
Defines functions .doSums .getVars

# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# Date : November 2011
# Version 1.0
# Licence GPL v3

.getVars <- function(v, cn, nc) {
	vl <- length(v)
	v <- unique(v)
	if (is.numeric(v)) {
		v <- round(v)
		v <- v[v>0 & v <= nc]
		if (length(v) < 1) {
			stop('invalid column numbers')
	} else if (is.character(v)) {
		v <- v[v %in% cn]
		if (length(v) < 1) {
			stop('invalid column names')

.doSums <- function(sums, cn, dc, x) {
	out <- list()
	for (i in 1:length(sums)) {
		if (length(sums[[i]]) != 2) {
			stop('argument "s" most of be list in which each element is a list of two (fun + varnames)')
		fun = sums[[i]][[1]]
		if (!is.function(fun)) {
			if (is.character(fun)) {
				if (tolower(fun[1]) == 'first') {
					fun <- function(x) x[1]
				} else if  (tolower(fun[1]) == 'last') {
					fun <- function(x) x[length(x)]
		v <- .getVars(sums[[i]][[2]], cn, ncol(x@data))
		ag <- aggregate(x@data[,v,drop=FALSE], by=list(dc$v), FUN=fun) 
		out[[i]] <- ag[,-1,drop=FALSE]
	do.call(cbind, out)

setMethod('aggregate', signature(x='SpatialPolygons'), 
function(x, by=NULL, sums=NULL, dissolve=TRUE, vars=NULL, ...) {
	if (!is.null(vars)) {
		if (is.null(by)) {
			by <- vars
		} else {
			stop('do not provide "by" and "vars" arguments')
		warning('Use argument "by" instead of deprecated argument "vars"')
	if (!is.null(by)) {
		if (!is.character(by)) {
			# sp::aggregate is not exported 
			# solution by Matt Strimas-Mackey
			spAgg <- get('aggregate', envir=as.environment("package:sp"))
			return( spAgg(x, by, ..., dissolve=dissolve) )

	prj <- x@proj4string
	projection(x) <- NA
#	if (dissolve) {
#		if (!requireNamespace("rgeos")) {
#			warning('Cannot dissolve because the rgeos package is not available')
#			dissolve <- FALSE
#		}
#	}
	# warning("this method will be removed. You can use 'terra::aggregate<SpatVector,SpatVector>' instead")
	if (!.hasSlot(x, 'data') ) {
		hd <- FALSE
		if (!is.null(by)) {
			if (length(by) == length(x@polygons)) {
				x <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(x, data=data.frame(ID=by))
				by <- 1
			} else if (is.character(by)) {
				stop('character argument for by not understood. It is not length(x) and x has no attributes')
	} else {
		hd <- TRUE
	if (isTRUE(is.null(by))) {
#		if (dissolve) {
#			gval <- rgeos::get_RGEOS_CheckValidity()
#			if (gval != 2) {
#				on.exit(rgeos::set_RGEOS_CheckValidity(gval))
#				rgeos::set_RGEOS_CheckValidity(2L)
#			}
#			if (rgeos::version_GEOS() < "3.3.0") {
#				x <- rgeos::gUnionCascaded(x)
#			} else {
#				x <- rgeos::gUnaryUnion(x)
#			}
#		} else {
#			p <- list()
#			for (i in 1:length(x)) {
#				nsubobs <- length(x@polygons[[i]]@Polygons)
#				p <- c(p, lapply(1:nsubobs, function(j) x@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[j]]))
#			}
#			x <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(p, '1')),  proj4string=x@proj4string)
#		}
		#if (hd) {
		#	x <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(x, data=data.frame(ID=1))

		x <- vect(x)
		x <- aggregate(x, dissolve=dissolve)
		x <- as(x, "Spatial")
		x <- as(x, "SpatialPolygons")
		x@proj4string <- prj
	} else {
		dat <- x@data
		cn <- colnames(dat)
		v <- .getVars(by, cn)
		dat <- dat[,v, drop=FALSE]
		dc <- apply(dat, 1, function(y) paste(as.character(y), collapse='_'))
		dc <- data.frame(oid=1:length(dc), v=as.integer(as.factor(dc)))
		id <- dc[!duplicated(dc$v), , drop=FALSE]

		xv <- vect(x)
		values(xv) <- dc[,2,drop=FALSE]

		if (nrow(id) == nrow(dat)) {
			# nothing to aggregate
			if (hd) {
				x@data <- dat
			} else {
				x <- as(x, 'SpatialPolygons')

		id <- id[order(id$v), ]
		dat <- dat[id[,1], ,drop=FALSE]
		if (!is.null(sums)) {
			out <- .doSums(sums, cn, dc, x)
			dat <- cbind(dat, out)

