#' Generic function to post process objects
#' \if{html}{\figure{lifecycle-maturing.svg}{options: alt="maturing"}}
#' @export
#' @param x A GIS object of postProcessing,
#' e.g., Spat* or sf*. This can be provided as a
#' `rlang::quosure` or a normal R object.
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @seealso `prepInputs`
#' @rdname postProcess
postProcess <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname postProcess
postProcess.list <- function(x, ...) {
lapply(x, function(y) postProcess(y, ...))
#' Post processing for GIS objects
#' The method for GIS objects (terra `Spat*` & sf classes) will
#' crop, reproject, and mask, in that order.
#' This is a wrapper for [cropTo()], [fixErrorsIn()],
#' [projectTo()], [maskTo()] and [writeTo()],
#' with a required amount of data manipulation between these calls so that the crs match.
#' @section Post processing sequence:
#' If the `rasterToMatch` or `studyArea` are passed, then
#' the following sequence will occur:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Fix errors [fixErrorsIn()]. Currently only errors fixed are for
#' `SpatialPolygons` using `buffer(..., width = 0)`.
#' \item Crop using [cropTo()]
#' \item Project using [projectTo()]
#' \item Mask using [maskTo()]
#' \item Determine file name [determineFilename()]
#' \item Write that file name to disk, optionally [writeTo()]
#' }
#' NOTE: checksumming does not occur during the post-processing stage, as
#' there are no file downloads. To achieve fast results, wrap
#' `prepInputs` with `Cache`
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to methods. For `spatialClasses`,
#' these are: [cropTo()], [fixErrorsIn()],
#' [projectTo()], [maskTo()],
#' [determineFilename()], and [writeTo()].
#' Each of these may also pass `...` into other functions, like
#' [writeTo()].
#' This might include potentially important arguments like `datatype`,
#' `format`. Also passed to `terra::project`,
#' with likely important arguments such as `method = "bilinear"`.
#' See details.
#' @section Backwards compatibility with `rasterToMatch` and/or `studyArea` arguments:
#' For backwards compatibility, `postProcess` will continue to allow passing
#' `rasterToMatch` and/or `studyArea` arguments. Depending on which of these
#' are passed, different things will happen to the `targetFile` located at `filename1`.
#' See *Use cases* section in [postProcessTo()] for post processing behaviour with
#' the new `from` and `to` arguments.
#' \subsection{If `targetFile` is a raster (`Raster*`, or `SpatRaster`) object:}{
#' \tabular{lccc}{
#' \tab `rasterToMatch` \tab `studyArea` \tab Both \cr
#' `extent` \tab Yes \tab Yes \tab `rasterToMatch` \cr
#' `resolution` \tab Yes \tab No \tab `rasterToMatch` \cr
#' `projection` \tab Yes \tab No* \tab `rasterToMatch`* \cr
#' `alignment` \tab Yes \tab No \tab `rasterToMatch` \cr
#' `mask` \tab No** \tab Yes \tab `studyArea`** \cr
#' }
#' *Can be overridden with `useSAcrs`.
#' **Will mask with `NA`s from `rasterToMatch` if `maskWithRTM`.
#' }
#' \subsection{If `targetFile` is a vector (`Spatial*`, `sf` or `SpatVector`) object:}{
#' \tabular{lccc}{
#' \tab `rasterToMatch` \tab `studyArea` \tab Both \cr
#' `extent` \tab Yes \tab Yes \tab `rasterToMatch` \cr
#' `resolution` \tab NA \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#' `projection` \tab Yes \tab No* \tab `rasterToMatch`* \cr
#' `alignment` \tab NA \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#' `mask` \tab No \tab Yes \tab `studyArea` \cr
#' }
#' *Can be overridden with `useSAcrs`
#' }
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/example_postProcess.R
#' @rdname postProcess
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., `RasterLayer`, `SpatRaster` etc.) that has been
#' appropriately cropped, reprojected, masked, depending on the inputs.
postProcess.default <- function(x, ...) {
if (inherits(x, "quosure")) {
.requireNamespace("rlang", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
x <- rlang::eval_tidy(x)
return(postProcessTo(from = x, ...))
