
Defines functions scale_quality

"scoreOverlap" <-
function(keys,r,correct=TRUE,SMC=TRUE,av.r=TRUE,item.smc=NULL,impute=TRUE,select=TRUE,scores=FALSE,  min=NULL,max=NULL) { #function to score clusters according to the key matrix, correcting for item overlap
#minor fix on 01/11/24 to handle the case of one key  				
 tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)    #machine accuracy
 cl <- match.call()
 bad <- FALSE
 key.list <- keys  #we need to keep this as a list for later  
 if(is.list(keys) & (!is.data.frame(keys))) { if (select) {
    select <- selectFromKeyslist(colnames(r),keys)
 # select <- sub("-","",unlist(keys))   #added April 7, 2017
      select <- select[!duplicated(select)]
      }  else {select <- 1:ncol(r) } 
 if (!isCorrelation(r,na.rm=TRUE)) {if(scores) {items <- r[,select]} else {items <- NULL}  #save the data for scoring
 r  <- cor(r[,select],use="pairwise")} else {r <- r[select,select]}
 keys <- make.keys(r,keys)}  #added 9/9/16    (and then modified March 4, 2017
 if(!is.matrix(keys)) keys <- as.matrix(keys)  #keys are sometimes a data frame - must be a matrix
 if ((dim(r)[1] != dim(r)[2]) ) {r <- cor(r,use="pairwise")}
 if(any(abs(r[!is.na(r)]) > 1)) warning("Something is seriously wrong with the correlation matrix, some correlations had absolute values > 1!  Please check your data.")
 if(any(is.na(r))) {
  #              SMC=FALSE
 #                warning("Missing values in the correlation matrix do not allow for SMC's to be found")
                 bad <- TRUE}

 if(SMC && is.null(item.smc)) {item.smc <- smc(r)} else {
         diag(r) <- NA
         item.smc <- apply(r,1,function(x) max(abs(x),na.rm=TRUE))
         item.smc[is.infinite(item.smc) ] <- 1 
         diag(r) <- 1}
 if(all(item.smc ==1)) SMC <- FALSE
 if(!bad) {covar <- t(keys) %*% r %*% keys} else  #matrix algebra is our friend 
     {#covar<- apply(keys,2,function(x) colSums(apply(keys,2,function(x) colSums(r*x,na.rm=TRUE))*x,na.rm=TRUE))  #matrix multiplication without matrices!
     covar <- score.na(keys,r,cor=FALSE)

 var <- diag(covar)    #these are the scale variances
 n.keys <- ncol(keys)
 item.var <- item.smc
 raw.r  <- cov2cor(covar)
 key.var <- diag(t(keys) %*% keys)
 key.smc <- t(keys) %*% item.smc  
 key.alpha <- ((var-key.var)/var)*(key.var/(key.var-1))
 key.lambda6 <-  (var - key.var + key.smc)/var
 key.alpha[is.nan(key.alpha)] <- 1           #if only 1 variable to the cluster, then alpha is undefined
 key.alpha[!is.finite(key.alpha)] <- 1   
 key.av.r <- key.alpha/(key.var - key.alpha*(key.var-1))  #alpha 1 = average r
 colnames(raw.r) <- rownames(raw.r)  <- colnames(keys)
 names(key.lambda6) <- colnames(keys)
 key.lambda6 <- drop(key.lambda6)
 n.keys <- ncol(keys)
 sn <- key.av.r * key.var/(1-key.av.r)
if(!bad) { item.cov <- t(keys) %*% r    #the normal case is to have all correlations
         raw.cov <- item.cov %*% keys} else {  
         item.cov <- apply(keys,2,function(x) colSums(r*x,na.rm=TRUE))  #some correlations are NA have to adjust
         raw.cov <-  apply(keys,2,function(x) colSums(item.cov*x,na.rm=TRUE))
         item.cov <- t(item.cov)
 adj.cov <- raw.cov 
 #now adjust them
  med.r <- rep(NA, n.keys)

 for (i in 1:(n.keys)) {
    temp <- keys[,i][abs(keys[,i]) > 0]
  temp <- diag(temp,nrow=length(temp))
   small.r <- r[abs(keys[,i])>0,abs(keys[,i])>0]
   #small.r <- temp %*% small.r %*% temp   #this is just flipping the signs, but will not work with missing data
   if(NROW(temp) > 1) small.r <- apply(temp,2, function(x) colSums(apply(temp,2, function(x) colSums(small.r * x,na.rm=TRUE))*x,na.rm=TRUE))

    med.r[i]  <- median(small.r[lower.tri(small.r)],na.rm=TRUE)  

    for (j in 1:i) {
 if(av.r) { adj.cov[i,j] <- adj.cov[j,i]<- raw.cov[i,j] - sum(keys[,i] * keys[,j] ) + sum(keys[,i] * keys[,j] *  sqrt(key.av.r[i] * key.av.r[j]))
  } else {
     adj.cov[i,j] <- adj.cov[j,i] <- raw.cov[i,j] - sum(keys[,i] * keys[,j] )+ sum( keys[,i] * keys[,j] * sqrt(item.smc[i]* abs(keys[,i])*item.smc[j]*abs(keys[,j]) ))
    } }

scale.var <- diag(raw.cov)

diag(adj.cov) <- diag(raw.cov)
adj.r <- cov2cor(adj.cov)   #this is the overlap adjusted correlations

#find the MIMS values  (Average within cluster/scale items)
scale.size <- outer(key.var,key.var)
MIMS <- adj.cov/scale.size
diag(MIMS)<- key.av.r   

