
Defines functions spLayerControl spLayer.SpatialGridDataFrame spLayer.SpatialPolygons spLayer.SpatialLines spLayer.SpatialPoints spLayer.default spLayer

Documented in spLayer spLayerControl spLayer.default spLayer.SpatialGridDataFrame spLayer.SpatialLines spLayer.SpatialPoints spLayer.SpatialPolygons

#'Define a Data Layer
#'Define a new data layer from an object sp.
#' @param x a spatial object as defined in the package \pkg{sp}.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to the function.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'  data(velov)
#'  vv <- spLayer(velov, stroke=F, popup=velov$NAME)
#'  data(campsites)
#'  gcol <- rev(heat.colors(5))
#'  gcut <- cut(mapdep$N.CAMPSITES, breaks=c(-1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 1000))
#'  cs <- spLayer(campsites, fill.col=as.numeric(gcut))
#'  bm1 <- basemap("mapquest.map")
#'  writeMap(bm1, cs, vv)
spLayer <- function(x, ...){
  UseMethod("spLayer", x)

#'Define a Vector Data Layer
#' @param x a spatial object as defined in the package \pkg{sp}.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to the function.
#' @export
spLayer.default <- function(x, ...){
  print("Error: x not recognized as Spatial* object")

#'Define a Vector Data Layer
#'\item \code{spLayer.SpatialPoints} defines a new data layer from an object \code{SpatialPoints} or \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}
#'\item \code{spLayer.SpatialLines} defines a new data layer from an object \code{SpatialLines} or \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame}
#'\item \code{spLayer.SpatialPolygons} defines a new data layer from an object \code{SpatialPolygons} or \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}
#'@param x a spatial object (see Details).
#'@param name a character string to name the layer.
#'@param size a numerical vector giving the size of points (radius in pixels).
#'@param png character vector giving the paths for the PNG icons. If \code{NULL} (default), circles are drawn.
#'@param png.width,png.height numerical vectors giving the PNG icons dimensions on the map (in pixels).
#'@param stroke logical. Should a stroke be drawn along lines and polygons?
#'@param stroke.col a vector of any of the three kinds of \R color specifications to set strokes color.
#'@param stroke.lwd a numerical vector to set strokes width.
#'@param stroke.lty a character vector that defines the strokes dash patterns (See Details).
#'@param stroke.alpha a vector of numeric values in \eqn{[0, 1]} setting strokes opacity.
#'@param fill logical. Should points and polygons be filled?
#'@param fill.col a vector of any of the three kinds of \R color specifications to set fill colors.
#'@param fill.alpha a vector of numeric values in \eqn{[0, 1]} setting fill opacity.
#'@param label a reserved argument (in development).
#'@param popup a character vector giving contents for popups. HTML tags are accepted.
#'@param popup.rmd a logical indicating whether the popups should be processed as R Markdown with \pkg{knitr}. Default \code{FALSE}.
#'@param legend a legend object created with \code{\link{layerLegend}}.
#'@param ... additional arguments to pass to the function.
#'@method spLayer SpatialPoints
spLayer.SpatialPoints <- function(x, name = NULL, png = NULL, size = 5, png.width = 15, png.height = 15,
                                  stroke = TRUE, stroke.col = 1, stroke.lwd = 1, stroke.lty = -1, stroke.alpha = 1,
                                  fill = TRUE, fill.col = 2, fill.alpha = 0.5,
                                  label = NULL, popup = "", popup.rmd = FALSE, legend = NULL, ...){
      if(!inherits(x, "SpatialPoints"))
        stop("x must be an object of class SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame")
      spLayerControl(name = name, size = size, legend = legend,
                      stroke = stroke, stroke.col = stroke.col, stroke.lwd = stroke.lwd, stroke.lty = stroke.lty, stroke.alpha = stroke.alpha,
                      fill = fill, fill.col = fill.col, fill.alpha = fill.alpha)
      tested.index <- !sapply(list(size, stroke, stroke.col, stroke.lwd, stroke.lty, stroke.alpha,
                                   fill, fill.col, fill.alpha, label, popup), is.null)
      stroke.logical <- stroke
      fill.logical <- fill
      stroke <- paste("\"", tolower(as.character(stroke)), "\"", sep="")
      fill <- paste("\"", tolower(as.character(fill)), "\"", sep="")
      stroke.lty <- paste("\"", as.character(stroke.lty), "\"", sep="")
      tab.max <- length(x)
      tab <- list(size,
                  stroke, stroke.col, stroke.lwd, stroke.lty, stroke.alpha,
                  fill, fill.col, fill.alpha, label, popup)[tested.index]
      tab <- lapply(tab, rep, length.out=tab.max)
      tested.names <- c("size", "stroke", "strokeCol", "strokeLwd", "strokeLty", "strokeAlpha",
                        "fill", "fillCol", "fillAlpha", "label", "popup")[tested.index]
      names(tab) <- tested.names
      legend$layer <- name
      tab$name <- name
      tab$legend <- legend
      tab$coords <- coordinates(x)
      tab$strokeCol[!stroke.logical] <- tab$strokeLwd[!stroke.logical] <- tab$strokeLty[!stroke.logical] <- 1
      tab$strokeAlpha[!stroke.logical] <- 0
      tab$strokeCol <- col2hexa(tab$strokeCol)
      tab$fillCol[!fill.logical] <- 1
      tab$fillAlpha[!fill.logical] <- 0
      tab$fillCol <- col2hexa(tab$fillCol)
      if (any(as.numeric(tab$strokeAlpha)<0) || any(as.numeric(tab$strokeAlpha)>1))
        stop("stroke.alpha must be comprise between 0 and 1")
      if (any(as.numeric(tab$strokeLwd)<0))
        stop("stroke.lwd must be positive")
      if (any(as.numeric(tab$fillAlpha)<0) || any(as.numeric(tab$fillAlpha)>1))
        stop("fill.alpha must be comprise between 0 and 1")
      if("label" %in% tested.names)
        tab$label <- paste("\"", as.character(tab$label), "\"", sep="")
      if("popup" %in% tested.names){
          tab$popup <- sapply(as.vector(tab$popup), function(x) knitr::knit2html(output = NULL, text = x,
                                                    options = c('fragment_only', 'base64_images')))
          tab$popup <- gsub("\\n", "<br>", tab$popup)
          tab$popup <- gsub("\"", "\\\\\"", tab$popup)
        tab$popup <- paste("\"", as.character(tab$popup), "\"", sep="")

