
Defines functions .checkmle ptmixed

Documented in ptmixed

#' Poisson-Tweedie generalized linear mixed model
#' Estimates the Poisson-Tweedie generalized linear mixed model with random intercept.
#' Likelihood approximation for the model is based on the adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule.
#' @param fixef.formula A formula for the fixed effects part of the model. 
#' It should be in the form \code{y ~ x1 + x2}
#' @param id A variable to distinguish observations from the same subject.
#' @param offset An offset to be added to the linear predictor. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param data A data frame containing the variables declared in \code{fixef.formula}.
#' @param npoints Number of quadrature points employed in the adaptive quadrature. Default is 5.
#' @param hessian Logical value. If \code{TRUE}, the hessian matrix is evaluated 
#' at the MLE to derive the observed Fisher information matrix. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param trace Logical value. If \code{TRUE}, additional information 
#' is printed during the optimization. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param theta.start Numeric vector comprising initial parameter values for the
#' vector of regression coefficients, the dispersion parameter, the power parameter 
#' and the variance of the random intercept (to be specified exactlyin this order!). 
#' Default is \code{NULL}: initial
#' parameter estimates are computed automatically by the function.
#' @param reltol Relative tolerance to be used in optim. Default to 1e-8
#' @param maxit Vector containing the maximum number of iterations used in optim by
#' the Nelder-Mead method and, if this fails, by the BFGS method
#' @param freq.updates Number of iterations after which the quadrature points are updated when the Nelder-Mead
#' algorithm is used for the optimization. Default value is 200. To update the quadrature points at every iteration 
#' (note that this may make the computation about 10x slower), set \code{freq.updates = 1} 
#' or \code{freq.updates = NA}. The function first tries to optimize the loglikelihood using the Nelder-Mead
#' algorithm, updating the quadrature points every \code{freq.updates} iterations. If this fails to converge,
#' a second attempt is made using the BFGS algorithm, for which the quadrature points are updated at every iteration.
#' @param min.var.init If the initial estimate of the variance of the random intercept is smaller than
#' this value, estimation is stopped and the user is advided to use the simpler Poisson-Tweedie GLM is used. Default is 1e-3.
#' @return A list containing the following elements: function's call (\code{call}); 
#' maximum likelihood estimate (\code{mle});  value of the
#' loglikelihood at the mle (\code{logl}); \code{convergence} value (if 0, the optimization converged);
#' the observed Fisher information (\code{fisher.info}), if \code{hessian = T}; the number of quadrature points 
#' used (\code{quad.points}) and the starting value used in the optimization (\code{theta.init}); 
#' relevant warnings (\code{warnings}).
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export
#' @author Mirko Signorelli
#' @references Signorelli, M., Spitali, P., Tsonaka, R. (2021). Poisson-Tweedie 
#' mixed-effects model: a flexible approach for the analysis of longitudinal RNA-seq
#' data. Statistical Modelling, 21 (6), 520-545. URL: https://doi.org/10.1177/1471082X20936017
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.ptglmm}}, \code{\link{ranef}}
#' @examples
#' data(df1, package = 'ptmixed')
#' head(df1)
#' # 1) Quick example (just 1 quadrature point, hessian and SEs 
#' # not computed - NB: we recommend to increase the number of
#' # quadrature points to obtain much more accurate estimates,
#' # as shown in example 2 below where we use 5 quadrature points)
#' # estimate the model
#' fit1 = ptmixed(fixef.formula = y ~ group + time, id = id,
#'               offset = offset, data = df1, npoints = 1, 
#'               freq.updates = 200, hessian = FALSE, trace = TRUE)
#' # print summary:
#' summary(fit1, wald = FALSE)
#' \donttest{
#' # 2) Full computation that uses more quadrature points
#' # for the likelihood approximation and includes numeric
#' # evaluation of the hessian matrix
#' # estimate the model:
#' fit2 = ptmixed(fixef.formula = y ~ group + time, id = id,
#'               offset = offset, data = df1, npoints = 5, 
#'               freq.updates = 200, hessian = TRUE, trace = TRUE)
#' # print summary:
#' summary(fit2)
#' # extract summary:
#' results = summary(fit2)
#' ls(results)
#' results$coefficients
#' }

ptmixed = function(fixef.formula, id, offset = NULL,
                   data, npoints = 5, hessian = T, trace = T,
                   theta.start = NULL, reltol = 1e-8, maxit = c(1e4, 100),
                   freq.updates = 200, min.var.init = 1e-3) {
  call = match.call()
  warning.list = list()
  # identify elements
  y = data[, all.vars(fixef.formula[[2]])]
  X = model.matrix(fixef.formula[-2], data = data)
  Z = as.matrix(model.matrix(~1, data = data))
  # fix id an offset:
  id = data[ , deparse(substitute(id))]
  id = as.numeric(as.factor(id))
  check0 = missing(offset)
  if (check0) offset = NULL
  if (!check0) offset = data[ , deparse(substitute(offset))]
  # preliminary checks:
  if (length(fixef.formula) != 3) stop('fixef.formula should be in the form y ~ x1 + x2 +...')
