
Defines functions sampRand switchDataTypes progressBarCode captureWarningsToAttr suppressWarningsSpecific roundTo6Dec setMinMaxIfNeeded assessDataType.default assessDataType writeOutputs.default writeOutputs determineFilename maskInputs.default maskInputs projectInputs.default projectInputs fixErrors.default fixErrors cropInputs.default cropInputs postProcess.default postProcess.list postProcess

Documented in assessDataType assessDataType.default cropInputs cropInputs.default determineFilename fixErrors fixErrors.default maskInputs postProcess postProcess.default postProcess.list projectInputs projectInputs.default writeOutputs writeOutputs.default

#' Generic function to post process objects
#' \if{html}{\figure{lifecycle-maturing.svg}{options: alt="maturing"}}
#' @export
#' @param x  A GIS object of postProcessing,
#'           e.g., Spat* or sf*. This can be provided as a
#'           `rlang::quosure` or a normal R object.
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @seealso `prepInputs`
#' @rdname postProcess
postProcess <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname postProcess
postProcess.list <- function(x, ...) {
  lapply(x, function(y) postProcess(y, ...))

#' Post processing for GIS objects
#' The method for GIS objects (terra `Spat*` & sf classes) will
#' crop, reproject, and mask, in that order.
#' This is a wrapper for [cropTo()], [fixErrorsIn()],
#' [projectTo()], [maskTo()] and [writeTo()],
#' with a required amount of data manipulation between these calls so that the crs match.
#' @section Post processing sequence:
#'   If the `rasterToMatch` or `studyArea` are passed, then
#'   the following sequence will occur:
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item Fix errors [fixErrorsIn()]. Currently only errors fixed are for
#'            `SpatialPolygons` using `buffer(..., width = 0)`.
#'     \item Crop using [cropTo()]
#'     \item Project using [projectTo()]
#'     \item Mask using [maskTo()]
#'     \item Determine file name [determineFilename()]
#'     \item Write that file name to disk, optionally [writeTo()]
#'   }
#'   NOTE: checksumming does not occur during the post-processing stage, as
#'   there are no file downloads. To achieve fast results, wrap
#'   `prepInputs` with `Cache`
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to methods. For `spatialClasses`,
#'            these are: [cropTo()], [fixErrorsIn()],
#'            [projectTo()], [maskTo()],
#'            [determineFilename()], and [writeTo()].
#'            Each of these may also pass `...` into other functions, like
#'            [writeTo()].
#'            This might include potentially important arguments like `datatype`,
#'            `format`. Also passed to `terra::project`,
#'            with likely important arguments such as `method = "bilinear"`.
#'            See details.
#' @section Backwards compatibility with `rasterToMatch` and/or `studyArea` arguments:
#' For backwards compatibility, `postProcess` will continue to allow passing
#'  `rasterToMatch` and/or `studyArea` arguments. Depending on which of these
#'  are passed, different things will happen to the `targetFile` located at `filename1`.
#' See *Use cases* section in [postProcessTo()] for post processing behaviour with
#'   the new `from` and `to` arguments.
#' \subsection{If `targetFile` is a raster (`Raster*`, or `SpatRaster`) object:}{
#'   \tabular{lccc}{
#'                  \tab `rasterToMatch`      \tab `studyArea`  \tab  Both               \cr
#'     `extent`     \tab Yes                  \tab   Yes        \tab `rasterToMatch`     \cr
#'     `resolution` \tab Yes                  \tab   No         \tab `rasterToMatch`     \cr
#'     `projection` \tab Yes                  \tab   No*        \tab `rasterToMatch`*    \cr
#'     `alignment`  \tab Yes                  \tab   No         \tab `rasterToMatch`     \cr
#'     `mask`       \tab No**                 \tab   Yes        \tab `studyArea`**       \cr
#'   }
#'  *Can be overridden with `useSAcrs`.
#'  **Will mask with `NA`s from `rasterToMatch` if `maskWithRTM`.
#' }
#' \subsection{If `targetFile` is a vector (`Spatial*`, `sf` or `SpatVector`) object:}{
#'   \tabular{lccc}{
#'                  \tab `rasterToMatch`      \tab `studyArea`  \tab Both               \cr
#'     `extent`     \tab Yes                  \tab   Yes        \tab `rasterToMatch`    \cr
#'     `resolution` \tab NA                   \tab   NA         \tab NA                 \cr
#'     `projection` \tab Yes                  \tab   No*        \tab `rasterToMatch`*   \cr
#'     `alignment`  \tab NA                   \tab   NA         \tab NA                 \cr
#'     `mask`       \tab No                   \tab   Yes        \tab `studyArea`        \cr
#'   }
#'  *Can be overridden with `useSAcrs`
#' }
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/example_postProcess.R
#' @rdname postProcess
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., `RasterLayer`, `SpatRaster` etc.) that has been
#' appropriately cropped, reprojected, masked, depending on the inputs.
postProcess.default <- function(x, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "quosure")) {
    .requireNamespace("rlang", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
    x <- rlang::eval_tidy(x)
  return(postProcessTo(from = x, ...))

