#' Distance Matrix Between Codes
#' Generate distance measures to ascertain a mean distance measure between codes.
#' @param dataframe A data frame from the cm_x2long family
#' (\code{cm_range2long}; \code{cm_df2long}; \code{cm_time2long}).
#' @param pvals A logical vector of length 1 or 2. If element 2 is blank
#' element 1 will be recycled. If the first element is \code{TRUE} pvalues
#' will be calculated for the combined (main) output for all repeated measures
#' from simulated resampling of the data. If the second element is \code{TRUE}
#' pvalues will be calculated for the individual (extended) repeated measures
#' output from simulated resampling of the data. Default is to calculate
#' pvalues for the main output but not for the extended output. This process
#' involves multiple resampling of the data and is a time consuming process. It
#' may take from a few minutes to days to calculate the pvalues depending on the
#' number of all codes use, number of different codes and number of
#' \code{replications}.
#' @param replications An integer value for the number of replications used in
#' resampling the data if any \code{pvals} is \code{TRUE}. It is recommended
#' that this value be no lower than 1000. Failure to use enough replications
#' may result in unreliable pvalues.
#' @param parallel logical. If \code{TRUE} runs the \code{cm_distance} on
#' multiple cores (if available). This will generally be effective with most
#' data sets, given there are repeated measures, because of the large number of
#' simulations. Default uses 1/2 of the available cores.
#' @param extended.output logical. If \code{TRUE} the information on individual
#' repeated measures is calculated in addition to the aggregated repeated
#' measures results for the main output.
#' @param time.var An optional variable to split the dataframe by (if you have
#' data that is by various times this must be supplied).
#' @param code.var The name of the code variable column. Defaults to "codes" as
#' out putted by x2long family.
#' @param causal logical. If \code{TRUE} measures the distance between x and y
#' given that x must precede y. That is, only those \eqn{y_i} that begin after
#' the \eqn{x_i} has begun will be considered, as it is assumed that x precedes
#' y. If \code{FALSE} x is not assumed to precede y. The closest \eqn{y_i}
#' (either its beginning or end) is calculated to \eqn{x_i} (either it's
#' beginning or end).
#' @param start.var The name of the start variable column. Defaults to "start"
#' as out putted by x2long family.
#' @param end.var The name of the end variable column. Defaults to "end" as out
#' putted by x2long family.
#' @param cores An integer value describing the number of cores to use if
#' \code{parallel = TRUE}. Default is to use half of the available cores.
#' @return An object of the class \code{"cm_distance"}. This is a list with the
#' following components:
#' \item{pvals}{A logical indication of whether pvalues were calculated}
#' \item{replications}{Integer value of number of replications used}
#' \item{extended.output}{An optional list of individual repeated measures
#' information}
#' \item{main.output}{A list of aggregated repeated measures information}
#' \item{adj.alpha}{An adjusted alpha level (based on \eqn{\alpha = .05}) for
#' the estimated p-values using the upper end of the confidence interval around
#' the p-values}
#' Within the lists of extended.output and list of the main.output are the
#' following items:
#' \item{mean}{A distance matrix of average distances between codes}
#' \item{sd}{A matrix of standard deviations of distances between codes}
#' \item{n}{A matrix of counts of distances between codes}
#' \item{stan.mean}{A matrix of standardized values of distances between
#' codes. The closer a value is to zero the closer two codes relate.}
#' \item{pvalue}{A n optional matrix of simulated pvalues associated with
#' the mean distances}
#' @section Warning: p-values are estimated and thus subject to error. More
#' replications decreases the error. Use:
#' \deqn{p \pm \left ( 1.96 \cdot \sqrt{\frac{\alpha(1-\alpha)}{n}}\right )}{p +/- (1.96 * \sqrt[\alpha * (1-\alpha)/n])}
#' to adjust the confidence in the
#' estimated p-values based on the number of replications.
#' @details Note that row names are the first code and column names are the
#' second comparison code. The values for Code A compared to Code B will not be
#' the same as Code B compared to Code A. This is because, unlike a true
#' distance measure, cm_distance's matrix is asymmetrical. \code{cm_distance}
#' computes the distance by taking each span (start and end) for Code A and
#' comparing it to the nearest start or end for Code B.