  if (npoints %%1 !=0) stop('npoints should be a natural number > 1')
  if (!is.null(maxit)) {
    if (length(maxit) == 1) maxit = c(maxit, 100)
  # NB: updates at every iteration coded as NA (but it can also be provided = 1)
  if (freq.updates == 1) freq.updates = NA
  # optim control values:
  optim.control.nm = list(maxit = maxit[1], reltol = reltol)
  optim.control.bfgs = list(maxit = maxit[2], reltol = reltol)
  if (!is.na(freq.updates)) optim.control.nm = list(maxit = freq.updates, reltol = reltol)
  if (trace) {
    optim.control.nm = list(trace = 1, REPORT = 1, maxit = maxit[1], reltol = reltol)
    optim.control.bfgs = list(trace = 1, REPORT = 1, maxit = maxit[2], reltol = reltol)
    if (!is.na(freq.updates)) optim.control.nm = list(trace = 1, REPORT = 1, maxit = freq.updates, reltol = reltol)
  # starting values:
  if (is.null(theta.start)) {
    fixef.glmmad = fixef.formula
    if (!is.null(offset)) {
      fixef.glmmad = update.formula(fixef.glmmad, ~ . + offset(offset))
      df.glmmad = cbind(data, 'id' = id, 'offset' = offset)
    else df.glmmad = cbind(data, 'id' = id)
    temp = get.initial.theta(fixef.formula = fixef.glmmad, data = df.glmmad, 
                             y = y, id = id)
    theta.init = temp$theta.init
    warning.list = temp$warnings
  else if (!is.null(theta.start)) {
    q = length(theta.start)
    p = dim(X)[2]
    if (q != p+3) stop('Wrong number of elements in theta.start')
    if (theta.start[p+1] <= 1) stop('Initial dispersion value should be > 1')
    if (theta.start[p+2] >= 1) stop('Initial power value should be < 1')
    theta.init = c(theta.start[1:p], log(theta.start[p+1]-1),
                   log(1-theta.start[p+2]), log(theta.start[p+3]))
  # rename correctly elements in theta.init
  names(theta.init) = c(colnames(X), 'D', 'a', 'sigma2')
  # do a check on the initial starting value of the variance:
  include.ranef = T
  if (exp(tail(theta.init,1)) < min.var.init) {
    warning('Initial variance value < min.var.init. Estimating a GLM instead of a GLMM')
    warning.list = c(warning.list, 
    'Initial variance value < min.var.init. A GLM was estimated (hence sigma2 = 0)')
    include.ranef = F
  # estimate PT glm
  if (!include.ranef) {
    mle = ptglm(fixef.formula, offset = offset, 
              data = data, maxit = c(500, 1e5), 
              trace = trace, theta.start = NULL)
  # estimate PT glmm
  if (include.ranef) {
    # negative loglikelihood:
    nlogl = function(theta, offset, y, X, Z, id, GHk, GHs = NULL) {
      p = length(theta)
      beta = theta[1:(p-3)]
      D = 1+exp(theta[p-2])
      a = 1-exp(theta[p-1])
      Sigma = as.matrix(exp(theta[p]))
      ll = loglik.pt.1re(beta, D, a, Sigma, y, X, Z, id, offset = offset, GHk, GHs = GHs)
    # check that starting point is finite:
    try.init1 = try(nlogl(theta.init, offset, y, X, Z, id = id, GHk = npoints, GHs = NULL))
    if (trace) cat(paste('initial loglik value:', round(-try.init1, 2))); cat('\n')
    if(is.infinite(try.init1)) {
      try.init2 = Inf
      while(is.infinite(try.init2)) {
        new.a.init = runif(1, -10, 1)
        p = length(theta.init)
        theta.init[p-1] = log(1 - new.a.init)
        try.init2 = try(nlogl(theta.init, offset, y, X, Z, id, GHk = npoints, GHs = NULL))
        cat(paste('retry: initial loglik value:', round(-try.init2, 2)))
    redo = redo2 = F
    # optimization: try Nelder-Mead
