

Documented in critical_path gantt network_diagram simulation

#' Generate the critical path for a collection of related tasks
#' @param df A data frame of tasks with columns ID, name, duration,
#' id's of predecessrs (as a comma separated string) in that order.
#' Name of columns does not matter, only order. Type 'taskdata1' into the
#' console for an example of valid data.
#' @param gantt Boolean that specifies whether or not to produce a gantt
#' chart of the results.
#' @param network Boolean that specifies whether or not to produce a
#' network diagram of the results
#' @param start_date Starting date for the project. Defaults to the
#' current date.
#' @return A list of results.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{critical_path} The id's of the critical path.
#' \item \strong{results} A data frame representation of the results that
#' can be passed to the 'gantt' function.
#' \item \strong{gantt} Gantt chart if 'gantt' argument is true.
#' \item \strong{duration} The duration of the project in days.
#' \item \strong{end_date} The end date of the project.
#' \item \strong{network} Network diagram if 'network' argument true.
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Use provided sample data
#' df <- taskdata1
#' res <- critical_path(df)
#' @export
critical_path <- function(df, gantt = F, network = F, start_date = Sys.Date()){

  # Make sure the start date is in the right format
  start_date <- as.Date(start_date)

  # Extract out the data
  data <- df[, 1:4]

  # Create a list to hold the tasks
  all_tasks <- list()

  # For each row, or task, in the input, preprocess.
  for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {

    # Extract and process the id and name
    id <- to_id(data[i, 1])
    name <- data[i, 2]

    # Ensure durations are valid
    if (as.numeric(data[i, 3]) < 0) {
      stop("Durations must be non-negative")
    duration <- data[i, 3]
    pred_id <- as.character(data[i, 4])

    # Create a new task object with the given info and
    # add it onto the task list
    new_Task <- Task$new(id, name, duration, pred_id)
    text <- sprintf("all_tasks <- c(all_tasks, '%s' = new_Task)", new_Task$id)
    eval(parse(text = text))

  # Create a separate list of ids
  ids <- lapply(data[, 1], to_id)

  # Calculate the successors for each task
  invisible(lapply(all_tasks, get_successor, full_tasks = all_tasks))

  # Topologically sort the ids
  adj_list <- make_node_list(all_tasks, ids)
  graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(adj_list)
  sorted_ids <- names(igraph::topo_sort(graph = graph))

  # Create source node
  start_succ_ids <- c()
  for (task in all_tasks) {
    # If a task has no predecessors,
    # make it a successor of the source node
    if (length(task$predecessor_id) == 0) {
      task$predecessor_id <- "%id_source%"
      start_succ_ids <- c(start_succ_ids, task$id)

  # Create a sink node
  end_pred_ids <- ""
  for (task in all_tasks) {
    # If a task has no successors, make
    # it a successor of the sink node
    if (length(task$successor_id) == 0) {
      task$successor_id <- "%id_sink%"
      end_pred_ids <- paste(end_pred_ids, ",", task$id, sep = "")

  # Add start task and end task to task list
  start_task <- Task$new("%id_source%", "%id_source%", 0, "")
  start_task$successor_id <- start_succ_ids
  end_task <- Task$new("%id_sink%", "%id_sink%", 0, end_pred_ids)

  all_tasks <- c("%id_source%" = start_task, all_tasks, "%id_sink%" = end_task)
  new_ids <- c("%id_source%", sorted_ids, "%id_sink%")

  # Perform the walk ahead
  walk_ahead(all_tasks, new_ids, start_date)

  # Perform the walk back
  walk_back(all_tasks, new_ids)

  # Prepare the results list
  ret <- list()

  # Calculate the critical path
  c_path <- crit_path(new_ids, all_tasks)
  ret$critical_path <- c_path[c(-1, -length(c_path))]
  ret$results <- to_data_frame(all_tasks)