#' @references
#' @keywords distance codes association
#' @seealso \code{\link[qdap]{print.cm_distance}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom qdapTools v_outer
#' @importFrom parallel parLapply makeCluster detectCores stopCluster clusterExport
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' foo <- list(
#' AA = qcv(terms="02:03, 05"),
#' BB = qcv(terms="1:2, 3:10"),
#' CC = qcv(terms="1:9, 100:150")
#' )
#' foo2 <- list(
#' AA = qcv(terms="40"),
#' BB = qcv(terms="50:90"),
#' CC = qcv(terms="60:90, 100:120, 150"),
#' DD = qcv(terms="")
#' )
#' (dat <- cm_2long(foo, foo2, = "time"))
#' plot(dat)
#' (out <- cm_distance(dat, replications=100))
#' names(out)
#' names(out$main.output)
#' out$main.output
#' out$extended.output
#' print(out, new.order = c(3, 2, 1))
#' print(out, new.order = 3:2)
#' #========================================
#' x <- list(
#' transcript_time_span = qcv(00:00 - 1:12:00),
#' A = qcv(terms = "2.40:3.00, 6.32:7.00, 9.00,
#' 10.00:11.00, 59.56"),
#' B = qcv(terms = "3.01:3.02, 5.01, 19.00, 1.12.00:1.19.01"),
#' C = qcv(terms = "2.40:3.00, 5.01, 6.32:7.00, 9.00, 17.01")
#' )
#' (dat <- cm_2long(x))
#' plot(dat)
#' (a <- cm_distance(dat, causal=TRUE, replications=100))
#' ## Plotting as a network graph
#' datA <- list(
#' A = qcv(terms="02:03, 05"),
#' B = qcv(terms="1:2, 3:10, 45, 60, 200:206, 250, 289:299, 330"),
#' C = qcv(terms="1:9, 47, 62, 100:150, 202, 260, 292:299, 332"),
#' D = qcv(terms="10:20, 30, 38:44, 138:145"),
#' E = qcv(terms="10:15, 32, 36:43, 132:140"),
#' F = qcv(terms="1:2, 3:9, 10:15, 32, 36:43, 45, 60, 132:140, 250, 289:299"),
#' G = qcv(terms="1:2, 3:9, 10:15, 32, 36:43, 45, 60, 132:140, 250, 289:299"),
#' H = qcv(terms="20, 40, 60, 150, 190, 222, 255, 277"),
#' I = qcv(terms="20, 40, 60, 150, 190, 222, 255, 277")
#' )
#' datB <- list(
#' A = qcv(terms="40"),
#' B = qcv(terms="50:90, 110, 148, 177, 200:206, 250, 289:299"),
#' C = qcv(terms="60:90, 100:120, 150, 201, 244, 292"),
#' D = qcv(terms="10:20, 30, 38:44, 138:145"),
#' E = qcv(terms="10:15, 32, 36:43, 132:140"),
#' F = qcv(terms="10:15, 32, 36:43, 132:140, 148, 177, 200:206, 250, 289:299"),
#' G = qcv(terms="10:15, 32, 36:43, 132:140, 148, 177, 200:206, 250, 289:299"),
#' I = qcv(terms="20, 40, 60, 150, 190, 222, 255, 277")
#' )
#' (datC <- cm_2long(datA, datB, = "time"))
#' plot(datC)
#' (out2 <- cm_distance(datC, replications=1250))
#' plot(out2)
#' plot(out2, label.cex=2, label.dist=TRUE, digits=5)
#' }
cm_distance <-
function(dataframe, pvals = c(TRUE, FALSE), replications = 1000,
parallel = TRUE, extended.output = TRUE, time.var = TRUE,
code.var = "code", causal = FALSE, start.var = "start",
end.var = "end", cores = detectCores()/2) {
## Attempt to determine time var from class
if (isTRUE(time.var)) {
cls <- class(dataframe) <- grepl("vname_", cls)
if (sum( == 0) {
time.var <- NULL
} else {
time.var <- gsub("vname_", "", cls[ ])
## Warning adj alpha for estmated pvalue
if (any(pvals)) {
if (confup(replications) <= 0) {stop("Number of replications too small")}
mess <- sprintf(paste0("Based on %s replications, estimated p-values must be <= %s",
"\n to have 95%% confidence that the 'true' p-value is < .05"),
replications, numbformat(confup(replications), digits = 6))
