
Defines functions gdalMask gdalResample gdalProject isGeomType isPolygons convertToSFwMessage extntNA assessDataTypeOuter remapOldArgs messageDeclareError revertClass cropSF is.naSpatial postProcessToAssertions readFrom saveTo writeTo cropTo projectTo maskTo makeVal fixErrorsIn isCRSTerra isCRScharacter isCRSSF isCRSANY isRaster isSF isSpatialAny isVector isGridded isSpat2 isSpat isSpatVector isSpatial postProcessTo

Documented in cropTo fixErrorsIn maskTo postProcessTo projectTo writeTo

#' Transform a GIS dataset so it has the properties (extent, projection, mask) of another
#' This function provides a single step to achieve the GIS operations
#' "pre-crop-with-buffer-to-speed-up-projection", "project",
#' "post-projection-crop", "mask" and possibly "write".
#' It uses primarily the `terra` package internally
#' (with some minor functions from `sf`)
#' in an attempt to be as efficient as possible. Currently, this function is tested
#' with `sf`, `SpatVector`, `SpatRaster`, `Raster*` and `Spatial*` objects passed
#' to `from`, and the same plus `SpatExtent`, and `crs` passed to `to` or the
#' relevant `*to` functions.
#' For this function, Gridded means a `Raster*` class object from `raster` or
#' a `SpatRaster` class object from `terra`.
#' Vector means a `Spatial*` class object from `sp`, a `sf` class object
#' from `sf`, or a `SpatVector` class object from `terra`.
#' This function is also used internally with the deprecated family [postProcess()],
#' `*Inputs`, such as [cropInputs()].
#' @details
#' `postProcessTo` is a wrapper around (an initial "wide" crop for speed)
#' `cropTo(needBuffer = TRUE)`, `projectTo`,
#' `cropTo` (the actual crop for precision), `maskTo`, `writeTo`.
#'  Users can call each of these individually.
#' `postProcessTerra` is the early name of this function that is now `postProcessTo`.
#' @section Use Cases:
#' The table below shows what will result from passing different classes to `from`
#' and `to`:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'   **`from`**\tab **`to`**   \tab **`from`** will have:                             \cr
#'   `Gridded` \tab `Gridded`  \tab the extent, projection, origin, resolution
#'                                  and masking where there are `NA` from the `to`    \cr
#'   `Gridded` \tab `Vector`   \tab the projection, origin, and mask from `to`, and
#'                                  extent will be a round number of pixels that
#'                                  fit within the extent of `to`. Resolution will
#'                                  be the same as `from`.  See section
#'                                  below about `projectTo`. \cr
#'   `Vector` \tab `Vector`    \tab the projection, origin, extent and mask from `to` \cr
#' }
#' If one or more of the `*To` arguments are supplied, these will
#' override individual components of `to`. If `to` is omitted or `NULL`,
#' then only the `*To` arguments that are used will be performed. In all cases,
#' setting a `*To` argument to `NA` will prevent that step from happening.
#' @section `projectTo`:
#' Since these functions use the gis capabilities of `sf` and `terra`, they will only
#' be able to do things that those functions can do. One key caution, which is
#' stated clearly in `?terra::project` is that projection of a raster (i.e., gridded)
#' object should always be with another gridded object. If the user chooses to
#' supply a `projectTo` that is a vector object for a `from` that is gridded,
#' there may be unexpected failures due e.g., to extents not overlapping during
#' the `maskTo` stage.
#' @section Backwards compatibility with `postProcess`:
#' \subsection{`rasterToMatch` and `studyArea`:}{
#'   If these are supplied, `postProcessTo` will use them instead
#'   of `to`. If only `rasterToMatch` is supplied, it will be assigned to
#'   `to`. If only `studyArea` is supplied, it will be used for `cropTo`
#'   and `maskTo`; it will only be used for `projectTo` if `useSAcrs = TRUE`.
#'   If both `rasterToMatch` and `studyArea` are supplied,
#'   `studyArea` will only be applied to `maskTo` (unless `maskWithRTM = TRUE`),
#'    and, optionally, to `projectTo` (if `useSAcrs = TRUE`); everything else
#'    will be from `rasterToMatch`.
#' }
#' \subsection{`targetCRS`, `filename2`, `useSAcrs`, `maskWithRTM`:}{
#'   `targetCRS` if supplied will be assigned to `projectTo`. `filename2` will
#'   be assigned to `writeTo`. If `useSAcrs` is set, then the `studyArea`
#'   will be assigned to `projectTo`. If `maskWithRTM` is used, then the
#'   `rasterToMath` will be assigned to `maskTo`. All of these will override
#'   any existing values for these arguments.
#' }
#'  See also [postProcess()] documentation section on
#'  *Backwards compatibility with `rasterToMatch` and/or `studyArea`* for further
#'  detail.
#' @section Cropping:
#' If `cropTo` is not `NA`, `postProcessTo` does cropping twice, both the first and last steps.
#' It does it first for speed, as cropping is a very fast algorithm. This will quickly remove
#' a bunch of pixels that are not necessary. But, to not create bias, this first crop is padded
#' by  `2 * res(from)[1]`), so that edge cells still have a complete set of neighbours.
#' The second crop is at the end, after projecting and masking. After the projection step,
#' the crop is no longer tight. Under some conditions, masking will effectively mask and crop in
#' one step, but under some conditions, this is not true, and the mask leaves padded NAs out to
#' the extent of the `from` (as it is after crop, project, mask). Thus the second
#' crop removes all NA cells so they are tight to the mask.
#' @return
#' An object of the same class as `from`, but potentially cropped (via [cropTo()]),
#' projected (via [projectTo()]), masked (via [maskTo()]), and written to disk
#' (via [writeTo()]).
#' @param from A Gridded or Vector dataset on which to do one or more of:
#'   crop, project, mask, and write
#' @param to A Gridded or Vector dataset which is the object
#'   whose metadata will be the target for cropping, projecting, and masking of `from`.
#' @param cropTo Optional Gridded or Vector dataset which,
#'   if supplied, will supply the extent with which to crop `from`. To omit
#'   cropping completely, set this to `NA`. If supplied, this will override `to`
#'   for the cropping step. Defaults to `NULL`, which means use `to`
#' @param projectTo Optional Gridded or Vector dataset, or `crs` object (e.g., sf::st_crs).
#'   If Gridded it will supply
#'   the `crs`, `extent`, `res`, and `origin`
#'   to project the `from` to. If Vector, it will provide the `crs` only.
#'   The resolution and extent will be taken from `res(from)` (i.e. `ncol(from)*nrow(from)`).
#'   If a Vector, the extent of the `projectTo` is not used (unless it is also passed to `cropTo`.
#'   To omit projecting, set this to `NA`.
#'   If supplied, this will override `to` for the projecting step.
#'   Defaults to `NULL`, which means use `to`.
#'   **Attention.** Conflicts may arise with when `projectTo` is a Vector/CRS object with a
#'   distinct CRS from `to`. Because `to` is used for masking *after* `from` is re-projected using
#'   `projectTo`, the extents of `to` and `from` may no longer overlap (as in *align*)
#'   perfectly leading to failure during
#'   the masking step. We  recommend passing a raster templates to `projectTo` whose extent and CRS
#'   are both compatible with the object used later for masking (either `to` or `maskTo`).
#' @param maskTo Optional Gridded or Vector dataset which,
#'   if supplied, will supply the extent with which to mask `from`.
#'   If Gridded, it will mask with the `NA` values on the `maskTo`;
#'   if Vector, it will mask on the `terra::aggregate(maskTo)`.
#'   To omit masking completely, set this to `NA`.
#'   If supplied, this will override `to` for the masking step.
#'   Defaults to `NULL`, which means use `to`
#' @param writeTo Optional character string of a filename to use `writeRaster` to save the final
#'   object. Default is `NULL`, which means there is no `writeRaster`
#' @param overwrite Logical. Used if `writeTo` is not `NULL`; also if `terra` determines
#'   that the object requires writing to disk during a `crop`, `mask` or `project` call
#'   e.g., because it is too large.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to `terra::mask` (for `maskTo`), `terra::project` (for `projectTo`)
#'   or `terra::writeRaster` (for `writeTo`) and not used for `cropTo`, as well `postProcess`'s
#'   `rasterToMatch` and `studyArea` arguments (see below). Commonly used arguments might be
#'   `method`, `touches`, and `datatype`. If `filename` is passed, it will be ignored; use
#'   `writeTo = `.
#' @inheritParams Cache
#' @export
#' @seealso This function is meant to replace [postProcess()] with the more efficient
#' and faster `terra` functions.
postProcessTo <- function(from, to,
                          cropTo = NULL, projectTo = NULL, maskTo = NULL, writeTo = NULL,
                          overwrite = TRUE, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"),
                          ...) {
  startTime <- Sys.time()
  remapOldArgs(...) # converts studyArea, rasterToMatch, filename2, useSAcrs, targetCRS

