#' Plot HEALPix pixel boundaries
#' Plot the HEALPix pixel boundaries at \code{nside}
#' @param nside the HEALPix nside parameter (integer number \eqn{2^k})
#' @param eps controls the smoothness of the plot, smaller eps
#' implies more samples
#' @param col the colour of plotted boundary lines
#' @param lwd the thickness of the plotted boundary lines
#' @param ordering optionally specify an ordering scheme
#' from which to plot HEALPix pixel numbers. Can be
#' either "ring" or "nested"
#' @param incl.labels If \code{ordering} is specified then
#' this parameter sets the pixel indices that will be
#' displayed (default is all indices at \code{nside})
#' @param nums.col specifies the colour of pixel numbers
#' if \code{ordering} is specified
#' @param nums.size specifies the size of pixel numbers
#' if \code{ordering} is specified
#' @param font A numeric font number from 1 to 5,
#' used if \code{ordering} is specified
#' @param depth_test The depth test to be applied.
#' This controls how resistant the plotted
#' object is to being obscured. See \code{\link[rgl]{rgl.material}}
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{rgl::plot3d}
#' @return Produces a plot of the HEALPix pixel boundaries.
#' @examples
#' displayPixelBoundaries(1, eps = pi/90, col = "red")
#' displayPixelBoundaries(2, eps = pi/90, col = "green")
#' @export
displayPixelBoundaries <- function(nside, eps = pi/90, col = "gray",
lwd = 1, ordering,
incl.labels = 1:(12*nside^2),
nums.col = col, nums.size = 1,
font = 2, depth_test = "always", ...)
### Part I
for (k in seq(1,nside,1)) {
start_phi <- pi*k/(2*nside)
end_phi <- pi/2
S <- pbPolarCap(nside, k, eps, start_phi, end_phi, 0)
for ( m in seq(0,3,1) ){
#Northern Hemisphere
plotPixel( data.frame(theta = S[,1], phi = S[,2] + pi*m/2),
col = col, lwd = lwd, ...)
#Southern Hemisphere
plotPixel( data.frame(theta = S[,1] - pi, phi = S[,2] + pi*m/2),
col = col, lwd = lwd, ...)
start_phi<- 0
end_phi <- pi/2-pi*k/(2*nside)
S <- pbPolarCap(nside, k, eps, start_phi, end_phi, 1)
for ( m in seq(0,3,1) ){
#Northern Hemisphere
plotPixel( data.frame(theta = S[,1], phi = S[,2] + pi*m/2),
col = col, lwd = lwd, depth_test = depth_test, ...)
#Southern Hemisphere
plotPixel( data.frame(theta = S[,1] - pi, phi = S[,2] + pi*m/2),
col = col, lwd = lwd, depth_test = depth_test, ...)
for (k in seq(0,3,1)){
#Northern Hemisphere
PHI <- seq(0,acos(2/3),eps)
if (PHI[length(PHI)] != acos(2/3)) PHI = c(PHI, acos(2/3))
S <- cbind(PHI, rep(1,length(PHI))*k*pi/2)
plotPixel( data.frame(theta = S[,1], phi = S[,2]),
col = col, lwd = lwd, ...)
#Southern Hemisphere
PHI <- seq(acos(-2/3),pi,eps)
if (PHI[length(PHI)] != pi) PHI = c(PHI, pi)
S <-cbind(PHI, rep(1,length(PHI))*k*pi/2)
plotPixel( data.frame(theta = S[,1], phi = S[,2]),
col = col, lwd = lwd, ...)
### Part III: Equatorial Belt Area
for (k in seq(-3*nside,nside-1,1)){
start_theta <- acos(-2/3)
start_phi <- (-4/3+4*k/(3*nside))*3*pi/8
end_phi <- 4*k/(3*nside)*3*pi/8
S <- pbEqBelt(nside, k, eps, start_phi, end_phi, start_theta)
plotPixel( data.frame(theta = S[,1], phi = S[,2]),
col = col, lwd = lwd, ...)
start_theta <- acos(2/3)
temp <- -start_phi
start_phi <- -end_phi
end_phi <- temp
S <- pbEqBelt(nside, k, eps, start_phi, end_phi, start_theta)
plotPixel( data.frame(theta = S[,1], phi = S[,2]),
col = col, lwd = lwd, ...)
if ( !missing(ordering) )
if ( !identical(ordering, "ring") && !identical(ordering, "nested") )
stop("ordering, if specified, must be 'ring' or 'nested'")
centers <- rcosmo::CMBDataFrame(nside = nside, ordering = ordering,
coords = "cartesian")[incl.labels,]
plot.CMBDataFrame(centers, add = TRUE, col = nums.col,
cex = nums.size, labels = incl.labels,
font = font, lab_depth_test = depth_test)
plotPixel <- function(S, col = "black", lwd = 1, depth_test = "always", ...)