    # starting values
    p = length(theta.init)
    theta.curr = theta.init
    beta.curr = theta.init[1:(p-3)]
    D.curr = 1+exp(theta.init[p-2])
    a.curr = 1-exp(theta.init[p-1])
    S.curr = as.matrix(exp(theta.init[p]))
    GHs = NULL
    if (trace) {
      cat(paste('Initial D =', round(D.curr, 2), 'a =', round(a.curr, 2), 'S =', round(S.curr, 3)))
      cat('Beginning optimization with Nelder-Mead:'); cat('\n')
    # optimization updating quadrature points in NM
    # every k iterations
    if (!is.na(freq.updates)) {
      stop = F
      niter = 0
      while (stop == F) {
        GH.up = try( GHpoints.pt.1re(y = y, id = id, X = X, Z = Z, 
                                     beta = beta.curr, D = D.curr, a = a.curr, Sigma = S.curr, 
                                     offset = offset, RE.size = 1, GHk = npoints, tol = 1e-323),
                     silent = T)
        if (exists('GH.up')) {
          if (!inherits(GH.up, 'try-error')) GHs = GH.up
          else warning('Quadrature points not updated')
        mle = try( optim(theta.curr, nlogl, method = "Nelder-Mead", offset = offset,
                         y = y, X = X, Z = Z, id = id, GHk = npoints, hessian = F,
                         GHs = GHs, control = optim.control.nm) )
        # check convergence
        temp1 = exists('mle')
        if (!temp1) { # proceed with BFGS
          stop = T
          redo = T
        else if (temp1) {
          temp2 = inherits(mle, 'try-error')
          if (temp2) { # proceed with BFGS
            stop = T
            redo = T
          else if (!temp2) { # check if convergence reached
            niter = niter + mle$counts[1]
            temp3 = (mle$convergence == 0)
            if (temp3) stop = T
            else if (niter > maxit[1]) {
              stop = T
              redo = T
            else {
              theta.curr = mle$par
              p = length(theta.curr)
              beta.curr = theta.curr[1:(p-3)]
              D.curr = 1+exp(theta.curr[p-2])
              a.curr = 1-exp(theta.curr[p-1])
              S.curr = as.matrix(exp(theta.curr[p]))
              if (trace) print(paste('D =', round(D.curr, 2), 
                                     'a =', round(a.curr, 2), 'S =', round(S.curr, 2)))
      cat(paste('Total number of NM iterations =', niter))
    # optimization updating quadrature points at every
    # iteration
    if (is.na(freq.updates)) {
      mle = try( optim(theta.curr, nlogl, method = "Nelder-Mead", offset = offset,
                       y = y, X = X, Z = Z, id = id, GHk = npoints, hessian = F,
                       GHs = NULL, control = optim.control.nm) )
      # check convergence
      redo = T
      temp1 = exists('mle')
      if (temp1) {
        temp2 = inherits(mle, 'try-error')
        if (!temp2) {
          temp3 = (mle$convergence == 0)
          if (temp3) {
            redo = F
            theta.curr = mle$par
            p = length(theta.curr)
            beta.curr = theta.curr[1:(p-3)]
            D.curr = 1+exp(theta.curr[p-2])
            a.curr = 1-exp(theta.curr[p-1])
            S.curr = as.matrix(exp(theta.curr[p]))
    # if it failed: try BFGS
    if (redo) {
      print('Optimization with Nelder-Mead was not successful. Trying BFGS...'); cat('\n')
      if (trace) cat('Beginning optimization with BFGS:'); cat('\n')
      mle = try( optim(theta.init, nlogl, method = "BFGS", offset = offset,
