
Defines functions genPredictHclust predict.hclust exportHClustTab showModelHClustExists displayHClustStats plotDendrogram plotDendrogram2 centers.hclust executeClusterHClust on_hclust_discriminant_plot_button_clicked on_hclust_data_plot_button_clicked on_hclust_stats_button_clicked on_hclust_dendrogram_button_clicked on_hclust_radiobutton_toggled

Documented in centers.hclust on_hclust_data_plot_button_clicked on_hclust_dendrogram_button_clicked on_hclust_discriminant_plot_button_clicked on_hclust_radiobutton_toggled on_hclust_stats_button_clicked predict.hclust

# Gnome R Data Science: GNOME interface to R for Data Science
# Time-stamp: <Saturday 2022-03-05 21:27:08 +1100 Graham Williams>
# Implement hclust functionality.
# Copyright (c) 2009-2018 Togaware Pty Ltd
# This files is part of Rattle.
# Rattle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rattle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rattle. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


# When a radio button is selected, display the appropriate tab page.

on_hclust_radiobutton_toggled <- function(button)
  if (button$getActive())

on_hclust_dendrogram_button_clicked <- function(button)
  if (theWidget("use_ggplot2")$getActive())

on_hclust_stats_button_clicked <- function(button)
  set.cursor("watch", Rtxt("Determining the cluster statistics...."))
  set.cursor("left-ptr", Rtxt("Cluster statistics displayed. Scroll to see all."))

on_hclust_data_plot_button_clicked <- function(button)

  # Make sure there is a cluster first.

  if (is.null(crs$hclust))
    errorDialog(Rtxt("No cluster to plot.",
                     "The button should not have been sensitive."),

  # Some background information.  Assume we have already built the
  # cluster, and so we don't need to check so many conditions.

  sampling  <- not.null(crs$train)
  num.clusters <- theWidget("hclust_clusters_spinbutton")$getValue()
  nums <- seq(1,ncol(crs$dataset))[as.logical(sapply(crs$dataset, is.numeric))]
  if (length(nums) > 0)
    indicies <- getVariableIndicies(crs$input)
    include <- simplifyNumberList(intersect(nums, indicies))

  if (length(nums) == 0 || length(indicies) == 0)
    errorDialog(Rtxt("Clusters are currently calculated only for numeric data.",
                     "No numeric variables were found in the dataset",
                     "from amongst those having an input/target/risk role."))

  # We can only plot if there is more than a single variable.
  if (length(intersect(nums, indicies)) == 1)
    infoDialog(Rtxt("A data plot can not be constructed",
                    "because there is only one numeric variable available",
                    "in the data."))

  # PLOT: Log the R command and execute.

  set.cursor("watch", Rtxt("Determining the cluster statistics...."))
  plot.cmd <- paste(sprintf(paste("plot(crs$dataset[%s, %s], ",
                                  "col=cutree(crs$hclust, %d))\n",
                            ifelse (sampling, "crs$train", ""), include,
  appendLog(Rtxt("Generate a data plot."), plot.cmd)

  set.cursor("left-ptr", Rtxt("Data plot has been generated."))

on_hclust_discriminant_plot_button_clicked <- function(button)

  # Make sure there is a cluster first.

  if (is.null(crs$hclust))
    errorDialog(Rtxt("No cluster to plot.",
                     "The button should not have been sensitive."),

  # Some background information.  Assume we have already built the
  # cluster, and so we don't need to check so many conditions.

  sampling  <- not.null(crs$train)
  num.clusters <- theWidget("hclust_clusters_spinbutton")$getValue()
  nums <- seq(1,ncol(crs$dataset))[as.logical(sapply(crs$dataset, is.numeric))]
  if (length(nums) > 0)
    indicies <- getVariableIndicies(crs$input)
    include <- simplifyNumberList(intersect(nums, indicies))

  if (length(nums) == 0 || length(indicies) == 0)
    errorDialog(Rtxt("Clusters are currently calculated only for numeric data.",
                     "No numeric variables were found in the dataset",
                     "from amongst those having an input/target/risk role."))

