
Defines functions amScatterChart

Documented in amScatterChart

#' HTML widget displaying a scatter chart
#' @description Create a HTML widget displaying a scatter chart.
#' @param data a dataframe
#' @param data2 \code{NULL} or a dataframe used to update the data with the
#'   button; its column names must include the column names of \code{data}
#'   given in \code{yValues} as well as the column name given in \code{xValue};
#'   moreover it must have the same number of rows as \code{data} and its rows
#'   must be in the same order as those of \code{data}
#' @param xValue name of the column of \code{data} to be used on the x-axis
#' @param yValues name(s) of the column(s) of \code{data} to be used on the
#'   y-axis
#' @param yValueNames names of the variables on the y-axis,
#' to appear in the legend;
#' \code{NULL} to use \code{yValues} as names, otherwise a named list of the
#' form \code{list(yvalue1 = "ValueName1", yvalue2 = "ValueName2", ...)} where
#' \code{yvalue1}, \code{yvalue2}, ... are the column names given in
#' \code{yValues} and \code{"ValueName1"}, \code{"ValueName2"}, ... are the
#' desired names to appear in the legend
#' @param hline an optional horizontal line to add to the chart; it must be a
#'   named list of the form \code{list(value = h, line = settings)} where
#'   \code{h} is the "intercept" and \code{settings} is a list of settings
#'   created with \code{\link{amLine}}
#' @param vline an optional vertical line to add to the chart; it must be a
#'   named list of the form \code{list(value = v, line = settings)} where
#'   \code{v} is the "intercept" and \code{settings} is a list of settings
#'   created with \code{\link{amLine}}
#' @param xLimits range of the x-axis, a vector of two values specifying
#' the left and the right limits of the x-axis; \code{NULL} for default values
#' @param yLimits range of the y-axis, a vector of two values specifying
#' the lower and the upper limits of the y-axis; \code{NULL} for default values
#' @param expandX if \code{xLimits = NULL}, a percentage of the range of the
#'   x-axis used to expand this range
#' @param expandY if \code{yLimits = NULL}, a percentage of the range of the
#'   y-axis used to expand this range
#' @param Xformatter a
#'   \href{https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/concepts/formatters/formatting-numbers/}{number formatting string}
#'   if \code{xValue} is set to a numeric column of \code{data};
#'   it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if
#'   \code{cursor = TRUE}, the labels of the x-axis unless you specify
#'   your own formatter in the \code{labels} field of the list passed on to
#'   the \code{xAxis} option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless
#'   you specify your own tooltip text;
#'   if \code{xValue} is set to a date column of \code{data}, this option should
#'   be set to a
#'   \href{https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/concepts/formatters/formatting-date-time/}{date formatting string},
#'   and it has an effect only on the values displayed in the tooltips (unless
#'   you specify your own tooltip text); formatting the dates on the x-axis is
#'   done via the \code{labels} field of the list passed on to the \code{xAxis}
#'   option
#' @param Yformatter a
#'   \href{https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v4/concepts/formatters/formatting-numbers/}{number formatting string};
#'   it is used to format the values displayed in the cursor tooltips if
#'   \code{cursor = TRUE}, the labels of the y-axis unless you specify
#'   your own formatter in the \code{labels} field of the list passed on to
#'   the \code{yAxis} option, and the values displayed in the tooltips unless
#'   you specify your own tooltip text (see the first example of
#'   \code{\link{amBarChart}} for the way to set
#'   a number formatter in the tooltip text)
#' @param trend option to request trend lines and to set their settings;
#'   \code{FALSE} for no trend line, otherwise a named list of the form
#'   \code{list(yvalue1 = trend1, yvalue2 = trend2, ...)} where
#'   \code{trend1}, \code{trend2}, ... are lists with the following fields:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{method}}{
#'       the modelling method, can be \code{"lm"}, \code{"lm.js"}, \code{"nls"},
