
# rEMM - Extensible Markov Model (EMM) for Data Stream Clustering in R
# Copyright (C) 2011 Michael Hahsler
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

## the generic with x, y, ... comes from graphics
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "EMM", y = "missing"),
    method = c("igraph",
    data = NULL,
    parameter = NULL,
    ...) {
    method <- match.arg(method)

    p <- .get_parameters(
        cluster_counts = TRUE,
        arrow_width = TRUE,
        arrows = "counts",
        ## or "probabilities"
        arrow_width_multiplier = 1,
        state_size_multiplier = 1,
        add_labels = TRUE,
        cluster_labels = NULL,

        ## MDS
        mark_clusters = TRUE,
        draw_threshold = FALSE,

        ## graph, igraph
        mark_states = NULL,
        ## may be a vector of same length as mark_state
        mark_states_color = "red",
        mark_transitions = NULL,
        mark_transitions_color = "red",

        nAttrs = list(),
        eAttrs = list()

    if (size(x) < 1) {
      warning("Empty EMM. No plot produced!")

    ## check if we can use graphviz
    if (method == "graph" && !.installed("Rgraphviz")) {
      warning("Rgraphviz not available/installed. Reverting to igraph!",
        call. = FALSE)
      method <- "igraph"

    emm_centers <- cluster_centers(x)

    if (method == "cluster_counts") {
      pl <- barplot(sort(cluster_counts(x), decreasing = TRUE),
        ylab = "Count",
        xlab = "State",

    } else if (method == "transition_counts") {
      tr <- transitions(x)
      cnt <- transition(x, tr, type = "counts")
      names(cnt) <- apply(
        MARGIN = 1,
        FUN =
            paste(x, collapse = "->")
      pl <- barplot(sort(cnt, decreasing = TRUE),
        ylab = "Transition counts", ...)

    } else if (method == "igraph" ||
        method == "interactive") {
      g <- as.igraph(x)

      if (method == "interactive")
        plot_fun <- tkplot
        plot_fun <- plot

      if (p$arrow_width) {
        e.width <- map(get.edge.attribute(g, "weight"),
          c(.5, 3)) * p$arrow_width_multiplier
      } else{
        e.width <- 1 * p$arrow_width_multiplier

      if (p$cluster_counts) {
        v.size <- map(cluster_counts(x),
          c(8, 30)) * p$state_size_multiplier
      } else{
        v.size <- 10 * p$state_size_multiplier
      #v.cex <- v.size/10

      ## cluster labels
      v.labels <- states(x)
      if (!is.null(p$cluster_labels))
        v.labels <- p$cluster_labels
      if (!p$add_labels)
        v.labels <- ""

      ## mark_states
      v.label.color <- "black"
      V(g)$color <- "white"
      if (!is.null(p$mark_states)) {
        V(g)[p$mark_states]$color <- p$mark_states_color

      ## mark_transitions
      E(g)$color <- "black"
      if (!is.null(p$mark_transitions)) {
        E(g)$color <- "grey"
        if (length(p$mark_transitions_color) == 1)
          p$mark_transitions_color <- rep(p$mark_transitions_color,
        for (i in 1:length(p$mark_transitions)) {
          x <- strsplit(p$mark_transitions[i], "->")[[1]]
          E(g)[V(g)[x[1]] %->% V(g)[x[2]]]$color <-

      pl <- plot_fun(

        ## our default values
        layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold,
        #layout=layout.reingold.tilford(g, root=0)*-1,
        vertex.label.family = "Helvetica",
        edge.label.family = "Helvetica",
        vertex.label = v.labels,
        vertex.size = v.size,

        ## this does not work for interactive

        ## b/w
        #vertex.color = "white",
        #edge.color = "black",
        vertex.label.color = v.label.color,
        #vertex.color = v.color,

        #edge.color = e.color,
        edge.width = e.width,

        ## only accepts a single value for now!
        edge.arrow.size = .5,
        asp = 0 ## fill whole plot

    } else if (method == "graph") {
      ## this is Rgraphviz

      g <- as.graph(x)

      nAttrs <- p$nAttrs
      eAttrs <- p$eAttrs

      ## vertex colors
      if (!is.null(p$mark_states)) {
        nAttrs$fillcolor <- rep(p$mark_states_color,
        names(nAttrs$fillcolor) <- p$mark_states

