
Defines functions adjustGridFIG messageVerbose messFastshape minmaxFn maxFn minFn gArea speedupScale isLonLat .ExtentToList .showingOnlyMessage .createPolygonGrob .polygonSeq ffortify thin.default thnSpatialPolygons thin sp2sl xyRange .hasBbox .makeViewports .makeLayout pgSpatialLines pgSpatialPolygons pgmatrix .plotGrob.default .plotGrob .prepareRaster .preparePlotGrob.default .preparePlotGrob .objectNames .parseArgs makeLines numLayers.list numLayers.default numLayers

Documented in ffortify .hasBbox .makeLayout makeLines .makeViewports numLayers .objectNames .parseArgs .plotGrob .preparePlotGrob .prepareRaster sp2sl thin thin.default thnSpatialPolygons

### deal with spurious data.table warnings
if (getRversion() >= "3.1.0") {
  utils::globalVariables(c(".", ".N", "keepAll", "..rmCols", "L1"))

#' Find the number of layers in an object
#' A unified function for `raster::nlayers`, `terra::nlyrs`, or lists of these.
#' Default function returns `1L` for all other classes.
#' @param x An object or list of objects.
#' @return The number of layers in the object.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @rdname numLayers
#' @examples
#' library(terra)
#' files <- system.file("maps", package = "quickPlot")
#' files <- dir(files, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "tif")
#' maps <- lapply(files, function(x) rast(x))
#' names(maps) <- sapply(basename(files), function(x) {
#'   strsplit(x, split = "\\.")[[1]][1]
#' })
#' stck <- rast(maps)
#' numLayers(maps)
#' numLayers(stck)
numLayers <- function(x) {

#' @export
numLayers.default <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, ".quickPlot")) {
  } else if (isGridded(x)) {
    if (is(x, "SpatRaster")) {
    } else {
      out <- try(raster::nlayers(x), silent = TRUE)
      if (is(out, "try-error"))
        out <- 1L

  } else {

#' @export
numLayers.list <- function(x) {
  sum(unlist(lapply(x, function(y) {
    if (isSpatialAny(y)) {
    } else {
      1L # e.g., histogram

# @export
# @rdname numLayers
# setMethod(
#   "numLayers",
#   signature = "list",
#   definition = function(x) {
#     sum(unlist(lapply(x, function(x) {
#       if (inherits(x, "RasterStack")) {
#         numLayers(x)
#       } else {
#         1L
#       }
#     })))
# })

# @rdname numLayers
# setMethod(
#   "numLayers",
#   signature = ".quickPlot",
#   definition = function(x) {
#     return(length(x@arr@extents))
# })

# @export
# @rdname numLayers
# setMethod(
#   "numLayers",
#   signature = "Raster",
#   definition = function(x) {
#     return(nlayers(x))
# })

# @export
# @rdname numLayers
# setMethod(
#   "numLayers",
#   signature = "Spatial",
#   definition = function(x) {
#     return(1L)
# })

# @export
# @rdname numLayers
# setMethod(
#   "numLayers",
#   signature = "ANY",
#   definition = function(x) {
#     return(1L)
# })

#' Extract the layer names of Spatial Objects
#' There are already methods for `Raster*` objects. This adds methods for
#' `SpatialPoints*`, `SpatialLines*`, and `SpatialPolygons*`,
#' returning an empty character vector of length 1.
#' This function was created to give consistent, meaningful results for all
#' classes of objects plotted by `Plot`.
#' @param object  A `Raster*`, `SpatialPoints*`, `SpatialLines*`,
#'                or `SpatialPolygons*` object; or list of these.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @rdname layerNames
#' @examples
#' library(terra)
#' ## RasterLayer objects
#' files <- system.file("maps", package = "quickPlot")
#' files <- dir(files, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "tif")
#' maps <- lapply(files, function(x) terra::rast(x))
#' names(maps) <- sapply(basename(files), function(x) {
#'   strsplit(x, split = "\\.")[[1]][1]
#' })
#' layerNames(maps)
#' ## SpatVector objects
#' caribou <- terra::vect(cbind(x = stats::runif(1e2, -50, 50),
#'                              y = stats::runif(1e2, -50, 50)))
#' layerNames(caribou)
  function(object) {

#' @export
#' @rdname layerNames
  signature = "ANY",
  definition = function(object) {
  out <- ""
  if (is(object, "list")) {
    out <- unlist(lapply(object, layerNames))
  } else if (isGridded(object)) {
    out <- names(object)
  } else if (inherits(object, ".quickPlot")) {
    out <- unlist(lapply(object@quickPlotGrobList, function(x) {
      unlist(lapply(x, function(y) y@plotName))[[1]]

  if (is.null(out))
    out <- ""


#' Assess whether a list of extents are all equal
#' @param extents list of extents objects
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @rdname equalExtent
#' @examples
#' library(terra)
#' files <- system.file("maps", package = "quickPlot")
#' files <- dir(files, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "tif")
#' maps <- lapply(files, function(x) terra::rast(x))
#' names(maps) <- sapply(basename(files), function(x) {
#'   strsplit(x, split = "\\.")[[1]][1]
#' })
#' extnts <- lapply(maps, terra::ext)
#' equalExtent(extnts) ## TRUE
setGeneric("equalExtent", function(extents) {

#' @export
#' @rdname equalExtent
  signature = "list",
  definition = function(extents) {
    a <- lapply(extents, extent)
    all(mapply(MoreArgs = list(ext1 = a[[1]]), extOther = a[-1], function(ext1, extOther) {
      isTRUE(all.equal(ext1, extOther))
    }, SIMPLIFY = TRUE))

#' Make a `.quickPlot` class object
#' Builds a `.quickPlot` object from a list of objects.
#' @param plotObjects list. Any plot objects.
#' @param plotArgs list. Any arguments that the the grid package can accept for
#' the specific grob types, e.g., `rasterGrob`, `polygonGrob`, etc.
#' @param whichQuickPlottables  Logical indicating which objects in the
#' `Plot` call can be plotted by `Plot`.
#' @param ... additional arguments. Currently nothing.
#' @return A [.quickPlot()] object, which has 2 slots, one for the plot arrangement
#' (i.e., layout and dimensions) and one for all of the `quickPlotGrobs`
#' (stored as a `quickPlotGrobList` of lists `.quickPlotGrob` objects).
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @include plotting-helpers.R
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeQuickPlot
setGeneric(".makeQuickPlot", function(plotObjects, plotArgs, whichQuickPlottables, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname makeQuickPlot
  signature = c(plotObjects = "list", plotArgs = "list"),
  definition = function(plotObjects, plotArgs, whichQuickPlottables, ...) {

    isSpatialObjects <- unlist(lapply(plotObjects, function(x) {

    env <- list(...)$env
    suppliedNames <- names(plotObjects)
    if (any(!nzchar(suppliedNames, keepNA = TRUE))) {
      suppliedNames <- NULL
    if (is.null(suppliedNames)) {
      objs <- .objectNames()[whichQuickPlottables]
    } else {
      objs <- lapply(suppliedNames, function(x) {
        list(objs = x, envs = env)

    names(plotObjects) <- unlist(lapply(objs, function(x) x$objs))

    if (!is.null(suppliedNames)) {
      if (all(unlist(lapply(suppliedNames, nzchar, keepNA = TRUE)))) {
        names(plotObjects)[!is.na(suppliedNames)] <- suppliedNames
    numberLayers <- pmax(1, unlist(lapply(plotObjects, numLayers)))

    lNamesPlotObj <- layerNames(plotObjects)

    isQuickPlot <- unlist(lapply(plotObjects, function(x) inherits(x, ".quickPlot")))

    # The second component will test for a 3 dimensional array
    isStack <- unlist(lapply(plotObjects, function(x)
      inherits(x, "RasterStack") | isTRUE(dim(x)[3] > 1)))

    # Stacks are like lists in that they are a single object, with many
    # layers.  Plot must treat these as any other layers, except that
    # they are stored in single objects. The following set of objects
    # are the "long" versions of the layers, i.e,. a call to say
    # Plot(stack1, layerB) would have two objects, but maybe 5 layers,
    # if the stack had 4 layers in it.
    isQuickPlotLong <- rep(isQuickPlot, numberLayers)
    isStackLong <- rep(isStack, numberLayers)
    isSpatialObjects <- rep(isSpatialObjects, numberLayers)

    lN <- rep(names(plotObjects), numberLayers)
    lN[isQuickPlotLong] <- layerNames(plotObjects[isQuickPlot])
    objectNamesLong <- rep(names(plotObjects), numberLayers)

    # Full layer names, including object name.
    # If layer name is same as object name omit it, and if layer name
    # is "layer", omit it if within a RasterLayer
    lN[isStackLong] <- paste(objectNamesLong[isStackLong],
                             sep = "$")
    names(lN) <- rep(names(plotObjects), numberLayers)
    names(lN)[isQuickPlotLong] <- layerNames(plotObjects)[isQuickPlotLong]

    # Create long version of environments
    lEnvs <- rep(unlist(lapply(objs, function(x) x$envs)), numberLayers)

    plotArgs <- .makeList(plotArgs, length(lN))

    # Make new .quickPlot object.
    # This will be merged to existing later.
    newPlots <- new(".quickPlot")

    newPlots@arr <- new(".arrangement")

    newPlots@quickPlotGrobList <- lapply(1:length(lN), function(x) {
      quickPlotGrobList <- list()

      if (isQuickPlotLong[x]) {
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]] <-
            lN[x], lNamesPlotObj[isQuickPlotLong]
      } else {
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]] <- new(".quickPlotGrob")
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@plotArgs <- lapply(plotArgs, function(y) y[[x]])
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@plotArgs$zoomExtent <- plotArgs$zoomExtent[[x]]
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@plotArgs$gpText <- plotArgs$gpText[x]
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@plotArgs$gpAxis <- plotArgs$gpAxis[x]
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@plotArgs$gp <- plotArgs$gp[x]
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@plotName <- lN[x]
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@objName <- objectNamesLong[x]
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@envir <- lEnvs[[x]]
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@layerName <- lNamesPlotObj[x]

        theObj <- try(eval(parse(text = objectNamesLong[x]), lEnvs[[x]]), silent = TRUE)

        if (is(theObj, "try-error"))
          theObj <- get(objectNamesLong[x], lEnvs[[x]])

        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@objClass <- class(theObj)
        quickPlotGrobList[[lN[x]]]@isSpatialObjects <- isSpatialObjects[x]

    names(newPlots@quickPlotGrobList) <- lN

#' @rdname makeQuickPlot
  signature = c(plotObjects = "list", plotArgs = "missing"),
  definition = function(plotObjects, ...) {
    plotArgs <- formals("Plot")[-1]
    newPlots <- .makeQuickPlot(plotObjects, plotArgs, ...)