  # We can only plot if there is more than a single variable.
  if (length(intersect(nums, indicies)) == 1)
    infoDialog(Rtxt("A discriminant coordinates plot can not be constructed",
                    "because there is only one numeric variable available",
                    "in the data."))

  # PLOT: Log the R command and execute.

 plot.cmd <- paste(sprintf(paste("cluster::clusplot(na.omit(crs$dataset[%s, %s]), ",
                                 "cutree(crs$hclust, %d), ",
                                 "color=TRUE, shade=TRUE, ",
                                 "main='Discriminant Coordinates ",
                                 crs$dataname, "')\n", sep=""),
                           ifelse(sampling, "crs$train", ""), include, num.clusters))
  appendLog(Rtxt("Generate a discriminant coordinates plot."), plot.cmd)

  setStatusBar(Rtxt("Discriminant coordinates plot has been generated."))


executeClusterHClust <- function(include)
  # Initial setup. Ensure the textview is monospace for fixed width
  # output of the centers and other information (so the columns line
  # up).

  TV <- "hclust_textview"
  # TODO : If data is large put up a question about wanting to
  # continue?
  sampling  <- not.null(crs$train)

  startLog(Rtxt("Hierarchical Cluster"))

  # The amap library needs to be loaded for hcluster. Also note that
  # hcluster takes about 0.33 seconds, compared to hclust taking 11
  # seconds!

  #lib.cmd <- "library(amap, quietly=TRUE)"
  if (packageIsAvailable("amap", Rtxt("perform an efficient hierarchical clustering")))
    amap.available <- TRUE
    #appendLog(packageProvides("amap", "hclusterpar"), lib.cmd)
    amap.available <- FALSE
  # Obtain interface information. 100319 Need to account for
  # transaltions in getting the function options.

  dist <- theWidget("hclust_distance_combobox")$getActiveText()
  Encoding(dist) <- "UTF-8"
  dist.opts <- paste("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra",
                     "binary", "pearson", "correlation", "spearman",
  dist.rtxt <- Rtxt (dist.opts)
  dist.opts <- strsplit(dist.opts, "\n")[[1]]
  dist.rtxt <- strsplit(dist.rtxt, "\n")[[1]]
  dist <- dist.opts[which(dist == dist.rtxt)]
  link <- theWidget("hclust_link_combobox")$getActiveText()
  Encoding(link) <- "UTF-8"
  link.opts <- paste("complete", "ward", "single", "average", "mcquitty",
                     "median", "centroid", sep="\n")
  link.rtxt <- Rtxt (link.opts)
  link.opts <- strsplit(link.opts, "\n")[[1]]
  link.rtxt <- strsplit(link.rtxt, "\n")[[1]]
  link <- link.opts[which(link == link.rtxt)]
  nbproc <- theWidget("hclust_nbproc_spinbutton")$getValue()

  # Check if user has requested more than a single processor, and if
  # so but amap is not available, inform the user and exit.
  if (nbproc != 1 && ! amap.available)
    errorDialog(Rtxt("The 'amap' package is not available and so the efficient",
                     "and parallel hcluster is not available.",
                     "Please set the number of processors to 1 to proceed",
                     "with using the single processor hclust instead.",
                     "Be aware that the 'amap' version is over 10 times faster.",
                     "You may want to install the 'amap' package."))
  # Determine which hclust to use for clustering.

  if (amap.available)
    # Use the more efficient hcluster for clustering.
    hclust.cmd <- paste0('crs$dataset[',
                         ifelse(sampling, 'crs$train', ''),
                         ', ',
                         '] %>%\n',