#' Crop a `Spatial*` or `Raster*` object
#' This function is deprecated. Use `cropTo`. If used, all arguments will be passed
#' to `cropTo` anyway.
#' @param x A `Spatial*`, `sf`, or `Raster*` object.
#' @param studyArea `SpatialPolygons*` object used for masking and possibly cropping
#' if no `rasterToMatch` is provided.
#' If not in same CRS, then it will be `spTransform`ed to
#' CRS of `x` before masking. Currently, this function will not reproject the
#' `x`. Optional in `postProcess`.
#' @param rasterToMatch Template `Raster*` object used for cropping (so extent should be
#' the extent of desired outcome) and reprojecting (including changing the
#' resolution and projection).
#' See details in [postProcess()].
#' @param ... Passed to `[cropTo()]`
#' @param useCache Logical, default `getOption("reproducible.useCache", FALSE)`, whether
#' `Cache` is used internally.
#' @inheritParams projectInputs
#' @author Eliot McIntire, Jean Marchal, Ian Eddy, and Tati Micheletti
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., RasterLayer, SpatRaster etc.) that has been
#' appropriately cropped.
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @name deprecated
cropInputs <- function(x, studyArea, rasterToMatch, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1), ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname deprecated
cropInputs.default <- function(x, ...) {
cropTo(x, ...)
#' Do some minor error fixing
#' `fixErrors` --> `fixErrosTerra`
#' @param x A `SpatialPolygons*` or `sf` object.
#' @param objectName Optional. This is only for messaging; if provided, then messages relayed
#' to user will mention this.
#' @param attemptErrorFixes Will attempt to fix known errors. Currently only some failures
#' for `SpatialPolygons*` are attempted.
#' Notably with `terra::buffer(..., width = 0)`.
#' Default `TRUE`, though this may not be the right action for all cases.
#' @param useCache Logical, default `getOption("reproducible.useCache", FALSE)`, whether
#' Cache is used on the internal `terra::buffer` command.
#' @param testValidity Logical. If `TRUE`, the a test for validity will happen
#' before actually running buffering (which is the solution in most
#' cases). However, sometimes it takes longer to test for validity
#' than just buffer without testing (there are no consequences of
#' buffering if everything is valid). If `FALSE`, then the
#' test will be skipped and the buffering will happen regardless.
#' If `NA`, then all testing and buffering will be skipped.
#' @param ... Passed to methods. None currently implemented.
#' @export
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., RasterLayer, SpatRaster etc.) that has been
#' attempted to be fixed, if it finds errors.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [fixErrorsIn()], [postProcessTo()], [postProcess()]
fixErrors <- function(x, objectName, attemptErrorFixes = TRUE,
useCache = getOption("reproducible.useCache", FALSE),
verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
testValidity = getOption("reproducible.testValidity", TRUE),
...) {
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname deprecated
fixErrors.default <- function(x, objectName, attemptErrorFixes = TRUE,
useCache = getOption("reproducible.useCache", FALSE),
verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
testValidity = getOption("reproducible.testValidity", TRUE),
...) {
#' Project `Raster*` or `Spatial*` or `sf` objects
#' Deprecated. Use [projectTo()].
#' @param x A `Raster*`, `Spatial*` or `sf` object
#' @param targetCRS The CRS of x at the end of this function (i.e., the goal)
#' @param ... Passed to [projectTo()].
#' @param rasterToMatch Template `Raster*` object passed to the `to` argument of
#' [projectTo()], thus will changing the
#' resolution and projection of `x`.
#' See details in [postProcessTo()].
#' @return A file of the same type as starting, but with projection (and possibly
#' other characteristics, including resolution, origin, extent if changed).