#' @rdname makeQuickPlot
  signature = c(plotObjects = "missing", plotArgs = "missing"),
  definition = function(...) {
    newPlots <- new(".quickPlot")
    newPlots@quickPlotGrobList <- lapply(1:1, function(x) {
      quickPlotGrobList <- list()
      quickPlotGrobList[[1]] <- new(".quickPlotGrob")

#' Convert `plotArgs` to list of lists
#' Internal function. Take the inputs as `plotArgs` to the Plot function, and make
#' them a list of length `numQuickPlotObjects` entries of lists.
#' @inheritParams .makeQuickPlot
#' @param numQuickPlotObjects Numeric. The number of `.quickPlotObjects`.
#'                 This can't easily be deduced from the `plotArgs` because
#'                 of the `RasterStack`s. So passed manually.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeList
setGeneric(".makeList", function(plotArgs, numQuickPlotObjects) {

#' @rdname makeList
  signature = c("list"),
  definition = function(plotArgs, numQuickPlotObjects) {
    p <- plotArgs
    n <- numQuickPlotObjects

    p$new <- if (is.list(p$new)) {
      if (length(p$new) != n) {
        rep(p$new, length.out = n)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$new) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$new), length.out = n)

    # character or logical or numeric of length 1 per entry
    p$addTo <- if (is.list(p$addTo)) {
      if (length(p$addTo) != n) {
        rep(p$addTo, length.out = n)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$addTo) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$addTo), length.out = n)

    p$gp <- if (inherits(p$gp, "gpar")) {
      rep(list(p$gp), n)
    } else {
      if (is.list(p$gp)) {
        rep(p$gp, n)

    p$gpText <- if (inherits(p$gpText, "gpar")) {
      rep(list(p$gpText), n)
    } else {
      if (is.list(p$gpText)) {
        rep(p$gpText, n)

    p$gpAxis <- if (inherits(p$gpAxis, "gpar")) {
      rep(list(p$gpAxis), n)
    } else {
      if (is.list(p$gpAxis)) {
        rep(p$gpAxis, n)

    p$axes <- if (is.list(p$axes)) {
      if (length(p$axes) != n) {
        rep(p$axes, length.out = n)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$axes) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$axes), length.out = n)

    p$speedup <- if (is.list(p$speedup)) {
      if (length(p$speedup) != n) {
        rep(p$speedup, length.out = n)
      else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$speedup) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$speedup), length.out = n)

    p$size <- if (is.list(p$size)) {
      if (length(p$size) != n) {
        rep(p$size, length.out = n)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$size) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$size), length.out = n)

    p$visualSqueeze <- if (is.list(p$visualSqueeze)) {
      if (length(p$visualSqueeze) != n) {
        rep(p$visualSqueeze, length.out = n)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$visualSqueeze) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$visualSqueeze), length.out = n)

    p$legend <- if (is.list(p$legend)) {
      if (length(p$legend) != n) {
        rep(p$legend, length.out = n)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$legend) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$legend), length.out = n)

    p$pch <- if (is.list(p$pch)) {
      if (length(p$pch) != n) {
        rep(p$pch, length.out = n)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$pch) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$pch), length.out = n)

    p$title <- if (is.list(p$title)) {
      if (length(p$title) != n) {
        rep(p$title, length.out = n)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$title) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$title), length.out = n)

    p$na.color <- if (is.list(p$na.color)) { # nolint
      if (length(p$na.color) != n) {
        rep(p$na.color, length.out = n)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$na.color) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$na.color), length.out = n)

    p$zero.color <- if (is.list(p$zero.color)) { # nolint
      if (length(p$zero.color) != n) {
        rep(p$zero.color, length.out = n)
      } else {
    } else {
      if (length(p$zero.color) == n) {
      } else {
        rep(list(p$zero.color), length.out = n)

    p$cols <- if (is.list(p$cols)) {
    } else {
      rep(list(p$cols), length.out = n)

    p$zoomExtent <- if (is.list(p$zoomExtent)) {
    } else {
      rep(list(p$zoomExtent), length.out = n)

    p$legendText <- if (is.list(p$legendText)) {
    } else {
      rep(list(p$legendText), length.out = n)

    p$legendRange <- if (is.list(p$legendRange)) {
    } else {
      rep(list(p$legendRange), length.out = n)

    p$plotFn <- if (is.list(p$plotFn)) {
    } else {
      rep(list(p$plotFn), length.out = n)


#' Make `SpatialLines` object from two `SpatialPoints` objects
#' The primary conceived usage of this is to draw arrows following the
#' trajectories of agents.
#' @param from  Starting spatial coordinates (`SpatialPointsDataFrame`).
#' @param to    Ending spatial coordinates (`SpatialPointsDataFrame`).
#' @return A `SpatialLines` object. When this object is used within a
#'         `Plot` call and the `length` argument is specified, then
#'         arrow heads will be drawn. See examples.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @rdname makeLines
#' @example inst/examples/example_makeLines.R
makeLines <- function(from, to) {

#' @export
makeLines.default <-
  #signature = c("SpatialPoints", "SpatialPoints"),
  # definition =
  function(from, to) {
    fromSpatial <- isSpatial(from)
    toSpatial <- isSpatial(to)
    # If one is Spatial, convert to SpatVector; if both Spatial, then leave
    if (fromSpatial && !toSpatial)
      from <- terra::vect(from)
    if (!fromSpatial && toSpatial)
      to <- terra::vect(to)

    if (fromSpatial && toSpatial) {
      sp::SpatialLines(lapply(seq_len(length(from)), function(x) {
        ccrds <- rbind(sp::coordinates(from)[x, ], sp::coordinates(to)[x, ])
          coords = ccrds
        )), ID = x)
      }), proj4string = terra::crs(from)) # nolint
    } else {
      ccrds <- rbind(cbind(object = seq(NROW(from)), terra::crds(from)),
                     cbind(object = seq(NROW(to)), terra::crds(to)))
      ccrds <- ccrds[order(ccrds[, "object"]), ]
      terra::vect(ccrds, type = "lines", crs = terra::crs(from))

#' Parse arguments and find environments
#' Internal function used within `objectNames`.
#' @param y  A character representation of the arguments passed to a function, e.g., `Plot`.
#' @param e  Environment in which the function (e.g., `Plot`) was called.
#' @param eminus1  The parent environment of `e`.
#' @return A list of length 2, with names `objs` and `envs` giving the
#' standardized representation (i.e., replacing `[[]]` with `$` notation for objects) of objects
#' and their layers (if `RasterStack`s).
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.cur
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parseArgs
.parseArgs <- function(y, e, eminus1) {
  elems <- list()
  i <- 1
  parseTxt <- parse(text = y)[[1]]
  elems[[i]] <- parseTxt
  lastOneDone <- TRUE

  while (length(parse(text = deparse(parseTxt))[[1]]) != 1) {
    if (length(parseTxt) == 2) {
      stop("Please pass an object directly, or use get(x, envir = envName) or ",
           "eval(x, envir = envName). ",
           "Plot can not yet accept functions or complex objects internally.")

    lastOneDone <- FALSE
    if (grepl(deparse(parseTxt[[1]]), pattern = "^eval")) {
      callEnv <- tryCatch(
          match.call(definition = eval, call = parseTxt)$envir,
          envir = eminus1
        error = function(x) {
              match.call(definition = eval, call = parseTxt)$envir,
              envir = e
            error = function(x) .GlobalEnv

      parseTxt[[3]] <- match.call(definition = eval, call = parseTxt)$expr
      if (is.name(match.call(definition = parse, call = parseTxt[[3]])$text)) {
        parseTxt <- parseTxt[[3]]
        parseTxt[[3]] <- match.call(definition = parse, call = parseTxt)$text
      lastOneDone <- TRUE
    if (is.call(parseTxt[[3]])) {
      parseTxt[[3]] <- tryCatch(
        eval(parseTxt[[3]], envir = e),
        error = function(x) {
          eval(parseTxt[[3]], envir = eminus1)
    if (as.character(parseTxt[[1]]) == "[[") {
      parseTxt[[3]] <- tryCatch(
        eval(parseTxt[[3]], envir = e),
        error = function(x) {
          eval(parseTxt[[3]], envir = eminus1)
    if (grepl(deparse(parseTxt[[1]]), pattern = "^get")) {
      callEnv <- tryCatch(
          match.call(definition = eval,
                     call = parseTxt)$envir,
          envir = eminus1
        error = function(x) {
              match.call(definition = eval, call = parseTxt)$envir,
              envir = e
            error = function(x) .GlobalEnv
      parseTxt[[3]] <- match.call(definition = get, call = parseTxt)$x
      tmpParseTxt3 <- tryCatch(
        eval(parseTxt[[3]], envir = e),
        error = function(x) {
          eval(parseTxt[[3]], envir = eminus1)

      lastOneDone <- TRUE
      parseTxt[[3]] <- tmpParseTxt3
    if (is.character(parseTxt[[3]])) {
      parseTxt[[3]] <- as.name(parseTxt[[3]])
    if (is.numeric(parseTxt[[3]])) {
      if (!is.null(names(eval(parseTxt[[2]], envir = e)))) {
        parseTxt[[3]] <- names(eval(parseTxt[[2]], envir = e))[parseTxt[[3]]]
        if (is.na(parseTxt[[3]])) {
          stop("Please pass an object directly, or use get(x, envir = envName) ",
               "or eval(x, envir = envName). ",
               "Plot can not yet accept functions or complex objects internally.")


    # override previous elems entry if length(parseTxt)>1:
    elems[[i]] <- parseTxt[[3]]

    # if evaluating the parsed text is a character,
    # then this is likely then name we want to keep:
    isChar <- tryCatch(
      is.character(eval(elems[[i]], envir = eminus1)),
      error = function(x) FALSE
    if (isChar) {
      elems[[i]] <- as.name(eval(elems[[i]], envir = eminus1))
    parseTxt <- parse(text = deparse(parseTxt[[2]]))[[1]]
    i <- i + 1

  deparsedTxt <- deparse(parseTxt)
  sframes <- sys.frames()
  # envs <- append(.GlobalEnv, sframes) %>%
  #   .[c(TRUE, unlist(lapply(sframes, function(x) {
  #     exists(deparsedTxt, envir = x, inherits = FALSE)
  #   })))] %>%
  #   .[[length(.)]]

  envs <- append(.GlobalEnv, sframes)
  envs <- envs[c(TRUE, unlist(lapply(sframes, function(x) {
      exists(deparsedTxt, envir = x, inherits = FALSE)
  envs <- envs[[length(envs)]]

  inGlobal <- identical(envs, .GlobalEnv)
  possEnv <- eval(parse(text = deparsedTxt), envir = envs)
  if (is.environment(possEnv)) {
    notPoss <- tryCatch(get(deparse(rev(elems)[[1]]), envir = possEnv), error = function(x) FALSE)
    if (!isFALSE(notPoss))
      envs <- possEnv
  } else {
    if (!lastOneDone) elems[[i]] <- parseTxt

  if (exists("callEnv", inherits = FALSE)) {
    envs <- callEnv

  if (!inGlobal) {
    devCur <- paste0("dev", dev.cur())
    if (!exists(devCur, envir = .quickPlotEnv)) {
      .quickPlotEnv[[devCur]] <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

    tmp <- get(deparse(rev(elems)[[1]]), envir = envs) ## the sim object
    .quickPlotEnv[[devCur]] <- .parseElems(tmp = tmp, elems = elems, envir = envs)

  if (unlist(lapply(elems[[1]], is.numeric))) {
    return(list(objs = paste0(paste0(unlist(lapply(rev(elems), deparse)),
                                     collapse = "[["), "]]"),
                envs = envs))
  return(list(objs = paste(unlist(lapply(rev(elems), deparse, backtick = TRUE)), collapse = "$"),
              envs = envs))

#' Parsing of elements
#' This is a generic definition that can be extended according to class. Intended
#' only for development use.
#' @return An object, parsed from a character string and and environment
#' @param tmp A evaluated object
#' @param elems A character string to be parsed
#' @param envir An environment
#' @export
#' @rdname parseElems
#' @author Eliot McIntire
setGeneric(".parseElems", function(tmp, elems, envir) {

#' @export
#' @rdname parseElems
  signature = "ANY",
  definition = function(tmp, elems, envir) {
    eval(parse(text = paste(unlist(lapply(rev(elems), deparse)), collapse = "$")), envir = envir)

#' Extracts the object names
#' Internal function primarily used from `Plot`.
#' @param calledFrom  character vector of length 1, indicating which function
#'                    call is desired. Defaults to `Plot`.
#' @param argClass    character vector of length 1, indicating which class is
#'                    being searched for among the arguments.
#'                    Defaults to `.quickPlotObjects`.
#' @param argName     character vector of length 1, or `NULL`, indicating
#'                    if the arguments to select have a name, no name (empty
#'                    string), or do not use name (`NULL`).
#' @return `NULL`. This function is invoked for its side effects.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname objectNames
.objectNames <- function(calledFrom = "Plot", argClass = ".quickPlotObjects",
                         argName = "") {
  scalls <- sys.calls()
  # Extract from the sys.calls only the function "calledFrom"
  frameCalledFrom <- which(unlist(lapply(scalls, function(x) {
    grepl(x, pattern = paste0("^", calledFrom, "$"))[1]
  e <- sys.frame(frameCalledFrom[1])
  eminus1 <- sys.frame(frameCalledFrom - 1)

  if (!nzchar(argName, keepNA = TRUE)) {
    callNamedArgs <- as.character(substitute(list(...), env = e))[-1]
  } else {
    callNamedArgs <- as.character(substitute(parse(text = sim), env = e))[-1]
  objs <- lapply(callNamedArgs, .parseArgs, e, eminus1)

#' Importing some grid functions
#' Currently only the `gpar` function is imported. This is a convenience so that users
#' can change `Plot` arguments without having to load the entire grid package.
#' @inheritParams grid::gpar
#' @aliases gpar
#' @export
#' @importFrom grid gpar
#' @name gpar
#' @rdname grid-functions
#' @seealso [grid::gpar()]
gpar <- grid::gpar