#' Crop a `Spatial*` or `Raster*` object
#' This function is deprecated. Use `cropTo`. If used, all arguments will be passed
#' to `cropTo` anyway.
#' @param x A `Spatial*`, `sf`, or `Raster*` object.
#' @param studyArea `SpatialPolygons*` object used for masking and possibly cropping
#'                  if no `rasterToMatch` is provided.
#'                  If not in same CRS, then it will be `spTransform`ed to
#'                  CRS of `x` before masking. Currently, this function will not reproject the
#'                  `x`. Optional in `postProcess`.
#' @param rasterToMatch Template `Raster*` object used for cropping (so extent should be
#'                      the extent of desired outcome) and reprojecting (including changing the
#'                      resolution and projection).
#'                      See details in [postProcess()].
#' @param ... Passed to `[cropTo()]`
#' @param useCache Logical, default `getOption("reproducible.useCache", FALSE)`, whether
#'                 `Cache` is used internally.
#' @inheritParams projectInputs
#' @author Eliot McIntire, Jean Marchal, Ian Eddy, and Tati Micheletti
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., RasterLayer, SpatRaster etc.) that has been
#' appropriately cropped.
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @name deprecated
cropInputs <- function(x, studyArea, rasterToMatch, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1), ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname deprecated
cropInputs.default <- function(x, ...) {
  cropTo(x, ...)

#' Do some minor error fixing
#' `fixErrors` --> `fixErrosTerra`
#' @param x A `SpatialPolygons*` or `sf` object.
#' @param objectName Optional. This is only for messaging; if provided, then messages relayed
#'                   to user will mention this.
#' @param attemptErrorFixes Will attempt to fix known errors. Currently only some failures
#'        for `SpatialPolygons*` are attempted.
#'        Notably with `terra::buffer(..., width = 0)`.
#'        Default `TRUE`, though this may not be the right action for all cases.
#' @param useCache Logical, default `getOption("reproducible.useCache", FALSE)`, whether
#'                 Cache is used on the internal `terra::buffer` command.
#' @param testValidity Logical. If `TRUE`, the a test for validity will happen
#'                 before actually running buffering (which is the solution in most
#'                 cases). However, sometimes it takes longer to test for validity
#'                 than just buffer without testing (there are no consequences of
#'                 buffering if everything is valid). If `FALSE`, then the
#'                 test will be skipped and the buffering will happen regardless.
#'                 If `NA`, then all testing and buffering will be skipped.
#' @param ... Passed to methods. None currently implemented.
#' @export
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., RasterLayer, SpatRaster etc.) that has been
#' attempted to be fixed, if it finds errors.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [fixErrorsIn()], [postProcessTo()], [postProcess()]
fixErrors <- function(x, objectName, attemptErrorFixes = TRUE,
                      useCache = getOption("reproducible.useCache", FALSE),
                      verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
                      testValidity = getOption("reproducible.testValidity", TRUE),
                      ...) {

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname deprecated
fixErrors.default <- function(x, objectName, attemptErrorFixes = TRUE,
                              useCache = getOption("reproducible.useCache", FALSE),
                              verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
                              testValidity = getOption("reproducible.testValidity", TRUE),
                              ...) {