  # Deal with combinations of to and *To
  if (missing(to)) to <- NULL
  if (is.null(to)) {
    if (missing(cropTo)) cropTo <- NULL
    if (missing(maskTo)) maskTo <- NULL
    if (missing(projectTo)) projectTo <- NULL
  } else {
    if (isRaster(to)) {
      .requireNamespace("terra", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
      to <- terra::rast(to)
    # case where all *To are NULL --> use to as in the arg defaults
    if (is.null(cropTo)) cropTo <- to
    if (is.null(maskTo)) maskTo <- to
    if (is.null(projectTo)) projectTo <- to

  postProcessToAssertions(from, to, cropTo, maskTo, projectTo)

  # Get the original class of from so that it can be recovered
  origFromClass <- is(from)
  isRaster <- any(origFromClass == "Raster")
  isRasterLayer <- any(origFromClass == "RasterLayer")
  isStack <- any(origFromClass == "RasterStack")
  isBrick <- any(origFromClass == "RasterBrick")
  isSF <- any(origFromClass == "sf")
  isSpatial <- any(startsWith(origFromClass, "Spatial"))
  isSpatRaster <- any(origFromClass == "SpatRaster")
  isVectorNonTerra <- isVector(from) && !isSpat(from)

  # converting sf to terra then cropping is slower than cropping then converting to terra
  #    so if both are vector datasets, and sf format, crop first
  from <- cropSF(from, cropTo)

  if (isRaster) {
    fromCRS <- terra::crs(from)
    from <- terra::rast(from)
    if (!nzchar(terra::crs(from))) {
      terra::crs(from) <- fromCRS
    } # $input
  } else if (isSpatial) {
    osFrom <- object.size(from)
    lg <- osFrom > 5e8
    if (lg) {
      st <- Sys.time()
      messagePrepInputs("  `from` is large, converting to terra object will take some time ...",
        verbose = verbose
    from <- suppressWarningsSpecific(terra::vect(from), shldBeChar)
    if (lg) {
      messagePrepInputs("  done in ", format(difftime(Sys.time(), st),
        units = "secs", digits = 3
      verbose = verbose

  couldDoGDAL <- isGridded(from) && isVector(maskTo) && isGridded(projectTo)

  if (isTRUE(getOption("reproducible.gdalwarp", FALSE)) && couldDoGDAL) {
    # project resample mask sequence ################################
    messagePrepInputs("  using sf::gdal_utils('warp') because options(\"reproducible.gdalwarp\" = TRUE) ...", appendLF = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
    st <- Sys.time()

    from <- gdalProject(fromRas = from, toRas = projectTo, verbose = verbose, ...)
    from <- gdalResample(fromRas = from, toRas = projectTo, verbose = verbose)
    from <- gdalMask(fromRas = from, maskToVect = maskTo, writeTo = writeTo, verbose = verbose, ...)
    # from <- setMinMax(from)

  } else {
    if (couldDoGDAL)
      message("Try setting options('reproducible.gdalwarp' = TRUE) to use a different, possibly faster, algorithm")
    # crop project mask sequence ################################
    # Basically, when both layers are vector, it appears to sometimes be lossy to do first
    #   cropTo --> i.e., projecting cropTo to from's crs, then crop, then proceed was making
    #   errors and slivers
    if (!(isPolygons(from) && isPolygons(projectTo) && identical(cropTo, projectTo)))
      from <- cropTo(from, cropTo, needBuffer = TRUE, ..., overwrite = overwrite) # crop first for speed
    from <- projectTo(from, projectTo, ..., overwrite = overwrite) # need to project with edges intact
    from <- maskTo(from, maskTo, ..., overwrite = overwrite)
    from <- cropTo(from, cropTo, needBuffer = FALSE, ..., overwrite = overwrite) # need to recrop to trim excess pixels in new projection

    # Put this message near the end so doesn't get lost
    if (is.naSpatial(cropTo) && isVector(maskTo)) {
      messagePrepInputs("    ** cropTo is NA, but maskTo is a Vector dataset; ",
                        verbose = verbose
      messagePrepInputs("      this has the effect of cropping anyway",
                        verbose = verbose

  # from <- terra::setMinMax(from)

  from <- writeTo(
    from, writeTo, overwrite, isStack, isBrick, isRaster, isSpatRaster,


  from <- revertClass(from, isStack, isBrick, isRasterLayer, isSF, isSpatial,
                      origFromClass = origFromClass)
  messagePrepInputs("  postProcessTo done in ", format(difftime(Sys.time(), startTime),
                                                       units = "secs", digits = 3
  verbose = verbose

