#' Calculate critical oxygen values, such as PCrit
#' Identifies critical oxygen values, the oxygen tension or concentration below
#' which an uptake rate transitions from independent to dependent on the oxygen
#' supply, typically known as *PCrit*.
#' In earlier versions of `respR`, this function was known as `pcrit` or
#' `calc_pcrit`. It was renamed to avoid conflicts with functions of the same
#' name in another package, and also because technically the *P* in *PCrit*
#' stands for the partial *pressure* of oxygen. Since the function returns the
#' value in the units of the data as entered, whether they are concentration or
#' pressure units, this terminology can be technically in error. Instead, for
#' the purposes of the documentation we refer to this as the *Critical Oxygen
#' Value*, or "*COV*". If the units of oxygen are partial pressure units (e.g.
#' kPa), this is equivalent to PCrit, otherwise they should be reported with
#' this in mind.
#' ## Methods
#' The `oxy_crit()` function provides two methods (one of which outputs two
#' results) to calculate the *COV*. These are selected using the `method` input.
#' ### Broken Stick Regression: `method = "bsr"`
#' This is the default method, adapted from the “Broken-Stick” regression
#' (*BSR*) approach, of Yeager & Ultsch (1989), in which two segments of the
#' data are iteratively fitted and the intersection with the smallest sum of the
#' residual sum of squares between the two linear models is the estimated *COV*.
#' Two slightly different ways of reporting this breakpoint are detailed by
#' Yeager & Ultsch (1989); the *intercept* and *midpoint*. These are usually
#' very close in value, and the function returns both.
#' The `thin` input influences the *BSR* analysis. The method is very
#' computationally intensive, so to speed up analyses the `thin` input will
#' subsample datasets longer than this input to this number or rows before
#' analysis. The default value of 5000 has in testing provided a good balance
#' between speed and results accuracy and repeatability. However, results may
#' vary with different datasets, so users should experiment with varying the
#' value. To perform no subsampling and use the entire dataset enter `thin =
#' NULL`. It has no effect on datasets shorter than the `thin` input.
#' ### Segmented Regression: `method = "segmented"`
#' The second method is a wrapper for the "Segmented" regression approach,
#' available as part of the `segmented` R package (Muggeo 2008), which estimates
#' the *COV* by iteratively fitting two intersecting models and selecting the
#' value that minimises the “gap” between the fitted lines.
#' ## Inputs
#' The data input `x` should be an `inspect` object or `data.frame` containing
#' oxygen~time data, or a `data.frame` containing rate~oxygen data.
#' ### Oxygen ~ Time data
#' This is the typical input, where a timeseries of oxygen concentrations or
#' partial pressures against time has been recorded, generally down to a very
#' low value of oxygen. A column of `time` and a column of `oxygen` should be
#' specified. The function defaults to `time = 1` and `oxygen = 2` if no other
#' inputs are entered. These can also be specified using the column names.
#' If an `inspect` object is entered as the `x` input, the data frame is
#' extracted automatically and column identifiers are not required since these
#' were already entered in `inspect`. Note, if multiple `oxygen` columns were
#' entered in `inspect` only the first entered one will be used in `oxy_crit`.
#' To calculate the *COV*, the function requires data in the form of oxygen
#' uptake rate against oxygen value. Therefore, the function performs a rolling
#' regression on the oxygen~time data to determine rates, and pairs these
#' against a rolling mean of the oxygen data. The function then performs the
#' selected analysis `method` on these data. The width of the rolling regression
#' and rolling mean is determined by the `width` input. The default is 0.1,
#' representing 10% of the length of the data. This performs well in testing,
#' however performance may vary with data that has abrupt changes in rate, or is
#' particularly noisy. Users should experiment with different `width` values to
#' see how it affects results, and report this with their results and analysis
#' parameters.
