GDALinfo <- function(fname, silent=FALSE, returnRAT=FALSE, returnCategoryNames=FALSE, returnStats=TRUE, returnColorTable=FALSE, OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84=NULL, returnScaleOffset=TRUE, allowedDrivers=NULL, enforce_xy=NULL, options=NULL) {
.Deprecated("", package="rgdal", msg="GDAL support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others")
if (nchar(fname) == 0) stop("empty file name")
x <-, silent=silent,
allowedDrivers=allowedDrivers, options=options)
d <- dim(x)[1:2]
dr <- getDriverName(getDriver(x))
if (!is.null(enforce_xy)) {
stopifnot(length(enforce_xy) == 1L)
} else {
enforce_xy <- get_enforce_xy()
# p4s <- .Call("RGDAL_GetProjectionRef", x, PACKAGE="rgdal")
p4s <- getProjectionRef(x, OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84=OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84, enforce_xy=enforce_xy)
if (! && nchar(p4s) == 0) p4s <- as.character(NA)
gt <- .Call('RGDAL_GetGeoTransform', x, PACKAGE="rgdal")
if (attr(gt, "CE_Failure") && !silent)
warning("GeoTransform values not available")
nbands <- .Call('RGDAL_GetRasterCount', x, PACKAGE="rgdal")
mdata <- .Call('RGDAL_GetMetadata', x, NULL, PACKAGE="rgdal")
subdsmdata <- .Call('RGDAL_GetMetadata', x, "SUBDATASETS",
if (nbands < 1) {
# warning("no bands in dataset")
df <- NULL
} else {
band <- 1:nbands
GDType <- character(nbands)
hasNoDataValues <- logical(nbands)
NoDataValues <- numeric(nbands)
blockSize1 <- integer(nbands)
blockSize2 <- integer(nbands)
if (returnStats) {
Bmin <- rep(as.numeric(NA), nbands)
Bmax <- rep(as.numeric(NA), nbands)
Bmn <- rep(as.numeric(NA), nbands)
Bsd <- rep(as.numeric(NA), nbands)
# Pix <- character(nbands)
if (returnRAT) RATlist <- vector(mode="list", length=nbands)
if (returnCategoryNames)
CATlist <- vector(mode="list", length=nbands)
if (returnColorTable)
colTabs <- vector(mode="list", length=nbands)
#RH 4feb2013
if (returnScaleOffset) {
scaleOffset <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=nbands)
colnames(scaleOffset) <- c('scale', 'offset')
for (i in seq(along = band)) {
raster <- getRasterBand(x, band[i])
GDType[i] <- .GDALDataTypes[(.Call("RGDAL_GetBandType",
raster, PACKAGE="rgdal"))+1]
bs <- getRasterBlockSize(raster)
blockSize1[i] <- bs[1]
blockSize2[i] <- bs[2]
if (returnStats) {
statsi <- .Call("RGDAL_GetBandStatistics", raster, silent,
if (is.null(statsi)) {
Bmin[i] <- .Call("RGDAL_GetBandMinimum", raster,
Bmax[i] <- .Call("RGDAL_GetBandMaximum", raster,
} else {
Bmin[i] <- statsi[1]
Bmax[i] <- statsi[2]
Bmn[i] <- statsi[3]
Bsd[i] <- statsi[4]
if (returnRAT) {
RATi <- .Call("RGDAL_GetRAT", raster, PACKAGE="rgdal")
if (!is.null(RATi)) RATlist[[i]] <- RATi
if (returnCategoryNames) {
CATi <- .Call("RGDAL_GetCategoryNames", raster,
if (!is.null(CATi)) CATlist[[i]] <- CATi
if (returnColorTable) {
colTabs[[i]] <- getBandColorTable(raster)
#RH 4feb2013
if (returnScaleOffset) {
scaleOffset[i,1] <- .Call('RGDAL_GetScale', raster,
scaleOffset[i,2] <- .Call('RGDAL_GetOffset', raster,
NDV <- .Call("RGDAL_GetBandNoDataValue", raster,
if (is.null(NDV)) {
