
#' Build regression models only one dependent variable
#' Build general linear model, generalized linear model, cox regression model with only one dependent variables.

#' @param data A data.frame to build the regression model.
#' @param x Integer column indices or names of the variables to be included in univariate analysis. If \code{NULL}, the default columns are all the variables except `y`, `time` and `cov`.
#' @param y Integer column indice or name of dependent variable, only one integer or character
#' @param cov Integer column indices or name of covariate variables
#' @param factors Integer column indices or names of variables to be treated as factor
#' @param model regression model, see \code{\link{lm}}, \code{\link{glm}}, \code{\link[survival]{coxph}} for more details
#' @param time Integer column indices  or name of survival time, used in cox regression, see \code{\link[survival]{coxph}} for more details
# @param \dots Further arguments passed to regression model
#' @param  cov_show A logical, whether to create covariates result, default FALSE
#' @param  detail_show A logical, whether to create each regression result, default FALSE. If TRUE, with many regressions, the return result could be very large.
#' @param confint_glm A character, 'default' or 'profile'. The default method for 'glm' class to compute confidence intervals assumes asymptotic normality \code{\link[stats]{confint}}, you can also use profile likelihood method \code{\link[MASS]{confint.glm}}, but it is pretty slow.
#' In this case you could specify 'default' for speed.
#' @param save_to_file  A character, containing file name or path
#' @return If detail_show is TRUE, the return result is a list including two components, the first part is a detailed analysis result, the second part is a concentrated result in a  data.frame. Otherwise, only return concentrated result in a  data.frame.
#' @importFrom stats binomial confint glm lm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reg_glm<-reg_x(data = diabetes, x = c(1:4, 6), y = 5, factors = c(1, 3, 4), model = 'glm')
#' ##  other methods
#' fit<-reg_x(data = diabetes, x = c(1, 3:6), y = "age", factors = c(1, 3, 4), model = 'lm')
#' fit<-reg_x(data = diabetes, x = c( "sex","education","BMI"), y = "diabetes",
#' time ="age", factors = c("sex","smoking","education"), model = 'coxph')

reg_x <- function(data = NULL, x = NULL, y = NULL,cov=NULL, factors = NULL, model = NULL,
                time = NULL, cov_show=FALSE,detail_show=FALSE,confint_glm="default",save_to_file=NULL ) {
  if(!is.data.frame(data)) {
    tryCatch( {
      data<-as.data.frame(data,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    }, error = function(e) stop("`data` is not a data.frame.", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(y) || length(y) != 1)
    stop("One dependent variable should be provided or use reg_y for more than one dependent varibales!", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.character(x)) x<-names(data)[x]
  if (!is.character(y)) y<-names(data)[y]
  if (!is.character(cov)) cov<-names(data)[cov]
  if (!is.character(factors)) factors<-names(data)[factors]
  if (!is.character(time)) time<-names(data)[time]

  if (length(x)==0)
    x = setdiff(names(data), c(y,cov,time))
  if (y %in% x || y %in% cov) {
    warning(paste0("Dependent varibale indice: `", y, "` is also in `x` or `cov`, will be removed from them, please check.\n"),
            call. = FALSE)
    x = setdiff(x, c(y, time))
    cov = setdiff(cov, c(y, time))

  if (length(intersect(x, cov)!=0)) {
    warning(paste0("`x` varibale indice: `", intersect(x, cov), "` is also in `cov`, will be removed from `cov`, please check.\n"),
            call. = FALSE)
    cov = setdiff(cov,x)

  if (is.null(factors)) {
    data <- data
  } else  data[, factors] <- lapply(data[, factors,drop=FALSE], factor)

  if (!(model %in% c("lm", "glm", "coxph")))
    stop("model should be one of `lm`, `glm` or `coxph`.", call. = FALSE)
  # arg <- list(...)
  # if (any(c("data", "x", "y", "model") %in% names(arg)))
  #   warning("Please check the arguments: data, x, y, model!", call. = FALSE)

  if (isTRUE(detail_show)) {
    result_detail <- result_dataframe <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(x))
  } else {
    result_dataframe <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(x))

  if(! confint_glm %in% c("profile","default")) stop("Confidence interval method for glm should be `profile` or `default`.", call. = FALSE)

  split_line <- paste0(rep.int("=",80),collapse = "")

