
Defines functions cie_sky_model_raster .cie_sky_model

Documented in cie_sky_model_raster

#' CIE sky model
#' Written by Gaston Mauro Diaz based on Pascal code by Mait Lang.
#' Angles should be provided in radians.
#' @param AzP Numeric vector. Azimuth angle of a sky point.
#' @param Zp Numeric vector. Zenith Angle of a sky point.
#' @param AzS Numeric vector of length one. Azimuth angle of the sun.
#' @param Zs Numeric vector of length one. Zenith angle of the sun.
#' @param .a,.b,.c,.d,.e Numeric vector of length one. Sky model parameter.
#' @noRd
#' @references http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2016.02.054
#' @return Numeric vector of length equal to AzP length.
.cie_sky_model <- function(AzP, Zp, AzS, Zs, .a, .b, .c, .d, .e) {
  # calculate angular distance between sky point and Sun
  Chi <- .calc_angular_distance(Zp, AzP, Zs, AzS)

  # Gradation function
  Phi_Z <- 1 + .a * exp(.b / cos(Zp))
  Phi_0 <- 1 + .a * exp(.b)
  gradation <- Phi_Z / Phi_0

  # Indicatrix function
  F_Chi <- 1 + .c * (exp(.d * Chi) - exp(.d * pi/2)) + .e * cos(Chi)^2
  F_Zs  <- 1 + .c * (exp(.d *  Zs) - exp(.d * pi/2)) + .e * cos(Zs)^2
  indicatrix <- F_Chi / F_Zs

  unname(gradation * indicatrix)

#' CIE sky model raster
#' @inheritParams ootb_mblt
#' @param sun_coord Numeric vector of length two. The solar disk
#'   center represented with zenith and azimuth angles in degrees.
#' @param sky_coef Numeric vector of length five. Parameters of the sky model.
#' @family  Sky Reconstruction Functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' z <- zenith_image(50, lens())
#' a <- azimuth_image(z)
#' path <- system.file("external", package = "rcaiman")
#' skies <- read.csv(file.path(path, "15_CIE_standard_skies.csv"))
#' # parameters are from http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2016.02.054
#' sky_coef <- skies[4,1:5]
#' sun_coord <- c(45, 0)
#' plot(cie_sky_model_raster(z, a, sun_coord, sky_coef))
cie_sky_model_raster <- function(z, a, sun_coord, sky_coef) {
  stopifnot(.get_max(z) <= 90)
  stopifnot(.get_max(a) <= 360)
  stopifnot(length(sun_coord) == 2)
  stopifnot(length(sky_coef) == 5)

  Zp <- .degree2radian(z[])
  AzP <- .degree2radian(a[])

  Zs <- .degree2radian(sun_coord[1])
  AzS <- .degree2radian(sun_coord[2])

  relative_luminance <- .cie_sky_model(AzP, Zp, AzS, Zs,
  terra::values(z) <- relative_luminance
  z[is.infinite(z)] <- 0
  names(z) <- "Relative luminance"

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rcaiman documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 1:08 a.m.