#' Internal functions used by `Plot`
#' Extract colours, legends and other things from object, and convert to a `plotGrob`.
#' @param grobToPlot Graphical object to plot
#' @param sGrob `quickPlotGrob` object
#' @param takeFromPlotObj Logical indicating whether data for `grobToPlot` should be found in
#'        current call to Plot or from disk
#' @param arr An arrangement object
#' @param newArr Logical, whether there is a new arrangement happening
#' @param quickPlotGrobCounter Numeric. A counter. No meaning outside `Plot` function.
#' @param subPlots Character. Name of plot area.
#' @param cols Colour vector.
#' @aliases PlotHelpers
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @keywords internal
#' @name .preparePlotGrob
#' @rdname Plot-internal
.preparePlotGrob <- function(grobToPlot, sGrob, takeFromPlotObj, arr, newArr, prevMinMax,
                                        quickPlotGrobCounter, subPlots, cols) {

.preparePlotGrob.default <-
  function(grobToPlot, sGrob, takeFromPlotObj, arr, newArr, prevMinMax,
                        quickPlotGrobCounter, subPlots, cols) {

    cn <- colnames(grobToPlot)
    if (is(grobToPlot, "SpatialLines")) {
      if (!is.null(sGrob@plotArgs$zoomExtent)) {
        grobToPlot <- terra::crop(grobToPlot, sGrob@plotArgs$zoomExtent)
      zMat <- list(z = grobToPlot, minz = 0, maxz = 0,
                   cols = sGrob@plotArgs$cols, real = FALSE)
    } else if (isSpatial(grobToPlot) || isSpatVector(grobToPlot)
               || !is.null(cn)) { # the last one about column names will capture e.g., agentMatrix
      if (!is.null(sGrob@plotArgs$zoomExtent) &&
          !identical(extent(grobToPlot), arr@extents[[subPlots]])) {
        grobToPlot <- terra::crop(grobToPlot, sGrob@plotArgs$zoomExtent)

      # This handles SpatialPointsDataFrames with column "colour"
      if (any(grepl(pattern = "color", names(grobToPlot))) & is.null(cols))
        sGrob@plotArgs$cols <- unlist(getColors(grobToPlot))

      zMat <- list(z = grobToPlot, minz = 0, maxz = 0,
                   cols = sGrob@plotArgs$cols, real = FALSE)
    } else if (isGridded(grobToPlot)) {

      # Rasters may be zoomed into and subsampled and have unique legend
      #            if (sGrob@plotArgs$new)
      pR <- .prepareRaster(grobToPlot, sGrob@plotArgs$zoomExtent,
                           sGrob@plotArgs$legendRange, takeFromPlotObj,
                           arr, sGrob@plotArgs$speedup, newArr = newArr)
      zMat <- .makeColorMatrix(grobToPlot, pR$zoom, pR$maxpixels,
                               prevMinMax = prevMinMax,
                               na.color = sGrob@plotArgs$na.color,
                               zero.color = sGrob@plotArgs$zero.color,
                               cols = sGrob@plotArgs$cols,
                               skipSample = pR$skipSample)
    } else {
      if (any(grepl(pattern = "color", colnames(grobToPlot))) & is.null(cols))
        sGrob@plotArgs$cols <- grobToPlot$color

      zMat <- list(z = grobToPlot, minz = 0, maxz = 0,
                   cols = sGrob@plotArgs$cols, real = FALSE)



#' @param whPlotFrame Numeric. Which plot within the `quickPlotGrobPlots` object.
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @aliases PlotHelpers
#' @keywords internal
#' @name .xyAxes
#' @rdname Plot-internal
setGeneric(".xyAxes", function(sGrob, arr, whPlotFrame) {

#' @rdname Plot-internal
#' @aliases PlotHelpers
#' @keywords internal
  signature = c(".quickPlotGrob", ".arrangement"),
  definition = function(sGrob, arr, whPlotFrame) {
    if (sGrob@plotArgs$axes == "L") {
      if (any(sGrob@objClass %in% c("Raster", "SpatRaster")) &&
          identical(arr@extents[(whPlotFrame - 1) %% arr@columns + 1][[1]],
               (1:length(arr@names) - 1) %% arr@columns + 1 ==
               (whPlotFrame - 1) %% arr@columns + 1
             ))][[1]])) {
        if (whPlotFrame > (length(arr@names) - arr@columns)) {
          xaxis <- TRUE
        } else {
          xaxis <- FALSE
      } else {
        # not the same extent as the final one in the column
        xaxis <- TRUE
    } else {
      xaxis <- sGrob@plotArgs$axes

    if (sGrob@plotArgs$axes == "L") {
      if (any(sGrob@objClass %in% c("Raster", "SpatRaster")) &
           arr@extents[(ceiling(whPlotFrame / arr@columns) - 1) * arr@columns + 1][[1]])) {
        if ((whPlotFrame - 1) %% arr@columns == 0) { # nolint
          yaxis <- TRUE
        } else {
          yaxis <- FALSE
      } else {
        yaxis <- TRUE
    } else {
      yaxis <- sGrob@plotArgs$axes

    return(list(x = xaxis, y = yaxis))

#' @param quickSubPlots List of many `quickPlotGrobs`
#' @param isBaseSubPlot Logical. Is the currently being plotted object a base layer
#' @param isNewPlot Logical. Is the currently being plotted object a new, additional plot
#' @param isReplot Logical. Is the currently being plotted object a replot due to something
#'                 like a rearrangement
#' @param zMat List resulting from `.preparePlotGrob`
#' @param wipe Logical. Is the currently being plotted object require a white rectangle to
#'             be plotted first, and subsequent other changes.
#' @param xyAxes List of length 2, resulting from `.xyAxes`
#' @inheritParams Plot
#' @param vps A viewport tree resulting from `.makeViewports`
#' @param nonPlotArgs Arguments passed to `Plot` that are not `.quickPlottables`,
#'                    but are passed along with `.quickPlottables`.
#' @param arr An arragement object.
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @importFrom grid seekViewport grid.text
#' @aliases PlotHelpers
#' @keywords internal
#' @name .Plot
#' @rdname Plot-internal
setGeneric(".Plot", function(sGrob, grobToPlot, subPlots, quickSubPlots, quickPlotGrobCounter,
                             isBaseSubPlot, isNewPlot, isReplot, zMat, wipe, xyAxes, legendText,
                             vps, nonPlotArgs, arr) {

#' @rdname Plot-internal
#' @aliases PlotHelpers
  signature = c(".quickPlotGrob"),
  definition = function(sGrob, grobToPlot, subPlots, quickSubPlots, quickPlotGrobCounter,
                        isBaseSubPlot, isNewPlot, isReplot, zMat, wipe, xyAxes, legendText,
                        vps, nonPlotArgs, arr) {

    seekViewport(subPlots, recording = FALSE)

    if (is(grobToPlot, "list") || is(grobToPlot, "gg")) {
      # This is for base plot calls... the grobToPlot is a call i.e,. a name
      # Because base plotting is not set up to overplot,
      # must plot a white rectangle

      #gf <- try(gridBase::gridFIG())
      gf <- c(0.0033, 0.9767, 0.0233, 0.8750)
      wh <- which(names(arr) %in% subPlots)
      gf <- adjustGridFIG(gf, nCols = arr@columns, nRows = arr@rows, wh = wh)

      if (is(gf, "try-error")) {
        if (identical(names(dev.cur()), "RStudioGD")) {
          stop("quickPlot sometimes has trouble with plotting base plots ",
               "in an RStudio window; try ",
               "using a new device with: ",
               "\nrePlot(toDev = dev(noRStudioGD = TRUE))")
      par(fig = gf)
      sGrob@plotArgs[names(grobToPlot)] <- grobToPlot

      # clear out all arguments that don't have meaning in plot.default
      if (inherits(grobToPlot, "gg")) {
        print(grobToPlot, vp = subPlots)
        a <- try(seekViewport(subPlots, recording = FALSE))
      } else {
        # plot y and x axes should use deparse(substitute(...)) names
        if (!identical(FALSE, sGrob@plotArgs$axes)) {
          if (!is.na(sGrob@plotArgs$axisLabels["x"])) {
            sGrob@plotArgs$xlab <- sGrob@plotArgs$axisLabels["x"]
          } else {
            if (!is.na(sGrob@plotArgs$axisLabels[1]))
              sGrob@plotArgs$xlab <- sGrob@plotArgs$axisLabels[1]
              sGrob@plotArgs$xlab <- NULL
          if (!is.na(sGrob@plotArgs$axisLabels["y"])) {
            sGrob@plotArgs$ylab <- sGrob@plotArgs$axisLabels["y"]
          } else {
            if (!is.na(sGrob@plotArgs$axisLabels[2]))
              sGrob@plotArgs$ylab <- sGrob@plotArgs$axisLabels[2]
              sGrob@plotArgs$ylab <- NULL
        } else {
          sGrob@plotArgs$xlab <- ""
          sGrob@plotArgs$ylab <- ""

        isHist <- FALSE
        if (!is.null(grobToPlot$x)) {
          if (inherits(grobToPlot$x, "histogram")) {
            isHist <- TRUE
            sGrob@plotArgs$ylab <- if (is.null(sGrob@plotArgs$ylab)) "Frequency"
          } else if (is.numeric(grobToPlot$x)) {
            if (length(sGrob@plotArgs$axisLabels) == 1) {
              sGrob@plotArgs$ylab <- sGrob@plotArgs$xlab
              sGrob@plotArgs$xlab <- "Index"

        argsPlot1 <- sGrob@plotArgs[!(names(sGrob@plotArgs) %in%
                                         c("new", "addTo", "gp", "gpAxis", "axisLabels",
                                         "zoomExtent", "gpText", "speedup", "size",
                                         "cols", "visualSqueeze", "legend", "legendRange",
                                         "legendText", "zero.color", "length", "arr",
                                         "na.color", "title", "userProvidedPlotFn",
                                         "minz", "maxz"))]
        argsPlot1$axes <- isTRUE(sGrob@plotArgs$axes)
        makeSpaceForAxes <- as.numeric(
          !identical(FALSE, quickSubPlots[[subPlots]][[1]]@plotArgs$axes)
        par(plt = c(0.18 + makeSpaceForAxes * 0.05, # left
                    0.95,                          # right
                    0.25 + makeSpaceForAxes * 0.05, # bottom
                    0.9))                         # top

        plotFn <- argsPlot1$plotFn
        argsPlot1$plotFn <- NULL

        # base plots can't use minz, maxz
        # if (isBaseSubPlot)
        # argsPlot1 <- argsPlot1[setdiff(names(argsPlot1), c("minz", "maxz"))]

        # The actuall plot calls for base plotting
        if (inherits(grobToPlot, "igraph")) {
          # this next is a work around that I can't understand
          if (names(dev.cur()) == "null device") {
            plot(1, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
          suppressWarnings(par(new = TRUE))
          plotCall <- list(x = grobToPlot)
          suppressWarnings(do.call(plot, args = plotCall))

        } else if (quickPlotGrobCounter == 1 | wipe | isHist) {
          suppressWarnings(par(new = TRUE))

