# Internal loss function to be minimized using Brent method
.objFunLearnFast <- function(lsig, mObj, bObj, wb, initM, initB, pMat, SStuff, qu, ctrl, varHat,
err, argGam, cluster, multicore, paropts)
if(ctrl$progress){ cat(".")}
co <- err * sqrt(2*pi*varHat) / (2*log(2))
lpi <- attr(pMat, "lpi")
mObj$family$putQu( qu )
mObj$family$putCo( co )
mObj$family$putTheta( lsig )
# Full data fit
mFit <-"gam", c(list("G" = quote(mObj), "in.out" = initM[["in.out"]], "start" = initM[["start"]]), argGam))}, warning = function(w) {
if (length(grep("Fitting terminated with step failure", conditionMessage(w))) ||
length(grep("Iteration limit reached without full convergence", conditionMessage(w))))
message( paste("qu = ", qu, ", log(sigma) = ", round(lsig, 6), " : outer Newton did not converge fully.", sep = "") )
mMU <- as.matrix(mFit$fit)[ , 1]
initM <- list("start" = coef(mFit), "in.out" = list("sp" = mFit$sp, "scale" = 1))
# Standard deviation of fitted quantile using full data
sdev <- NULL
if(ctrl$loss %in% c("cal", "calFast") && ctrl$vtype == "m"){
Vp <- mFit$Vp
# In the gamlss case, we are interested only in the calibrating the location mode
if( !is.null(lpi) ){ Vp <- mFit$Vp[lpi[[1]], lpi[[1]]] }
sdev <- sqrt(rowSums((pMat %*% Vp) * pMat)) # same as sqrt(diag(pMat%*%Vp%*%t(pMat))) but (WAY) faster
if(ctrl$loss == "calFast"){ # Fast calibration OR ...
Vbias <- .biasedCov(fit = mFit, X = SStuff$XFull, EXXT = SStuff$EXXT, EXEXT = SStuff$EXEXT, lpi = lpi)
outLoss <- .sandwichLoss(mFit = mFit, X = pMat, XFull = SStuff$XFull, sdev = sdev, repar = mObj$hidRepara,
alpha = Vbias$alpha, VSim = Vbias$V)
initB <- NULL
} else { # ... bootstrapping or cross-validation
## Function to be run in parallel (over boostrapped datasets)
# It has two sets of GLOBAL VARS
# Set 1: bObj, pMat, wb, argGam, ctrl (Exported by tuneLearnFast)
# If multicore=F, .funToApply() will look for these inside the objFun call. That's why objFun need them as arguments.
# If multicore=T, .funToApply() will look for them in .GlobalEnv. That's why we export them to cluster nodes in tuneLearnFast.
# Set 2: initB, initM, mMU, co, lsig, qu, sdev (Exported by .tuneLearnFast)
# As before but, if multicore=T, these are exported directly by objFun because they change from one call of objFun to another.
.funToApply <- function(ind)
.lpi <- attr(pMat, "lpi")
glss <- inherits(bObj$family, "")
bObj$lsp0 <- log( initM$in.out$sp )
bObj$family$putQu( qu )
bObj$family$putCo( co )
bObj$family$putTheta( lsig )
z <- init <- vector("list", length(ind))
for( ii in 1:length(ind) ){
# Creating boot weights from boot indexes
kk <- ind[ ii ]
.wb <- wb[[ kk ]]
bObj$w <- .wb
# Recycle boot initialization, but at first iteration this is NULL...
.init <- if(is.null(initB[[kk]])){ list(initM$start) } else { list(initB[[kk]], initM$start) }
if( glss ){ # In gamlss I need to reparametrize initialization and in Ex GAM I need to get null coefficients.
.init <- lapply(.init, function(inp) Sl.initial.repara(bObj$Sl, inp, inverse=FALSE, both.sides=FALSE))
.fit <- .gamlssFit(x=bObj$X, y=bObj$y, lsp=as.matrix(bObj$lsp0), Sl=bObj$Sl, weights=bObj$w,
offset=bObj$offset, family=bObj$family, control=bObj$control,
Mp=bObj$Mp, start=.init, needVb=(ctrl$loss=="cal" && ctrl$vtype=="b"))
# In gamlss, we want to calibrate only the location and we need to reparametrize the coefficients
.init <- .betas <- Sl.initial.repara(bObj$Sl, .fit$coef, inverse=TRUE, both.sides=FALSE)
.betas <- .betas[.lpi[[1]]]
} else {
bObj$null.coef <- bObj$family$get.null.coef(bObj)$null.coef
.fit <- .egamFit(x=bObj$X, y=bObj$y, sp=as.matrix(bObj$lsp0), Eb=bObj$Eb, UrS=bObj$UrS,
offset=bObj$offset, U1=bObj$U1, Mp=bObj$Mp, family = bObj$family, weights=bObj$w,
control=bObj$control, null.coef=bObj$null.coef,
start=.init, needVb=(ctrl$loss == "cal" && ctrl$vtype == "b"))
.init <- .betas <- .fit$coef
.mu <- pMat %*% .betas
if( ctrl$loss == "cal" ){ # (1) Return standardized deviations from full data fit OR ...
if( ctrl$vtype == "b" ){ # (2) Use variance of bootstrap fit OR ...
.Vp <- .getVp(.fit, bObj, bObj$lsp0, .lpi)
.sdev <- sqrt(rowSums((pMat %*% .Vp) * pMat)) # same as sqrt(diag(pMat%*%Vp%*%t(pMat))) but (WAY) faster
} else { # (2) ... variance of the main fit
.sdev <- sdev
z[[ii]] <- (.mu - mMU) / .sdev
} else { # (1) ... out of sample observations minus their fitted values
z[[ii]] <- (bObj$y - .mu)[ !.wb ]
init[[ii]] <- .init
return( list("z" = z, "init" = init) )
if( !is.null(cluster) ){
nc <- length(cluster)
environment(.funToApply) <- .GlobalEnv
clusterExport(cluster, c("initB", "initM", "mMU", "co", "lsig", "qu", "sdev"), envir = environment())
} else {
nc <- 1
# Divide work (boostrap datasets) between cluster workers
nbo <- ctrl$K
sched <- mapply(function(a, b) rep(a, each = b), 1:nc,
c(rep(floor(nbo / nc), nc - 1), floor(nbo / nc) + nbo %% nc), SIMPLIFY = FALSE )
sched <- split(1:nbo,"c", sched))
# Loop over bootstrap datasets to get standardized deviations from full data fit
out <- llply(.data = sched,
.fun = .funToApply,
.parallel = multicore,
.inform = ctrl[["verbose"]],
.paropts = paropts#,
### ... arguments start here
}, warning = function(w) {
# There is a bug in plyr concerning a useless warning about "..."
if (length(grep("... may be used in an incorrect context", conditionMessage(w))))
# Get stardardized deviations and ...
.bindFun <- if( ctrl$loss == "cal" ) { "rbind" } else { "c" }
z <-,, lapply(out, "[[", "z")))
if( ctrl$loss == "cal"){ # ... calculate KL distance OR ...
vrT <- .colVars(z)
outLoss <- mean(vrT + colMeans(z)^2 - log(vrT))
} else { # ... pinball loss
outLoss <- .checkloss(as.vector(z), 0, qu = qu)
names(outLoss) <- lsig
initB <- unlist(lapply(out, "[[", "init"), recursive=FALSE)
return( list("outLoss" = outLoss, "initM" = initM, "initB" = initB) )
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