
Defines functions print.predict.textmodel_wordscores coefficients.textmodel_wordscores coef.textmodel_wordscores summary.textmodel_wordscores print.textmodel_wordscores mv_transform rescaler predict.textmodel_wordscores textmodel_wordscores.dfm textmodel_wordscores.default textmodel_wordscores

Documented in predict.textmodel_wordscores textmodel_wordscores

# main methods --------------

#' Wordscores text model
#' `textmodel_wordscores` implements Laver, Benoit and Garry's (2003)
#' "Wordscores" method for scaling texts on a single dimension, given a set of
#' anchoring or *reference* texts whose values are set through reference
#' scores. This scale can be fitted in the linear space (as per LBG 2003) or in
#' the logit space (as per Beauchamp 2012).  Estimates of *virgin* or
#' unknown texts are obtained using the `predict()` method to score
#' documents from a fitted `textmodel_wordscores` object.
#' @param x the [dfm][quanteda::dfm] on which the model will be trained
#' @param y vector of training scores associated with each document
#'   in `x`
#' @param smooth a smoothing parameter for word counts; defaults to zero to
#'   match the LBG (2003) method. See Value below for additional information on
#'   the behaviour of this argument.
#' @param scale scale on which to score the words; `"linear"` for classic
#'   LBG linear posterior weighted word class differences, or `"logit"`
#'   for log posterior differences
#' @details The `textmodel_wordscores()` function and the associated
#'   [`predict()`][predict.textmodel_wordscores] method are designed
#'   to function in the same manner as [stats::predict.lm()].
#'   `coef()` can also be used to extract the word coefficients from the
#'   fitted `textmodel_wordscores` object, and `summary()` will print
#'   a nice summary of the fitted object.
#' @return  A fitted `textmodel_wordscores` object.  This object will
#'   contain a copy of the input data, but in its original form without any
#'   smoothing applied. Calling [predict.textmodel_wordscores()] on
#'   this object without specifying a value for `newdata`, for instance,
#'   will predict on the unsmoothed object.  This behaviour differs from
#'   versions of \pkg{quanteda} <= 1.2.
#' @seealso [predict.textmodel_wordscores()] for methods of applying a
#'   fitted [textmodel_wordscores] model object to predict quantities from
#'   (other) documents.
#' @author Kenneth Benoit
#' @examples
#' (tmod <- textmodel_wordscores(quanteda::data_dfm_lbgexample, y = c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA)))
#' summary(tmod)
#' coef(tmod)
#' predict(tmod)
#' predict(tmod, rescaling = "lbg")
#' predict(tmod, se.fit = TRUE, interval = "confidence", rescaling = "mv")
#' @references
#' Laver, M., Benoit, K.R., & Garry, J. (2003). [Estimating Policy Positions
#' from Political Text using Words as
#' Data](https://kenbenoit.net/pdfs/WORDSCORESAPSR.pdf). *American Political
#' Science Review*, 97(2), 311--331.
#'   Beauchamp, N. (2012). [Using Text to Scale Legislatures with Uninformative
#'   Voting](https://nickbeauchamp.com/work/Beauchamp_scaling_current.pdf). New
#'   York University Mimeo.
#'   Martin, L.W. & Vanberg, G. (2007). A Robust Transformation Procedure for
#'   Interpreting Political Text.  *Political Analysis* 16(1), 93--100.
#'   \doi{10.1093/pan/mpm010}
#' @importFrom quanteda dfm_weight dfm_smooth as.dfm
#' @export
textmodel_wordscores <- function(x, y, scale = c("linear", "logit"), smooth = 0) {

#' @export
textmodel_wordscores.default <- function(x, y, scale = c("linear", "logit"), smooth = 0) {
    stop(check_class(class(x), "textmodel_wordscores"))

#' @export
textmodel_wordscores.dfm <- function(x, y, scale = c("linear", "logit"), smooth = 0) {
    x <- as.dfm(x)
    if (!sum(x)) stop(message_error("dfm_empty"))
    scale <- match.arg(scale)
    call <- match.call()

    if (nrow(x) < 2)
        stop("wordscores model requires at least two training documents.")
    if (nrow(x) != length(y))
        stop("trainingdata and scores vector must refer to same number of documents.")
    if (!is.numeric(y))
        stop("wordscores model requires numeric scores.")

