#' Scaffold R wrappers for Python functions
#' @param python_function Fully qualified name of Python function or class
#' constructor (e.g. `tf$layers$average_pooling1d`)
#' @param r_prefix Prefix to add to generated R function name
#' @param r_function Name of R function to generate (defaults to name of Python
#' function if not specified)
#' @note The generated wrapper will often require additional editing (e.g. to
#' convert Python list literals in the docs to R lists, to massage R numeric
#' values to Python integers via `as.integer` where required, etc.) so is
#' really intended as an starting point for an R wrapper rather than a wrapper
#' that can be used without modification.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
py_function_wrapper <- function(python_function, r_prefix = NULL, r_function = NULL) {
# get the docs
docs <- py_function_docs(python_function)
# generate wrapper w/ roxygen
con <- textConnection("wrapper", "w")
# title/description
write(sprintf("#' %s\n#' ", docs$description), file = con)
details <- gsub("\n", "\n#' ", docs$details, fixed = TRUE)
write(sprintf("#' %s\n#' ", details), file = con)
# parameters
for (param in names(docs$parameters)) {
# Note: the gsub is needed to prefix necessary indentations
# to bullet points in parameter description
param_description <- gsub("\n", "\n#' ", docs$parameters[[param]], fixed = TRUE)
write(sprintf("#' @param %s %s", param, param_description), file = con)
# returns
if (isTRUE(nzchar(docs$returns))) {
write("#' ", file = con)
write(sprintf("#' @return %s", gsub("^\n", "", docs$returns)), file = con)
# sections
for (section in names(docs$sections)) {
section_text <- docs$sections[[section]]
section_text <- gsub("\n", "\n#' ", section_text, fixed = TRUE)
write("#' ", file = con)
write(sprintf("#' @section %s:\n#' %s", section, section_text), file = con)
# export
write("#' ", file = con)
write("#' @export", file = con)
# signature
if (is.null(r_function)) {
r_function <- docs$name
if (!is.null(r_prefix))
r_function <- paste(r_prefix, r_function, sep = "_")
signature <- sub(paste0(docs$name, "\\("), paste(r_function, "<- function("), docs$signature)
write(paste(signature, "{"), file = con)
# delegation
write(paste0(" ", python_function, "("), file = con)
params <- names(docs$parameters)
if (length(params) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(params)) {
suffix <- if (i < length(params))
"\n )"
write(paste0(" ", params[[i]], " = ", params[[i]], suffix), file = con)
} else {
write(")", file = con)
# end function
write("}", file = con)
# close the connection
# return the wrapper with a special class so we can write a print method
class(wrapper) <- c("py_wrapper", "character")
#' @rdname py_function_wrapper
#' @export
py_function_docs <- function(python_function) {
# eval so that python loads
eval(parse(text = python_function))
# get components
components <- strsplit(python_function, "\\$")[[1]]
topic <- components[[length(components)]]
source <- paste(components[1:(length(components)-1)], collapse = "$")
# get function docs
function_docs <- help_handler(type = "completion", topic, source)
# get parameter docs
parameter_docs <- help_handler(type = "parameter", NULL, python_function)
# create a named list with parameters
parameters <- parameter_docs$arg_descriptions
names(parameters) <- parameter_docs$args
# create a new list with all doc info
list(name = function_docs$title,
qualified_name = python_function,
description = function_docs$description,
details = function_docs$details,
signature = function_docs$signature,
parameters = parameters,
sections = function_docs$sections,
returns = function_docs$returns)
#' @export
print.py_wrapper <- function(x, ...) {
cat(x, sep = "\n")
#' Custom Scaffolding of R Wrappers for Python Functions
#' This function can be used to generate R wrapper for a specified
#' Python function while allowing to inject custom code for critical parts of
#' the wrapper generation, such as process the any part of the docs obtained
#' from [py_function_docs()] and append additional roxygen fields. The result
#' from execution of `python_function` is assigned to a variable called
#' `python_function_result` that can also be processed by `postprocess_fn`
#' before writing the closing curly braces for the generated wrapper function.