      class(tab) <- c("splpoints")
    } else {
      if(!inherits(x, "SpatialPoints"))
        stop("x must be an object of class SpatialPoints or SpatialPointsDataFrame")
      spLayerControl(name = name, legend = legend)
      size <- paste("[", png.width, ",", png.height, "]", sep="")  
      tested.index <- !sapply(list(png, size, label, popup), is.null)
      tab.max <- length(x)
      tab <- list(png, size, label, popup)[tested.index]
      tab <- lapply(tab, rep, length.out=tab.max)
      tested.names <- c("png", "size", "label", "popup")[tested.index]
      names(tab) <- tested.names
      legend$layer <- name
      tab$name <- name
      tab$legend <- legend
      tab$coords <- coordinates(x)
      if("label" %in% tested.names)
        tab$label <- paste("\"", as.character(tab$label), "\"", sep="")
      if("popup" %in% tested.names){
          tab$popup <- sapply(as.vector(tab$popup), function(x) knitr::knit2html(output = NULL, text = x,
                                                                                 options = c('fragment_only', 'base64_images')))
          tab$popup <- gsub("\\n", "<br>", tab$popup)
          tab$popup <- gsub("\"", "\\\\\"", tab$popup)
          tab$popup <- paste("\"", as.character(tab$popup), "\"", sep="")
      class(tab) <- c("splicons")