#' @export
#' @rdname postProcessTo
postProcessTerra <- postProcessTo

isSpatial <- function(x) inherits(x, "Spatial")
isSpatVector <- function(x) is(x, "SpatVector")
isSpat <- function(x) is(x, "SpatRaster") || isSpatVector(x)
isSpat2 <- function(origClass) any(origClass %in% c("SpatVector", "SpatRaster"))
isGridded <- function(x) is(x, "SpatRaster") || is(x, "Raster")
isVector <- function(x) isSpatVector(x) || is(x, "Spatial") || isSF(x)
isSpatialAny <- function(x) isGridded(x) || isVector(x)
isSF <- function(x) is(x, "sf") || is(x, "sfc")
isRaster <- function(x) is(x, "Raster")
isCRSANY <- function(x) isCRSSF(x) || isCRScharacter(x) || isCRSTerra(x)
isCRSSF <- function(x) is(x, "crs")
isCRScharacter <- function(x) is.character(x) && (grepl("DATUM", x) || grepl("+proj", x))
isCRSTerra <- function(x) is(x, "CRS")

#' Fix common errors in GIS layers, using `terra`
#' Currently, this only tests for validity of a SpatVect file, then if there is a problem,
#' it will run `terra::makeValid`
#' @export
#' @param x The SpatStat or SpatVect object to try to fix.
#' @param error The error message, e.g., coming from `try(...)`
#' @inheritParams Cache
#' @param fromFnName The function name that produced the error, e.g., `maskTo`
#' @return
#' An object of the same class as `x`, but with some errors fixed via `terra::makeValid()`
fixErrorsIn <- function(x, error = NULL, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"), fromFnName = "") {
  if (isVector(x)) {
    os <- 0
    if (!is.null(error)) {
      messageDeclareError(error, fromFnName, verbose)
      os <- objSize(x)
      if (os > 1e9) {
        messagePrepInputs("... this may take a long time because the object is large (",
          format(os), ")",
          verbose = verbose
    if (isSF(x)) {
      .requireNamespace("sf", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
      xValids <- sf::st_is_valid(x)
      if (any(!xValids)) {
        if (os > 1e9) {
          messagePrepInputs("... found invalid components ... running sf::st_make_valid",
            verbose = verbose

        x <- sf::st_make_valid(x)
    } else {
      if (!isSpat(x)) {
        origClass <- class(x)
        isSp <- isSpatial(x)
        x <- terra::vect(x)
      if (os > 1e9 && isTRUE(getOption("reproducible.useCache"))) {
        messagePrepInputs("... Caching the fixErrorTerra call on this large object", verbose = verbose)
        x <- Cache(makeVal(x), .functionName = "make.valid")
      } else {
        x <- makeVal(x)
      if (exists("origClass", inherits = FALSE)) {
        x <- revertClass(x, isSpatial = isSp, origFromClass = origClass)

makeVal <- function(x) {
  xValids <- terra::is.valid(x)

  if (any(!xValids)) {
    x <- terra::makeValid(x)

  # whValid <- which(xValids)
  # se <- seq(NROW(x))
  # if (length(whValid)) {
  #   whInValid <- se[-whValid]
  # } else {
  #   whInValid <- se
  # }
  # if (any(!xValids)) {
  #   xGood <- terra::makeValid(x[whInValid])
  #   if (length(whValid)) {
  #     r <- rbind(x[whValid, ], xGood[, ])
  #     x <- r[order(c(whValid, whInValid)),]
  #   } else {
  #     x <- xGood
  #   }
  # }

#' @export
#' @rdname postProcessTo
maskTo <- function(from, maskTo, # touches = FALSE,
                   overwrite = FALSE,
                   verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"), ...) {
  remapOldArgs(...) # converts studyArea, rasterToMatch, filename2, useSAcrs, targetCRS

  if (!is.null(maskTo) && !extntNA(from) && !extntNA(maskTo)) {
    if (!is.naSpatial(maskTo)) {
      omit <- FALSE
      origFromClass <- class(from)
      if (isRaster(maskTo)) {
        maskTo <- terra::rast(maskTo)
      if (isGridded(maskTo) && isVector(from)) {
        omit <- TRUE
      if (!isSpatialAny(maskTo)) {
        if (is.na(maskTo) || isCRSANY(maskTo)) omit <- TRUE

      if (!omit) {
        if (isSF(from) || isSF(projectTo)) {
          .requireNamespace("sf", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
        if (isSpatial(from)) {
          from <- sf::st_as_sf(from)
        if (isSF(from)) {
          if (!isSF(maskTo)) {
            maskTo <- sf::st_as_sf(maskTo)
        if (isSpat(from) && isVector(from)) {
          if (!isSpat(maskTo)) {
            maskTo <- terra::vect(maskTo)
        if (!isSpat(from) && !isSF(from)) {
          if (isVector(from)) {
            from <- terra::vect(from)
          } else {
            from <- terra::rast(from)

        if (.requireNamespace("sf")) {
          sameCRS <- sf::st_crs(from) == sf::st_crs(maskTo)
        } else {
          sameCRS <- terra::same.crs(from, maskTo)

        if (!sameCRS) {
            isSF <- isSF(maskTo)
            maskTo2 <- maskTo
            attempt <- 1
            while (attempt <= 2) {
              if (isGridded(maskTo2)) {
                maskTo3 <- terra::project(maskTo2, from, overwrite = overwrite)
              } else {
                if (isSF(maskTo2)) {
                  maskTo3 <- sf::st_transform(maskTo2, sf::st_crs(from))
                } else {
                  if (isSpatial(maskTo2)) {
                    maskTo2 <- terra::vect(maskTo2)
                  maskTo3 <- terra::project(maskTo2, from)
              attempt <- attempt + 2
          }, warning = function(w) {
            if (any(grepl(warningCertificateGrep, w$message))) {
              if (!isSF) {
                maskTo2 <<- convertToSFwMessage(w, maskTo2)
                attempt <<- 0
          if (attempt == 4)
            message("... converting to sf object worked to deal with ", warningCertificateGrep)
          maskTo <- maskTo3
        messagePrepInputs("    masking...", appendLF = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
        st <- Sys.time()

