#'Triangulate a polygonal \code{\link{CMBWindow}}
#'@param win a CMBWindow object
#'@return a list of CMBWindow polygons or minus.polygons,
#'each having 3 vertices and representing a triangle.
#' If winType of \code{win} does not include
#' "minus" then these triangles have
#' pairwise disjoint interiors and their union
#' is equal to the original polygon,
#' \code{win}.
#' Otherwise, if winType of \code{win}
#' does include "minus" the triangles are
#' the same as for the non-minus type above, but have "minus" types.
#'## Example 1
#' win <- CMBWindow(theta = c(2*pi/3,3*pi/4,3*pi/4, 2*pi/3),
#' phi = c(pi/4,pi/4,pi/3,pi/3))
#' win
#' plot(win)
#' win1 <- triangulate(win)
#' win1
#' summary(win1[[1]])
#' plot(win1[[1]], add= FALSE, col="green")
#' plot(win1[[2]], col="blue")
#' ## Example 2: triangilation minus-type polygon
#' win <- CMBWindow(theta = c(pi/5,pi/3,pi/4, pi/3, pi/5),
#' phi = c(pi/5,pi/5, pi/4 ,pi/3,pi/3), set.minus =TRUE)
#' win
#' plot(win)
#' summary(win)
#' win1 <- triangulate(win)
#' win1
#' plot(win1[[1]], add= FALSE, col="green")
#' plot(win1[[2]], col="blue")
#' plot(win1[[3]], col="yellow")
#' summary(win1[[1]])
#' summary(win1[[2]])
#' summary(win1[[3]])
triangulate <- function(win)
if ( !is.CMBWindow(win) ) stop("'win' must be a CMBWindow")
if ( winType(win) != "polygon" && winType(win) != "minus.polygon" )
stop("The winType of 'win' must be 'polygon' or 'minus.polygon'")
coords(win) <- "cartesian"
triangles <- list()
i <- 1
reset.i <- TRUE
while( nrow(win) > 3 )
n <- nrow(win)
i <- i + 1
if ( reset.i )
i <- 1
reset.i <- FALSE
if (i == nrow(win))
stop(paste("Triangulation failed. Ensure the polygon",
"is oriented counter-clockwise.",
"If you are sure the polygon is convex then",
"perhaps try assume.convex = TRUE as an",
"argument to CMBWindow"))
i.1 <- i
i.2 <- i %% n + 1 # i + 1 cyclic
i.3 <- (i+1) %% n + 1 # i + 2 cyclic
V1 <- as.numeric(win[i.1,])
V2 <- as.numeric(win[i.2,])
V3 <- as.numeric(win[i.3,])
# Check if the vertex at V2 is a concave-up corner.
tri <- matrix(c(V1,V2,V3), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
if ( det(tri) > 0 ) # V1 cross V2 dot V3
# Check if there are any vertices inside the triangle (v1,v2,v3)
# other than V1,V2,V3 themselves
vertex.inside <- FALSE
for ( j in seq(1,n)[-c(i.1, i.2, i.3)] )
Vj <- as.numeric(win[j,])
if ( det(matrix(c(V1,V2,Vj), nrow = 3)) <= 0
|| det(matrix(c(V2,V3,Vj), nrow = 3)) <= 0
|| det(matrix(c(V3,V1,Vj), nrow = 3)) <= 0)
## Vj is outside, do nothing
vertex.inside <- TRUE
## If there are no vertices inside then (V1,V2,V3) is an ear
if ( !vertex.inside )
tri <- data.frame(tri)
names(tri) <- c("x","y","z")
tri <- CMBWindow(tri, assume.convex = TRUE)
attr(tri, "winType") <- winType(win) # in case set.minus = TRUE
triangles[[length(triangles)+1]] <- tri
win <- win[-i.2,]
reset.i <- TRUE
## while loop has exited so the remaining vertices form a triangle
attr(win, "assumedConvex") <- TRUE
triangles[[length(triangles)+1]] <- win
#'Check if a \code{\link{CMBWindow}} is assumed convex.
#'Initially any \code{\link{CMBWindow}} is not assumed convex.
#'The assumedConvex
#' attribute can be change for any \code{\link{CMBWindow}}.