#' Project `Raster*` or `Spatial*` or `sf` objects
#' Deprecated. Use [projectTo()].
#' @param x A `Raster*`, `Spatial*` or `sf` object
#' @param targetCRS The CRS of x at the end  of this function (i.e., the goal)
#' @param ... Passed to [projectTo()].
#' @param rasterToMatch Template `Raster*` object passed to the `to` argument of
#'                      [projectTo()], thus will changing the
#'                      resolution and projection of `x`.
#'                      See details in [postProcessTo()].
#' @return A file of the same type as starting, but with projection (and possibly
#' other characteristics, including resolution, origin, extent if changed).
#' @export
#' @inheritParams prepInputs
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @seealso [projectTo()]
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., RasterLayer, SpatRaster etc.) that has been
#' appropriately reprojected.
projectInputs <- function(x, targetCRS, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1), ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname deprecated
projectInputs.default <- function(x, targetCRS, ...) {
  projectTo(x, projectTo = targetCRS, ...)

#' Mask module inputs
#' `maskInputs` is deprecated. Use [maskTo()]
#' @param x An object to do a geographic raster::mask/raster::intersect.
#'          See methods.
#' @param ... Passed to methods. None currently implemented.
#' @inheritParams cropInputs
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Jean Marchal
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., RasterLayer, SpatRaster etc.) that has been
#' appropriately masked.
#' @seealso [maskTo()], [postProcessTo()] for related examples
maskInputs <- function(x, studyArea, ...) {

#' @export
maskInputs.default <- function(x, studyArea, rasterToMatch = NULL, maskWithRTM = NULL,
                               verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1), ...) {
  if (!is.null(maskWithRTM) && !is.null(rasterToMatch))
    maskTo <- rasterToMatch
    maskTo <- studyArea
  maskTo(x, maskTo = maskTo, verbose = verbose, ...)

#' Determine filename, either automatically or manually
#' Determine the filename, given various combinations of inputs.
#' @details
#' The post processing workflow, which includes this function,
#' addresses several scenarios, and depending on which scenario, there are
#' several file names at play. For example, `Raster` objects may have
#'   file-backed data, and so *possess a file name*, whereas `Spatial`
#'   objects do not. Also, if post processing is part of a [prepInputs()]
#'   workflow, there will always be a file downloaded. From the perspective of
#'   `postProcess`, these are the "inputs" or `filename1`.
#'   Similarly, there may or may not be a desire to write an
#'   object to disk after all post processing, `filename2`.
#'   This subtlety means that there are two file names that may be at play:
#'   the "input" file name (`filename1`), and the "output" filename (`filename2`).
#'   When this is used within `postProcess`, it is straight forward.
#'   However, when `postProcess` is used within a `prepInputs` call,
#'   the `filename1` file is the file name of the downloaded file (usually
#'   automatically known following the downloading, and refered to as `targetFile`)
#'   and the `filename2` is the file name of the of post-processed file.
#'   If `filename2` is `TRUE`, i.e., not an actual file name, then the cropped/masked
#'   raster will be written to disk with the original `filenam1/targetFile`
#'   name, with `prefix` prefixed to the basename(`targetFile`).
#'   If `filename2` is a character string, it will be the path of the saved/written
#'   object e.g., passed to `writeOutput`. It will be tested whether it is an
#'   absolute or relative path and used as is if absolute or
#'   prepended with `destinationPath` if relative.
#' @inheritParams projectInputs
#' @param destinationPath Optional. If `filename2` is a relative file path, then this
#'                        will be the directory of the resulting absolute file path.
#' @param prefix The character string to prepend to `filename1`, if `filename2`
#'               not provided.
#' @include helpers.R
#' @details
#'  If `filename2` is `logical`, then the output
#'  filename will be `prefix` prefixed to the basename(`filename1`).
#'  If a character string, it
#'  will be the path returned. It will be tested whether it is an
#'  absolute or relative path and used as is if absolute or prepended with
#'  `destinationPath` if provided, and if `filename2` is relative.
#' @rdname determineFilename
#' @param filename1  Character strings giving the file paths of
#'                   the *input* object (`filename1`) `filename1`
#'                   is only used for messaging (i.e., the object itself is passed
#'                   in as `x`) and possibly naming of output (see details
#'                   and `filename2`).
#' @param filename2   `filename2` is optional, and is either
#'                   NULL (no writing of outputs to disk), or several options
#'                   for writing the object to disk. If
#'                   `TRUE` (the default), it will give it a file name determined by
#'                   `.prefix(basename(filename1), prefix)`. If
#'                   a character string, it will use this as its file name. See
#'                   [determineFilename()].
#' @inheritParams postProcess
determineFilename <- function(filename2 = NULL, filename1 = NULL,
                              destinationPath = getOption("reproducible.destinationPath", "."),
                              verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
                              prefix = "Small", ...) {
  if (!is.null(filename2)) {
    dots <- list(...)