  # If gantt is true, add network diagram to results
  if (gantt) {
    ret$gantt <- gantt(ret, start_date = start_date)

  # Calculate the total durations and end date
  ret$total_duration <- sum( (ret$results)[
                  (ret$results)$is_critical, ]$duration)
  ret$end_date <- start_date + ret$total_duration
  ret$network <- graph

  # If network is true, add network diagram
  if (network) {
    ret$network_diagram <- network_diagram(ret)

  # Return the results

#' Creates a Gantt chart of tasks in a project.
#' @param df Task input. This can either be a data frame of raw data
#' (i.e not from the 'critical_path' function) or can the return value
#' from calling the 'critical path' function. If the data is raw, if must
#' have columns "ID, name, duration, dependencies" in that order. These
#' columns need not be named but they must be in that order. Type 'taskdata1'
#' into the console for an example of raw data.
#' @param start_date Starting date for the project. Defaults to the current
#' date.
#' @param color_critical Default: #f4424b (red). The color of the bars for
#' tasks in the critical path.
#' @param color_non_critical Default: #41a9f4 (light blue). The color of
#' the bars for tasks not in the critical path.
#' @param bar_size Default: 8. The size of the bars in the Gantt chart.
#' @param text_size Default: 3. The size of the text in the Gantt chart.
#' The color of the bars for tasks not in the critical path.
#' @return A gantt chart for the tasks. If data has been processed by the
#' critical path function, then this gantt chart will color the critical
#' path elements.
#' @examples
#' # Use raw example data
#' data <- taskdata1
#' # Create a gantt chart using the raw data
#' gantt(data)
#' res <- critical_path(data)
#' # Create a second gantt chart using the processed data
#' gantt(res)
#' @export
gantt <- function(df, start_date = Sys.Date(), color_critical = "#f4424b",
                  color_non_critical = "#41a9f4", bar_size = 8, text_size = 3){
  raw <- F

  # Ensure start date type is correct
  start_date <- as.Date(start_date)

  # Ensure valid input.
  # TODO: Write better conditions.
  if (length(ncol(df) > 0)) {
    if (ncol(df) == 4) {
      raw <- T
  # Deal with invalid input
  else if (is.null(df$results)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid input, raw input should have 4 columns,",
              "processed should have 7"))
  }else if (ncol(df$results) != 7) {
    stop(paste("Invalid input, raw input should have 4 columns,",
              "processed should have 7"))

  # If data is raw, need preprocessing
  if (raw) {
    # Do necesary preprocessing
      # This is the same as critical path
      data <- df
      all_tasks <- list()
      for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
        id <- to_id(data[i, 1])
        name <- data[i, 2]
        duration <- data[i, 3]
        pred_id <- as.character(data[i, 4])
        new_Task <- Task$new(id, name, duration, pred_id)
        text <- sprintf("all_tasks <- c(all_tasks, '%s' = new_Task)",
        eval(parse(text = text))

      ids <- lapply(data[, 1], to_id)
      invisible(lapply(all_tasks, get_successor, full_tasks = all_tasks))

      # Topologically sort the ids
      adj_list <- make_node_list(all_tasks, ids)
      graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(adj_list)
      sorted_ids <- names(igraph::topo_sort(graph = graph))

      # Create source node
      start_succ_ids <- c()
      for (task in all_tasks) {
        if (length(task$predecessor_id) == 0) {
          task$predecessor_id <- "%id_source%"
          start_succ_ids <- c(start_succ_ids, task$id)

      # Create a sink node
      end_pred_ids <- ""
      for (task in all_tasks) {
        if (length(task$successor_id) == 0) {
          task$successor_id <- "%id_sink%"
          end_pred_ids <- paste(end_pred_ids, ",", task$id, sep = "")

      # Add start task and end task to task list
      start_task <- Task$new("%id_source%", "%id_source%", 0, "")
      start_task$successor_id <- start_succ_ids
      end_task <- Task$new("%id_sink%", "%id_sink%", 0, end_pred_ids)

      all_tasks <- c("%id_source%" = start_task, all_tasks,
                     "%id_sink%" = end_task)
      new_ids <- c("%id_source%", sorted_ids, "%id_sink%")