#' @inheritParams py_function_wrapper
#' @param additional_roxygen_fields A list of additional roxygen fields to write
#' to the roxygen docs, e.g. `list(export = "", rdname =
#' "generated-wrappers")`.
#' @param process_docs_fn A function to process docs obtained from
#' `reticulate::py_function_docs(python_function)`.
#' @param process_param_fn A function to process each parameter needed for
#' `python_funcion` before executing `python_funcion.`
#' @param process_param_doc_fn A function to process the roxygen docstring for
#' each parameter.
#' @param postprocess_fn A function to inject any custom code in the form of a
#' string before writing the closing curly braces for the generated wrapper
#' function.
#' @param file_name The file name to write the generated wrapper function to. If
#' `NULL`, the generated wrapper will only be printed out in the console.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(tensorflow)
#' library(stringr)
#' # Example of a `process_param_fn` to cast parameters with default values
#' # that contains "L" to integers
#' process_int_param_fn <- function(param, docs) {
#' # Extract the list of parameters that have integer values as default
#' int_params <- gsub(
#' " = [-]?[0-9]+L",
#' "",
#' str_extract_all(docs$signature, "[A-z]+ = [-]?[0-9]+L")[[1]])
#' # Explicitly cast parameter in the list obtained above to integer
#' if (param %in% int_params) {
#' param <- paste0("as.integer(", param, ")")
#' }
#' param
#' }
#' # Note that since the default value of parameter `k` is `1L`. It is wrapped
#' # by `as.integer()` to ensure it's casted to integer before sending it to `tf$nn$top_k`
#' # for execution. We then print out the python function result.
#' py_function_custom_scaffold(
#' "tf$nn$top_k",
#' r_function = "top_k",
#' process_param_fn = process_int_param_fn,
#' postprocess_fn = function() { "print(python_function_result)" })
#' }
py_function_custom_scaffold <- function(
r_function = NULL,
additional_roxygen_fields = NULL,
process_docs_fn = function(docs) docs,
process_param_fn = function(param, docs) param,
process_param_doc_fn = function(param_doc, docs) param_doc,
postprocess_fn = function() {},
file_name = NULL
) {
write_line <- function(text) {
cat(text, sep = "\n")
wrapper_output <- capture.output(
docs <- reticulate::py_function_docs(python_function)
docs <- process_docs_fn(docs)
write_line(paste0("#' @description ", docs$description))
write_line(paste0("#' @title ", docs$name))
write_line("#' ")
# Write docstrings for each parameters
for (i in 1:length(docs$parameters)) {
param_name <- names(docs$parameters)[i]
param_doc <- process_param_doc_fn(docs$parameters[[param_name]], docs)
write_line(paste0("#' @param ", " ", names(docs$parameters)[i], " ", param_doc))
# Write additional roxygen fields
if (!is.null(additional_roxygen_fields)) {
if (!is.list(additional_roxygen_fields))
stop("additional_roxygen_fields_list must be a list")
invisible(lapply(names(additional_roxygen_fields), function(field_name) {
write_line(paste0("#' @", field_name, " ", additional_roxygen_fields[[field_name]]))
# Change the name of the wrapper
if (is.null(r_function)) {
r_function <- docs$name
# Generate function signature
signature <- sub(paste0(docs$name, "\\("),
paste(r_function, "<- function("), docs$signature)
write_line(paste(signature, "{\n"))
# Execute the Python function
write_line(paste0(" python_function_result <- ", python_function, "("))
# Generate parameters that get passed to the Python function call
params <- names(docs$parameters)
if (length(params) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(params)) {
param <- params[i]
suffix <- ifelse(i < length(params), ",", "\n )")
" ",
params[[i]], " = ",
process_param_fn(param, docs),
} else {
# Inject additional custom code
write_line(paste0(" ", postprocess_fn()))
if (is.null(file_name)) {
cat(wrapper_output, sep = "\n")
} else {
write(wrapper_output, file = file_name, append = TRUE)
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