
Defines functions summary.rdplot print.rdplot rdplot

Documented in print.rdplot rdplot summary.rdplot

rdplot = function(y, x, c=0, p=4, nbins = NULL, binselect = "esmv", scale = NULL, 
                  kernel = "uni", weights = NULL, h = NULL, 
                  covs = NULL,  covs_eval = "mean", covs_drop = TRUE, ginv.tol = 1e-20,
                  support = NULL, subset = NULL, masspoints = "adjust",
                  hide = FALSE, ci = NULL, shade = FALSE, 
                  title = NULL, x.label = NULL, y.label = NULL, x.lim = NULL, y.lim = NULL, 
                  col.dots = NULL, col.lines = NULL) {
  #start_time <- Sys.time()
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    x <- x[subset]
    y <- y[subset]
  na.ok <- complete.cases(x) & complete.cases(y)
  if (!is.null(covs)){
    if (!is.null(subset))  covs <- subset(covs,subset)
    na.ok <- na.ok & complete.cases(covs)
    print("covs option is meant to be used when plotting RDROBUST estimates. If the option is used for global polynomial fitting, it may deliver results that are not visually compatible with the local binned means depicted due to the underlying assumptions used.")
  if (!is.null(weights)){
    if (!is.null(subset)) weights <- weights[subset]
    na.ok <- na.ok & complete.cases(weights) & weights>=0
  x <- x[na.ok]
  y <- y[na.ok]
  if (!is.null(covs))    covs    = as.matrix(covs)[na.ok, , drop = FALSE]
  if (!is.null(weights)) weights = as.matrix(weights[na.ok])  
  x_min = min(x);	x_max = max(x)
  ind_l = x<c;  ind_r = x>=c
  x_l = x[ind_l]; x_r = x[ind_r]	
  y_l = y[ind_l];	y_r = y[ind_r]
	if (!is.null(support)) {
	  support_l = support[1]
	  support_r = support[2]
	  if (support_l<x_min) x_min = support_l
	  if (support_r>x_max) x_max = support_r
	range_l = c - x_min
	range_r = x_max - c
	n_l = length(x_l)
	n_r = length(x_r)
	n = n_l + n_r
  if (is.null(scale)) {
    scale = scale_l = scale_r = 1  
  } else{
    if (length(scale)==1) scale_l = scale_r = scale
    if (length(scale)==2) {
      scale_l = scale[1]
      scale_r = scale[2]
  if (!is.null(nbins)) {
    if (length(nbins)==1) nbins_l = nbins_r = nbins
    if (length(nbins)==2) {
      nbins_l = nbins[1]
      nbins_r = nbins[2]
  if (is.null(h)) {
    h_l = range_l
		h_r = range_r
  } else{
    if (length(h)==1) h_l = h_r = h
    if (length(h)==2) {
      h_l = h[1]
      h_r = h[2]
  flag_no_ci <- FALSE
  if (is.null(ci)) {
    ci<- 95
    flag_no_ci <- TRUE
  kernel_type = "Uniform"
  if (kernel=="epanechnikov" | kernel=="epa") kernel_type = "Epanechnikov"
  if (kernel=="triangular"   | kernel=="tri") kernel_type = "Triangular"
  ### Mass Points
  if (is.null(masspoints)) masspoints=FALSE
  mN = n;  M_l = n_l;  M_r = n_r
  if (masspoints=="check" | masspoints=="adjust") {
    X_uniq_l = sort(unique(x_l), decreasing=TRUE)
    X_uniq_r = unique(x_r)
    M_l = length(X_uniq_l)
    M_r = length(X_uniq_r)
    M = M_l + M_r
    mass_l = 1-M_l/n_l
    mass_r = 1-M_r/n_r				
    if (mass_l>=0.2 | mass_r>=0.2){
      print("Mass points detected in the running variable.")
      if (masspoints=="check") print("Try using option masspoints=adjust.")
      if (masspoints=="adjust") {
        if (binselect=="es")    binselect="espr"
        if (binselect=="esmv")  binselect="esmvpr"
        if (binselect=="qs")    binselect="qspr"
        if (binselect=="qsmv")  binselect="qsmvpr"
  ############## COLLINEARITY
  if (!is.null(covs)) dZ = ncol(covs)
  if (covs_drop == TRUE) covs_drop_coll = 1 
  if (!is.null(covs) & isTRUE(covs_drop)) {
    covs.names = colnames(covs)
    if (is.null(covs.names)) {
      covs.names = paste("z",1:ncol(covs),sep="")
      colnames(covs) = covs.names
    covs = covs[,order(nchar(covs.names))]
    covs = as.matrix(covs)
    dZ = length(covs.names)
    covs.check = covs_drop_fun(covs)
    if (covs.check$ncovs < dZ) {
      covs  <- as.matrix(covs.check$covs)
      dZ    <- covs.check$ncovs
      warning("Multicollinearity issue detected in covs. Redundant covariates dropped.")  
  #####  ERRORS
	if (c<=x_min | c>=x_max){
		print("c should be set within the range of x")
		exit = 1
  if (kernel!="uni" & kernel!="uniform" & kernel!="tri" & kernel!="triangular" & kernel!="epa" & kernel!="epanechnikov" & kernel!="" ){
    print("kernel incorrectly specified")
    exit = 1