#'       \code{"nlsLM"}, or \code{"loess"}; \code{"lm.js"} performs a polynomial
#'       regression in JavaScript, its advantage is that the fitted regression
#'       line is updated when the points are dragged
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{formula}}{
#'       a formula passed on to the modelling function for methods \code{"lm"},
#'       \code{"nls"} or \code{"nlsLM"}; the
#'       lefthandside of this formula must always be \code{y}, and its
#'       righthandside must be a symbolic expression depending on \code{x} only,
#'       e.g. \code{y ~ x}, \code{y ~ x + I(x^2)}, \code{y ~ poly(x,2)}
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{interval}}{
#'       effective for methods \code{"lm"} and \code{"lm.js"} only;
#'       a list with five possible fields:
#'       \code{type} can be \code{"confidence"} or \code{"prediction"},
#'       \code{level} is the confidence or prediction level (number between 0
#'       and 1), \code{color} is the color of the shaded area, \code{opacity}
#'       is the opacity of the shaded area (number between 0 and 1),
#'       \code{tensionX} and \code{tensionY} to control the smoothing
#'       (see \code{\link{amLine}})
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{order}}{
#'       the order of the polynomial regression when \code{method = "lm.js"}
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{method.args}}{
#'       a list of additional arguments passed on to the modelling function
#'       defined by \code{method} for methods \code{"nls"}, \code{"nlsLM"} or
#'       \code{"loess"}, e.g. \code{method.args = list(span = 0.3)} for
#'       method \code{"loess"}
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{style}}{
#'       a list of settings for the trend line created with \code{\link{amLine}}
#'     }
#'   }
#'   it is also possible to request the same kind of trend lines for all series
#'   given by the \code{yValues} argument, by passing a list of the
#'   form \code{list("_all" = trendconfig)}, e.g.
#'   \code{list("_all" = list(method = "lm", formula = y ~ 0+x, style = amLine()))}
#' @param chartTitle chart title, it can be \code{NULL} or \code{FALSE} for no
#'   title, a character string,
#'   a list of settings created with \code{\link{amText}}, or a list with two
#'   fields: \code{text}, a list of settings created with \code{\link{amText}},
#'   and \code{align}, can be \code{"left"}, \code{"right"} or \code{"center"}
#' @template themeTemplate
#' @param draggable \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE} to enable/disable dragging of
#' all lines, otherwise a named list of the form
#' \code{list(yvalue1 = TRUE, yvalue2 = FALSE, ...)} to enable/disable the
#' dragging for each series corresponding to a column given in \code{yValues}
#' @param tooltip settings of the tooltips; \code{NULL} for default,
#'   \code{FALSE} for no tooltip, otherwise a named list of the form
#'   \code{list(yvalue1 = settings1, yvalue2 = settings2, ...)} where
#'   \code{settings1}, \code{settings2}, ... are lists created with
#'   \code{\link{amTooltip}}; this can also be a
#'   single list of settings that will be applied to each series,
#'   or a just a string for the text to display in the tooltip
#' @param pointsStyle settings of the points style; \code{NULL} for default,
#' otherwise a named list of the form
#' \code{list(yvalue1 = settings1, yvalue2 = settings2, ...)} where
#' \code{settings1}, \code{settings2}, ... are lists created with
#' \code{\link{amCircle}}, \code{\link{amTriangle}} or
#' \code{\link{amRectangle}}; this can also be a
#' single list of settings that will be applied to each series
#' @param backgroundColor a color for the chart background; it can be given by
#'   the name of a R color, the name of a CSS
#'   color, e.g. \code{"aqua"} or \code{"indigo"}, an HEX code like
#'   \code{"#ff009a"}, a RGB code like \code{"rgb(255,100,39)"}, or a HSL code
#'   like \code{"hsl(360,11,255)"}
#' @template axesTemplate
#' @param scrollbarX logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the x-axis
#' @param scrollbarY logical, whether to add a scrollbar for the y-axis
#' @param legend \code{FALSE} for no legend, \code{TRUE} for a legend with
#'   default settings, or a list of settings created with
#'   \code{\link{amLegend}}