                         # 20170725 Why na.omit()? This silently
                         # removes rows from the dataset being
                         # clustered and then returns fewer labels
                         # than expected. Is that a concern? The
                         # centers calculation then fails if there are
                         # fewer rows in cutree().
                         # '  na.omit() %>%\n',
                         '  amap::hclusterpar(method="', dist,
                         '", link="', link,
                         '", nbproc=', nbproc, ') ->\n',
    # Use the standard hclust for clustering.
    hclust.cmd <- paste("crs$hclust <- ",
                        sprintf(paste('hclust(dist(crs$dataset[%s, %s],',
                                ifelse(sampling, "crs$train", ""),
                                include, dist, link),
  # Log the R command.

  appendLog(Rtxt("Generate a hierarchical cluster from the numeric data."), hclust.cmd)
  # Perform the commands.

  start.time <- Sys.time()
  result <- try(eval(parse(text=hclust.cmd)), silent=TRUE)
  time.taken <- Sys.time()-start.time
  if (inherits(result, "try-error"))
    if (any(grep("[cC]annot allocate (vector|memory)", result)))
      errorDialog(Rtxt("The call to hclust appears to have failed.",
                       "This is often due, as is the case here,",
                       "to running out of memory",
                       "as hclust is rather memory hungry.",
                       "A quick solution is to sample the dataset, through the",
                       "Data tab. On 32bit machines you may be limited to",
                       "less than 2000 observations."))
      errorDialog(errorMessageFun("hclust", result))

  setTextview(TV, Rtxt("Hierachical Cluster"), "\n", collectOutput("crs$hclust", TRUE))

  reportTimeTaken(TV, time.taken,
                  msg=Rtxt("A hierarchical cluster has been generated."))

centers.hclust <- function(x, object, nclust=10, use.median=FALSE)
  # TODO 20170725 Does this actually work? Clearly needs work.
  if (!inherits(object, "hclust")) { stop(Rtxt("Not a legitimate hclust object")) }
  if (! "matrix" %in% class(x)) { x <- as.matrix(x) }
  if (use.median)
    centres <- round(tapply(x, list(rep(cutree(object, nclust), ncol(x)), col(x)), median))
    centres <- tapply(x, list(rep(cutree(object, nclust), ncol(x)), col(x)), mean)
  dimnames(centres) <- list(NULL, dimnames(x)[[2]])


plotDendrogram2 <- function()

  # Make sure there is a hclust object first.

  if (is.null(crs$hclust))
    errorDialog(Rtxt("No Hierarchical Cluster to plot."), crv$support.msg)

  startLog(Rtxt("Dendrogram Plot"))
  # Load the required package into the library.

  lib.cmd <- "library(ggplot2, quietly=TRUE)"
  if (! packageIsAvailable("ggplot2", Rtxt("plot a dendrogram"))) return(FALSE)
  appendLog(packageProvides("ggplot2", "ggplot"), lib.cmd)

  lib.cmd <- "library(ggdendro, quietly=TRUE)"
  if (! packageIsAvailable("ggdendro", Rtxt("plot a dendrogram"))) return(FALSE)
  appendLog(packageProvides("ggdendro", "dendro_data"), lib.cmd)

  # Show a busy cursor whilst drawing the plot.

  set.cursor("watch", Rtxt("Rendering the hierarchical cluster dendrogram...."))
  on.exit(set.cursor("left-ptr", ""))
  ttl <- genPlotTitleCmd(Rtxt("Cluster Dendrogram"), crs$dataname, vector=TRUE)
  plot.cmd <- paste('ddata <- dendro_data(crs$hclust, type="rectangle")',
                    'g <- ggplot(segment(ddata))',
                    'g <- g + geom_segment(aes(x = y, y = x, xend = yend, yend = xend))',
                    'g <- g + scale_y_discrete(labels = ddata$label$label)',
                    'g <- g + labs(x="Height", y="Observation")',
                    paste("g <- g +",
                          sprintf('ggtitle(expression(atop("%s", atop(italic("%s")))))',
                                  ttl[1], ttl[2])),