          # This is a work around because I am not able to generically
          #  assess the formals of a function to remove any that aren't
          #  defined for that method... i.e., plot is the generic, but
          #  plot.igraph has different formals. Some of the functions
          #  are not exported, so their formals can't be found algorithmically
          tryCatch(do.call(plotFn, args = argsPlot1), error = function(x) {
            parsRm <- unlist(strsplit(gsub(x,
                                           pattern = ".*Unknown plot parameters: ",
                                           replacement = ""), split = ", "))
            parsRm <- gsub(parsRm, pattern = "\n", replacement = "")
            argsPlot1 <- argsPlot1[!(names(argsPlot1) %in% parsRm)]
            do.call(plotFn, args = argsPlot1)
        } else {
          # adding points to a plot
          tmpPlotFn <- if (plotFn == "plot") "points" else plotFn
          argsPlot1[c("axes", "xlab", "ylab", "plotFn")] <- NULL
          suppressWarnings(do.call(tmpPlotFn, args = argsPlot1))

      if (any(unlist(xyAxes)) & (isBaseSubPlot & (isNewPlot | isReplot) | wipe)) {
        if (xyAxes$x | xyAxes$y & (isBaseSubPlot & (isNewPlot | isReplot) | wipe)) {
          axesArgs <- sGrob@plotArgs
          axesArgs$side <- 1
          axesArgs <- axesArgs[names(axesArgs) %in% c(
            "at", "labels", "tick", "line", "pos", "outer", "font",
            "lty", "lwd", "lwd.ticks", "col.ticks", "hadj", "padj")]

        if (xyAxes$x & (isBaseSubPlot & (isNewPlot | isReplot) | wipe)) {
          axesArgsX <- append(list(side = 1), axesArgs)
          suppressWarnings(do.call(axis, args = axesArgsX))
        if (xyAxes$y & (isBaseSubPlot & (isNewPlot | isReplot) | wipe)) {
          axesArgsY <- append(list(side = 2), axesArgs)
          suppressWarnings(do.call(axis, args = axesArgsY))
    } else {
      # This is for Rasters and Sp objects only
      # Extract legend text if the raster is a factored raster
      if (is.null(legendText)) {
        if (is.null(sGrob@plotArgs$legendTxt)) {
          if (any(terra::is.factor(grobToPlot))) {
            if (all(na.omit(grobToPlot[]%%1)==0)) {
              sGrob@plotArgs$legendTxt <- terra::levels(grobToPlot)[[1]]
      } else {
        sGrob@plotArgs$legendTxt <- legendText
        cTxt <- legendText

      if (!isBaseSubPlot) {
        sGrob@plotArgs$legendTxt <- NULL

      plotGrobCall <- list(grobToPlot = zMat$z, col = zMat$cols,
                           size = unit(sGrob@plotArgs$size, "points"),
                           real = zMat$real,
                           minv = zMat$minz, maxv = zMat$maxz,
                           pch = sGrob@plotArgs$pch, name = subPlots,
                           vp = vps,
                           legend = #sGrob@plotArgs$legend  &  isBaseSubPlot &
                             #isReplot |
                             sGrob@plotArgs$legend & (isBaseSubPlot &
                                                        (isNewPlot | wipe | isReplot)),
                           legendText = sGrob@plotArgs$legendTxt,
                           gp = sGrob@plotArgs$gp,
                           gpText = sGrob@plotArgs$gpText,
                           speedup = sGrob@plotArgs$speedup,
                           length = sGrob@plotArgs$length)
      plotGrobCall <- append(x = plotGrobCall, nonPlotArgs)

      seekViewport(subPlots, recording = FALSE)
      suppressWarnings(do.call(.plotGrob, args = plotGrobCall))

      if (any(unlist(xyAxes)) & (isBaseSubPlot & (isNewPlot | isReplot) | wipe)) {
        seekViewport(paste0("outer", subPlots), recording = FALSE)
        if (xyAxes$x & (isBaseSubPlot & (isNewPlot | isReplot) | wipe)) {
          grid.xaxis(name = "xaxis", gp = sGrob@plotArgs$gpAxis)
        if (xyAxes$y & (isBaseSubPlot & (isNewPlot | isReplot) | wipe)) {
          grid.yaxis(name = "yaxis", gp = sGrob@plotArgs$gpAxis,
                     vp = vps$wholeVp$children[[paste0("outer", subPlots)]])
        seekViewport(subPlots, recording = FALSE)
    } #gg vs histogram vs spatialObject

    # print Title on plot
    if (is.null(sGrob@plotArgs$title)) {
      sGrob@plotArgs$title <- TRUE
    if (!identical(FALSE, sGrob@plotArgs$title) && (isBaseSubPlot & (isNewPlot | isReplot))) {
      plotName <- if (isTRUE(sGrob@plotArgs$title)) sGrob@plotName else sGrob@plotArgs$title
      a <- try(seekViewport(paste0("outer", subPlots), recording = FALSE))
      suppressWarnings(grid.text(plotName, name = "title",
                                 y = 1.08 - is.list(grobToPlot) * 0.02,
                                 vjust = 0.5, # tweak... not good practice.
                                              # Should find original reason why this is
                                              # not same y for rasters and all others
                                 gp = sGrob@plotArgs$gpText))
      a <- try(seekViewport(subPlots, recording = FALSE))

#' @param nColumns Numeric, length 1, indicating how many columns are in the device arrangement
#' @param nRows Numeric, length 1, indicating how many rows are in the device arrangement
#' @param whPlotObj Numeric. Length 1, indicating which of the currently objects passed into
#'                  `Plot` is currently being plotted, i.e., a counter of sorts.
#' @param whExistingObj Numeric. Like `whPlotObj`, but for whole existing plot, not just supplied in
#'   current call.
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @inheritParams .makeQuickPlot
#' @aliases PlotHelpers
#' @keywords internal
#' @name .refreshGrob
#' @rdname Plot-internal
setGeneric(".refreshGrob", function(sGrob, subPlots, legendRange,
                                    grobToPlot, plotArgs, nColumns, nRows, whPlotObj,
                                    whExistingObj) {

#' @rdname Plot-internal
#' @aliases PlotHelpers
#' @keywords internal
  signature = c(".quickPlotGrob"),
  definition = function(sGrob, subPlots, legendRange,
                        grobToPlot, plotArgs, nColumns, nRows, whPlotObj, whExistingObj) {
    # seekViewport(paste0("outer", subPlots), recording = FALSE)
    needsNewTitle <- sGrob@plotArgs$new != FALSE
    seekViewport("top", recording = FALSE)
    gf <- adjustGridFIG(c(0, 1, 0, 1), nCols = nColumns, nRows = nRows, whExistingObj)
    grid.rect(x = unit(gf[1], "npc"), y = unit(gf[3], "npc"),
              height = unit(gf[4] - gf[3], "npc"),
              width = unit(gf[2] - gf[1], "npc"),
              gp = gpar(fill = "white", col = "white"),
              just = c(0,0))

    # grid.rect(x = 0, height = unit(1 + needsNewTitle * inherits(grobToPlot, "Raster") * 0.20 / (nRows / 2), "npc"),
    #           width = unit(1 + inherits(grobToPlot, "Raster") * 0.20 / (nColumns / 2), "npc"),
    #           gp = gpar(fill = "white", col = "white"), just = "left")
    plotArgsByPlot <- lapply(plotArgs, function(x) {
      if (is.list(x)) {
        if (length(x) > 1) {
    sGrob@plotArgs[names(plotArgs)] <- plotArgsByPlot
    sGrob@plotArgs$new <- FALSE
    sGrob@plotArgs$legendRange <- if (is.null(legendRange)) {
    } else if (is.list(legendRange) & length(legendRange) > 1) {
    } else {
    sGrob@plotArgs$legendTxt <- NULL
    seekViewport(subPlots, recording = FALSE)

#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @aliases PlotHelpers
#' @keywords internal
#' @name .updateGrobGPTextAxis
#' @rdname Plot-internal
setGeneric(".updateGrobGPTextAxis", function(sGrob, arr, newArr) {

#' @aliases PlotHelpers
#' @rdname Plot-internal
  signature = c(".quickPlotGrob"),
  definition = function(sGrob, arr, newArr) {

    if (!inherits(sGrob@plotArgs$gpText, "gpar")) {
      sGrob@plotArgs$gpText <- as(sGrob@plotArgs$gpText, "gpar")
    if (!inherits(sGrob@plotArgs$gpAxis, "gpar")) {
      sGrob@plotArgs$gpAxis <- as(sGrob@plotArgs$gpAxis, "gpar")
    if (!inherits(sGrob@plotArgs$gp, "gpar")) {
      sGrob@plotArgs$gp <- as(sGrob@plotArgs$gp, "gpar")

    if (is.null(sGrob@plotArgs$gpText$cex) | newArr) {
      # pipe won't work here :S
      sGrob@plotArgs$gpText$cex <- max(
        min(1.2, sqrt(prod(arr@ds) / prod(arr@columns, arr@rows)) * 0.3)
    if (is.null(sGrob@plotArgs$gpAxis$cex) | newArr) {
      # pipe won't work here :S
      sGrob@plotArgs$gpAxis$cex <- max(
        min(1.2, sqrt(prod(arr@ds) / prod(arr@columns, arr@rows)) * 0.3)

#' Identify where to get the grob from
#' Internal function.
#' Because the `Plot` function can use the global environment as a source of
#' objects to plot, not just the call itself, this function identifies where the
#' data for the grob should come from, the current call or the global environment.
#' @param toPlot The object to plot. Should be a single layer if from a multi-layer
#'               object such as a `RasterStack`.
#' @param sGrob `quickPlot` grob object
#' @param takeFromPlotObj Logical. Should the data come from the argument passed
#'                        into `Plot` (`TRUE`), or from the (`.quickPlotEnv`) (`FALSE`).
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @rdname identifyGrobToPlot
setGeneric(".identifyGrobToPlot", function(toPlot, sGrob, takeFromPlotObj) {

#' @rdname identifyGrobToPlot
  signature = c("ANY", ".quickPlotGrob"),
  function(toPlot, sGrob, takeFromPlotObj) {
    ## get the object name associated with this grob

    if (length(toPlot) == 0) takeFromPlotObj <- FALSE

    # Does it already exist on the plot device or not
    if (nzchar(sGrob@layerName, keepNA = TRUE)) {
      # means it is in a raster
      if (takeFromPlotObj) {
          grobToPlot <- unlist(toPlot, recursive = FALSE)[[sGrob@layerName]]
      } else {
          grobToPlot <- eval(parse(text = sGrob@objName),
    } else {
      if (takeFromPlotObj) {
        if (!inherits(toPlot, "gg") && !inherits(toPlot, "igraph") && is(toPlot, "list")) {
          grobToPlot <- unlist(toPlot, recursive = FALSE)
        } else {
          grobToPlot <- toPlot
      } else {
        grobToPlot <- eval(parse(text = sGrob@objName), sGrob@envir)

#' Prepare raster for plotting
#' Internal function. Takes a raster `.quickPlotGrob`, and converts `zoomExtent` into
#' a zoom, and `legendRange` into a legend.
#' Then calculates the `maxpixels` to plot for speed.
#' @param grobToPlot A `.quickPlotGrob` object.
#' @param zoomExtent an extent object
#' @param legendRange a numeric vector of length >=2 indicating the desired legend range.
#' @param takeFromPlotObj logical. Should the object be found in the `Plot` call or
#'   `.GlobalEnv`
#' @param arr an `.arrangement` object
#' @param speedup numeric, greater than 1 will usually speed up plotting at the
#'                expense of resolution
#' @param newArr logical, whether this is a new arrangement or just adding to a previous one
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @keywords internal
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @rdname prepareRaster
.prepareRaster <- function(grobToPlot, zoomExtent, legendRange,
                           takeFromPlotObj, arr, speedup, newArr) {
  if (is.null(zoomExtent)) {
    zoom <- extent(grobToPlot)
    npixels <- terra::ncell(grobToPlot)
  } else {
    zoom <- zoomExtent
    npixels <- terra::ncell(terra::crop(grobToPlot, zoom))
  if (is.null(legendRange)) {
    legendRange <- NA

  if (speedup > 0.1) {
    maxpixels <- min(5e5, 3e4 / (arr@columns * arr@rows) * prod(arr@ds))
    maxpixels <- maxpixels/speedup
    maxpixels <- min(maxpixels, npixels)
    # maxpixels <- min(5e5, 3e4 / (arr@columns * arr@rows) * prod(arr@ds)) %>%
    #   `/`(., speedup) %>%
    #   min(., npixels)
  } else {
    maxpixels <- npixels
  skipSample <- if (is.null(zoomExtent)) {
    maxpixels >= npixels
  } else {

  return(list(maxpixels = maxpixels, skipSample = skipSample,
              legendRange = legendRange, zoom = zoom))

#' Merge two quickPlot objects
#' Merges two `.quickPlot` objects
#' @param newSP  The "new" `.quickPlot` object.
#'               I.e., the new merges and overwrites into current.
#' @param curr   The "current" `.quickPlot` object.
#'               I.e., the one to be merged into.
#' @param ...    Additional arguments. Currently none implemented.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname updateQuickPlot
setGeneric(".updateQuickPlot", function(newSP, curr, ...) {