hasNoDataValues[i] <- FALSE
} else {
hasNoDataValues[i] <- TRUE
NoDataValues[i] <- NDV[1]
# Pix[i] <- .Call("RGDAL_GetBandMetadataItem",
df <- data.frame(GDType=GDType, hasNoDataValue=hasNoDataValues,
NoDataValue=NoDataValues, blockSize1=blockSize1,
if (returnStats) df <- cbind(df, data.frame(Bmin=Bmin,
Bmax=Bmax, Bmean=Bmn, Bsd=Bsd))
# res <- c(rows=d[1], columns=d[2], bands=nbands, ll.x=gt[1], ll.y=gt[4],
# res.x=abs(gt[2]), res.y=abs(gt[6]), oblique.x=abs(gt[3]),
# oblique.y=abs(gt[5]))
### Modified: MDSumner 22 November 2008
cellsize = abs(c(gt[2], gt[6]))
ysign <- sign(gt[6])
offset.y <- ifelse(ysign < 0, gt[4] + ysign * d[1] * abs(cellsize[2]),
gt[4] + abs(cellsize[2]))
res <- c(rows = d[1], columns = d[2], bands = nbands, ll.x = gt[1],
ll.y = offset.y, res.x = abs(gt[2]), res.y = abs(gt[6]),
oblique.x = abs(gt[3]), oblique.y = abs(gt[5]))
#### end modification
attr(res, "ysign") <- ysign
attr(res, "driver") <- dr
attr(res, "projection") <- p4s
attr(res, "file") <- fname
attr(res, "df") <- df
attr(res, "sdf") <- returnStats
attr(res, "mdata") <- mdata
attr(res, "subdsmdata") <- subdsmdata
if (returnRAT) attr(res, "RATlist") <- RATlist
if (returnCategoryNames) attr(res, "CATlist") <- CATlist
if (returnColorTable) attr(res, "ColorTables") <- colTabs
#RH 4feb2013
if (returnScaleOffset) attr(res, "ScaleOffset") <- scaleOffset
class(res) <- "GDALobj"
print.GDALobj <- function(x, ...) {
.Deprecated("", package="rgdal", msg="GDAL support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others")
cat("rows ", x[1], "\n")
cat("columns ", x[2], "\n")
cat("bands ", x[3], "\n")
cat("lower left origin.x ", x[4], "\n")
cat("lower left origin.y ", x[5], "\n")
cat("res.x ", x[6], "\n")
cat("res.y ", x[7], "\n")
cat("ysign ", attr(x, "ysign"), "\n")
cat("oblique.x ", x[8], "\n")
cat("oblique.y ", x[9], "\n")
cat("driver ", attr(x, "driver"), "\n")
cat("projection ", paste(strwrap(attr(x, "projection")),
collapse="\n"), "\n")
cat("file ", attr(x, "file"), "\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "df"))) {
cat("apparent band summary:\n")
print(attr(x, "df")[,1:5])
if (attr(x, "sdf")) {
cat("apparent band statistics:\n")
print(attr(x, "df")[,6:9])
if (!is.null(attr(x, "ScaleOffset"))) {
somat <- attr(x, "ScaleOffset")
rws <- which(somat[,1] != 1 | somat[,2] != 0)
if (any(rws)) {
rownames(somat) <- paste("band", 1:nrow(somat), sep="")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "mdata"))) {
cv <- attr(x, "mdata")
for (i in 1:length(cv)) cat(cv[i], "\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "subdsmdata"))) {
cv <- attr(x, "subdsmdata")
for (i in 1:length(cv)) cat(cv[i], "\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "RATlist"))) {
RATs <- attr(x, "RATlist")
nRAT <- length(RATs)
if (nRAT == 1 ) cat("Raster attribute table:\n")
else cat("Raster attribute tables (", nRAT, "):\n", sep="")
for (i in 1:nRAT) {
if (i > 1) cat("----------------------\n")
RAT <- RATs[[i]]
cat(paste(" types:", paste(attr(RAT, "GFT_type"),
collapse=", ")), "\n")
cat(paste(" usages:", paste(attr(RAT, "GFT_usage"),