#' @export
#' @inheritParams prepInputs
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @seealso [projectTo()]
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., RasterLayer, SpatRaster etc.) that has been
#' appropriately reprojected.
projectInputs <- function(x, targetCRS, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1), ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname deprecated
projectInputs.default <- function(x, targetCRS, ...) {
projectTo(x, projectTo = targetCRS, ...)
#' Mask module inputs
#' `maskInputs` is deprecated. Use [maskTo()]
#' @param x An object to do a geographic raster::mask/raster::intersect.
#' See methods.
#' @param ... Passed to methods. None currently implemented.
#' @inheritParams cropInputs
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Jean Marchal
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., RasterLayer, SpatRaster etc.) that has been
#' appropriately masked.
#' @seealso [maskTo()], [postProcessTo()] for related examples
maskInputs <- function(x, studyArea, ...) {
#' @export
maskInputs.default <- function(x, studyArea, rasterToMatch = NULL, maskWithRTM = NULL,
verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1), ...) {
if (!is.null(maskWithRTM) && !is.null(rasterToMatch))
maskTo <- rasterToMatch
maskTo <- studyArea
maskTo(x, maskTo = maskTo, verbose = verbose, ...)
#' Determine filename, either automatically or manually
#' Determine the filename, given various combinations of inputs.
#' @details
#' The post processing workflow, which includes this function,
#' addresses several scenarios, and depending on which scenario, there are
#' several file names at play. For example, `Raster` objects may have
#' file-backed data, and so *possess a file name*, whereas `Spatial`
#' objects do not. Also, if post processing is part of a [prepInputs()]
#' workflow, there will always be a file downloaded. From the perspective of
#' `postProcess`, these are the "inputs" or `filename1`.
#' Similarly, there may or may not be a desire to write an
#' object to disk after all post processing, `filename2`.
#' This subtlety means that there are two file names that may be at play:
#' the "input" file name (`filename1`), and the "output" filename (`filename2`).
#' When this is used within `postProcess`, it is straight forward.
#' However, when `postProcess` is used within a `prepInputs` call,
#' the `filename1` file is the file name of the downloaded file (usually
#' automatically known following the downloading, and refered to as `targetFile`)
#' and the `filename2` is the file name of the of post-processed file.
#' If `filename2` is `TRUE`, i.e., not an actual file name, then the cropped/masked
#' raster will be written to disk with the original `filenam1/targetFile`
#' name, with `prefix` prefixed to the basename(`targetFile`).
#' If `filename2` is a character string, it will be the path of the saved/written
#' object e.g., passed to `writeOutput`. It will be tested whether it is an
#' absolute or relative path and used as is if absolute or
#' prepended with `destinationPath` if relative.
#' @inheritParams projectInputs
#' @param destinationPath Optional. If `filename2` is a relative file path, then this
#' will be the directory of the resulting absolute file path.
#' @param prefix The character string to prepend to `filename1`, if `filename2`
#' not provided.
#' @include helpers.R
#' @details
#' If `filename2` is `logical`, then the output
#' filename will be `prefix` prefixed to the basename(`filename1`).
#' If a character string, it
#' will be the path returned. It will be tested whether it is an
#' absolute or relative path and used as is if absolute or prepended with
#' `destinationPath` if provided, and if `filename2` is relative.
#' @rdname determineFilename
#' @param filename1 Character strings giving the file paths of
#' the *input* object (`filename1`) `filename1`
#' is only used for messaging (i.e., the object itself is passed
#' in as `x`) and possibly naming of output (see details
#' and `filename2`).
#' @param filename2 `filename2` is optional, and is either
#' NULL (no writing of outputs to disk), or several options
#' for writing the object to disk. If
#' `TRUE` (the default), it will give it a file name determined by
#' `.prefix(basename(filename1), prefix)`. If
#' a character string, it will use this as its file name. See
#' [determineFilename()].