#' ### Rate ~ Oxygen data
#' Alternatively, if existing rolling oxygen uptake rates have been calculated,
#' and have appropriate paired oxygen concentration or partial pressure values,
#' these can be entered with the `rate` and `oxygen` inputs specifying the
#' respective columns as either numbers or the column names. In this case the
#' function performs the selected analysis `method` on these data directly
#' without any processing. The `width` input in this case is not relevant and is
#' ignored.
#' This option can only be used with data frame `x` inputs. Note, other columns
#' such as time data may be present in the input, but are not required so need
#' not be specified.
#' ## Plot
#' A plot is produced (provided `plot = TRUE`) of the input data and results.
#' The top panel is the input data, either the oxygen~time timeseries, or the
#' rate~oxygen series, depending on what was entered in `x`. If the former, the
#' critical oxygen value is indicated by a horizontal line, or two lines in the
#' case of the Broken-Stick analysis. Note, since the two *BSR* results are
#' usually close in value these may overlay each other.
#' The bottom plot is the rate~oxygen series upon which the analysis was
#' conducted, either as input or as calculated. Critical oxygen values are
#' indicated by vertical lines, and regression fits upon which the analysis was
#' based by black dashed lines.
#' Note, that in `respR` oxygen uptake rates are negative since they represent a
#' negative slope of oxygen against time, therefore by default rates are plotted
#' on a reverse y-axis so higher rates appear higher on the plot. If analysing
#' already calculated rates which are positive values this behaviour can be
#' reversed by passing `rate.rev = FALSE` in either the main function call or
#' when calling `plot()` on the output object. There is no issue with using
#' positive rate values; they will give identical critical value results in the
#' analysis.
#' ### Additional plotting options
#' If the legend obscures parts of the plot they can be suppressed using `legend
#' = FALSE`. Suppress console output messages with `quiet = TRUE`. Each panel
#' can be plotted on its own using `panel = 1` or `panel = 2`. If using
#' already-calculated, positive rate values to identify critical oxygen values,
#' the y-axis of the rolling rate plot can be plotted *not* reversed by passing
#' `rate.rev = FALSE` These inputs can be passed in either the main `oxy_crit`
#' call or when calling `plot()` on the output object. If axis labels
#' (particularly y-axis) are difficult to read, `las = 2` can be passed to make
#' axis labels horizontal, and `oma` (outer margins, default `oma = c(0.4, 1,
#' 1.5, 0.4)`), and `mai` (inner margins, default `mai = c(0.3, 0.15, 0.35,
#' 0.15)`) used to adjust plot margins.
#' ## S3 Generic Functions
#' Saved output objects can be used in the generic S3 functions `print()` and
#' `summary()`.
#' - `print()`: prints the critical oxygen value for the particular `method`
#' used.
#' - `summary()`: prints critical oxygen value, plus additional coefficients and
#' metadata for the particular `method` used. See Yeager & Ultsch (1989) and
#' Muggeo (2008) for what these represent. The summary can be exported as a
#' separate data frame by passing `export = TRUE`.
#' ## More
#' For additional help, documentation, vignettes, and more visit the `respR`
#' website at <>
#' @return Output is a `list` object of class `oxy_crit` containing input
#' parameters and data, various summary data, metadata, and the primary output
#' of interest `$crit`, which is the critical oxygen value in the units of the
#' oxygen data as entered. This can be converted to additional units using
#' [`convert_DO()`]. Note, if the Broken-Stick analysis (`method == "bsr"`)
#' has been used, `$crit` will contain two results; `$crit.intercept` and
#' `$crit.midpoint`. For full explanation of the difference between these see
#' Yeager & Ultsch (1989), however they are generally very close in value.
#' @param x object of class `inspect` or a `data.frame` containing either paired
#' oxygen~time values, or paired rate~oxygen values. See Details.
#' @param method string. Defaults to `"bsr"`. Critical oxygen value analysis
#' method. Either `"bsr"` or `"segmented"`. See Details.