	if (p<0 ){
		print("p should be a positive number")
		exit = 1

	if (scale<=0 |scale_l<=0 |scale_r<=0){
		print("scale should be a positive number")
		exit = 1

	p_ceiling = ceiling(p)/p

	if (p_ceiling!=1 & p>0) {
  	print("p should be an integer number")
  	exit = 1
	if (n<20){
	  print("Not enough observations to perform bin calculations")
	  exit = 1

	if (exit>0) stop()
	#cat(paste("Stop 1: Preps     -> ",  Sys.time()-start_time,"\n", sep=""))
	#start_time <- Sys.time()
	### Polynomial curve (order = p) ##################################
	W_h_l = rdrobust_kweight(x_l, c, h_l, kernel)
	W_h_r = rdrobust_kweight(x_r, c, h_r, kernel)
	n_h_l = sum(W_h_l>0)
	n_h_r = sum(W_h_r>0)
	if (!is.null(weights)) {
	  fw_l = weights[ind_l];  W_h_l = fw_l*W_h_l
	  fw_r = weights[ind_r];	W_h_r = fw_r*W_h_r

	R_p_l = outer(x_l-c, Y=0:p, FUN = "^")
	R_p_r = outer(x_r-c, Y=0:p, FUN = "^")	
	invG_p_l  = qrXXinv((sqrt(W_h_l)*R_p_l))	
	invG_p_r  = qrXXinv((sqrt(W_h_r)*R_p_r))
	gamma_p = NULL
	if (is.null(covs)) {
	  gamma_p1_l = invG_p_l%*%crossprod(R_p_l*W_h_l, y_l)	
    gamma_p1_r = invG_p_r%*%crossprod(R_p_r*W_h_r, y_r)
  } else {
	  z_l  = covs[ind_l,]; z_r  = covs[ind_r,]	
	  D_l  = cbind(y_l,z_l); D_r = cbind(y_r,z_r)
	  U_p_l = crossprod(R_p_l*W_h_l,D_l); U_p_r = crossprod(R_p_r*W_h_r,D_r)
	  beta_p_l = invG_p_l%*%crossprod(R_p_l*W_h_l,D_l); beta_p_r = invG_p_r%*%crossprod(R_p_r*W_h_r,D_r); 
	  ZWD_p_l  = crossprod(z_l*W_h_l,D_l)
	  ZWD_p_r  = crossprod(z_r*W_h_r,D_r)
	  colsZ = 2:max(c(2+dZ-1,2))
	  UiGU_p_l =  crossprod(U_p_l[,colsZ],invG_p_l%*%U_p_l) 
	  UiGU_p_r =  crossprod(U_p_r[,colsZ],invG_p_r%*%U_p_r) 
	  ZWZ_p_l = ZWD_p_l[,colsZ] - UiGU_p_l[,colsZ] 
	  ZWZ_p_r = ZWD_p_r[,colsZ] - UiGU_p_r[,colsZ]     
	  ZWY_p_l = ZWD_p_l[,1] - UiGU_p_l[,1] 
	  ZWY_p_r = ZWD_p_r[,1] - UiGU_p_r[,1]     
	  ZWZ_p = ZWZ_p_r + ZWZ_p_l
	  ZWY_p = ZWY_p_r + ZWY_p_l
	  if (covs_drop_coll == 0) gamma_p = chol2inv(chol(ZWZ_p))%*%ZWY_p
	  if (covs_drop_coll == 1) gamma_p = ginv(ZWZ_p, tol = ginv.tol)%*%ZWY_p
	  s_Y = c(1 ,  -gamma_p[,1])
	  gamma_p1_l = t(s_Y%*%t(beta_p_l))
	  gamma_p1_r = t(s_Y%*%t(beta_p_r))
	### Preparte data for polynomial curve plot ###