#' @rdname updateQuickPlot
  signature = c(newSP = ".quickPlot", curr = "list"),
  definition = function(newSP, curr, ...) {
    newNames <- names(newSP@quickPlotGrobList)
    currNames <- names(curr$curr@quickPlotGrobList)

    addToPlots <- unlist(lapply(newSP@quickPlotGrobList, function(x) {

    addToPlotsNames <- unlist(lapply(newSP@quickPlotGrobList, function(x) {
    })) |> unlist() # nolint

    if (length(addToPlotsNames) == length(newNames)) {
      overplots <- integer(0)
    } else {
      overplots <- na.omit(match(currNames, newNames))
      addToPlots1 <- na.omit(match(currNames, addToPlotsNames))
      overplots <- overplots[!(overplots %in% addToPlots1)]

    needNew <- -c(overplots, which(addToPlots))
    if (length(needNew) == 0) {
      needNew <- 1:length(newNames)

    whichParamsChanged <- lapply(newNames[overplots], function(x) {
      plotArgsNames <- names(newSP@quickPlotGrobList[[x]][[1]]@plotArgs)
      aa <- unlist(lapply(plotArgsNames, function(y) {
        if (!is.null(newSP@quickPlotGrobList[[x]][[1]]@plotArgs[[y]])) {
        } else {
      names(aa) <- plotArgsNames
    names(whichParamsChanged) <- newNames[overplots]

    # # Set FALSE as default for needPlotting
    needPlotting <- lapply(curr$curr@quickPlotGrobList, function(x) {
      lapply(x, function(y) FALSE)
    # # Set FALSE as default for isReplot
    isReplot <- lapply(curr$curr@quickPlotGrobList, function(x) {
      lapply(x, function(y) FALSE)

    isNewPlot <- lapply(curr$curr@quickPlotGrobList, function(x) {
      lapply(x, function(y) FALSE)

    isBaseLayer <- curr$isBaseLayer

    # For overplots
    for (plots in newNames[overplots]) {
      # update only those plotArgs that have changed.
      idNames <- names(whichParamsChanged[[plots]])[whichParamsChanged[[plots]]]
      curr$curr@quickPlotGrobList[[plots]][[1]]@plotArgs[idNames] <-

      needPlotting[[plots]][[plots]] <- TRUE
      isReplot[[plots]][[plots]] <- FALSE
      isNewPlot[[plots]][[plots]] <- FALSE

    # put addTo plots into list of quickPlotGrobs that it will be added to
    if (!is.null(addToPlotsNames)) {
      for (plots in 1:length(addToPlotsNames)) {
        a2p <- addToPlotsNames[plots]
        nA2P <- names(a2p)

        curr$curr@quickPlotGrobList[[a2p]][nA2P] <- newSP@quickPlotGrobList[[nA2P]]

        # change the name of the plotName to the parent object
        curr$curr@quickPlotGrobList[[a2p]][[nA2P]]@plotName <-
        needPlotting[[a2p]][[nA2P]] <- TRUE
        isReplot[[a2p]][[nA2P]] <- FALSE
        isBaseLayer[[a2p]][[nA2P]] <- FALSE
        isNewPlot[[a2p]][[nA2P]] <- FALSE

    # for new plots
    for (plots in newNames[needNew]) {
      curr$curr@quickPlotGrobList[[plots]] <- newSP@quickPlotGrobList[[plots]]
      needPlotting[[plots]] <- TRUE
      isReplot[[plots]] <- FALSE
      isBaseLayer[[plots]] <- TRUE
      isNewPlot[[plots]] <- TRUE
        curr = curr$curr, whichParamsChanged = whichParamsChanged,
        needPlotting = needPlotting, isReplot = isReplot,
        isBaseLayer = isBaseLayer, isNewPlot = isNewPlot

#' @rdname updateQuickPlot
  signature = c(newSP = ".quickPlot", curr = "missing"),
  definition = function(newSP, ...) {

      curr = newSP, whichParamsChanged = NULL,
      needPlotting = lapply(newSP@quickPlotGrobList, function(x) {
        lapply(x, function(y) TRUE)
      isReplot = lapply(newSP@quickPlotGrobList, function(x) {
        lapply(x, function(y) FALSE)
      isNewPlot = lapply(newSP@quickPlotGrobList, function(x) {
        lapply(x, function(y) TRUE)
      isBaseLayer = lapply(newSP@quickPlotGrobList, function(x) {
        lapply(x, function(y) TRUE)

#' Determine optimal plotting arrangement of plot objects
#' Internal function. Assesses the device geometry, the map geometry, and the
#' number of spatial objects to plot and builds an object that will be used by
#' the Plot functions to plot them efficiently.
#' @param sPlot A `.quickPlot` object.
#' @inheritParams Plot
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.cur dev.new dev.size
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname arrangeViewports
setGeneric(".arrangeViewports", function(sPlot, arr=NULL) {

#' @export
#' @rdname arrangeViewports
  signature = c(".quickPlot"),
  definition = function(sPlot, arr) {
    ds <- dev.size()
    ds.ratio <- ds[1] / ds[2] # nolint

    sgl <- sPlot@quickPlotGrobList

    dimx <- apply(do.call(
      rbind, sapply(1:length(sgl), function(x) {
        lapply(sgl[[x]][[1]]@isSpatialObjects, function(z) {
          .hasBbox(z, sgl[[x]][[1]]@objClass,

      })), 2, max)

    dimensionRatio <- dimx[1] / dimx[2]

    dsDimensionRatio <- ds.ratio / dimensionRatio # nolint
    if (is.null(arr)) {

      nPlots <- length(sgl)
      names <- names(sgl)

      if (dev.cur() == 1) {
        dev.new(height = 8, width = 10)

      colByRow <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = nPlots))

      colByRow[, 1] <- ceiling(nPlots / (1:nPlots))
      colByRow[, 2] <- ceiling(nPlots / colByRow[, 1])

      ## rewritten for clarity/brevity with pipes below -- rewritten again because too much piping not clear
      whBest <- apply(colByRow, 1, function(x) x[1] / x[2])
      whBest <- (whBest - dsDimensionRatio) |>
        abs() |>

      # whBest <- apply(colByRow, 1, function(x) x[1] / x[2]) %>%
      #   `-`(., dsDimensionRatio) %>%
      #   abs() %>%
      #   which.min()

      columns <- colByRow[whBest, 1]
      rows <- colByRow[whBest, 2]
    } else {
      columns <- arr[2]
      rows <- arr[1]

    actualRatio <- columns / rows

    out <- new(
      ".arrangement", rows = rows, columns = columns,
      actual.ratio = actualRatio,
      ds.dimensionRatio = dsDimensionRatio,
      ds = ds

#' Plot spatial grobs (using \pkg{grid} package)
#' Internal function. Plot a raster Grob, a points Grob, polygon Grob.
#' `speedup` is only used for `SpatialPolygons`, `SpatialPoints`,
#' and `SpatialLines` in this function.
#' Attempts have been made to subsample at a good level that optimizes speed of
#' plotting, without losing visible quality. Nevertheless, to force all points to
#' be plotted, use a speedup value less than 0.1.
#' From a speed perspective, there appears to be an optimal subsampling when
#' using `thin` from the \pkg{fastshp} package.
#' Presumably, too much thinning requires large distance matrices to be
#' calculated, slowing plotting down.
#' Too little thinning causes an overabundance of points to be plotted, slowing
#' plotting down.
#' The suggested package `fastshp` can be installed with:
#' `install.packages("fastshp", repos = "https://rforge.net", type = "source")` or
#' for binary `install.packages("fastshp", repos = "https://PredictiveEcology.r-universe.dev")`
#' NOTE: you may get errors relating to not having installed the software tools
#' required for building R packages on your system.
#' For building on Windows, you'll need to install `Rtools` from
#' <https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/>.
#' @param grobToPlot  `Raster*`, `SpatialLines*`,
#'                    `SpatialPoints*`, or `SpatialPolygons*` object.
#' @param col     Currently only used for the legend of a `Raster*` object.
#' @param size    The size of the `SpatialPoints`.
#' @param gp      `grid` parameters, usually the output of a call to [gpar()].
#' @param gpText  `gpar` object for legend label text.
#' @param legend  Logical indicating whether a legend should be drawn.
#'                Default `TRUE`.
#' @param legendText  Vector of values to use for legend value labels.
#'                    Defaults to `NULL` which results in a pretty numeric
#'                    representation. If `Raster*` has a Raster Attribute
#'                    Table (rat; see \pkg{raster} package), this will be used
#'                    by default. Currently, only a single vector is accepted.
#' @param length  Numeric.
#' @param minv    The minimum value on a `Raster*`. Required because not
#'                all Rasters have this defined internally.
#' @param maxv    The maximum value on a `Raster*`. Required because not
#'                all Rasters have this defined internally.
#' @param pch     Point character for `SpatialPoints`, as `par`.
#' @param real    Logical indicating whether the data are `real` numbers
#'                (i.e., as opposed to `integer` or `factor`).
#' @param speedup Numeric. The factor by which the number of vertices in
#'                `SpatialPolygons` and `SpatialLines*` will be
#'                subsampled. The vertices are already subsampled by default to
#'                make plotting faster.
#' @param vp      whole viewport tree of `quickPlotGrob`
#' @param name    Character string of name of object being plotted.
#' @param ...     Additional arguments. None currently implemented.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @inheritParams Plot
#' @importFrom data.table ':=' data.table
#' @importFrom grDevices as.raster
#' @importFrom grid gpar gTree gList rasterGrob textGrob grid.draw
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname plotGrob
# setGeneric(
.plotGrob <-
  function(grobToPlot, col = NULL, real = FALSE, size = unit(5, "points"), minv, maxv,
           legend = TRUE, legendText = NULL, length = NULL, gp = gpar(), gpText = gpar(),
           pch = 19, speedup = 1, name = character(), vp = list(), ...,
           verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")) {
    # standardGeneric(".plotGrob")
  }# )

#' @export
.plotGrob.default <- function(grobToPlot, col, real, size, minv, maxv,
                              legend, legendText, length, gp = gpar(), gpText,
                              pch, speedup, name, vp, ..., verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")) {
  isColorMatrix <- FALSE
  if (is.matrix(grobToPlot)) {
    notNA <- !is.na(grobToPlot[1,1])
    if (any(notNA)) { # quick version if possible
      firstNonNA <- grobToPlot[1,1]
    } else { # for cases where corner is NA
      notNA <- !is.na(grobToPlot[])
      firstNonNA <- grobToPlot[notNA][1]
    isColorMatrix <- any(nchar(firstNonNA) %in% c(7, 9)) && any(grepl("\\#", firstNonNA)) ||

  isPolygon <- if (isSF(grobToPlot)) {
    any(grepl("POLYGON", sf::st_geometry_type(grobToPlot))) # also capture MULTIPOLYGON
  } else {
    isSpatialPolygons(grobToPlot) ||
      (is(grobToPlot, "SpatVector") && identical("polygons", terra::geomtype(grobToPlot)))
  if (isPolygon) {
    outGrob <- pgSpatialPolygons(grobToPlot, col, size,
                                 legend, gp = gpar(), pch, speedup, name, vp, ..., verbose = verbose)
  } else if (is(grobToPlot, "SpatialLines") ||
             (is(grobToPlot, "SpatVector") && identical("lines", terra::geomtype(grobToPlot)))) {
    outGrob <- pgSpatialLines(grobToPlot, col, size, legend, length, gp = gpar(),
                              pch, speedup, name, vp, ..., verbose = verbose)
  } else if (isColorMatrix) {
    outGrob <- pgmatrix(grobToPlot, col, real, size, minv, maxv,
                        legend, legendText, gp, gpText, pch, name, vp, ...)
  } else { # for SpatialPoints and points SpatVector or other e.g., agentMatrix
    speedupScale <- speedupScale(grobToPlot, lonlatSU = 40 * 4.8e5, SU = 40)
    xyOrd <- coordinates(grobToPlot)

    if (!is.null(col)) {
      if (!is.null(gp)) {
        gp$col <- col # Accept col argument
      } else {
        gp <- gpar(col) #

    if (NROW(xyOrd) > 1e3) {
      # thin if greater than 1000 pts
      if (speedup > 0.1) {
        if (requireNamespace("fastshp", quietly = TRUE)) {
          thinned <- data.table(
            thin = fastshp::thin(xyOrd[, 1], xyOrd[, 2],
                                 tolerance = speedupScale * speedup)
          xyOrd <- xyOrd[thinned$thin, ]
        } else {
          messageVerbose(messFastshape("polygon"), verbose = verbose)
          if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
            messageVerbose(verbose = verbose,
                "You may also need to download and install Rtools from:\n",
                " https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/"

    outGrob <- gTree(
      grobToPlot = grobToPlot,
      children = gList(
          x = xyOrd[, 1], y = xyOrd[, 2],
          pch = pch, size = size
      gp = gp,
      cl = "plotPoint"
    grid.draw(outGrob, recording = FALSE)


pgmatrix <- function(grobToPlot, col, real, size, minv, maxv,
                     legend, legendText, gp, gpText, pch, name, vp, ...) {

  pr <- if (real) {
    pretty(range(minv, maxv))
  } else {
    if (!is.null(legendText)) {
      nrowLegText <- NROW(legendText)
      if (NCOL(legendText) > 1) {
        # means it was a factor
        legendText$contigValue <- 1:nrowLegText
        if (nrowLegText > 20) {
          pr <- pretty(legendText$contigValue)
          pr <- pr - min(pr) + 1 # start it at one
        } else {

