
Defines functions linkOrCopyUpdateOnly identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile isNULLorNA dealWithArchive runChecksums setupArchive updateArchiveWithGuess guessAlsoExtract getTargetFilePath getTeamDrive escapeRegexChars hardLinkOrCopy .checkFunInDots .checkDeprecated moveAttributes .fixNoFileExtension .guessFileExtension .decodeMagicNumber .tryExtractFromArchive linkOrCopy .checkLocalSources .checkForSimilar .similarFilesInCheckSums .checkSumsUpdate isGoogleDriveURL isGoogleID .guessAtFile .extractFunction .purge preProcess preProcessParams

Documented in linkOrCopy preProcess preProcessParams .purge

  "reproducible.inputPaths", "successfulCheckSumFilePath", "successfulDir"

#' @param n Number of non-null arguments passed to `preProcess`.
#' E.g., passing `n = 1` returns combinations with only a single non-NULL parameter.
#' If `NULL` (default), all parameter combinations are returned.
#' @export
#' @rdname preProcess
preProcessParams <- function(n = NULL) {
  p1 <- data.frame(
    url = c("char", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL"),
    targetFile = c("NULL", "char", "NULL", "NULL"),
    archive = c("NULL", "NULL", "char", "NULL"),
    alsoExtract = c("NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "char"),
    Result = c(
      "Download, extract all files if an archive, guess at 'targetFile', load into R.",
      "Load 'targetFile' into R.",
      "Extract all files, guess at 'targetFile', load into R.",
      "Guess at 'targetFile' from files in 'alsoExtract', load into R."
    FirstChecksum = c(
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append 'targetFile'.",
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files."
    SecondChecksum = c(
      "Same as first; no 'targetFile'.*",
      "No downloading, so no checksums used.",
      "No downloading, so no checksums used.",
      "No downloading, so no checksums used."
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  p2 <- data.frame(
    url = c("char", "char", "char", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL"),
    targetFile = c("char", "NULL", "NULL", "char", "char", "NULL"),
    archive = c("NULL", "char", "NULL", "NULL", "char", "char"),
    alsoExtract = c("NULL", "NULL", "char", "char", "NULL", "char"),
    Result = c(
      "Download, extract all files if an archive, load 'targetFile' into R.",
      "Download, extract all files, guess at 'targetFile', load into R.",
      "Download, extract only named files in 'alsoExtract', guess at 'targetFile', load into R.",
      "Load 'targetFile' into R.",
      "Extract all files, load 'targetFile' into R.",
      " Extract only named files in 'alsoExtract', guess at 'targetFile', load into R."
    FirstChecksum = c(
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files."
    SecondChecksum = c(
      "Use Checksums, skip downloading.",
      "Same as first; no 'targetFile'.*",
      "Same as first; no 'targetFile'.*",
      "No downloading, so no checksums used.",
      "No downloading, so no checksums used.",
      "No downloading, so no checksums used."
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  p3 <- data.frame(
    url = c("char", "char", "char", "char", "char", "char", "NULL"),
    targetFile = c("char", "NULL", "NULL", "char", "char", "char", "char"),
    archive = c("char", "char", "char", "NULL", "NULL", "char", "char"),
    alsoExtract = c("NULL", "char", "'similar'", "char", "'similar", "NULL", "char"),
    Result = c(
      "Download, extract all files, load 'targetFile' into R.",
      "Download, extract files named in 'alsoExtract', guess at 'targetFile', load into R.",
      "Download, extract all files (can't understand \"similar\"), guess at 'targetFile', load into R.",
      "Download, if an archive, extract files named in 'targetFile' and 'alsoExtract', load 'targetFile' into R.",
      "Download, if an archive, extract files with same base as 'targetFile', load 'targetFile' into R.",
      "Download, extract all files from archive, load 'targetFile' into R.",
      "Extract  files named in 'alsoExtract' from archive, load 'targetFile' into R."
    FirstChecksum = c(
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files."
    SecondChecksum = c(
      "Use Checksums, skip downloading.",
      "Use Checksums, skip downloading.",
      "Same as first; no 'targetFile'.",
      "Use Checksums, skip downloading.",
      "Use Checksums, skip downloading.",
      "Use Checksums, skip downloading.",
      "No downloading, so no checksums used."
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  p4 <- data.frame(
    url = c("char", "char"),
    targetFile = c("char", "char"),
    archive = c("char", "char"),
    alsoExtract = c("char", "'similar'"),
    Result = c(
      "Download, extract files named in 'targetFile' and 'alsoExtract', load 'targetFile' into R.",
      "Download, extract all files with same basename as 'targetFile', load 'targetFile' into R."
    FirstChecksum = c(
      "Write or append all new files.",
      "Write or append all new files."
    SecondChecksum = c(
      "Use Checksums, skip downloading.",
      "Use Checksums, skip downloading."
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  if (is.null(n)) {
    rbind(p1, p2, p3, p4)
  } else if (n == 1) {
  } else if (n == 2) {
  } else if (n == 3) {
  } else if (n == 4) {

#' Download, Checksum, Extract files
#' This does downloading (via `downloadFile`), checksumming (`Checksums`),
#' and extracting from archives (`extractFromArchive`), plus cleaning up of input
#' arguments (e.g., paths, function names).
#' This is the first stage of three used in `prepInputs`.
#' @return
#' A list with 5 elements: `checkSums` (the result of a `Checksums`
#' after downloading), `dots` (cleaned up `...`, including deprecated argument checks),
#' `fun` (the function to be used to load the `preProcess`ed object from disk),
#' and `targetFilePath` (the fully qualified path to the `targetFile`).
#' @section Combinations of `targetFile`, `url`, `archive`, `alsoExtract`:
#'   Use `preProcessParams()` for a table describing various parameter combinations and their
#'   outcomes.
#'  `*` If the `url` is a file on Google Drive, checksumming will work
#'  even without a `targetFile` specified because there is an initial attempt
#'  to get the remove file information (e.g., file name). With that, the connection
#'  between the `url` and the filename used in the \file{CHECKSUMS.txt} file can be made.
#' @inheritParams prepInputs
#' @inheritParams downloadFile
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table fread setDT
preProcess <- function(targetFile = NULL, url = NULL, archive = NULL, alsoExtract = NULL,
                       destinationPath = getOption("reproducible.destinationPath", "."),
                       fun = NULL, dlFun = NULL,
                       quick = getOption("reproducible.quick"),
                       overwrite = getOption("reproducible.overwrite", FALSE),
                       purge = FALSE,
                       verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
                       .tempPath, ...) {
  st <- Sys.time()
  messagePreProcess("Running `preProcess`", verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 0)
  if (missing(.tempPath)) {
    .tempPath <- tempdir2(rndstr(1, 6))
        unlink(.tempPath, recursive = TRUE)
      add = TRUE
  dlFunCaptured <- substitute(dlFun)
  verboseCFS <- verbose
  isAlreadyQuoted <- any(grepl("quote", dlFunCaptured))
  if (isAlreadyQuoted) {
    dlFunCaptured <- eval(dlFunCaptured)

  dots <- list(...)

  fun <- .checkFunInDots(fun = fun, dots = dots)
  dots <- .checkDeprecated(dots, verbose = verbose)

  teamDrive <- getTeamDrive(dots)

  # remove trailing slash -- causes unzip fail if it is there
  # A user could pass `NULL` to destinationPath -- overriding the argument default -- reset default here
  if (is.null(destinationPath))
    destinationPath <- getOption("reproducible.destinationPath", ".")
  destinationPath <- normPath(destinationPath)
  checkSumFilePath <- identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile(destinationPath)

  if (!is.null(archive)) {
    if (any(is.na(archive))) {
      if (all(!is.character(archive))) {
        archive <- as.character(archive)
  targetFileGuess <- NULL
  if (is.null(targetFile) || is.null(archive)) {
    targetFileGuess <- .guessAtFile(
      url = url, archive = archive, targetFile = targetFile,
      destinationPath = destinationPath, verbose = verbose,
      team_drive = teamDrive
    if (is.null(archive)) {
      archive <- .isArchive(targetFileGuess)

  if (is.logical(alsoExtract)) {
    alsoExtract <- c("none", "all")[alsoExtract + 1]
  targetFilePath <- getTargetFilePath(
    targetFile, archive, targetFileGuess, verbose,
    destinationPath, alsoExtract, checkSumFilePath
  targetFile <- makeRelative(targetFilePath, destinationPath)

  alsoExtract <- guessAlsoExtract(targetFile, alsoExtract, checkSumFilePath)

  if (!dir.exists(destinationPath)) {
    if (isFile(destinationPath)) {
      stop("destinationPath must be a directory")
    checkPath(destinationPath, create = TRUE)

  if (isTRUE(!is.na(targetFile)))
    messagePreProcess("Preparing: ", targetFile, verbose = verbose)

  needChecksums <- 0

  archive <- setupArchive(archive, destinationPath)
  filesToCheck <- na.omit(unique(c(archive, targetFilePath, alsoExtract)))

