
Defines functions .addSlashNToAllButFinalElement urlExists internetExists cat2file milliseconds getDataFn set.randomseed vectorType rasterType rasterRead .isDevelVersion .fileExtsKnown methodFormals isFile isDirectory fileExt filePathSansExt .requireNamespace isMac isWindows isCI retry basename2 isInteractive rndstr .formalsNotInCurrentDots .suffix .prefix paddedFloatToChar

Documented in basename2 .formalsNotInCurrentDots internetExists isInteractive isWindows paddedFloatToChar .prefix rasterRead .requireNamespace retry set.randomseed .suffix urlExists

#' Convert numeric to character with padding
#' This will pad floating point numbers, right or left. For integers, either class
#' integer or functionally integer (e.g., 1.0), it will not pad right of the decimal.
#' For more specific control or to get exact padding right and left of decimal,
#' try the `stringi` package. It will also not do any rounding. See examples.
#' @param x numeric. Number to be converted to character with padding
#' @param padL numeric. Desired number of digits on left side of decimal.
#'              If not enough, `pad` will be used to pad.
#' @param padR numeric. Desired number of digits on right side of decimal.
#'              If not enough, `pad` will be used to pad.
#' @param pad character to use as padding (`nchar(pad) == 1` must be `TRUE`).
#' @return Character string representing the filename.
#' @author Eliot McIntire and Alex Chubaty
#' @export
#' @rdname paddedFloatToChar
#' @importFrom fpCompare %==%
#' @examples
#' paddedFloatToChar(1.25)
#' paddedFloatToChar(1.25, padL = 3, padR = 5)
#' paddedFloatToChar(1.25, padL = 3, padR = 1) # no rounding, so keeps 2 right of decimal
paddedFloatToChar <- function(x, padL = ceiling(log10(x + 1)), padR = 3, pad = "0") {
  xf <- x %% 1
  numDecimals <- nchar(gsub("(.*)(\\.)|([0]*$)", "", xf))
  newPadR <- ifelse(xf %==% 0, 0, pmax(numDecimals, padR))
  xFCEnd <- sprintf(paste0("%0", padL + newPadR + 1 * (newPadR > 0), ".", newPadR, "f"), x)

#' Add a prefix or suffix to the basename part of a file path
#' Prepend (or postpend) a filename with a prefix (or suffix).
#' If the directory name of the file cannot be ascertained from its path,
#' it is assumed to be in the current working directory.
#' @param f       A character string giving the name/path of a file.
#' @param prefix  A character string to prepend to the filename.
#' @param suffix  A character string to postpend to the filename.
#' @author Jean Marchal and Alex Chubaty
#' @export
#' @return
#' A character string or vector with the prefix pre-pended or suffix post-pended
#' on the `basename` of the `f`, before the file extension.
#' @rdname prefix
#' @examples
#' # file's full path is specified (i.e., dirname is known)
#' myFile <- file.path("~/data", "file.tif")
#' .prefix(myFile, "small_") ## "/home/username/data/small_file.tif"
#' .suffix(myFile, "_cropped") ## "/home/username/data/myFile_cropped.shp"
#' # file's full path is not specified
#' .prefix("myFile.shp", "small") ## "./small_myFile.shp"
#' .suffix("myFile.shp", "_cropped") ## "./myFile_cropped.shp"
.prefix <- function(f, prefix = "") {
  file.path(dirname(f), paste0(prefix, basename(f)))

#' @export
#' @name suffix
#' @rdname prefix
.suffix <- function(f, suffix = "") {
  file.path(dirname(f), paste0(
    filePathSansExt(basename(f)), suffix,
    ".", fileExt(f)

#' Get a unique name for a given study area
#' Digest a spatial object to get a unique character string (hash) of the study area.
#' Use `.suffix()` to append the hash to a filename,
#' e.g., when using `filename2` in `prepInputs`.
#' @param studyArea Spatial object.
#' @param ... Other arguments (not currently used)
#' @export
#' @return
#' A character string using the `.robustDigest` of the `studyArea`. This is only intended
#' for use with spatial objects.
#' @examples
#' studyAreaName("Ontario")
setGeneric("studyAreaName", function(studyArea, ...) {