#' @param caption \code{NULL} or \code{FALSE} for no caption, a formatted
#'   text created with \code{\link{amText}}, or a list with two fields:
#'   \code{text}, a list created with \code{\link{amText}}, and \code{align},
#'   can be \code{"left"}, \code{"right"} or \code{"center"}
#' @param image option to include an image at a corner of the chart;
#'   \code{NULL} or \code{FALSE} for no image, otherwise a named list with four
#'   possible fields: the field \code{image} (required) is a list created with
#'   \code{\link{amImage}},
#'   the field \code{position} can be \code{"topleft"}, \code{"topright"},
#'   \code{"bottomleft"} or \code{"bottomright"}, the field \code{hjust}
#'   defines the horizontal adjustment, and the field \code{vjust} defines
#'   the vertical adjustment
#' @template buttonTemplate
#' @param cursor option to add a cursor on the chart; \code{FALSE} for no
#'   cursor, \code{TRUE} for a cursor for both axes with default settings
#'   for the axes tooltips,
#'   otherwise a named list with four possible fields: a field
#'   \code{axes} to specify the axes for which the cursor is requested, can be
#'   \code{"x"}, \code{"y"}, or \code{"xy"},
#'   a field \code{tooltip} to set the style of the axes tooltips, this
#'   must be a list of settings created with \code{\link{amTooltip}},
#'   a field \code{extraTooltipPrecision}, a named list of the form
#'   \code{list(x = i, y = j)} where \code{i} and \code{j} are the desired
#'   numbers of additional decimals for the tooltips on the x-axis and
#'   on the y-axis respectively, and a field \code{modifier}, a list with two
#'   possible fields, \code{x} and \code{y}, which defines modifiers for the
#'   values displayed in the tooltips; a modifier is some JavaScript code
#'   given a string, which performs a modification of a string named
#'   \code{text}; see the first example of \code{\link{amLineChart}}
#'   for an example of \code{modifier}
#' @param zoomButtons a Boolean value, or a list created with
#'   \code{\link{amZoomButtons}}
#' @param width the width of the chart, e.g. \code{"600px"} or \code{"80\%"};
#' ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the width is
#' given in \code{\link{amChart4Output}}
#' @param height the height of the chart, e.g. \code{"400px"};
#' ignored if the chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the height is
#' given in \code{\link{amChart4Output}}
#' @param export logical, whether to enable the export menu
#' @param chartId a HTML id for the chart
#' @param elementId a HTML id for the container of the chart; ignored if the
#' chart is displayed in Shiny, in which case the id is given by the Shiny id
#' @import htmlwidgets
#' @importFrom shiny validateCssUnit
#' @importFrom lubridate is.Date is.POSIXt
#' @export
#' @examples # iris data: petal widths ####
#' dat <- iris
#' dat$obs <- rep(1:50, 3)
#' dat <- reshape2::dcast(dat, obs ~ Species, value.var = "Petal.Width")
#' amScatterChart(
#'   data = dat,
#'   width = "700px",
#'   xValue = "obs",
#'   yValues = c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"),
#'   draggable = FALSE,
#'   backgroundColor = "#30303d",
#'   pointsStyle = list(
#'     setosa = amCircle(color = "orange", strokeColor = "red"),
#'     versicolor = amCircle(color = "cyan", strokeColor = "blue"),
#'     virginica = amCircle(color = "palegreen", strokeColor = "darkgreen")
#'   ),
#'   tooltip = "obs: {valueX}\nvalue: {valueY}",
#'   chartTitle = amText(text = "Iris data", color = "whitesmoke"),
#'   xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Observation",
#'                               fontSize = 21,
#'                               color = "silver"),
#'                labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
#'                                      fontSize = 17)),
#'   yAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Petal width",
#'                               fontSize = 21,
#'                               color = "silver"),
#'                labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
#'                                      fontSize = 14),
#'                gridLines = amLine(color = "whitesmoke",
#'                                   opacity = 0.4, width = 1)),
#'   Xformatter = "#",
#'   Yformatter = "#.0",
