
Defines functions print_psych.phi

"phi.demo" <-
function(n=1000,r=.6 ,cuts =c(-2,-1,0,1,2)  ) {    
 #simulate correlation matrix with variable cut points -- psychometric demo
 #make up some correlations with different cut points
latent <-rnorm(n)  #make up some random normal theta scores
err <- rnorm(n)    #random normal error scores

observed <- latent*(r) + err*sqrt(1-r*r)  #observed = T + E

#convert to 0/1  with different values of cuts
trunc<- matrix(rep(observed,length(cuts)),ncol=length(cuts))  
# for (i in 1:length(cuts)) {
#    trunc[observed > cuts[i],i] <- 1
#    trunc[observed < cuts[i],i] <- 0}
#   for(i in 1:n) {for (j in 1:length(cuts)) {trunc[i,j] <- rbinom(1,1,trunc[i,j] > cuts[j])}}
#   for(i in 1:n) {for (j in 1:length(cuts)) {trunc[i,j] <-logistic(observed] > cuts[j])}}
   for (j in 1:length(cuts)) {trunc[,j] <- (trunc[,j] > cuts[j]) }

d.mat<- data.frame(latent,observed,trunc)  #combine into a data frame
pairs.panels(d.mat,main="Phi coefficients for extreme cut point normal data") 
trunc.cor<- cor(d.mat)                 #find the Pearson correlations
freq <- apply(d.mat,2,mean)                    #find the frequencies of scores

 #first demonstrate the tetrachoric function

 tetra <- tetrachoric(d.mat[,3:7],correct=FALSE)
 yule <- YuleCor(trunc)
for (i in 4:length(d.mat)) {
   for (j in 3:i) {
       trunc.cor[j,i]<- phi2tetra(trunc.cor[i,j],c(freq[i],freq[j])) 
  result <- list(tetrachoric=tetra, phis=trunc.cor, Yule = yule,data = d.mat)
  class(result) <- c('psych','phi.demo')

print_psych.phi <- function(x,digits=2) {
cat("\nPearson (phi) below the diagonal, phi2tetras above the diagonal\n")
cat("\nYule correlations")

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psych documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:07 p.m.