    if (!is.null(dots$inputFilePath)) {
      stop("inputFilePath is being deprecated; use filename1")

    if (!is.null(dots$postProcessedFilename)) {
      stop("postProcessedFilename is being deprecated; use filename2")

    if (!is.null(dots$targetFilePath)) {
        "targetFilePath is being deprecated from determineFilename:\n",
        "  use filename2 and filename1."

    if (!(is.logical(filename2) || is.character(filename2) || is.null(filename2))) {
      stop("filename2 must be logical or character string or NULL")

    filename2 <- if (!identical(filename2, FALSE)) { # allow TRUE or path
      if (isTRUE(filename2)) {
        # 1. Take destinationPath, if it exists
        # 2. Take dirname of filename1, if it exists and is absolute path
        # 3. Take getwd()
        theDir <- destinationPath
        if (is.null(destinationPath)) {
          if (is.character(filename1)) {
            if (isAbsolutePath(filename1)) {
              theDir <- dirname(filename1)
              messagePrepInputs("filename2 is NULL; using dirname(filename1) as destinationPath",
                verbose = verbose
        filename3 <- normPath(tempfile(tmpdir = theDir, fileext = ".tif"))
        .prefix(filename3, prefix)
      } else {
        iap <- isAbsolutePath(filename2)
        if (all(iap)) {
        } else {
          if (any(iap)) {
            stop("filename2 must be all relative or all absolute paths")
          if (!is.null(destinationPath)) {
            file.path(destinationPath, basename(filename2))
          } else {
            filename2 # accept relative
    } else {
    if (exists("tmpfile", inherits = FALSE)) {
      messagePrepInputs("Saving output to ", filename2, ".",
        "Specify filename1 or filename2 for more control, ",
        "or set filename2 to NULL to prevent saving to disk",
        verbose = verbose

#' Write module inputs on disk
#' See [writeTo()]
#' @param x  The object save to disk i.e., write outputs
#' @param overwrite Logical. Should file being written overwrite an existing file if it exists.
#' @param ... Passed into [writeTo()]
#' @inheritParams prepInputs
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Jean Marchal
#' @return A GIS file (e.g., SpatRaster etc.) that has been
#' appropriately written to disk. In the case of vector datasets, this will
#' be a side effect. In the case of gridded objects (Raster*, SpatRaster), the
#' object will have a file-backing.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @rdname deprecated
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("terra", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   r <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 100, 0, 100), vals = 1:1e2)
#'   tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
#'   writeOutputs(r, tf)
#' }
writeOutputs <- function(x, ..., # filename2,
                         overwrite = getOption("reproducible.overwrite", NULL),
                         verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {

#' @rdname deprecated
#' @export
writeOutputs.default <- function(x, ..., # filename2,
                                 overwrite = getOption("reproducible.overwrite", FALSE),
                                 verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
  writeTo(x, ..., overwrite = overwrite, verbose = verbose)

#' Assess the appropriate raster layer data type
#' When writing raster-type objects to disk, a `datatype` can be specified. These
#' functions help identify what smallest `datatype` can be used.
#' @param ras  The `RasterLayer` or `RasterStack` for which data type will be assessed.
#' @param type Character. `"writeRaster"` (default) or `"GDAL"` (defunct)
#'             to return the recommended
#'             data type for writing from the raster packages, respectively, or
#'             `"projectRaster"` to return recommended resampling type.
#' @export
#' @return A character string indicating the data type of the spatial layer
#' (e.g., "INT2U"). See `terra::datatype()`
#' @rdname assessDataType
#' @example inst/examples/example_assessDataType.R
assessDataType <- function(ras, type = "writeRaster") {

#' @export
#' @rdname assessDataType
assessDataType.default <- function(ras, type = "writeRaster") {
  ## using ras@data@... is faster, but won't work for @values in large rasters

  if (inherits(ras, "RasterStack")) {
    xs <- lapply(names(ras), FUN = function(x) {
      y <- assessDataType(ras = ras[[x]], type)