#' @param time integer or string. Defaults to 1. Specifies column number or
#' column name of the time data.
#' @param oxygen integer or string. Defaults to 2. Specifies column number or
#' column name of the oxygen data.
#' @param rate integer or string. Defaults to NULL. Specifies column number or
#' column name of the rate data.
#' @param width numeric value between 0 and 1 representing proportion of the
#' total data length. Determines the width of the rolling regression used to
#' determine the rolling rate and the rolling mean of oxygen values the rate
#' is paired with. Defaults to 0.1, representing 10% of total rows.
#' @param parallel logical. Defaults to FALSE. Enables parallel processing for
#' computationally intensive analyses of large datasets.
#' @param thin integer. Defaults to 5000. Number of rows to subsample `x` data
#' to before running `"bsr"` analysis. No effect on datasets smaller than this
#' value or with `"segmented"` method. To perform no subsampling enter as
#' `NULL`. See Details.
#' @param plot logical. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ... Allows additional plotting controls to be passed, such as `legend
#' = FALSE`, `quiet = TRUE`, `rate.rev = FALSE`, and `panel`. See Plotting
#' section.
#' @importFrom data.table data.table setnames setorder rbindlist
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster clusterExport parLapply
#' stopCluster
#' @export
#' @references Yeager DP, Ultsch GR (1989) Physiological regulation and
#' conformation: A BASIC program for the determination of critical points.
#' Physiological Zoology 62:888–907. doi: 10.1086/physzool.62.4.30157935
#' Muggeo V (2008) Segmented: an R package to fit regression models with
#' broken-line relationships. R News 8:20–25.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Run on oxygen~time data.frame with default inputs
#' oxy_crit(squid.rd)
#' ## Try a lower 'thin' input to speed up analysis
#' oxy_crit(squid.rd, thin = 1000)
#' ## Use the Segmented method instead
#' oxy_crit(squid.rd, method = "segmented")
#' ## Experiment with different 'width' input
#' # Higher widths tend to oversmooth data
#' oxy_crit(squid.rd, method = "segmented", width = 0.2)
#' # Lower width in this case gives very similar result to default 0.1
#' oxy_crit(squid.rd, method = "segmented", width = 0.05)
#' ## Run on oxygen~time data in 'inspect' object
#' insp <- inspect(squid.rd, time = 1, oxygen = 2)
#' oxy_crit(insp)
#' ## Run on already calculated rate~oxygen data
#' # Calculate a rolling rate
#' rate <- auto_rate(squid.rd,
#' method = "rolling",
#' width = 0.1,
#' plot = FALSE)$rate
#' ## Calculate a rolling mean oxygen
#' oxy <- na.omit(roll::roll_mean(squid.rd[[2]],
#' width = 0.1 * nrow(squid.rd)))
#' ## Combine to data.frame
#' squid_rate_oxy <- data.frame(oxy, rate)
#' ## Perform COV analysis
#' oxy_crit(squid_rate_oxy, oxygen = 1, rate = 2)
#' }
oxy_crit <- function(x, method = "bsr", time = NULL, oxygen = NULL, rate = NULL,
width = 0.1, parallel = FALSE, thin = 5000, plot = TRUE, ...) {
## Save function call for output
call <-
# data validation
if (any(class(x) %in% "inspect")) df <- x$dataframe else
df <- x
if (! stop("oxy_crit: Input must be an 'inspect' or data.frame object.")
if (!(dplyr::between(width, 0.001, 0.999)))
stop("oxy_crit: 'width' input should be between 0.001 to 0.999, representing a proportion of the total data length.")
