



TRUE_TENSOR  <- torch$as_tensor(1L, dtype=torch$uint8)
FALSE_TENSOR <- torch$as_tensor(0L, dtype=torch$uint8)

all_boolean <- function(x) {
  # convert tensor of 1s and 0s to a unique boolean

expect_all_equal <- function(x, y) {
  all_boolean(torch$eq(x, y))

expect_false_tensor <- function(x) {
  expect_true(torch$equal(x, FALSE_TENSOR))

expect_true_tensor <- function(x) {
  expect_true(torch$equal(x, TRUE_TENSOR))

expect_tensor_equal <- function(a, b) {
  expect_true(torch$equal(a, b))

context("dim on tensor")

test_that("R dim function works as well", {
  m1 = torch$ones(3L, 5L)
  shape <- m1$dim()
  # expect_equal(ifelse(!is.null(shape), shape, NULL), 2)
  expect_equal(dim(m1), c(3, 5))
  expect_equal(m1$dim(), 2)

test_that("tensor dimension is 4D: 60000x3x28x28", {
  img <- torch$ones(60000L, 3L, 28L, 28L)
  # expect_equal(tensor_ndim(img), 4)
  expect_equal(dim(img), c(60000, 3, 28, 28))
  expect_equal(img$dim(), 4)

context("tensor arithmetic")

test_that("tensor addition as x+y", {
  x = torch$rand(5L, 4L)
  y = torch$rand(5L, 4L)
  xy_add <- torch$add(x, y)
  expect_equal(xy_add, x+y)

test_that("tensor subtraction as x-y", {
  x = torch$rand(5L, 4L)
  y = torch$rand(5L, 4L)
  xy_sub <- torch$sub(x, y)
  expect_equal(xy_sub, x-y)

  ny <- -y
  expect_equal(ny, torch$neg(y))

test_that("minus sign negates the tensor", {
  x = torch$rand(5L, 4L)
  y = torch$rand(5L, 4L)
  ny <- -y; nx <- -x
  expect_equal(nx, torch$neg(x))
  expect_equal(ny, torch$neg(y))

test_that("* sign multiplies", {
  result <- torch$Tensor(list(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L))
  a = torch$ones(4L, dtype=torch$float64)
  b = torch$ones(4L, dtype=torch$float64)
  expect_equal(a*b, result)

test_that("* sign multiplication of tensor times a scalar", {
  result <- torch$Tensor(list(2, 2, 2, 2))
  a = torch$ones(4L, dtype=torch$float64)
  b = torch$ones(4L, dtype=torch$float64)
  i <- 2L
  expect_equal(a*i, result)

test_that("* sign multiplication of tensor times a negative scalar", {
  result <- torch$Tensor(list(-2, -2, -2, -2))
  a = torch$ones(4L, dtype=torch$float64)
  b = torch$ones(4L, dtype=torch$float64)
  i <- -2L
  expect_equal(a*i, result)

test_that("length of tensor is the same as numel()", {
  a_matrix <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 2)
  a_tensor <- torch$as_tensor(make_copy(a_matrix))
  expect_equal(a_tensor$numel(), 100)
  expect_equal(length(a_tensor), 100)

context("tensor equal ==")
test_that("tensor equal as x == y", {
  a <- torch$Tensor(list(2, 3, 4, 5))
  b <- torch$Tensor(list(2, 3, 4, 5))
  # print(a == b)
  expect_equal((a == b), torch$BoolTensor(list(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)))

    x = torch$rand(5L, 4L)
    y = x * 1.0
    expected <- torch$tensor(list(
      list(1, 1, 1, 1),
      list(1, 1, 1, 1),
      list(1, 1, 1, 1),
      list(1, 1, 1, 1),
      list(1, 1, 1, 1)
    # true_tensor <- torch$as_tensor(1L, dtype=torch$uint8)
    # print(true_tensor)
    expect_equal(all(torch$eq(x, y)), TRUE_TENSOR)
    expect_equal(all(x == y), TRUE_TENSOR)
    expect_equal((x == y), expected)

context("tensors not equal !=")

test_that("tensor equal as x == y", {
  A <- torch$ones(60000L, 3L, 28L, 28L)
  B <- torch$ones(60000L, 3L, 28L, 28L)
  expect_equal(all(A == B), TRUE_TENSOR)
  expect_equal(all(A != B), TRUE_TENSOR)

test_that("tensor not equal as x != y", {
  a <- torch$Tensor(list(2, 2, 2, 2))
  b <- torch$Tensor(list(2, 2, 2, 1))
  expect_equal(all(a == b), FALSE_TENSOR)
  expect_equal(any(a != b), TRUE_TENSOR)
  # expect_equal((a != b), torch$BoolTensor(list(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)))

  x = torch$rand(5L, 4L)
  y = torch$rand(5L, 4L)
  expect_false_tensor(all(torch$eq(x, y)))
  expect_true_tensor(all(x != y))

