
Defines functions mcmc.nuisance

Documented in mcmc.nuisance

#' Summarize nuisance MCMC output
#' Summarize nuisance MCMC output (used in combination with
#' [mcmc.out()] for key parameters).
#' @param directory Directory where all results are located, one level above
#' directory for particular run.
#' @param run Directory with files from a particular run.
#' @template file
#' @templateVar file_t posteriors
#' @param file2 Optional second file containing posterior samples for nuisance
#' parameters. This could be derived_posteriors.sso.
#' @param bothfiles TRUE/FALSE indicator on whether to read `file2` in
#' addition to `file1`.
#' @param printstats Return all the statistics for a closer look.
#' @param burn Optional burn-in value to apply on top of the option in the
#' starter file and [SSgetMCMC()].
#' @param header Data file with header?
#' @param thin Optional thinning value to apply on top of the option in the
#' starter file, in the `mcsave` runtime command, and in
#' [SSgetMCMC()].
#' @param trace Plot trace for param # (to help sort out problem parameters).
#' @param labelstrings Vector of strings that partially match the labels of the
#' parameters you want to consider.
#' @param columnnumbers Vector of column numbers indicating the columns you
#' want to consider.
#' @param sep Separator for data file passed to the `read.table` function.
#' @author Ian Stewart
#' @export
#' @seealso [mcmc.out()], [SSgetMCMC()]
mcmc.nuisance <- function(directory = "c:/mydirectory/", # directory to use
                          run = "mymodel/", # folder with ADMB run files
                          file = "posteriors.sso", # the file name of the posteriors
                          file2 = "derived_posteriors.sso", # the file name of the posteriors
                          bothfiles = FALSE, # read and combine both file and file2
                          printstats = FALSE, # return all the statistics for a closer look
                          burn = 0, # can specify a burn in to remove
                          header = TRUE, # header on data file?
                          thin = 1, # can specify further thinning, default is none
                          trace = 0, # plot trace for param # (to help sort out problem parameters)
                          labelstrings = "all", # vector of strings that partially match the columns you want to consider
                          columnnumbers = "all", # vector of column numbers indicating the columns you want to consider
                          sep = "" # sep for data file
                          # sample call:  mcmc.nuisance(run="flatfish_tagging\\",burn=0,thin=1,printstats=F,trace=0)
                          # Purpose: To summarize nuisance MCMC output (used in combination with mcmc.out() for key parameters)
                          # Written: Ian Stewart, August 2003
                          # Arguments: See above
                          # Returns: Graphical devices containing summaries and plots
  #### the following commands no longer needed since packages are required by r4ss
  ## require(coda) || stop("package coda is required")
  ## geterrmessage()

  filename <- file.path(directory, run, file) # put directory,run and file names together for use
  filename2 <- file.path(directory, run, file2) # put directory,run and file names together for use

  # warning if file does not exist
  if (!file.exists(filename)) {
    stop("file doesn't exist:\n", filename)

  mcmcdata <- read.table(filename, # make data table of whole file
    header = header, # no headers
    sep = sep, # space delimited
    fill = TRUE
  ) # fill empty cells to make a symmetrical array
  if (bothfiles) {
    mcmcdata2 <- read.table(filename2, # make data table of whole file
      header = header, # no headers
      sep = sep, # space delimited
      fill = TRUE
    ) # fill empty cells to make a symmetrical array

    mcmcdata <- cbind(mcmcdata, mcmcdata2)

  if (header & labelstrings[1] != "all") {
    labels <- NULL
    for (istring in 1:length(labelstrings)) {
      labels <- c(labels, names(mcmcdata)[grep(labelstrings[istring], names(mcmcdata))])
    message("All labels matching the input 'labelstrings':")
    mcmcdata <- mcmcdata[, names(mcmcdata) %in% labels]
  } else {
    # when "all" are requested, exclude Iter and Objective_function columns
    mcmcdata <- mcmcdata[, !names(mcmcdata) %in%
      c("Iter", "Objective_function")]