      } else {
        unique(round(pretty(range(minv, maxv), n = length(legendText))))
    } else {
      unique(round(pretty(range(minv, maxv))))

  if (NCOL(legendText) == 1) {
    # means it was not a factor
    pr <- pr[pr <= maxv & pr >= minv]
  } else {
    pr <- pr[pr <= nrowLegText & pr >= 1]
  if (length(pr) == 0) pr <- seq(minv, maxv, by = 2)
  maxcol <- length(col)
  mincol <- 2

  gpText$cex <- gpText$cex * 0.6
  if (length(gpText) == 0)
    gpText <- gpar(col = "black", cex = 0.6)

  rastGrob2 <- gTree(
    grobToPlot = grobToPlot, pr = pr, col = col,
    children = gList(
        interpolate = FALSE,
        name = "raster"
      if (legend) {
        if (NCOL(legendText) > 1) {
          # for factors
          colForLegend <- col[rev(legendText$contigValue - min(legendText$contigValue) + 2)]
        } else {
          colForLegend <- col[(maxcol):mincol]
          x = 1.04, y = 0.5,
          height = 0.5, width = 0.03,
          interpolate = FALSE,
          name = "legend"
      if (legend) {
        txt <- if (is.null(legendText)) {
        } else {
          # factor legends
          if (NCOL(legendText) > 1) {
            legendIndex <- pr
            legendText[legendIndex, 2]
          } else {
            legendIndex <- pr - min(pr) + 1
          x = 1.08,
          y = if (!real) {
            # factors
            if (NCOL(legendText) > 1) {
              maxv <- legendText$contigValue[nrowLegText]
              minv <- legendText$contigValue[1]
            ((pr - minv) / ((maxv + 1) - minv)) / 2 + 0.25 + 1 / # nolint
              (diff(range(minv, maxv)) + 1) / 4
          } else {
            ((pr - minv) / ((maxv) - minv)) / 2 + 0.25 # nolint
          gp = gpText,
          just = "left", check.overlap =
          name = "legendText"
    gp = gp, cl = "plotRast2"

  seekViewport(paste0("outer", name), recording = FALSE)
  grid.draw(rastGrob2, recording = FALSE)


pgSpatialPolygons <- function(grobToPlot, col, size,
                              legend, gp = gpar(), pch, speedup, name, vp, ...,
                              verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")) {
  speedupScale <- speedupScale(grobToPlot, lonlatSU = 1.2e10, SU = 2.4e4)

  # For speed of plotting
  xyOrd <- thin(grobToPlot, tolerance = speedupScale * speedup,
                           returnDataFrame = TRUE, minCoordsToThin = 1e5, ..., verbose = verbose)

  numPolys <- length(unique(xyOrd$xyOrd$poly))
  numSubPolys <- length(unique(xyOrd$xyOrd$groups))
  if (!is.null(col)) {
    gp$fill <- col
  theCols <- if ((length(gp$fill) == 1 && gp$fill %in% rownames(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)) ||
                 is.null(gp$fill)) {
    if (is.null(gp$fill)) {
      pal <- "Set2"
    } else {
      pal <- gp$fill
    if (pal %in% rownames(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)) {
      numCols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info[pal,"maxcolors"]
    rep(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(numCols, pal), length.out = numPolys)
  } else {
    if (length(gp$fill) < numPolys) {
      messageVerbose("not enough colours for each polygon (there are ",numPolys,"), recycling",
                     verbose = verbose)
      rep(gp$fill, length.out = numPolys)
    } else if (length(gp$fill) > numPolys) {
      messageVerbose("more colours than number of polygons (there are ",numPolys,"), setting unique colors to sub-polygons (there are "
              ,numSubPolys,")", verbose = verbose)
      if (length(gp$fill) != numSubPolys) {
        messageVerbose("Incorrect number of colours for number of sub-polygons; recycling",
                       verbose = verbose)
      rep(gp$fill, length.out = numSubPolys)
    } else {

  if (length(gp$fill) <= numPolys) {
    dtFill <- data.table(poly = seq(numPolys),
                         col = theCols)
    dtFill2 <- unique(xyOrd$xyOrd[, c("groups", "poly")])
    dtFill2 <- dtFill[dtFill2, on = "poly"]
    gp$fill <- dtFill2$col
  } else if (length(gp$fill) < NROW(xyOrd$idLength)) {
    gp$fill <- theCols

  polyGrob <- .createPolygonGrob(gp = gp, xyOrd = xyOrd)
  grid.draw(polyGrob, recording = FALSE)

pgSpatialLines <- function(grobToPlot, col, size,
                           legend, length, gp = gpar(), pch, speedup, name, vp, ...,
                           verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")) {
  speedupScale <- speedupScale(grobToPlot, lonlatSU = 1.2e10, SU = 2.4e4)
  # speedupScale <- if (grepl(proj4string(grobToPlot), pattern = "longlat")) {
  #   pointDistance(
  #     p1 = c(xmax(extent(grobToPlot)), ymax(extent(grobToPlot))),
  #     p2 = c(xmin(extent(grobToPlot)), ymin(extent(grobToPlot))),
  #     lonlat = TRUE
  #   ) / 1.2e10
  # } else {
  #   max(ymax(extent(grobToPlot)) - ymin(extent(grobToPlot)),
  #       xmax(extent(grobToPlot)) - xmin(extent(grobToPlot))) / 2.4e4
  # }

  if (isSpat(grobToPlot)) {
    xy <- terra::geom(grobToPlot)
    idLength <- as.data.table(xy)[, .N, by = c("geom", "part")]$N
    xy <- xy[, c("x", "y")]
  } else {
    # For speed of plotting
    xy <- lapply(1:length(grobToPlot), function(i) {
    idLength <- unlist(lapply(xy, length)) / 2
    xy <- do.call(rbind, xy)

  if (NROW(xy) > 1e3) {
    # thin if fewer than 1000 pts
    if (speedup > 0.1) {
      if (requireNamespace("fastshp", quietly = TRUE)) {
        thinned <- fastshp::thin(xy[, 1], xy[, 2],
                                 tolerance = speedupScale * speedup)

        # keep first and last points of every polyline,
        # if there are fewer than 10,000 vertices
        if (sum(thinned) < 1e4) {
          lastIDs <- cumsum(idLength)

          # Ensure first and last points of each line are kept:
          thinned[c(1, lastIDs + 1)[-(1 + length(lastIDs))]] <- TRUE # nolint
          thinned[lastIDs] <- TRUE
        xy <- xy[thinned, ]
        idLength <- tapply(thinned, rep(1:length(idLength), idLength), sum)
      } else {
        messageVerbose(messFastshape("lines"), verbose = verbose)
        if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
              "You may also need to download and install Rtools from:\n",
              "  https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/"

  if (is.null(length)) {
    lineGrob <- gTree(children = gList(
        x = xy[, 1], y = xy[, 2], id.lengths = idLength,
        gp = gp, default.units = "native"
    gp = gp,
    cl = "plotLine")
  } else {
    lineGrob <- gTree(children = gList(
        x = xy[, 1], y = xy[, 2], id.lengths = idLength,
        gp = gp, default.units = "native",
        arrow = arrow(length = unit(length, "inches"))
    gp = gp,
    cl = "plotLine")

  grid.draw(lineGrob, recording = FALSE)

#' Make an optimal layout of plots
#' Internal function. Using the size of the current device, and number and
#' dimension ratios of the plots, place them optimally in the plotting region.
#' @param arr an object of class `.arrangement`.
#' @param visualSqueeze Numeric. The proportion of the white space to be used
#'                      for plots. Default is 0.75.
#' @param legend Logical indicating whether legend should be included as part of
#'               layout calculation. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param axes Logical indicating whether the axes should be included as part of
#'             layout calculation. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param title Logical indicating whether the names of each plot should be
#'              written above plots and should be included as part of layout
#'               calculation. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @importFrom grid unit unit.c
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeLayout
.makeLayout <- function(arr, visualSqueeze,
                        legend = TRUE, axes = TRUE, title = TRUE) {
  columns <- arr@columns
  rows <- arr@rows

  # Reduce by 40% of remaining space if each of the following is not wanted
  if (legend == FALSE) {
    visualSqueeze <- visualSqueeze + 0.4 * (1 - visualSqueeze)
  if (axes == FALSE) {
    visualSqueeze <- visualSqueeze + 0.4 * (1 - visualSqueeze)
  if (title == FALSE) {
    visualSqueeze <- visualSqueeze + 0.4 * (1 - visualSqueeze)

  # calculate the visualSqueeze for the width (i.e., vS.w)
  vS.w <- min( # nolint
    visualSqueeze / columns,
    visualSqueeze / columns * arr@actual.ratio / arr@ds.dimensionRatio

  wdth <- unit.c(unit(0.2, "null"),
                 unit(rep(c(0.875, vS.w, 0.875), columns),
                      rep(c("null", "npc", "null"), columns)),
                 unit(0.2, "null"))

  # calculate the visualSqueeze for the height (i.e., vS.h)
  vS.h <- min(visualSqueeze / rows, # nolint
              visualSqueeze / rows * arr@ds.dimensionRatio / arr@actual.ratio)
  ht <- unit.c(unit(0.2, "null"),
               unit(rep(c(0.875, vS.h, 0.875), rows),
                    rep(c("null", "npc", "null"), rows)),
               unit(0.2, "null"))

  return(list(wdth = wdth, ht = ht, wdthUnits = vS.w, htUnits = vS.h,
              visualSqueeze = visualSqueeze))

#' Make viewports
#' Given a set of extents, and a layout for these extents, this function will
#' output a viewport tree to allow plotting.
#' This function will either create a totally new set of viewports, or simply
#' add some nested viewports to an existing arrangement, i.e., is there still
#' white space available to plot.
#' @param sPlot An object of class `.quickPlot`.
#' @param newArr  Logical indicating whether this function will create a
#'                completely new viewport. Default `FALSE`.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @include plotting-classes.R
#' @importFrom grid viewport vpTree vpList
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname makeViewports
.makeViewports <- function(sPlot, newArr = FALSE) {
  arr <- sPlot@arr
  sgl <- sPlot@quickPlotGrobList

  extents <- sapply(sgl, function(x) {
    unname(lapply(x[[1]]@isSpatialObjects, function(z) {
      hasZoomExtent <- FALSE
      obj <- if (z %in% TRUE) {
        ze <- x[[1]]@plotArgs$zoomExtent
        hasZoomExtent <- (!is.null(ze))
        if (hasZoomExtent)
          out <- extent(ze) # convert to list
      if (hasZoomExtent %in% FALSE) {
        obj <- eval(parse(text = x[[1]]@objName), envir = x[[1]]@envir)
        if (z == TRUE) {
          # for spatial objects without zoomExtent
          out <- extent(obj)
        } else {
          if (is(obj, "SpatRaster")) {
            obj <- terra::rast(obj)

          # if the object has an extent method
          if (hasMethod("extent", is(obj)[1]) & !is.list(obj)) {
            # list has an extent method, but too general
            out <- extent(obj)
          } else {
            # for non spatial objects
            out <- list(xmin = 0, xmax = 2, ymin = 0, ymax = 2)

  columns <- arr@columns
  rows <- arr@rows
  gl1 <- grid.layout(
    nrow = rows * 3 + 2, ncol = columns * 3 + 2,
    widths = arr@layout$wdth, heights = arr@layout$ht
  topVp <- viewport(layout = gl1, name = "top"
  plotVps <- list()

  nam <- names(extents)