collapse=", ")), "\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "CATlist"))) {
CATs <- attr(x, "CATlist")
nCAT <- length(CATs)
cat("Category names:\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "ColorTables"))
&& length(attr(x, "ColorTables")) > 0)
cat("Colour tables returned for bands:",
paste(which(sapply(attr(x, "ColorTables"),
function(x) !is.null(x))), collapse=" "), "\n")
asGDALROD_SGDF <- function(from) {
x <- from
d = dim(x)
half.cell <- c(0.5,0.5)
offset <- c(0,0)
output.dim <- d[1:2]
# p4s <- .Call("RGDAL_GetProjectionRef", x, PACKAGE="rgdal")
p4s <- getProjectionRef(x, OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84=NULL)
if (! && nchar(p4s) == 0) p4s <- as.character(NA)
if (new_proj_and_gdal()) wkt2 <- comment(p4s)
oCRS <- CRS(c(p4s))
if (new_proj_and_gdal()) comment(oCRS) <- wkt2
gt = .Call('RGDAL_GetGeoTransform', x, PACKAGE="rgdal")
if (attr(gt, "CE_Failure")) warning("GeoTransform values not available")
if (any(gt[c(3,5)] != 0.0)) stop("Diagonal grid not permitted")
data = getRasterData(x, list_out=TRUE)
cellsize = abs(c(gt[2],gt[6]))
ysign <- sign(gt[6])
co.x <- gt[1] + (offset[2] + half.cell[2]) * cellsize[1]
co.y <- ifelse(ysign < 0, gt[4] + (ysign*((output.dim[1] +
offset[1]) + (ysign*half.cell[1]))) * abs(cellsize[2]),
gt[4] + (ysign*((offset[1]) + (ysign*half.cell[1]))) *
cellcentre.offset <- c(x=co.x, y=co.y)
grid = GridTopology(cellcentre.offset, cellsize, rev(output.dim))
# if (length(d) == 2L)
# df = list(band1 = as.vector(data))
# else {
# df <- vector(mode="list", length=d[3])
# df[[1]] <- as.vector(data[,,1, drop = FALSE])
# for (band in 2:d[3])
# df[[band]] <- as.vector(data[,,band, drop = FALSE])
# names(df) = paste("band", 1:d[3], sep="")
# }
return(SpatialGridDataFrame(grid = grid,
data =, proj4string=oCRS))
# data = data.frame(df), proj4string=CRS(p4s)))
setAs("GDALReadOnlyDataset", "SpatialGridDataFrame", asGDALROD_SGDF)
asSGDF_GROD <- function(x, offset, region.dim, output.dim, p4s=NULL, ..., half.cell=c(0.5,0.5), OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84=NULL, enforce_xy=NULL) {
.Deprecated("", package="rgdal", msg="GDAL support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others")
if (!extends(class(x), "GDALReadOnlyDataset"))
stop("x must be or extend a GDALReadOnlyDataset")
d = dim(x)
if (missing(offset)) offset <- c(0,0)
if (missing(region.dim)) region.dim <- dim(x)[1:2]
odim_flag <- NULL
if (!missing(output.dim)) odim_flag <- TRUE
else {
output.dim <- region.dim
odim_flag <- FALSE
# suggestion by Paul Hiemstra 070817
if (is.null(p4s))
# p4s <- .Call("RGDAL_GetProjectionRef", x, PACKAGE="rgdal")
if (!is.null(enforce_xy)) {
stopifnot(length(enforce_xy) == 1L)
} else {
enforce_xy <- get_enforce_xy()
p4s <- getProjectionRef(x, OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84=OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84, enforce_xy=enforce_xy)
if (! && nchar(p4s) == 0) p4s <- as.character(NA)
if (new_proj_and_gdal()) wkt2 <- comment(p4s)
oCRS <- CRS(c(p4s))
if (new_proj_and_gdal()) comment(oCRS) <- wkt2