  A <- torch$ones(60000L, 3L, 28L, 28L)    # all ones
  B <- torch$zeros(60000L, 3L, 28L, 28L)   # all zeroes
  # expect_true_tensor(all(A != B))
  # expect_false_tensor(all(A != B))
  expect_tensor_equal(all(A != B), TRUE_TENSOR)

  A <- torch$ones(60000L, 1L, 28L, 28L)
  B <- torch$ones(60000L, 1L, 28L, 28L)

  expect_tensor_equal(all(A != B), FALSE_TENSOR)

test_that("numpy logical-not works as !", {
  A <- torch$ones(5L)

  Z <- torch$zeros(5L)

  E <- torch$eye(3L)

  # get the diagonal
  E_diag <- E$diag()
  expect_equal(E_diag, torch$Tensor(list(1, 1, 1)))

  NE <- torch$as_tensor(!E, dtype = torch$uint8)
  NE_diag <- NE$diag()
  expect_equal(E_diag, torch$Tensor(list(0, 0, 0)))



context("tensor comparison")

test_that("tensor is less than ", {
  A <- torch$ones(60000L, 1L, 28L, 28L)
  C <- A * 0.5
  expect_true_tensor(all(torch$lt(C, A)))
  expect_true_tensor(all(C < A))
  expect_false_tensor(all(A < C))

test_that("tensor is greater than ", {
  A <- torch$ones(60000L, 1L, 28L, 28L)
  D <- A * 2.0
  # print(as.logical(torch$all(torch$gt(D, A))$numpy()))
  expect_true_tensor(all(torch$gt(D, A)))
  expect_false_tensor(all(torch$gt(A, D)))

test_that("tensor is less than or equal", {
  A <- torch$ones(60000L, 1L, 28L, 28L)
  expect_true_tensor(all(torch$le(A, A)))
  expect_true_tensor(all(A <= A))

test_that("tensor is greater than or equal", {
  A <- torch$ones(60000L, 1L, 28L, 28L)
  expect_true_tensor(all(torch$ge(A, A)))
  expect_true_tensor(all(A >= A))

context("tensor multiplication")

test_that("dot product", {
  p <- torch$Tensor(list(2, 3))
  q <- torch$Tensor(list(2, 1))
  expect_equal(torch$dot(p, q), torch$tensor(c(7.0)))
  expect_equal((p %.*% q), torch$tensor(c(7.0)))

context("Matrix product of two tensors, matmul()")

test_that("matmul: vector * vector", {
  tensor1 = torch$randn(3L)
  tensor2 = torch$randn(3L)
  expect_equal(torch$matmul(tensor1, tensor2)$size(), torch$Size(list()))

test_that("matmul: matrix x vector", {
  tensor1 = torch$randn(3L, 4L)
  tensor2 = torch$randn(4L)
  # torch.Size([3])
  expect_equal(torch$matmul(tensor1, tensor2)$size(), torch$Size(list(3L)))

test_that("matmul: batched matrix x broadcasted vector", {
  tensor1 = torch$randn(10L, 3L, 4L)
  tensor2 = torch$randn(4L)
  # torch.Size([10, 3])
  expect_equal(torch$matmul(tensor1, tensor2)$size(), torch$Size(list(10L, 3L)))

test_that("matmul: batched matrix x batched matrix", {
  tensor1 = torch$randn(10L, 3L, 4L)
  tensor2 = torch$randn(10L, 4L, 5L)
  # torch.Size([10, 3])
  expect_equal(torch$matmul(tensor1, tensor2)$size(), torch$Size(list(10L, 3L, 5L)))

test_that("matmul: batched matrix x broadcasted matrix", {
  tensor1 = torch$randn(10L, 3L, 4L)
  tensor2 = torch$randn(4L, 5L)
  # torch.Size([10, 3, 5])
  expect_equal(torch$matmul(tensor1, tensor2)$size(), torch$Size(list(10L, 3L, 5L)))

context("trigonometric functions: sin, cos, tan")

test_that("sine of angle matches output", {
  ang <- torch$arange(0*pi, 2*pi+pi/4, pi/4)
  sin_arc <- ang$sin()
  # copy paste output from the console
                "tensor([ 0.0000e+00,  7.0711e-01,  1.0000e+00,  7.0711e-01, -8.7423e-08,
        -7.0711e-01, -1.0000e+00, -7.0711e-01,  1.7485e-07])",
                fixed = TRUE)