                       y = y, X = X, Z = Z, id = id, GHk = npoints, hessian = F,
                       control = optim.control.bfgs, GHs = NULL) )
      check1 = exists('mle')
      if (!check1) redo2 = T
      # if it does not exist, redo
      if (check1) {
        check2 = inherits(mle, 'try-error')
        if (check2) redo2 = T
        # if it has error status, redo
        if (check2==F) {
          check3 = (mle$convergence == 0)
          if (!check3) redo2 = T
      if (trace & redo2 == F) print('Second optimization was successful')
    # if no convergence
    if (redo2) stop('Convergence not reached')
    # if convergence:
    if (!redo2 & hessian) {
      if (trace) cat('\n'); cat('Convergence reached. Computing hessian...'); cat('\n')
      nlogl.hess = function(theta) {
        nll = nlogl(theta, offset = offset, y = y, X = X, Z = Z, 
                    id = id, GHk = npoints)
      hess = numDeriv::hessian(func = nlogl.hess, x = mle$par)
      if (trace) cat('... done')
  # collect results:
  if (include.ranef) {
    mle.est = mle$par
    ncov = length(mle.est) - 3
    mle.est[ncov + 1] = 1 + exp(mle.est[ncov + 1])
    mle.est[ncov + 2] = 1 - exp(mle.est[ncov + 2])
    mle.est[ncov + 3] = exp(mle.est[ncov + 3])
    logl = - mle$value
  if (!include.ranef) {
    mle.est = mle$mle
    ncov = length(mle.est) - 2
    mle.est[ncov + 1] = 1 + exp(mle.est[ncov + 1])
    mle.est[ncov + 2] = 1 - exp(mle.est[ncov + 2])
    mle.est = c(mle.est, 0)
    logl = mle$logl
  names(mle.est)[1:3 + ncov] = c('D', 'a', 'sigma2')
  # starting value:
  if (include.ranef) {
    # transform back initial starting value
    q = length(theta.init)
    theta.init[q-2] = 1+exp(theta.init[q-2])
    theta.init[q-1] = 1-exp(theta.init[q-1])
    theta.init[q] = exp(theta.init[q])
  if (!include.ranef) {
    theta.init = mle$theta.init
  # output list:
  conv.value = mle$convergence
  check = .checkmle(mle.est)
  if (check) {
    conv.value = 666
    mess = paste('Convergence problem identified (the solution',
            'is on the boundary of the parameter space)')
    warning.list = c(warning.list, mess)
  if (include.ranef) {
    if (!redo2 & hessian == F) out = list('call' = call,
                                          'mle' = mle.est, 'logl' = logl,
                                          'convergence' = conv.value, 'quad.points' = npoints,
                                          'theta.init' = theta.init, 'warnings' = warning.list)
    if (!redo2 & hessian) out = list('call' = call,
                                     'mle' = mle.est, 'logl' = logl, 'fisher.info' = hess,
                                     'convergence' = conv.value, 'quad.points' = npoints,
                                     'theta.init' = theta.init, 'warnings' = warning.list)
  if (!include.ranef) {
    out = list('call' = call,
               'mle' = mle.est, 'logl' = logl, 'fisher.info' = mle$fisher.info,
               'convergence' = conv.value, 'quad.points' = NA,
               'theta.init' = mle$theta.init, 'warnings' = warning.list)
  class(out)=c('ptglmm', 'list')

.checkmle = function(mle) {
  conv.problem = F
  a = mle['a']
  D = mle['D']
  sigma2 = mle['sigma2']
  if (a == 1) {
    check1 = (D > 100)
    check2 = (sigma2 > 100)
    if (check1 | check2) {
      conv.problem = T

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