      # Perform the walk ahead
      walk_ahead(all_tasks, new_ids, start_date = start_date)

      df <- to_data_frame(all_tasks)
  # If we know the critical path, color by it
    df <- df$results

    # Critical elements are red, blue otherwise.
    if (df[1, "is_critical"] == TRUE) {
      cols <- c(color_non_critical, color_critical)
      cols <- c(color_critical, color_non_critical)

  # Make dependency labels
  deps <- c()
  for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
    row <- df[i, ]
    if (trimws(row$pred_id) == "") {
      deps <- c(deps, "")
      deps <- c(deps, paste("Depends:\n",
                            gsub(" ", ", ", trimws(row$pred_id))))

  dfr <- data.frame(
    name        = factor(df$id, levels = rev(df$id)),
    start.date  = as.Date(c(df$start_date)),
    end.date    = as.Date(c(df$end_date)),
    critical = c(df$is_critical),
    deps = deps

  mdfr <- tidyr::gather(dfr, measure.vars = c("start.date", "end.date"))

  # Make labels only show up once
  for (i in 1:(nrow(mdfr) / 2)) {
    mdfr[i, "deps"] <- ""

  # Create colored plot if input is not raw, uncolored otherwise.
  if (raw) {
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(mdfr, ggplot2::aes(mdfr$value, mdfr$name)) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(colour = color_non_critical, size = bar_size) +
      ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = mdfr$deps),
                         hjust = 0, nudge_x = 0.05, size = text_size) +
      ggplot2::xlab(NULL) +
      ggplot2::ylab("Task ID")
    duration <- sum(df[df$is_critical, ]$duration)
    end_date <- as.Date(start_date) + duration

    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(mdfr, ggplot2::aes(mdfr$value, mdfr$name)) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(colour = mdfr$critical),
                         size = bar_size) +
      ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = mdfr$deps),
                         hjust = 0, nudge_x = 0.05, size = text_size) +
      ggplot2::xlab(NULL) +
      ggplot2::ylab("Task ID") +
      ggplot2::scale_x_date(limits = c(start_date, end_date + 1)) +
      ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none") +
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = cols)

  # Return the graph

#' Creates a network diagram of tasks in a project.
#' @param df Task input. This can either be a data frame of raw data
#' (i.e not from the 'critical_path' function) or can the return value
#' from calling the 'critical path' function.
#' If the data is raw, if must have columns "ID, name, duration, dependencies"
#' in that order. These columns need not be named but they must be
#' in that order. Type 'taskdata1' into the console for an example of raw data.
#' @param use_name_as_label Boolean specifying whether to use the task name
#' as the label for the network diagram. The default is to use the task ID.
#' critical path elements.
#' @examples
#' # Use raw example data
#' data <- taskdata1
#' # Create a network diagram chart using the raw data
#' network_diagram(data)
#' res <- critical_path(data)
#' # Create a second network diagram using the processed data
#' network_diagram(res)
#' @export
network_diagram <- function(df, use_name_as_label=FALSE){
  raw <- F

  # Check validity of input
  # TODO: Again, come up with more comprehensive checks
  if (length(ncol(df) > 0)) {
    if (ncol(df) == 4) {
      raw <- T
  }else if (is.null(df$results)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid input, raw input should have 4 columns,",
               "processed should have 7"))
  }else if (ncol(df$results) != 7) {
    stop(paste("Invalid input, raw input should have 4 columns,",
               "processed should have 7"))

  # If raw, preprocess the data the same way as critical path
  if (raw) {
    data <- df
    all_tasks <- list()
    for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
      id <- to_id(data[i, 1])
      name <- data[i, 2]
      duration <- data[i, 3]
      pred_id <- as.character(data[i, 4])
      new_Task <- Task$new(id, name, duration, pred_id)
      text <- sprintf("all_tasks <- c(all_tasks, '%s' = new_Task)",
      eval(parse(text = text))

    ids <- lapply(data[, 1], to_id)
    invisible(lapply(all_tasks, get_successor, full_tasks = all_tasks))