test_that("cosine of angle matches output", {
  ang <- torch$arange(0*pi, 2*pi+pi/4, pi/4)
  cos_arc <- ang$cos()
  # copy paste output from the console
                "tensor([ 1.0000e+00,  7.0711e-01, -4.3711e-08, -7.0711e-01, -1.0000e+00,
        -7.0711e-01,  1.1925e-08,  7.0711e-01,  1.0000e+00])",
                fixed = TRUE)

test_that("tangent of angle matches output", {
  ang <- torch$arange(0*pi, 2*pi+pi/4, pi/4)
  tan_arc <- ang$tan()
  # copy paste output from the console
                "tensor([ 0.0000e+00,  1.0000e+00, -2.2877e+07, -1.0000e+00,  8.7423e-08,
         1.0000e+00, -8.3858e+07, -1.0000e+00,  1.7485e-07])",
                fixed = TRUE)

context("inverse trigonometric functions: asin, acos, atan")

test_that("sine of angle matches output", {
  arc <- torch$arange(0*pi, pi/2+pi/12, pi/12)
  sin_arc <- arc$sin()
  arc_sin <- sin_arc$asin()
  # copy paste output from the console
                "tensor([0.0000, 0.2618, 0.5236, 0.7854, 1.0472, 1.3090, 1.5708])",
                fixed = TRUE)

test_that("cosine of angle matches output", {
  arc <- torch$arange(0*pi, pi/2+pi/12, pi/12)
  cos_arc <- arc$cos()
  arc_cos <- cos_arc$acos()
  # copy paste output from the console
                "tensor([0.0000, 0.2618, 0.5236, 0.7854, 1.0472, 1.3090, 1.5708])",
                fixed = TRUE)

test_that("tangent of angle matches output", {
  arc <- torch$arange(0*pi, pi/2+pi/12, pi/12)
  tan_arc <- arc$tan()
  arc_tan <- tan_arc$atan()
  # copy paste output from the console
                "tensor([ 0.0000,  0.2618,  0.5236,  0.7854,  1.0472,  1.3090, -1.5708])",
                fixed = TRUE)


test_that("abs gets the absolute value", {
  arc <- torch$arange(0*pi, 2*pi+pi/4, pi/4)
  sin_arc <- arc$sin()
  abs_val <- sin_arc$abs()
                "tensor([0.0000e+00, 7.0711e-01, 1.0000e+00, 7.0711e-01, 8.7423e-08, 7.0711e-01,
        1.0000e+00, 7.0711e-01, 1.7485e-07])",
                fixed = TRUE)

test_that("abs gets the absolute value", {
  arc <- torch$arange(0*pi, 2*pi+pi/4, pi/4)
  sin_arc <- arc$sin()
  abs_val <- sin_arc$abs()
                "tensor([0.0000e+00, 7.0711e-01, 1.0000e+00, 7.0711e-01, 8.7423e-08, 7.0711e-01,
        1.0000e+00, 7.0711e-01, 1.7485e-07])",
                fixed = TRUE)

test_that("sign gets the 0, 1, or -1", {
  arc <- torch$arange(0*pi, 2*pi+pi/4, pi/4)
  sin_arc <- arc$sin()
  sign_val <- sin_arc$sign()
                "tensor([ 0.,  1.,  1.,  1., -1., -1., -1., -1.,  1.])",
                fixed = TRUE)

test_that("sqrt gets the squre root", {
  arc <- torch$arange(0*pi, 2*pi+pi/4, pi/4)
  sin_arc <- arc$sin()
  sqrt_val <- sin_arc$sqrt()
                "tensor([0.0000e+00, 8.4090e-01, 1.0000e+00, 8.4090e-01,        nan,        nan,
               nan,        nan, 4.1815e-04])",
                fixed = TRUE)

test_that("floor gets the __________", {
  arc <- torch$arange(0*pi, 2*pi+pi/4, pi/4)
  sin_arc <- arc$sin()
  floor_val <- (sin_arc*100)$floor()
                "tensor([   0.,   70.,  100.,   70.,   -1.,  -71., -100.,  -71.,    0.])",
                fixed = TRUE)

# test_that("round the tensor to two decimals", {
#   arc <- torch$arange(0*pi, 2*pi+pi/4, pi/4)
#   sin_arc <- arc$sin()
#   round_val <- (sin_arc*100)$round()
#   expect_output(print(round_val),
#                 "tensor([   0.,   71.,  100.,   71.,   -0.,  -71., -100.,  -71.,    0.])",
#                 fixed = TRUE)
# })

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