  N <- 1e5

  if (nlayers2(ras) > 1) { # for RasterStack, RasterBrick, SpatRaster of nlyr > 1
    xs <- lapply(seq(names(ras)), FUN = function(x) { # can't use names(ras) directly because can't have same name 2x in lapply, but can in SpatRaster
      y <- assessDataType(ras = ras[[x]], type)


  datatype <- NULL
  .requireNamespace("terra", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
  if (terra::ncell(ras) > 1e8) { # for very large rasters, try a different way
    maxValCurrent <- maxFn(ras)
    ras <- setMinMaxIfNeeded(ras)
    # if (maxValCurrent != maxValue(ras))
    datatype <- dataType2(ras)
  } else {
    ras <- setMinMaxIfNeeded(ras)

  if (is.null(datatype)) {
    if (terra::ncell(ras) > N) {
      rasVals <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(sampRand(x = ras, size = N)),
        error = function(x) rep(NA_integer_, N)
      if (is.factor(rasVals))
        rasVals <- as.integer(rasVals)
    } else {
      rasVals <- values2(ras)
    minVal <- minFn(ras) # min(ras@data@min)
    maxVal <- maxFn(ras) # max(ras@data@max)
    signVal <- minVal < 0
    doubVal <- any(floor(rasVals) != rasVals, na.rm = TRUE) ## faster than any(x %% 1 != 0)
    datatype <- if (doubVal) {
      names(MinValsFlts)[min(which(minVal >= MinValsFlts & maxVal <= MaxValsFlts))]
    } else {
      ## only check for binary if there are no decimals and no signs
      logi <- all(!is.na(.bincode(rasVals[!is.na(rasVals)], c(-1, 1)))) ## range needs to include 0
      if (logi) {
      } else {
        names(MinVals)[min(which(minVal >= unlist(MinVals) & maxVal <= unlist(MaxVals)))]
  # convert datatype if needed
  datatype <- switchDataTypes(datatype, type = type)

setMinMaxIfNeeded <- function(ras) {
  # special case where the colours already match the discrete values
  suppressWarnings(maxValCurrent <- maxFn(ras))
  needSetMinMax <- FALSE
  if (isTRUE(any(is.na(maxValCurrent)))) {
    needSetMinMax <- TRUE
  } else {
    # if the colors are set and are the same length of the integer sequence between min and max, don't override
    if (length(.getColors(ras)[[1]])) {
      if (!is.na(suppressWarnings(maxFn(ras))) && !is.na(suppressWarnings(minFn(ras)))) {
        if (length(.getColors(ras)[[1]]) == (maxFn(ras) - minFn(ras) + 1)) {
    possibleShortCut <- maxValCurrent %in% c(unlist(MaxVals), unlist(MaxVals) + 1)
    if (isTRUE(all(possibleShortCut))) {
      needSetMinMax <- TRUE
  if (isTRUE(needSetMinMax)) {
    .requireNamespace("terra", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
    large <- if (nlayers2(ras) > 25 || terra::ncell(ras) > 1e7) TRUE else FALSE
    if (large) message("  Large ", class(ras), " detected; setting minimum and maximum may take time")
    suppressWarnings(ras <- terra::setMinMax(ras))
    if (large) message("  ... Done")

roundTo6Dec <- function(x) {
  # check if integer
  if (all(x %% 1 != 0)) {
    # First test whether they are remotely close to each other
    rounded <- round(x, 6)
    if (!identical(x, rounded)) {
      x <- rounded

#' @importFrom utils capture.output
suppressWarningsSpecific <- function(code, falseWarnings, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
  warns <- list()
      yy <- eval(code)
    warning = function(xx) {
      trueWarnings <- grep(falseWarnings, xx$message, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
      if (length(trueWarnings)) {
        warns <<- paste(trueWarnings, collapse = "\n  ")
    error = function(xx) stop(xx$message),
    message = function(xx) xx
  if (length(warns)) {
    lapply(warns, warning)