  # Log the R command and execute.
  appendLog(Rtxt("Generate the dendrogram plot."), plot.cmd)

  # TODO 130311 How to identify the clusters in the plot, if
  # specified.

  ## nclust <- theWidget("hclust_clusters_spinbutton")$getValue()
  ## if (nclust > 1 && nclust <= length(crs$hclust$height))
  ## {
  ##   rect.cmd <- sprintf("rect.hclust(crs$hclust, k=%d)", nclust)
  ##   appendLog(Rtxt("Add in rectangles to show the clusters."), rect.cmd)
  ##   eval(parse(text=rect.cmd))
  ## }

plotDendrogram <- function()

  # Make sure there is a hclust object first.

  if (is.null(crs$hclust))
    errorDialog(Rtxt("There is no Hierarchical Cluster yet we are",
                     "trying to plot it."), crv$support.msg)

  # Load the required package into the library.  The library, cba,
  # should already be loaded. But check anyhow.

  lib.cmd <- "library(cba, quietly=TRUE)"
  if (! packageIsAvailable("cba", Rtxt("plot a dendrogram"))) return(FALSE)
  appendLog(packageProvides("cba", "plot"), lib.cmd)

  # Show a busy cursor whilst drawing the plot.

  set.cursor("watch", Rtxt("Rendering the hierarchical cluster dendrogram...."))
  on.exit(set.cursor("left-ptr", ""))
  # Generate the plot command to not print the xaxis labels if there
  # are too many observations.

  if (length(crs$hclust$order) > 100)
    limit <- ", labels=FALSE, hang=0"
    limit <- ""
  plot.cmd <- paste(sprintf('plot(crs$hclust, main="", sub="", xlab=""%s)\n',
                    genPlotTitleCmd(Rtxt("Cluster Dendrogram"), crs$dataname),

  # Log the R command and execute.
  appendLog(Rtxt("Generate a dendrogram plot."), plot.cmd)

  # Identify the clusters in the plot, if specified.

  nclust <- theWidget("hclust_clusters_spinbutton")$getValue()
  if (nclust > 1 && nclust <= length(crs$hclust$height))
    rect.cmd <- sprintf("rect.hclust(crs$hclust, k=%d)", nclust)
    appendLog(Rtxt("Add in rectangles to show the clusters."), rect.cmd)

displayHClustStats <- function()
  # Initial setup.
  TV <- "hclust_textview"

  # Make sure there is a cluster first.
  if (is.null(crs$hclust))
    errorDialog(Rtxt("No cluster to plot.",
                     "The button should not have been sensitive."),

  # The fpc package is available for cluster.stats().
  if (!packageIsAvailable("fpc", Rtxt("calculate cluster statistics"))) return()
  lib.cmd <- "library(fpc, quietly=TRUE)"
  appendLog(packageProvides("fpc", "cluster.stats"), lib.cmd)

  # 20090323 Don't reset the textview since we want to retain the
  # build information.

  # 090323 REMOVE resetTextview(TV)

  # Some background information.  Assume we have already built the
  # cluster, and so we don't need to check so many conditions.

  nclust <- theWidget("hclust_clusters_spinbutton")$getValue()
  sampling  <- not.null(crs$train)
#  nums <- seq(1,ncol(crs$dataset))[as.logical(sapply(crs$dataset, is.numeric))]
#  if (length(nums) > 0)
#  {
#    indicies <- getVariableIndicies(crs$input)
#    include <- simplifyNumberList(intersect(nums, indicies))
#  }
#  if (length(nums) == 0 || length(indicies) == 0)
#  {
#    errorDialog("Clusters are currently calculated only for numeric data.",
#                "No numeric variables were found in the dataset",
#                "from amongst those having an input/target/risk role.")
#    return()
#  }

  include <- "crs$numeric" # 20110102 getNumericVariables()
  # Cluster centers. 20180522 Remove the na.omit - it is crashing -
  # reported by Tony Nolan.