  # Need to run checksums on all files in destinationPath because we may not know what files we
  #   want if targetFile, archive, alsoExtract not specified
  # This will switch destinationPath to be same as reproducible.inputPaths
  #   This means that we need to modify some of the paths that were already absolute to destinationPath
  inputPaths <- runChecksums(destinationPath, checkSumFilePath, filesToCheck, verbose)
  list2env(inputPaths, environment()) # reproducible.inputPaths, destinationPathUser, destinationPath, checkSums
  if (!is.null(inputPaths$destinationPathUser)) { # i.e., it changed
    targetFilePath <- makeRelative(targetFilePath, inputPaths$destinationPathUser)
    targetFilePath <- makeAbsolute(targetFilePath, destinationPath)
    filesToCheck <- makeRelative(filesToCheck, inputPaths$destinationPathUser)
    filesToCheck <- makeAbsolute(filesToCheck, destinationPath)
    if (!is.null(archive)) {
      archive <- makeRelative(archive, inputPaths$destinationPathUser)
      archive <- makeAbsolute(archive, destinationPath)

  if (is(checkSums, "try-error")) {
    needChecksums <- 1
    checkSums <- .emptyChecksumsResult

  # This will populate a NULL archive if archive is local or
  archiveOut <- dealWithArchive(
    archive, url, targetFile, checkSums, alsoExtract,
    destinationPath, teamDrive, verbose
  list2env(archiveOut, envir = environment()) # checkSums, archive, fileGuess

  # NOW -- archive will exist if it didn't before
  # Double check that targetFile and alsoExtract are correct paths, given that in archive, they may be in sub-folders
  needEmptyChecksums <- FALSE
  if (is.logical(purge)) purge <- as.numeric(purge)
  if (purge == 1) {
    needChecksums <- 1

  if (purge > 1) {
    checkSums <- .purge(
      checkSums = checkSums, purge = purge, targetFile = targetFile,
      archive = archive, url = url, alsoExtract = alsoExtract
    needChecksums <- 2

  neededFiles <- c(targetFile, makeAbsolute(alsoExtract, destinationPath)) # if (!is.null(alsoExtract)) basename2(alsoExtract))
  if (is.null(neededFiles)) neededFiles <- makeAbsolute(archive)
  # alsoExtract can be set to NA to say "don't try to extract anything else"; these would be in neededFiles now
  #   --> remove them
  if (any(is.na(neededFiles))) neededFiles <- na.omit(neededFiles)

  # remove "similar" from needed files. It is for extracting.
  neededFiles <- grep("similar$", neededFiles, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)

  # Deal with "similar" in alsoExtract -- maybe this is obsolete with new feature that uses file_name_sans_ext
  neededFilesOrig <- NULL
  if (is.null(alsoExtract)) {
    filesInsideArchive <- .listFilesInArchive(archive) # will be relative
    neededFiles <- checkRelative(neededFiles, destinationPath, filesInsideArchive)

    if (isTRUE(length(filesInsideArchive) > 0)) {
      checkSums <- .checkSumsUpdate(destinationPath, makeAbsolute(filesInsideArchive, destinationPath),
        checkSums = checkSums
    neededFiles <- unique(c(neededFiles, filesInsideArchive))
  } else {
    outFromSimilar <- .checkForSimilar(neededFiles, alsoExtract, archive, targetFile,
      destinationPath = destinationPath, checkSums,
      checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath, url, verbose = verboseCFS
    verboseCFS <- verbose - 1
    neededFilesOrig <- unique(makeAbsolute(neededFiles, destinationPath))
    list2env(outFromSimilar, environment()) # neededFiles, checkSums
  neededFiles <- unique(makeAbsolute(neededFiles, destinationPath))
  neededFiles <- unique(c(neededFilesOrig, neededFiles))
  neededFiles <- grep("none$", neededFiles, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  # alsoExtract <- grep("none$", alsoExtract, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)

  filesToChecksum <- if (is.null(archive) || isTRUE(is.na(archive))) {
  } else {

  filesToChecksum <- unique(c(filesToChecksum, neededFiles))
  isOK <- .compareChecksumsAndFilesAddDirs(checkSums, filesToChecksum, destinationPath) # also checks dirs, so adds lines
  if (isTRUE(!all(isOK))) {
    results <- .tryExtractFromArchive(
      archive = if (isTRUE(is.na(archive))) NULL else archive,
      neededFiles = neededFiles,
      alsoExtract = alsoExtract, destinationPath = destinationPath,
      checkSums = checkSums, needChecksums = needChecksums,
      checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
      filesToChecksum = filesToChecksum,
      targetFilePath = targetFilePath, quick = quick,
      verbose = verbose, .tempPath = .tempPath
    list2env(results, environment()) # neededFiles, checkSums, filesExtr, targetFilePath, filesToChecksum, needChecksums

    if (needChecksums > 0) {
      checkSums <- appendChecksumsTable(
        checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
        filesToChecksum = unique(filesToChecksum),
        destinationPath = destinationPath,
        append = results$needChecksums >= 2
      needChecksums <- 0
  } else {
    # May need to update the guessed "targetFilePath"
    targetFilePoss <- makeRelative(targetFilePath, destinationPath)
    if (isTRUE(!targetFilePoss %in% names(isOK))) {
      whNewTargetFilePath <- grep(targetFilePoss, names(isOK))
      if (length(whNewTargetFilePath)) {
        targetFilePath <- names(isOK)[whNewTargetFilePath]

  # Check for local copies in all values of reproducible.inputPaths
  # At the end of this function, the files will be present in destinationPath, if they existed
  #  in options("reproducible.inputPaths")
  localChecks <- .checkLocalSources(neededFiles,
    checkSums = checkSums,
    checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
    otherPaths = reproducible.inputPaths,
    destinationPath, needChecksums = needChecksums, verbose = verbose
  list2env(localChecks, environment()) # neededFiles, checkSums, needChecksums, successfulDir, successfulCheckSumFilePath

  # Change the destinationPath to the reproducible.inputPaths temporarily, so
  #   download happens there. Later it will be linked to the user destinationPath
  if (!is.null(reproducible.inputPaths)) {
    # may already have been changed above
    outCheck <- if (!is.null(targetFilePath)) {
    } else {
    } ## if NULL, it doesn't exist and we want to proceed
    if (isTRUE(outCheck)) { # skip if it already existed locally
      if (is.null(destinationPathUser)) {
        destinationPathUser <- destinationPath
          destinationPath <- destinationPathUser
        add = TRUE

      if (!identical(destinationPath, reproducible.inputPaths)) {
        neededFilesNew <- makeRelative(neededFiles, destinationPath)
        targetFilePathNew <- makeRelative(targetFilePath, destinationPath)
        destinationPathNew <- reproducible.inputPaths[1]
        archiveExistInDestDir <- if (!isNULLorNA(archive)) {
        } else {
        existInDestDir <- if (!isNULLorNA(neededFiles)) {
        } else {
        if (any(existInDestDir)) {
          from <- neededFiles[existInDestDir]
          to <- makeAbsolute(neededFilesNew[existInDestDir],
                             absoluteBase = destinationPathNew
          linkOrCopyUpdateOnly(from, to, verbose = verbose)
        if (any(archiveExistInDestDir)) {
          from <- archive[archiveExistInDestDir]
          to <- makeAbsolute(makeRelative(archive[archiveExistInDestDir], destinationPath),
                             absoluteBase = destinationPathNew
          linkOrCopyUpdateOnly(from, to, verbose = verbose - 1)
        targetPath <- targetFilePathNew
        destinationPath <- destinationPathNew
        neededFiles <- neededFilesNew

      if (isTRUE(any(grepl(archive, pattern = destinationPathUser)))) {
        # might have a "." as destinationPath -- messes with grepl
        patt <- if (grepl("^\\.", destinationPathUser)) {
          gsub("^\\.", "^\\\\.", destinationPathUser)
        } else {
        archive <- gsub(archive, pattern = patt, replacement = destinationPath)
      targetFilePath <- makeAbsolute(targetFilePath, destinationPath)
      neededFiles <- makeAbsolute(neededFiles, destinationPath)