# @export
# @rdname studyAreaName
# setMethod(
#   "studyAreaName",
#   signature = "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame",
#   definition = function(studyArea, ...) {
#     studyArea <- studyArea[, -c(1:ncol(studyArea))]
#     studyArea <- as(studyArea, "SpatialPolygons")
#     studyAreaName(studyArea, ...)
# })

#' @export
#' @rdname studyAreaName
  signature = "character",
  definition = function(studyArea, ...) {
    sort(studyArea) ## ensure consistent hash for same subset of study area names
    .robustDigest(studyArea, algo = "xxhash64") ## TODO: use `...` to pass `algo`

#' @export
#' @rdname studyAreaName
  signature = "ANY",
  definition = function(studyArea, ...) {
    if (inherits(studyArea, "sf")) {
      .requireNamespace("sf", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
      studyArea <- sf::st_geometry(studyArea)
    } else if (inherits(studyArea, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
      studyArea <- studyArea[, -c(seq_len(ncol(studyArea)))]
      studyArea <- as(studyArea, "SpatialPolygons")
      studyAreaName(studyArea, ...)
    } else if (!(inherits(studyArea, "Spatial") || inherits(studyArea, "sfc") ||
      inherits(studyArea, "SpatVector") || is.character(studyArea))) {
      stop("studyAreaName expects a spatialClasses object (or character vector)")
    .robustDigest(studyArea, algo = "xxhash64") ## TODO: use `...` to pass `algo`

#' Identify which formals to a function are not in the current `...`
#' Advanced use.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return
#' A list of the formals of the `fun` that are missing from the `...` or `dots`.
#' @param fun A function
#' @param ... The ... from inside a function. Will be ignored if `dots` is
#'        provided explicitly.
#' @param dots Optional. If this is provided via say `dots = list(...)`,
#'             then this will cause the `...` to be ignored.
#' @param formalNames Optional character vector. If provided then it will override the `fun`
.formalsNotInCurrentDots <- function(fun, ..., dots, formalNames, signature = character()) {
  if (is.character(fun)) {
    fun <- get(fun, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())

  if (missing(formalNames)) {
    if (isS4(fun)) {
      forms <- methodFormals(fun, signature = signature, envir = parent.frame())
      formalNames <- names(forms)
    } else {
      formalNames <- names(formals(fun))

  if (!missing(dots)) {
    out <- names(dots)[!(names(dots) %in% formalNames)]
  } else {
    out <- ...names()[!(...names() %in% formalNames)]

#' @keywords internal
rndstr <- function(n = 1, len = 8) {
  unlist(lapply(character(n), function(x) {
    x <- paste0(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS),
      size = len,
      replace = TRUE
    ), collapse = "")

#' Alternative to `interactive()` for unit testing
#' This is a suggestion from
#' <https://github.com/MangoTheCat/blog-with-mock/blob/master/Blogpost1.Rmd>
#' as a way to test interactive code in unit tests. Basically, in the unit tests,
#' we use `testthat::with_mock`, and inside that we redefine `isInteractive`
#' just for the test. In all other times, this returns the same things as
#' `interactive()`.
#' @keywords internal
isInteractive <- function() interactive()

#' A version of `base::basename` that is `NULL` resistant
#' @return
#' `NULL` if x is `NULL`, otherwise, as `basename`.
#' @param x A character vector of paths
#' @export
#' @return Same as [base::basename()]
basename2 <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  } else {

#' A wrapper around `try` that retries on failure
#' This is useful for functions that are "flaky", such as `curl`, which may fail for unknown
#' reasons that do not persist.
#' @details
#' Based on <https://github.com/jennybc/googlesheets/issues/219#issuecomment-195218525>.
#' @param expr     An expression to run, i.e., `rnorm(1)`, similar to what is passed to `try`
#' @param retries  Numeric. The maximum number of retries.
#' @param envir    The environment in which to evaluate the quoted expression, default
#'   to `parent.frame(1)`
#' @param exponentialDecayBase Numeric > 1.0. The delay between
#'   successive retries will be `runif(1, min = 0, max = exponentialDecayBase ^ i - 1)`
#'   where `i` is the retry number (i.e., follows `seq_len(retries)`)
#' @param silent   Logical indicating whether to `try` silently.
#' @param exprBetween Another expression that should be run after a failed attempt
#'   of the `expr`. This should return a named list, where the names indicate the object names
#'   to update in the main expr, and the return value is the new value. (previous versions allowed
#'   a non-list return, but where the final line had to be an assignment operator,
#'   specifying what object (that is used in `expr`) will be updated prior to running
#'   the `expr` again. For backwards compatibility, this still works).
#' @param messageFn A function for messaging to console. Defaults to `message`
#' @return
#' As with `try`, so the successfully returned `return()` from the `expr` or a `try-error`.
#' @export
retry <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame(), retries = 5,
                  exponentialDecayBase = 1.3, silent = TRUE,
                  exprBetween = NULL, messageFn = message) {
  if (exponentialDecayBase < 1) {
    stop("exponentialDecayBase must be equal to or greater than 1")
  hasRutils <- .requireNamespace("R.utils", stopOnFALSE = FALSE, messageStart = "")

