"" <-
function(x,digits=2,all=FALSE,cutoff=NULL,sort=FALSE,...) {
if(is.null(cutoff)) cutoff <- .3
load <- x$loadings
nitems <- dim(load)[1]
nfactors <- dim(load)[2]
loads <- data.frame(item=seq(1:nitems),cluster=rep(0,nitems),unclass(load))
if(sort) {
#first sort them into clusters
#first find the maximum for each row and assign it to that cluster
loads$cluster <- apply(abs(load),1,which.max)
ord <- sort(loads$cluster,index.return=TRUE)
loads[1:nitems,] <- loads[ord$ix,]
rownames(loads)[1:nitems] <- rownames(loads)[ord$ix]
#now sort column wise
items <- c(table(loads$cluster),1) #how many items are in each cluster?
if(length(items) < (nfactors+1)) {items <- rep(0,(nfactors+1)) #this is a rare case where some clusters don't have anything in them
for (i in 1:nfactors+1) {items[i] <- sum(loads$cluster==i) } }
#now sort the loadings that have their highest loading on each cluster
first <- 1
for (i in 1:nfactors) {
if(items[i]>0 ) {
last <- first + items[i]- 1
ord <- sort(abs(loads[first:last,i+2]),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
loads[first:last,] <- loads[ord$ix+first-1,]
rownames(loads)[first:last] <- rownames(loads)[ord$ix+first-1]
first <- first + items[i] }
} #end of sort
#they are now sorted, don't print the small loadings
ncol <- dim(loads)[2]-2
fx <- format(loads,digits=digits)
nc <- nchar(fx[1,3], type = "c")
fx.1 <- fx[,1]
fx.2 <- fx[,3:(2+ncol)]
load.2 <- loads[,3:(ncol+2)]
fx.2[abs(load.2)< cutoff] <- paste(rep(" ", nc), collapse = "")
fx <- data.frame(V=fx.1,fx.2)
#adapted from print.loadings
vx <- colSums(load.2^2)
varex <- rbind("SS loadings" = vx)
varex <- rbind(varex, "Proportion Var" = vx/nitems)
if (nfactors > 1)
varex <- rbind(varex, "Cumulative Var"= cumsum(vx/nitems))
print(round(varex, digits))
if(!is.null(x$phi)) {
cat ("\n With factor correlations of \n" )
colnames(x$phi) <- rownames(x$phi) <- colnames(x$loadings)
print(round(x$phi,digits))} else {
if(!is.null(x$rotmat)) {
U <- x$rotmat
phi <- t(U) %*% U
phi <- cov2cor(phi)
cat ("\n With factor correlations of \n" )
colnames(phi) <- rownames(phi) <- colnames(x$loadings)
} }
objective <- x$criteria[1]
if(!is.null(objective)) { cat("\nTest of the hypothesis that", nfactors, if (nfactors == 1) "factor is" else "factors are", "sufficient.\n")
cat("\nThe degrees of freedom for the model is",x$dof," and the fit was ",round(objective,digits),"\n")
if(!$n.obs)) {cat("The number of observations was ",x$n.obs, " with Chi Square = ",round(x$STATISTIC,digits), " with prob < ", signif(x$PVAL,digits),"\n")}
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