  # Download
  downloadFileResult <- downloadFile(
    archive = if (isTRUE(is.na(archive))) NULL else archive,
    targetFile = targetFile, neededFiles = neededFiles, destinationPath = destinationPath,
    quick = quick, checkSums = checkSums, dlFun = dlFunCaptured, url = url,
    checksumFile = asPath(checkSumFilePath), needChecksums = needChecksums,
    overwrite = overwrite, purge = purge, # may need to try purging again if no target,
    #    archive or alsoExtract were known yet
    verbose = verbose, .tempPath = .tempPath, ...

  downloadFileResult <- .fixNoFileExtension(
    downloadFileResult = downloadFileResult,
    targetFile = targetFile, archive = archive,
    destinationPath = destinationPath, verbose = verbose

  # Post downloadFile -- put objects into this environment
  if (!is.null(downloadFileResult$targetFilePath)) {
    targetFilePath <- makeAbsolute(downloadFileResult$neededFiles, destinationPath)
  checkSums <- downloadFileResult$checkSums
  needChecksums <- downloadFileResult$needChecksums
  neededFiles <- downloadFileResult$neededFiles
  # If the download was of an archive, then it is possible the archive path is wrong
  if (!isTRUE(is.na(archive))) {
    if (identical(downloadFileResult$downloaded, downloadFileResult$archive)) {
      archive <- downloadFileResult$downloaded
    # archive specified, alsoExtract is NULL --> now means will extract all
    if (is.null(archive)) archive <- downloadFileResult$archive

  # redo "similar" after download
  outFromSimilar <- .checkForSimilar(
    neededFiles = neededFiles, alsoExtract = alsoExtract,
    archive = archive, targetFile = targetFile,
    destinationPath = destinationPath, checkSums = checkSums,
    checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
    url = url, verbose = verboseCFS
  verboseCFS <- verbose - 1

  list2env(outFromSimilar, environment()) # neededFiles, checkSums

  # don't include targetFile in neededFiles -- extractFromArchive deals with it separately
  if (length(neededFiles) > 1) alsoExtract <- setdiff(neededFiles, targetFile)

  # To this point, we only have the archive in hand -- include this in the list of filesToChecksum
  filesToChecksum <- if (isTRUE(is.na(archive)) || (is.null(archive))) {
  } else {
      if (needChecksums > 0) {
          checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
          filesToChecksum = filesToChecksum,
          destinationPath = destinationPath,
          append = (needChecksums == 2)
      needChecksums <- 0
    add = TRUE

  # Stage 1 - Extract from archive
  filesToChecksum <- unique(c(filesToChecksum, neededFiles))
  isOK <- .compareChecksumsAndFilesAddDirs(checkSums, filesToChecksum, destinationPath)
  if (isTRUE(!all(isOK))) {
    filesExtracted <- .tryExtractFromArchive(
      archive = archive,
      neededFiles = neededFiles,
      alsoExtract = alsoExtract,
      destinationPath = destinationPath,
      checkSums = checkSums,
      needChecksums = needChecksums,
      checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
      filesToChecksum = filesToChecksum,
      targetFilePath = targetFilePath,
      quick = quick, verbose = verbose,
      .tempPath = .tempPath
    # this changes targetFilePath to have folder if the extraction included a folder
    list2env(filesExtracted, environment()) # neededFiles, checkSums, filesExtr, targetFilePath, filesToChecksum, needChecksums
  } else {
    if (!is.null(.isArchive(archive))) {
      messagePreProcess("Skipping extractFromArchive attempt: no files missing", verbose = verbose)
    if (!is.null(targetFilePath))
      if (isTRUE(!is.na(targetFilePath)))
        if (any(!makeAbsolute(targetFilePath, destinationPath) %in%
                makeAbsolute(neededFiles, destinationPath))) {
          if (!basename2(targetFilePath) %in% makeRelative(neededFiles, destinationPath)) {
            targetFilePathPoss <- grep(basename2(targetFilePath), neededFiles, value = TRUE)
            if (length(targetFilePath) > 1)
              targetFilePath <- targetFilePathPoss


    filesExtr <- c(filesToChecksum, neededFiles)
    filesExtr <- setdiff(filesExtr, .isArchive(filesExtr))

  filesExtr <- unique(c(filesExtr, filesToChecksum))

  # link back to destinationPath if options("reproducible.inputPaths") was used.
  #  destinationPath had been overwritten to be options("reproducible.inputPaths")
  if (!is.null(reproducible.inputPaths)) {
    if (!is.null(destinationPathUser)) { # retrieved file locally
      foundInInputPaths <- grepl(normPath(destinationPath), normPath(filesExtr))
      # Make sure they are all in options("reproducible.inputPaths"), accounting for
      #   the fact that some may have been in sub-folders -- i.e., don't deal with these
      to <- targetFilePath
      if (isTRUE(any(foundInInputPaths))) {
        whFilesExtrInIP <- which(file.exists(filesExtr[foundInInputPaths]))
        if (length(whFilesExtrInIP)) {
          from <- filesExtr[whFilesExtrInIP]
          to <- makeAbsolute(makeRelative(from, destinationPath), destinationPathUser)
          if (!isTRUE(all(from %in% to))) {
            messagePreProcess("...using file(s) in getOption('reproducible.inputPaths')...",
                              verbose = verbose)
          outHLC <- hardLinkOrCopy(from, to, verbose = verbose - 1)
          filesExtr[foundInInputPaths] <- to
      # targetFilePath may be already in destinationPathUser, depending on when it was created
      if (!is.null(targetFilePath)) {
        if (!identical(to, targetFilePath)) {
          targetFilePathTmp <- to[basename(to) %in% basename(targetFilePath)]
          if (any(file.exists(targetFilePathTmp))) {
            targetFilePath <- targetFilePathTmp
          } else {
            targetFilePath <- makeAbsolute(
              makeRelative(targetFilePath, destinationPath),
      destinationPath <- destinationPathUser
    } else {
      foundInLocalPaths <- grepl(normPath(destinationPath), normPath(filesExtr))
      # Make sure they are all in options("reproducible.inputPaths"), accounting for
      #   the fact that some may have been in sub-folders -- i.e., don't deal with these
      if (isTRUE(any(foundInLocalPaths))) {
        whFilesExtrInLP <- which(file.exists(filesExtr[foundInLocalPaths]))
        if (length(whFilesExtrInLP)) {
          from <- filesExtr[whFilesExtrInLP]
          for (riP in reproducible.inputPaths) {
            to <- makeAbsolute(makeRelative(from, destinationPath), riP)
            if (all(from %in% to)) {

          # Check that CHECKSUMS.txt in destinationPath has one or more of the files
          a <- fread(checkSumFilePath)
          common <- checkSums[checkSums$expectedFile %in% a$file]
          missingFiles <- common[!a, on = c("expectedFile" = "file", "checksum.x" = "checksum")]

          if (NROW(missingFiles)) {
            messagePreProcess("... linking to getOption('reproducible.inputPaths')...",
                              verbose = verbose)
            outHLC <- hardLinkOrCopy(from, to, verbose = verbose)
          } else {
            messagePreProcess("Skipping copy from inputPaths; all files present", verbose = verbose)
  # if it was a nested file
  if (any(fileExt(neededFiles) %in% c("zip", "tar", "rar")) && !isTRUE(is.na(archive))) {
    nestedArchives <- neededFiles[fileExt(neededFiles) %in% c("zip", "tar", "rar")]
    nestedArchives <- makeAbsolute(nestedArchives[1], destinationPath)
    messagePreProcess("There are still archives in the extracted files.",
      " preProcess will try to extract the files from ", basename2(nestedArchives), ".",
      " If this is incorrect, please supply archive.",
      verbose = verbose
    # Guess which files inside the new nested
    nestedTargetFile <- .listFilesInArchive(archive = nestedArchives)
    outFromSimilar <- .checkForSimilar(
      alsoExtract = alsoExtract,
      archive = nestedArchives,
      neededFiles = nestedTargetFile,
      destinationPath = destinationPath,
      checkSums = checkSums,
      checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
      targetFile = targetFile, verbose = verboseCFS
    neededFiles <- outFromSimilar$neededFiles
    checkSums <- outFromSimilar$checkSums