  # This is the biggest of the extents, and is used in .makeLayout
  #  Need to replicate it here because all plots are scaled to this
  biggestDims <- apply(do.call(rbind, sapply(1:length(sgl), function(x) {
    lapply(sgl[[x]][[1]]@isSpatialObjects, function(z) {
      .hasBbox(z, sgl[[x]][[1]]@objClass, sgl[[x]][[1]]@objName,
  })), 2, max)

  for (extentInd in 1:length(extents)) {
    posInd <- match(nam[extentInd], names(sgl))
    lpc <- ceiling((posInd - 1) %% columns + 1) * 3 # nolint
    lpr <- ceiling(posInd / columns) * 3

    if (!sgl[[posInd]][[1]]@isSpatialObjects) {
      lpc <- c((lpc - 1):(lpc + 1)) # nolint
      lpr <- c((lpr):(lpr + 1)) # nolint

    # Convert to list --> too many other formats
    extents[[extentInd]] <- .ExtentToList(extents[[extentInd]])

    # makes equal scale
    yrange <- extents[[extentInd]]$ymax - extents[[extentInd]]$ymin
    if (yrange > 0) {
      if (abs((yrange / (extents[[extentInd]]$xmax - extents[[extentInd]]$xmin)) - # nolint
        (biggestDims[1] / biggestDims[2])) > getOption("quickPlot.tolerance")) {
        dimensionRatio <- arr@layout$wdthUnits * arr@ds[1] /
          (arr@layout$htUnits * arr@ds[2])
        plotScaleRatio <- (extents[[extentInd]]$xmin - extents[[extentInd]]$xmax) /
          (extents[[extentInd]]$ymin - extents[[extentInd]]$ymax)

        vS.w <- min(1, plotScaleRatio / dimensionRatio) # nolint
        vS.h <- min(1, dimensionRatio / plotScaleRatio) # nolint

        addX <- abs((extents[[extentInd]]$xmax - extents[[extentInd]]$xmin) * 0.025) # nolint
        addY <- abs((extents[[extentInd]]$ymax - extents[[extentInd]]$ymin) * 0.025) # nolint
        # addY <- abs(extents[[extentInd]]$ymax - extents[[extentInd]]$ymin -
        #               (extents[[extentInd]]$ymax - extents[[extentInd]]$ymin) /
        #               vS.h) / 2
        # addX <- abs(extents[[extentInd]]$xmax - extents[[extentInd]]$xmin -
        #               (extents[[extentInd]]$xmax - extents[[extentInd]]$xmin) /
        #               vS.w) / 2
      } else {
        addY <- addX <- 0
    } else {
      addX <- abs((extents[[extentInd]]$xmax - extents[[extentInd]]$xmin) * 0.025) # nolint
      addY <- abs((extents[[extentInd]]$ymax - extents[[extentInd]]$ymin) * 0.025) # nolint
    # end equal scale
    plotVps[[nam[extentInd]]] <- viewport(
      clip = "on",
      name = nam[extentInd],
      layout.pos.col = lpc,
      layout.pos.row = lpr,
      xscale = c(extents[[extentInd]]$xmin - addX, extents[[extentInd]]$xmax + addX),
      yscale = c(extents[[extentInd]]$ymin - addY, extents[[extentInd]]$ymax + addY)
    plotVps[[paste0("outer", nam[extentInd])]] <- viewport(#clip = "on",
      name = paste0("outer", nam[extentInd]),
      layout.pos.col = lpc,
      layout.pos.row = lpr,
      xscale = c(extents[[extentInd]]$xmin - addX, extents[[extentInd]]$xmax + addX),
      yscale = c(extents[[extentInd]]$ymin - addY, extents[[extentInd]]$ymax + addY)

  wholeVp <- vpTree(topVp, do.call(vpList, plotVps))

  return(list(wholeVp = wholeVp, extents = extents))

#' Test whether class has `bbox` method
#' For internal use only.
#' @rdname hasBbox
#' @param z Logical, whether this object is a `SpatialObject`
#' @param objClass The class of the object
#' @param objName The character string name of the object
#' @param objEnv The environment where the object can be found
.hasBbox <- function(z, objClass, objName, objEnv) {
  if (z == TRUE) {
    hasBbox <- TRUE
  } else {
    if (existsMethod("bbox", objClass[1])) {
      hasBbox <- TRUE
    } else {
      hasBbox <- FALSE
  if (hasBbox) {
    ## for spatial objects

    # ## TODO: temporary workaround to enable Plotting terra rasters
    theObj <- try(eval(parse(text = objName), envir = objEnv), silent = TRUE)
    if (is(theObj, "try-error")) {
      theObj <- get(objName, envir = objEnv)
    # if (is(theObj, "SpatRaster")) {
    #   theObj <- terra::rast(theObj)
    # }

  } else {
    # for non spatial objects
    c(1, 1)

xyRange <- function(obj) {
  out <- NULL
  if (isGridded(obj) || is(obj, "SpatVector")) {
    # can be error with e.g., worldMatrix b/c needs to use bbox
    out <- try(c(terra::xmax(obj) - terra::xmin(obj), terra::ymax(obj) - terra::ymin(obj)),
               silent = TRUE)
    if (is(out, "try-error")) {
      out <- try(extent(obj))
      if (!is(out, "try-error")) {
        if (is(out, "list")) {
          out <- c(out$xmax - out$xmin, out$ymax - out$ymin)
        } else {
          out <- c(terra::xmax(out) - terra::xmin(out), terra::ymax(out) - terra::ymin(out))

  else if (inherits(obj, "sf")) {
    bb <- sf::st_bbox(obj)
    out <- c(bb["xmax"] - bb["xmin"], bb["ymax"] - bb["ymin"])

  if (is.null(out) || is(out, "try-error")) {
    for (i in 1:2) {
      out <- try(apply(bbox(obj), 1, function(y) {
      }), silent = TRUE)
      if (!is(out, "try-error"))
      if (is(obj, "Spatial")) {
        if (!requireNamespace("sp"))
          stop("Please install.packages('sp') to use ", class(obj))
        bbox <- sp::bbox
      } else {
        bbox <- suppressWarnings(findMethods("bbox", classes = class(obj)))
        if (length(bbox) == 0)
          stop("Could not find bbox for ", paste(class(obj), collapse = ", "),
               "\nPerhaps a package not installed or loaded (e.g., library(...) )?")


#' Convert pairs of coordinates to `SpatialLines`
#' This will convert 2 objects whose coordinates can be extracted with `coordinates`
#' (e.g., `sp::SpatialPoints*`) to a single `SpatialLines` object.
#' The first object is treated as the "to" (destination), and the second object the "from" (source).
#' This can be used to represent directional `SpatialLines`, especially with with arrow heads,
#' as in `Plot(sl, length = 0.1)`.
#' @param sp1 a `SpatialPoints*` object
#' @param from a `SpatialPoints*` object. Optional. If not provided, then the function will
#'             attempt to find the "previous" coordinates as columns (`prevX`, `prevY`)
#'             in the `sp1` object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' caribou <- terra::vect(x = cbind(x = stats::runif(1e1, -50, 50),
#'                                         y = stats::runif(1e1, -50, 50)))
#' caribouFrom <- terra::vect(x = cbind(x = stats::runif(1e1, -50, 50),
#'                                         y = stats::runif(1e1, -50, 50)))
#' caribouLines <- sp2sl(caribou, caribouFrom)
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   clearPlot()
#'   Plot(caribouLines, length = 0.1)
#' }
sp2sl <- function(sp1, from) {
  l <- vector("list", NROW(sp1))
  beginCoord <- coordinates(sp1)
  if (missing(from)) {
    endCoord <- sp1[, c("prevX", "prevY")]
  } else {
    endCoord <- coordinates(from)

  if (is(sp1, "Spatial")) {
    for (i in seq_along(l)) {
      l[[i]] <- sp::Lines(list(sp::Line(rbind(beginCoord[i, ], endCoord[i, ]))), as.character(i))
  } else {
    mat <- cbind(object = rep(seq(NROW(sp1)), 2),
                 part = 1,
                 rbind(beginCoord, endCoord))
    mat <- mat[order(mat[, "object"]), ]
    out <- terra::vect(mat, "lines")

#' Thin a polygon using `fastshp::thin`
#' For visualizing, it is sometimes useful to remove points in `Spatial*` objects.
#' This will change the geometry, so it is not recommended for computation.
#' This is similar to `sf::st_simplify`,
#' but faster (see examples) for large shapefiles, particularly if
#' `returnDataFrame` is `TRUE`.
#' *`thin` will not attempt to preserve topology.*
#' It is strictly for making smaller polygons for the (likely) purpose of visualizing more quickly.
#' @param x A `Spatial*` object
#' @param tolerance Maximum allowable distance for a point to be removed.
#' @param returnDataFrame If `TRUE`, this will return a list of 3 elements,
#'        `xyOrd`, `hole`, and `idLength`.
#'        If `FALSE` (default), it will return a `SpatialPolygons` object.
#' @param minCoordsToThin If the number of coordinates is smaller than this number,
#'        then thin will just pass through, though it will take the time required to
#'        calculate how many points there are (which is not `NROW(coordinates(x))` for
#'        a `SpatialPolygon`)
#' @param ... Passed to methods (e.g., `maxNumPolygons`)
#' @param maxNumPolygons For speed, `thin` can also simply remove some of the
#'        polygons. This is likely only a reasonable thing to do if there are
#'        a lot of polygons being plotted in a small space. Current default is
#'        taken from `options('quickPlot.maxNumPolygons')`, with a message.
#' @inheritParams Plot
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table data.table set
#' @rdname thin
thin <- function(x, tolerance, returnDataFrame, minCoordsToThin, ...,
                 verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")) {

#' @rdname thin
thnSpatialPolygons <- function(x, tolerance = NULL, returnDataFrame = FALSE, minCoordsToThin = 1e5,
                               maxNumPolygons = getOption("quickPlot.maxNumPolygons", 3e3), ...,
                               verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")) {
  # For speed of plotting
  xyOrd <- ffortify(x, matchFortify = FALSE,
                    simple = returnDataFrame, maxNumPolygons) # a list: out, hole, idLength
  if (is.null(tolerance)) {
    tolerance <- (terra::xmax(x) - terra::xmin(x)) * 0.0001
    messageVerbose("tolerance set to ", tolerance, verbose = verbose)
  if (requireNamespace("fastshp", quietly = TRUE)) {
    if (NROW(xyOrd[["out"]]) > minCoordsToThin) {
      thinRes <- fastshp::thin(xyOrd[["out"]]$x, xyOrd[["out"]]$y, # can't use x or y because sometimes (sf) it is capitalized
                             tolerance = tolerance, id = xyOrd[["out"]]$groups)
      if (any(thinRes))
        messageVerbose("Some polygons have been simplified", verbose = verbose)

      set(xyOrd[["out"]], NULL, "thinRes", thinRes)
      xyOrd[["out"]][, keepAll := sum(thinRes) < 4, by = groups]

      xyOrd[["out"]] <- xyOrd[["out"]][thinRes | keepAll]

      #xyOrd[["out"]] <- xyOrd[["out"]][thinRes, ]# thin line
      if (returnDataFrame) {
        xyOrd[["idLength"]] <- xyOrd[["out"]][, list(V1 = .N), by = groups]
      } else {
        # clean up a bit
        set(xyOrd[["out"]], NULL, "order", NULL)
        set(xyOrd[["out"]], NULL, "groups", NULL)

        polyList <- split(xyOrd[["out"]],
                          by = grep("poly|Polygon|Polygons", value = TRUE, colnames(xyOrd[["out"]])),
                          flatten = FALSE, keep.by = FALSE)
        bb <- lapply(unique(xyOrd$out$Polygons), function(outerI) {
          poly <- lapply(seq(polyList[[outerI]]), function(innerI) {
            #Polygon(as.matrix(polyList[[outerI]][[innerI]][, c("x", "y")]),
            sp::Polygon(cbind(polyList[[outerI]][[innerI]]$x, polyList[[outerI]][[innerI]]$y),
                    hole = unique(as.logical(polyList[[outerI]][[innerI]]$hole)))
          sp::Polygons(poly, ID = outerI)

        names1 <- unique(xyOrd$out$Polygons)
        xyOrd <- sp::SpatialPolygons(bb, proj4string = sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(x)))
        if (is(x, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
          if (length(x) > maxNumPolygons) {
            dat <- x@data[as.numeric(names1) + 1,]
          } else {
            dat <- x@data
          xyOrd <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(xyOrd, data = dat)

