add.cim.covar | Indicate marker covariates from composite interval mapping |
addcovarint | Add QTL x covariate interaction to a multiple-QTL model |
addint | Add pairwise interaction to a multiple-QTL model |
addloctocross | Add phenotype location into a cross object |
addmarker | Add a marker to a cross |
addpair | Scan for an additional pair of QTL in a multiple-QTL model |
addqtl | Scan for an additional QTL in a multiple-QTL model |
add.threshold | Add significance threshold to plot |
addtoqtl | Add to a qtl object |
allchrsplits | Test all possible splits of a chromosome into two pieces |
argmax.geno | Reconstruct underlying genotypes |
arithscan | Arithmetic operators for scanone and scantwo results |
arithscanperm | Arithmetic Operators for permutation results |
a.starting.point | Introductory comments on R/qtl |
badorder | An intercross with misplaced markers |
bayesint | Bayesian credible interval |
bristle3 | Data on bristle number in Drosophila |
bristleX | Data on bristle number in Drosophila |
calc.errorlod | Identify likely genotyping errors |
calc.genoprob | Calculate conditional genotype probabilities |
calc.penalties | Calculate LOD penalties |
cbind.scanoneperm | Combine columns from multiple scanone permutation results |
cbind.scantwoperm | Combine scantwo permutations by column |
c.cross | Combine data for QTL experiments |
checkAlleles | Identify markers with switched alleles |
chrlen | Chromosome lengths in QTL experiment |
chrnames | Pull out the chromosome names from a cross |
cim | Composite interval mapping |
clean.cross | Remove derived data |
cleanGeno | Delete genotypes that are possibly in error |
clean.scantwo | Clean up scantwo output |
comparecrosses | Compare two cross objects |
comparegeno | Compare individuals' genotype data |
compareorder | Compare two orderings of markers on a chromosome |
condense.scantwo | Condense the output from a 2-d genome scan |
convert2riself | Convert a cross to RIL by selfing |
convert2risib | Convert a cross to RIL by sib mating |
convert2sa | Convert a sex-specific map to a sex-averaged one | | Change map function for a genetic map |
convert.scanone | Convert output from scanone for R/qtl version 0.98 |
convert.scantwo | Convert output from scantwo for R/qtl version 1.03 and... |
countXO | Count number of obligate crossovers for each individual |
c.scanone | Combine columns from multiple scanone results |
c.scanoneperm | Combine data from scanone permutations |
c.scantwo | Combine columns from multiple scantwo results |
c.scantwoperm | Combine data from scantwo permutations |
drop.dupmarkers | Drop duplicate markers |
dropfromqtl | Drop a QTL from a qtl object |
drop.markers | Drop a set of markers |
drop.nullmarkers | Drop markers without any genotype data |
droponemarker | Drop one marker at a time and determine effect on genetic map |
effectplot | Plot phenotype means against genotypes at one or two markers |
effectscan | Plot estimated QTL effects across the whole genome | | Estimate genetic maps |
est.rf | Estimate pairwise recombination fractions |
fake.4way | Simulated data for a 4-way cross |
fake.bc | Simulated data for a backcross |
fake.f2 | Simulated data for an F2 intercross |
fill.geno | Fill holes in genotype data |
findDupMarkers | Find markers with identical genotype data |
find.flanking | Find flanking markers for a specified position |
find_large_intervals | Find large intervals in a map |
find.marker | Find marker closest to a specified position |
findmarkerindex | Determine the numeric index for a marker |
find.markerpos | Find position of a marker |
find.pheno | Find column number for a particular phenotype |
find.pseudomarker | Find the pseudomarker closest to a specified position |
fitqtl | Fit a multiple-QTL model |
fitstahl | Fit Stahl interference model |
flip.order | Flip the orders of markers on a set of chromosomes |
formLinkageGroups | Partition markers into linkage groups |
formMarkerCovar | Create matrix of marker covariates for QTL analysis |
geno.crosstab | Create table of two-locus genotypes |
geno.image | Plot grid of genotype data |
geno.table | Create table of genotype distributions |
getid | Pull out the individual identifiers from a cross |