    temp <- x[!is.na(y),]
    ref <- y[!is.na(y)]

    if (smooth)
        temp <- dfm_smooth(temp, smooth)

    tFwr <- t(dfm_weight(temp, "prop", force = TRUE))
    Pwr <- tFwr / rowSums(tFwr)    # posterior word probability Pwr
    # compute likelihoods "Pwr" Pr(this word | document)
    if (scale == "linear") {
        Sw <- Pwr %*% ref
        Sw <- Sw[,1]
    } else if (scale == "logit") {
        if (length(y) > 2)
            stop("\nFor logit scale, only two training texts can be used.")
        if (!identical(c(-1,1), range(y))) {
            warning("\nFor logit scale, training scores are automatically rescaled to -1 and 1.")
            y <- rescaler(y)
        if (y[1] > y[2]) {
            Sw <- log(Pwr[, 1]) - log(Pwr[, 2])
        } else {
            Sw <- log(Pwr[, 2]) - log(Pwr[, 1])

    result <- list(
        wordscores = Sw[!is.na(Sw)],
        x = x,
        y = y,
        scale = scale,
        call = call
    class(result) <- c("textmodel_wordscores", "textmodel", "list")

#' Predict textmodel_wordscores
#' @param object a fitted Wordscores textmodel
#' @param newdata dfm on which prediction should be made
#' @param se.fit if `TRUE`, return standard errors as well
#' @param rescaling `"none"` for "raw" scores; `"lbg"` for LBG (2003)
#'   rescaling; or `"mv"` for the rescaling proposed by Martin and Vanberg
#'   (2007).  See References.
#' @param interval type of confidence interval calculation
#' @param level tolerance/confidence level for intervals
#' @param force make the feature set of `newdata` conform to the model
#'   terms.  The default of `TRUE` means that a fitted model can be applied
#'   to scale a dfm that does not contain a 1:1 match of features in the
#'   training and prediction data.
#' @param ... not used
#' @return
#' `predict.textmodel_wordscores()` returns a named vector of predicted
#' document scores ("text scores" \eqn{S_{vd}} in LBG 2003), or a named list if
#' `se.fit = TRUE` consisting of the predicted scores (`$fit`) and the
#' associated standard errors (`$se.fit`). When `interval =
#' "confidence"`, the predicted values will be a matrix.  This behaviour matches
#' that of [stats::predict.lm()].
#' @examples
#' tmod <- textmodel_wordscores(quanteda::data_dfm_lbgexample, c(seq(-1.5, 1.5, .75), NA))
#' predict(tmod)
#' predict(tmod, rescaling = "mv")
#' predict(tmod, rescaling = "lbg")
#' predict(tmod, se.fit = TRUE)
#' predict(tmod, se.fit = TRUE, interval = "confidence")
#' predict(tmod, se.fit = TRUE, interval = "confidence", rescaling = "lbg")
#' @keywords textmodel internal
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @method predict textmodel_wordscores
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats qnorm median sd
predict.textmodel_wordscores <- function(object,
                                         newdata = NULL,
                                         se.fit = FALSE,
                                         interval = c("none", "confidence"), level = 0.95,
                                         rescaling = c("none", "lbg", "mv"),
                                         force = TRUE,
                                         ...) {


    interval <- match.arg(interval)
    rescaling <- match.arg(rescaling)

    if (!is.null(newdata)) {
        data <- as.dfm(newdata)
    } else {
        data <- as.dfm(object$x)

    # Compute text scores as weighted mean of word scores in "virgin" document
    sw <- coef(object)
    data <- force_conformance(data, names(sw), force)

    # This is different from computing term weights on only the scorable words.
    # It take rowSums() only to generates named vector.
    raw <- rowSums(dfm_weight(data, "prop", force = TRUE) %*% sw)

    # if (verbose)
    #    catm(sprintf('%d of %d features (%.2f%%) can be scored\n\n',
    #         length(sw), nfeat(data), 100 * length(sw) / nfeat(data)))

    if (rescaling == "mv") {
        if (sum(!is.na(object$y)) > 2)
            warning("More than two reference scores found with MV rescaling; using only min, max values.")
        fit <- mv_transform(raw, object$y, raw)
    } else if (rescaling == "lbg") {
        lbg_sdr <- stats::sd(object$y, na.rm = TRUE)
        lbg_sv <- mean(raw, na.rm = TRUE)
        lbg_sdv <- if (length(raw) < 2L) 0 else stats::sd(raw)
        lbg_mult <- if (lbg_sdr == 0) 0 else lbg_sdr / lbg_sdv
        fit <- (raw - lbg_sv) * lbg_mult + lbg_sv
    } else {
        fit <- raw

    if (!se.fit && interval == "none") {
        class(fit) <- c("predict.textmodel_wordscores", "numeric")

