
Defines functions SS_parlines

Documented in SS_parlines

#' Get parameter lines from Stock Synthesis control file
#' A simple function which takes as input the full path and filename of a
#' control file for input to Stock Synthesis. Ideally, a Control.SS_New file
#' will be used, so that it represents what SS thinks the inputs are, and not
#' what the user thinks the inputs are.
#' It returns a table which should contain one line for each parameter in the
#' model. Currently, only the first 7 values are returned, because all
#' parameters have those values. In the future, extended parameter lines could
#' be returned.
#' Parameter lines are identified as those which have 7 or 14 numeric elements
#' followed by a non-numeric element. It's possible that this system could
#' break down under certain circumstances
#' @param ctlfile File name of control file including path.
#' @param dir Alternative input of path, where file is assumed to be
#' "control.ss_new". Default=NULL.
#' @param version SS version number. Currently only "3.24" or "3.30" are supported,
#' either as character or numeric values (noting that numeric 3.30  = 3.3).
#' @param verbose TRUE/FALSE switch for amount of detail produced by function.
#' Default=TRUE.
#' @param active Should only active parameters (those with positive phase) be
#' output? Default=FALSE.
#' @author Ian Taylor
#' @seealso [SS_changepars()], [SS_readctl()],
#' [SS_readctl_3.24()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' parlines <- SS_parlines(ctlfile = "c:/ss/Simple/Control.SS_New")
#' head(parlines)
#' #       LO    HI     INIT PRIOR PR_type   SD PHASE              Label Line_num
#' # 42  0.05  0.15  0.10000  0.10       0  0.8    -3  NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1       42
#' # 43  0.05  0.15  0.10000  0.10       0  0.8    -3  NatM_p_2_Fem_GP_1       43
#' # 44  1.00 45.00 32.28100 36.00       0 10.0     2 L_at_Amin_Fem_GP_1       44
#' # 45 40.00 90.00 71.34260 70.00       0 10.0     4 L_at_Amax_Fem_GP_1       45
#' # 46  0.05  0.25  0.15199  0.15       0  0.8     4 VonBert_K_Fem_GP_1       46
#' # 47  0.05  0.25  0.10000  0.10       0  0.8    -3  CV_young_Fem_GP_1       47
#' }
SS_parlines <- function(ctlfile = "control.ss_new", dir = NULL,
                        version = "3.30", verbose = TRUE, active = FALSE) {

  # function to read parameter lines in Stock Synthesis control files
  if (!(version == "3.24" | version == "3.30" | version == 3.3)) {
    # turns out 3.30 != "3.30" in R
    stop("version must be either 3.24 or 3.30")

  # read control file
  if (!is.null(dir)) ctlfile <- file.path(dir, "control.ss_new")
  raw <- readLines(ctlfile)
  ctl <- matrix(NA, nrow = 50000, ncol = 100)
  while (nrow(ctl) > length(raw)) {
    ctl <- read.table(
      file = ctlfile, col.names = 1:(ncol(ctl) + 50), fill = TRUE,
      quote = "", colClasses = "character", comment.char = "", blank.lines.skip = FALSE
  ctl <- ctl[!grepl("blocks_per_pattern", ctl[, 8]), ]
  nrows <- nrow(ctl)
  # print(nrows)
  ctl_num <- matrix(NA, nrows, ncol(ctl)) # copy of ctl converted to numerical values or NA
  num_cnt <- rep(NA, nrows) # count of number of numerical values in each row
  num_cnt7 <- rep(NA, nrows) # count of number of numerical values in first 7 values of each row
  num_cnt14 <- rep(NA, nrows) # count of number of numerical values in first 14 values of each row
  orig_warn <- getOption("warn", default = 0) # save the user's original setting.
  options(warn = -1) # temporarily turn off "Warning: NAs introduced by coercion"
  for (irow in 1:nrows) {
    ctl_num[irow, ] <- as.numeric(ctl[irow, ])
    num_cnt[irow] <- sum(!is.na(ctl_num[irow, ]))
    num_cnt7[irow] <- sum(!is.na(ctl_num[irow, 1:7]))
    num_cnt14[irow] <- sum(!is.na(ctl_num[irow, 1:14]))

  options(warn = orig_warn) # turn warnings to original setting
  parlines7 <- ctl[num_cnt7 == 7 & is.na(ctl_num[, 8]), ]
  parlines14 <- ctl[num_cnt14 == 14 & is.na(ctl_num[, 15]), ]

  parlines7 <- parlines7[, 1:9]
  parlines14 <- parlines14[, 1:16]

  # get column names
  if (version == "3.24") {
    namesvec7 <- c(
      "LO", "HI", "INIT", "PRIOR", "PR_type", "SD", "PHASE",
      "Label", "Label2"
    namesvec14 <- c(
      "LO", "HI", "INIT", "PRIOR", "PR_type", "SD", "PHASE",
      "env-var", "use_dev", "dev_minyr", "dev_maxyr", "dev_stddev", "Block", "Block_Fxn",
      "Label", "Label2"
    names(parlines7) <- namesvec7
  if (version == "3.30" | version >= 3.3) {
    namesvec7 <- c(
      "LO", "HI", "INIT", "PRIOR", "PR_SD", "PR_type", "PHASE",
      "Label", "Label2"
    namesvec14 <- c(
      "LO", "HI", "INIT", "PRIOR", "PR_SD", "PR_type", "PHASE",
      "env_var&link", "dev_link", "dev_minyr", "dev_maxyr",
      "dev_PH", "Block", "Block_Fxn", "Label", "Label2"
  names(parlines14) <- namesvec14

  # combine 7 and 14 column lines
  parlines <- parlines14
  # check for presence of short parameter lines
  if (nrow(parlines7) > 0) {
    # add filler columns to short parameter lines
    parlines7 <- cbind(parlines7[, 1:7], matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 7), parlines7[, 8:9])
    names(parlines7) <- namesvec14
    parlines <- rbind(parlines7, parlines14)

  # sort out labels
  parlines[["Label"]][parlines[["Label"]] == "#"] <- parlines[["Label2"]][parlines[["Label"]] == "#"]
  parlines <- parlines[, names(parlines) != "Label2"] # dropping the Label2 column
  # get rid of #_ if in front of the names
  parlines[["Label"]] <- gsub("^#_", "", parlines[["Label"]])
  # get rid of _ if in front of the names
  parlines[["Label"]] <- gsub("^_", "", parlines[["Label"]])

  # make line number numeric
  parlines[["Linenum"]] <- as.numeric(rownames(parlines))
  # sort by order found in control file
  parlines <- parlines[order(parlines[["Linenum"]]), ]

  # make other values numeric
  for (i in 1:(ncol(parlines) - 2)) {
    parlines[, i] <- as.numeric(parlines[, i])
  # filter for active parameters only
  if (active) {
    parlines <- parlines[parlines[["PHASE"]] > 0, ]
} # end function

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r4ss documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:11 a.m.