
Defines functions .correct.time correct.time

Documented in correct.time

#' Correct Concentrations for Time Deviations
#' Corrects concentrations at critical, but deviating time points
#' (e.g, predose, TAU, start and end of user selected AUC interval),
#' and adds missing records at these critical time points.
#' * Records with missing NOMINAL time will be removed and this must be corrected before the function is called
#' * If a record at the critical time point is missing, add it and set time to nominal time and set dv conc to NA
#' * Use interpolation if there is a measurable concentration AFTER the nominal time point (i.e. sample is taken too late)
#' * Use extrapolation if there is NO measurable concentration AFTER the nominal time point (i.e. sample is taken too early)
#' * Set deviating time at predose after single dose to 0
#' * Original time and conc will be kept in original variables.
#' The following Time Deviation Correction Rules will be applied to critical time points (t = 0, tau, tstart, tend, teval), if needed:
#'   **Rule** | **Regimen** | **Description** | **Applied to**
#'   ---- | ------- | ----------- | ----------
#'   SDT-1 | sd | Set actual time to 0 | t = 0
#'   SDT-2 | sd | Correct concentration at deviating time by interpolation | t = tau,tstart,tend,teval
#'   SDT-3 | sd | Correct concentration at deviating time by extrapolation | t = tau,tend,teval
#'   MDT-1 | md | If predose sample taken after dosing, set actual time to 0 and conc to NA | t = 0
#'   MDT-2 | md | Correct concentration at deviating time by interpolation (too late) |  t = tau,tstart,tend,teval
#'   MDT-3 | md | Correct concentration at deviating time by extrapolation (too early) | t = 0,tau,tend,teval
#'   MDT-3a | md | Set actual time to zero if concentration is BLOQ (too early) | t = 0
#' @param x input dataset name (after LOQ values have been imputed by \code{\link{correct.loq}})
#' @param by column names in x indicating grouping variables
#' @param nomtimevar variable name containing the nominal sampling time after dose
#' @param timevar variable name containing the actual sampling time after dose
#' @param depvar variable name containing the dependent variable (e.g., concentration)
#' @param tau dosing interval (for multiple dosing); NA (default) if single dose; x$tau overrides
#' @param tstart start time of partial AUC (start>0); NA (default) if not requested; x$tstart overrides
#' @param tend end time of partial AUC; NA (default) if not requested; x$tend overrides
#' @param teval user selected AUC interval, starting at t=0; NA (default) if not requested; x$teval overrides
#' @param th lamdba_z information for each curve; like output of \code{\link{est.thalf}}
#' @param reg regimen, "sd" or "md"; x$reg overrides
#' @param method method for trapezoidal rule;  x$method overrides if provided
#' * 1: linear up - linear down
#' * 2: linear up - logarithmic down
#' * 3: linear before first Tmax, logarithmic after first Tmax
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join first bind_rows
#' @return a dataset with time deviation corrections applied (timevar and depvar adapted).
#' The following variables are added:
#'  **Variable** | **Description**
#'   ---- | -----
#'   create.nr        |         is a missing record created?
#'   create.txt       |         explanation of what is created
#'   trule.nr         |         correction rule number
#'   trule.txt        |         text explaining what was altered
#'   applies.to.time   |        lists all critical time points to which the time deviation rule applies
#'   time.tau, conc.tau  |      time and conc, corrected for AUCtau calculation
#'   time.teval, conc.teval |   time and conc, corrected for AUCteval calculation (AUC0-teval)
#'   time.part, conc.part   |   time and conc, corrected for partial AUC calculation (AUCstart-end, start>0)
#'   time.lastall, conc.lastall | time and conc, corrected for AUClast and AUCall calculation
#'   t0.flag, tau.flag, tstart.flag, tend.flag, teval.flag | flags for what timepoint the correction was needed
#'  The following are preserved if present in x: tau, tstart, tend, teval, reg, ss, route, method.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' example(calc.ctmax)
#' x %<>% mutate(reg = 'SD', method = 1, route = 'EV')
#' # route not used yet, but still preserved
#' x %<>% correct.time(by = 'subject', th = th)
#' x %>% head
#' }
correct.time <- function(
  by = character(0),
  nomtimevar = "ntad",
  timevar ="time",
  tau = NA,
  tstart = NA,
  tend = NA,
  teval = NA,
  th = NA,
  method = 1
  o <- x
  supplied <- character(0)
  if(!missing(tau)) supplied <- c(supplied, 'tau')
  if(!missing(tstart)) supplied <- c(supplied, 'tstart')
  if(!missing(tend)) supplied <- c(supplied, 'tend')
  if(!missing(teval)) supplied <- c(supplied, 'teval')
  if(!missing(reg)) supplied <- c(supplied, 'reg')
  if(!missing(method)) supplied <- c(supplied, 'method')