  for (i in seq_len(retries)) {
    exprSub <- substitute(expr) # Have to deal with case where expr is already quoted
    # if (!(is.call(expr) || is.name(expr))) warning("expr is not a quoted expression")

    if ( hasRutils) {
      # wrap the expr with R.utils::withTimeout
      expr2 <- append(append(list(R.utils::withTimeout), exprSub),
                             list(timeout = getOption("reproducible.timeout", 1200), onTimeout = "error"))
      exprSub <- as.call(expr2)

    result <- try(silent = silent,
                  expr = withCallingHandlers({
                    res <- eval(exprSub, envir = envir)
                    if (is.call(res))
                      if (is.call(expr))
                        res <- eval(res, envir = envir)
                    error = function(e) {
                      if (!hasRutils) {
                        message("If the download stalls/stalled, please interrupt this function ",
                                "then install R.utils, then rerun this prepInputs/preProcess. This ",
                                "function will then use `R.utils::withTimeout`, which will cause an error ",

    if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
      if (!is.null(exprBetween)) {
        finalPart <- length(format(exprBetween))

        # The expression is different if it is 1 line vs >1 line
        exprBetweenTail <- if (finalPart > 1) {
          finalPart <- length(exprBetween)
        } else {
        # if (!identical(as.character(exprBetweenTail)[[1]], "<-"))
        #   stop("exprBetween must have an assignment operator <- with a object on",
        #        "the LHS that is used on the RHS of expr ")
        objName <- as.character(exprBetweenTail[[2]])
        result1 <-
          try(expr = eval(exprBetween, envir = envir), silent = silent)
        if (is.list(result1)) {
          if (!is.null(names(result1))) {
            objName <- names(result1)
          } else {
            stop("The return object from exprBetween must be a named list, with names being objects to overwrite")
        } else {
          result1 <- list(result1)
          names(result1) <- objName

        lapply(objName, function(objNam) assign(objNam, result1[[objNam]], envir = envir))
      backoff <- sample(1:1000 / 1000, size = 1) * (exponentialDecayBase^i - 1)
      if (backoff > 3) {
        messageFn("Waiting for ", round(backoff, 1), " seconds to retry; the attempt is failing")
    } else {
      if (exists("result1", inherits = FALSE)) {
        messageFn("    ...fixed!")

  if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
    stop(result, "\nFailed after ", retries, " attempts.")
  } else {

#' @keywords internal
isCI <- function() {

#' Test whether system is Windows
#' This is used so that unit tests can override this using `testthat::with_mock`.
#' @keywords internal
isWindows <- function() identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")

#' @keywords internal
isMac <- function() {
  Sys.info()[["sysname"]] |>
    tolower() |>

#' Provide standard messaging for missing package dependencies
#' This provides a standard message format for missing packages, e.g.,
#' detected via `requireNamespace`.
#' @export
#' @return
#' A logical or stop if the namespace is not available to be loaded.
#' @param pkg Character string indicating name of package required
#' @param minVersion Character string indicating minimum version of package
#'   that is needed
#' @param messageStart A character string with a prefix of message to provide
#' @param stopOnFALSE Logical. If `TRUE`, this function will create an
#'   error (i.e., `stop`) if the function returns `FALSE`; otherwise
#'   it simply returns `FALSE`
.requireNamespace <- function(pkg = "methods", minVersion = NULL,
                              stopOnFALSE = FALSE,
                              messageStart = NULL) {
  need <- FALSE
  if (!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) {
    need <- TRUE
  } else {
    if (!is.null(minVersion)) {
      if (isTRUE(packageVersion(pkg) < minVersion)) {
        need <- TRUE

  if (need) { # separate these so it is faster
    if (isTRUE(stopOnFALSE)) {
      stop(.message$RequireNamespaceFn(pkg, messageExtra = messageStart, minVersion = minVersion))