    # Topologically sort the ids
    adj_list <- make_node_list(all_tasks, ids)
    graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(adj_list)
    sorted_ids <- names(igraph::topo_sort(graph = graph))

    # Network diagram
    graph <- igraph::simplify(graph)
    l <- igraph::layout.reingold.tilford(graph)
    l[, c(1, 2)] <- l[, c(2, 1)]
    l[, 1] <- -l[, 1]

    # Clean up network coordinates, making sure a node and its
    # are not on the same level
    for (i in 1:length(sorted_ids)) {
      for (j in i:length(sorted_ids)) {
        if (igraph::get.edge.ids(graph, c(i, j)) > 0 && l[i, 1] == l[j, 1]) {
          l[j, 1] <- l[j, 1] + 0.4
    igraph::V(graph)$color <- "#41a9f4"
    # Plot the diagram, labeling the nodes according to "use_names_as_labels"
      # Get labels in the correct order
      labels <-  c()
      sizes <- vector(mode="integer")
      for(elem in igraph::V(graph)$name){
        label <- as.character(data[as.character(data[[1]]) == elem, 2])
        labels <- c(labels, label)
        sizes <- c(sizes, 9 * nchar(label))
      graphics::plot(graph, layout = l, vertex.shape = "rectangle", vertex.size = sizes, 
                     vertex.size2 = 15, edge.arrow.size = 0.65, vertex.label = labels)
      graphics::plot(graph, layout = l, vertex.shape = "rectangle", 
                     vertex.size = 20, vertex.size2 = 15, edge.arrow.size = 0.65)
  # If not raw, color nodes red for critical, blue otherwise.
    res <- df$results
    graph <- igraph::simplify(df$network)
    sorted_ids <- names(igraph::topo_sort(graph = graph))
    l <- igraph::layout.reingold.tilford(graph)
    l[, c(1, 2)] <- l[, c(2, 1)]
    l[, 1] <- -l[, 1]

    for (i in 1:length(igraph::V(graph))) {
      id <- igraph::V(graph)[[i]]$name
      if (res[res$id == id, "is_critical"]) {
        igraph::V(graph)$color[i] <- "#f4424b"
        igraph::V(graph)$color[i] <- "#41a9f4"

    # Clean up network coordinates, making sure a node and its
    # dependency are not on the same level
    for (i in 1:length(sorted_ids)) {
      for (j in i:length(sorted_ids)) {
        if (igraph::get.edge.ids(graph, c(i, j)) > 0 && l[i, 1] == l[j, 1]) {
          l[j, 1] <- l[j, 1] + 0.4

    # Plot the diagram, labeling the nodes according to "use_names_as_labels"
      labels <-  c()
      sizes <- vector(mode="integer")
      for(elem in igraph::V(graph)$name){
        label <- as.character(res[as.character(res[[1]]) == elem, 2])
        labels <- c(labels, label)
        sizes <- c(sizes, 9 * nchar(label))
      graphics::plot(graph, layout = l, vertex.shape = "rectangle", vertex.size = sizes, 
                     vertex.size2 = 15, edge.arrow.size = 0.65, vertex.label = labels)
      graphics::plot(graph, layout = l, vertex.shape = "rectangle", 
                     vertex.size = 20, vertex.size2 = 15, edge.arrow.size = 0.65)

  # Save and return the figure
  p <- grDevices::recordPlot()

# Needed to silence some NOTES on Windows
#' @useDynLib projmanr,.registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp

#' Runs a simulation on project end time when certain tasks have uncertain durations
#' @param df A data frame of tasks with columns ID, name, duration,
#' id's of predecessrs (as a comma separated string), type of distrubtion
#' for the uncertain task (currently, "triangle", "pert", "uniform", "normal"
#' and "log_normal" are supported), and additional hyperparameters for the
#' uncertain task, described below. For "triangle" and "pert", the next
#' three columns should be minimum end time, maximum end time, and most
#' likely end time (all in days) for the uncertain tasks in that order.
#' For "uniform", the next two columns should be minimum and maximum end time
#' (in days) for uncertain tasks. For "normal" and "log_normal",
#' the next two columns should be mean and standard deviation (in days)
#' of end time. Tasks with a null value for the distribution (fifth) column
#' will not be treated as uncertain tasks. Note that names of columns do not
#' matter, only order. Type 'taskdatauncertain1' into the console for an
#' example of valid data.
#' @param iter Default: 1000. The number of times the simulation should run.
#' @return A list of results.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{durations} A vector of doubles (of the same size as 'iter')
#' that contains the total project duration for each itertation of the
#' simulation.
#' \item \strong{histogram} A histogram of 'durations'
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Example using built in data
#' simulation(taskdatauncertain1, 10000)
#' @export
simulation <- function(df, iter = 100){
  print("Setting up simulation.....")

  # Set up tasks. Only done once
  # The setup is also identical to critical path
  data <- df
  all_tasks <- list()
  uncertain <- list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
    id <- to_id(data[i, 1])
    name <- data[i, 2]
    duration <- data[i, 3]
    pred_id <- as.character(data[i, 4])
    new_Task <- Task$new(id, name, duration, pred_id)
    text <- sprintf("all_tasks <- c(all_tasks, '%s' = new_Task)", new_Task$id)
    eval(parse(text = text))

    # If task has additional data, mark it as uncertain and get 'iter' random
    # samples from the appropriate distribution distribution
    if (!is.na(data[i, 5]) && data[i, 5] != "") {
      # Draw from the appropriate distribution based on the value
      # in the fifth (distribution) columns

      # Make sure user has entered a valid distribution
      if (!(data[i, 5] %in% c("triangle", "uniform", "normal",
                              "log_normal", "pert"))) {
        stop(paste("Distribution", data[i, 5], "not supported, please use",
                   "triangle, pert, uniform, normal or log_normal"))

      # Draw sample from the appropriate distribution using the
      # additional hyperparameters specified in the 6th through 8th columns
      durations <- switch(as.character(data[i, 5]),
             triangle = mc2d::rtriang(n = iter, min = data[i, 6],
                                      mode = data[i, 8], max = data[i, 7]),
             pert = mc2d::rpert(n = iter, min = data[i, 6],
                                mode = data[i, 8], max = data[i, 7]),
             uniform = stats::runif(n = iter, min = data[i, 6],
                                    max = data[i, 7]),
             normal = stats::rnorm(n = iter, mean = data[i, 6],
                                   sd = data[i, 7]),
             log_normal = stats::rlnorm(n = iter, meanlog = data[i, 6],
                                        sdlog = data[i, 7])
      # Make sure no duration is negative
      durations[durations < 0] <- 0
      text <- sprintf("uncertain[['%s']] <- c(durations)", new_Task$id)
      eval(parse(text = text))
  # If not uncertain tasks, stop method
  if (length(uncertain) == 1) {
    stop("Error: no tasks are uncertain")

  # Get the id's and successors
  ids <- lapply(data[, 1], to_id)
  invisible(lapply(all_tasks, get_successor, full_tasks = all_tasks))

  # Topologically sort the ids
  adj_list <- make_node_list(all_tasks, ids)
  graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(adj_list)
  sorted_ids <- names(igraph::topo_sort(graph = graph))

  cols <- c("id", "name", "duration", "preds")
  data <- data[, 1:4]
  colnames(data) <- cols

  # Run the actual simulation.
  simul_ret <- simul(data, sorted_ids, iter, uncertain)

  # Graph the results
                 main = "Distribution of Project End Time",
                 xlab = "Project End Time")

  # Return the results
  ret <- list()
  ret$durations <- simul_ret$distributions
  ret$histogram <- grDevices::recordPlot()
  ret$critical_indexes <- simul_ret$critical_indexes

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projmanr documentation built on July 28, 2018, 9:02 a.m.