  x <- group_by_at(x, vars(by))
  x <- do(
    .data = x,
      by = by,
      nomtimevar = nomtimevar,
      timevar = timevar,
      depvar = depvar,
      tau = tau,
      tstart = tstart,
      tend = tend,
      teval = teval,
      th = th,
      reg = reg,
      method = method,
      supplied = supplied
  x <- ungroup(x)
.correct.time <- function(
    for(arg in c('tau','tstart','tend','teval','reg','method')){
    if(arg %in% names(x)){
      if(arg %in% supplied){
        warning(arg,' supplied as column overrides like-named argument')
      # x[[arg]] <- NULL
    if(length(get(arg)) > 1) {
      warning(arg, ' has length > 1; only first value will be used')
      assign(arg, get(arg)[[1]])
    if(arg %in% names(x)){
      # assure x preserves value actually used
      x[[arg]] <- get(arg)

  if (!identical(NA, th)) {
    x %<>% left_join(
      th %>% select(-no.points,-intercept,-r.squared,-adj.r.squared,-thalf),
      by = intersect(names(x), names(th))
  # x$includeCmax.x <- NULL
  # x$includeCmax.x <- NULL
  x$depvar <- x[[depvar]]
  x$timevar <- x[[timevar]]
  x$ptime <- x[[nomtimevar]]
  # x %<>% mutate(
  #     depvar=.[[depvar]],                    # dependent variable                      (internal)
  #     timevar=.[[timevar]],                  # actual time variable                    (internal)
  #     ptime=.[[nomtimevar]],                 # nominal time
  #   )

  x %<>%
      create.nr = "",                          # is missing record created?
      create.txt = "",                         # explanation of what is created
      trule.nr = "",                           # correction rule number
      trule.txt = "",                          # explanation of time correction
      applies.to.time = "",                    # lists all AUCS to which the rule applies
      t0.flag = 0,tau.flag = 0,tstart.flag = 0,tend.flag = 0,teval.flag = 0, # flags for what timepoint the correction was needed
      missflag = 0,                            # flag for missing records
      misstime = NA,                           # time of missing record
      lambda_z = ifelse("lambda_z"%in%names(.),lambda_z,NA)
  x %<>% filter(!is.na(ptime))               # remove records with no nominal time (must be corrected before)
  x %<>% mutate_cond(condition = is.na(timevar),timevar = ptime,
                                  trule.txt = paste("Concentration (",depvar,
                                                  ") at missing actual time at t=",ptime,
                                                  " set to missing",sep=""),
                                  depvar = NA
  # create extra records for missing critical timepoints

  do( for(i in c(0,tau,tstart,tend,teval)) {
    if (!is.na(i)) { 
      x %<>% mutate(diff = abs(ptime-i)) %>%   # take closest neighbouring records as base for extra record
#        mutate_cond(condition=!is.element(i,ptime)&ptime==first(ptime[diff==min(diff)]),
#                    misstime = i
#        ) #QCTEST 4.0.5: mutate_cond doesn't work here (misstime turns to logical!)

 misstime = x %>% filter(misstime==i) %>%
        mutate(ptime = i,
               timevar = i,
               depvar = NA,
               missflag = 1,
               create.txt = paste("Missing record at t=",misstime," added",sep="")
      x = bind_rows(x,misstime)
  # Estimate lagging and leading time points and concentrations for each time point

  x %<>% lag_lead(
  # Start time corrections

  x %<>%

    # TAU
    mutate(conc.tau = depvar,time.tau = timevar) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(tau)&ptime==tau&timevar<ptime&!is.na(leaddv),

                conc.tau = interpol(c1 = depvar, c2 = leaddv, t1 = tau, t2 = timevar, t3 = leadtime, method = method), #interpolate
                #conc.tau = depvar+((leaddv-depvar)*(tau-timevar)/(leadtime-timevar)), #interpolate
                time.tau = tau,
                tau.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-2","MDT-2"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",tau,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.tau,3),
                                " by interpolation (sample taken too early)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TAU ")
    ) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(tau)&ptime==tau&timevar>ptime&!is.na(lagdv),