    # Compute standard error
    raw_se <- rep(NA, length(raw))
    fwv <- dfm_weight(data, "prop", force = TRUE)
    for (i in seq_along(raw_se))
        raw_se[i] <- sqrt(sum(as.numeric(fwv[i,]) * (raw[i] - sw) ^ 2)) / sqrt(rowSums(data)[[i]])

    result <- list(fit = fit)
    if (se.fit) {
        if (rescaling == "mv") {
            z <- stats::qnorm(1 - (1 - level) / 2)
            upr <- mv_transform(raw + z * raw_se, object$y, raw)
            result$se.fit <- (upr - result$fit) / z
        } else if (rescaling == "lbg") {
            result$se.fit <- (raw_se - lbg_sv) * lbg_mult + lbg_sv
        } else {
            result$se.fit <- raw_se

    if (interval == "confidence") {
        # make fit into a matrix
        result$fit <- matrix(result$fit, ncol = 3, nrow = length(result$fit),
                             dimnames = list(names(result$fit), c("fit", "lwr", "upr")))

        # Compute confidence intervals
        z <- stats::qnorm(1 - (1 - level) / 2)
        raw <- unname(raw)

        if (rescaling == "mv") {
            result$fit[, "lwr"] <- mv_transform(raw - z * raw_se, object$y, raw)
            result$fit[, "upr"] <- mv_transform(raw + z * raw_se, object$y, raw)
        } else if (rescaling == "lbg") {
            if (lbg_mult == 0) {
                result$fit[, "lwr"] <- raw - z * raw_se
                result$fit[, "upr"] <- raw + z * raw_se
            } else {
                result$fit[, "lwr"] <- ((raw - z * raw_se) - lbg_sv) * lbg_mult + lbg_sv
                result$fit[, "upr"] <- ((raw + z * raw_se) - lbg_sv) * lbg_mult + lbg_sv
        } else {
            result$fit[, "lwr"] <- raw - z * raw_se
            result$fit[, "upr"] <- raw + z * raw_se

    class(result) <- c("predict.textmodel_wordscores", class(result))

# internal methods -----------

## Rescale a vector so that the endpoints match scale.min, scale.max
rescaler <- function(x, scale.min = -1, scale.max = 1) {
    scale.width <- scale.max - scale.min
    scale.factor <- scale.width / (max(x) - min(x))
    return((x - min(x)) * scale.factor - scale.max)

## Internal function for MV rescaling
mv_transform <- function(x, y, z) {
    i_low <- which(y == min(y, na.rm = TRUE))
    i_high <- which(y == max(y, na.rm = TRUE))
    return((x - z[i_low]) * (max(y, na.rm = TRUE) - min(y, na.rm = TRUE)) /
               (z[i_high] - z[i_low]) + min(y, na.rm = TRUE))

# redefined generic methods -----------

#' @export
#' @method print textmodel_wordscores
#' @noRd
print.textmodel_wordscores <- function(x, ...) {
        "Scale: ", x$scale, "; ",
        length(na.omit(x$y)), " reference scores; ",
        length(na.omit(x$wordscores)), " scored features.",
        sep = "")

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method summary textmodel_wordscores
summary.textmodel_wordscores <- function(object, n = 30L, ...) {

    stat <- data.frame(
        score = object$y,
        total = apply(object$x, 1, sum),
        min = apply(object$x, 1, min),
        max = apply(object$x, 1, max),
        mean = apply(object$x, 1, mean),
        median = apply(object$x, 1, stats::median),
        row.names = docnames(object$x),
        check.rows = FALSE,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    result <- list(
        'call' = object$call,
        'reference.document.statistics' = as.statistics_textmodel(stat),
        'wordscores' = as.coefficients_textmodel(head(coef(object), n))

#' @noRd
#' @method coef textmodel_wordscores
#' @export
coef.textmodel_wordscores <- function(object, ...) {

#' @noRd
#' @method coefficients textmodel_wordscores
#' @export
coefficients.textmodel_wordscores <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @method print predict.textmodel_wordscores
print.predict.textmodel_wordscores <- function(x, ...) {

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