## validate method
method.val(method, "oxy_crit")
## validate thin
input.val(thin, num = TRUE, int = TRUE, req = FALSE,
max = 1, min = 1, range = c(1,Inf), msg = "oxy_crit: 'thin' -")
## validate column inputs
# parse names to numbers
if(is.character(time)) time <-, df, "oxy_crit: ")
if(is.character(oxygen)) oxygen <-, df, "oxy_crit: ")
if(is.character(rate)) rate <-, df, "oxy_crit: ")
column.val(time, req = FALSE, min = 1, max = 1,
range = c(1,ncol(df)), conflicts = c(oxygen, rate), msg = "oxy_crit: 'time' -")
column.val(oxygen, req = FALSE, min = 1, max = 1,
range = c(1,ncol(df)), conflicts = c(time, rate), msg = "oxy_crit: 'oxygen' -")
column.val(rate, req = FALSE, min = 1, max = 1,
range = c(1,ncol(df)), conflicts = c(time, oxygen), msg = "oxy_crit: 'rate' -")
## Rate~Oxygen analysis can only be done with dfs not inspect
if("inspect" %in% class(x) && !is.null(oxygen) && !is.null(rate))
stop("oxy_crit: 'inspect' input detected. Rate~Oxygen analyses cannot be conducted with 'inspect' objects!")
## if inspect - any other inputs ignored - should be NULL
if("inspect" %in% class(x) && (!is.null(time) | !is.null(oxygen) | !is.null(rate))) {
warning("oxy_crit: 'inspect' input detected. Column inputs ignored. These will have been specified in 'inspect'.")
time <- NULL
oxygen <- NULL
rate <- NULL
## if inspect - multiple columns warning
if("inspect" %in% class(x) && ncol(x$dataframe) > 2)
warning("oxy_crit: Multiple columns of oxygen data found in 'inspect' input.\n Analysis will use first column only!\n To analyse other oxygen columns, use 'inspect()' to save them as separate objects.")
## if inputs NULL, apply defaults
if(is.null(time) && is.null(oxygen) && is.null(rate)) {
time = 1
oxygen = 2
col1 <- time
col2 <- oxygen
convert = TRUE
message("oxy_crit: Applying column defaults of 'time = 1' and 'oxygen = 2'.")
## time and oxygen columns
} else if (!is.null(time) && !is.null(oxygen) && is.null(rate)) {
col1 <- time
col2 <- oxygen
convert = TRUE
message("oxy_crit: Performing analysis using Oxygen ~ Time data.")
} else if (is.null(time) && !is.null(oxygen) && !is.null(rate)) {
col1 <- oxygen
col2 <- rate
convert = FALSE
message("oxy_crit: Performing analysis using Rate ~ Oxygen data.")
} else {
stop("oxy_crit: Inputs should be 'time' and 'oxygen' columns, or 'oxygen' and 'rate' columns.")
# begin analysis -----
# extract data first:
if (any(class(df) %in% "data.table")) {
dt <- subset(df, select = c(col1, col2))
} else {
dt <- data.table(df[, c(col1, col2)])
data.table::setnames(dt, 1:2, c("x", "y")) # rename columns
# if raw oxygen data, automatically generate rate data
if (convert) {
win <- floor(width*nrow(dt))
dt_mr <- generate_mrdf(dt, win)
# else format existing rate data as same structure
} else {
dt_mr <- dt
# Arrange the dataset in ascending order by x to prep for broken-stick model:
data.table::setorder(dt_mr, "x")
# broken-stick -----
if(method == "bsr"){
message("oxy_crit: Performing Broken-Stick analysis (Yeager and Ultsch 1989)...")