## TODO: why not use the original funs below? why copy them?
## This is directly from tools::file_path_sans_ext
filePathSansExt <- function(x) {
  sub("([^.]+)\\.[[:alnum:]]+$", "\\1", x)

## This is directly from tools::file_ext
fileExt <- function(x) {
  pos <- regexpr("\\.([[:alnum:]]+)$", x)
  ifelse(pos > -1L, substring(x, pos + 1L), "")

isDirectory <- function(pathnames) {
  keep <- is.character(pathnames)
  if (length(pathnames) == 0) {
  if (isFALSE(keep)) stop("pathnames must be character")
  origPn <- pathnames
  pathnames <- normPath(pathnames[keep])
  id <- dir.exists(pathnames)
  id[id] <- file.info(pathnames[id])$isdir
  names(id) <- origPn

isFile <- function(pathnames) {
  keep <- is.character(pathnames)
  if (isFALSE(keep)) stop("pathnames must be character")
  origPn <- pathnames
  pathnames <- normPath(pathnames[keep])
  iF <- file.exists(pathnames)
  iF[iF] <- !file.info(pathnames[iF])$isdir
  names(iF) <- origPn

methodFormals <- function(fun, signature = character(), envir = parent.frame()) {
  if (is.character(fun)) {
    fun <- get(fun, mode = "function", envir = envir)

  fdef <- getGeneric(fun)
  method <- selectMethod(fdef, signature)
  genFormals <- base::formals(fdef)
  b <- body(method)
  if (is(b, "{") && is(b[[2]], "<-") && identical(b[[2]][[2]], as.name(".local"))) {
    local <- eval(b[[2]][[3]])
    if (is.function(local)) {
    warning("Expected a .local assignment to be a function. Corrupted method?")

.fileExtsKnown <- function() {
  if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE)) {
    shpFile <- getOption("reproducible.shapefileRead", "sf::st_read")
  } else {
    shpFile <- "terra::vect"
    if (identical(getOption("reproducible.shapefileRead"), "sf::st_read")) {
      options("reproducible.shapefileRead" = shpFile)
    } # can't use sf::st_read
  griddedFile <- getOption("reproducible.rasterRead", "terra::rast")
  griddedFileSave <- ""
  shpFileSave <- ""
  if (griddedFile %in% "terra::rast") {
    griddedFileSave <- "terra::writeRaster"
  if (griddedFile %in% "raster::raster") {
    griddedFileSave <- "terra::writeRaster"
  if (shpFile %in% "sf::st_read") {
    shpFileSave <- "sf::st_write"

  if (shpFile %in% "terra::vect") {
    shpFileSave <- "terra::writeVector"

  df <- data.frame(
      c("rds", "base::readRDS", "base::saveRDS", "binary"),
      c("qs", "qs::qread", "qs::qsave", "qs"),
        c("asc", "grd", "tif"), griddedFile, griddedFileSave,
        rasterType(rasterRead = griddedFile)
        c("shp", "gdb"), shpFile, shpFileSave,
        vectorType(vectorRead = shpFile)
  colnames(df) <- c("extension", "fun", "saveFun", "type")

#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
.isDevelVersion <- function() {
  length(strsplit(packageDescription("reproducible")$Version, "\\.")[[1]]) > 3

#' A helper to `getOption("reproducible.rasterRead")`
#' A helper to `getOption("reproducible.rasterRead")`
#' @export
#' @param ... Passed to the function parsed and evaluated from
#'   `getOption("reproducible.rasterRead")`
#' @return
#' A function, that will be the evaluated, parsed character
#' string, e.g., `eval(parse(text = "terra::rast"))`
rasterRead <- function(...) {
  eval(parse(text = getOption("reproducible.rasterRead")))(...)