	nplot = 500
	x_plot_l = seq(c-h_l, c, length.out = nplot)
	x_plot_r = seq(c, c+h_r, length.out = nplot)
	rplot_l = outer(x_plot_l-c, Y = 0:p, FUN = "^")
	rplot_r = outer(x_plot_r-c, Y = 0:p, FUN = "^")
	y_hat_l = rplot_l%*%gamma_p1_l
	y_hat_r = rplot_r%*%gamma_p1_r

	if (!is.null(covs) & covs_eval=="mean" ) {
	  gammaZ = colMeans(covs)%*%gamma_p
	  y_hat_l = rplot_l%*%gamma_p1_l + c(gammaZ)
	  y_hat_r = rplot_r%*%gamma_p1_r + c(gammaZ)
	#cat(paste("Stop 2: Polynomial fit -> ",  Sys.time()-start_time,"\n", sep=""))
	#start_time <- Sys.time()
  ### Optimal Bins (using polynomial order k) ###
  rk_l = outer(x_l, Y = 0:k, FUN = "^")
  rk_r = outer(x_r, Y = 0:k, FUN = "^")
  invG_k_l = try(qrXXinv(rk_l),silent=TRUE)
  invG_k_r = try(qrXXinv(rk_r),silent=TRUE)
  if (class(invG_k_l)[1] == "try-error" | class(invG_k_r)[1] == "try-error") {
    k = 3
    rk_l = outer(x_l, Y = 0:k, FUN = "^")
    rk_r = outer(x_r, Y = 0:k, FUN = "^")
    invG_k_l = try(qrXXinv(rk_l),silent=TRUE)
    invG_k_r = try(qrXXinv(rk_r),silent=TRUE)		
  if (class(invG_k_l)[1] == "try-error" | class(invG_k_r)[1] == "try-error") {
    k = 2
    rk_l = outer(x_l, Y = 0:k, FUN = "^")
    rk_r = outer(x_r, Y = 0:k, FUN = "^")
    invG_k_l = qrXXinv(rk_l)
    invG_k_r = qrXXinv(rk_r)		
  gamma_k1_l = invG_k_l%*%crossprod(rk_l, y_l)  
  gamma_k2_l = invG_k_l%*%crossprod(rk_l, y_l^2)
  gamma_k1_r = invG_k_r%*%crossprod(rk_r, y_r)  
  gamma_k2_r = invG_k_r%*%crossprod(rk_r, y_r^2)
  ### Bias w/sample
  mu0_k1_l = rk_l%*%gamma_k1_l
  mu0_k1_r = rk_r%*%gamma_k1_r
  mu0_k2_l = rk_l%*%gamma_k2_l
  mu0_k2_r = rk_r%*%gamma_k2_r
  drk_l = matrix(NA,n_l,k)
  drk_r = matrix(NA,n_r,k)
  for (j in 1:k) {
    drk_l[,j] = j*x_l^(j-1)
    drk_r[,j] = j*x_r^(j-1)
  ind_l = order(x_l); ind_r = order(x_r)
  x_i_l = x_l[ind_l]; y_i_l = y_l[ind_l]
  x_i_r = x_r[ind_r]; y_i_r = y_r[ind_r]