# for Done message <- Sys.time()
# speed up large data by subsampling:
if (!is.null(thin) && nrow(dt_mr) > thin) {
sdt <- subsample(dt_mr, length.out = thin, plot = F)
} else sdt <- dt_mr
# generate index for iterative sampling.
lseq <-, nrow(sdt) - 2) # generate sequence for lm
# perform analysis:
if (parallel) {
no_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1 # use n-1 cores
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores) # initiate cluster and use those cores
# parallel::clusterExport(cl, "broken_stick") # import function to use
results <- parallel::parLapply(cl, lseq, function(z) broken_stick(sdt, z))
parallel::stopCluster(cl) # release cores
} else results <- lapply(lseq, function(z) broken_stick(sdt,z))
# convert output to data.table:
results <- data.table::rbindlist(results)
# arrange by increasing total sum of squares of residuals
data.table::setorder(results, sumRSS)
# reorder columns so 2 results are last columns
# and rename
results <- results[,c(1,2,5:8,3,4)]
names(results)[7:8] <- c("crit.intercept", "crit.midpoint")
summary <- results[1]
crit <- list(crit.intercept = summary$crit.intercept,
crit.midpoint = summary$crit.midpoint) <- Sys.time()
dur <- difftime(,, units = "secs")
dur <- round(as.numeric((dur)), 1)
message(glue::glue("oxy_crit: Broken-Stick analysis completed in {dur} seconds."))
# segmented -----
if(method == "segmented"){
message("oxy_crit: Performing Segmented breakpoint analysis (Muggeo 2003)...")
lmfit <- lm(y ~ x, dt_mr)
results <- segmented::segmented(lmfit, seg.Z = ~ x)
message("oxy_crit: Segmented analysis convergence attained in ", results$it, " iterations.")
fit <- fitted(results)
seg_fit <- data.table::data.table(x = dt_mr$x, y = fit)
results$seg_fit <- seg_fit
crit <- results$psi[2]
# not actually sure what to put in this, but there has to be something
summary <- c(results$coefficients,
std.err = results$psi[3],
crit.segmented = crit)
summary <-
names(summary) <- c("Intercept", "x", "U1.x", "psi1.x", "std.err", "crit.segmented")
## rename df columns for output
if(convert) names(dt) <- c("time", "oxygen") else
names(dt) <- c("oxygen", "rate")
names(dt_mr) <- c("oxygen", "rate")
# output -----
out <- list(
call = call,
inputs = list(x = x, method = method, time = time,
oxygen = oxygen, rate = rate,
width = width, plot = plot,
thin = thin,
parallel = parallel),
dataframe = dt,
df_rate_oxygen = dt_mr,
width = width,
convert = convert,
method = method,
results = results,
summary = summary,
crit = crit
class(out) <- "oxy_crit"
# Plot, if true
if (plot) plot(out, ...)
#' Print oxy_crit objects
#' @param x oxy_crit object
#' @param ... Pass additional inputs
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Print to console. No returned value.
#' @export
print.oxy_crit <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\n# print.oxy_crit # ----------------------\n")
if(x$method == "bsr") {
cat("Broken-Stick (Yeager & Ultsch 1989):\n\n")
cat("Sum RSS ", x$summary$sumRSS, "\n")
cat("Intercept ", x$summary$crit.intercept, "\n")
cat("Midpoint ", x$summary$crit.midpoint, "\n")
if(x$method == "segmented"){
cat("Segmented (Muggeo 2003):\n\n")
cat("Std. Err. ", x$summary$std.err, "\n")
cat("Breakpoint ", x$summary$crit.segmented, "\n")
#' Summarise oxy_crit objects
#' @param object oxy_crit object
#' @param export logical. Export result as data frame.
#' @param ... Pass additional inputs
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Print to console. No returned value.
#' @export
summary.oxy_crit <- function(object, export = FALSE, ...) {
cat("\n# summary.oxy_crit # --------------------\n\n")
## result
summ <- unlist(object$summary)
out <-
if(object$method == "bsr") {
cat("--Broken-Stick Analysis Summary--\n")
cat("Top ranked result shown. Others available in '$results' element of output.\n\n")
if(object$method == "segmented") {
cat("--Segmented Analysis Summary--\n")
print(out, nrows = 50, class = FALSE)
if(export == TRUE) return(invisible(out))
#' Plot oxy_crit objects
#' @param x oxy_crit object
#' @param panel integer. Which panel to plot individually.
