
Defines functions convert_path_to_animation_coords

Documented in convert_path_to_animation_coords

#'@title Calculate Animation Coordinates from Path
#'@description Transforms latitude/longitude/altitude coordinates to the reference system used in `render_highquality()`,
#'so they can be used to create high quality pathtraced animations by passing the output to the `animation_camera_coords`
#'argument in `render_highquality()`.
#'This function converts the path values to rayshader coordinates (by setting `return_coords = TRUE` in `render_path()`) 
#'and then subtracts out the rgl y-offset, which can be obtained by calling the internal function `rayshader:::get_scene_depth()`. 
#'@param long Vector of longitudes (or other coordinate in the same coordinate reference system as extent).
#'@param lat Vector of latitudes (or other coordinate in the same coordinate reference system as extent).
#'@param altitude Elevation of each point, in units of the elevation matrix (scaled by zscale). 
#'If left `NULL`, this will be just the elevation value at ths surface, offset by `offset`. If a single value, 
#'all data will be rendered at that altitude.
#'@param extent Either an object representing the spatial extent of the scene 
#' (either from the `raster`, `terra`, `sf`, or `sp` packages), 
#' a length-4 numeric vector specifying `c("xmin", "xmax","ymin","ymax")`, or the spatial object (from 
#' the previously aforementioned packages) which will be automatically converted to an extent object. 
#'@param frames Default `360`. Total number of animation frames.
#'@param reorder Default `TRUE`. If `TRUE`, this will attempt to re-order the rows within an `sf` object with
#'multiple paths to be one continuous, end-to-end path. This happens in two steps: merging duplicate 
#'paths that have end points that match with another object (within `reorder_duplicate_tolerance` distance), and then
#'merges them (within `reorder_merge_tolerance` distance) to form a continuous path.
#'@param reorder_first_index Default `1`. The index (row) of the `sf` object in which to begin the reordering
#'process. This merges and reorders paths within `reorder_merge_tolerance` distance until it cannot 
#'merge any more, and then repeats the process in the opposite direction.
#'@param reorder_duplicate_tolerance Default `0.1`. Lines that have start and end points (does not matter which)
#'within this tolerance that match a line already processed (order determined by `reorder_first_index`) will be 
#'@param reorder_merge_tolerance Default `1`. Lines that have start points that are within this distance 
#'to a previously processed line's end point (order determined by `reorder_first_index`) will be reordered 
#'within the `sf` object to form a continuous, end-to-end path. 
#'@param simplify_tolerance Default `0` (no simplification). If greater than zero, simplifies
#'the path to the tolerance specified. This happens after the data has been merged if `reorder = TRUE`. 
#'If the input data is specified with long-lat coordinates and `sf_use_s2()` returns `TRUE`, 
#'then the value of simplify_tolerance must be specified in meters.
#'@param zscale Default `1`. The ratio between the x and y spacing (which are assumed to be equal) and the z axis in the original heightmap.
#'@param heightmap Default `NULL`. Automatically extracted from the rgl window--only use if auto-extraction
#'of matrix extent isn't working. A two-dimensional matrix, where each entry in the matrix is the elevation at that point.
#' All points are assumed to be evenly spaced.
#'@param type Default `cubic`. Type of transition between keyframes. 
#'Other options are `linear`, `quad`, `bezier`, `exp`, and `manual`. `manual` just returns the values 
#'passed in, properly formatted to be passed to `render_animation()`.
#'@param constant_step Default `TRUE`. This will make the camera travel at a constant speed. 
#'@param curvature_adjust Default `none`. Other options are `position`, `lookat`, and `both`. Whether to slow down the camera at areas of high curvature
#'to prevent fast swings. Only used for curve `type = bezier`. This does not preserve key frame positions.
#'Note: This feature will likely result in the `lookat` and `position` diverging if they do not 
#'have similar curvatures at each point. This feature is best used when passing the same set of points to `positions` and `lookats` 
#'and providing an `offset_lookat` value, which ensures the curvature will be the same.
#'@param curvature_scale Default `30`. Constant dividing factor for curvature. Higher values will subdivide the
#'path more, potentially finding a smoother path, but increasing the calculation time. Only used for curve `type = bezier`.
#'Increasing this value after a certain point will not increase the quality of the path, but it is scene-dependent.
#'@param offset_lookat Default `0`. Amount to offset the lookat position, either along the path (if `constant_step = TRUE`)
#'or towards the derivative of the Bezier curve. 
