
Defines functions format_time

Documented in format_time

#' Parse date-time data to numeric time for use in respR functions
#' A function to parse class POSIX.ct or text strings of date-time data to
#' numeric time for use in `respR` functions.
#' Regardless of input, all data are parsed to numeric time data in seconds
#' duration from the first entry starting at 1. If you want the times to start
#' at a different time, a `start` value can be specified, in which case the
#' series starts at that number (in seconds) and all subsequent times are
#' shifted forward by the same amount.
#' ## Input
#' Input can be a vector, or data frame. If a data frame, the column(s) of the
#' date-time data are specified using the `time` input. By default the first
#' column is assumed to contain the date-time data (i.e. `time = 1`).
#' If the date-time data is split over several columns (e.g. date in one column,
#' time in another), multiple columns can be specified (e.g. `time = c(1,2)`).
#' In this case, the `format` setting should reflect the correct order as
#' entered in `time`.
#' ## Time only data
#' Time-only data, that is times which lack an associated date, can also be
#' parsed. Normally, parsing time-only data will cause problems when the times
#' cross midnight (i.e. `00:00:00`). However, the function attempts to identify
#' when this occurs and parse the data correctly.
#' ## Formatting
#' See the \code{\link{lubridate}} package for more detail on acceptable
#' formatting.
#' Date-time data can be unspaced or separated by any combination of spaces,
#' forward slashes, hyphens, dots, commas, colons, semicolons, or underscores.
#' E.g. all these are parsed as the same date-time: `"2010-02-28 13:10:23",
#' "20100228131023", "2010,02/28 13.10;23", "2010 02 28 13_10-23"`.
#' - Times can be in 24H or 12H with AM/PM \cr E.g. "2010-02-28 13:10:23" or
#' "2010-02-28 1:10:23 PM"
#' - Times without initial zero are parsed as 24H time \cr E.g. "1:10:23" is
#' same as "1:10:23 AM" or "01:10:23"
#' - AM/PM take precedence over 24H formatting for 01-12h \cr E.g. "1:10:23 PM"
#' and "01:10:23 PM" are both same as "13:10:23"
#' - However, 24H formatting for 13-24h takes precedence over AM/PM \cr E.g.
#' "13:10:23 AM" is identified as "1:10:23 PM" or "13:10:23"
#' ## Syntax of 'format' input
#' Specify the order of year, month, day, and time in your date-time input.
#' `d` - Day of the month as decimal number (01--31 or 1--31).
#' `m` - Month of the year as decimal number (01--12 or 1--12).
#' `y` - Year (2010, 2001, 1989).
#' `H` - Hour as decimal number (00--24 or 0--24 or 00-12 (see `p`)).
#' `M` - Minute as decimal number (00--59 or 0--59).
#' `S` - Second as decimal number (00--59 or 0--59).
#' `p` - AM/PM indicator for 12-h date-time format (e.g. "01/12/2020 1:30:44 PM
#' " would be `"dmyHMSp"`).
#' Specify the order using the `format` input, using separators or not
#' (optional): `"dmyHMS"`; `"dmy_HMS"` and `"d m y H M S"` are all the same. See
#' Examples.
#' Single experimental datasets should never span different time zones, so if a
#' time zone is present it is ignored for the purposes of calculating numeric
#' times.
#' ## More
#' For additional help, documentation, vignettes, and more visit the `respR`
#' website at <https://januarharianto.github.io/respR/>
#' @return **Output**: If the input is a vector, output is a vector of equal
#'   length containing the numeric time data. For data frame inputs, an
#'   identical data frame is returned, with a new column named `time_num` added
#'   as the **final** column.
#' @param x vector or data frame containing strings or class POSIX.ct date-time
#'   data to be converted to numeric.
#' @param time numeric value or vector. Specifies column(s) containing date-time
#'   data. Default is `1`.
#' @param format string. Code describing structure of date-time data. See
#'   Details.
#' @param start numeric. At what time (in seconds) should the formatted time
#'   data start? Default is `1`.
#' @importFrom lubridate parse_date_time
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{lubridate}}
#' @examples
#' # Convert year-month-day hour-min-sec
#' x <- c("09-02-03 01:11:11", "09-02-03 02:11:11","09-02-03 02:25:11")
#' format_time(x)
#' # Convert day-month-year hour-min, and use a separator in the format
#' x <- c("03-02-09 01:11", "03-02-09 02:11","03-02-09 02:25")
#' format_time(x, format = "dmy_HM")
#' # Convert when AM/PM is present
#' x <- c("09-02-03 11:11:11 AM", "09-02-03 12:11:11 PM","09-02-03 01:25:11 PM")
#' # This is WRONG - the AM/PM indicator is missing
#' format_time(x, format = "dmyHMS")
#' # This is correct
#' format_time(x, format = "dmyHMSp")
#' # Convert dataframe with year-month-day hour-min-sec (ymdHMS default)
#' x <- data.frame(
#'   x = c("09-02-03 01:11:11", "09-02-03 02:11:11","09-02-03 02:25:11"),
#'   y = c(23, 34, 45))
#' format_time(x, time = 1)
#' # Convert dataframe with time in a different column and non-default format
#' x <- data.frame(
#'   x = c(23, 34, 45),
#'   y = c("09-02-2018 11:11:11 AM", "09-02-2018 12:11:11 PM","09-02-2018 01:25:11 PM"),
#'   z = c(56, 67, 78))
#' format_time(x, time = 2, format = "dmyHMSp")
#' # Convert dataframe with separate date and time columns, and times crossing midnight
#' x <- data.frame(
#'   w = c("09-02-18", "09-02-18","10-02-18"),
#'   x = c("22:11:11", "23:11:11","00:25:11"),
#'   y = c(23, 34, 45),
#'   z = c(56, 67, 78))
#' # Crosses midnight, but parses correctly even without dates
#' format_time(x, time = 2, format = "HMS")
#' # Include dates to double check
#' format_time(x, time = 1:2, format = "dmyHMS")
#' # Input same as different column order & appropriate format order
#' format_time(x, time = 2:1, format = "HMSdmy")
#' # Convert a data frame with date and time split over multiple columns
#' x <- data.frame(
#'   u = c("09", "09","10"),
#'   v = c("02", "02","02"),
#'   w = c("2018", "2018","2018"),
#'   x = c("22:11:11", "23:11:11","00:25:11"),
#'   y = c(23, 34, 45),
#'   z = c(56, 67, 78))
#' format_time(x, time = 1:4, format = "dmyHMS")