C <- sph2car(S)
type = "l", add = TRUE, col = col, lwd = lwd, depth_test = depth_test, ...)
pbEqBelt<-function(n, k, eps, start_phi,
end_phi, start_theta){
delta_phi <- eps
phi <- start_phi-delta_phi
delta_theta <- eps
theta <- start_theta-delta_theta
P <- numeric(0)
index <- 0
while (phi < end_phi){
tmp <- suppressWarnings(pbNextEqBelt(n, k, phi, theta,
delta_phi, delta_theta))
index <- index+1
phi <- tmp[[1]]
theta <- tmp[[2]]
a_temp <- cbind(theta, phi)
P <- rbind(P,a_temp)
dL_dPhi <- sqrt(dTheta_dPhi^2+sin(theta)^2)
delta_phi <- eps/dL_dPhi
delta_theta <- dTheta_dPhi*delta_phi
# Add the end edge point
if (phi+delta_phi > end_phi) delta_phi <- end_phi-phi
pbNextEqBelt <- function(n, k, prev_phi, prev_theta,
delta_phi, delta_theta){
phi <- prev_phi+delta_phi
a <- 2/3-4*k/(3*n)
b <- 8/(3*pi)
#With consideration of the complex values
if ( (a+b*phi) >= -1 && (a+b*phi) <= 1 )
theta0 <- acos(a+b*phi)
if ( (a-b*phi) >= -1 && (a-b*phi) <= 1 )
theta1 <- acos(a-b*phi)
theta1 <- Im(acos(a-b*phi))
theta0 <- Im(acos( a + b*phi ))
if ( (a - b*phi) >= -1 && (a - b*phi) <= 1 ){
theta1 <- acos(a-b*phi)
theta1 <- Im(acos( a - b*phi ))
exp_theta <- prev_theta + delta_theta
if (abs(theta0-exp_theta) < abs( theta1 - exp_theta )) {
theta <- Re(theta0)
dTheta_dPhi <- -b/sin(theta)
} else {
theta <- Re(theta1)
dTheta_dPhi <- b/sin(theta)
return( list(phi, theta, dTheta_dPhi) )
pbPolarCap <- function(n, k, eps,
start_phi, end_phi, flag){
delta_phi <- eps
phi <- start_phi - delta_phi
P <- numeric(0)
while (phi < end_phi){
tmp <- pbNextPolarCap(n, k, phi, delta_phi, flag)
phi <- tmp[[1]]
theta <- tmp[[2]]
dTheta_dPhi <- tmp[[3]]
a_temp <- cbind(theta, phi)
P <- rbind(P,a_temp)
dL_dPhi <- sqrt( dTheta_dPhi^2 + sin(theta)^2 )
delta_phi<- eps/dL_dPhi
if (phi+delta_phi > end_phi) delta_phi <- end_phi-phi #add the end edge point
pbNextPolarCap <- function(n, k, prev_phi, delta_phi, flag){
phi <- prev_phi + delta_phi
b <- -k^2*pi^2/(12*n^2)
if (flag==0){
theta <- acos( 1 + b/phi^2 ) #Eq. 19, here cos(theta)=z;
dTheta_dPhi <- 2*b/(phi^3*sin(theta))
theta <- acos( 1 + b/( phi-pi/2)^2 ) #Eq. 20, here cos(theta)=z;
dTheta_dPhi <- 2*b/( (phi-pi/2)^3*sin(theta) )
return( list(phi, theta, dTheta_dPhi) )
#' Display the pixels and grandchildren
#' Display the pixels spix at resolution \eqn{j} by colouring
#' in the grandchildren of spix at resolution \eqn{plot.j}
#' @param j The resolution that spix are specified at.
#' @param boundary.j The resolution to display boundaries at. If
#' this is missing then boundaries will not be plotted.
#' @param plot.j The resolution to plot grandchildren at
#' @param spix Integer vector. The pixel indices to display.
#' These must be in nested order.
#' @param incl.labels Integer vector of pixel indices to label at
#' resolution j.
#' @param boundary.col The boundary colour.
#' @param boundary.lwd The boundary line width.
#' @param col The colour to make the grandchildren.
#' @param size The size to make the grandchildren.
#'## Example 1
#' ## Plot base pixels 1,2,3 by colouring their grandchildren at resolution
#' ## 5 (by default). No pixel boundaries.
#' displayPixels(j=0, spix=c(1,2,3))
#' ## Plot base pixels 1,2,3 display and their boundaries (boundary.j=0)
#' displayPixels(0,0, spix=c(1,2,3))
#' ## Plot base pixels 1,2,3 by colouring their grandchildren at resolution 2
#' displayPixels(0,0, plot.j = 2, spix=c(1,2,3))
#'## Example 2
#' demoNeighbours <- function(p,j) {
#' neighbours(p, j)
#' displayPixels(boundary.j = j, j = j, plot.j = 5,
#' spix = neighbours(p, j),
#' boundary.col = "gray",
#' boundary.lwd = 1,
#' incl.labels = neighbours(p, j),
#' col = "blue",
#' size = 3)
#' rcosmo::displayPixelBoundaries(nside = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
#' }
displayPixels <- function(boundary.j, j, plot.j = 5, spix,
boundary.col = "gray",
boundary.lwd = 1,
incl.labels = 1:(12*4^boundary.j),
col = "blue",
size = 3)
if ( !missing(boundary.j) ) {
rcosmo::displayPixelBoundaries(nside = 2^boundary.j,
ordering = "nested",
nums.col = "red",
col = boundary.col,
lwd = boundary.lwd,
incl.labels = incl.labels)
# We do this by plotting grandchildren of the siblings
gchild <- rcosmo::pixelWindow(j1 = j,
j2 = plot.j,
pix.j1 = spix)
hp <- rcosmo::HPDataFrame(nside = 2^plot.j,
spix = gchild)
plot.HPDataFrame(hp, add = TRUE, col = col, size = size)
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