    # don't include targetFile in neededFiles -- extractFromArchive deals with it separately
    if (length(neededFiles) > 1) alsoExtract <- setdiff(neededFiles, targetFile)

    # To this point, we only have the archive in hand -- include this in the list of filesToChecksum
    filesToChecksum <- if (is.null(archive)) downloadFileResult$downloaded else basename2(archive)
        if (needChecksums > 0) {
          # needChecksums 1 --> write a new checksums.txt file
          # needChecksums 2 --> append to checksums.txt
            checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
            filesToChecksum = filesToChecksum,
            destinationPath = destinationPath,
            append = (needChecksums == 2)
        needChecksums <- 0
      add = TRUE
    extractedFiles <- .tryExtractFromArchive(
      archive = nestedArchives, neededFiles = neededFiles,
      alsoExtract = alsoExtract, destinationPath = destinationPath,
      checkSums = checkSums, needChecksums = needChecksums,
      checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath, filesToChecksum = filesToChecksum,
      targetFilePath = targetFilePath, quick = quick,
      verbose = verbose, .tempPath = .tempPath
    filesExtr <- c(filesExtr, extractedFiles$filesExtr)
  targetParams <- .guessAtTargetAndFun(targetFilePath, destinationPath,
    filesExtracted = filesExtr,
    fun, verbose = verbose
  ) # passes through if all known
  targetFile <- makeRelative(targetParams$targetFilePath, destinationPath)
  targetFilePath <- targetParams$targetFilePath
  funChar <- targetParams$fun

  ## targetFilePath might still be NULL, need destinationPath too
  if (is.null(targetFilePath)) {
    if (is.null(filesExtr)) {
      if (!is.null(downloadFileResult$downloaded)) {
        targetFilePath <- downloadFileResult$downloaded
    } else {
      targetFilePath <- filesExtr

  if (is.null(targetFile) && !is.null(targetFilePath)) {
    targetFile <- makeRelative(targetFilePath, destinationPath)

  ## Convert the fun as character string to function class, if not already
  fun <- .extractFunction(funChar)

  if (needChecksums > 0) {
    ## needChecksums 1 --> write a new CHECKSUMS.txt file
    ## needChecksums 2 --> append  to CHECKSUMS.txt file
    ## needChecksums 3 --> append  to checkSumFilePath file OR successfulCheckSumFilePath, not both
    if (needChecksums == 3) {
      # successfulCheckSumFilePath we do not need to update. Determine which one this is, and do
      #   other
      if (identical(checkSumFilePath, successfulCheckSumFilePath)) { # if it was in checkSumFilePath
        checkSumFilePath <- identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile(successfulDir) #   run Checksums in IP
    csps <- destinationPath
    if (!is.null(reproducible.inputPaths)) {
      csps <- c(csps, reproducible.inputPaths)
    for (csp in csps) {
      checkSumFilePath <- identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile(csp)
      checkSums <- appendChecksumsTable(
        checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
        filesToChecksum = basename2(unique(filesToChecksum)),
        destinationPath = csp,
        append = needChecksums >= 2
      needChecksums <- 0
    if (!is.null(reproducible.inputPaths) && needChecksums != 3) {
      checkSumFilePathInputPaths <- identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile(reproducible.inputPaths[[1]])
        checkSums <- appendChecksumsTable(
          checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePathInputPaths,
          filesToChecksum = unique(filesToChecksum),
          destinationPath = destinationPath,
          append = needChecksums == 2,
          verbose = verbose - 1
        needChecksums <- 0
        needChecksums <- 0
      add = TRUE,
      after = FALSE
    ) # effectively remove appendChecksums in other
    # on.exit because it is done here

  failStop <- FALSE
  if (is.null(targetFilePath)) {
    failStop <- TRUE
  } else if (isTRUE(all(is.na(targetFilePath)))) { # this must come before next; but no need to change failStop
    if (length(targetFilePath) > 1)
      targetFilePath <- NA
    # failStop <- FALSE
  } else if (!isTRUE(file.exists(targetFilePath))) {
    failStop <- TRUE
  if (isTRUE(failStop)) {
      "targetFile appears to be misspecified at: ", targetFilePath, ". ",
      "Possibly, it does not exist in the specified archive, ",
      "or the file doesn't exist in destinationPath"

  archiveInChecksums <- checkSums$actualFile %in% makeRelative(archive, destinationPath) # basename2 is needed in checksums
  if (any(archiveInChecksums)) {
    checkSums[which(archiveInChecksums), result := "ArchiveOK"]

  out <- list(
    checkSums = checkSums,
    dots = dots,
    fun = fun,
    funChar = funChar,
    targetFilePath = targetFilePath,
    destinationPath = destinationPath,
    object = downloadFileResult$object
  stNext <- reportTime(st, mess = "`preProcess` done; took ", minSeconds = 10)

#' Purge individual line items from checksums file
#' @inheritParams downloadFile
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname purge
.purge <- function(checkSums, purge, targetFile, archive, alsoExtract, url, destinationPath) {
  purgeChar <- as.character(purge)
  checkSums <- tryCatch(
      "2" = checkSums[!(checkSums$expectedFile %in% makeRelative(targetFile, destinationPath)), ],
      "3" = checkSums[!(checkSums$expectedFile %in% makeRelative(archive, destinationPath)), ],
      "4" = checkSums[!(checkSums$expectedFile %in% makeRelative(alsoExtract, destinationPath)), ],
      "5" = checkSums[!(checkSums$expectedFile %in% makeRelative(unique(c(targetFile, alsoExtract)), destinationPath)), ], # nolint
      "6" = checkSums[!(checkSums$expectedFile %in%
        makeRelative(unique(c(targetFile, alsoExtract, archive)), destinationPath)), ], # nolint
      "7" = checkSums[!(checkSums$expectedFile %in%
        makeRelative(unique(c(targetFile, alsoExtract, archive, url)), destinationPath)), ] # nolint
    error = function(x) checkSums

#' @keywords internal
.emptyChecksumsResult <- data.table::data.table(
  expectedFile = character(),
  actualFile = character(),
  result = character()

#' @keywords internal
.emptyChecksumsFileContent <- data.frame(
  file = character(),
  checksum = character(),
  filesize = character(),
  algorithm = character()

#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
.extractFunction <- function(fun, envir = parent.frame()) {
  if (!is.null(fun)) {
    if (is.name(fun)) {
      possFun <- get0(fun, envir = envir)
      if (is.null(possFun)) {
        env <- whereInStack(fun)
        fun <- get(fun, envir = env)
    if (is.call(fun)) {
    } else {
      suppressWarnings(isNAFun <- is.na(fun))
      if (!any(isNAFun)) {
        if (!is.function(fun)) {
          if (any(grepl("::", fun))) {
            fun2 <- strsplit(fun, "::")[[1]]
            pkg <- fun2[1]
            fun <- fun2[2]
            fun <- getFromNamespace(fun, pkg)
          } else {
            fun <- get(fun, envir)

#' @keywords internal
.guessAtFile <- function(url, archive, targetFile, destinationPath,
                         verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1), team_drive = NULL) {
  # if (is.null(targetFile)) {
  guessedFile <- if (!is.null(url)) {
    gf <- file.path(destinationPath, basename2(url))

    # Test for just Google ID supplied
    isGID <- isGoogleID(url)
    # isGID <- all(grepl("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{33}$", url), # Has 33 characters as letters, numbers or - or _
    #              !grepl("\\.[^\\.]+$", url))
      # doesn't have an extension
    if (any(isGoogleDriveURL(url), isGID)) {
      if (isGID) messagePreProcess("url seems to be a Google Drive ID", verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 2)

