
Defines functions renv_clean_cache renv_clean_package_locks renv_clean_unused_packages renv_clean_system_library renv_clean_library_tempdirs renv_clean_actions clean

Documented in clean

#' Clean a project
#' Clean up a project and its associated \R libraries.
#' # Actions
#' The following clean actions are available:
#' \describe{
#' \item{`package.locks`}{
#'   During package installation, \R will create package locks in the
#'   library path, typically named `00LOCK-<package>`. On occasion, if package
#'   installation fails or \R is terminated while installing a package, these
#'   locks can be left behind and will inhibit future attempts to reinstall
#'   that package. Use this action to remove such left-over package locks.
#' }
#' \item{`library.tempdirs`}{
#'   During package installation, \R may create temporary directories with
#'   names of the form `file\w{12}`, and on occasion those files can be
#'   left behind even after they are no longer in use. Use this action to
#'   remove such left-over directories.
#' }
#' \item{`system.library`}{
#'   In general, it is recommended that only packages distributed with \R
#'   are installed into the default library (the library path referred to
#'   by `.Library`). Use this action to remove any user-installed packages
#'   that have been installed to the system library.
#'   Because this action is destructive, it is by default never run -- it
#'   must be explicitly requested by the user.
#' }
#' \item{`unused.packages`}{
#'   Remove packages that are installed in the project library, but no longer
#'   appear to be used in the project sources.
#'   Because this action is destructive, it is by default only run in
#'   interactive sessions when prompting is enabled.
#' }
#' }
#' @inherit renv-params
#' @param actions The set of clean actions to take. See the documentation in
#'   **Actions** for a list of available actions, and the default actions
#'   taken when no actions are supplied.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # clean the current project
#' renv::clean()
#' }
clean <- function(project = NULL,
                  actions = NULL,
                  prompt  = interactive())

  project <- renv_project_resolve(project)
  renv_project_lock(project = project)

  renv_activate_prompt("clean", NULL, prompt, project)

  actions <- actions %||% renv_clean_actions(prompt)

  all <- list(
    package.locks     = renv_clean_package_locks,
    library.tempdirs  = renv_clean_library_tempdirs,
    system.library    = renv_clean_system_library,
    unused.packages   = renv_clean_unused_packages

  methods <- all[actions]
  for (method in methods)
    tryCatch(method(project, prompt), error = warnify)

  writef("- The project has been cleaned.")

renv_clean_actions <- function(prompt) {

  default <- c(

  unsafe <- c(
    # "system.library",

  c(default, if (prompt) unsafe)


renv_clean_library_tempdirs <- function(project, prompt) {

  ntd <- function() {
    writef("- No temporary directories were found in the project library.")

  library <- renv_paths_library(project = project)
  children <- list.files(library, full.names = TRUE)

  bad <- grep("/file\\w{12}$", children, value = TRUE)
  if (empty(bad))

  # nocov start
  if (prompt || renv_verbose()) {

    caution_bullets("The following directories will be removed:", bad)

    if (prompt && !proceed())

  # nocov end

  unlink(bad, recursive = TRUE)


# remove user packages in system library
renv_clean_system_library <- function(project, prompt) {

  ntd <- function() {
    writef("- No non-system packages were discovered in the system library.")

  # explicitly query for packages
  syslib <- renv_path_normalize(renv_libpaths_system())
  db <- installed_packages(lib.loc = syslib, priority = "NA")
  packages <- setdiff(db$Package, "translations")

  # also look for leftover package folders
  # (primarily for Windows, where .dlls from old packages can be left behind)

  # nocov start
  if (renv_platform_windows()) {
    folders <- list.files(syslib, full.names = TRUE)
    descpaths <- file.path(folders, "DESCRIPTION")
    missing <- !file.exists(descpaths)
    packages <- union(packages, basename(folders)[missing])
  # nocov end

  # check for any packages needing removal
  if (empty(packages))

  # nocov start
  if (prompt || renv_verbose()) {

      "The following non-system packages are installed in the system library:",
        "Normally, only packages distributed with R should be installed in the system library.",
        "These packages will be removed.",
        "If necessary, consider reinstalling these packages in your site library."

    if (prompt && !proceed())

  # nocov end

  remove(packages, library = syslib)


renv_clean_unused_packages <- function(project, prompt) {

  ntd <- function() {
    writef("- No unused packages were found in the project library.")

  # find packages installed in the project library
  library <- renv_paths_library(project = project)
  installed <- list.files(library)
  if (empty(installed))

  # find packages used in the project and their recursive dependencies
  packages <- renv_snapshot_dependencies(project, dev = TRUE)
  paths <- renv_package_dependencies(packages, project = project)
  packages <- names(paths)

  # figure out which packages aren't needed
  removable <- renv_vector_diff(installed, packages)
  if (empty(removable))

  # nocov start
  if (prompt || renv_verbose()) {

        "The following packages are installed in the project library,",
        "but appear to be no longer used in your project."
      "These packages will be removed."

    if (prompt && !proceed())

  # nocov end

  remove(removable, library = library)


renv_clean_package_locks <- function(project, prompt) {

  ntd <- function() {
    writef("- No stale package locks were found.")

  # find 00LOCK directories in library
  library <- renv_paths_library(project = project)
  lock <- list.files(path = library, pattern = "^00LOCK", full.names = TRUE)
  if (empty(lock))

  # check to see which are old
  now <- Sys.time()
  mtime <- file.mtime(lock)
  mtime[is.na(mtime)] <- now
  diff <- difftime(now, mtime, units = "secs")
  old <- lock[diff > 120]
  if (empty(old))

  # nocov start
  if (prompt || renv_verbose()) {

      "The following stale package locks were discovered in your library:",
      "These locks will be removed."

    if (prompt && !proceed())

  # nocov end

  unlink(old, recursive = TRUE)

# nocov start
renv_clean_cache <- function(project, prompt) {

  ntd <- function() {
    writef("- No unused packages were found in the renv cache.")

  # find projects monitored by renv
  projects <- renv_paths_root("projects")
  projlist <- character()
  if (file.exists(projects))
    projlist <- readLines(projects, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")

  # inform user if any projects are missing
  missing <- !file.exists(projlist)
  if (any(missing)) {

      "The following projects are monitored by renv, but no longer exist:",
      "These projects will be removed from renv's project list."

    if (prompt && !proceed())

    writeLines(projlist[!missing], con = projects, useBytes = TRUE)


  action <- function(project) {
    library <- renv_paths_library(project = project)
    packages <- list.files(library, full.names = TRUE)
    descs <- file.path(packages, "DESCRIPTION")
    existing <- file.exists(descs)
    map_chr(descs[existing], renv_cache_path, USE.NAMES = FALSE)

  # for each project, find packages used in their renv private library,
  # and look for entries in the cache
  projlist <- projlist[!missing]
  callback <- renv_progress_callback(action, length(projlist))
  used <- uapply(projlist, callback)

  # check what packages are actually available in the cache
  available <- renv_cache_list()

  diff <- renv_vector_diff(available, used)
  if (empty(diff))

  if (prompt || renv_verbose()) {

      "The following packages are installed in the cache but no longer used:",
      "These packages will be removed."

    if (prompt && !proceed())


  # remove the directories
  unlink(diff, recursive = TRUE)

  writef("- %i package(s) have been removed.", length(diff))

# nocov end

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renv documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:21 a.m.