  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    group_x <- x[i]


    var_formula<-as.formula(paste0(y,"~",paste(c(group_x,cov),sep="",collapse = "+")))

    row_name<-function(df) {
      df <-  cbind(term= row.names(df), df)
      row.names(df) <- NULL
      df <- as.data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    if (model == "lm") {
        fit <- lm(var_formula,data=dd)
        coef <- cbind(fit$coef, suppressMessages(confint(fit)))
        one <- cbind(group_x, summary(fit)$coefficients, coef,var_n)
        one<-as.data.frame(one,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (!isTRUE(cov_show)) {
      },error = function(err) {
        warning(paste0("Column: `", group_x, "` cannot fit regression model, please check.\n"),
                call. = FALSE)
        one <<- c(group_x, rep(NA,8))
      },finally = {result_dataframe[[i]] <- row_name(one)})
      if (isTRUE(detail_show)) {
        result_detail[[i]] <- list(split_line = split_line, summary = summary(fit))

    } else if (model == "glm") {
      # if ("family" %in% names(arg)) {
      #   fit <- glm(var_formula,data=dd)
      # } else {
      #     fit <- glm(var_formula,data=dd, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
      #     }
        fit <- glm(var_formula,data=dd, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
        if (confint_glm=="default") {
          coef <- cbind(fit$coef, suppressMessages(confint.default(fit)))
        } else {
          coef <- cbind(fit$coef, suppressMessages(confint(fit)))

        or = exp(coef)
        one <- cbind(group_x, summary(fit)$coefficients, or,var_n)
        one<-as.data.frame(one,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (!isTRUE(cov_show)) {
      },error = function(err) {
        warning(paste0("Column: `", group_x, "` cannot fit regression model, please check.\n"),
                call. = FALSE)
        one <<- c(group_x, rep(NA,8))

      },finally = {result_dataframe[[i]] <- row_name(one)})
      if (isTRUE(detail_show)) {
        result_detail[[i]] <- list(split_line = split_line, summary = summary(fit),
                                   `OR(95%CI)` = or)

    } else if (model == "coxph") {
      var_formula<-as.formula(paste0("survival::Surv(time = ",time,", event =",y,")","~",paste(c(group_x,cov),sep="",collapse = "+")))
        fit <- survival::coxph(var_formula,data=dd)
        one <- cbind(group_x, summary(fit)$coefficients, exp(confint(fit)),var_n)
        one<-as.data.frame(one,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (!isTRUE(cov_show)) {
      },error = function(err) {
        warning(paste0("Column: `", group_x, "` cannot fit regression model, please check.\n"),
                call. = FALSE)
        one <<- c(group_x, rep(NA,8))
      },finally = {result_dataframe[[i]] <- row_name(one)})

      if (isTRUE(detail_show)) {
        result_detail[[i]] <- list(split_line = split_line, summary = summary(fit))



  if (isTRUE(detail_show)) {

  result_dataframe<-as.data.frame(do.call(rbind,result_dataframe), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  result_dataframe <- result_dataframe[!grepl("(Intercept)",result_dataframe$term),]

  result_dataframe[,c(3:NCOL(result_dataframe))] <- lapply(result_dataframe[,c(3:NCOL(result_dataframe))], as.numeric)

  if (model == "lm") {
    names(result_dataframe) <- c("term","x", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic",
                                 "p.value", "coef", "coef.low", "coef.high","N")
    result_dataframe <- result_dataframe[, c("x","term","estimate", "std.error", "statistic",
                                             "p.value", "coef", "coef.low", "coef.high","N")]

  } else if (model == "glm") {
    names(result_dataframe) <- c("term","x", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic",
                                 "p.value", "OR", "OR.low", "OR.high","N")
    result_dataframe <- result_dataframe[, c("x","term","estimate", "std.error", "statistic",
                                             "p.value", "OR", "OR.low", "OR.high","N")]

  } else if (model == "coxph") {
    names(result_dataframe) <- c("term","x", "estimate", "HR", "std.error",
                                 "statistic", "p.value", "HR.low", "HR.high","N")
    result_dataframe <- result_dataframe[, c("x","term","estimate", "std.error",
                                             "statistic", "p.value", "HR", "HR.low", "HR.high","N")]
  result_detail[["call"]] <- match.call()
  if (!isTRUE(detail_show)) {
    result <- result_dataframe

  } else {
    result <- list(detail = result_detail, dataframe = result_dataframe)
  if(!is.null(save_to_file)) {
    write.table(result_dataframe, file = save_to_file, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)



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quickReg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:35 p.m.