  #centers.cmd <- sprintf("centers.hclust(na.omit(crs$dataset[%s, %s]), crs$hclust, %d)",
  centers.cmd <- sprintf("centers.hclust(crs$dataset[%s, %s], crs$hclust, %d)",
                       ifelse(sampling, "crs$train", ""), include, nclust)
  appendLog(Rtxt("List the suggested cluster centers for each cluster"), centers.cmd)
  appendTextview(TV, Rtxt("Cluster means:"), "\n\n",
                 collectOutput(centers.cmd, use.print=TRUE))
  # STATS: Log the R command and execute. 20170430 add
  # silhouette=FALSE since it is failing today with the error:
  # Error in silhouette.default(clustering, dmatrix = dmat) : 
  # object 'sildist' not found

  # 20180522 Remove the na.omit - it is crashing - reported by Tony
  # Nolan.

  #stats.cmd <- sprintf(paste("cluster.stats(dist(na.omit(crs$dataset[%s, %s])),",
  stats.cmd <- sprintf(paste("cluster.stats(dist(crs$dataset[%s, %s]),",
                             "cutree(crs$hclust, %d), silhouette=FALSE)\n"),
                       ifelse(sampling, "crs$train", ""), include,
  appendLog(Rtxt("Generate cluster statistics using the fpc package."), stats.cmd)
  appendTextview(TV, Rtxt("General cluster statistics:"), "\n\n",
                 collectOutput(stats.cmd, use.print=TRUE))

  setStatusBar(Rtxt("HClust cluster statistics have been generated."))


## on_hclust_seriation_button_clicked <- function(button)
## {

##   ## Make sure there is a hclust object first.

##   if (is.null(crs$hclust))
##   {
##     errorDialog("SHOULD NOT BE HERE.", crv$support.msg)
##     return()
##   }

##   ## The library, cba, should already be loaded. But check anyhow. I
##   ## think this is required for the seriation. Need to check.

##   lib.cmd <- "library(cba, quietly=TRUE)"
##   if (! packageIsAvailable("cba", "generate a seriation plot")) return()
##   appendLog(packageProvides("cba", "Seriation"), lib.cmd)
##   eval(parse(text=lib.cmd))
##   ## Some background information.

##   sampling  <- not.null(crs$train)
##   nums <- seq(1,ncol(crs$dataset))[as.logical(sapply(crs$dataset, is.numeric))]
##   if (length(nums) > 0)
##   {
##     indicies <- getVariableIndicies(crs$input)
##     include <- simplifyNumberList(intersect(nums, indicies))
##   }

##   plot.cmd <- paste("d <- dist(as.matrix(crs$dataset",
##                     sprintf("[%s, %s]",
##                             ifelse(sampling, "crs$train", ""),
##                             include),
##                     "))\n",
##                     "l <- pam(d, 10, cluster.only = TRUE)\n",
##                     "res <- cluproxplot(d, l, method = ",
##                     'c("Optimal", "Optimal"), plot = FALSE)\n',
##                     'plot(res, plotOptions = list(main = "PAM + ',
##                     'Seriation (Optimal Leaf ordering)", ',
##                     'col = terrain.colors(64)))', sep="")

##   appendLog("Generate a seriation plot.", plot.cmd)
##   newPlot()
##   eval(parse(text=plot.cmd))
##   setStatusBar("Seriation plot completed.")
## }

# 100424 Support resetting of widgets on loading a project.

showModelHClustExists <- function(state=!is.null(crs$hclust))
  # If a model exists then make available the appropriate widgets.



exportHClustTab <- function()
  # Make sure we have a model first!
  if (noModelAvailable(crs$hclust, crv$HCLUST)) return(FALSE)

  # Get some required information

  sampling  <- not.null(crs$train)
  nclust <- theWidget("hclust_clusters_spinbutton")$getValue()
  include <- "crs$numeric" # 20110102 getNumericVariables()
  startLog(paste(Rtxt("Export"), commonName(crv$HCLUST)))
  save.name <- getExportSaveName(crv$HCLUST)
  if (is.null(save.name)) return(FALSE)
  ext <- tolower(get.extension(save.name))