  dxi_l=(x_i_l[2:n_l]-x_i_l[1:(n_l-1)]); dyi_l=(y_i_l[2:n_l]-y_i_l[1:(n_l-1)])
  dxi_r=(x_i_r[2:n_r]-x_i_r[1:(n_r-1)]); dyi_r=(y_i_r[2:n_r]-y_i_r[1:(n_r-1)])
  x_bar_i_l = (x_i_l[2:n_l] + x_i_l[1:(n_l-1)]) /2
  x_bar_i_r = (x_i_r[2:n_r] + x_i_r[1:(n_r-1)]) /2
  drk_i_l = matrix(NA,n_l-1,k);	rk_i_l  = matrix(NA,n_l-1,(k+1))
  drk_i_r = matrix(NA,n_r-1,k);	rk_i_r  = matrix(NA,n_r-1,(k+1))
  for (j in 1:(k+1)) {
    rk_i_l[,j] = x_bar_i_l^(j-1)    
    rk_i_r[,j] = x_bar_i_r^(j-1)
  for (j in 1:k) {
    drk_i_l[,j] = j*x_bar_i_l^(j-1)
    drk_i_r[,j] = j*x_bar_i_r^(j-1)
  mu1_i_hat_l = drk_i_l%*%(gamma_k1_l[2:(k+1)])
  mu1_i_hat_r = drk_i_r%*%(gamma_k1_r[2:(k+1)])
  mu0_i_hat_l = rk_i_l%*%gamma_k1_l
  mu0_i_hat_r = rk_i_r%*%gamma_k1_r
  mu2_i_hat_l = rk_i_l%*%gamma_k2_l
  mu2_i_hat_r = rk_i_r%*%gamma_k2_r
  mu0_hat_l = rk_l%*%gamma_k1_l
  mu0_hat_r = rk_r%*%gamma_k1_r
  mu2_hat_l = rk_l%*%gamma_k2_l
  mu2_hat_r = rk_r%*%gamma_k2_r
  mu1_hat_l = drk_l%*%(gamma_k1_l[2:(k+1)])
  mu1_hat_r = drk_r%*%(gamma_k1_r[2:(k+1)])
  mu1_i_hat_l = drk_i_l%*%(gamma_k1_l[2:(k+1)])
  mu1_i_hat_r = drk_i_r%*%(gamma_k1_r[2:(k+1)])
  var_y_l = var(y_l)
  var_y_r = var(y_r)
  sigma2_hat_l_bar = mu2_i_hat_l - mu0_i_hat_l^2
  sigma2_hat_r_bar = mu2_i_hat_r - mu0_i_hat_r^2
  ind_s2_l = sigma2_hat_l_bar<0
  ind_s2_r = sigma2_hat_r_bar<0
  sigma2_hat_l_bar[ind_s2_l] = var_y_l 
  sigma2_hat_r_bar[ind_s2_r] = var_y_r  
  sigma2_hat_l = mu2_hat_l - mu0_hat_l^2
  sigma2_hat_r = mu2_hat_r - mu0_hat_r^2
  ind_s2_l = sigma2_hat_l<0
  ind_s2_r = sigma2_hat_r<0
  sigma2_hat_l[ind_s2_l] = var_y_l 
  sigma2_hat_r[ind_s2_r] = var_y_r  
  B_es_hat_dw = c( ((c-x_min)^2/(12*n))*sum(mu1_hat_l^2),((x_max-c)^2/(12*n))*sum(mu1_hat_r^2))
  V_es_hat_dw = c((0.5/(c-x_min))*sum(dxi_l*dyi_l^2),(0.5/(x_max-c))*sum(dxi_r*dyi_r^2))
  V_es_chk_dw = c((1/(c-x_min))*sum(dxi_l*sigma2_hat_l_bar),(1/(x_max-c))*sum(dxi_r*sigma2_hat_r_bar))
  J_es_hat_dw = J.fun(B_es_hat_dw, V_es_hat_dw, n)
  J_es_chk_dw = J.fun(B_es_hat_dw, V_es_chk_dw, n)
  B_qs_hat_dw = c((n_l^2/(24*n))*sum(dxi_l^2*mu1_i_hat_l^2), (n_r^2/(24*n))*sum(dxi_r^2*mu1_i_hat_r^2))
  V_qs_hat_dw = c((1/(2*n_l))*sum(dyi_l^2),(1/(2*n_r))*sum(dyi_r^2))