      ## vertex labels
      if (!is.null(p$cluster_labels)) {
        names(p$cluster_labels) <- states(x)
        nAttrs$label <- p$cluster_labels

      if (!p$add_labels) {
        p$cluster_labels <- rep("", size(x))
        names(p$cluster_labels) <- states(x)
        nAttrs$label <- p$cluster_labels

      ## vertex size
      if (p$cluster_counts) {
        nAttrs$width <- (.5 +
            cluster_counts(x) / max(cluster_counts(x))) * p$state_size_multiplier * .75

      if (p$arrow_width && graph::numEdges(g) > 0) {
        ## this should work but the order in graph
        ## lwd ordering seems to be broken in graph
        #edges <- transitions(x)

        edg <- graph::edges(g)
        from <- character()
        to <- unlist(edg)
        for (n in names(edg))
          from <- c(from, rep(n, length(edg[[n]])))
        edges <- cbind(from = from, to = to)
        ## end work around for graph

        lwd <- transition(x, edges, type = p$arrows)

        ## normalize
        lwd <- lwd - min(lwd)
        if (max(lwd) > 0)
          lwd <- lwd / max(lwd)
        lwd <- (1 + lwd * 4) * p$arrow_width_multiplier

        names(lwd) <- apply(
          MARGIN = 1,
          FUN = function(z)
            paste(z, collapse = "~")
        eAttrs$lwd <- lwd

      ## edge color
      if (!is.null(p$mark_transitions)) {
        e.cols <- p$mark_transitions_color

        if (length(e.cols) == 1)
          e.cols <- rep(e.cols, length(p$mark_transitions))
        names(e.cols) <- sapply(strsplit(p$mark_transitions,
          "->"), paste, collapse = "~")

        eAttrs$color <- e.cols

      pl <- Rgraphviz::plot(
        recipEdges = "distinct",
        nodeAttrs = nAttrs,
        edgeAttrs = eAttrs,
    } else {
      if (nrow(emm_centers) < 3)
        stop('Less than 3 centers! Use method="graph".')

      ## self transitions are not visible for these plots
      x <- remove_selftransitions(x)

      if (is.null(data)) {
        if (ncol(emm_centers) == 2 &&
            tolower(x@measure) == "euclidean") {
          ## we need no MDS
          mds <-
            list(points = emm_centers, GOF = c(0, 1))
          pts <- mds$points
          rownames(pts) <- states(x)
          sub <- ''

        } else{
          d <- dist(emm_centers, method = x@distFun)
          mds <- cmdscale(d, eig = TRUE, add = TRUE)
          #mds <- isoMDS(d, trace=FALSE)
          pts <- mds$points
          dimnames(pts) <- list(states(x),
            c("Dimension 1", "Dimension 2"))
          sub <- paste(
            "These two dimensions explain",
            round(100 * mds$GOF[2], digits = 2),
            "% of the point variability."
          #sub <- ""

        ## start plotting
        plot(pts, type = "n", ..., sub = sub)

        ## use cex for point size
        cex <- 2
        if (p$cluster_counts)
          cex <-
          (2 + cluster_counts(x) / max(cluster_counts(x)) * 5) * p$state_size_multiplier

        ## arrows
        edges <- transitions(x)
        arrows_fromto <- cbind(
          from_x = pts[edges[, 1], 1],
          from_y = pts[edges[, 1], 2],
          to_x = pts[edges[, 2], 1],
          to_y = pts[edges[, 2], 2]

        ## edge colors
        edge_colors <- "grey"
        if (!is.null(p$mark_transitions)) {
          edge_colors <- rep("grey", nrow(edges))
          if (length(p$mark_transitions_color) == 1)
            p$mark_transitions_color <-

          sl <- strsplit(p$mark_transitions, "->")
          for (i in 1:length(sl)) {
            edge_colors[apply(edges == sl[[i]], MARGIN = 1,
              all)] <- p$mark_transitions_color[i]