        # There are 2 tries; first is for `maskTo`, second is for `from`, rather than fix both in one step, which may be unnecessary
        maskAttempts <- 0
        env <- environment()

        attempt <- 1
        triedFrom <- NA
        while (attempt <= 2) {
          fromInt <- try(
              if (isVector(maskTo)) {
                if (length(maskTo) > 1) {
                  if (isSF(maskTo)) {
                    maskTo <- sf::st_union(maskTo)
                  } else {
                    maskTo <- terra::aggregate(maskTo)

              if (isVector(from)) {
                if (isSF(from)) {
                  sf::st_intersection(from, maskTo)
                } else {
                  if (getRversion() == "4.3.0") { # TODO: this is a work around for R crashing; shouldn't b/c this is in a `try`
                    maskTo <- fixErrorsIn(maskTo)
                  terra::intersect(from, maskTo)
              } else {
                if (isGridded(maskTo)) {
                  if (terra::ext(from) > terra::ext(maskTo)) {
                    from <- terra::crop(from, maskTo)
                  if (terra::ext(maskTo) > terra::ext(from)) {
                    maskTo <- terra::crop(maskTo, from)
                  terra::mask(from, maskTo, overwrite = overwrite)
                } else {
                  if (isSF(maskTo) || isSpatial(maskTo)) {
                    maskTo <- terra::vect(maskTo) # alternative is stars, and that is not Suggests

                  dotArgs <- intersect(...names(), c(writeRasterArgs, maskArgs))
                  if (length(dotArgs)) {
                    dotArgs <- list(...)[dotArgs]
                  ll <- append(list(from, maskTo, overwrite = overwrite), dotArgs)
                  do.call(terra::mask, ll)

                  # terra::mask(from, maskTo, touches = touches, overwrite = overwrite)
            silent = TRUE
          if (is(fromInt, "try-error")) {
            if (attempt == 1) {
              whichFailed <- grepl("geom 0|Loop 0", fromInt)
              if (isTRUE(whichFailed) && !(triedFrom %in% TRUE)) { # don't try same one again
                from <- fixErrorsIn(from, error = fromInt, fromFnName = "maskTo", verbose = verbose)
                triedFrom <- TRUE
              } else {
                maskTo <- fixErrorsIn(maskTo, error = fromInt, fromFnName = "maskTo", verbose = verbose)
                triedFrom <- FALSE
            } else {
          } else {
            if (attempt > 1) {
              messagePrepInputs("...fixed!", verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 1, appendLF = FALSE)
          attempt <- attempt + 1

        from <- fromInt
        messagePrepInputs("...done in ",
          format(difftime(Sys.time(), st), units = "secs", digits = 3),
          verbose = verbose
        from <- revertClass(from, origFromClass = origFromClass)

#' @export
#' @rdname postProcessTo
projectTo <- function(from, projectTo, overwrite = FALSE,
                      verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"), ...) {
  remapOldArgs(...) # converts studyArea, rasterToMatch, filename2, useSAcrs, targetCRS

  hasMethod <- which(...names() %in% "method")
  method <- if (length(hasMethod)) {
    method <- assessDataTypeOuter(from, ...elt(hasMethod))
  } else {

  if (!is.null(projectTo) && !extntNA(from) && !extntNA(projectTo)) {
    origFromClass <- is(from)
    if (!is.naSpatial(projectTo)) {
      if (isRaster(projectTo)) {
        projectTo <- terra::rast(projectTo)

      projectToOrig <- projectTo # keep for below
      sameProj <- try(terra::same.crs(projectTo, from), silent = TRUE)
      if (is(sameProj, "try-error")) {
        .requireNamespace("sf", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
        sameCRS <- sf::st_crs(from) == sf::st_crs(maskTo)

      isProjectToVecOrCRS <- isCRSANY(projectTo) || (isVector(projectTo))
      sameRes <- if (isVector(from) || isProjectToVecOrCRS) {
      } else {
        all(terra::res(projectTo) == terra::res(from))

      # if (sameProj && sameRes) {
      #   messagePrepInputs("    projection of from is same as projectTo, not projecting",
      #                     verbose = verbose)
      # } else {
      if (isSF(from) || isSF(projectTo)) {
        .requireNamespace("sf", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
      messagePrepInputs("    projecting...",
        appendLF = FALSE,
        verbose = verbose
      st <- Sys.time()
      if (isProjectToVecOrCRS && (isSF(projectTo) || isSpatial(projectTo))) {
        projectToTmp <- sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(from))
        if (isVector(projectTo)) {
          projectTo <- sf::st_crs(projectTo)
        projectToTmp <- sf::st_transform(projectToTmp, projectTo)
        projectTo <- terra::vect(projectToTmp)

      if (isVector(projectTo)) {
        if (isGridded(from)) {
          if (!isSpat(projectTo)) {
            projectTo <- terra::vect(projectTo)

          messagePrepInputs("", verbose = verbose)
          messagePrepInputs("         projectTo is a Vector dataset, which does not define all metadata required. ",
            verbose = verbose
          if (!terra::is.lonlat(from)) {
            # if (sf::st_crs("epsg:4326") != sf::st_crs(from)) {
            newRes <- terra::res(from)
            messagePrepInputs("         Using resolution of ", paste(newRes, collapse = "x"), "m; ",
              verbose = verbose
            projectTo <- terra::rast(projectTo, resolution = newRes)
          } else {
            projectTo <- terra::crs(projectTo)

          messagePrepInputs("         in the projection of `projectTo`, using the origin and extent",
            verbose = verbose
          messagePrepInputs("         from `ext(from)` (in the projection from `projectTo`).",
            verbose = verbose
          messagePrepInputs("         If this is not correct, create a template gridded object and pass that to projectTo...",
            verbose = verbose
          messagePrepInputs("         ",
            appendLF = FALSE,
            verbose = verbose
        } else {
          projectTo <- terra::crs(projectTo)
          # projectTo <- sf::st_crs(projectTo)$wkt

      # Since we only use the crs when projectTo is a Vector, no need to "fixErrorsIn"
      from <- if (isVector(from)) {
        isSpatial <- isSpatial(from)
        if (isSpatial) {
          from <- suppressWarningsSpecific(terra::vect(from), shldBeChar)
          attempt <- 1
          while (attempt <= 2) {
            isSF <- isSF(from)
            if (isSF) {
              if (isGridded(projectTo)) {
                projectTo <- sf::st_crs(projectTo)
              from13 <- sf::st_transform(from, projectTo)
            } else {
              from13 <- terra::project(from, projectTo)
            attempt <- attempt + 2
        }, warning = function(w) {
          if (any(grepl(warningCertificateGrep, w$message))) {
            if (!isSF) {
              from <<- convertToSFwMessage(w, from)
              attempt <<- 0
        from <- from13
        from <- fixErrorsIn(from) # sometimes `project` makes invalid
        if (attempt == 4)
          message("... converting to sf object worked to deal with ", warningCertificateGrep)

        if (isSpatial) from <- as(from, "Spatial")
      } else {
        dotArgs <- intersect(...names(), c(writeRasterArgs, projectArgs))
        if (length(dotArgs)) {
          dotArgs <- list(...)[dotArgs]
        sameGeom <- if (isSpat(from) && isSpat(projectTo) ||
          (isRaster(from) || isRaster(projectTo))) {
          terra::compareGeom(from, projectTo, stopOnError = FALSE)
        } else {
        if (!isTRUE(sameGeom)) {
          ll <- append(list(from, projectTo, overwrite = overwrite), dotArgs)
          do.call(terra::project, ll)
        } else {
      messagePrepInputs("done in ", format(difftime(Sys.time(), st), units = "secs", digits = 3),
        verbose = verbose
    # }
    from <- revertClass(from, origFromClass = origFromClass)