#' @importFrom utils capture.output
captureWarningsToAttr <- function(code, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
  warns <- character()
  warn <- capture.output(
    type = "message",
        yy <- eval(code)
      warning = function(xx) {
        warns <<- paste0("warn::", xx$message)
  trueWarnings <- grepl("warn::.*", warns)
  if (length(warn[!trueWarnings])) {
    lapply(warns[!trueWarnings], warning)
  warns <- gsub("warn::", "", warns[trueWarnings])
  attr(yy, "warning") <- paste(warns, collapse = "\n")

dtp <- list()
dtp[["LOG1S"]] <- 1
dtp[["INT1"]] <- 255 / 2
dtp[["INT2"]] <- 65534 / 2
dtp[["INT4"]] <- 4294967296 / 2
dtp[["FLT4"]] <- 3.4e+38
dtp[["FLT8"]] <- Inf
dtps <- c("LOG1S", "INT1U", "INT1S", "INT2U", "INT2S", "INT4U", "INT4S", "FLT4S", "FLT8S", "FLT8U")
names(dtps) <- dtps
datatypeVals <- lapply(dtps, function(namdtp) {
  d <- dtp[grep(substr(namdtp, 1, 4), names(dtp), value = TRUE)]
  div <- substr(namdtp, 5, 5)
  mult <- ifelse(div == "U", 2, 1)
  Max <- trunc(unlist(d) * mult)
  sign1 <- ifelse(div == "U", 0, -1)
  if (grepl("LOG", names(d))) {
    Min <- 0
  } else {
    Min <- Max * sign1
  list(Min = Min, Max = Max)
MaxVals <- lapply(datatypeVals, function(x) unname(x$Max))
MinVals <- lapply(datatypeVals, function(x) unname(x$Min))
MinValsFlts <- MinVals[grep("FLT", names(MinVals), value = TRUE)]
MaxValsFlts <- MaxVals[grep("FLT", names(MinVals), value = TRUE)]
projNotWKT2warn <- "Using PROJ not WKT2"

progressBarCode <- function(..., doProgress = TRUE, message,
                            colour = getOption("reproducible.messageColourCache"),
                            verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"),
                            verboseLevel = 1) {
  messageCache(message, verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = verboseLevel)
  out <- eval(...)
  if (doProgress) messageCache("\b Done!", verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = verboseLevel)

switchDataTypes <- function(datatype, type) {

  gdalVersion <- "3.1"
  if (.requireNamespace("sf"))
    gdalVersion <- sf::sf_extSoftVersion()["GDAL"]

  if (missing(datatype))
    datatype <- "Float32"
  gdals <- list(
    LOG1S = "Byte",
    INT1S = "Int16", # added below if gdalversion ok
    INT2S = "Int16",
    INT4S = "Int32",
    INT8S = "Int64",
    INT1U = "Byte",
    INT2U = "UInt16",
    # INT4U = "UInt32", # added below if gdalversion ok
    # INT8U = "UInt64", # added below if gdalversion ok
    FLT4S = "Float32",
    FLT8S = "Float64"

  gdalsOrig <- gdals

  if (gdalVersion >= as.numeric_version("3.5"))
    gdals <- append(gdals,
                      INT4U = "UInt32",
                      INT8U = "UInt64"
  if (gdalVersion >= as.numeric_version("3.7"))
    gdals[which(names(gdals) %in% "INT1S")] <- list(INT1S = "Int8")

  rast <- names(gdals)
  names(rast) <- gdals

  if (identical(type, "GDAL"))
    if (isTRUE(!datatype %in% names(gdals)))
      if (!datatype %in% unname(unlist(gdals))) {
        warning("datatype ", datatype, " is not an option with this version of gdal: ",
                gdalVersion, "\nSetting to ", tail(gdalsOrig, 1))
        datatype <- tail(gdalsOrig, 1)

  gdals <- append(
    list(datatype)) # default is user-supplied -- which could be already a gdal-correct specification for example
  rast <- append(rast, list(datatype))

  datatype <- switch(type,
    GDAL = {
      do.call(switch, append(list(datatype), gdals))
    projectRaster = {
        Float32 = "bilinear",
        Float64 = "bilinear",
        datatype <- "ngb"
    writeRaster = {
      do.call(switch, append(list(datatype), rast))
    stop("incorrect argument: type must be one of writeRaster, projectRaster, or GDAL")

sampRand <- function(x, size, method, ...) {
  if (isRaster(x)) {
    raster::sampleRandom(x, size = size, ...)
  } else {
    out <- terra::spatSample(x, size = size, ...)
    out <- out[, 1] # it is returned as a df

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reproducible documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:18 a.m.