#' @inheritParams postProcess
determineFilename <- function(filename2 = NULL, filename1 = NULL,
destinationPath = getOption("reproducible.destinationPath", "."),
verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
prefix = "Small", ...) {
if (!is.null(filename2)) {
dots <- list(...)
if (!is.null(dots$inputFilePath)) {
stop("inputFilePath is being deprecated; use filename1")
if (!is.null(dots$postProcessedFilename)) {
stop("postProcessedFilename is being deprecated; use filename2")
if (!is.null(dots$targetFilePath)) {
"targetFilePath is being deprecated from determineFilename:\n",
" use filename2 and filename1."
if (!(is.logical(filename2) || is.character(filename2) || is.null(filename2))) {
stop("filename2 must be logical or character string or NULL")
filename2 <- if (!identical(filename2, FALSE)) { # allow TRUE or path
if (isTRUE(filename2)) {
# 1. Take destinationPath, if it exists
# 2. Take dirname of filename1, if it exists and is absolute path
# 3. Take getwd()
theDir <- destinationPath
if (is.null(destinationPath)) {
if (is.character(filename1)) {
if (isAbsolutePath(filename1)) {
theDir <- dirname(filename1)
messagePrepInputs("filename2 is NULL; using dirname(filename1) as destinationPath",
verbose = verbose
filename3 <- normPath(tempfile(tmpdir = theDir, fileext = ".tif"))
.prefix(filename3, prefix)
} else {
iap <- isAbsolutePath(filename2)
if (all(iap)) {
} else {
if (any(iap)) {
stop("filename2 must be all relative or all absolute paths")
if (!is.null(destinationPath)) {
file.path(destinationPath, basename(filename2))
} else {
filename2 # accept relative
} else {
if (exists("tmpfile", inherits = FALSE)) {
messagePrepInputs("Saving output to ", filename2, ".",
"Specify filename1 or filename2 for more control, ",
"or set filename2 to NULL to prevent saving to disk",
verbose = verbose
#' Write module inputs on disk
#' See [writeTo()]
#' @param x The object save to disk i.e., write outputs
#' @param overwrite Logical. Should file being written overwrite an existing file if it exists.
#' @param ... Passed into [writeTo()]
#' @inheritParams prepInputs
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Jean Marchal
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., SpatRaster etc.) that has been
#' appropriately written to disk. In the case of vector datasets, this will
#' be a side effect. In the case of gridded objects (Raster*, SpatRaster), the
#' object will have a file-backing.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("terra", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' r <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 100, 0, 100), vals = 1:1e2)
#' tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
#' writeOutputs(r, tf)
#' }
writeOutputs <- function(x, ..., # filename2,
overwrite = getOption("reproducible.overwrite", NULL),
verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
writeOutputs.default <- function(x, ..., # filename2,
overwrite = getOption("reproducible.overwrite", FALSE),
verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
writeTo(x, ..., overwrite = overwrite, verbose = verbose)
#' Assess the appropriate raster layer data type
#' When writing raster-type objects to disk, a `datatype` can be specified. These
#' functions help identify what smallest `datatype` can be used.
#' @param ras The `RasterLayer` or `RasterStack` for which data type will be assessed.
#' @param type Character. `"writeRaster"` (default) or `"GDAL"` (defunct)
#' to return the recommended
#' data type for writing from the raster packages, respectively, or
#' `"projectRaster"` to return recommended resampling type.
