
modlist <- function(
  cyc = 1, 
  fluo = NULL, 
  model = l4, 
  check = "uni2",
  checkPAR = parKOD(),
  remove = c("none", "fit", "KOD"),
  exclude = NULL,
  labels = NULL, 
  norm = FALSE,
  baseline = c("none", "mean", "median", "lin", "quad", "parm"),
  basecyc = 1:8,
  basefac = 1,
  smooth = NULL, 
  smoothPAR = NULL, 
  factor = 1,
  opt = FALSE,
  optPAR = list(sig.level = 0.05, crit = "ftest"),
  verbose = TRUE,
  options(expressions = 50000)  
  remove <- match.arg(remove) 
  if (!is.numeric(baseline)) baseline <- match.arg(baseline)  
  ## convert from single fit 
  if (class(x)[1] == "pcrfit") {
    model <- x$MODEL
    x <- x$DATA            
  if (is.null(fluo)) fluo <- 2:ncol(x) 
  ## version 1.3-5: define label vector
  if (!is.null(labels)) {
    LABNAME <- deparse(substitute(labels))     
    LABELS <- labels
    if (length(LABELS) != length(fluo)) stop("Number of labels and runs do not match!")
  } else {
    LABELS <- 1:length(fluo)
    LABNAME <- "lab"
  CYCLES <- x[, cyc]
  allFLUO <- x[, fluo, drop = FALSE]  
  NAMES <- colnames(x)[fluo]
  ## version 1.3-6: exclude columns with no (default) or specific column names
  if (!is.null(exclude)) {
    if (exclude == "") SEL <- which(NAMES == "") 
    else SEL <- grep(exclude, NAMES)  
    if (length(SEL) > 0) {
      allFLUO <- allFLUO[, -SEL]
      NAMES <- NAMES[-SEL]
  ## pre-allocate model list
  modLIST <- vector("list", length = ncol(allFLUO))
  for (i in 1:ncol(allFLUO)) {
    FLUO  <- allFLUO[, i]      
    NAME <- NAMES[i]
    ## version 1.4-0: baselining with first cycles using 'baseline' function
    if (baseline != "none" & baseline != "parm") { 
      FLUO <- baseline(cyc = CYCLES, fluo = FLUO, model = NULL, baseline = baseline, 
                       basecyc = basecyc, basefac = basefac)
    ## normalization
    if (norm) FLUO <- rescale(FLUO, 0, 1)    
    ## version 1.3-8: smoothing
    if (!is.null(smooth)) {    
      smooth <- match.arg(smooth, c("lowess", "supsmu", "spline", "savgol", "kalman", "runmean", "whit", "ema"))
      FLUO <- smoothit(FLUO, smooth, smoothPAR)
    ## changing magnitude
    if (factor != 1) FLUO <- FLUO * factor                
    ## fit model
    DATA <- data.frame(Cycles = CYCLES, Fluo = FLUO)    
    if (verbose) cat("Making model for ", NAME, " (", model$name, ")\n", sep= "")  
    fitOBJ <- try(pcrfit(DATA, 1, 2, model, verbose = FALSE, ...), silent = TRUE)
    ## version 1.4-0: baselining with 'c' parameter using 'baseline' function
    if (baseline == "parm") fitOBJ <- baseline(model = fitOBJ, baseline = baseline)
    ## tag names if fit failed
    if (inherits(fitOBJ, "try-error")) {  
      fitOBJ <- list()     
      if (verbose) cat(" => Fitting failed. Tagging name of ", NAME, "...\n", sep = "")  
      NAME <- paste("*", NAME, "*", sep = "")                
      fitOBJ$DATA <- DATA
      fitOBJ$isFitted <- FALSE
      fitOBJ$isOutlier <- FALSE
      class(fitOBJ) <- "pcrfit"        
    } else {
      if (verbose) cat(" => Fitting passed...\n", sep = "")
      fitOBJ$isFitted <- TRUE
      fitOBJ$isOutlier <- FALSE
    ## optional model selection  
    if (opt) {
      fitOBJ2 <- try(mselect(fitOBJ, verbose = FALSE, sig.level = optPAR$sig.level, crit = optPAR$crit), silent = TRUE)             
      if (inherits(fitOBJ2, "try-error")) {
        if (verbose) cat(" => Model selection failed! Using original model...\n", sep = "")
        fitOBJ$isFitted <- TRUE
        fitOBJ$isOutlier <- FALSE
      } else {
        if (verbose) cat(" => Model selection passed...", sep = "")
        fitOBJ <- fitOBJ2
        fitOBJ$isFitted <- TRUE
        fitOBJ$isOutlier <- FALSE
        if (verbose) cat(" => ", fitOBJ$MODEL$name, "\n", sep = "")
    if (verbose) cat("\n")    
    fitOBJ$call2$model <- fitOBJ$MODEL
    modLIST[[i]] <- fitOBJ
    modLIST[[i]]$names <- NAME    
  ## version 1.3-5: sigmoidal outlier detection by KOD
  ## version 1.3-8: turn off check with several models that are not sigmoid
  nsMODELS <- c("linexp", "mak2", "mak2i", "mak3", "mak3i", "lin2", "cm3", "spl3")
  if (model$name %in% nsMODELS) {
    isNS <- TRUE 
    cat("Model '", model$name, "' can not be checked by outlier methods. Setting 'check = NULL'...\n", sep = "")
  } else isNS <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(check) & !isNS) {
    class(modLIST) <- c("modlist", "pcrfit")
    OUTL <- KOD(modLIST, method = check, par = checkPAR, plot = FALSE)   
    modLIST <- OUTL
  ## version 1.3-5: remove failed fits and update label vector
  if (remove != "none") {
    logVEC <- vector("numeric", length = length(modLIST))
    ## set failed fits to 1
    if (remove %in% c("fit", "KOD")) {
      SEL <- sapply(modLIST, function(x) x$isFitted)
      logVEC[SEL == FALSE] <- 1      
    ## set KOD's to 1
    if (remove == "KOD") {      
      SEL <- sapply(modLIST, function(x) x$isOutlier)
      logVEC[SEL == TRUE] <- 1      
    ## remove and update LABELS vector
    SEL <- which(logVEC == 1)
    if (length(SEL) > 0) {
      if (verbose) cat(" => Removing from fit:", NAMES[SEL], "... \n", sep = " ")
      modLIST <- modLIST[-SEL]      
      if (verbose) cat(" => Updating", LABNAME, "and writing", paste(LABNAME, "_mod", sep = ""), "to global environment...\n\n", sep = " ")
      LABELS <- LABELS[-SEL]               
  class(modLIST) <- c("modlist", "pcrfit")

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qpcR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:17 a.m.