		#if (hd) {
		#	x <- as(x, 'SpatialPolygons')

		xv <- aggregate(xv, "v", dissolve=dissolve)
		xv$agg_n <- NULL
		x <- as(xv, "Spatial")
		x <- as(x, "SpatialPolygons")
#		if (dissolve) {

#			if (rgeos::version_GEOS0() < "3.3.0") {
#				x <- lapply(1:nrow(id), function(y) sp::spChFIDs(rgeos::gUnionCascaded(x[dc[dc$v==y,1],]), as.character(y)))
#			} else {			
#				x <- lapply(1:nrow(id), 
#						function(y) {
#							z <- x[dc[dc$v==y, 1], ]
#							z <- try( rgeos::gUnaryUnion(z) )
#							if (! inherits(z, "try-error")) {
#								sp::spChFIDs(z, as.character(y))
#							}
#						}
#					)
#			}	
#		} else {
			#x <- lapply(1:nrow(id), function(y) {
			#spChFIDs(aggregate(x[dc[dc$v==y,1],], dissolve=FALSE), as.character(y)))
#			x <- lapply(1:nrow(id), function(y) {
#				d <- data.frame(geom(x[dc[dc$v==y,1],]))
#				pmx = tapply(d[,"part"], d[,"object"], max)
#				z <- as.vector(cumsum(pmx) - 1)
#				d$part <- z[d$object] + d$part
#				d$object <- y
#				d <- as(d, "SpatialPolygons")
#				sp::spChFIDs(d, as.character(y))
#			})
#		}
#		x <- do.call(rbind, x)
#		x@proj4string <- crs
		rownames(dat) <- NULL
		x <- sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(x, dat, FALSE)
		x@proj4string <- prj

setMethod('aggregate', signature(x='SpatialLines'), 
function(x, by=NULL, sums=NULL, ...) {

	if (!is.null(by)) {
		if (!is.character(by)) {
			# sp::aggregate is not exported 
			# solution by Matt Strimas-Mackey
			spAgg <- get('aggregate', envir=as.environment("package:sp"))
			return( spAgg(x, by, ...) )			

	# warning("this method will be removed. You can use 'terra::aggregate<SpatVector,SpatVector>' instead")
	if (!.hasSlot(x, 'data') ) {
		hd <- FALSE
		if (!is.null(by)) {
			if (length(by) == length(x@lines)) {
				x <- sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame(x, data=data.frame(ID=by))
				by <- 1
			} else if (is.character(by)) {
				stop('character argument for by not understood. It is not length(x) and x has no attributes')
	} else {
		hd <- TRUE
	if (isTRUE(is.null(by))) {
		x <- vect(x)
		values(x) <- id
		x <- aggregate(x)
		x <- as(x, "Spatial")

	#	p <- list()
	#	for (i in 1:length(x)) {
	#		nsubobs <- length(x@lines[[i]]@Lines)
	#		p <- c(p, lapply(1:nsubobs, function(j) x@lines[[i]]@Lines[[j]]))
	#	}
	#	x <- sp::SpatialLines(list(sp::Lines(p, '1')), proj4string=crs(x))
	#	return(x)
	} else {
		dat <- x@data
		cn <- colnames(dat)
		v <- .getVars(by, cn)
		dat <- dat[,v, drop=FALSE]
		crs <- x@proj4string
		dc <- apply(dat, 1, function(y) paste(as.character(y), collapse='_'))
		dc <- data.frame(oid=1:length(dc), v=as.integer(as.factor(dc)))
		id <- dc[!duplicated(dc$v), , drop=FALSE]

		if (nrow(id) == nrow(dat)) {
			# nothing to aggregate
			if (hd) {
				x@data <- dat
			} else {
				x <- as(x, 'SpatialLines')

		id <- id[order(id$v), ]
		dat <- dat[id[,1], ,drop=FALSE]
		if (!is.null(sums)) {
			out <- .doSums(sums, cn, dc, x)
			dat <- cbind(dat, out)
		if (hd) {
			x <- as(x, 'SpatialLines')

		x <- vect(x)
		values(x) <- id
		x <- aggregate(x)
		x <- as(x, "Spatial")
		x <- as(x, "SpatialLines")

#		x <- lapply(1:nrow(id), function(y) sp::spChFIDs(aggregate(x[dc[dc$v==y,1],]), as.character(y)))
#		x <- do.call(rbind, x)
		crs(x) <- crs
		rownames(dat) <- NULL
		sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame(x, dat, FALSE)

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