        ## make arrows shorter so they do not cover the nodes
        nodeRad2 <- cbind(x = (sapply(
          FUN = function(cx)
            strwidth("o", cex = cx / 1.2)
        ) / 2) ^ 2,
          y = (sapply(
            FUN = function(cx)
              strheight("o", cex = cx / 1.2)
          ) / 2) ^ 2)

        x2 <- (arrows_fromto[, 3] - arrows_fromto[, 1]) ^ 2
        y2 <- (arrows_fromto[, 2] - arrows_fromto[, 4]) ^ 2
        z2 <- x2 + y2
        shorten <- cbind(
          x1 = sqrt(nodeRad2[edges[, 1], 1] / z2 * x2),
          y1 = sqrt(nodeRad2[edges[, 1], 2] / z2 * y2),
          x2 = sqrt(nodeRad2[edges[, 2], 1] / z2 * x2),
          y2 = sqrt(nodeRad2[edges[, 2], 2] / z2 * y2)

        signs <- matrix(1, ncol = 2, nrow = nrow(shorten))
        signs[arrows_fromto[, 1] > arrows_fromto[, 3], 1] <-
        signs[arrows_fromto[, 2] > arrows_fromto[, 4], 2] <-
        signs <- cbind(signs, signs * -1)

        shorten <- shorten * signs
        shorten[is.nan(shorten)] <-
          0 ## take care of too short arrows
        arrows_fromto <- arrows_fromto + shorten

        ## lwd for arrows
        lwd <- 1
        if (p$arrow_width) {
          lwd <- transition(x, edges[, 1], edges[, 2], type = p$arrows)
          ## normalize
          lwd <- lwd - min(lwd)
          lwd <- lwd / max(lwd)
          lwd <-
            (1 + lwd * 4) * p$arrow_width_multiplier

        ## arrows whines about zero length arrows
            arrows_fromto[, 1],
            arrows_fromto[, 2],
            arrows_fromto[, 3],
            arrows_fromto[, 4],
            length = 0.15,
            col = edge_colors,
            angle = 20,
            lwd = lwd

        ## overplot points and text
        if (!is.null(p$mark_states)) {
          s <- states(x) %in% p$mark_states
            pts[s, , drop = FALSE],
            cex = cex[s],
            col = p$mark_states_color,
            pch = 19
          #points(pts[!s,,drop=FALSE], cex=cex[!s])

        points(pts, cex = cex, ...)

        if (p$add_labels) {
          ## plot labels
          if (is.null(p$cluster_labels))
            labels <- states(x)
            labels <- p$cluster_labels
          cex <- cex / 1.7
          ## make sure double digit labels fit
          cex <- cex * (strwidth("8") /
                strwidth(labels), strheight(labels)
                MARGIN = 1, max))
          text(pts, labels = labels, cex = cex)

        pl <- mds

      } else {
        ### MDS + data
        ## project state centers onto dataset

        ## remove NA rows (resets)
        data <-
            FUN = function(x)
            MARGIN = 1

        if (ncol(emm_centers) == 2 &&
            tolower(x@measure) == "euclidean") {
          ## we need no MDS
          mds <-
            list(points = emm_centers, GOF = c(0, 1))
          centers <- emm_centers
          allpoints <- data
          sub <- ''

        } else{
          d <- dist(rbind(emm_centers, data), method = x@distFun)
          mds <- cmdscale(d, eig = TRUE, add = TRUE)
          centers <-
            mds$points[1:nrow(emm_centers), 1:2]
          allpoints <-
            mds$points[-c(1:nrow(emm_centers)), 1:2]
          colnames(allpoints) <- c("Dimension 1", "Dimension 2")
          sub <- paste(
            "These two dimensions explain",
            round(100 * mds$GOF[2], digits = 2),
            "% of the point variability."
        ## points
        if (p$mark_clusters) {
          point_center <- find_clusters(x, data,
            match_cluster = "exact")
          ## make state name integer for pch
          pch <- as.integer(factor(point_center,
            levels = states(x)))
          pch_center <- 1:size(x)

          ## make sure we stay below 25 for pch
          while (any(pch > 25, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            reduce <- pch > 25
            reduce[is.na(reduce)] <- FALSE
            pch[reduce] <- pch[reduce] - 25
          while (any(pch_center > 25))
            pch_center[pch_center > 25] <-
            pch_center[pch_center > 25] - 25

            col = "grey",
            pch = pch,
            sub = sub)

          ## plot points which do not belong to any state
          if (any(is.na(point_center)))
            points(allpoints[is.na(point_center), , drop =
              col = "blue", pch = 1)

          ## add ellipses
          ## FIXME: does not work with d>2
          if (p$draw_threshold) {
            for (i in 1:size(x)) {
              thr <- x@tnn_d$var_thresholds[i]
              loc <- cluster_centers(x)[i,]
              lines(ellipsePoints(thr, thr, loc = loc, n = 90),
                col = 1,
                lty = 2)