#' @export
#' @return A character string indicating the data type of the spatial layer
#' (e.g., "INT2U"). See `terra::datatype()`
#' @rdname assessDataType
#' @example inst/examples/example_assessDataType.R
assessDataType <- function(ras, type = "writeRaster") {
#' @export
#' @rdname assessDataType
assessDataType.default <- function(ras, type = "writeRaster") {
## using ras@data@... is faster, but won't work for @values in large rasters
if (inherits(ras, "RasterStack")) {
xs <- lapply(names(ras), FUN = function(x) {
y <- assessDataType(ras = ras[[x]], type)
N <- 1e5
if (nlayers2(ras) > 1) { # for RasterStack, RasterBrick, SpatRaster of nlyr > 1
xs <- lapply(seq(names(ras)), FUN = function(x) { # can't use names(ras) directly because can't have same name 2x in lapply, but can in SpatRaster
y <- assessDataType(ras = ras[[x]], type)
datatype <- NULL
.requireNamespace("terra", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
if (terra::ncell(ras) > 1e8) { # for very large rasters, try a different way
maxValCurrent <- maxFn(ras)
ras <- setMinMaxIfNeeded(ras)
# if (maxValCurrent != maxValue(ras))
datatype <- dataType2(ras)
} else {
ras <- setMinMaxIfNeeded(ras)
if (is.null(datatype)) {
if (terra::ncell(ras) > N) {
rasVals <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(sampRand(x = ras, size = N)),
error = function(x) rep(NA_integer_, N)
if (is.factor(rasVals))
rasVals <- as.integer(rasVals)
} else {
rasVals <- values2(ras)
minVal <- minFn(ras) # min(ras@data@min)
maxVal <- maxFn(ras) # max(ras@data@max)
signVal <- minVal < 0
doubVal <- any(floor(rasVals) != rasVals, na.rm = TRUE) ## faster than any(x %% 1 != 0)
datatype <- if (doubVal) {
names(MinValsFlts)[min(which(minVal >= MinValsFlts & maxVal <= MaxValsFlts))]
} else {
## only check for binary if there are no decimals and no signs
logi <- all(![!], c(-1, 1)))) ## range needs to include 0
if (logi) {
} else {
names(MinVals)[min(which(minVal >= unlist(MinVals) & maxVal <= unlist(MaxVals)))]
# convert datatype if needed
datatype <- switchDataTypes(datatype, type = type)
setMinMaxIfNeeded <- function(ras) {
# special case where the colours already match the discrete values
suppressWarnings(maxValCurrent <- maxFn(ras))
needSetMinMax <- FALSE
if (isTRUE(any( {
needSetMinMax <- TRUE
} else {
# if the colors are set and are the same length of the integer sequence between min and max, don't override
if (length(.getColors(ras)[[1]])) {
if (! && ! {
if (length(.getColors(ras)[[1]]) == (maxFn(ras) - minFn(ras) + 1)) {
possibleShortCut <- maxValCurrent %in% c(unlist(MaxVals), unlist(MaxVals) + 1)
if (isTRUE(all(possibleShortCut))) {
needSetMinMax <- TRUE
if (isTRUE(needSetMinMax)) {
.requireNamespace("terra", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
large <- if (nlayers2(ras) > 25 || terra::ncell(ras) > 1e7) TRUE else FALSE
if (large) message(" Large ", class(ras), " detected; setting minimum and maximum may take time")
suppressWarnings(ras <- terra::setMinMax(ras))
if (large) message(" ... Done")
roundTo6Dec <- function(x) {
# check if integer
if (all(x %% 1 != 0)) {
# First test whether they are remotely close to each other
rounded <- round(x, 6)
if (!identical(x, rounded)) {
x <- rounded
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
suppressWarningsSpecific <- function(code, falseWarnings, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
warns <- list()
yy <- eval(code)
warning = function(xx) {
trueWarnings <- grep(falseWarnings, xx$message, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if (length(trueWarnings)) {
warns <<- paste(trueWarnings, collapse = "\n ")
error = function(xx) stop(xx$message),