    # if (grepl("drive.google.com", url)) {
      # ie <- isTRUE(internetExists())
      # if (ie) {
      gf <- assessGoogle(
        url = url, archive = archive, targetFile = targetFile,
        destinationPath = destinationPath, verbose = verbose, team_drive = NULL
      gf <- makeAbsolute(gf, destinationPath)
      # }
  } else {

isGoogleID <- function(url) {
  all(grepl("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{33}$", url), # Has 33 characters as letters, numbers or - or _
      !grepl("\\.[^\\.]+$", url)) ||
    grepl("drive.google.com", url)

isGoogleDriveURL <- function(url) {
  grepl("drive.google.com", url)
# urlExists <- function(url) {
#   con <- url(url)
#   on.exit(try(close(con), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
#   for (i in 1:5) {
#     a <- try(suppressWarnings(readLines(con, n = 1)), silent = TRUE)
#     try(close(con), silent = TRUE)
#     ret <- if (is(a, "try-error")) FALSE else TRUE
#     if (isTRUE(ret)) {
#       break
#     } else {
#       Sys.sleep(0.1)
#     }
#   }
#   ret
# }

#' @keywords internal
.checkSumsUpdate <- function(destinationPath, newFilesToCheck, checkSums,
                             checkSumFilePath = NULL, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
  if (!is.null(newFilesToCheck)) {
    if (is.null(checkSumFilePath) || length(checkSumFilePath) == 0) {
      checkSumFilePath <- identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile(destinationPath)
    if (!file.exists(checkSumFilePath)) {
    } else {
      checkSums2 <- try(Checksums(
        path = destinationPath, write = FALSE,
        files = newFilesToCheck,
        checksumFile = checkSumFilePath,
        verbose = verbose - 1
      ), silent = TRUE)
      if (!is(checkSums2, "try-error")) {
        checkSums <- rbindlist(list(checkSums, checkSums2))
        data.table::setkey(checkSums, result)
        checkSums <- unique(checkSums, fromLast = TRUE, by = "expectedFile")
        checkSums <- rbindlist(list(
          checkSums[compareNA("OK", result)],
          checkSums[compareNA("FAIL", result)],
      } else {
        stop("checkSumFilePath is not a CHECKSUMS.txt file")

#' @keywords internal
.similarFilesInCheckSums <- function(file, checkSums, alsoExtract) {
  if (NROW(checkSums)) {
    if (!missing(alsoExtract)) {
      file <- unique(c(file, alsoExtract))
    anySimilarInCS <- vapply(filePathSansExt(file), function(fi) {
      res <- checkSums[grepl(paste0(fi, "\\."), checkSums$expectedFile), ]$result
      res <- na.omit(res)
      if (length(res) == 0) res <- "NotOK"
      isTRUE(all(compareNA("OK", res)))
    }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

  } else {

#' @keywords internal
.checkForSimilar <- function(neededFiles, alsoExtract, archive, targetFile,
                             destinationPath, checkSums, checkSumFilePath,
                             url, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
  lookForSimilar <- FALSE
  if (is.null(alsoExtract) || length(alsoExtract) == 0) {
    messagePreProcess("alsoExtract is unspecified; assuming that all files must be extracted",
                      verbose = verbose)
    lookForSimilar <- "all"
  } else {
    if (!all(is.na(alsoExtract))) {
      if ("similar" %in% basename2(alsoExtract)) {
        lookForSimilar <- TRUE

  if (isTRUE(lookForSimilar) || ("all" %in% lookForSimilar && !is.null(archive))) {
    allFiles <- .listFilesInArchive(archive)
    archiveFilesInCS <- allFiles %in% checkSums$expectedFile
    rerunChecksums <- TRUE
    if (any(archiveFilesInCS)) {
      if (all(archiveFilesInCS)) {
        isOK <- checkSums[expectedFile %in% allFiles]$result %in% "OK"
        if (all(isOK)) {
          rerunChecksums <- FALSE
        } else { # some not OK, but present
          allFiles <- allFiles[!isOK]
      } else { # some files in the archive are not yet in checkSums -- rerunChecksums on these
        allFiles <- allFiles[!archiveFilesInCS]
    if (rerunChecksums) {
      neededFiles <- checkRelative(neededFiles, destinationPath, allFiles)
      if (is.null(targetFile) || isTRUE(all(is.na(targetFile)))) {
        messagePreProcess("No targetFile supplied. ", messageChecksummingAllFiles,
                          verbose = verbose)
        neededFiles <- allFiles
      } else if ("all" %in% lookForSimilar) {
        messagePreProcess(messageChecksummingAllFiles, verbose = verbose)
        neededFiles <- allFiles
      } else {
        allOK <- .similarFilesInCheckSums(targetFile, checkSums, alsoExtract)
        if (!allOK) {
          filePatternToKeep <- gsub(basename2(targetFile),
                                    pattern = fileExt(basename2(targetFile)), replacement = ""
          filesToGet <- grep(allFiles, pattern = filePatternToKeep, value = TRUE)
          neededFiles <- c(neededFiles, filesToGet)
      if (exists("filesToGet", inherits = FALSE)) {
        if (length(filesToGet) == 0) {
          rerunChecksums <- FALSE
      neededFiles <- unique(makeAbsolute(neededFiles, destinationPath))

      if (!is.null(neededFiles) && rerunChecksums) {
        checkSums <- .checkSumsUpdate(
          destinationPath = destinationPath, newFilesToCheck = neededFiles,
          checkSums = checkSums,
          checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath, verbose = verbose
  list(neededFiles = neededFiles, checkSums = checkSums)

#' @keywords internal
.checkLocalSources <- function(neededFiles, checkSumFilePath, checkSums, otherPaths, needChecksums,
                               destinationPath, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
  foundInInputPaths <- character()
  successfulCheckSumFilePath <- character()
  successfulDir <- character()
  if (!is.null(neededFiles)) {
    filesInHand <- checkSums[compareNA(checkSums$result, "OK"), ]$expectedFile
    neededFilesRel <- makeRelative(neededFiles, destinationPath)
    if (!all(neededFilesRel %in% filesInHand)) {
      for (op in otherPaths) {
        recursively <- if (!is.null(getOption("reproducible.inputPathsRecursive"))) {
        } else {
        opFiles <- dir(op, recursive = recursively, full.names = TRUE)
        if (any(neededFilesRel %in% basename2(opFiles))) {
          isNeeded <- basename2(opFiles) %in% neededFilesRel
          dirNameOPFiles <- dirname(opFiles[isNeeded])

          # foundRecursively <- dirNameOPFiles != dirname(opFiles[isNeeded])
          # foundRecursively <- basename2(opFiles[isNeeded][foundRecursively])

          uniqueDirsOPFiles <- rev(unique(dirNameOPFiles))

          checkSumFilePathTry <- checkSumFilePath
          # check CHECKSUMS.txt files, first the one in destinationPath, then ones in inputPaths
          for (dirOPFiles in uniqueDirsOPFiles) {
            # for (i in seq(1 + length(uniqueDirsOPFiles))) {
            checkSumFilePathTry <- identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile(dirOPFiles)
            checkSumsInputPath <- suppressMessages(
                path = dirOPFiles, write = FALSE,
                files = neededFilesRel,
                checksumFile = checkSumFilePathTry,
                verbose = verbose
            isOK <- checkSumsInputPath[checkSumsInputPath$expectedFile %in% neededFilesRel, ]$result
            if (length(isOK)) {
              if (all(compareNA(isOK, "OK"))) {
                needChecksums <- 3 # Basically this means that we *may* have to update
                #   checksums file in either destinationPath or
                #   options("reproducible.inputPaths")
                successfulCheckSumFilePath <- checkSumFilePathTry
                successfulDir <- unique(dirOPFiles)

            checkSumFilePathTry <- identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile(dirOPFiles)
          checkSumsIPOnlyNeeded <- checkSumsInputPath[compareNA(checkSumsInputPath$result, "OK"), ]
          filesInHandIP <- checkSumsIPOnlyNeeded$expectedFile
          filesInHandIPLogical <- neededFilesRel %in% filesInHandIP
          if (any(filesInHandIPLogical)) {
            outHLC <- hardLinkOrCopy(
              from = makeAbsolute(filesInHandIP, dirOPFiles),
              to = neededFiles[filesInHandIPLogical], verbose = verbose
            checkSums <- rbindlist(list(checkSumsIPOnlyNeeded, checkSums))
            checkSums <- unique(checkSums, by = "expectedFile")
          foundInInputPaths <- c(foundInInputPaths, filesInHandIP)
          if (isTRUE(all(filesInHandIPLogical))) {
    # do a check here that destinationPath is already the inputPaths
    #   need to emulate the above behaviour
    reproducible.inputPaths <- getOption("reproducible.inputPaths", NULL)
    if (!is.null(reproducible.inputPaths)) {
      reproducible.inputPaths <- normPath(reproducible.inputPaths)

    if (identical(destinationPath, reproducible.inputPaths)) {
      foundInInputPaths <- filesInHand
      successfulDir <- destinationPath
      successfulCheckSumFilePath <- checkSumFilePath
    checkSums = checkSums, needChecksums = needChecksums,
    # foundRecursively = foundRecursively,
    neededFiles = neededFiles,
    successfulCheckSumFilePath = successfulCheckSumFilePath,
    successfulDir = successfulDir,
    foundInInputPaths = makeAbsolute(foundInInputPaths, destinationPath)