  } else {
    messageVerbose(messFastshape("polygon"), verbose = verbose)
    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") {
      messageVerbose(verbose = verbose,
          "You may also need to download and install Rtools from:\n",
          " https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/"
  xyOrd <- list(xyOrd = xyOrd[["out"]], hole = xyOrd[["hole"]],
                idLength = xyOrd[["idLength"]])

#' @export
#' @rdname thin
thin.default <- function(x, tolerance, returnDataFrame, minCoordsToThin, maxNumPolygons, ...,
                         verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")) {
  if ( isSpatialPolygons(x) || (isSpatVector(x) && identical("polygons", terra::geomtype(x))) ||
      isSF(x)) {
    x <- thnSpatialPolygons(x, tolerance = tolerance, returnDataFrame = returnDataFrame,
                            minCoordsToThin = minCoordsToThin,
                            maxNumPolygons = getOption("quickPlot.maxNumPolygons", 3e3), ...,
                            verbose = verbose)

  } else {
    messageVerbose("No method for that class of object exists. See methods('thin') to see current methods")

#' Fortify
#' Convert an arbitrary object to a `data.frame`-like object.
#' @note This only deals with `SpatialPolygons` objects.
#' @rdname fortify
#' @name fortify
#' @importFrom data.table setDT set
#' @keywords internal
ffortify <- function(x, matchFortify = TRUE, simple = FALSE,
                     maxNumPolygons = getOption("quickPlot.maxNumPolygons", 3e3),
                     verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")) {
  if (isSpatVector(x) || isSF(x)) {
    if (isSpatVector(x)) {
      gg <- terra::geom(x)
      dt <- as.data.table(gg)
      colNameForGeom <- "geom"
      rmCols <- c("geom", "part", "hole")
      aa <- unique(dt[, c("geom", "hole")])
      set(aa, NULL, "group", seq(NROW(aa)))
      groups <- dt[aa, on = c("geom", "hole")]$group
      hole <- dt[, any(hole > 0), by = groups]$V1
    } else {
      cc <- sf::st_coordinates(x)
      dt <- as.data.table(cc)
      colNameForGeom <- "L2"
      rmCols <- c("L1", "L2")
      data.table::setnames(dt, old = c("X", "Y"), new = c("x", "y"))
      aa <- unique(dt[, ..rmCols])
      set(aa, NULL, "group", seq(NROW(aa)))
      groups <- dt[aa, on = rmCols]$group
      # groups <- as.integer(factor(paste0(dt[["L1"]], "_", dt[["L2"]])))
      hole <- dt[, any(L1 > 1), by = groups]$V1

    idLength <- dt[, list(V1 = .N), by = groups][, "V1"]
    data.table::set(dt, NULL, "groups", groups)
    # data.table::setnames(dt, colNameForGeom, new = "groups")
    data.table::set(dt, NULL, "poly", dt[[colNameForGeom]])
    if (exists("rmCols", inherits = FALSE))
      set(dt, NULL, rmCols, NULL)
    out <- list(out = dt, hole = hole, idLength = idLength)
  } else if (isSF(x)) {
    # st_sfc(st_polygon(lapply(split(a, by = "L1"), function(y) as.matrix(y)[, 1:2]), dim = "XY"))
    idLength <- dt[, list(V1 = .N), by = "L2"][, "V1"]
    data.table::setnames(dt, "L2", new = "groups")
    data.table::set(dt, NULL, "poly", dt$groups)
    out <- list(out = dt, hole = hole, idLength = idLength)
  } else {

    ord <- if (isSpatial(x)) x@plotOrder else seq_along(x) # a seq vector of length(x)
    if (length(ord) > maxNumPolygons) {

      polygonSeq <- .polygonSeq(x, maxNumPolygons) #if (is.numeric(x@data$Shape_Area)) {
      ord <- ord[polygonSeq]
      .showingOnlyMessage(numShowing = maxNumPolygons,
                          totalAvailable = length(x@plotOrder), verbose = verbose)
    ordSeq <- seq(ord)

    xy <- lapply(ordSeq, function(i) {
      lapply(x@polygons[[ord[i]]]@Polygons, function(j) {

    hole <- tryCatch(unlist(lapply(ordSeq, function(xx) {
      lapply(x@polygons[[ord[xx]]]@Polygons, function(yy)
    })), error = function(xx) FALSE)

    IDs <- tryCatch(unlist(lapply(ordSeq, function(xx) {
    })), error = function(xx) FALSE)

    ordInner <- lapply(ordSeq, function(xx) {

    xyOrd.l <- lapply(ordSeq, function(i) { # nolint

    idLength <- data.table(V1 = unlist(lapply(xyOrd.l, function(i) {
      lapply(i, length)
    })) / 2)

    polyLength <- data.table(V1 = unlist(lapply(xyOrd.l, function(i) {

    numPolygons <- unlist(length(xyOrd.l))
    numPolygon <- unlist(lapply(xyOrd.l, length))

    xyOrd <- do.call(rbind, lapply(xyOrd.l, function(i) {
      do.call(rbind, i)

    groups <- rep(1:NROW(idLength), idLength$V1)
    poly <- rep(1:NROW(polyLength), polyLength$V1)
    poly <- rep(poly, idLength$V1)

    if (!simple | matchFortify) {
      # Polygons <- rep(rep(seq(numPolygons), numPolygon), idLength$V1) # sequential numbering
      Polygons <- rep(rep(IDs, numPolygon), idLength$V1) # actual ID labelling
      Polygon <- rep(unlist(lapply(numPolygon, seq)), idLength$V1)
      holes <- rep(hole, idLength$V1)
      orders <- unlist(lapply(idLength$V1, seq))

    if (matchFortify) {
      if (!simple) messageVerbose("for matchFortify = TRUE, simple is set to FALSE",
                                  verbose = verbose)
      return(data.frame(lat = xyOrd[,1], long = xyOrd[,2], order = orders,
                        hole = holes, id = Polygons, piece = Polygon,
                        #group = paste0(as.character(Polygons), ".", as.character(Polygon)))) # the actual fortify
                        group = groups))
    } else {
      out <- setDT(data.frame(x = xyOrd[,1], y = xyOrd[,2], groups = groups, poly = poly))
      if (!simple) {
        set(out, NULL, "order", orders)
        set(out, NULL, "hole", holes)
        set(out, NULL, "Polygons", Polygons)
        set(out, NULL, "Polygon", Polygon)
      out <- list(out = out, hole = hole, idLength = idLength)


.polygonSeq <- function(polygon, maxNumPolygons) {
  if (is.numeric(polygon@data$Shape_Area)) {
    which(polygon@data$Shape_Area > (sort(polygon@data$Shape_Area, decreasing = TRUE)[maxNumPolygons]))
  } else {
    round(seq(1, length(polygon), length.out = maxNumPolygons))

.createPolygonGrob <- function(gp, xyOrd) {
  # gp$fill[xyOrd[["hole"]]] <- "#FFFFFF00"
  gp$fill[xyOrd[["hole"]]] <- "white"
  polyGrob <- gTree(children = gList(
      x = xyOrd[["xyOrd"]]$x, y = xyOrd[["xyOrd"]]$y,
      id.lengths = xyOrd[["idLength"]]$V1,
      gp = gp, default.units = "native"
  gp = gp,
  cl = "plotPoly")

.showingOnlyMessage <- function(numShowing, totalAvailable, verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")) {
  messageVerbose("Showing only ", numShowing, " of ",
          totalAvailable," polygons in this view. See options('quickPlot.maxNumPolygons')",
          verbose = verbose)

#' Get extent of a variety of spatial objects
#' This is a wrapper around `terra::ext`, `sf::st_bbox`, and
#' `raster::extent`.
#' @rdname extent
#' @name extent
#' @param x The spatial object from which to extract the extent.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return Returns a list of length 4 with elements `xmin`, `xmax`, `ymin`, and `ymax`,
#'   in that order.
#' @export
if (!isGeneric("extent", .GlobalEnv)) {
    function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname extent
#' @export
  definition = function(x, ...) {

.ExtentToList <- function(x) {
  if (!is(x, "list")) {
    x <- if (inherits(x, "sf")) {
      x <- as.list(sf::st_bbox(x))
    } else { #if (isGridded(x) || inherits(x, "Spatial") || isSpat(x) ||
      # is(x, "SpatExtent") || is(x, "Extent")) {
      if (!is(x, "SpatExtent")) {
        if (isSpat(x) || isSpatial(x))
          x <- terra::ext(x)
        else {
          if (!requireNamespace("raster", quietly = TRUE))
            stop("Need to install.packages('raster')")
          x <- raster::extent(x)

      list(xmin = terra::xmin(x), xmax = terra::xmax(x),
           ymin = terra::ymin(x), ymax = terra::ymax(x))

#' Extract coordinates from a variety of spatial objects
#' This will extract using `terra::crds`, `sf::st_coordinates` and
#' `raster::coordinates`. Other packages can create methods, as this is
#' generic.
#' @param obj An object from which to extract the coordinates (e.g., `sf`, `sp`)
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A 2 column matrix of coordinates (x and y)
#' @export
#' @rdname coordinates
#' @name coordinates
#' @examples
#' library(terra)
#' caribou <- terra::vect(x = cbind(x = stats::runif(1e1, -50, 50),
#'                                         y = stats::runif(1e1, -50, 50)))
#' coordinates(caribou)
if (!isGeneric("coordinates", .GlobalEnv)) {
    function(obj, ...) {

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export

  definition = function(obj, ...) {
  if (isSpat(obj) && isVector(obj)) {
  } else if (isSF(obj)) {
  } else {


isLonLat <- function(x) {
  if (isSpat(x)) {
  } else {
    if (is(x, "Spatial")) {
    } else {
      terra::is.lonlat(terra::crs(x)  )

speedupScale <- function(grobToPlot, lonlatSU, SU) {
  extGTP <- extent(grobToPlot)
  isLongLat <- tryCatch(isLonLat(grobToPlot), error = function(e) FALSE) # for object classes with no isLonLat method
  speedupScale <- if (isTRUE(isLongLat)) {
      x = cbind(extGTP$xmax, extGTP$ymax),
      y = cbind(extGTP$xmin, extGTP$ymin),
      lonlat = FALSE
    )) / (lonlatSU)
  } else {
    max(extGTP$ymax - extGTP$ymin,
        extGTP$xmax - extGTP$xmin) /

gArea <- function(x) {

minFn <- function(x) {
  minmaxFn(x, "min")

maxFn <- function(x) {
  minmaxFn(x, "max")

#' @importFrom utils head tail getFromNamespace
minmaxFn <- function(x, which = "max") {
  out <- NULL
  if (isRaster(x)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("raster")) stop()
    fn <- get(paste0(which, "Value"), envir = asNamespace("raster"))
    out <- fn(x)

  } else {
    if (!(requireNamespace("terra"))) stop()
    fn <- ifelse(identical(which, "max"), "tail", "head")
    fn <- utils::getFromNamespace(fn, ns = "utils")
    out <- fn(terra::minmax(x), 1)[1, ]

  if (is.null(out))
    stop("To use maxFn or minFn, you need either terra or raster package installed")


isFALSE <- function (x)
  is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x) && !x

messFastshape <- function(shape) {
    "To speed up ", shape, " plotting using Plot install the fastshp package:\n",
    "install.packages(\"fastshp\", repos=\"https://rforge.net\", type=\"source\")\n",
    "or for binary:\n",
    "install.packages('fastshp', repos = 'https://PredictiveEcology.r-universe.dev')"


messageVerbose <- function(...,
                           verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose", 1L),
                           verboseLevel = 1) {
  if (verbose >= verboseLevel) {

adjustGridFIG <- function(gf, nCols, nRows, wh) {
  whR <- ceiling(wh / nCols)
  whC <- (wh - 1) %% nCols + 1
  if (nRows > 1) {
    interRange <- (gf[4] - gf[3])
    each <- interRange / nRows
    gf[3] <- gf[4] - each * (whR)
    gf[4] <- gf[4] - each * (whR - 1)
  if (nCols > 1) {
    interRange <- (gf[2] - gf[1])
    each <- interRange / nCols
    gf[2] <- gf[1] + each * (whC)
    gf[1] <- gf[1] + each * (whC - 1)

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quickPlot documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:02 p.m.