groupclusteredheatmap | Retrieving groups of traits after clustering |
hyper | Data on hypertension |
inferFounderHap | Crude reconstruction of founder haplotypes in multi-parent... |
inferredpartitions | Identify inferred partitions in mapping QTL to a phylogenetic... |
interpPositions | Interpolate positions from one map to another |
jittermap | Jitter marker positions in a genetic map |
listeria | Data on Listeria monocytogenes susceptibility |
locateXO | Estimate locations of crossovers |
locations | Genetic locations of traits for the multitrait dataset |
lodint | LOD support interval |
makeqtl | Make a qtl object |
map10 | An example genetic map |
map2table | Convert genetic map from list to table. |
mapthis | Simulated data for illustrating genetic map construction |
markerlrt | General likelihood ratio test for association between marker... |
markernames | Pull out the marker names from a cross |
max.scanone | Maximum peak in genome scan |
max.scanPhyloQTL | Maximum peak in genome scan to map a QTL to a phylogenetic... |
max.scantwo | Maximum peak in two-dimensional genome scan |
movemarker | Move a marker to a new chromosome |
MQM | Introduction to Multiple QTL Model (MQM) mapping |
mqmaugment | MQM augmentation |
mqmautocofactors | Automatic setting of cofactors, taking marker density into... |
mqmextractmarkers | MQM marker extraction |
mqmfind.marker | Fetch significant markers after permutation analysis |
mqmgetmodel | Retrieve the QTL model used in mapping from the results of an... |
mqmpermutation | Estimate QTL LOD score significance using permutations or... |
mqmplotcircle | Circular genome plot for MQM |
mqmplotcistrans | cis-trans plot |
mqmplotclusteredheatmap | Plot clustered heatmap of MQM scan on multiple phenotypes |
mqmplotcofactors | Plot cofactors on the genetic map |
mqmplotdirectedqtl | Plot LOD*Effect curves of a multiple-QTL model |
mqmplotheatmap | Heatmap of a genome of MQM scan on multiple phenotypes |
mqmplotmultitrait | Plot the results from a genomescan using a multiple-QTL model... |
mqmplotpermutations | Plot results from mqmpermutation |
mqmplotsingletrait | Plot LOD curves of a multiple-QTL model |
mqmprocesspermutation | Convert mqmmulti objects into a scanoneperm object |
mqmscan | Genome scan with a multiple QTL model (MQM) |
mqmscanall | Parallelized MQM on multiple phenotypes in a cross object |
mqmscanfdr | Estimate FDR for multiple trait QTL analysis |
mqmsetcofactors | Set cofactors at fixed intervals, to be used with MQM |
mqmtestnormal | Shapiro normality test used for MQM |
multitrait | Example Cross object from R/QTL with multiple traits |
nchr | Determine the number of chromosomes |
nind | Determine the number of individuals QTL experiment |
nmar | Determine the numbers of markers on each chromosome |
nmissing | Number of missing genotypes |
nphe | Determine the number of phenotypes QTL experiment |
nqrank | Transform a vector of quantitative values to the... |
nqtl | Determine the number of QTL in a QTL object |
ntyped | Number of genotypes |
nullmarkers | Identify markers without any genotype data |
orderMarkers | Find an initial order for markers within chromosomes |
phenames | Pull out the phenotypes names from a cross |
pickMarkerSubset | Identify the largest subset of markers that are some distance... |
plot.comparegeno | Plot genotype comparison |
plot.cross | Plot various features of a cross object |
plot.errorlod | Plot grid of error LOD values |
plot.geno | Plot observed genotypes, flagging likely errors | | Plot the proportion of missing genotype information |
plotLodProfile | Plot 1-d LOD profiles for a multiple QTL model | | Plot genetic map |
plot.missing | Plot grid of missing genotypes |
plotModel | Plot a QTL model |
plot.pheno | Plot a phenotype distribution |
plot.pxg | Plot phenotypes versus marker genotypes |
plot.qtl | Plot QTL locations |
plot.rf | Plot recombination fractions |
plot.rfmatrix | Plot recombination fractions or LOD scores for a single... |
plot.scanone | Plot LOD curves |
plot.scanoneboot | Plot results of bootstrap for QTL position |
plot.scanoneperm | Plot permutation results for a single-QTL genome scan |