                conc.tau = interpol(c1 = lagdv, c2 = depvar, t1 = tau, t2 = lagtime, t3 = timevar,method = method), #interpolate
                #conc.tau = lagdv+((depvar-lagdv)*(tau-lagtime)/(timevar-lagtime)),     #interpolate
                time.tau = tau,
                tau.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-2","MDT-2"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",tau,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.tau,3),
                                " by interpolation (sample taken too late)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TAU ")
    ) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(tau)&ptime==tau&timevar<ptime&is.na(leaddv)&!is.na(lambda_z),
                conc.tau = depvar*exp(-1*lambda_z*(tau-timevar)),                      # extrapolate
                time.tau = tau,
                tau.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-3","MDT-3"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",tau,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.tau,3),
                                " by extrapolation (sample taken too early)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TAU ")
    ) %>%
    # TEVAL
    mutate(conc.teval = depvar,time.teval = timevar) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(teval)&ptime==teval&timevar<ptime&!is.na(leaddv),

                conc.teval = interpol(c1 = depvar, c2 = leaddv, t1 = teval, t2 = timevar, t3 = leadtime, method = method), #interpolate
                #conc.teval = depvar+((leaddv-depvar)*(teval-timevar)/(leadtime-timevar)),  #interpolate
                time.teval = teval,
                teval.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-2","MDT-2"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",teval,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.teval,3),
                                " by interpolation (sample taken too early)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TEVAL ")
    ) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(teval)&ptime==teval&timevar>ptime&!is.na(lagdv),

                conc.teval = interpol(c1 = lagdv, c2 = depvar, t1 = teval, t2 = lagtime, t3 = timevar, method = method), #interpolate
                #conc.teval = lagdv+((depvar-lagdv)*(teval-lagtime)/(timevar-lagtime)),      #interpolate
                time.teval = teval,
                teval.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-2","MDT-2"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",teval,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.teval,3),
                                " by interpolation (sample taken too late)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TEVAL ")
    ) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(teval)&ptime==teval&timevar<ptime&is.na(leaddv)&!is.na(lambda_z),
                conc.teval = depvar*exp(-1*lambda_z*(teval-timevar)),                       # extrapolate
                time.teval = teval,
                teval.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-3","MDT-3"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",teval,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.teval,3),
                                " by extrapolation (sample taken too early)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TEVAL ")
    ) %>%
    #   TSTART
    mutate(conc.part = depvar,time.part = timevar) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(tstart)&!is.na(tend)&ptime==tstart&timevar<ptime&!is.na(leaddv),

                conc.part = interpol(c1 = depvar, c2 = leaddv, t1 = tstart, t2 = timevar, t3 = leadtime, method = method), #interpolate
                #conc.part = depvar+((leaddv-depvar)*(tstart-timevar)/(leadtime-timevar)),  #interpolate
                time.part = tstart,
                tstart.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-2","MDT-2"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",tstart,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.part,3),
                                " by interpolation (sample taken too early)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TSTART ")
    ) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(tstart)&!is.na(tend)&ptime==tstart&timevar>ptime&!is.na(lagdv),

                conc.part = interpol(c1 = lagdv, c2 = depvar, t1 = tstart, t2 = lagtime, t3 = timevar, method = method), #interpolate
                #conc.part = lagdv+((depvar-lagdv)*(tstart-lagtime)/(timevar-lagtime)),      #interpolate
                time.part = tstart,
                tstart.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-2","MDT-2"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",tstart,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.part,3),
                                " by interpolation (sample taken too late)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TSTART ")
    ) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(tstart)&!is.na(tend)&ptime==tstart&timevar<ptime&is.na(leaddv)&!is.na(lambda_z),
                conc.part = depvar*exp(-1*lambda_z*(tstart-timevar)),                       # extrapolate
                time.part = tstart,
                tstart.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-3","MDT-3"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",tstart,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.part,3),
                                " by extrapolation (sample taken too early)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TSTART ")
    ) %>%
    #   TEND
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(tstart)&!is.na(tend)&ptime==tend&timevar<ptime&!is.na(leaddv),

                conc.part = interpol(c1 = depvar, c2 = leaddv, t1 = tend, t2 = timevar, t3 = leadtime, method = method), #interpolate
                #conc.part = depvar+((leaddv-depvar)*(tend-timevar)/(leadtime-timevar)),    #interpolate
                time.part = tend,
                tend.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-2","MDT-2"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",tend,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.part,3),
                                " by interpolation (sample taken too early)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TEND ")
    ) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(tstart)&!is.na(tend)&ptime==tend&timevar>ptime&!is.na(lagdv),