#'@param win a CMBWindow object
#'@param assume.convex optionally change the assumedConvex
#'attribute to TRUE or FALSE
#'win1 <- CMBWindow(theta = c(0,pi/2,pi/2), phi = c(0,0,pi/2))
#'win2 <- assumedConvex(win1, assume.convex = TRUE)
#'assumedConvex(win1) <- TRUE
assumedConvex <- function(win, assume.convex)
if ( !is.CMBWindow(win) ) stop("Argument 'win' must be a CMBWindow")
if ( !missing(assume.convex) )
if (!is.logical(assume.convex))
stop("assume.convex must be logical TRUE or FALSE")
attr(win, "assumedConvex") <- assume.convex
if ( winType(win) == "disc" || winType(win) == "minus.disc" )
warning(paste("Changing the assumedConvex attribute of a disc",
"is strange and may lead to undefined behaviour"))
return(attr(win, "assumedConvex"))
#' Change the \code{\link{assumedConvex}} boolean of a \code{\link{CMBWindow}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
`assumedConvex<-` <- function(win, ..., value)
return(assumedConvex(win, assume.convex = value))
#'Get/change winType
#'Get/change the winType (polygon or disk) of a \code{\link{CMBWindow}}.
#'If \code{new.type} is missing then the \code{winType} of win
#'is returned. Otherwise, a new window is returned with \code{winType}
#'equal to \code{new.type}. If you want to change the
#'winType of \code{win} directly, then use \code{\link{winType<-}}, see
#'the examples below.
#'@param win a \code{CMBWindow} object or a list of such
#'@param new.type optionally specify a new type. Use this to
#'change between "polygon" and "minus.polygon" or to change
#'between "disc" and "minus.disc"
#'@return If \code{new.type} is missing then the \code{winType} of win
#'is returned. Otherwise a new window is returned with \code{winType}
#'equal to \code{new.type}
#' win <- CMBWindow(theta = c(pi/2,pi/2,pi/3, pi/3), phi = c(0,pi/3,pi/3,0))
#' winType(win)
#' win1 <- CMBWindow(x=0,y=3/5,z=4/5,r=0.8)
#' winType(win1)
#' cmbdf <- CMBDataFrame(nside = 64, coords = "cartesian",
#' ordering = "nested")
#' cmbdf.win1 <- window(cmbdf, new.window = win1)
#' plot(cmbdf.win1)
#' winType(win1) <- "minus.disc"
#' winType(win1)
#' cmbdf <- CMBDataFrame(nside = 64, coords = "cartesian",
#' ordering = "nested")
#' cmbdf.win1 <- window(cmbdf, new.window = win1)
#' plot(cmbdf.win1)
winType <- function(win, new.type)
if ( !is.CMBWindow(win) )
if ( !is.list(win) || !all(sapply(win, is.CMBWindow)) )
stop("'win' must be a CMBWindow of list of CMBWindows")
return(sapply(win, winType))
if ( missing(new.type) )
return(attr(win, "winType"))
# Only change the winType if new.type is compatible
if ( new.type == "disc" || new.type == "minus.disc" )
if ( contains("disc", winType(win)) )
attr(win, "winType") <- new.type
stop("cannot change from the specified type to a disc type")
} else if ( new.type == "polygon" || new.type == "minus.polygon" ) {
if ( contains("polygon", winType(win)) )
attr(win, "winType") <- new.type
stop("cannot change from the specified type to a polygon type")
stop("the specified new.type is invalid")
#' Assign new \code{\link{winType}} to a \code{\link{CMBWindow}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso \code{\link{winType}}
#' @examples
#' win <- CMBWindow(x = 1, y = 0, z = 0, r = 0.5, set.minus = TRUE)
#' winType(win)
#' winType(win) <- "disc"
#' winType(win)
#' @export
`winType<-` <- function(win, ..., value)
return(winType(win, new.type = value))
#'Get the maximum distance between all points
#'in a \code{\link{CMBWindow}}
#'@param x A CMBWindow object.
#'@return The maximum distance between window's points.
#' ## win is a equilateral spherical triangle which sides are pi/2
#' win <- CMBWindow(theta = c(0,pi/2,pi/2), phi = c(0,0,pi/2))
#' maxWindowDist(win)
maxWindowDist <- function(x)
# Create temporary window in cartesian coordinates for dist and area
if ( coords(x) == "cartesian" ) { <- x
} else { <- sph2car(x)
# Calculate maximum distance
max.dist <- switch(winType(x),
polygon = polygonMaxDist(,
minus.polygon = pi,
disc = 2*as.numeric(x$r),
minus.disc = pi,
stop(paste("Could not determine window type",
"using rcosmo::winType")))
polygonMaxDist <- function(win)
max.dist <- 0
for ( i in 1:(nrow(win) - 1) )
for ( j in (i+1):nrow(win) )
dist <- geoDist(win[i,], win[j,])
if ( dist > max.dist ) max.dist <- dist
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