
Defines functions `format.ravetools-printable` `print.ravetools-printable` internal_rave_function detect_threads matlab_palette tempfile2 tempdir2 rand_string stopifnot2 deparse1 `%?<-%`

Documented in detect_threads internal_rave_function matlab_palette

## usethis namespace: start
#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom graphics image
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom R6 is.R6
#' @useDynLib ravetools, .registration = TRUE
## usethis namespace: end

`%?<-%` <- function(lhs, value){
  env <- parent.frame()
  lhs <- substitute(lhs)

  isnull <- tryCatch({
    is.null(eval(lhs, envir = env))
  }, error = function(e){

    eval(as.call(list( quote(`<-`), lhs, value )), envir = env)

deparse1 <- function(expr, collapse = ' '){
  paste(deparse(expr), collapse = collapse)

stopifnot2 <- function(..., msg = 'Condition not satisfied'){

rand_string <- function(length = 10){
  paste(sample(c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9), length, replace = TRUE), collapse = '')

tempdir2 <- function(check = TRUE) {
  path <- getOption("ravetools.tempdir",
            default = Sys.getenv("RAVETOOLS_TEMPDIR",
                                 unset = tempdir(check = FALSE)))
  if(check && !dir.exists(path)) {
    dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

tempfile2 <- function(
  pattern = "ravetmp-", tmpdir = file.path(tempdir2(check = TRUE), "ravetools"),
  fileext = ""){
    dir.create(tmpdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  if(getOption("ravetools.debug", FALSE)){
    file.path(tmpdir, sprintf("%s%s%s", pattern, rand_string(), fileext))
  } else {
    tempfile(pattern = pattern, tmpdir = tmpdir, fileext = fileext)


.missing_arg <- alist(x = )

.matlab_palette <- c("#00008F", "#00009F", "#0000AF", "#0000BF", "#0000CF",
          "#0000DF", "#0000EF", "#0000FF", "#0010FF", "#0020FF",
          "#0030FF", "#0040FF", "#0050FF", "#0060FF", "#0070FF",
          "#0080FF", "#008FFF", "#009FFF", "#00AFFF", "#00BFFF",
          "#00CFFF", "#00DFFF", "#00EFFF", "#00FFFF", "#10FFEF",
          "#20FFDF", "#30FFCF", "#40FFBF", "#50FFAF", "#60FF9F",
          "#70FF8F", "#80FF80", "#8FFF70", "#9FFF60", "#AFFF50",
          "#BFFF40", "#CFFF30", "#DFFF20", "#EFFF10", "#FFFF00",
          "#FFEF00", "#FFDF00", "#FFCF00", "#FFBF00", "#FFAF00",
          "#FF9F00", "#FF8F00", "#FF8000", "#FF7000", "#FF6000",
          "#FF5000", "#FF4000", "#FF3000", "#FF2000", "#FF1000",
          "#FF0000", "#EF0000", "#DF0000", "#CF0000", "#BF0000",
          "#AF0000", "#9F0000", "#8F0000", "#800000")

#' 'Matlab' heat-map plot palette
#' @returns vector of 64 colors
#' @export
matlab_palette <- function(){

#' @name parallel-options
#' @title Set or get thread options
#' @param n_threads number of threads to set
#' @param stack_size Stack size (in bytes) to use for worker threads. The
#' default used for \code{"auto"} is 2MB on 32-bit systems and 4MB on 64-bit
#' systems.
#' @returns \code{detect_threads} returns an integer of default threads that
#' is determined by the number of \code{CPU} cores; \code{ravetools_threads}
#' returns nothing.
#' @examples
#' detect_threads()
#' ravetools_threads(n_threads = 2)
#' @export
detect_threads <- function() {

#' @rdname parallel-options
#' @export
ravetools_threads <- function (n_threads = "auto", stack_size = "auto") {
  if (identical(n_threads, "auto"))
    n_threads <- -1L
  else if (!is.numeric(n_threads))
    stop("n_threads must be an integer")
  else n_threads <- as.integer(n_threads)
  if (identical(stack_size, "auto"))
    stack_size <- 0L
  else if (!is.numeric(stack_size))
    stop("stack_size must be an integer")
  else stack_size <- as.integer(stack_size)
  if (n_threads == -1L)
  else Sys.setenv(RAVETOOLS_NUM_THREADS = n_threads)
  if (stack_size == 0L)
  else Sys.setenv(RAVETOOLS_STACK_SIZE = stack_size)

#' @title Internal function
#' @description
#' Do not call this function directly
#' @param if_interactive,verbose default is \code{TRUE}
#' @returns logical
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
is_not_cran <- function (if_interactive = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
  not_cran_flag <- identical(toupper(as.character(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN", ""))), "TRUE")
  limit_core_flag <- identical(toupper(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_")), "TRUE")
  interactive_flag <- interactive()
  if (limit_core_flag) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_ is TRUE/true (on CRAN)")
  if (not_cran_flag) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("NOT_CRAN is TRUE/true (not on CRAN)")
  if (interactive_flag) {
    if_interactive <- isTRUE(if_interactive)
    if (verbose) {
      message(sprintf("Session is interactive (%son CRAN)",
                      ifelse(if_interactive, "", "not ")))
  if (verbose) {
    message("No flag detected, default is on CRAN")

#' Get external function from 'RAVE'
#' @description
#' Internal function used for examples relative to 'RAVE' project and should
#' not be used directly.
#' @param name function or variable name
#' @param pkg 'RAVE' package name
#' @param inherit passed to \code{\link{get0}}
#' @param on_missing default value to return of no function is found
#' @returns Function object if found, otherwise \code{on_missing}.
#' @export
internal_rave_function <- function(name, pkg, inherit = TRUE, on_missing = NULL) {
  if(!pkg %in% c("raveio", "ravedash", "ravebuiltins", "rave", "threeBrain",
                 "dipsaus", "filearray", "readNSx", "rpymat", "rpyANTs")) {
    stop("`extern_function`: Package [", pkg, "] is not a RAVE package.")
  if(system.file(package = pkg) == "") { return(on_missing) }
  ns <- asNamespace(pkg)
  get0(x = name, envir = ns, inherits = inherit, ifnotfound = on_missing)

#' @export
`print.ravetools-printable` <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(paste(c(format(x, ...), ""), collapse = "\n"))

#' @export
`format.ravetools-printable` <- function(x, ...) {
  printable_message <- attr(x, "printable_message")
  if(length(printable_message)) {

#' Left 'Hippocampus' of 'N27-Collin' brain
#' @format
#' A three-mode integer mask array with values of \code{1} ('Hippocampus')
#' and \code{0} (other brain tissues)

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ravetools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:06 p.m.