                conc.part = interpol(c1 = lagdv, c2 = depvar, t1 = tend, t2 = lagtime, t3 = timevar, method = method),   #interpolate
                #conc.part = lagdv+((depvar-lagdv)*(tend-lagtime)/(timevar-lagtime)),        #interpolate
                time.part = tend,
                tend.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-2","MDT-2"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",tend,
                                "  ) corrected to ",round(conc.part,3),
                                " by interpolation (sample taken too late)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TEND ")
    ) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = !is.na(tstart)&!is.na(tend)&ptime==tend&timevar<ptime&is.na(leaddv)&!is.na(lambda_z),
                conc.part = depvar*exp(-1*lambda_z*(tend-timevar)),                         # extrapolate
                time.part = tend,
                tend.flag = 1,
                trule.nr = ifelse(tolower(reg)=="sd","SDT-3","MDT-3"),
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration ( ",depvar," ) at deviating time ( t=",timevar," instead of ",tend,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(conc.part,3),
                                " by extrapolation (sample taken too early)",sep=""),
                applies.to.time = paste(applies.to.time,"TEND ")
    ) %>%
    # T = 0            (also needed for AUCpartial since this value may be used for substitution at t = TAU in case TEND = TAU)
    mutate(conc.lastall = depvar,time.lastall = timevar,newdepvar = NA_real_) %>%
    mutate_cond(condition = ptime==0&timevar!=ptime&tolower(reg)=="sd",
                t0.flag = 1,
                time.tau = 0,time.part = 0,time.teval = 0,time.lastall = 0,                       # set predose time to 0
                conc.tau = depvar,conc.part = depvar,conc.teval = depvar,conc.lastall = depvar,
                trule.txt = paste("Deviating time at predose ( t=",timevar," ) set to 0",sep=""),
    ) %>%

    mutate_cond(condition = ptime==0&timevar<ptime&!is.na(depvar)&depvar>0&tolower(reg)=="md"&!is.na(lambda_z),
                t0.flag = 1,
                time.tau = 0,time.part = 0,time.teval = 0,time.lastall = 0,
                newdepvar = depvar*exp(-1*lambda_z*(0-timevar)),                            # extrapolate
                conc.tau = newdepvar,conc.part = newdepvar,conc.teval = newdepvar,conc.lastall = newdepvar,
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration at predose ( ",depvar," ), taken before dosing ( t=",timevar,
                                " ) corrected to ",round(newdepvar,3),
                                " by extrapolation (sample taken too early)",sep=""),
    ) %>%

    mutate_cond(condition = ptime==0&timevar<ptime&(is.na(depvar)|depvar==0)&tolower(reg)=="md",
                t0.flag = 1,
                time.tau = 0,time.part = 0,time.teval = 0,time.lastall = 0,
                newdepvar = depvar,
                conc.tau = newdepvar,conc.part = newdepvar,conc.teval = newdepvar,conc.lastall = newdepvar,
                trule.txt="Time of LOQ or NA value at predose taken before dosing set to 0",
    ) %>%

    mutate_cond(condition = ptime==0&timevar>ptime&tolower(reg)=="md",
                t0.flag = 1,
                time.tau = 0,time.part = 0,time.teval = 0,time.lastall = 0,
                conc.tau = NA,conc.part = NA,conc.teval = NA,conc.lastall = NA,                   # set conc to NA
                trule.txt = paste("Concentration at predose ( ",depvar," ), taken after dosing ( t=",timevar,
                                " ) set to NA (sample taken too late)",sep=""),
    ) #%>%
  #       select(-lambda_z,-leaddv,-lagdv,-leadtime,-lagtime, -missflag, -misstime, -diff, -newdepvar)

# QCTEST 4.0.5: the old code below duplicates column names, causing error messages
#  names(x)[names(x)=="ptime"]=nomtimevar
#  names(x)[names(x)=="timevar"]=timevar   # to be sure time value of created time points are copied to original time variable
#  names(x)[names(x)=="depvar"]=depvar     # to be sure conc value of created time points are copied to original conc variable

# QCTEST 4.0.5: the code below corrects this behavior
  # for(arg in c(
  #   'tau','tstart','tend','teval',
  #   'reg','ss','route','method'
  # )){
  #   if(arg %in% names(x))if(!arg %in% names(x)){
  #     x[[arg]] <- x[[arg]]
  #   }
  # }


mutate_cond <- function (.data, condition, ..., envir = parent.frame()){
  condition <- eval(substitute(condition), .data, envir)
  if(!any(condition))return(.data) # do nothing if nothing to do
  .data[condition, ] <- .data[condition, ] %>% mutate(...)
locf <- function(x){
  good <- !is.na(x)
  positions <- seq(length(x))
  good.positions <- good * positions
  last.good.position <- cummax(good.positions)
  last.good.position[last.good.position == 0] <- NA

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qpNCA documentation built on Aug. 16, 2021, 5:08 p.m.