#' @param needBuffer Logical. Defaults to `TRUE`, meaning nothing is done out
#'   of the ordinary. If `TRUE`, then a buffer around the cropTo, so that if a reprojection
#'   has to happen on the `cropTo` prior to using it as a crop layer, then a buffer
#'   of 1.5 * res(cropTo) will occur prior, so that no edges are cut off.
#' @export
#' @rdname postProcessTo
cropTo <- function(from, cropTo = NULL, needBuffer = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE,
                   verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"), ...) {
  remapOldArgs(...) # converts studyArea, rasterToMatch, filename2, useSAcrs, targetCRS

  if (!is.null(cropTo) && !extntNA(from) && !extntNA(cropTo)) {
    if (isSF(from) || isSF(cropTo)) {
      .requireNamespace("sf", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
    omit <- FALSE
    origFromClass <- is(from)

    if (isRaster(cropTo)) {
      cropToCRS <- sf::st_crs(cropTo)
      cropTo <- terra::rast(cropTo)
      if (!nzchar(terra::crs(cropTo))) {
        terra::crs(cropTo) <- cropToCRS$input

    if (!isSpatialAny(cropTo)) {
      if (is.na(cropTo) || isCRSANY(cropTo)) omit <- TRUE

    if (!omit) {
      if (isSpatial(cropTo)) {
        cropTo <- terra::vect(cropTo)
      if (isSpatial(from)) {
        from <- terra::vect(from)

      messagePrepInputs("    cropping...",
        appendLF = FALSE,
        verbose = verbose
      st <- Sys.time()

      if (.requireNamespace("sf")) {
        ext <- sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(cropTo)) # create extent as an object; keeps crs correctly
        sameCRS <- sf::st_crs(from) == sf::st_crs(ext) # This is sf way of comparing CRS -- raster::compareCRS doesn't work for newer CRS
      } else {
        ext <- terra::ext(cropTo) # create extent as an object; keeps crs correctly
        sameCRS <- terra::same.crs(from, cropTo)

      if (!sameCRS) {

          attempt <- 1
          doneWarningAlready <- 0
          while (attempt <= 2) {
            isSF <- isSF(cropTo)

            if (isVector(cropTo) && !isSpat(cropTo)) {
              cropToInFromCRS <- sf::st_transform(sf::st_as_sf(cropTo), sf::st_crs(from))
              ext <- sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(cropToInFromCRS)) # create extent as an object; keeps crs correctly
            } else {
              terraCRSFrom <- terra::crs(from)
              if (packageVersion("terra") <= "1.5.21") { # an older terra issue; may not be precise version
                if (length(slotNames(terraCRSFrom)) > 0) {
                  terraCRSFrom <- terraCRSFrom@projargs
              if (isVector(cropTo) && isGridded(from)) {
                if (isSpat(cropTo))
                  cropTo <- sf::st_as_sf(cropTo)
                a <- sf::st_convex_hull(cropTo)
                cropToInFromCRS <- terra::project(terra::vect(a), terraCRSFrom)
              } else {
                # cropToVec <- terra::as.polygons(terra::ext(cropTo), crs = terra::crs(cropTo))
                cropToInFromCRS <- terra::project(cropTo, terraCRSFrom)
              ext <- terra::ext(cropToInFromCRS) # create extent as an object; keeps crs correctly
            attempt <- attempt + 2

        }, warning = function(w) {
          if (any(grepl(warningCertificateGrep, w$message)) && doneWarningAlready == 0) {
            if (!isSF) {
              cropTo <<- convertToSFwMessage(w, cropTo)
              attempt <<- 0
              doneWarningAlready <<- 1
        if (attempt == 4)
          message("... converting to sf object worked to deal with ", warningCertificateGrep)

      if (isVector(from) && !isSF(from)) {
        ext <- terra::vect(ext)

      # This is only needed if crop happens before a projection... need to cells beyond edges so projection is accurate
      if (needBuffer) {
        if (isGridded(from) || isGridded(cropTo)) {
          if (isGridded(from)) {
            res <- terra::res(from)
          } else if (isGridded(cropTo)) {
            res <- terra::res(cropTo)
          if (!isSpat(ext)) {
            ext <- terra::vect(ext)
            terra::crs(ext) <- terra::crs(from)
          extTmp <- terra::ext(ext)
          if (isTRUE(suppressWarnings(terra::is.lonlat(ext)))) { # warning is about "crs not defined"
            extTmp2 <- terra::extend(extTmp, 0.1) # hard code 0.1 lat/long, as long as it isn't past the from extent
            extFrom <- terra::ext(from)
            exts <- c(
              xmin = max(terra::xmin(extTmp2), terra::xmin(extFrom)),
              ymin = max(terra::ymin(extTmp2), terra::ymin(extFrom)),
              xmax = min(terra::xmax(extTmp2), terra::xmax(extFrom)),
              ymax = min(terra::ymax(extTmp2), terra::ymax(extFrom))
            ext <- if (packageVersion("terra") <= "1.5-21") {
            } else {
              terra::ext(xy = TRUE, exts)
          } else {
            ext <- terra::extend(extTmp, res[1] * 2)

      attempt <- 1
      while (attempt <= 2) {
        if (isGridded(from)) {
          if (!isSpat(from)) { # terra::crop can handle Raster but only if ext is `extent`
            .requireNamespace("raster", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
            ext <- raster::extent(ext[])
          fromInt <- try(terra::crop(from, ext, overwrite = overwrite), silent = TRUE)
        } else {
          if (isSF(from)) {
            fromInt <- try(sf::st_crop(from, ext), silent = TRUE)
          } else {
            fromInt <- try(terra::crop(from, ext), silent = TRUE)

        wasError <- is(fromInt, "try-error")
        noOverlap <- NROW(fromInt) == 0
        if (noOverlap || wasError) {
          fail <- FALSE
          if (wasError) {
            if (grepl("extents do not overlap", fromInt)) {
              fail <- TRUE
          if (NROW(fromInt) == 0) { # likely don't overlap
            messagePrepInputs("It looks like the cropping results in no data ",
              "(do not overlap or no intersection)",
              verbose = verbose
            fail <- FALSE
          if (fail) {

        if (is(fromInt, "try-error")) {
          if (attempt == 1) {
            from <- fixErrorsIn(from, error = fromInt, fromFnName = "cropTo", verbose = verbose)
          } else {
        } else {
          if (attempt > 1) {
              verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 1,
              appendLF = FALSE
        attempt <- attempt + 1
      from <- fromInt
      messagePrepInputs("...done in ", format(difftime(Sys.time(), st), units = "secs", digits = 3),
        verbose = verbose
    from <- revertClass(from, origFromClass = origFromClass)