format_time <- function(x, time = 1, format = "ymdHMS", start = 1) {

    dt <- data.table(x)  # convert to data.table object, regardless of type

  # check if object is data frame and multiple time columns are specified
  # the time columns will be concatenated and then saved for further analysis
  if (length(time) > 1) {
    dt <- dt[, time, with = FALSE]  # extract columns
    # join date time columns to single string
    ts <- apply(dt, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = " "))
  } else if (length(time) == 1) {
    ts <- dt[, time, with = FALSE]  # extract columns
  } else ts <- x # otherwise assume that object is a vector list of date(s)
  # end if

  # TODO: gotta add tryCatch() here if parse_date_time() fails.

  ## changed from unlist to purrr::reduce here
  ## Because of failure to convert i still don't really understand.
  ## But 'unlist' on the data.table column of already posix date-times caused them
  ## to be converted to unix times so then the 'format' was wrong.
  ## Added purrr:reduce instead, which seems like it preserves the class
  ## It's something to do with "ts" being a data.table/data.frame column.
  ## Does not happen with vectors.

  # formate to datetime
  dtm <- suppressWarnings(lubridate::parse_date_time(purrr::reduce(ts, c), format))
  if (all(is.na(dtm)))
    stop("format_time: failed to parse data. Please check 'format' input.")

  # calculate the difference in all times, from starting time (dtm[1])
  intervals <- as.numeric(difftime(dtm, dtm[1], units = "secs"))

  # quality check - does time cross midnight?
  # usually happens when no date is provided
  if (any(diff(intervals) < 0)) {
    message("Times cross midnight, attempting to parse correctly... ")
    # if format is "HMS", assume that neg interval time indicates midnight cross
    # i.e. switch from 23:59:59 to 00:00:00
    # create index to determine locations that signal different days
    # indx <- which(diff(intervals) < 0)
    indx <- c(0, which(diff(intervals) < 0), length(intervals))
    # generate new data based on index values and adjust dummy dates
    new_dtm <- lapply(1:(length(indx) - 1), function(i) {
      dtm[(indx[i] + 1):indx[i + 1]] + lubridate::days(i - 1)
    new_dtm <- do.call("c", new_dtm)  # combine the output into a list
    # recalculate intervals with the corrected data:
    intervals <- as.numeric(difftime(new_dtm, new_dtm[1], units = "secs"))
  }  # end if

  # sometimes even if there is an output it may be wrong because data structure
  #   is wrong - so we check for issues before we continue.

  # check for non-sequential time
  if (check_seq(intervals)$check) stop("Parsing of time-only data unsuccessful:
    Non-sequential numeric time values found.")

  # adjust start time, if specified
  intervals <- intervals + start

  # output results
  # if original object was a data frame object, we append data on the right
  if (is.data.table(x)) {
    out <- data.table(x, time_num = intervals)
  } else if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    out <- cbind(x, time_num = intervals)
  } else {
    # otherwise just output the data as vector:
    out <- intervals
  }  # end if


}  # end format_time()

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respR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:14 a.m.