#adjust the item.cov for item overlap
#we do this by replacing the diagonal of the r matrix with the item.var (probably an smc, perhaps a maximum value)

diag(r) <- item.var
if(!bad) { item.cov <- t(keys) %*% r    #the normal case is to have all correlations
        } else {  
         item.cov <- t(apply(keys,2,function(x) colMeans(r*x,na.rm=TRUE)) *NROW(keys))  #some correlations are NA

 if(n.keys > 1) {
    item.cor <-   sqrt(diag(1/(key.lambda6*scale.var))) %*% (item.cov)  # %*% diag(1/sqrt(item.var))
    rownames(item.cor) <- colnames(keys)
     colnames(item.cor) <- colnames(r)
    } else {
        item.cor <- r %*% keys /sqrt(key.lambda6*scale.var) }
     item.cor <- t(item.cor)
   names(med.r) <- colnames(keys)

#find the Multi-Item Multi Trait item x scale correlations
#this only makes sense if n.keys > 1

 MIMT <- matrix(NA,n.keys,n.keys)
 for (i in 1:(n.keys)) {
    temp <- keys[,i][abs(keys[,i]) > 0]
   if(n.keys > 1){ flip.item <- temp * item.cor[names(temp),,drop=FALSE]} else {flip.item <- temp * item.cor[names(temp)]}
   if(length(names(temp)) > 1) { if(n.keys >1) {MIMT[i,] <- colMeans(item.cor[names(temp),])}} else {MIMT[i,] <- flip.item}
  colnames(MIMT) <- rownames(MIMT) <- colnames(keys)
 good <- scale_quality(adj.r,item.cor,key.list)
 names(good) <- names(key.list)

if(scores) {
      abskeys <- abs(keys)
    num.item <- diag(t(abskeys) %*% abskeys) #how many items in each scale
    num.ob.item <- num.item   #will be adjusted in case of impute = FALSE
    n.subjects <- dim(items)[1]
     item.means <- colMeans(items,na.rm=TRUE)
    if (is.null(min)) {min <- min(items,na.rm=TRUE)}
    if (is.null(max)) {max <- max(items,na.rm=TRUE)}
if(impute !="none") {
        miss <- which(is.na(items),arr.ind=TRUE)
        if(impute=="mean") {
       		item.means <- colMeans(items,na.rm=TRUE)   #replace missing values with means
       		items[miss]<- item.means[miss[,2]]} else { 
       		item.med   <- apply(items,2,median,na.rm=TRUE) #replace missing with medians
        	items[miss]<- item.med[miss[,2]]}   #this only works if items is a matrix
        	 scores <- items %*%  keys  #this actually does all the work but doesn't handle missing values
        	C <- cov(items,use="pairwise")
          cov.scales  <- cov(scores,use="pairwise")    #and total scale variance
          cov.scales2 <- diag(t(abskeys) %*% C^2 %*% abskeys)   # sum(C^2)  for finding ase
        }  else { #handle the case of missing data without imputation
           scores <- matrix(NaN,ncol=n.keys,nrow=n.subjects)
           #we could try to parallelize this next loop
           for (scale in 1:n.keys) {
           	pos.item <- items[,which(keys[,scale] > 0)]
          	neg.item <- items[,which(keys[,scale] < 0)]
          	 neg.item <- max + min - neg.item
           	sub.item <- cbind(pos.item,neg.item)
           	scores[,scale] <- rowMeans(sub.item,na.rm=TRUE)
          	 rs <- rowSums(!is.na(sub.item))
           num.ob.item[scale] <- mean(rs[rs>0])  #added Sept 15, 2011
          # num.ob.item[scale] <- mean(rowSums(!is.na(sub.item))) # dropped 
           		} # end of scale loop
           # we now need to treat the data as if we had done correlations at input
		colnames(scores)<- names(key.list)
}  #end of if scores loop

 if (correct) {cluster.corrected <- correct.cor(adj.r,t(key.alpha))
 result <- list(cor=adj.r,sd=sqrt(var),corrected= cluster.corrected,alpha=key.alpha,av.r = key.av.r,size=key.var,sn=sn,G6 =key.lambda6, item.cor=item.cor, med.r=med.r,quality=good,  MIMS=MIMS,MIMT=MIMT,scores=scores,Call=cl)
 }  #correct for attenuation
 else {
result <- list(cor=adj.r,sd=sqrt(var),alpha=key.alpha, av.r = key.av.r,
	size=key.var,sn=sn,G6 =key.lambda6, item.cor=item.cor, med.r=med.r, scores=scores,   Call=cl)}
 class(result) <- c ("psych", "overlap")
 #modified 01/11/15 to find r if not a square matrix
#modifed 03/05/15 to do pseudo matrix multiplication in case of missing data 

scale_quality = function(phi,r,keys) { #switched from . to _ 6/20/23
nvar <- NROW(r)
nscale <- NCOL(r)
good <- rep(0,length(keys))
best <- apply(abs(r),1, which.max)
for(i in 1:length(keys)) {
select <- selectFromKeys(keys[i])
good [i] <-  sum(best[select] == i)
good[i] <- good[i]/length(select)


# scale.quality = function(n.obs,phi,r,keys) {
# nvar <- NROW(r)
# nscale <- NCOL(r)
# best <- good <- rep(0,length(keys))
# best <- apply(abs(r),1, which.max)
# for(i in 1:length(keys)) {
# select <- selectFromKeys(keys[i])
# good [i] <-  sum(best[select] == i)
# }
# return(good)
# }

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