#' @export
#' @rdname postProcessTo
#' @param isStack,isBrick,isRaster,isSpatRaster Logical. Default `NULL`. Used to convert `from`
#'   back to these classes prior to writing, if provided.
writeTo <- function(from, writeTo, overwrite = getOption("reproducible.overwrite"),
                    isStack = NULL, isBrick = NULL, isRaster = NULL,
                    isSpatRaster = NULL,
                    verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"), ...) {
  remapOldArgs(...) # converts studyArea, rasterToMatch, filename2, useSAcrs, targetCRS
  if (!missing(writeTo)) {
    if (!is.null(writeTo)) {
      dPath <- which(...names() %in% "destinationPath")
      destinationPath <- if (length(dPath)) {
        destinationPath <- ...elt(dPath)
      } else {
        getOption("reproducible.destinationPath", ".")
      if (all(isAbsolutePath(writeTo))) {
        destinationPath <- dirname(writeTo)
        writeTo <- basename(writeTo)

      writeTo <- determineFilename(writeTo, destinationPath = destinationPath, verbose = verbose)

      hasDatatype <- which(...names() %in% "datatype")
      datatype <- if (length(hasDatatype)) ...elt(hasDatatype) else NULL

      if (isTRUE(isStack)) from <- raster::stack(from)
      if (isTRUE(isBrick)) from <- raster::brick(from)

      writeDone <- FALSE

      if (!any(is.na(writeTo))) {
        .requireNamespace("terra", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
        messagePrepInputs("    writing...",
          appendLF = FALSE,
          verbose = verbose
        st <- Sys.time()

        if (is.null(isSpatRaster)) isSpatRaster <- isSpat(from) && isGridded(from)
        if (is.null(isRaster)) isRaster <- inherits(from, "Raster")

        if (isSpatRaster || isVector(from)) {
          ## trying to prevent write failure and subsequent overwrite error with terra::writeRaster
          if (any(file.exists(writeTo))) {
            if (isFALSE(overwrite)) {
              stop(writeTo, " already exists and `overwrite = FALSE`; please set `overwrite = TRUE` and run again.")
            unlink(writeTo, force = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
          if (isSpatRaster) {
            ## if the file still exists it's probably already "loaded"
            ## and `terra` can't overwrite it even if `overwrite = TRUE`
            ## this can happen when multiple modules touch the same object
            if (!any(file.exists(writeTo))) {
              from <- terra::writeRaster(from,
                filename = writeTo, overwrite = FALSE,
                datatype = datatype
              writeDone <- TRUE
            } else {
              stop("File can't be unliked for overwrite")
          } else {
            if (isSF(from)) {
              written <- sf::st_write(from, dsn = writeTo)
            } else {
              written <- terra::writeVector(from, filename = writeTo, overwrite = FALSE)
            writeDone <- TRUE
        } else if (isRaster) {
          nlyrsFrom <- nlayers2(from)
          if (nlyrsFrom == 1 || length(writeTo) == 1) {
            from <- terra::writeRaster(from,
              filename = writeTo, overwrite = overwrite,
              datatype = datatype
          } else {
            outs <- lapply(seq(nlyrsFrom), function(ind) {
              out <- terra::writeRaster(from[[ind]],
                filename = writeTo[ind], overwrite = overwrite,
                datatype = datatype
            from <- raster::stack(outs)
          writeDone <- TRUE
        } else {
          fe <- .fileExtsKnown()
          whType <- fe$extension %in% tools::file_ext(writeTo)
          if (any(whType)) {
            eval(parse(text = fe$saveFun[whType]))(from, writeTo)
          } else {
            messagePrepInputs("... nothing written; object not a known object type to write.",
              verbose = verbose
        if (isTRUE(writeDone)) {
          messagePrepInputs("...done in ", format(difftime(Sys.time(), st), units = "secs", digits = 3),
            verbose = verbose
        } else {
          messagePrepInputs("", verbose = verbose) # need to "end" the line


saveTo <- function(x, file) {
  fe <- .fileExtsKnown()
  whType <- fe$extension %in% tools::file_ext(file)
  if (any(whType)) {
    eval(parse(text = fe$saveFun[whType]))(x, file)

readFrom <- function(file) {
  fe <- .fileExtsKnown()
  whType <- fe$extension %in% tools::file_ext(file)
  if (any(whType)) {
    eval(parse(text = fe$fun[whType]))(file)

postProcessToAssertions <- function(from, to, cropTo, maskTo, projectTo,
                                    verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")) {
  # sometimes there are quosures
  for (y in ls()) {
    ll <- get(y, inherits = FALSE)
    if (inherits(ll, "quosure")) {
      .requireNamespace("rlang", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
      assign(y, rlang::eval_tidy(ll))

  if (isSpat(from) || isSpat(to)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("terra", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Need terra and sf: install.packages(c('terra', 'sf'))")
  if (isSF(from) || isSF(to)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Need sf: install.packages('sf')")

  if (!(isSpatialAny(from))) stop("from must be a Spat* or sf*")

  if (!missing(to)) {
    if (!is.null(to)) {
      if (!isSpatialAny(to) && !isCRSANY(to)) stop("to must be a ", .msg$anySpatialClass)
      # if (isVector(from))
      #   if (!isVector(to) && !isCRSANY(to)) {
      #     # as long as maskTo and projectTo are supplied, then it is OK
      #     if (!isVector(maskTo) && !isVector(projectTo))
      #       stop("if from is a Vector object, to must also be a Vector or crs object")
      #   }