#'@param offset Default `5`. Offset of the track from the surface, if `altitude = NULL`.
#'@param follow_camera Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, this generates a 3rd person view that follows the path specified in `lat`, `long`, and `altitude`.
#'The distance to the camera is specified by `follow_distance`, and the angle (off the ground) is specified by `follow_angle`. 
#'Make the camera rotate around the point as it moves by setting `follow_rotations` to a non-zero number. The camera points in the direction of the 
#'You can also set the camera to be a fixed distance and angle above the by settings `follow_fixed = TRUE` and specifying the distance
#'in `follow_fixed_offset`.
#'@param follow_distance Default `100`. Distance for the camera to follow the point when `follow_camera = TRUE`.
#'@param follow_angle Default `45`.  Angle (off the ground) of the camera when `follow_camera = TRUE`.
#'@param follow_rotations Default `0`. Number of rotations around the point when `follow_camera = TRUE`.
#'@param follow_fixed Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the camera doesn't look in the direction of the path,
#'but rather sits at a fixed relative location to the path.
#'@param follow_fixed_offset Default `c(10,10,10)`. If `follow_fixed = TRUE`, the offset from the path to place
#'the camera.
#'@param damp_motion Default `FALSE`. Whether the suppress quick, jerky movements of the camera by linearly interpolating
#'between the current camera position and the goal position. Amount of linear interpolation set in `damp_magnitude`.
#'@param damp_magnitude Default `0.1`. Amount of linear interpolation if `damp_motion = TRUE`.
#'@param resample_path_evenly Default `TRUE`. This re-samples points along the path so that the camera moves 
#'at a constant speed along the path. This also allows paths with large numbers of points to be used with a
#'smaller number of frames, and improves computation time of the animation path in those instances. 
#'@param ... Other arguments to pass to `rayrender::generate_camera_motion()`
#'#Generate a circle in Monterey Bay and fly around on top of it
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'montereybay %>%
#'  sphere_shade() %>%
#'  plot_3d(montereybay,zscale=50,water=TRUE,
#'          shadowcolor="#40310a", background = "tan",
#'          theta=210,  phi=22, zoom=0.40, fov=55)
#'moss_landing_coord = c(36.806807, -121.793332)
#'t = seq(0,2*pi,length.out=1000)
#'circle_coords_lat = moss_landing_coord[1] + 0.25 * sin(t)
#'circle_coords_long = moss_landing_coord[2] + 0.25  *  cos(t)
#'render_path(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), heightmap = montereybay,
#'            lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), long = unlist(circle_coords_long),
#'            zscale=50, color="red", antialias=TRUE,
#'            offset=100, linewidth=2)
#'camera_path = convert_path_to_animation_coords(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), 
#'                                               heightmap = montereybay,
#'                                               lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), 
#'                                               long = unlist(circle_coords_long),
#'                                               fovs = 80,
#'                                               zscale=50, offset=250, frames = 25)
#'#Render a series of frames, following the path specified above
#'temp_dir = tempdir()
#'render_highquality(samples=16, animation_camera_coords = camera_path, 
#'                   width=200,height=200, filename = sprintf("%s/frame",temp_dir),
#'                   use_extruded_paths = TRUE,
#'                   sample_method="sobol_blue")
#'#Plot all these frames
#'image_list = list()
#'for(i in 1:25) {
#'   image_list[[i]] = png::readPNG(sprintf("%s/frame%d.png",temp_dir,i))
#'rayimage::plot_image_grid(image_list, dim = c(5,5))
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'#Now render a third-person view by setting `follow_camera = TRUE`
#'camera_path = convert_path_to_animation_coords(extent = attr(montereybay,"extent"), 
#'                                               heightmap = montereybay,
#'                                               lat = unlist(circle_coords_lat), 
#'                                               long = unlist(circle_coords_long),
#'                                               fovs = 80,
#'                                               follow_camera = TRUE,
#'                                               zscale=50, offset=250, frames = 25)
#'#Render a series of frames, following the path specified above
#'temp_dir = tempdir()
#'render_highquality(samples=16, animation_camera_coords = camera_path, 
#'                   width=200,height=200, filename = sprintf("%s/frame",temp_dir),