rasterType <- function(nlayers = 1,
                       rasterRead = getOption("reproducible.rasterRead", "terra::rast")) {
  if (is.character(rasterRead)) {
    rasterRead <- if (.requireNamespace("terra") || .requireNamespace("raster")) {
      eval(parse(text = rasterRead))
    } else {
  if (!is.character(rasterRead)) {
    rasterRead <- if (identical(rasterRead, terra::rast)) {
    } else if (nlayers == 1) "RasterLayer" else "RasterStack"

vectorType <- function(vectorRead = getOption("reproducible.shapefileRead", "sf::st_read")) {
  needRasterPkg <- FALSE
  vectorReadSubs <- substitute(vectorRead)
  if (any(grepl("^shapefile$", vectorReadSubs))) {
    .requireNamespace("raster", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
    needRasterPkg <- TRUE
  if (is.character(vectorRead)) {
    if (endsWith(suffix = "shapefile", vectorRead)) {
      if (.requireNamespace("raster", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)) {
        needRasterPkg <- TRUE
    vectorRead <- if (.requireNamespace("terra") || .requireNamespace("sf") || .requireNamespace("sp")) {
      eval(parse(text = vectorRead))
    } else {
  if (!is.character(vectorRead)) {
    vectorRead <- if (identical(vectorRead, terra::vect)) {
    } else if (needRasterPkg) {
      .requireNamespace("raster", stopOnFALSE = TRUE)
    } else {

#' Set seed with a random value using Sys.time()
#' This will set a random seed.
#' @export
#' @param set.seed Logical. If `TRUE`, the default, then the function will call
#' `set.seed` internally with the new random seed.
#' @details
#' This function uses 6 decimal places of `Sys.time()`, i.e., microseconds. Due to
#' integer limits, it also truncates at 1000 seconds, so there is a possibility that
#' this will be non-unique after 1000 seconds (at the microsecond level). In
#' tests, this showed no duplicates after 1e7 draws in a loop, as expected.
#' @note
#' This function does not appear to be as reliable on R <= 4.1.3
#' @return
#' This will return the new seed invisibly. However, this is also called for
#' its side effects, which is a new seed set using `set.seed`
set.randomseed <- function(set.seed = TRUE) {
  digits <- 9
  newSeed <- as.numeric(Sys.time()) * 10^(digits - 3) # microseconds
  newSeed <- as.integer(round(newSeed, -digits) - newSeed)
  if (isTRUE(set.seed)) {

# This used to be in helper-allEqual.R --> one of the tests couldn't find it
getDataFn <- function(...) {
  if (requireNamespace("geodata", quietly = TRUE)) {
      falseWarnings = "getData will be removed in a future version of raster"
  } else {
    stop("dependency package 'geodata' is not installed.\n",
         "Try `install.packages('geodata', repos = 'https://predictiveecology.r-universe.dev/')`")

milliseconds <- function(time = Sys.time()) {
  tt <- as.numeric(time)
  rnd <- round(tt, -5)
  (tt - rnd) * 1000

cat2file <- function(..., file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    file <- "~/log.txt"
  cat(..., file = file)

layerNamesDelimiter <- "_%%_"

#' Checks for existed of a url or the internet using <https://CRAN.R-project.org>
#' A lightweight function that may be less reliable than more purpose built solutions
#' such as checking a specific web page using `RCurl::url.exists`. However, this is
#' slightly faster and is sufficient for many uses.
#' @return Logical, `TRUE` if internet site exists, `FALSE` otherwise
#' @export
#' @name internetExists
#' @rdname internetExists
internetExists <- function() {
  # urlExists("https://CRAN.R-project.org")

#' @rdname internetExists
#' @export
#' @name urlExists
#' @param url A url of the form `https://...` to test for existence.
#' @return Logical, `TRUE` if internet site exists, `FALSE` otherwise.
urlExists <- function(url) {
  con <- url(url)
  on.exit(try(close(con), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
  a <- try(suppressWarnings(readLines(con, n = 1)), silent = TRUE)
  !is(a, "try-error")

.addSlashNToAllButFinalElement <- function(mess) {
  if (length(mess) > 1)
    mess[1:(length(mess)-1)] <- paste0(mess[1:(length(mess)-1)], "\n")

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reproducible documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:18 a.m.