warning(mess, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
o <- list(pvals = pvals, replications = replications, extended.output = NULL)
## determine extended output (for each time)
if (extended.output && !is.null(time.var)) {
if (!is.null(time.var)) {
L1 <- split(dataframe, dataframe[, time.var])
} else {
L1 <- list(dataframe)
names(L1) <- as.character(substitute(dataframe))
if (parallel && cores > 1){
cl <- makeCluster(mc <- getOption("cl.cores", cores))
vars <- c("L1", "DIST", "code.var",
"causal", "replications", "v_outer", "mgsub", "vdists1",
"vdists2", "vs2df", "Nget", "remix", "pvals.n", "pvals.c",
"pvals", "FUN_apply", "scale_all", "paste2")
clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=vars, envir = environment())
output <- parLapply(cl, L1, DIST, cvar = code.var, cause = causal,
reps = replications, pvals = utils::tail(pvals, 1))
} else {
output <- lapply(L1, DIST, cvar = code.var, cause = causal,
reps = replications, pvals = utils::tail(pvals, 1))
o[["extended.output"]] <- output
## determine main output (combined for each code)
o[["main.output"]] <- DIST2(dataframe, cvar = code.var, cause = causal,
reps = replications, pvals = utils::head(pvals, 1), time.var = time.var)
o[["adj.alpha"]] <- numbformat(confup (replications), digits = 12)
class(o) <- "cm_distance"
#' Prints a cm_distance Object
#' Prints a cm_distance object.
#' @param x The cm_distance object.
#' @param mean.digits The number of digits to print for the mean code distances.
#' @param sd.digits The number of digits to print for the standard deviations of
#' the code distances.
#' @param sd.mean.digits The number of digits to print for the standardized mean
#' distances.
#' @param pval.digits The number of digits to print for the p-values.
#' @param new.order An integer vector reordering the columns and rows of the
#' output. Omission of a column number will result in omission from the output.
#' @param na.replace A character to replace \code{NA} values with.
#' @param diag.replace A character to replace the diagonal of the mean distance
#' matrix.
#' @param print logical. If \code{TRUE} prints to the console. \code{FALSE}
#' may be used to extract the invisibly returned output without printing to the
#' console.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @method print cm_distance
#' @export
print.cm_distance <- function(x, mean.digits = 0, sd.digits = 2,
sd.mean.digits = 3, pval.digits = 3, new.order = NULL, na.replace = "-",
diag.replace = na.replace, print = TRUE, ...){
## Change width
WD <- options()[["width"]]
## remove class
x <- lview(x, print = FALSE)
## Determine if pvals were generated for The main display
pvals <- utils::head(x[["pvals"]], 1)
## function to reclass v_outer to matrix
vrc <- function(x, digs) {
class(x) <- "matrix"
dfnumfor(data.frame(x), digits = digs)
## Grab and format the means, sd, stan.mean, pvals, n
M <- vrc(x[[c("main.output", "mean")]], mean.digits)
SD <- vrc(x[[c("main.output", "sd")]], sd.digits)
SM <- as.matrix(vrc(x[[c("main.output", "stan.mean")]], sd.mean.digits))
N <- x[[c("main.output", "n")]]
## format the p values for the mean distances
if (pvals) {
PV <- as.matrix(vrc(x[[c("main.output", "pvalue")]], pval.digits))