  ##### change to mcmc object for coda #####
  mcmcfirst <- mcmc(mcmcdata) # make the mcmc object from the data table
  mcmctemp <- window(mcmcfirst, thin = thin, start = (1 + burn)) # thin the chain  and remove burn in
  mcthinned <- as.matrix(mcmctemp) # get rid of iteration labels
  mcmcobject <- mcmc(mcthinned) # send back to mcmc object

  draws <- niter(mcmcobject) # define the post thinning and burn in length of the chain
  parameters <- nvar(mcmcobject)
  # add robustification for fixed parameters
  vec <- seq(1, parameters, by = 1)
  for (i in 1:parameters)
    if (min(mcmcobject[, i]) == max(mcmcobject[, i])) {
      vec <- vec[vec != i]
  mcmcobject <- mcmcobject[, vec]
  parameters <- length(vec)

  stats <- data.frame(cbind(
    rep(0, parameters), # initialize the data.frame for results
    rep(0, parameters),
    rep(0, parameters),
    rep(0, parameters)
  )) # add columns for each statistic
  names(stats)[1] <- "autocor" # name the first column
  names(stats)[2] <- "geweke" # name the second column
  names(stats)[3] <- "effn"
  names(stats)[4] <- "heidelwelsch"
  stats[["Label"]] <- names(mcmcdata) # add the header values if they exist

  hwsums <- as.vector(c(0, 0, 0)) # for use in plotting later on

  for (i in 1:parameters)
    ##### Autocorrelation #####
    acftemp <- acf(mcmcobject[, i], lag.max = 1, type = "correlation", plot = F) # calculate the AC at lag 1
    acoruse <- round(acftemp[["acf"]][2], 3) # extract the value and round it
    stats[i, 1] <- acoruse # store it in the stats data.frame

    ##### Geweke statistic #####
    if (acoruse > 0.4) {
      gewuse <- 3
    if (acoruse <= 0.4) {
      geweke <- geweke.diag(mcmcobject[, i], frac1 = 0.1, frac2 = 0.5)
      gewuse <- round(geweke[["z"]], 3)
    if (gewuse > 3) {
      gewuse <- 3
    if (gewuse < -3) {
      gewuse <- -2.9
    stats[i, 2] <- gewuse

    ##### Effective sample size #####
    effsize <- effectiveSize(mcmcobject[, i])
    effnuse <- round(effsize, 0)
    stats[i, 3] <- min(effnuse, draws)

    ##### Heidelberger and Welch statistic #####
    if (acoruse > 0.4) {
      hwuse <- "No test" # no statistic
      hwsums[1] <- hwsums[1] + 1
    if (acoruse <= 0.4) {
      hw <- as.list(heidel.diag(mcmcobject[, i], pvalue = 0.05))
      if (hw[1] == 0) {
        hwuse <- "Failed" # failed
        hwsums[2] <- hwsums[2] + 1
      if (hw[1] == 1) {
        hwuse <- "Passed" # passed
        hwsums[3] <- hwsums[3] + 1
    stats[i, 4] <- hwuse
  } # end parameter loop

  ##### plotting section #####
    new = FALSE, # Use same graphical window
    mfrow = c(2, 2)
  ) # set up "cells" to graph into

    main = "", col = "GREY",
    breaks = c(seq(-1, 1, by = 0.1)),
    xlim = c(-1, 1),
    xlab = "Autocorrelation"
  mtext("Summary of nuisance parameters", # label for whole plotting page
    side = 3, # place it on left of the graph
    adj = 0, # left adjust the text
    line = 2, # set the distance above the graph
    font = 2, # make the font bold
    cex = 1.5
  ) # scale the text size

    main = "", ylab = "", xlab = "Effective sample size",
    breaks = c(seq(0, draws, by = (draws / 10))),
    xlim = c(0, draws),
    col = "GREY",
    main = "", xlab = "Geweke statistic",
    breaks = c(seq(-5, 5, by = 0.25)),
    xlim = c(-3, 3),
    right = TRUE,
    col = "GREY",

    space = 0,
    ylab = "",
    col = "GREY",
    xlab = "Heidelberger and Welch statistic",
    names.arg = c("No test", "Failed", "Passed")

  ##### Trace section #####
  if (trace > 0) {
    par(new = FALSE)
    traceplot(mcmcobject[, trace], # trace plot of parameters
      smooth = TRUE
    ) # add a smoothing line
    mtext("Value", # label for y-axis
      side = 2, # place it on left of the graph
      line = 3, # set the distance above the graph
      font = 1, # make the font regular
      cex = 0.8
    ) # scale the text size

    mtext(paste("param", trace, labels[trace]), # label for whole plotting page
      side = 3, # place it on left of the graph
      adj = 0, # left adjust the text
      line = 2, # set the distance above the graph
      font = 2, # make the font regular
      cex = 1
    ) # scale the text size

  ##### Statistics section #####
  if (printstats == TRUE) {
} # end function

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