  if (!missing(cropTo)) {
    if (!is.naSpatial(cropTo)) {
      if (!is.null(cropTo)) {
        if (!isSpatialAny(cropTo) && !isCRSANY(cropTo)) {
          stop("cropTo must be a ", .msg$anySpatialClass)
        # apparently, cropTo can be a gridded object no matter what
        # if (isVector(from)) if (!isVector(cropTo) && !isCRSANY(cropTo))
        #   stop("if from is a Vector object, cropTo must also be a Vector object")
  if (!missing(maskTo)) {
    if (!is.naSpatial(maskTo)) {
      if (!is.null(maskTo)) {
        if (!isSpatialAny(maskTo) && !isCRSANY(maskTo)) {
          stop("maskTo must be a ", .msg$anySpatialClass)
        # if (isVector(from)) if (!isVector(maskTo) && !isCRSANY(maskTo))
        #   stop("if from is a Vector object, maskTo must also be a Vector object")
  if (!missing(projectTo)) {
    if (!is.naSpatial(projectTo)) {
      if (!is.null(projectTo)) {
        if (isCRScharacter(projectTo)) {
          projectTo <- try(silent = TRUE, sf::st_crs(projectTo))
        if (!isCRSANY(projectTo)) {
          if (!isSpatialAny(projectTo)) {
            stop("projectTo must be a ", .msg$anySpatialClass)
          # if (isVector(from)) if (!isVector(projectTo))
          # stop("if from is a Vector object, projectTo must also be a Vector object")


is.naSpatial <- function(x) {
  isna <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (!isSpatialAny(x)) {
      if (all(is.na(x))) isna <- TRUE

cropSF <- function(from, cropToVect, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")) {
  st <- Sys.time()
  if (isSF(from) && (isSF(cropToVect) || is(cropToVect, "Spatial"))) {
    .requireNamespace("sf", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
    messagePrepInputs("    pre-cropping because `from` is sf and cropTo is sf/Spatial*",
      verbose = verbose
    attempt <- 1
    while (attempt <= 2) {
      from2 <- try(
        sf::st_crop(from, sf::st_transform(
        silent = TRUE
      if (is(from2, "try-error")) {
        if (attempt == 1) {
          messageDeclareError(error = from2, fromFnName = "cropSF", verbose)
          from <- fixErrors(from, useCache = FALSE, verbose = verbose - 1)
        } else {
      } else {
        if (attempt > 1) {
            verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 1,
            appendLF = FALSE

      attempt <- attempt + 1
    if (extntNA(from2)) {
      messagePrepInputs("    resulting extent is NA, probably because objects don't overlap",
        verbose = verbose
    if (!is(from2, "try-error")) {
      from <- from2

    messagePrepInputs("  done in ", format(difftime(Sys.time(), st),
      units = "secs", digits = 3
    verbose = verbose

shldBeChar <- "should be a character value"

revertClass <- function(from, isStack = FALSE, isBrick = FALSE, isRasterLayer = FALSE,
                        isSF = FALSE, isSpatial = FALSE, origFromClass = NULL) {
  # if (!isSpat2(origFromClass)) {
  if (!is.null(origFromClass)) {
    # overrides all others!
    isStack <- any(origFromClass == "RasterStack")
    isBrick <- any(origFromClass == "RasterBrick")
    isRasterLayer <- any(origFromClass == "RasterLayer")
    isSF <- any(origFromClass == "sf")
    isSpatial <- any(startsWith(origFromClass, "Spatial"))
    isSV <- any(origFromClass == "SpatVector")

    if (isSV && !is(from, "SpatVector")) {
      from <- terra::vect(from)
    } else if (isStack && !is(from, "RasterStack")) {
      from <- raster::stack(from) # coming out of writeRaster, becomes brick
    } else if (isBrick && !is(from, "RasterBrick")) {
      from <- raster::brick(from) # coming out of writeRaster, becomes brick
    } else if (isRasterLayer && !is(from, "RasterLayer")) {
      from <- raster::raster(from) # coming out of writeRaster, becomes brick
    } else if (isSF || isSpatial) {
      .requireNamespace("sf", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
      from <- sf::st_as_sf(from)
      if (isSpatial) {
        from <- sf::as_Spatial(from)


messageDeclareError <- function(error, fromFnName, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")) {
  errWOWordError <- gsub("Error {0,1}: ", "", error)
  messagePrepInputs("    ", fromFnName, " resulted in following error: \n    - ", errWOWordError, "    --> attempting to fix",
    appendLF = FALSE, verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 1

#' @importFrom stats na.omit
remapOldArgs <- function(..., fn = sys.function(sys.parent()), envir = parent.frame(),
                         verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")) {
  forms <- formals(fn)
  dots <- list(...)
  dots <- dots[!vapply(dots, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]

  ret <- list()

  # First, what is supplied has to be one of the .remappings
  oldUsed <- intersect(names(dots), names(.remappings))
  oldUsed <- oldUsed[na.omit(match(names(.remappings), oldUsed))] # order provided in .remappings; not user

  # Second, what is supplied
  remap <- .remappings[oldUsed]

  newHereAll <- intersect(

  if (length(newHereAll)) {
    # remove iterative duplication e.g., cropTo should only come from rtm if both rtm and sa supplied
    newHere <- character()
    Map(re = rev(remap), nam = names(rev(remap)), function(re, nam) {
      newOnes <- setdiff(re, newHere)
      newHere <<- c(newHere, newOnes)
      remap[[nam]] <<- newOnes

      elem = oldUsed, newHere = remap,
      function(elem, newHere) {
        if (length(elem)) {
          mes <- paste(newHere, collapse = ", ")
          messagePrepInputs(elem, " is supplied (deprecated); assigning it to ", mes,
            verbose = verbose - 1
          lapply(newHere, function(nh) ret[nh] <<- list(dots[[elem]]))
    if (isTRUE(dots$useSAcrs)) {
      ret$projectTo <- dots$studyArea

    if (isFALSE(dots$useSAcrs)) {
      ret$projectTo <- NULL

    if (isTRUE(dots$maskWithRTM)) {
      ret$maskTo <- dots$rasterToMatch

    # ret <- ret[!vapply(ret, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
    list2env(ret, envir)

.remappings <- list(
  studyArea = c("cropTo", "maskTo"),
  rasterToMatch = c("cropTo", "projectTo", "to"),
  filename2 = "writeTo",
  targetCRS = "projectTo",
  useSAcrs = "projectTo"

assessDataTypeOuter <- function(from, method) {
  if (isGridded(from)) {
    if (is.null(method)) {
      method <- assessDataType(from, type = "projectRaster")
    whMethodBilin <- method == "bilinear"

    isInt <- if (inherits(from, "Raster")) {
      if (nlayers2(from) == 1) is.integer(from[]) else apply(from[], 2, is.integer)
    } else {

    if (isTRUE(any(whMethodBilin & isInt))) {
      warning("method is bilinear, but the data are integer; please confirm this is correct")
    whMethodNGB <- method == "ngb"
    if (any(whMethodNGB)) {
      method[whMethodNGB] <- "near"

writeRasterArgs <- c(
  "filename", "overwrite", "ncopies", "steps", "filetype", "progressbar", "tempdir",
  "todisk", "memfrac", "progress", "verbose", "memmin", "filetype",
  "verbose", "names", "tolerance", "overwrite", "datatype", "memmax"

projectArgs <- c("x", "y", "method", "mask", "align", "gdal", "res", "origin", "threads", "filename")

maskArgs <- c("x", "inverse", "mask", "updatevalue", "touches", "filename")

extntNA <- function(x) {
  out <- if (isSF(x)) {
  } else {
    if (isSpat(x) || isRaster(x)) {
    } else {
  out <- anyNA(as.numeric(out[]))

warningCertificateGrep <- "CertGetCertificateChain trust error CERT_TRUST_IS_PARTIAL_CHAIN"

convertToSFwMessage <- function(w, obj) {
  w$message <- paste(w$message, "\n ... attempting to use `sf` instead")
  obj <- sf::st_as_sf(obj)