plot.scanPhyloQTL | Plot LOD curves from single-QTL scan to map QTL to a... |
plot.scantwo | Plot LOD scores for a two-dimensional genome scan |
plot.scantwoperm | Plot permutation results for a 2d, 2-QTL genome scan |
pull.argmaxgeno | Pull out the results of the Viterbi algorithm from a cross |
pull.draws | Pull out the genotype imputations from a cross |
pull.geno | Pull out the genotype data from a cross |
pull.genoprob | Pull out the genotype probabilities from a cross | | Pull out the genetic map from a cross |
pull.markers | Drop all but a selected set of markers |
pull.pheno | Pull out phenotype data from a cross |
pull.rf | Pull out recombination fractions or LOD scores from a cross... |
qtl-internal | Internal qtl functions |
qtlversion | Installed version of R/qtl |
read.cross | Read data for a QTL experiment |
readMWril | Read data for 4- or 8-way RIL |
reduce2grid | Reduce to a grid of pseudomarkers. |
refineqtl | Refine the positions of QTL |
reorderqtl | Reorder the QTL in a qtl object | | Replace the genetic map of a cross |
replacemap.scanone | Replace the genetic map in QTL mapping results with an... |
replacemap.scantwo | Replace the genetic map in QTL mapping results with an... |
replaceqtl | Replace a QTL in a qtl object with a different position |
rescalemap | Rescale genetic maps |
ripple | Compare marker orders |
scanone | Genome scan with a single QTL model |
scanoneboot | Bootstrap to get interval estimate of QTL location |
scanonevar | Genome scan for QTL affecting mean and/or variance |
scanonevar.meanperm | Permutation test for mean effect in scanonevar |
scanonevar.varperm | Permutation test for variance effect in scanonevar |
scanPhyloQTL | Single-QTL genome scan to map QTL to a phylogenetic tree |
scanqtl | General QTL scan |
scantwo | Two-dimensional genome scan with a two-QTL model |
scantwopermhk | Permutation test for 2d genome scan by Haley-Knott regression |
shiftmap | Shift starting points in genetic maps |
sim.cross | Simulate a QTL experiment |
simFounderSnps | Simulate founder SNPs for a multiple-strain RIL |
sim.geno | Simulate genotypes given observed marker data | | Simulate a genetic map |
simPhyloQTL | Simulate a set of intercrosses for a single diallelic QTL |
simulateMissingData | Simulates missing genotype data |
stepwiseqtl | Stepwise selection for multiple QTL |
strip.partials | Strip partially informative genotypes |
subset.cross | Subsetting data for QTL experiment | | Subsetting chromosomes for a genetic map |
subset.scanone | Subsetting the results of a genome scan |
subset.scanoneperm | Subsetting permutation test results |
subset.scantwo | Subsetting the results of a 2-d genome scan |
subset.scantwoperm | Subsetting two-dimensional permutation test results |
summary.comparegeno | Print pairs of individuals with similar genotype data. |
summary.cross | Print summary of QTL experiment |
summary.fitqtl | Summary of fit of qtl model | | Print summary of a genetic map |
summary.qtl | Print summary of a QTL object |
summary.ripple | Print summary of ripple results |
summary.scanone | Summarize the results of a genome scans |
summary.scanoneboot | Bootstrap confidence interval for QTL location |
summary.scanoneperm | LOD thresholds from scanone permutation results |
summary.scanPhyloQTL | Summarize the results a genome scan to map a QTL to a... |
summary.scantwo | Summarize the results of a two-dimensional genome scan |
summary.scantwo.old | Summarize the results of a two-dimensional genome scan |
summary.scantwoperm | LOD thresholds from scantwo permutation results |
switchAlleles | Switch alleles at selected markers |
switch.order | Switch the order of markers on a chromosome |
table2map | Convert a table of marker positions to a map object. |
top.errorlod | List genotypes with large error LOD scores |
totmar | Determine the total number of markers |
transformPheno | Transformation of the phenotypes in a cross object |
tryallpositions | Test all possible positions for a marker |
typingGap | Maximum distance between genotyped markers |
write.cross | Write data for a QTL experiment to a file |
xaxisloc.scanone | Get x-axis locations in scanone plot |
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