gt = .Call('RGDAL_GetGeoTransform', x, PACKAGE="rgdal")
if (attr(gt, "CE_Failure")) warning("GeoTransform values not available")
if (any(gt[c(3,5)] != 0.0)) stop("Diagonal grid not permitted")
data = getRasterData(x, offset=offset,
region.dim=region.dim, output.dim=output.dim, ..., list_out=TRUE)
if (!odim_flag) cellsize = abs(c(gt[2],gt[6]))
else {
icellsize = abs(c(gt[2],gt[6]))
span <- icellsize * rev(d)
cellsize <- span / rev(output.dim)
ysign <- sign(gt[6])
co.x <- gt[1] + (offset[2] + half.cell[2]) * cellsize[1]
co.y <- ifelse(ysign < 0, gt[4] + (ysign*((output.dim[1] +
offset[1]) + (ysign*half.cell[1]))) * abs(cellsize[2]),
gt[4] + (ysign*((offset[1]) + (ysign*half.cell[1]))) *
cellcentre.offset <- c(x=co.x, y=co.y)
grid = GridTopology(cellcentre.offset, cellsize, rev(output.dim))
# if (length(d) == 2L)
# df = list(band1 = as.vector(data))
# else {
# df <- vector(mode="list", length=d[3])
# df[[1]] <- as.vector(data[,,1, drop = FALSE])
# for (band in 2:d[3])
# df[[band]] <- as.vector(data[,,band, drop = FALSE])
# names(df) = paste("band", 1:d[3], sep="")
# }
# df1 <- data.frame(df)
df1 <-
data = SpatialGridDataFrame(grid = grid,
data = df1, proj4string=oCRS)
readGDAL = function(fname, offset, region.dim, output.dim, band, p4s=NULL, ..., half.cell=c(0.5,0.5), silent = FALSE, OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84=NULL, allowedDrivers=NULL, enforce_xy=NULL, options=NULL) {
.Deprecated("", package="rgdal", msg="GDAL support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others")
if (nchar(fname) == 0) stop("empty file name")
x =, silent=silent,
allowedDrivers=allowedDrivers, options=options)
d = dim(x)
if (missing(offset)) offset <- c(0,0)
if (missing(region.dim)) region.dim <- dim(x)[1:2] # rows=nx, cols=ny
# else d <- region.dim
odim_flag <- NULL
if (missing(band)) band <- NULL
else {
if (length(band) > 1L) d[3] <- length(band)
else d <- d[1:2]
# bug report Mike Sumner 070522
if (!missing(output.dim)) odim_flag <- TRUE
else {
output.dim <- region.dim
odim_flag <- FALSE
if (!silent) {
cat(paste(fname, "has GDAL driver", getDriverName(getDriver(x)),"\n"))
cat(paste("and has", d[1], "rows and", d[2], "columns\n"))
# suggestion by Paul Hiemstra 070817
if (is.null(p4s))
# p4s <- .Call("RGDAL_GetProjectionRef", x, PACKAGE="rgdal")
if (!is.null(enforce_xy)) {
stopifnot(length(enforce_xy) == 1L)
} else {
enforce_xy <- get_enforce_xy()
p4s <- getProjectionRef(x, OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84=OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84, enforce_xy=enforce_xy)
if (! && nchar(p4s) == 0) p4s <- as.character(NA)
if (new_proj_and_gdal()) wkt2 <- comment(p4s)
oCRS <- CRS(c(p4s))
if (new_proj_and_gdal()) comment(oCRS) <- wkt2
gt = .Call('RGDAL_GetGeoTransform', x, PACKAGE="rgdal")
if (attr(gt, "CE_Failure")) warning("GeoTransform values not available")
# [1] 178400 40 0 334000 0 -40
opSilent <- get("silent", envir=.RGDAL_CACHE)
assign("silent", silent, envir=.RGDAL_CACHE)
if (any(gt[c(3,5)] != 0.0)) {
data = getRasterTable(x, band=band, offset=offset,
region.dim=region.dim, ...)