  V_qs_chk_dw = c((1/n_l)*sum(sigma2_hat_l), (1/n_r)*sum(sigma2_hat_r))
  J_qs_hat_dw = J.fun(B_qs_hat_dw, V_qs_hat_dw, n)
  J_qs_chk_dw = J.fun(B_qs_hat_dw, V_qs_chk_dw, n)
  J_es_hat_mv  = c(ceiling((var_y_l/V_es_hat_dw[1])*(n/log(n)^2)), ceiling((var_y_r/V_es_hat_dw[2])*(n/log(n)^2)))
  J_es_chk_mv  = c(ceiling((var_y_l/V_es_chk_dw[1])*(n/log(n)^2)), ceiling((var_y_r/V_es_chk_dw[2])*(n/log(n)^2)))
  J_qs_hat_mv  = c(ceiling((var_y_l/V_qs_hat_dw[1])*(n/log(n)^2)), ceiling((var_y_r/V_qs_hat_dw[2])*(n/log(n)^2)))
  J_qs_chk_mv  = c(ceiling((var_y_l/V_qs_chk_dw[1])*(n/log(n)^2)), ceiling((var_y_r/V_qs_chk_dw[2])*(n/log(n)^2)))
  if (binselect=="es") {
    J_star_orig = J_es_hat_dw
    binselect_type="IMSE-optimal evenly-spaced method using spacings estimators"
    J_IMSE = J_es_hat_dw
    J_MV   = J_es_hat_mv
  if (binselect=="espr") {
    J_star_orig = J_es_chk_dw
    binselect_type="IMSE-optimal evenly-spaced method using polynomial regression"
    J_IMSE = J_es_chk_dw
    J_MV   = J_es_chk_mv
  if (binselect=="esmv" ) {
    J_star_orig = J_es_hat_mv
    binselect_type="mimicking variance evenly-spaced method using spacings estimators"
    J_IMSE = J_es_hat_dw
    J_MV   = J_es_hat_mv
  if (binselect=="esmvpr" ) {
    J_star_orig = J_es_chk_mv
    binselect_type="mimicking variance evenly-spaced method using polynomial regression"
    J_IMSE = J_es_chk_dw
    J_MV   = J_es_chk_mv
  if (binselect=="qs" ) {
    J_star_orig = J_qs_hat_dw
    binselect_type="IMSE-optimal quantile-spaced method using spacings estimators"
    J_IMSE = J_qs_hat_dw
    J_MV   = J_qs_hat_mv
  if (binselect=="qspr" ) {
    J_star_orig = J_qs_chk_dw
    binselect_type="IMSE-optimal quantile-spaced method using polynomial regression"
    J_IMSE = J_qs_chk_dw
    J_MV   = J_qs_chk_mv
  if (binselect=="qsmv" ) {
    J_star_orig = J_qs_hat_mv
    binselect_type="mimicking variance quantile-spaced method using spacings estimators"
    J_IMSE = J_qs_hat_dw
    J_MV   = J_qs_hat_mv
  if (binselect=="qsmvpr" ) {
    J_star_orig = J_qs_chk_mv
    binselect_type="mimicking variance quantile-spaced method using polynomial regression"
    J_IMSE = J_qs_chk_dw
    J_MV   = J_qs_chk_mv