#'   caption = amText(text = "[font-style:italic]rAmCharts4[/]",
#'                    color = "yellow"),
#'   theme = "dark")
#' # iris data: petal widths vs petal lengths
#' dat <- iris
#' dat$obs <- rep(1:50, 3)
#' dat <-
#'   reshape2::dcast(dat, obs + Petal.Length ~ Species, value.var = "Petal.Width")
#' amScatterChart(
#'   data = dat,
#'   width = "700px",
#'   xValue = "Petal.Length",
#'   yValues = c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"),
#'   draggable = FALSE,
#'   backgroundColor = "#30303d",
#'   pointsStyle = list(
#'     setosa = amCircle(color = "orange", strokeColor = "red"),
#'     versicolor = amCircle(color = "cyan", strokeColor = "blue"),
#'     virginica = amCircle(color = "palegreen", strokeColor = "darkgreen")
#'   ),
#'   tooltip = list(
#'     setosa = amTooltip(
#'       text = "length: {valueX}\nwidth: {valueY}",
#'       backgroundColor = "orange",
#'       borderColor = "red",
#'       textColor = "black"
#'     ),
#'     versicolor = amTooltip(
#'       text = "length: {valueX}\nwidth: {valueY}",
#'       backgroundColor = "cyan",
#'       borderColor = "blue",
#'       textColor = "black"
#'     ),
#'     virginica = amTooltip(
#'       text = "length: {valueX}\nwidth: {valueY}",
#'       backgroundColor = "palegreen",
#'       borderColor = "darkgreen",
#'       textColor = "black"
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   chartTitle = amText(text = "Iris data", color = "silver"),
#'   xAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Petal length",
#'                               fontSize = 19,
#'                               color = "gold"),
#'                labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
#'                                      fontSize = 17)),
#'   yAxis = list(title = amText(text = "Petal width",
#'                               fontSize = 19,
#'                               color = "gold"),
#'                labels = amAxisLabels(color = "whitesmoke",
#'                                      fontSize = 17),
#'                gridLines = amLine(color = "whitesmoke",
#'                                   opacity = 0.4, width = 1)),
#'   cursor = list(
#'     tooltip = amTooltip(backgroundColor = "lightgray"),
#'     extraTooltipPrecision = list(x = 1, y = 1)
#'   ),
#'   caption = amText(text = "[font-style:italic]rAmCharts4[/]",
#'                    color = "yellow"),
#'   theme = "dark")
#' # scatter chart with trend lines ####
#' Asym = 5; R0 = 1; lrc = -3/4
#' x <- seq(-.3, 5, len = 101)
#' y0 <- Asym + (R0-Asym) * exp(-exp(lrc)* x)
#' dat <- data.frame(
#'   x = x,
#'   y1 = y0 + rnorm(101, sd = 0.33),
#'   y2 = y0 + rnorm(101, sd = 0.33) + 2
#' )
#' amScatterChart(
#'   data = dat,
#'   width = "700px",
#'   xValue = "x",
#'   yValues = c("y1", "y2"),
#'   trend = list("_all" = list(
#'     method = "nls",
#'     formula = y ~ SSasymp(x, Asym, R0, lrc),
#'     style = amLine()
#'   )),
#'   draggable = FALSE,
#'   pointsStyle = list(
#'     y1 = amTriangle(
#'       width = 8,
#'       height = 8,
#'       strokeColor = "yellow",
#'       strokeWidth = 1
#'     ),
#'     y2 = amTriangle(
#'       width = 8,
#'       height = 8,
#'       strokeColor = "chartreuse",
#'       strokeWidth = 1,
#'       rotation = 180
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   chartTitle = amText(text = "Asymptotic regression model"),
#'   xAxis = "x",
#'   yAxis = "y",
#'   Xformatter = "#.###",
#'   Yformatter = "#.",
#'   theme = "kelly",
#'   zoomButtons = TRUE)
amScatterChart <- function(
  data2 = NULL,
  yValueNames = NULL, # default
  hline = NULL,
  vline = NULL,
  xLimits = NULL,
  yLimits = NULL,
  expandX = 0,
  expandY = 5,
  Xformatter = ifelse(isDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", "#."),
  Yformatter = "#.",
  trend = FALSE,
  chartTitle = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  animated = TRUE,
  draggable = FALSE,
  tooltip = NULL, # default
  pointsStyle = NULL, # default
  backgroundColor = NULL,
  xAxis = NULL, # default
  yAxis = NULL, # default
  scrollbarX = FALSE,
  scrollbarY = FALSE,
  legend = NULL, # default
  caption = NULL,
  image = NULL,
  button = NULL, # default
  cursor = FALSE,
  zoomButtons = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  export = FALSE,
  chartId = NULL,
  elementId = NULL
) {