#' @param quiet logical. Suppress console output.
#' @param legend logical. Suppress labels and legends.
#' @param rate.rev logical. Control direction of y-axis in rolling rate plot.
#' @param ... Pass additional plotting parameters
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A plot. No returned value.
#' @export
plot.oxy_crit <- function(x, legend = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, panel = NULL,
rate.rev = TRUE, ...) {
parorig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save original par settings
on.exit(par(parorig)) # revert par settings to original
if(!quiet && !x$convert)
message("plot.oxy_crit: Plotting Rate ~ Oxygen derived critical oxygen results.")
if(!quiet && x$convert)
message("plot.oxy_crit: Plotting Oxygen ~ Time derived critical oxygen results.")
# Prepare data
# bsr
if(x$method == "bsr") {
bsr.intercept <- x$crit$crit.intercept
bsr.midpoint <- x$crit$crit.midpoint
cutoff <- x$summary$splitpoint[1]
segment1 <- x$df_rate_oxygen[which(x$df_rate_oxygen[[1]] <= cutoff)]
segment2 <- x$df_rate_oxygen[which(x$df_rate_oxygen[[1]] > cutoff)]
# seg
if(x$method == "segmented") {
seg.breakpoint <- x$crit
# Plot settings -----------------------------------------------------------
# Point character colour and type
c1 <- adjustcolor("lightgreen", alpha.f = 1)
# point size
ptcex <- 0.5
# legend text size
legcex <- 0.8
# legend text vertical spacing
leg.y.intersp <- 0.7
# result line colours
# in BSR Intercept, BSR Midpoint, Seg Breakpoint order
line_cols_bsr <- c("red", "orange")
line_cols_seg <- c("steelblue")
line_types_bsr <- c(2,3)
line_types_seg <- c(4)
line_wt <- 3
# additional lines type, weight and colour
line_type_add <- 4
line_wt_add <- 1
line_col_add <- "black"
# set plot layout based on 'panel'
if(is.null(panel)) {
panel <- 1:2
mfrow = c(2,1)
} else {
mfrow = c(1,1)
if(any(panel > 2))
stop("plot.oxy_crit: 'panel' input should be 1 to 2 or 'NULL' for both.")
## general plot settings
par(mfrow = mfrow,
oma = oma_def,
mai = mai_def_top_ext,
mgp = mgp_def,
tck = tck_def,
las = las_def,
pch = pch_def,
ps = 10,
cex = 1,
cex.main = 1)
# Plot 1 - Timeseries -----------------------------------------------------
if(1 %in% panel) {
if (!x$convert) {
ylim <- grDevices::extendrange(
r = range(x$df_rate_oxygen$rate, na.rm = TRUE), f = 0.05) ## add a little more space
if(rate.rev) ylim <- rev(ylim) ## reverse y-axis
plot(x$dataframe, col = c1, xlab = "", ylab = "", cex = ptcex,
panel.first = grid(lwd = .7), ylim=ylim)
mtext("Rate~Oxygen Timeseries",
outer = TRUE, cex = 1.2, line = 0, font = 2)
} else {
plot(x$dataframe, col = c1, xlab = "", ylab = "", cex = ptcex,
panel.first = grid(lwd = .7))
if(x$method == "bsr")
abline(h = bsr.intercept, col = line_cols_bsr[1], lwd = line_wt, lty = line_types_bsr[1])
if(x$method == "bsr")
abline(h = bsr.midpoint, col = line_cols_bsr[2], lwd = line_wt, lty = line_types_bsr[2])
if(x$method == "segmented")
abline(h = seg.breakpoint, col = line_cols_seg, lwd = line_wt, lty = line_types_seg)
# Legend
if(x$method == "bsr"){
leg <- c(glue::glue("Intercept (BSR): ", signif(bsr.intercept, 4)),