  J_star_l = scale_l*J_star_orig[1]
  J_star_r = scale_r*J_star_orig[2]

  if (!is.null(nbins)) {
    J_star_l = nbins_l
    J_star_r = nbins_r
    binselect_type="manually evenly spaced"
  if (var_y_l==0) {
    J_star_l = J_star_l_orig = 1
    print("Warning: not enough variability in the outcome variable below the threshold")

	if (var_y_r==0) {
	  J_star_r = J_star_r_orig = 1
	  print("Warning: not enough variability in the outcome variable above the threshold")
  rscale_l = J_star_l / J_IMSE[1]
  rscale_r = J_star_r / J_IMSE[2]
  #cat(paste("Stop 3: Optimal Bins   -> ",  Sys.time()-start_time,"\n", sep=""))
  #start_time <- Sys.time()
  jump_l  = range_l/J_star_l;jump_r = range_r/J_star_r;
  if (meth=="es") {
  }   else if (meth=="qs") {

	bin_x_l = findInterval(x_l, jumps_l,  rightmost.closed=TRUE) - J_star_l-1
	bin_x_r = findInterval(x_r, jumps_r,  rightmost.closed=TRUE) 
	#cat(paste("Stop 4a: Loop bins     -> ",  Sys.time()-start_time,"\n", sep=""))
	#start_time <- Sys.time()

	rdplot_l = aggregate(cbind(y_l,x_l), list(bin_x_l), FUN=mean)
	rdplot_r = aggregate(cbind(y_r,x_r), list(bin_x_r), FUN=mean)
	rdplot_bin_l       =  rdplot_l[,1]
	rdplot_mean_y_l    =  rdplot_l[,2]
	rdplot_mean_x_l    =  rdplot_l[,3]
	rdplot_bin_r       =  rdplot_r[,1]
	rdplot_mean_y_r    =  rdplot_r[,2]
	rdplot_mean_x_r    =  rdplot_r[,3]

	if (!is.null(covs) & covs_eval=="mean") {
	  covs_model_l = lm(y_l~ z_l + factor(bin_x_l)) 
	  covs_model_r = lm(y_r~ z_r + factor(bin_x_r)) 
	  yhatZ_l = predict(covs_model_l)
	  yhatZ_r = predict(covs_model_r)
	  rdplot_mean_y_l = aggregate(yhatZ_l, list(bin_x_l), FUN=mean)[,2]
	  rdplot_mean_y_r = aggregate(yhatZ_r, list(bin_x_r), FUN=mean)[,2]
	t_ind_l = 1:J_star_l
	t_ind_r = 1:J_star_r
	rdplot_mean_bin_l = rowMeans(cbind(matrix(jumps_l[t_ind_l]),matrix(jumps_l[(t_ind_l+1)])))
	rdplot_mean_bin_r = rowMeans(cbind(matrix(jumps_r[t_ind_r]),matrix(jumps_r[(t_ind_r+1)])))