  if(!xValue %in% names(data)){
    stop("Invalid `xValue` argument.", call. = TRUE)
  if(!all(yValues %in% names(data))){
    stop("Invalid `yValues` argument.", call. = TRUE)

  data_x <- data[[xValue]]
  if(lubridate::is.Date(data_x) || lubridate::is.POSIXt(data_x)){
      xLimits <- format(range(pretty(data_x)), "%Y-%m-%d")
      xLimits <- format(xLimits, "%Y-%m-%d")
    data[[xValue]] <- format(data_x, "%Y-%m-%d")
    isDate <- TRUE
    isDate <- FALSE

    xLimits <- range(pretty(data[[xValue]]))
    pad <- diff(xLimits) * expandX/100
    xLimits <- xLimits + c(-pad, pad)
  allY <- do.call(c, data[yValues])

    yValueNames <- setNames(as.list(yValues), yValues)
  }else if(is.list(yValueNames) || is.character(yValueNames)){
    if(is.null(names(yValueNames)) && length(yValueNames) == length(yValues)){
        "The `yValueNames` %s you provided is unnamed - setting automatic names",
        ifelse(is.list(yValueNames), "list", "vector")
      yValueNames <- setNames(as.list(yValueNames), yValues)
    }else if(!all(yValues %in% names(yValueNames))){
          "Invalid `yValueNames` argument. ",
          "It must be a named list associating a name to every column ",
          "given in the `yValues` argument."
        call. = TRUE
        "Invalid `yValueNames` argument. ",
        "It must be a named list associating a name to every column ",
        "given in the `yValues` argument."
      call. = TRUE

  if(!is.null(data2) &&
     (!is.data.frame(data2) ||
      nrow(data2) != nrow(data) || # XXXX
      !all(c(xValue,yValues) %in% names(data2)))){
    stop("Invalid `data2` argument.", call. = TRUE)

    if("_all" %in% names(trend)){
      trend <- setNames(rep(list(trend[["_all"]]), length(yValues)), yValues)
    trendData <- setNames(vector("list", length(trend)), names(trend))
    trendJS <- setNames(vector("list", length(trend)), names(trend))
    trendStyle <-
      sapply(trend, "[[", "style", USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
    trendIntervals <-
      sapply(trend, "[[", "interval", USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
    ribbonStyle <- sapply(sapply(
        Filter(Negate(is.null), y[c("color","opacity","tensionX","tensionY")]),
      USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE
    ), function(y){
      y$color <- validateColor(y$color)
    }, USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
    for(yValue in names(trend)){
        if(trend[[yValue]][["method"]] != "lm"){
                "Error in trend calculation for \"%s\":  ",
                "method \"%s\" does not handle dates."
              yValue, trend[[yValue]][["method"]]
            call. = TRUE
      trendJS[[yValue]] <-
          trend[[yValue]][["method"]] == "lm.js",
      data_y <- data[[yValue]]
      dat <- data.frame(
        x = data_x[!is.na(data_y)],
        y = na.omit(data_y)
      if(trend[[yValue]][["method"]] %in% c("loess", "nls", "nlsLM")){
        method.args <- if(is.null(trend[[yValue]][["method.args"]]))
      }else if(trend[[yValue]][["method"]] == "lm.js"){
        trend[[yValue]][["formula"]] <-
              "y ~ poly(x, degree = %d, raw = TRUE)",
      if(trend[[yValue]][["method"]] != "loess"){
        . <-
            model.frame(trend[[yValue]][["formula"]], data = dat),
            error = function(e){
                  "%s (in trend calculation for \"%s\").",
                  e$message, yValue
                call. = TRUE
      fit <- switch(
        lm = lm(trend[[yValue]][["formula"]], data = dat),
        lm.js = lm(trend[[yValue]][["formula"]], data = dat),
        loess = do.call(
          function(...){ loess(y ~ x, data = dat, ...) },
        nls = do.call(
          function(...){ nls(trend[[yValue]][["formula"]], data = dat, ...) },
        nlsLM = do.call(
          function(...){ nlsLM(trend[[yValue]][["formula"]], data = dat, ...) },
      simpleRegression <-
        trend[[yValue]][["method"]] %in% c("lm", "lm.js") &&
        identical(attr(terms(trend[[yValue]][["formula"]]), "term.labels"), "x")
      X <- na.omit(dat$x)
      x <-
        unique(seq(min(X), max(X), length.out = 100)) # unique in case of dates
      if(trend[[yValue]][["method"]] %in% c("lm", "lm.js") &&
         "interval" %in% names(trend[[yValue]])){
        interval <- trend[[yValue]][["interval"]]
        itype <- interval[["type"]] %||% "confidence"
        ilevel <- interval[["level"]] %||% 0.95
          x <- unique(seq(min(X), max(X), length.out = 100))
        predictions <- predict(
          newdata = data.frame(x = x),
          interval = itype,
          level = ilevel,
          se.fit = trend[[yValue]][["method"]] == "lm.js"
        if(trend[[yValue]][["method"]] == "lm"){
          trendData[[yValue]] <- data.frame(
            x = if(isDate) format(x, "%Y-%m-%d") else x,
            y = predictions[,"fit"],
            lwr = predictions[,"lwr"],
            upr = predictions[,"upr"]
          allY <- c(allY, predictions[, c("lwr","upr")])
        }else{ # method lm.js
          seFactor <- predictions[["se.fit"]]/predictions[["residual.scale"]]
          if(itype == "prediction"){
            seFactor <- sqrt(1 + seFactor^2)
          seFactor <- seFactor * qt(ilevel+(1-ilevel)/2, predictions[["df"]])
          trendData[[yValue]] <- data.frame(
            x = x,
            y = predictions[["fit"]][,"fit"],
            lwr = predictions[["fit"]][,"lwr"],
            upr = predictions[["fit"]][,"upr"],
            seFactor = seFactor
          allY <- c(allY, predictions[["fit"]][, c("lwr","upr")])
        y <- predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(x = x))
        trendData[[yValue]] <- data.frame(
          x = if(isDate) format(x, "%Y-%m-%d") else x,
          y = y
    trendData <- trendStyle <- trendJS <- ribbonStyle <- NULL