coordinates(data) = c(1,2)
proj4string(data) = CRS(p4s)
} else {
# cellsize = abs(c(gt[2],gt[6]))
if (!odim_flag) cellsize = abs(c(gt[2],gt[6]))
else {
icellsize = abs(c(gt[2],gt[6]))
# bug report Jose M. Blanco Moreno 091004
span <- icellsize * rev(region.dim)
# bug report Mike Sumner 070215
cellsize <- span / rev(output.dim)
ysign <- sign(gt[6])
if (ysign > 0)
warning("Y axis resolution positive, examine data for flipping")
# cells.dim = c(d[1], d[2]) # c(d[2],d[1])
# bug report Jose M. Blanco Moreno 091004
co.x <- gt[1] + ((offset[2]/(cellsize[1]/abs(gt[2]))) +
half.cell[2]) * cellsize[1]
co.y <- ifelse(ysign < 0, gt[4] + (ysign*((output.dim[1] +
# bug report Jose M. Blanco Moreno 091004
(offset[1]/(cellsize[2]/abs(gt[6]))) +
(ysign*half.cell[1])))) * abs(cellsize[2]),
gt[4] + (ysign*((offset[1]) + (ysign*half.cell[1]))) *
cellcentre.offset <- c(x=co.x, y=co.y)
# cellcentre.offset = c(x = gt[1] + 0.5 * cellsize[1],
# y = gt[4] - (d[2] - 0.5) * abs(cellsize[2]))
grid = GridTopology(cellcentre.offset, cellsize,
# rev(region.dim))
data = getRasterData(x, band=band, offset=offset,
region.dim=region.dim, output.dim=output.dim, ..., list_out=TRUE)
# if (length(d) == 2L)
# df = list(band1 = as.vector(data))
# else {
# df <- vector(mode="list", length=d[3])
# df[[1]] <- as.vector(data[,,1, drop = FALSE])
# for (band in 2:d[3])
# df[[band]] <- as.vector(data[,,band, drop = FALSE])
# df =
# names(df) = paste("band", 1:d[3], sep="")
# }
data = SpatialGridDataFrame(grid = grid,
data =, proj4string=oCRS)
assign("silent", opSilent, envir=.RGDAL_CACHE)
writeGDAL = function(dataset, fname, drivername = "GTiff", type = "Float32",
mvFlag = NA, options=NULL, copy_drivername = "GTiff",
setStatistics=FALSE, colorTables=NULL, catNames=NULL, enforce_xy=NULL)
if (nchar(fname) == 0) stop("empty file name")
x <- gdalDrivers()
copy_only <- as.character(x[!x$create & x$copy, 1])
if (drivername %in% copy_only) {
tds.create <- create2GDAL(dataset=dataset,
drivername=copy_drivername, type=type,
mvFlag=mvFlag, fname=NULL, setStatistics=setStatistics,
colorTables=colorTables, catNames=catNames, enforce_xy=enforce_xy)
tds.copy <- copyDataset(tds.create, driver=drivername, fname=fname)
saveDataset(tds.copy, fname, options=options)
# RSB 120921
} else {
tds.out <- create2GDAL(dataset=dataset, drivername=drivername,
type=type, mvFlag=mvFlag, options=options, fname=fname,
setStatistics=setStatistics, colorTables=colorTables,
catNames=catNames, enforce_xy=enforce_xy)
saveDataset(tds.out, fname, options=options)
# RSB 120921
# RSB 081030 GDAL.close cleanup
# tmp.obj <- saveDataset(tds.out, fname, options=options)
# GDAL.close(tmp.obj)
create2GDAL = function(dataset, drivername = "GTiff", type = "Float32", mvFlag = NA, options=NULL, fname=NULL, setStatistics=FALSE, colorTables=NULL, catNames=NULL, enforce_xy=NULL)
.Deprecated("", package="rgdal", msg="GDAL support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others")
fullgrid(dataset) = TRUE
if (, .GDALDataTypes)))
stop(paste("Invalid type:", type, "not in:",
paste(.GDALDataTypes, collapse="\n")))
# mvFlag issues Robert Hijmans 101109
if ( {
if (type %in% c('Byte', 'UInt16', 'Int16'))
warning(paste("mvFlag=NA unsuitable for type", type))
# d.dim = dim(as.matrix(dataset[1])) RSB 081106
gp = gridparameters(dataset)
cellsize = gp$cellsize