        } else{
            xlab = "Dimension 1",
            ylab = "Dimension 2",
            col = "grey",
            sub = paste(
              "These two dimensions explain",
              round(100 * mds$GOF[2], digits = 2),
              "% of the point variability."

        cex <- 1

        ## use cex for point size (scale: 1...3)
        if (p$cluster_counts)
          cex <- 1 + cluster_counts(x) / max(cluster_counts(x)) * 2

        ## centers
        if (p$mark_clusters)
            col = "red",
            pch = pch_center,
            cex = cex)
            col = "red",
            pch = "+",
            cex = cex)
        #points(centers, col="red", pch=1:size(x), cex=cex)
        if (p$add_labels)
          text(centers, labels = states(x), pos = 3)
      pl <- mds



setMethod("plot", signature(x = "TRACDS", y = "missing"),
  function(x, y, ...) {
    g <- as.igraph(x)
      layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold,
      #layout=layout.reingold.tilford(g, root=0)*-1,
      vertex.label.family = "Helvetica",
      edge.label.family = "Helvetica",
      vertex.label = states(x),

      ## b/w
      vertex.label.color = "black",
      vertex.color = "white",
      edge.color = "black",

      #edge.color = e.color,

setMethod("plot", signature(x = "tNN", y = "missing"),
    method = c("direct", "MDS"),
    data = NULL,
    parameter = NULL,
    ...) {
    method <- match.arg(method)

    p <- .get_parameters(list(draw_threshold = FALSE), parameter)

    if (nclusters(x) < 1) {
      warning("No clusters. No plot produced!")

    centers <- as.data.frame(cluster_centers(x))

    if (method == "direct") {
      ### plot for data.frame does plot or pairs (for dim >2)
      if (is.null(data)) {
        plot(centers, ...)
      } else{
          rbind(as.data.frame(data), centers),
          col = c(rep("gray", nrow(data)),
            rep(2, nrow(
          pch = c(rep(1, nrow(data)),
            rep(3, nrow(

      ## add ellipses?
      if (p$draw_threshold) {
        for (i in 1:nclusters(x)) {
          thr <- x@tnn_d$var_thresholds[i]
          loc <- cluster_centers(x)[i,]
          lines(ellipsePoints(thr, thr, loc = loc, n = 90),
            col = 1,
            lty = 3)

    } else if (method == "MDS") {
      if (is.null(data)) {
        if (ncol(centers) == 2 &&
            tolower(x@measure) == "euclidean") {
          ## we need no MDS
          mds <- list(points = centers, GOF = c(0, 1))
          pts <- mds$points
          rownames(pts) <- clusters(x)
          sub <- ''

        } else{
          d <- dist(centers, method = x@distFun)
          mds <- cmdscale(d, eig = TRUE, add = TRUE)
          #mds <- isoMDS(d, trace=FALSE)
          pts <- mds$points
          dimnames(pts) <- list(clusters(x),
            c("Dimension 1", "Dimension 2"))
          sub <- paste(
            "These two dimensions explain",
            round(100 * mds$GOF[2], digits = 2),
            "% of the point variability."

          sub = paste(
            "These two dimensions explain",
            round(100 * mds$GOF[2], digits = 2),
            "% of the point variability."

      } else {
        ### MDS + data
        ## project state centers onto dataset

        ## remove NA rows (resets)
        data <- data[!apply(
          FUN = function(x)
          MARGIN = 1

        if (ncol(centers) == 2 &&
            tolower(x@measure) == "euclidean") {
          ## we need no MDS
          mds <- list(points = centers, GOF = c(0, 1))
          centerpoints <- centers
          allpoints <- data
          sub <- ''

        } else{
          d <- dist(rbind(centers, data), method = x@distFun)
          mds <- cmdscale(d, eig = TRUE, add = TRUE)
          centerpoints <- mds$points[1:nrow(centers), 1:2]
          allpoints <- mds$points[-c(1:nrow(centers)), 1:2]
          colnames(allpoints) <- c("Dimension 1", "Dimension 2")
          sub <- paste(
            "These two dimensions explain",
            round(100 * mds$GOF[2], digits = 2),
            "% of the point variability."

          col = "grey",
          pch = 1,
          sub = sub)

        #   if(any(is.na(centerpoints)))
        points(centerpoints, col = "red", pch = 3)

    } else
      stop("Unknown method!")


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rEMM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:35 a.m.