    yLimits <- range(pretty(allY))
    pad <- diff(yLimits) * expandY/100
    yLimits <- yLimits + c(-pad, pad)

    chartTitle <- list(
      text = amText(
        text = chartTitle, color = NULL, fontSize = 22,
        fontWeight = "bold", fontFamily = "Tahoma"
      align = "left"
  }else if("text" %in% class(chartTitle)){
    chartTitle <- list(text = chartTitle, align = "left")

    caption <- list(text = amText(caption), align = "right")
  }else if("text" %in% class(caption)){
    caption <- list(text = caption, align = "right")

    if(length(draggable) != 1L || !is.logical(draggable)){
          "Invalid `draggable` argument. ",
          "It must be a named list associating `TRUE` or `FALSE` ",
          "for every column given in the `yValues` argument, ",
          "or just `TRUE` or `FALSE`."
        call. = TRUE
    draggable <- setNames(rep(list(draggable), length(yValues)), yValues)
  }else if(is.list(draggable)){
    if(!all(yValues %in% names(draggable)) ||
       !all(draggable %in% c(FALSE,TRUE))){
          "Invalid `draggable` list. ",
          "It must be a named list associating `TRUE` or `FALSE` ",
          "for every column given in the `yValues` argument, ",
          "or just `TRUE` or `FALSE`."
        call. = TRUE
        "Invalid `draggable` argument. ",
        "It must be a named list associating `TRUE` or `FALSE` ",
        "for every column given in the `yValues` argument, ",
        "or just `TRUE` or `FALSE`."
      call. = TRUE

    tooltipText <- sprintf(ifelse(
        "[bold][font-style:italic]{dateX.value.formatDate('%s')}:[/] ",
        "[bold]({valueX.value.formatNumber('%s')}, ",
    ), Xformatter, Yformatter)
      tooltip <-
          rep(list(amTooltip(text = tooltipText, auto = FALSE)), length(yValues)),
    }else if("tooltip" %in% class(tooltip)){
      tooltip <- setNames(rep(list(tooltip), length(yValues)), yValues)
    }else if(is.list(tooltip)){
      if(any(!yValues %in% names(tooltip))){
        stop("Invalid `tooltip` list.", call. = TRUE)
    }else if(is.character(tooltip)){
      tooltip <-
          rep(list(amTooltip(text = tooltip, auto = FALSE)), length(yValues)),
      stop("Invalid `tooltip` argument.", call. = TRUE)