# extManyPoints <- function(ras, res) {
#   if (missing(res)) {
#     if (isRaster(ras))
#       res <- res(ras)
#     else
#       res <- c(250, 250)
#   }
#   xmn <- xmin(ras)
#   xmx <- xmax(ras)
#   ymn <- ymin(ras)
#   ymx <- ymax(ras)
#   xs <- seq(xmn, xmx, by = res[1])
#   ys <- seq(ymn, ymx, by = res[2])
#   rbind(cbind(xs, ymn),
#         cbind(xmx, ys),
#         cbind(rev(xs), ymx),
#         cbind(xmn, rev(ys)),
#         cbind(xmn, ymn)
#   )
# }

# isPoints <- function(geom) {
#   isGeomType(geom, "points")
# }
isPolygons <- function(geom) {
  isGeomType(geom, "polygons")

# isLines <- function(geom) {
#   isGeomType(geom, "lines")
# }

isGeomType <- function(geom, type) {
  out <- FALSE
  if (isVector(geom)) {
    out <- if (isSpat(geom)) {
      if (type == "points")
      else if (type == "polygons")
      else if (type == "lines")
    } else {
      if (type == "points")
        is(sf::st_geometry(geom), "sfc_POINT")
      else if (type == "polygons")
        is(sf::st_geometry(geom), "sfc_POLYGON")
      else if (type == "lines")
        is(sf::st_geometry(geom), "sfc_LINE")
      else {
        warning("geom is not simple point, polygon or line geometry; returning class")

gdalProject <- function(fromRas, toRas, filenameDest, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"), ...) {

  if (!requireNamespace("sf") && !requireNamespace("terra"))
    stop("Can't use gdalProject without sf and terra")

  messagePrepInputs("     running gdalProject ...", appendLF = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
  st <- Sys.time()

  hasMethod <- which(...names() %in% "method")
  method <- if (length(hasMethod)) {
    method <- assessDataTypeOuter(fromRas, ...elt(hasMethod))
  } else {
  if (is.null(method))
    method <- "near"

  fns <- unique(Filenames(fromRas))
  if (length(fns) ==1 && isTRUE(nzchar(fns))) {
    fnSource <- fns
  } else {
    fnSource <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
    terra::writeRaster(fromRas, filename = fnSource)

  if (missing(filenameDest))
    filenameDest <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")

  tf4 <- tempfile(fileext = ".prj")
  on.exit(unlink(tf4), add = TRUE)
  cat(sf::st_crs(toRas)$wkt, file = tf4)
    util = "warp",
    source = fnSource,
    destination = filenameDest,
    options = c(
      "-t_srs", tf4,
      "-r", method,
      "-te", c(terra::xmin(toRas), terra::ymin(toRas),
               terra::xmin(toRas) + (terra::ncol(toRas) ) * terra::res(toRas)[1],
               terra::ymin(toRas) + (terra::nrow(toRas) ) * terra::res(toRas)[2]),
      "-te_srs", tf4,
      "-dstnodata", "NA",

  out <- terra::rast(filenameDest)
  messagePrepInputs("     ...done in ",
                    format(difftime(Sys.time(), st), units = "secs", digits = 3),
                    verbose = verbose)


gdalResample <- function(fromRas, toRas, filenameDest, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")) {

  if (!requireNamespace("sf") && !requireNamespace("terra"))
    stop("Can't use gdalResample without sf and terra")

  messagePrepInputs("     running gdalResample ...", appendLF = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
  st <- Sys.time()

  fns <- unique(Filenames(fromRas))
  if (length(fns) ==1 && isTRUE(nzchar(fns))) {
    fnSource <- fns
  } else {
    fnSource <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
    terra::writeRaster(fromRas, filename = fnSource)

  if (missing(filenameDest))
    filenameDest <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")

  tf4 <- tempfile(fileext = ".prj")
  cat(sf::st_crs(toRas)$wkt, file = tf4)

    util = "warp",
    source = fnSource,
    destination = filenameDest,
    options = c(
      "-r", "near",
      "-te", c(terra::xmin(toRas), terra::ymin(toRas),
               terra::xmin(toRas) + (terra::ncol(toRas) ) * terra::res(toRas)[1],
               terra::ymin(toRas) + (terra::nrow(toRas) ) * terra::res(toRas)[2]),
      "-te_srs", tf4, # 3347, 3348, 3978, 3979
      "-tr", terra::res(toRas),
      "-dstnodata", "NA",
  out <- terra::rast(filenameDest)
  messagePrepInputs("     ...done in ",
                    format(difftime(Sys.time(), st), units = "secs", digits = 3),
                    verbose = verbose)

gdalMask <- function(fromRas, maskToVect, writeTo = NULL, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose"), ...) {

  if (!requireNamespace("sf") && !requireNamespace("terra"))
    stop("Can't use gdalMask without sf and terra")

  messagePrepInputs("     running gdalMask ...", appendLF = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
  st <- Sys.time()

  fns <- unique(Filenames(fromRas))

  if (length(fns) ==1 && isTRUE(nzchar(fns))) {
    fnSource <- fns
  } else {
    fnSource <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
    terra::writeRaster(fromRas, filename = fnSource)

  tf3 <- tempfile(fileext = ".shp")
  shp <- terra::project(maskToVect, terra::crs(fromRas))
  terra::writeVector(shp, file = tf3)

  dPath <- which(...names() %in% "destinationPath")
  destinationPath <- if (length(dPath)) {
    destinationPath <- ...elt(dPath)
  } else {
    getOption("reproducible.destinationPath", ".")

  if (is.null(writeTo))
    writeTo <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")

  writeTo <- determineFilename(writeTo, destinationPath = destinationPath, verbose = verbose)

    util = "warp",
    source = fnSource,
    destination = writeTo,
    options = c(
      "-cutline", tf3,
      "-dstnodata", "NA",

  out <- terra::rast(writeTo)
  messagePrepInputs("     ...done in ",
                    format(difftime(Sys.time(), st), units = "secs", digits = 3),
                    verbose = verbose)

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reproducible documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 9:06 a.m.