
Defines functions check_extra_dots grab_dots

# utility for grabbing "..." args
# dotargs = list(...) from function call
# argname = character string of the argument to grab
# default = default value for argument
# values  = optional vector of character strings with possible values
grab_dots <-
    function(dotargs, argname, default, values=NULL)
    if(argname %in% names(dotargs)) {
        arg <- dotargs[[argname]]
        if(!is.null(values) && !(arg %in% values)) {
            warning(argname, ' "', arg, '" not valid; using "',
                    default, '".')
            arg <- default
    else arg <- default

# give warning if there are extra named arguments
# dotargs = list(...) from function call
# expected = vector of character strings of the names of possible args anticipated
check_extra_dots <-
    function(dotargs, expected)
    args <- names(dotargs)
    if(!all(args %in% expected)) {
        extra <- args[!(args %in% expected)]
        if(length(extra) == 1)
            warning("Extra argument ignored: ", extra)
            warning("Extra arguments ignored: ",
                    paste(extra, collapse=" "))

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qtl2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:46 a.m.