	#rdplot_mean_bin_l = rdplot_mean_bin_l[rev(-rdplot_bin_l)]
	rdplot_mean_bin_l = rdplot_mean_bin_l[(rdplot_bin_l+J_star_l+1)]
	rdplot_mean_bin_r = rdplot_mean_bin_r[rdplot_bin_r]
	bin_x = c(bin_x_l,bin_x_r)
  rdplot_mean_bin = c(rdplot_mean_bin_l, rdplot_mean_bin_r)
  rdplot_mean_x   = c(rdplot_mean_x_l,   rdplot_mean_x_r)
	rdplot_mean_y   = c(rdplot_mean_y_l,   rdplot_mean_y_r)
	#cat(paste("Stop 4b: Loop bins     -> ",  Sys.time()-start_time,"\n", sep=""))
	#start_time <- Sys.time()
	rdplot_N_l    = aggregate(y_l, list(-bin_x_l), FUN=length)[,2]
	rdplot_N_r    = aggregate(y_r, list(bin_x_r),  FUN=length)[,2]
	rdplot_sd_y_l = aggregate(y_l, list(-bin_x_l), FUN=sd)[,2]
	rdplot_sd_y_r = aggregate(y_r, list(bin_x_r),  FUN=sd)[,2]
	rdplot_N = c(rev(rdplot_N_l),rdplot_N_r)
	quant = -qt((1-(ci/100))/2,pmax(rdplot_N-1,1))
	rdplot_sd_y_l[is.na(rdplot_sd_y_l)] =0
	rdplot_sd_y_r[is.na(rdplot_sd_y_r)] =0
	rdplot_sd_y = c(rev(rdplot_sd_y_l),rdplot_sd_y_r)
	rdplot_se_y <- rdplot_sd_y/sqrt(rdplot_N)
	rdplot_cil_bin = rdplot_mean_y - quant*rdplot_se_y
	rdplot_cir_bin = rdplot_mean_y + quant*rdplot_se_y
	temp_plot =NULL
	rdplot_min_bin_l = jumps_l[1:J_star_l]
	rdplot_max_bin_l = jumps_l[2:(J_star_l+1)]
	rdplot_min_bin_r = jumps_r[1:J_star_r]
	rdplot_max_bin_r = jumps_r[2:(J_star_r+1)]
	bin_length_l = rdplot_max_bin_l - rdplot_min_bin_l
	bin_length_r = rdplot_max_bin_r - rdplot_min_bin_r
	bin_avg_l = mean(bin_length_l)
	bin_avg_r = mean(bin_length_r)
	bin_med_l = median(bin_length_l)
	bin_med_r = median(bin_length_r)
	rdplot_min_bin = c(rdplot_min_bin_l[rev(-rdplot_bin_l)], rdplot_min_bin_r[rdplot_bin_r])
	rdplot_max_bin = c(rdplot_max_bin_l[rev(-rdplot_bin_l)], rdplot_max_bin_r[rdplot_bin_r])
	bin_length     = c(bin_length_l, bin_length_r)
	bin_avg        = c(bin_avg_l, bin_avg_r)
	bin_med        = c(bin_med_l, bin_avg_r)
	vars_bins = data.frame("rdplot_mean_bin"=rdplot_mean_bin,"rdplot_mean_x"=rdplot_mean_x, "rdplot_mean_y"=rdplot_mean_y, "rdplot_min_bin"=rdplot_min_bin, "rdplot_max_bin"=rdplot_max_bin, "rdplot_se_y"=rdplot_se_y, "rdplot_N"=rdplot_N, "rdplot_ci_l"=rdplot_cil_bin, "rdplot_ci_r"=rdplot_cir_bin)
	vars_poly = data.frame("rdplot_x"= c(x_plot_l, x_plot_r), "rdplot_y"= c(y_hat_l, y_hat_r))
	#cat(paste("Stop 4d: Loop bins     -> ",  Sys.time()-start_time,"\n", sep=""))
	#start_time <- Sys.time()
    if (is.null(col.lines)) col.lines = "red"
    if (is.null(col.dots))  col.dots  = "darkblue"
    #if (is.null(type.dots)) type.dots = 20
    if (is.null(title)) title="RD Plot"
    if (is.null(x.label)) x.label="X axis"
    if (is.null(y.label)) y.label="Y axis"
    #if (is.null(x.lim)) x.lim=c(min(x_l),max(x_r))
    #if (is.null(y.lim)) y.lim=c(min(c(y_l,y_r)),max(c(y_l,y_r)))
    #if (is.null(y.lim)) y.lim=c(min(rdplot_mean_y),max(rdplot_mean_y))
    data_bins <- data.frame(rdplot_mean_bin, rdplot_mean_y, rdplot_cil_bin, rdplot_cir_bin)
    data_poly <- data.frame(x_plot_l, y_hat_l, x_plot_r, y_hat_r)
    temp_plot <- ggplot() + theme_bw() +
        geom_point(data=data_bins, aes(x=rdplot_mean_bin, y=rdplot_mean_y), col=col.dots, na.rm=TRUE) +
        geom_line( data=data_poly, aes(x=x_plot_l, y=y_hat_l), col=col.lines, na.rm=TRUE) +
        geom_line( data=data_poly, aes(x=x_plot_r, y=y_hat_r), col=col.lines, na.rm=TRUE) 

    if (flag_no_ci==FALSE)
    temp_plot <- temp_plot +
      geom_errorbar(data=data_bins, aes(x=rdplot_mean_bin, ymin=rdplot_cil_bin, ymax=rdplot_cir_bin), linetype = 1) 
      if (shade==TRUE){
       temp_plot <- temp_plot +
         geom_ribbon(data=data_bins, aes(x=rdplot_mean_bin, ymin=rdplot_cil_bin, ymax=rdplot_cir_bin))
    temp_plot <- temp_plot + labs(x = x.label, y = y.label) + ggtitle(title)+
      coord_cartesian(xlim = x.lim, ylim = y.lim) +
      theme(legend.position = "None") +
      geom_vline(xintercept = c, linewidth = 0.5) 
    if (hide == FALSE) print(temp_plot)