PV[[[c("main.output", "mean")]])] <- na.replace
if (!is.null(new.order)) {
PV <- data.frame(n = N[new.order], PV[new.order, new.order])
} else {
PV <- data.frame(n = N, PV)
## Format the mean distances and their sd
MSD <- mapply(paste, M, "(", SD, ")", MoreArgs = list(sep =""))
MSD[MSD == "NA(NA)"] <- na.replace
diag(MSD) <- diag.replace
if (!is.null(new.order)) {
MSD <- data.frame(n = N[new.order], MSD[new.order, new.order])
} else {
MSD <- data.frame(n = N, MSD)
## format the standardized mean distances
SM[SM == "NA"] <- na.replace
if (!is.null(new.order)) {
SM <- data.frame(n = N[new.order], SM[new.order, new.order])
} else {
SM <- data.frame(n = N, SM)
## can supress print and use just for the formatting of the invisible return
if (print) {
cat("\nMean Distances and Standard Deviations:\n\n")
if (!is.null(PV)) {
cat("\nEstimated P-Values for Mean Distances:\n\n")
cat(sprintf("*Number of replications: %s\n", x[["replications"]]))
mess <- sprintf(paste0("*Based on %s replications, estimated p-values must be",
"\n <= %s to have 95%% confidence that the 'true'\n p-value is < .05"),
x[["replications"]], numbformat(confup (x[["replications"]]), digits = 6))
cat("\nStandardized Mean Distances:\n\n")
cat(paste0("\n*Note: The closer a value is to zero, the more closely",
"\n associated the codes are\n"))
## Fix width and return the print invisibly
return(invisible(list(`mean(sd)` = MSD, pvalues = PV, stand_means = SM)))
## HELPER FUNCTIONS for cm_distance
## Not causal Pass an x and y dataframe
vdists1 <- function(x, y2){
apply(x, 1, function(d, y = y2) {
overlap <- y[, "end"] >= d[1] & y[, "start"] <= d[2]
if (any(overlap)) 0
else min(abs(c(d[1] - y[!overlap, "end"], y[!overlap, "start"] - d[2])))
vdists2 <- function(x, y2) {
Dc <- sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) {
FUN <- function(xstart, xend, ystart){
max(0, min(ystart[ystart > xstart] - xend))
suppressWarnings(FUN(x[i, "start"], x[i, "end"], y2[, "start"]))
Dc[is.infinite(Dc)] <- NA
## reforms pasted vectors to dataframes
vs2df <- function(col) {
x <- apply(, strsplit(col, "\\|")), 2, as.numeric)
if (length(col) == 1) {
x <- data.frame(t(x))
colnames(x) <- c("start", "end")
## reforms pasted vectors with time var to dataframes
vs2dfb <- function(col) {
if (length(col) > 1) {
x <-, strsplit(col, "\\|"))
x <- data.frame(apply(x[, 1:2], 2, as.numeric), x[, 3])
} else {
x <- unlist(strsplit(col, "\\|"))
x <- data.frame(t(as.numeric(x[1:2])), x[3])
colnames(x) <- c("start", "end", "time")
## get number of rows
Nget <- function(a, b) {
## used to resample the second code dataframe for replication/simulated pvalue
remix <- function(b2 = b2, m = m) {
lens <- b2[, 2] - b2[, 1]
starts <- sample(1:m, nrow(b2))
data.frame(start = starts, end = starts + sample(lens))
## noncausal pvals function
pvals.n <- function(a, b, trials = 10000, means) {
a2 <- vs2df(a)
b2 <- vs2df(b)
m <- max(c(a2[, "end"], b2[, "end"]))
Mean <- mean(vdists1(a2, b2), na.rm = TRUE)
simmeans <- unlist(lapply(1:trials, function(i) mean(vdists1(a2, remix(b2, m)))))
sum(simmeans <= Mean)/trials
## noncausal pvals function for repeated measures
pvals.nb <- function(a, b, trials = 10000, means) {
splits <- lapply(list(vs2dfb(a), vs2dfb(b)),