  # if(is.null(pointsStyle)){
  #   pointsStyle <- list("_" = NULL)
  # }else{
  #   if(is.character(pointsStyle[["color"]])){
  #     pointsStyle[["color"]] <-
  #       setNames(
  #         rep(list(validateColor(pointsStyle[["color"]])), length(yValues)),
  #         yValues
  #       )
  #   }else if(is.list(pointsStyle[["color"]])){
  #     if(!all(yValues %in% names(pointsStyle[["color"]]))){
  #       stop(
  #         paste0(
  #           "Invalid `color` field of `pointsStyle`. ",
  #           "It must be a named list associating a color for every column ",
  #           "given in the `yValues` argument, or just a color that will be ",
  #           "applied to every series."
  #         ),
  #         call. = TRUE
  #       )
  #     }
  #     pointsStyle[["color"]] <-
  #       sapply(pointsStyle[["color"]], validateColor, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
  #   }
  #   if(is.numeric(pointsStyle[["strokeWidth"]])){
  #     pointsStyle[["strokeWidth"]] <-
  #       setNames(
  #         rep(list(pointsStyle[["strokeWidth"]]), length(yValues)),
  #         yValues
  #       )
  #   }else if(is.list(pointsStyle[["strokeWidth"]])){
  #     if(!all(yValues %in% names(pointsStyle[["strokeWidth"]]))){
  #       stop(
  #         paste0(
  #           "Invalid `strokeWidth` field of `pointsStyle`. ",
  #           "It must be a named list associating a width for every column ",
  #           "given in the `yValues` argument, or just a width that will be ",
  #           "applied to every series."
  #         ),
  #         call. = TRUE
  #       )
  #     }
  #   }
  #   if(is.numeric(pointsStyle[["width"]])){
  #     pointsStyle[["width"]] <-
  #       setNames(
  #         rep(list(pointsStyle[["width"]]), length(yValues)),
  #         yValues
  #       )
  #   }else if(is.list(pointsStyle[["width"]])){
  #     if(!all(yValues %in% names(pointsStyle[["width"]]))){
  #       stop(
  #         paste0(
  #           "Invalid `width` field of `pointsStyle`. ",
  #           "It must be a named list associating a width for every column ",
  #           "given in the `yValues` argument, or just a width that will be ",
  #           "applied to every series."
  #         ),
  #         call. = TRUE
  #       )
  #     }
  #   }
  # }

    pointsStyle <- setNames(rep(list(amTriangle()), length(yValues)), yValues)
  }else if("bullet" %in% class(pointsStyle)){
    pointsStyle <- setNames(rep(list(pointsStyle), length(yValues)), yValues)
  }else if(is.list(pointsStyle)){
    if(any(!yValues %in% names(pointsStyle))){
      stop("Invalid `pointsStyle` list.", call. = TRUE)
    stop("Invalid `pointsStyle` argument.", call. = TRUE)

    xAxis <- list(
      title = amText(
        text = xValue,
        fontSize = 20,
        color = NULL,
        fontWeight = "bold"
      labels = amAxisLabels(
        color = NULL,
        fontSize = 18,
        rotation = 0,
        formatter = if(isDate){
      gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.2, width = 1)
  }else if(is.character(xAxis)){
    xAxis <- list(
      title = amText(
        text = xAxis,
        fontSize = 20,
        color = NULL,
        fontWeight = "bold"
      labels = amAxisLabels(
        color = NULL,
        fontSize = 18,
        rotation = 0,
        formatter = if(isDate){
      gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.2, width = 1)
    xAxis[["title"]] <- amText(
      text = xAxis[["title"]],
      fontSize = 20,
      color = NULL,
      fontWeight = "bold"
    xAxis[["labels"]] <- amAxisLabels(
      color = NULL,
      fontSize = 18,
      rotation = 0,
      formatter = if(isDate){