message = function(xx) xx
if (length(warns)) {
lapply(warns, warning)
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
captureWarningsToAttr <- function(code, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
warns <- character()
warn <- capture.output(
type = "message",
yy <- eval(code)
warning = function(xx) {
warns <<- paste0("warn::", xx$message)
trueWarnings <- grepl("warn::.*", warns)
if (length(warn[!trueWarnings])) {
lapply(warns[!trueWarnings], warning)
warns <- gsub("warn::", "", warns[trueWarnings])
attr(yy, "warning") <- paste(warns, collapse = "\n")
dtp <- list()
dtp[["LOG1S"]] <- 1
dtp[["INT1"]] <- 255 / 2
dtp[["INT2"]] <- 65534 / 2
dtp[["INT4"]] <- 4294967296 / 2
dtp[["FLT4"]] <- 3.4e+38
dtp[["FLT8"]] <- Inf
dtps <- c("LOG1S", "INT1U", "INT1S", "INT2U", "INT2S", "INT4U", "INT4S", "FLT4S", "FLT8S", "FLT8U")
names(dtps) <- dtps
datatypeVals <- lapply(dtps, function(namdtp) {
d <- dtp[grep(substr(namdtp, 1, 4), names(dtp), value = TRUE)]
div <- substr(namdtp, 5, 5)
mult <- ifelse(div == "U", 2, 1)
Max <- trunc(unlist(d) * mult)
sign1 <- ifelse(div == "U", 0, -1)
if (grepl("LOG", names(d))) {
Min <- 0
} else {
Min <- Max * sign1
list(Min = Min, Max = Max)
MaxVals <- lapply(datatypeVals, function(x) unname(x$Max))
MinVals <- lapply(datatypeVals, function(x) unname(x$Min))
MinValsFlts <- MinVals[grep("FLT", names(MinVals), value = TRUE)]
MaxValsFlts <- MaxVals[grep("FLT", names(MinVals), value = TRUE)]
projNotWKT2warn <- "Using PROJ not WKT2"
progressBarCode <- function(..., doProgress = TRUE, message,
colour = getOption("reproducible.messageColourCache"),
verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"),
verboseLevel = 1) {
messageCache(message, verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = verboseLevel)
out <- eval(...)
if (doProgress) messageCache("\b Done!", verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = verboseLevel)
switchDataTypes <- function(datatype, type) {
gdalVersion <- "3.1"
if (.requireNamespace("sf"))
gdalVersion <- sf::sf_extSoftVersion()["GDAL"]
if (missing(datatype))
datatype <- "Float32"
gdals <- list(
LOG1S = "Byte",
INT1S = "Int16", # added below if gdalversion ok
INT2S = "Int16",
INT4S = "Int32",
INT8S = "Int64",
INT1U = "Byte",
INT2U = "UInt16",
# INT4U = "UInt32", # added below if gdalversion ok
# INT8U = "UInt64", # added below if gdalversion ok
FLT4S = "Float32",
FLT8S = "Float64"
gdalsOrig <- gdals
if (gdalVersion >= as.numeric_version("3.5"))
gdals <- append(gdals,
INT4U = "UInt32",
INT8U = "UInt64"
if (gdalVersion >= as.numeric_version("3.7"))
gdals[which(names(gdals) %in% "INT1S")] <- list(INT1S = "Int8")
rast <- names(gdals)
names(rast) <- gdals
if (identical(type, "GDAL"))
if (isTRUE(!datatype %in% names(gdals)))
if (!datatype %in% unname(unlist(gdals))) {
warning("datatype ", datatype, " is not an option with this version of gdal: ",
gdalVersion, "\nSetting to ", tail(gdalsOrig, 1))
datatype <- tail(gdalsOrig, 1)
gdals <- append(
list(datatype)) # default is user-supplied -- which could be already a gdal-correct specification for example
rast <- append(rast, list(datatype))
datatype <- switch(type,
GDAL = {, append(list(datatype), gdals))
projectRaster = {
Float32 = "bilinear",
Float64 = "bilinear",
datatype <- "ngb"
writeRaster = {, append(list(datatype), rast))
stop("incorrect argument: type must be one of writeRaster, projectRaster, or GDAL")
sampRand <- function(x, size, method, ...) {
if (isRaster(x)) {
raster::sampleRandom(x, size = size, ...)
} else {
out <- terra::spatSample(x, size = size, ...)
out <- out[, 1] # it is returned as a df
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