
Defines functions SSbiologytables

Documented in SSbiologytables

#' A function to create a table of biology for assessment reporting:
#' length, weight, % mature, fecundity, and selectivity
#' Takes the object created by SS_output to create table for reporting
#' for West Coast groundfish.  Works with Stock Synthesis versions 3.30.12
#' and later.
#' @template replist
#' @param printfolder The sub-directory under 'dir' (see below) in which the
#' PNG files will be located.  The default sub-directory is "plots".
#' The directory will be created if it doesn not exist.
#' If 'printfolder' is set to "", it is ignored and the PNG files will
#' be located in the directory specified by 'dir'.
#' @param dir The directory in which a PDF file (if requested) will be created
#' and within which the printfolder sub-directory (see above) will be created
#' if png=TRUE. By default it will be the same directory that the report file
#' was read from by the `SS_output` function. Alternatives to the default
#' can be either relative (to the working directory) or absolute paths.
#' The function will attempt to create the directory it does not exist, but it
#' does not do so recursively.
#' @param fleetnames Either the string "default", or a vector of characters
#' strings to use for each fleet name. Default="default".
#' @param selexyr The year to summarize selectivity, the default is the final
#' model yr strings to use for each fleet name. Default="default".
#' @return A csv files containing biology and selectivity tables
#' @author Chantel Wetzel
#' @export
SSbiologytables <- function(replist = NULL, printfolder = "tables", dir = "default", fleetnames = "default", selexyr = "default") {
  print.numeric <- function(x, digits) {
    formatC(x, digits = digits, format = "f")

  inputs <- replist[["inputs"]]
  biology <- replist[["endgrowth"]] # biology at length final model year
  nsexes <- replist[["nsexes"]]
  nfleets <- replist[["nfleets"]]
  lbinspop <- replist[["lbinspop"]]
  nlbinspop <- replist[["nlbinspop"]]
  sizeselex <- replist[["sizeselex"]]
  ageselex <- replist[["ageselex"]]
  accuage <- replist[["accuage"]] # max age
  FleetNames <- replist[["FleetNames"]]

  ### deal with directories in which to create PNG or PDF files
  if (dir == "default") {
    # directory within which printfolder will be created
    # by default it is assumed to be the location of the model files
    dir <- inputs[["dir"]]

  # figure out path to where PNG files will go
  plotdir <- file.path(dir, printfolder)
  plotdir.isdir <- file.info(plotdir)$isdir
  if (is.na(plotdir.isdir) | !plotdir.isdir) {
  message("writing files to ", plotdir)

  # set fleet-specific names, and plotting parameters
  if (fleetnames[1] == "default") {
    fleetnames <- FleetNames

  # determine the year to summarize
  if (selexyr[1] == "default") {
    selexyr <- replist[["endyr"]]

  # Table
  # Age: Ave Len - Ave Wgt - % mature (by sex)
  # "Mat*Fecund" is = biology[["Fecundity"]] %*% alk (mat = 1, fecundity = fecundity_l * ALK)
  bio <- data.frame(
    Age = biology[biology[["Sex"]] == 1, "Age_Beg"],
    Ave_Length_f = print(biology[biology[["Sex"]] == 1, "Len_Beg"], digits = 1),
    Ave_Wght_f = print(biology[biology[["Sex"]] == 1, "Wt_Beg"], digits = 2),
    Mature_f = print(biology[biology[["Sex"]] == 1, "Len_Mat"], digits = 2),
    Fecund_f = print(biology[biology[["Sex"]] == 1, "Mat*Fecund"], digits = 2)

  if (nsexes == 2) {
    bio <- data.frame(bio,
      Ave_Length_m = print(biology[biology[["Sex"]] == 2, "Len_Beg"], digits = 1),
      Ave_Wght_m   = print(biology[biology[["Sex"]] == 2, "Wt_Beg"], digits = 2),
      Mature_m     = print(biology[biology[["Sex"]] == 2, "Len_Mat"], digits = 2)

  write.csv(bio, paste0(plotdir, "/biology_by_age.csv"), row.names = F)

  # Selectivity by length and age
  selex.age <- selex.age.ret <- data.frame(Age = 0:accuage)
  for (j in 1:nsexes) {
    for (i in 1:nfleets) {
      ind <- ageselex[!is.na(ageselex[["Fleet"]]), "Fleet"] == i
      find <- which(ageselex[ind, "Sex"] == j & ageselex[ind, "Yr"] == selexyr & ageselex[ind, "Factor"] == "Asel")
      selex.age <- data.frame(selex.age, print(as.numeric(ageselex[find, 8:dim(ageselex)[2]]), digits = 2))
  colnames(selex.age) <- c("Age", paste0(FleetNames, "_f"), paste0(FleetNames, "_m"))
  write.csv(selex.age, paste0(plotdir, "/selectivity_by_age.csv"), row.names = F)

  # Selectivity by length and age
  retnames <- NULL
  selex.size <- selex.size.ret <- data.frame(Length = as.numeric(names(sizeselex[6:dim(sizeselex)[2]])))
  for (j in 1:nsexes) {
    for (i in 1:nfleets) {
      find <- which(sizeselex[["Fleet"]] == i & sizeselex[["Sex"]] == j & sizeselex[["Yr"]] == selexyr & sizeselex[["Factor"]] == "Lsel")
      selex.size <- data.frame(selex.size, print(as.numeric(sizeselex[find, 6:dim(sizeselex)[2]]), digits = 2))

      find <- which(sizeselex[["Fleet"]] == i & sizeselex[["Sex"]] == j & sizeselex[["Yr"]] == selexyr & sizeselex[["Factor"]] == "Keep")
      if (length(find) != 0) {
        if (j == 1) {
          retnames <- c(retnames, FleetNames[i])
        selex.size.ret <- data.frame(selex.size.ret, print(as.numeric(sizeselex[find, 6:dim(sizeselex)[2]]), digits = 2))
  colnames(selex.size) <- c("Length", paste0(FleetNames, "_f"), paste0(FleetNames, "_m"))
  colnames(selex.size.ret) <- c("Length", paste0(retnames, "_f"), paste0(retnames, "_m"))
  write.csv(selex.size, paste0(plotdir, "/selectivity_by_size.csv"), row.names = F)
  write.csv(selex.size.ret, paste0(plotdir, "/retention_by_size.csv"), row.names = F)

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r4ss documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:11 a.m.