    yAxis <- list(
      title = if(length(yValues) == 1L) {
          text = yValues,
          fontSize = 20,
          color = NULL,
          fontWeight = "bold"
      labels = amAxisLabels(
        color = NULL,
        fontSize = 18,
        rotation = 0,
        formatter = Yformatter
      gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.2, width = 1)
  }else if(is.character(yAxis)){
    yAxis <- list(
      title = amText(
        text = yAxis,
        fontSize = 20,
        color = NULL,
        fontWeight = "bold"
      labels = amAxisLabels(
        color = NULL,
        fontSize = 18,
        rotation = 0,
        formatter = Yformatter
      gridLines = amLine(opacity = 0.2, width = 1)
    yAxis[["title"]] <- amText(
      text = yAxis[["title"]],
      fontSize = 20,
      color = NULL,
      fontWeight = "bold"
  if(!isFALSE(yAxis[["labels"]]) && is.null(yAxis[["labels"]])){
    yAxis[["labels"]] <- amAxisLabels(
      color = NULL,
      fontSize = 18,
      rotation = 0,
      formatter = Yformatter

    legend <- length(yValues) > 1L
    legend <- amLegend(
      position = "bottom",
      itemsWidth = 20,
      itemsHeight = 20

  if(!(is.null(image) || isFALSE(image))){
      if(!"image" %in% class(image)){
        stop("Invalid `image` argument.", call. = TRUE)
        image <- list(image = image)
      if(!"image" %in% names(image) || !"image" %in% class(image[["image"]])){
        stop("Invalid `image` argument.", call. = TRUE)

    button <- if(!is.null(data2))
        label = "Reset"
  }else if(is.character(button)){
    button <- amButton(
      label = button

    if("extraTooltipPrecision" %in% names(cursor) &&
       length(cursor[["extraTooltipPrecision"]]) == 1L)
      cursor[["extraTooltipPrecision"]] <- list(
        x = cursor[["extraTooltipPrecision"]][[1L]],
        y = cursor[["extraTooltipPrecision"]][[1L]]
    if("modifier" %in% names(cursor)){
      if(all(!(is.element(c("x","y"), names(cursor[["modifier"]]))))){
          "Invalid `modifier` field in the `cursor` argument.", call. = TRUE
      cursor[["renderer"]] <- sapply(cursor[["modifier"]], function(body){
          "return text;",
      }, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
      cursor[["modifier"]] <- NULL
      cursor <- append(cursor, list(dateFormat = Xformatter))
  }else if(isTRUE(cursor) && isDate){
    cursor <- list(dateFormat = Xformatter)

      zoomButtons <- amZoomButtons()
    }else if(!inherits(zoomButtons, "zoomButtons")){
      stop("Invalid argument `zoomButtons`.")

    width <- "100%"
    width <- shiny::validateCssUnit(width)

  height <- shiny::validateCssUnit(height)
    if(grepl("^\\d", width) && !grepl("%$", width)){
      height <- sprintf("calc(%s * 9 / 16)", width)
      height <- "400px"

    chartId <- paste0("scatterchart-", randomString(15))

    if(any(!is.element(c("value", "line"), names(hline)))){
        "Invalid `hline` argument."

    if(any(!is.element(c("value", "line"), names(vline)))){
        "Invalid `vline` argument."

  # describe a React component to send to the browser for rendering.
  component <- reactR::component(
      data = data,
      data2 = data2,
      trendData = trendData,
      trendStyle = trendStyle,
      trendJS = trendJS,
      ribbonStyle = ribbonStyle,
      xValue = xValue,
      isDate = isDate,
      yValues = as.list(yValues),
      yValueNames = as.list(yValueNames),
      minX = xLimits[1L],
      maxX = xLimits[2L],
      minY = yLimits[1L],
      maxY = yLimits[2L],
      hline = hline,
      vline = vline,
      chartTitle = chartTitle,
      theme = theme,
      animated = animated,
      draggable = draggable,
      tooltip = tooltip,
      pointsStyle = pointsStyle,
      backgroundColor = validateColor(backgroundColor),
      xAxis = xAxis,
      yAxis = yAxis,
      scrollbarX = scrollbarX,
      scrollbarY = scrollbarY,
      legend = legend,
      caption = caption,
      cursor = cursor,
      zoomButtons = zoomButtons,
      image = image,
      button = button,
      width = width,
      height = height,
      export = export,
      chartId = chartId,
      shinyId = elementId
  # create widget
    name = 'amChart4',
    width = "auto",
    height = "auto",
    package = 'rAmCharts4',
    elementId = elementId

Try the rAmCharts4 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rAmCharts4 documentation built on Sept. 22, 2022, 5:05 p.m.