
Defines functions extract_sky_points

Documented in extract_sky_points

#' Extract sky points
#' Extract sky points for model fitting
#' This function will automatically sample sky pixels from the sky regions
#' delimited by `bin`. The density and distribution of the sampling points is
#' controlled by the arguments `g`, `dist_to_plant`, and `min_raster_dist`.
#' As the first step, sky pixels from `r` are evaluated to find the pixel with
#' maximum digital value (local maximum) per cell of the `g` argument. The
#' `dist_to_plant` argument allows users to establish a buffer zone for `bin`,
#' meaning a size reduction of the original sky regions.
#' The final step is filtering these local maximum values by evaluating the
#' Euclidean distances between them on the raster space. Any new point with a
#' distance from existing points minor than `min_raster_dist` is discarded. Cell
#' labels determine the order in which the points are evaluated.
#' To skip a given filtering step, use code `NULL` as argument input. For
#' instance, `min_raster_dist = NULL` will return points omitting
#' the final step.
#' @inheritParams fit_trend_surface
#' @param g [SpatRaster-class] built with [sky_grid_segmentation()] or
#'   [chessboard()].
#' @param dist_to_plant,min_raster_dist Numeric vector of length one or `NULL`.
#' @family Tool Functions
#' @seealso [fit_cie_sky_model()]
#' @return An object of the class *data.frame* with two columns named
#'   *row* and *col*.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' caim <- read_caim()
#' r <- caim$Blue
#' caim <- normalize(caim, 0, 20847, TRUE)
#' z <- zenith_image(ncol(caim), lens())
#' a <- azimuth_image(z)
#' plotRGB(caim*255)
#' bin <- ootb_obia(caim, z, a, HSV(239, 0.85, 0.5), gamma = NULL)
#' g <- sky_grid_segmentation(z, a, 10)
#' sky_points <- extract_sky_points(r, bin, g,
#'                                  dist_to_plant = 3,
#'                                  min_raster_dist = 10)
#' plot(bin)
#' points(sky_points$col, nrow(caim) - sky_points$row, col = 2, pch = 10)
#' }
extract_sky_points <- function(r, bin, g,
                              dist_to_plant = 3,
                              min_raster_dist = 3) {
  .is_single_layer_raster(bin, "bin")
  .is_logic_and_NA_free(bin, "bin")
  .is_single_layer_raster(g, "g")
  terra::compareGeom(r, bin)
  terra::compareGeom(r, g)
  if (!is.null(dist_to_plant)) stopifnot(length(dist_to_plant) == 1)
  if (!is.null(min_raster_dist)) stopifnot(length(min_raster_dist) == 1)

  # remove the pixels with NA neighbors because HSP extract with 3x3 window
  NA_count <- terra::focal(!bin, w = 3, fun = "sum")

  no_col <- no_row <- bin
  terra::values(no_col) <- .col(dim(bin)[1:2])
  terra::values(no_row) <- .row(dim(bin)[1:2])

  # systematic sampling using a sky grid by taking the maximum from each cell
  if (!is.null(dist_to_plant)) {
    kern <- EBImage::makeBrush(dist_to_plant, "box")
    dist_to_plant_img <- NA_count == 0
    dist_to_plant_img <- EBImage::erode(as.array(dist_to_plant_img), kern) %>%
      terra::setValues(dist_to_plant_img, .)
    dist_to_plant_img[is.na(dist_to_plant_img)] <- 0
    dist_to_plant_img <- as.logical(dist_to_plant_img)

    ds <- data.frame(col = no_col[dist_to_plant_img],
                     row = no_row[dist_to_plant_img],
                     g = g[dist_to_plant_img],
                     dn = r[dist_to_plant_img])
    names(ds) <- c("col", "row", "g", "dn")

  } else {
    ds <- data.frame(col = no_col[bin],
                     row = no_row[bin],
                     g = g[bin],
                     dn = r[bin])
    names(ds) <- c("col", "row", "g", "dn")

  indices <- tapply(1:nrow(ds), ds$g,
                    function(x) {
                      # browsser()

                      # indices <- ds$dn[x] >= quantile(ds$dn[x], 0.9)
                      # sample(x[indices], 1)

                      # dn <- ds$dn[x]
                      # indices <- dn >= quantile(dn, 0.9)
                      # i <- which.min(dn[indices])
                      # x[i]
  ds <- ds[indices,]

  # filtering
  .filter <- function(ds, col_names, thr) {
    d <- as.matrix(stats::dist(ds[, col_names]))
    indices <- c()
    i <- 0
    while (i < nrow(d)) {
      i <- i + 1
      indices <- c(indices, row.names(d)[i]) #include the point itself (p)
      x <- names(d[i, d[i,] <= thr])
      if (!is.null(x)) {
        # this exclude from future search all the points near p,
        # including itself
        rows2crop <- (1:nrow(d))[match(x, rownames(d))]
        cols2crop <- (1:ncol(d))[match(x, colnames(d))]
        d <- d[-rows2crop, -cols2crop]

  if (!is.null(min_raster_dist)) {
    ds <- .filter(ds, c("col", "row"), min_raster_dist)
  ds[,c(2, 1)]

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rcaiman documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 1:08 a.m.