offset = gp$cellcentre.offset
dims = gp$cells.dim
d.drv = new("GDALDriver", drivername)
nbands = length(names(slot(dataset, "data")))
if (!is.null(options) && !is.character(options))
stop("options not character")
tds.out = new("GDALTransientDataset", driver = d.drv,
rows = dims[2], cols = dims[1],
bands = nbands, type = type, options = options, fname = fname,
handle = NULL)
gt = c(offset[1] - 0.5 * cellsize[1], cellsize[1], 0.0,
offset[2] + (dims[2] -0.5) * cellsize[2], 0.0, -cellsize[2])
.Call("RGDAL_SetGeoTransform", tds.out, gt, PACKAGE = "rgdal")
if (new_proj_and_gdal()) {
iCRS <- slot(dataset, "proj4string")
wkt2 <- comment(iCRS)
if (!is.null(wkt2)) {
if (!is.null(enforce_xy)) {
stopifnot(length(enforce_xy) == 1L)
} else {
enforce_xy <- get_enforce_xy()
.Call("RGDAL_SetProject_WKT2", tds.out, wkt2, enforce_xy, PACKAGE = "rgdal")
} else {
if (getDriverName(getDriver(tds.out)) == "RST")
stop("RST files must have a valid CRS")
} else {
p4s <- proj4string(dataset)
if (! && nchar(p4s) > 0) {
.Call("RGDAL_SetProject", tds.out, p4s, PACKAGE = "rgdal")
} else {
if (getDriverName(getDriver(tds.out)) == "RST")
stop("RST files must have a valid CRS")
if (!is.null(colorTables)) {
stopifnot(length(colorTables) == nbands)
if (type != "Byte") {
# colorTables <- NULL
warning("colorTables valid for Byte type only in some drivers")
if (!is.null(catNames)) {
stopifnot(length(catNames) == nbands)
for (i in 1:nbands) {
band = as.matrix(dataset[i])
if (!is.numeric(band)) stop("Numeric bands required")
if (setStatistics) {
statistics <- range(c(band), na.rm=TRUE)
statistics <- c(statistics, mean(c(band), na.rm=TRUE))
statistics <- c(statistics, sd(c(band), na.rm=TRUE))
if (!
band[] = mvFlag
putRasterData(tds.out, band, i)
tds.out_b <- getRasterBand(dataset=tds.out, band=i)
if (! {
.Call("RGDAL_SetNoDataValue", tds.out_b, as.double(mvFlag),
PACKAGE = "rgdal")
if (setStatistics) {
.gd_SetStatistics(tds.out_b, as.double(statistics))
if (!is.null(colorTables)) {
icT <- colorTables[[i]]
if (!is.null(icT)) {
.gd_SetRasterColorTable(tds.out_b, icT)
if (!is.null(catNames)) {
icN <- catNames[[i]]
if (!is.null(icN)) {
.gd_SetCategoryNames(tds.out_b, icN)
gdalDrivers <- function() getGDALDriverNames()
toSigned <- function(x, base) {
if (any(x < 0)) stop("already signed")
if (storage.mode(x) != "integer") stop("band not integer")
b_2 <- (2^(base-1)-1)
b <- 2^base
x[x > b_2] <- x[x > b_2] - b
toUnSigned <- function(x, base) {
if (all(x >= 0)) stop("already unsigned")
if (storage.mode(x) != "integer") stop("band not integer")
b <- 2^base
x[x < 0] <- x[x < 0] + b
"GDALSpatialRef" <- function(fname, silent=FALSE, OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84=NULL, allowedDrivers=NULL, enforce_xy=NULL, get_source_if_boundcrs=TRUE, options=NULL) {
.Deprecated("", package="rgdal", msg="GDAL support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others")
if (nchar(fname) == 0) stop("empty file name")
x <-, silent=silent,
allowedDrivers=allowedDrivers, options=options)
# p4s <- .Call("RGDAL_GetProjectionRef", x, PACKAGE="rgdal")
p4s <- getProjectionRef(x, OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84=OVERRIDE_PROJ_DATUM_WITH_TOWGS84, enforce_xy=enforce_xy, get_source_if_boundcrs=get_source_if_boundcrs)
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