#' Hardlink, symlink, or copy a file
#' Attempt first to make a hardlink. If that fails, try to make
#' a symlink (on non-windows systems and `symlink = TRUE`).
#' If that fails, copy the file.
#' @note Use caution with files-backed objects (e.g., rasters). See examples.
#' @param from,to  Character vectors, containing file names or paths.
#'                 `to` can alternatively be the path to a single existing directory.
#' @param symlink  Logical indicating whether to use symlink (instead of hardlink).
#'                 Default `FALSE`.
#' @inheritParams prepInputs
#' @seealso [file.link()], [file.symlink()], [file.copy()].
#' @author Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @return
#' This function is called for its side effects, which will be a `file.link` is that
#' is available or `file.copy` if not (e.g., the two directories are not on the
#' same physical disk).
#' @examples
#' tmpDir <- file.path(tempdir(), "symlink-test")
#' tmpDir <- normalizePath(tmpDir, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
#' dir.create(tmpDir)
#' f0 <- file.path(tmpDir, "file0.csv")
#' write.csv(iris, f0)
#' d1 <- file.path(tmpDir, "dir1")
#' dir.create(d1)
#' write.csv(iris, file.path(d1, "file1.csv"))
#' d2 <- file.path(tmpDir, "dir2")
#' dir.create(d2)
#' f2 <- file.path(tmpDir, "file2.csv")
#' ## create link to a file
#' linkOrCopy(f0, f2)
#' file.exists(f2) ## TRUE
#' identical(read.table(f0), read.table(f2)) ## TRUE
#' ## deleting the link shouldn't delete the original file
#' unlink(f0)
#' file.exists(f0) ## FALSE
#' file.exists(f2) ## TRUE
#' if (requireNamespace("terra", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   ## using spatRasters and other file-backed objects
#'   f3a <- system.file("ex/test.grd", package = "terra")
#'   f3b <- system.file("ex/test.gri", package = "terra")
#'   r3a <- terra::rast(f3a)
#'   f4a <- file.path(tmpDir, "raster4.grd")
#'   f4b <- file.path(tmpDir, "raster4.gri")
#'   linkOrCopy(f3a, f4a) ## hardlink
#'   linkOrCopy(f3b, f4b) ## hardlink
#'   r4a <- terra::rast(f4a)
#'   isTRUE(all.equal(r3a, r4a)) # TRUE
#'   ## cleanup
#'   unlink(tmpDir, recursive = TRUE)
#' }
linkOrCopy <- function(from, to, symlink = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE,
                       verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
  existsLogical <- file.exists(from)
  existsTo <- file.exists(to)

  toCollapsed <- paste(to, collapse = "\n")
  fromCollapsed <- paste(from, collapse = "\n")
  result <- TRUE

  ## if the filename is the same, you can't copy from self to self
  if (!all(normPath(to) %in% normPath(from))) {
    if (any(existsLogical)) {
      toDirs1 <- unique(dirname(to))
      dirDoesntExist1 <- !dir.exists(toDirs1)

      ## some directories in `from` won't look like directories in the prev `to`
      ##  e.g., test/folder1/folder2
      ##     folder2 could be a file or a dir, and "dir.exists(to)" won't know which
      ##     because test/folder1 didn't exist
      ## So, identify the dirs in the `from`, and those ones will also be dirs in `to`
      fromDirs <- dir.exists(from)
      toDirs2 <- to[fromDirs]
      dirDoesntExist2 <- rep(TRUE, length(toDirs2))

      if (any(dirDoesntExist1) || any(dirDoesntExist2)) {
        needCreate <- unique(c(toDirs1[dirDoesntExist1], toDirs2[dirDoesntExist2]))
        if (any(is.na(needCreate))) {
          needCreate <- na.omit(needCreate)
        lapply(needCreate, dir.create, recursive = TRUE)
      isDir <- dir.exists(to)
      dups <- duplicated(from)

      if (any(existsTo)) {
      # Try hard link first -- the only type that R deeply recognizes
      result <- captureWarningsToAttr(
        file.link(from[!dups & !isDir], to[!dups & !isDir])
      warns <- attr(result, "warning")
      attr(result, "warning") <- NULL

      if (isTRUE(all(result))) {
        messagePreProcess("Hardlinked ", hardlinkOrSymlinkMessagePrefix, ":", verbose = verbose)
        messagePreProcess("\n", toCollapsed, "\n",
          whPointsToMess, "\n",
          verbose = verbose - 1
        messagePreProcess(messageNoCopyMade, verbose = verbose)
      } else {
        if (grepl("cannot link.+different disk drive", warns) && !isTRUE(symlink)) {
          messageColoured("An attempt was made to use hard links to make a quick pointer ",
                          "from one (set of) file(s) to another; \nthis is not possible because ",
                          "the files would be on different drives. Consider changing the paths\n",
                          "so that they will be on the same physical drive", colour = "red")

      if (any(grepl("file already exists", warns))) {
        messagePreProcess("File named ", toCollapsed, " already exists; will try to use it/them", verbose = verbose)
        result <- TRUE

      # On *nix types -- try symlink
      if (isFALSE(all(result)) && isTRUE(symlink)) {
        if (!isWindows()) {
          result <- suppressWarnings(file.symlink(from[!result], to[!result]))
          if (isTRUE(all(result))) {
            messagePreProcess("Symlinked", hardlinkOrSymlinkMessagePrefix, verbose = verbose)
            messagePreProcess("\n", toCollapsed, "\n",
                              whPointsToMess, "\n",
                              verbose = verbose - 1
            messagePreProcess(messageNoCopyMade, verbose = verbose)

      if (isFALSE(all(result))) {
        len <- length(from[!result])
        if (len < 50) fromCollapsed[!result] else c(head(fromCollapsed[!result]), tail(fromCollapsed[!result]))
        if (len < 50) {
          fromMess <- fromCollapsed[!result]
          toMess <- toCollapsed[!result]
        } else {
          fromMess <- c(head(fromCollapsed[!result]), tail(fromCollapsed[!result]))
          toMess <- c(head(toCollapsed[!result], 24), "... (omitting many)", tail(toCollapsed[!result], 24))
        result2 <- file.copy(from[!result], to[!result], overwrite = overwrite)
        messagePreProcess("Copy of file: ", fromMess, ", was created at: ", toMess, verbose = verbose)
    } else {
      messagePreProcess("File ", fromCollapsed, " does not exist. Not copying.", verbose = verbose)
      result <- FALSE