    #cat(paste("Stop 5: Plot      -> ",  Sys.time()-start_time,"\n", sep=""))
    #start_time <- Sys.time()
    coef = cbind(gamma_p1_l,gamma_p1_r)
    out=list(coef=coef, rdplot=temp_plot, vars_bins=vars_bins, vars_poly=vars_poly,
             J=c(J_star_l,J_star_r), J_IMSE=J_IMSE, J_MV=J_MV, 
             scale=c(scale_l,scale_r), rscale=c(rscale_l,rscale_r),
             bin_avg=c(bin_avg_l,bin_avg_r), bin_med=c(bin_med_l,bin_med_r),
             p=p, c=c, h=c(h_l,h_r), N=c(n_l,n_r), N_h=c(n_h_l,n_h_r), 
             binselect=binselect_type, kernel=kernel_type, coef_covs=gamma_p)
    out$call <- match.call()
    class(out) <- "rdplot"

print.rdplot <- function(x,...){
  cat("Call: rdplot\n\n")
  cat(paste("Number of Obs.           ",  format(x$N[1]+x$N[2], width=10, justify="right"),"\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Kernel                   ",  format(x$kernel,      width=10, justify="right"),"\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Number of Obs.           ",  format(x$N[1],    width=10, justify="right"),  "      ", format(x$N[2],     width=10, justify="right"), "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Eff. Number of Obs.      ",  format(x$N_h[1],  width=10, justify="right"),  "      ", format(x$N_h[2],   width=10, justify="right"), "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Order poly. fit (p)      ",  format(x$p,       width=10, justify="right"),  "      ", format(x$p,        width=10, justify="right"), "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("BW poly. fit (h)         ",  format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$h[1])),      "      ", format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$h[2])),     "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Number of bins scale     ",  format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$scale[1])),  "      ", format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$scale[2])), "\n", sep=""))

summary.rdplot <- function(object,...) {
  x    <- object
  args <- list(...)
  cat("Call: rdplot\n\n")
  cat(paste("Number of Obs.           ",  format(x$N[1]+x$N[2], width=10, justify="right"),"\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Kernel                   ",  format(x$kernel,      width=10, justify="right"),"\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Number of Obs.           ",  format(x$N[1],     width=10, justify="right"),  "      ", format(x$N[2],     width=10, justify="right"),        "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Eff. Number of Obs.      ",  format(x$N_h[1],   width=10, justify="right"),  "      ", format(x$N_h[2],   width=10, justify="right"),        "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Order poly. fit (p)      ",  format(x$p,        width=10, justify="right"),  "      ", format(x$p,        width=10, justify="right"),       "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("BW poly. fit (h)         ",  format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$h[1])),      "      ", format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$h[2])),        "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Number of bins scale     ",  format(sprintf("%10.0f",x$scale[1])),  "      ", format(sprintf("%10.0f",x$scale[2])),    "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Bins Selected            ",  format(x$J[1],       width=10, justify="right"),  "      ", format(x$J[2], width=10, justify="right"),        "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Average Bin Length       ",  format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$bin_avg[1])),  "      ", format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$bin_avg[2])),  "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Median Bin Length        ",  format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$bin_med[1])),  "      ", format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$bin_med[2])),  "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("IMSE-optimal bins        ",  format(x$J_IMSE[1], width=10, justify="right"),  "      ", format(x$J_IMSE[2], width=10, justify="right"),  "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Mimicking Variance bins  ",  format(x$J_MV[1],   width=10, justify="right"),  "      ", format(x$J_MV[2],   width=10, justify="right"),  "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Relative to IMSE-optimal:",   "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("Implied scale            ",  format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$rscale[1])),                      "      ", format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$rscale[2])),                      "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("WIMSE variance weight    ",  format(sprintf("%10.3f",1/(1+x$rscale[1]^3))),              "      ", format(sprintf("%10.3f",1/(1+x$rscale[2]^3))),              "\n", sep=""))
  cat(paste("WIMSE bias weight        ",  format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$rscale[1]^3/(1+x$rscale[1]^3))),  "      ", format(sprintf("%10.3f",x$rscale[2]^3/(1+x$rscale[2]^3))),  "\n", sep=""))

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rdrobust documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 1:07 a.m.