function(x) split(x[, 1:2], x[, "time"]))
out <- lapply(unique(c(names(splits[[1]]), names(splits[[2]]))), function(x) {
v <- splits[[1]][[x]]
w <- splits[[2]][[x]]
if (any(sapply(list(v, w), is.null))) return(NULL)
m <- max(c(v[, "end"], w[, "end"]))
Mean <- mean(vdists1(v, w), na.rm = TRUE)
vals <- unlist(lapply(1:trials, function(i) mean(vdists1(v, remix(w, m)))))
list(vals = vals, means = Mean)
sum(sapply(out, function(x) sum(x[["vals"]] <= x[["means"]])),
na.rm = TRUE)/(trials*length(out))
## causal pvals function
pvals.c <- function(a, b, trials = 10000, means) {
a2 <- vs2df(a)
b2 <- vs2df(b)
m <- max(c(a2[, "end"], b2[, "end"]))
Mean <- mean(vdists2(a2, b2), na.rm = TRUE)
simmeans <- unlist(lapply(1:trials, function(i) mean(vdists2(a2, remix(b2, m)))))
sum(simmeans <= Mean)/trials
## causal pvals function for repeated measures
pvals.cb <- function(a, b, trials = 10000, means) {
splits <- lapply(list(vs2dfb(a), vs2dfb(b)),
function(x) split(x[, 1:2], x[, "time"]))
out <- lapply(unique(c(names(splits[[1]]), names(splits[[2]]))), function(x) {
v <- splits[[1]][[x]]
w <- splits[[2]][[x]]
if (any(sapply(list(v, w), is.null))) return(NULL)
m <- max(c(v[, "end"], w[, "end"]))
Mean <- mean(vdists1(v, w), na.rm = TRUE)
vals <- unlist(lapply(1:trials, function(i) mean(vdists2(v, remix(w, m)))))
list(vals = vals, means = Mean)
sum(sapply(out, function(x) sum(x[["vals"]] <= x[["means"]])),
na.rm = TRUE)/(trials*length(out))
## apply functions to start end codes a and b
FUN_apply <- function(a, b, FUN, ..., cause = FALSE) {
if (cause) {
out <- vdists2(vs2df(a), vs2df(b))
} else {
out <- vdists1(vs2df(a), vs2df(b))
FUN(out, ...)
## apply functions to start end codes a and b for main aggregated output
FUN_apply2 <- function(a, b, FUN, ..., cause = FALSE) {
splits <- lapply(list(vs2dfb(a), vs2dfb(b)),
function(x) split(x[, 1:2], x[, "time"]))
if (cause) {
out <- unlist(lapply(unique(c(names(splits[[1]]), names(splits[[2]]))), function(x) {
v <- splits[[1]][[x]]
w <- splits[[2]][[x]]
if (any(sapply(list(v, w), is.null))) return(NULL)
vdists2(v, w)
} else {
out <- unlist(lapply(unique(c(names(splits[[1]]), names(splits[[2]]))), function(x) {
v <- splits[[1]][[x]]
w <- splits[[2]][[x]]
if (any(sapply(list(v, w), is.null))) return(NA)
vdists1(v, w)
FUN(out, ...)
## scale each column
scale_all <- function(x) {
dims <- dim(x)
dnms <- dimnames(x)
x <- matrix(scale(c(x), center = FALSE), dims)
dimnames(x) <- dnms
## Calculates distance measures for individual times
DIST <- function(dataframe, cvar, cause, reps, pvals) {
## Drop unused levels
df <- droplevels(dataframe[, c("start", "end", cvar)])
## get unique codes and then all possible combinations
cds <- sort(unique(df[[cvar]]))
xy <- expand.grid(cds, cds)
xy <- xy[xy[[1]] != xy[[2]], 2:1]
## split apart dataframe bycodes
codesplits <- lapply(lapply(split(df, df[, cvar]), "[", -3),
paste2, sep = "|")
Means <- v_outer(codesplits, FUN_apply, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
Means[is.nan(Means)] <- NA
Sds <- v_outer(codesplits, FUN_apply, stats::sd, na.rm = TRUE)
Sds[ & !] <- 0
N <- sapply(codesplits, Nget)
o <- list(mean = Means, sd = Sds, n = N,
stan.mean = scale_all(Means)*scale_all(Sds))