#' @keywords internal
.tryExtractFromArchive <- function(archive,
                                   quick, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1),
                                   .tempPath) {
  if (missing(.tempPath)) {
    .tempPath <- tempdir2(rndstr(1, 6))
        unlink(.tempPath, recursive = TRUE)
      add = TRUE
  alsoExtract <- grep("none$", alsoExtract, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) # remove "none" from neededFiles; for extracting
  neededFiles <- c(neededFiles, if (!isNULLorNA(alsoExtract)) alsoExtract)
  neededFiles <- setdiff(neededFiles, "similar") # remove "similar" from neededFiles; for extracting
  neededFiles <- unique(makeAbsolute(neededFiles, destinationPath)) # unique is b/c neededFiles was absolute and alsoExtract was rel
  alsoExtract <- makeAbsolute(alsoExtract, destinationPath)

  filesExtr <- NULL
  if (!isNULLorNA(archive)) {
    # if (!is.na(archive)) {
    if (any(file.exists(archive))) {
      filesExtracted <- extractFromArchive(
        archive = archive,
        destinationPath = destinationPath,
        neededFiles = neededFiles,
        checkSums = checkSums,
        needChecksums = needChecksums,
        checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
        quick = quick,
        verbose = verbose,
        .tempPath = .tempPath
      neededFiles <- filesExtracted$neededFiles # will have been potentially corrected if user supplied incorrect relative paths

      targetFilePath <- checkRelative(targetFilePath, destinationPath, neededFiles, verbose = verbose - 1)
      filesToChecksum <- checkRelative(filesToChecksum, destinationPath, neededFiles, verbose = verbose - 1)

      checkSums <- .checkSumsUpdate(
        destinationPath = destinationPath,
        newFilesToCheck = filesExtracted$filesExtracted,
        checkSums = filesExtracted$checkSums, verbose = verbose

      # filesToChecksum may be wrong because of relative path without subfolder
      filesToChecksum <- unique(c(
        filesToChecksum, targetFilePath, # alsoExtract, # alsoExtract will be in filesExtracted$filesExtracted

      needChecksums <- filesExtracted$needChecksums
      dontNeedChecksums <- if (NROW(filesExtracted$checkSums) > 0) {
          filesExtracted$checkSums$expectedFile %in%
            filesToChecksum & compareNA(result, "OK"),
      } else {
        dontNeedChecksums <- character()
      filesToChecksum <- setdiff(filesToChecksum, dontNeedChecksums)

      if (needChecksums > 0) {
        checkSums <- appendChecksumsTable(
          checkSumFilePath = checkSumFilePath,
          filesToChecksum = unique(filesToChecksum),
          destinationPath = destinationPath,
          append = needChecksums >= 2
        needChecksums <- 0

      ## targetFilePath might still be NULL, need destinationPath too
      filesExtr <- unique(c(
        if (is.null(filesExtracted$filesExtracted) ||
          length(filesExtracted$filesExtracted) == 0) {
        } else {
    # }
  if (!is.null(filesExtr)) {
    filesExtr <- unique(filesExtr)
    filesToChecksum = filesToChecksum, filesExtr = filesExtr,
    needChecksums = needChecksums,
    targetFilePath = targetFilePath,
    neededFiles = neededFiles, checkSums = checkSums

#' @keywords internal
.decodeMagicNumber <- function(magicNumberString) {
  fileExt <- if (any(grepl(pattern = "Zip", x = magicNumberString))) {
  } else if (any(grepl(pattern = "RAR", x = magicNumberString))) {
  } else if (any(grepl(pattern = "tar", x = magicNumberString))) {
  } else if (any(grepl(pattern = "TIFF", x = magicNumberString))) {
  } else if (any(grepl(pattern = "Shapefile", x = magicNumberString))) {
  } else {

#' @keywords internal
.guessFileExtension <- function(file) {
  if (isWindows()) {
        possLocs <- c(
        findFile <- file.exists(possLocs)
        if (any(findFile)) {
          fileLoc <- possLocs[findFile][1]

        magicNumber <- captureWarningsToAttr(
          system(paste(fileLoc, file), intern = TRUE)
        warn <- attr(magicNumber, "warning")
        attr(magicNumber, "warning") <- NULL

        if (length(warn) > 0) {
          splitted <- unlist(strsplit(x = file, split = ":/"))
          fileAdapted <- file.path(paste0("/mnt/", tolower(splitted[1])), splitted[2])
          magicNumber <- captureWarningsToAttr(
            shell(paste0("'file ", fileAdapted, "'"), "bash",
              intern = TRUE,
              wait = TRUE, translate = FALSE, mustWork = TRUE
          warn <- attr(magicNumber, "warning")
          attr(magicNumber, "warning") <- NULL
        fileExt <- if (length(warn) == 0) {
          .decodeMagicNumber(magicNumberString = magicNumber)
        } else {
      error = function(e) {
        fileExt <- NULL
  } else {
    magicNumber <- system(paste0("file ", file), wait = TRUE, intern = TRUE)
    fileExt <- .decodeMagicNumber(magicNumberString = magicNumber)

#' @keywords internal
.fixNoFileExtension <- function(downloadFileResult, targetFile, archive,
                                destinationPath, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
  needFinalCopy <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(downloadFileResult$downloaded) &&
    identical(fileExt(downloadFileResult$downloaded), "")) {
    if (!is.null(targetFile) && !identical(fileExt(normPath(basename2(downloadFileResult$neededFiles))), "")) {
      if (is.null(archive)) {
          "Downloaded file has no extension: targetFile is provided, but archive is not.\n",
          " Downloaded file will be considered as the targetFile. If the downloaded file is an archive\n",
          " that contains the targetFile, please specify both archive and targetFile.",
          verbose = verbose
        newFileWithExtension <- downloadFileResult$neededFiles
      } else {
          "Downloaded file has no extension: both targetFile and archive are provided.\n",
          " Downloaded file will be considered as the archive.",
          verbose = verbose
        newFileWithExtension <- downloadFileResult$archive
    } else {
      if (!is.null(archive)) {
          "Downloaded file has no extension: archive is provided. \n",
          " downloaded file will be considered as the archive.",
          verbose = verbose
        downloadFileResult$neededFiles <- archive
        newFileWithExtension <- downloadFileResult$neededFiles
      } else {
          "Downloaded file has no extension: neither archive nor targetFile are provided. \n",
          "prepInputs will try accessing the file type.",
          verbose = verbose
        fileExt <- .guessFileExtension(file = normPath(downloadFileResult$downloaded))
        if (is.null(fileExt)) {
          messagePreProcess("The file was not recognized by prepInputs. ",
            "Will assume the file is an archive and add '.zip' extension. ",
            "If this is incorrect or return error, please supply archive or targetFile",
            verbose = verbose
          fileExt <- ".zip"
        newFileWithExtension <- paste0(downloadFileResult$neededFiles, fileExt)
        hardLinkOrCopy(downloadFileResult$neededFiles, newFileWithExtension, verbose = 0)
        needFinalCopy <- FALSE
        downloadFileResult$neededFiles <- makeAbsolute(.listFilesInArchive(newFileWithExtension), destinationPath)
        downloadFileResult$archive <- newFileWithExtension
        downloadFileResult$targetFilePath <- normPath(downloadFileResult$neededFiles)
    if (isTRUE(needFinalCopy)) {
        verbose = 0,
        from = normPath(downloadFileResult$downloaded),
        to = normPath(newFileWithExtension)
    downloadFileResult$downloaded <- newFileWithExtension

moveAttributes <- function(source, receiving, attrs = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(receiving)) {
    sourceAttributes <- attributes(source)
    if (length(sourceAttributes) > 0) {
      if (!is.null(attrs)) {
        sourceAttributes <- attrs

      for (i in length(sourceAttributes)) {
        attr(receiving, names(sourceAttributes)[i]) <- sourceAttributes[[i]]

.checkDeprecated <- function(dots, verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose", 1)) {
  if (!is.null(dots$cacheTags)) {
    messagePreProcess("cacheTags is being deprecated;",
      " use userTags which will pass directly to Cache.",
      verbose = verbose
    dots$userTags <- dots$cacheTags
    dots$cacheTags <- NULL
  if (!is.null(dots$postProcessedFilename)) {
    messagePreProcess("postProcessedFilename is being deprecated;",
      " use filename2, used in determineFilename.",
      verbose = verbose
    dots$filename2 <- dots$postProcessedFilename
    dots$postProcessedFilename <- NULL
  if (!is.null(dots$writeCropped)) {
    messagePreProcess("writeCropped is being deprecated;",
      " use filename2, used in determineFilename.",
      verbose = verbose
    dots$filename2 <- dots$writeCropped
    dots$writeCropped <- NULL
  if (!is.null(dots$rasterInterpMethod)) {
    messagePreProcess("rasterInterpMethod is being deprecated;",
      " use method which will pass directly to projectRaster.",
      verbose = verbose
    dots$method <- dots$rasterInterpMethod
    dots$rasterInterpMethod <- NULL
  if (!is.null(dots$rasterDatatype)) {
    messagePreProcess("rasterDatatype is being deprecated;",
      " use datatype which will pass directly to writeRaster.",
      verbose = verbose
    dots$datatype <- dots$rasterDatatype
    dots$rasterDatatype <- NULL
  if (!is.null(dots$pkg)) {
    messagePreProcess("pkg is being deprecated;",
      "name the package and function directly, if needed,\n",
      "  e.g., 'pkg::fun'.",
      verbose = verbose
    dots$pkg <- NULL