glue::glue("Midpoint (BSR): ", signif(bsr.midpoint, 4)))
line_cols <- line_cols_bsr
line_types <- line_types_bsr
if(x$method == "segmented"){
leg <- c(glue::glue("Breakpoint (Seg): ", signif(seg.breakpoint, 4)))
line_cols <- line_cols_seg
line_types <- line_types_seg
if(legend) legend("topright",
col = line_cols,
lty = line_types,
lwd = line_wt,
xjust = 1,
yjust = 1,
bty = "n",
horiz = F,
cex = legcex,
y.intersp = leg.y.intersp)
mtext("Oxygen~Time Timeseries",
outer = TRUE, cex = 1.2, line = 0, font = 2)
# Plot 2 - Broken Stick ---------------------------------------------------
if(x$method == "bsr" && 2 %in% panel) {
ylim <- grDevices::extendrange(
r = range(x$df_rate_oxygen$rate, na.rm = TRUE), f = 0.05) ## add a little more space
if(rate.rev) ylim <- rev(ylim) ## reverse y-axis
plot(x$df_rate_oxygen, col = c1, xlab = "", ylab = "", cex = ptcex,
panel.first = grid(lwd = .7), ylim = ylim)
abline(lm(rate ~ oxygen, segment1), lwd = line_wt_add, lty = line_type_add, col = line_col_add)
abline(lm(rate ~ oxygen, segment2), lwd = line_wt_add, lty = line_type_add, col = line_col_add)
abline(v = bsr.intercept, col = line_cols_bsr[1], lwd = line_wt, lty = line_types_bsr[1])
abline(v = bsr.midpoint, col = line_cols_bsr[2], lwd = line_wt, lty = line_types_bsr[2])
if(legend) legend("bottomright",
c(glue::glue("Intercept (BSR): ", signif(bsr.intercept, 4)),
glue::glue("Midpoint (BSR): ", signif(bsr.midpoint, 4))),
col = line_cols_bsr,
lty = line_types_bsr,
lwd = line_wt,
#bg = "gray90",
xjust = 1, yjust = 1,
bty = "n", horiz = F,
cex = legcex,
y.intersp = leg.y.intersp)
title(main = "Broken-Stick Result (Rate~Oxygen)", line = 0.5)
# Plot 2 - Segmented ------------------------------------------------------
if(x$method == "segmented" && 2 %in% panel) {
ylim <- grDevices::extendrange(
r = range(x$df_rate_oxygen$rate, na.rm = TRUE), f = 0.05) ## add a little more space
if(rate.rev) ylim <- rev(ylim) ## reverse y-axis
plot(x$df_rate_oxygen, col = c1, xlab = "", ylab = "", lwd = 2, cex = ptcex,
panel.first = grid(lwd = .7), ylim=ylim)
# subsample fit model otherwise dashed line type is too dense to see
if (nrow(x$results$seg) > 1000)
fitsub <- subsample(x$results$seg, length.out = 1000, plot = F)
else fitsub <- x$results$seg
lines(fitsub, type = "l", lwd = line_wt_add, lty = line_type_add, col = line_col_add)
abline(v = seg.breakpoint, col = line_cols_seg, lwd = line_wt, lty = line_types_seg)
if(legend) legend("bottomright",
glue::glue("Breakpoint (Seg): ", signif(seg.breakpoint, 4)),
col = line_cols_seg,
lty = line_types_seg,
lwd = line_wt,
#bg = "gray90",
xjust = 1, yjust = 1,
bty = "n", horiz = F,
cex = legcex,
y.intersp = leg.y.intersp)
title(main = "Segmented Result (Rate~Oxygen)", line = 0.5)
#' Average oxy_crit object rates
#' @param x oxy_crit object
#' @param ... Pass additional inputs
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Print to console. No returned value.
#' @export
mean.oxy_crit <- function(x, ...){
message("oxy_crit: mean() is not available for 'oxy_crit' objects.")
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