Pvals <- NULL
## the simulations to derive p values for the means.
if (pvals) {
if (cause) {
Pvals <- v_outer(codesplits, pvals.c, trials = reps)
} else {
Pvals <- v_outer(codesplits, pvals.n, trials = reps)
o[["pvalue"]] <- Pvals
## Calculates distance measures for aggregated times
DIST2 <- function(dataframe, cvar, cause, reps, pvals, time.var) {
df <- dataframe[, c("start", "end", cvar, time.var)]
## get unique codes and then all possible combinations
cds <- sort(unique(df[, cvar]))
xy <- expand.grid(cds, cds)
xy <- xy[xy[[1]] != xy[[2]], 2:1]
## split apart dataframe bycodes
codesplits <- lapply(lapply(split(df, df[, cvar]), "[", -3),
paste2, sep = "|")
Means <- v_outer(codesplits, FUN_apply2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
Means[is.nan(Means)] <- NA
Sds <- v_outer(codesplits, FUN_apply2, stats::sd, na.rm = TRUE)
Sds[ & !] <- 0
N <- sapply(codesplits, length)
o <- list(mean = Means, sd = Sds, n = N,
stan.mean = scale_all(Means)*scale_all(Sds))
Pvals <- NULL
## the simulations to derive p values for the means.
if (pvals) {
if (cause) {
Pvals <- v_outer(codesplits, pvals.cb, trials = reps)
} else {
Pvals <- v_outer(codesplits, pvals.nb, trials = reps)
o[["pvalue"]] <- Pvals
confup <- function(reps, alpha = .05) {
alpha - sqrt(1.96*((alpha*(1-alpha))/reps))
#' Plots a cm_distance object
#' Plots a cm_distance object.
#' @param x A cm_distance object.
#' @param digits The number of digits to use if distance labels are included on
#' the edges.
#' @param constant A constant to weight the edges by.
#' @param label.dist logical. If \code{TRUE} distance measures are placed on
#' the edges.
#' @param layout A layout; see \code{\link[igraph]{layout}}.
#' @param label.cex A constant to use for the label size.
#' @param logical. If \code{TRUE} the label size is scaled
#' by the number of uses of the code.
#' @param alpha The cut off value for pvalue inclusion of edges.
#' @param label.color Color of the vertex labels.
#' @param use.vertex.shape logical. If \code{TRUE} the vertex label if plotted
#' on a circle.
#' @param arrow.size The size of the arrows. Currently this is a constant, so it
#' is the same for every edge.
#' @param \ldots Further arguments passed to the chosen \code{layout}.
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @import igraph
#' @importFrom qdapTools vect2df
#' @note This plotting method is not particularly well developed. It is
#' suggested that the user further develop the graph via direct use of the
#' \pkg{igraph} package.
#' @return Returns the \pkg{igraph} object.
#' @method plot cm_distance
#' @export
plot.cm_distance <- function(x, digits = 3, constant = 1,
label.dist = FALSE, layout = igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold,
label.cex = 1, = FALSE, alpha = NULL,
label.color = "black", use.vertex.shape = FALSE, arrow.size = .6, ...) {
if (is.null(x[[c("main.output", "pvalue")]])) {
message("object does not contain pvalues")
if (is.null(alpha)) {
alpha <- as.numeric(x[["adj.alpha"]])
keeps <- x[[c("main.output", "pvalue")]] <= alpha
diag(keeps) <- FALSE
x[[c("main.output", "stan.mean")]][!keeps] <- NA
X <- x[[c("main.output", "stan.mean")]]
X2 <- stats::na.omit(melt(X, = "stan.mean"))
colnames(X2)[1:2] <-c("to", "from")
coding <- vect2df(x[[c("main.output", "n")]], "codes", "size")
g <-, directed=TRUE, vertices=coding)
weight1 <- X2[, "stan.mean"]
weight1b <- weight1 - min(weight1)
weight1c <- log(weight1b +.0000000001)
E(g)$width <- weight1c/max(weight1c) * constant
if (label.dist) {
E(g)$label <- round(weight1, digits = digits)
if (!use.vertex.shape){
V(g)$size <- 0
if (!is.null(label.color)){
V(g)$label.color <- label.color
if (!is.null(label.cex)){
V(g)$label.cex <- label.cex
if (!is.null(label.cex) &&{
V(g)$label.cex <- V(g)$label.cex * coding[, "size"]/(max(coding[,
"size"]) - (.2 *max(coding[, "size"])))
E(g)$arrow.size <- arrow.size
plot.igraph(g, layout = layout(g, ...), edge.curved = TRUE)
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