.checkFunInDots <- function(fun = NULL, dots) {
  if (is.null(fun)) {
    if (!is.null(dots$pkg)) {
      fun <- paste0(dots$pkg, "::", fun)

hardLinkOrCopy <- function(from, to, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
  linkOrCopy(from, to, symlink = FALSE, verbose = verbose)

escapeRegexChars <- function(str, repl = c("(", ")")) {
  for (r in repl) {
    str <- gsub(paste0("\\", r, ""), paste0("\\\\", r), str)

hardlinkOrSymlinkMessagePrefix <- "version of file(s) created"
hardlinkOrSymlinkMessagePrefixForGrep <- escapeRegexChars(hardlinkOrSymlinkMessagePrefix)

messageNoCopyMade <- "... no copy/copies made."

whPointsToMess <- "which point(s) to"
whPointsToMessForGrep <- escapeRegexChars(whPointsToMess)

getTeamDrive <- function(dots) {
  if (requireNamespace("googledrive", quietly = TRUE)) {
    teamDrive <- if (packageVersion("googledrive") < "2.0.0") {
    } else {
  } else {
    teamDrive <- NULL

getTargetFilePath <- function(targetFile, archive, fileGuess, verbose,
                              destinationPath, alsoExtract, checkSumFilePath) {
  if (is.null(targetFile)) {
    if ((is.null(archive) || is.na(archive)) && !is.null(fileGuess)) {
      messagePreProcess("targetFile was not supplied; guessed and will try ", fileGuess,
        ". If this is incorrect, please supply targetFile",
        verbose = verbose
      targetFile <- makeRelative(fileGuess, destinationPath)
      targetFilePath <- makeAbsolute(targetFile, destinationPath)
    } else {

      # Case when archive is passed, and fileGuess exists
      # if ((!is.null(archive) || !is.na(archive)) && !is.null(fileGuess)) {
      #   messagePreProcess("archieve was supplied, but targetFile not; guessed and will try ", fileGuess,
      #                     ". If this is incorrect, please supply targetFile",
      #                     verbose = verbose
      #   )
      #   targetFile <- makeRelative(fileGuess, destinationPath)
      #   targetFilePath <- makeAbsolute(targetFile, destinationPath)
      # } else {
        targetFilePath <- NULL
      # }

  } else {
    if (length(targetFile) > 1) {
      stop("targetFile should be only 1 file")

    targetFilePath <- normPath(makeAbsolute(targetFile, destinationPath))

guessAlsoExtract <- function(targetFile, alsoExtract, checkSumFilePath) {
  if (is.null(alsoExtract)) {
    if (file.exists(checkSumFilePath)) {
      if (file.size(checkSumFilePath) > 0) {
        # if alsoExtract is not specified, then try to find all files in CHECKSUMS.txt with
        # same base name, without extension
        checksumsTmp <- as.data.table(read.table(checkSumFilePath))
        alsoExtract <- grep(paste0(filePathSansExt(targetFile), "\\."), checksumsTmp$file,
          value = TRUE
        rm(checksumsTmp) # clean up
  if (any(is.na(alsoExtract))) {
    alsoExtract <- NA
  } else if (!is.null(alsoExtract)) { # must keep relative because user may not know what path is in archive
    if (isTRUE(all(is.na(alsoExtract)))) {
      alsoExtract <- character()


updateArchiveWithGuess <- function(archive, guess) {
  if (!is.null(guess)) {
    if (is.null(archive)) {
      archive <- .isArchive(guess)
    if (isTRUE(!is.na(archive))) {
      archive <- moveAttributes(guess, archive)

setupArchive <- function(archive, destinationPath) {
  if (!is.null(archive)) {
    if (!is.na(archive)) {
      tmpArchive <- archive
      archive <- makeAbsolute(archive, destinationPath)
      # archive <- file.path(destinationPath, basename2(archive))
      # filesToCheck <- unique(c(filesToCheck, archive))
      archive <- moveAttributes(tmpArchive, archive)

runChecksums <- function(destinationPath, checkSumFilePath, filesToCheck, verbose) {
  reproducible.inputPaths <- getOption("reproducible.inputPaths", NULL)
  if (!is.null(reproducible.inputPaths)) {
    reproducible.inputPaths <- checkPath(reproducible.inputPaths, create = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(reproducible.inputPaths)) {
    reproducible.inputPaths <- path.expand(reproducible.inputPaths)

  destinationPathUser <- NULL
  possDirs <- unique(c(destinationPath, reproducible.inputPaths))
  csfps <- vapply(possDirs, function(dp) identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile(dp), character(1))
  allDone <- FALSE
  for (dp in possDirs) {
    for (csfp in csfps) { # there can be a mismatch between checksums and file location
      # csfp <- identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile(dp)
      checkSumsTmp1 <- try(Checksums(
        path = dp, write = FALSE, checksumFile = csfp,
        files = makeRelative(filesToCheck, absoluteBase = destinationPath),
        verbose = verbose - 1
      ), silent = TRUE)
      checkSums <- NULL
      if (!is(checkSumsTmp1, "try-error")) {
        checkSums <- checkSumsTmp1
        if (!all(is.na(checkSums$result))) { # found something
          if (isTRUE(any(dp %in% reproducible.inputPaths))) {
            destinationPathUser <- destinationPath
            destinationPath <- dp
                destinationPath <- destinationPathUser
              add = TRUE
          allDone <- TRUE
    if (isTRUE(allDone))
    reproducible.inputPaths = reproducible.inputPaths,
    destinationPathUser = destinationPathUser,
    destinationPath = destinationPath,
    checkSums = checkSums

dealWithArchive <- function(archive, url, targetFile, checkSums, alsoExtract, destinationPath, teamDrive, verbose) {
  fileGuess <- NULL
  if (is.null(archive)) {
    if (!is.null(url)) {
      allOK <- .similarFilesInCheckSums(targetFile, checkSums, alsoExtract)

      if (!allOK) { # skip identification of archive if we have all files with same basename as targetFile
        # BUT if we don't have all files with identical root name (basename sans ext), then assess for
        #   an archive, either remotely, in the case of google or from the basename of url
        fileGuess <- .guessAtFile(
          url = url, archive = archive,
          targetFile = targetFile, destinationPath = destinationPath,
          verbose = verbose, team_drive = teamDrive
        archive <- .isArchive(fileGuess)
        # The fileGuess MAY have a fileSize attribute, which can be attached to "archive"
        archive <- moveAttributes(fileGuess, receiving = archive)
        sourceAttributes <- attributes(fileGuess)
        if (length(sourceAttributes) > 0 && !is.null(archive)) {
          for (i in length(sourceAttributes)) {
            attr(archive, names(sourceAttributes)[i]) <- sourceAttributes[[i]]

        checkSums <- .checkSumsUpdate(
          destinationPath = destinationPath,
          newFilesToCheck = archive,
          checkSums = checkSums,
          verbose = verbose
    checkSums = checkSums,
    archive = archive,
    fileGuess = fileGuess

isNULLorNA <- function(x) {
  out <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (!isTRUE(is.na(x))) {
      out <- FALSE

identifyCHECKSUMStxtFile <- function(path) {
  file.path(path, "CHECKSUMS.txt")

linkOrCopyUpdateOnly <- function(from, to, verbose) {
  fifrom <- file.info(from)
  fito <- file.info(to)
  whNotSame <- fifrom$ctime != fito$ctime
  needCopy <- !whNotSame %in% FALSE
  if (any(needCopy)) {
    linkOrCopy(from[needCopy], to[needCopy],
               verbose = verbose - 1

messageChecksummingAllFiles <- "Checksumming all files in archive"

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reproducible documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:18 a.m.