#'                   use_extruded_paths = TRUE,
#'                   sample_method="sobol_blue")
#'#Plot all these frames
#'image_list = list()
#'for(i in 1:25) {
#'   image_list[[i]] = png::readPNG(sprintf("%s/frame%d.png",temp_dir,i))
#'rayimage::plot_image_grid(image_list, dim = c(5,5))
convert_path_to_animation_coords = function(lat, long = NULL, altitude = NULL, extent = NULL, 
                                            frames = 360, 
                                            reorder = FALSE, 
                                            reorder_first_index = 1,
                                            reorder_duplicate_tolerance = 0.1, 
                                            reorder_merge_tolerance = 1, 
                                            simplify_tolerance = 0,
                                            zscale=1, heightmap = NULL, offset = 5,
                                            type = "bezier", offset_lookat = 1,
                                            constant_step = TRUE, curvature_adjust = "none",
                                            curvature_scale = 30, 
                                            follow_camera = FALSE, 
                                            follow_distance = 100,
                                            follow_angle = 45, 
                                            follow_rotations = 0, 
                                            follow_fixed = FALSE,
                                            follow_fixed_offset = c(10,10,10),
                                            damp_motion = FALSE,
                                            damp_magnitude = 0.1,
                                            resample_path_evenly = TRUE,
                                            ...) {
  xyz = render_path(extent = extent, lat = lat, long = long, altitude = altitude, 
                    zscale=zscale, heightmap = heightmap, offset = offset,
                    reorder = reorder, reorder_first_index = reorder_first_index, 
                    reorder_duplicate_tolerance = reorder_duplicate_tolerance,
                    reorder_merge_tolerance = reorder_merge_tolerance,
                    simplify_tolerance = simplify_tolerance,
                    clear_previous = FALSE, return_coords = TRUE)

  xyz = do.call(rbind,xyz)
  if(rgl::cur3d() != 0) {
    scene_offset = get_scene_depth()
  } else {
    warning("No rgl window open--animation coordinates will be vertically offset from specified values")
    scene_offset = 0
  xyz[,2] = xyz[,2] - scene_offset
  if(resample_path_evenly) {
    xyz = get_interpolated_points_path(xyz, n = frames)
  animation_coords = rayrender::generate_camera_motion(xyz, lookats = xyz, frames = frames, type=type,
                                                       offset_lookat = offset_lookat, 
                                                       constant_step = constant_step,
                                                       curvature_adjust = curvature_adjust, 
                                                       damp_motion = damp_motion, 
                                                       damp_magnitude = damp_magnitude,
  if(follow_camera) {
    xyz_follow = animation_coords
    if(!follow_fixed) {
      forward_vec = animation_coords[,4:6] - animation_coords[,1:3]
      forward_vec[,2] = 0
      normalized_forward_vec = t(apply(forward_vec, 1, unit_vector))
      if(follow_rotations != 0) {
        angle_vals = seq(0,2*pi*follow_rotations, length.out = nrow(normalized_forward_vec)+1)[-(nrow(normalized_forward_vec)+1)]
        for(i in seq_len(nrow(normalized_forward_vec))) {
          normalized_forward_vec[i,] = normalized_forward_vec[i,] %*% 
      follow_dist = follow_distance * cospi(follow_angle/180)
      follow_height = follow_distance * sinpi(follow_angle/180)
      xyz_follow[,2] = xyz_follow[,2] + follow_height
      xyz_follow[,c(1:3)] = xyz_follow[,c(1:3)] + 
        follow_dist * (-normalized_forward_vec)
      xyz_follow$focal = sqrt(apply((xyz_follow[,1:3] - xyz_follow[,4:6])^2,1,sum))
    } else {
      stopifnot(length(follow_fixed_offset) == 3)
      if(follow_rotations != 0) {
        angle_vals = seq(0,2*pi*follow_rotations, length.out = nrow(xyz_follow)+1)[-(nrow(xyz_follow)+1)]
        for(i in seq_len(nrow(xyz_follow))) {
          follow_fixed_offset_rot = follow_fixed_offset %*% 
          xyz_follow[i,1:3] = xyz_follow[i,1:3] + follow_fixed_offset_rot
      } else {
        xyz_follow[,1:3] = xyz_follow[,1:3] + matrix(follow_fixed_offset, 
                                                     nrow = nrow(xyz_follow), ncol=3L, byrow=TRUE)
      xyz_follow$focal = sqrt(apply((xyz_follow[,1:3] - xyz_follow[,4:6])^2,1,sum))

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rayshader documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:03 a.m.