  # Construct the command to produce PMML.

  pmml.cmd <- sprintf(paste("pmml(crs$hclust, centers=centers.hclust(",
                            "na.omit(crs$dataset[%s, %s]), crs$hclust, %d)%s)",
                      ifelse(sampling, "crs$train", ""), include, nclust,
                      ifelse(length(crs$transforms) > 0,
                             ", transforms=crs$transforms", ""))

  # We can't pass "\" in a filename to the parse command in
  # MS/Windows so we have to run the save/write command separately,
  # i.e., not inside the string that is being parsed.

  if (ext == "xml")
    appendLog(Rtxt("Export hierarchical cluster as PMML."),
              sprintf('saveXML(%s, "%s")', pmml.cmd, save.name))
    XML::saveXML(eval(parse(text=pmml.cmd)), save.name)
  else if (ext == "c")
    if (isWindows()) save.name <- tolower(save.name)
    model.name <- sub("\\.c", "", basename(save.name))

    export.cmd <- generateExportPMMLtoC(model.name, save.name, "hclust_textview")
    appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Export %s as a C routine."), commonName(crv$HCLUST)),
              sprintf('pmml.cmd <- "%s"\n\n', pmml.cmd),


  setStatusBar(sprintf(Rtxt("The model has been exported to '%s'."), save.name))



predict.hclust <- function(object, nclust=10, newdata, x, ...)
  # TODO 20170725 Need to actually get this function working!!! This
  # must take a newdata (the new dataset to be scored) and x as the
  # dataset the model was built on. Don't default x to newdata as it
  # is then misleading that x is required.
  # 20170429 Shouldn't this use cutree? As Hamed Mamani noted the
  # resulting distribution of observations across the clusters is
  # different between what is reported by Stats button in the Cluster
  # tab and the Score file produced from the Evaluate
  # tab. Inconsistency is not good so use cutree() by default and if
  # the two datasets supplied then use predict.kmeans()
  # 20090126 Initial work on a predict.hclust function, to allow using
  # a hclust model to allocate new DATA to pre-existing clusters that
  # are built from another dataset X. This uses the common model
  # interface function, predict. This makes it easy to use the Rattle
  # modelling code for hclust. We obtain the cluster centres to
  # identify clusters and add that as the hclust object's centers
  # attribute and then calculates distance and identify cluster
  # numbers using predict.kmeans(). This is only an
  # approximation. Gets pretty close for ward link and euclidean
  # distance.

  # Add centers to the model object and then use the kmeans version of
  # predict to calculate the nearest mean for each center/object.
  object$centers <- centers.hclust(x, object, nclust=nclust, use.median=FALSE)
  rownames(object$centers) <- seq_len(nclust)
  pr <- predict.kmeans(object, newdata) %>% as.integer


genPredictHclust <- function(dataset)
  # 081227 Generate a command to obtain the prediction results when
  # applying the model to new data.

  nclust <- theWidget("hclust_clusters_spinbutton")$getValue()
  sampling  <- not.null(crs$train)
  include <- "crs$numeric" # 20110102 getNumericVariables()

  # 20170429 Use cutree version (now the default) of predict.hclust()
  # by default so that the resulting distribution of cluster sizes is
  # the same as that reported in the Textview of the Cluster tab when
  # Stats button is invoked.

  # 20170725 HACK FOR NOW!!! The dataset should be numeric only.

  dataset %<>% sub('input', 'numeric', .)
  pr.cmd <- sprintf("crs$pr <- predict(crs$hclust, nclust=%s, newdata=%s, x=%s)",
                    sub("validate", "train", dataset)) # 20170725 THIS IS HACK FOR NOW!

genResponseHclust <- function(dataset)
  # 081227 Generate a command to obtain the response when applying the
  # model to new data.

genProbabilityHclust <- function(dataset)
  # 081227 Generate a command to obtain the probability when applying
  # the model to new data. There is probably a prblem with simply
  # using the cluster label as the output, since it won't be a
  # probability or even look like it. Let's do it for now though -
  # should be okay.

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rattle documentation built on March 21, 2022, 5:06 p.m.