#'Define a Vector Data Layer
#'@inheritParams spLayer.SpatialPoints
#'@method spLayer SpatialLines
spLayer.SpatialLines <- function(x, name = NULL,
                                 stroke = TRUE, stroke.col = 1, stroke.lwd = 1, stroke.lty = -1, stroke.alpha = 1,
                                 label = NULL, popup = "", popup.rmd = FALSE, legend = NULL, ...){
  if(!inherits(x, "SpatialLines"))
    stop("x must be an object of class SpatialLines or SpatialLinesDataFrame")
  spLayerControl(name = name, legend = legend,
                  stroke = stroke, stroke.col = stroke.col, stroke.lwd = stroke.lwd, stroke.lty = stroke.lty, stroke.alpha = stroke.alpha)
  tested.index <- !sapply(list(stroke, stroke.col, stroke.lwd, stroke.lty, stroke.alpha,
                               label, popup), is.null)
  stroke.logical <- stroke
  stroke <- paste("\"", tolower(as.character(stroke)), "\"", sep="")
  stroke.lty <- paste("\"", as.character(stroke.lty), "\"", sep="")
  tab <- list(stroke, stroke.col, stroke.lwd, stroke.lty, stroke.alpha,
              label, popup)[tested.index]
  tab.max <- length(x)
  tab <- lapply(tab, rep, length.out=tab.max)
  tested.names <- c("stroke", "strokeCol", "strokeLwd", "strokeLty", "strokeAlpha",
                    "label", "popup")[tested.index]
  names(tab) <- tested.names
  tab$strokeCol[!stroke.logical] <- tab$strokeLwd[!stroke.logical] <- tab$strokeLty[!stroke.logical] <- 1
  tab$strokeAlpha[!stroke.logical] <- 0
  tab$strokeCol <- col2hexa(tab$strokeCol)
  legend$layer <- name
  tab$name <- name
  tab$legend <- legend
  tab$coords <- coordinates(x)
  if (any(as.numeric(tab$strokeAlpha)<0) || any(as.numeric(tab$strokeAlpha)>1))
    stop("stroke.alpha must be comprise between 0 and 1")  
  if (any(as.numeric(tab$strokeLwd)<0))
    stop("stroke.lwd must be positive")
  if("label" %in% tested.names)
    tab$label <- paste("\"", as.character(tab$label), "\"", sep="")
  if("popup" %in% tested.names){
      tab$popup <- sapply(as.vector(tab$popup), function(x) knitr::knit2html(output = NULL, text = x,
                                                                             options = c('fragment_only', 'base64_images')))
      tab$popup <- gsub("\\n", "<br>", tab$popup)
      tab$popup <- gsub("\"", "\\\\\"", tab$popup)
    tab$popup <- paste("\"", as.character(tab$popup), "\"", sep="")
  class(tab) <- c("spllines")

#'Define a Vector Data Layer
#'@inheritParams spLayer.SpatialPoints
#'@param holes a logical indicating whether to use the \code{hole} slots of the \code{SpatialPolygons} object.
#'@method spLayer SpatialPolygons
spLayer.SpatialPolygons <- function(x, name = NULL,
                                    stroke = TRUE, stroke.col = 1, stroke.lwd = 1, stroke.lty = -1, stroke.alpha = 1,
                                    fill = TRUE, fill.col = 2, fill.alpha = 0.5,
                                    label = NULL, popup = "", popup.rmd = FALSE, holes = FALSE, legend = NULL, ...){
  if(!inherits(x, "SpatialPolygons"))
    stop("x must be an object of class SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
  spLayerControl(name = name, legend = legend,
                  stroke = stroke, stroke.col = stroke.col, stroke.lwd = stroke.lwd, stroke.lty = stroke.lty, stroke.alpha = stroke.alpha,
                  fill = fill, fill.col = fill.col, fill.alpha = fill.alpha)
  tested.index <- !sapply(list(stroke, stroke.col, stroke.lwd, stroke.lty, stroke.alpha,
                               fill, fill.col, fill.alpha, label, popup), is.null)
  stroke.logical <- stroke
  fill.logical <- fill
  stroke <- paste("\"", tolower(as.character(stroke)), "\"", sep="")
  fill <- paste("\"", tolower(as.character(fill)), "\"", sep="")
  stroke.lty <- paste("\"", as.character(stroke.lty), "\"", sep="")
  tab <- list(stroke, stroke.col, stroke.lwd, stroke.lty, stroke.alpha,
              fill, fill.col, fill.alpha, label, popup)[tested.index]
  tab.max <- length(x)
  tab <- lapply(tab, rep, length.out=tab.max)
  tested.names <- c("stroke", "strokeCol", "strokeLwd", "strokeLty", "strokeAlpha",
                    "fill", "fillCol", "fillAlpha", "label", "popup")[tested.index]
  names(tab) <- tested.names
  tab$strokeCol[!stroke.logical] <- tab$strokeLwd[!stroke.logical] <- tab$strokeLty[!stroke.logical] <- 1
  tab$strokeAlpha[!stroke.logical] <- 0
  tab$strokeCol <- col2hexa(tab$strokeCol)
  tab$fillCol[!fill.logical] <- 1
  tab$fillAlpha[!fill.logical] <- 0
  tab$fillCol <- col2hexa(tab$fillCol)
  legend$layer <- name
  tab$name <- name
  tab$legend <- legend
  tab$coords <- polycoords(x)
  if (holes){
    tab$holes <- polyholes(x)
    tab$order <- polyorder(x)
  } else {
    tab$holes <- tab$order <- NULL
  if (any(as.numeric(tab$strokeAlpha)<0) || any(as.numeric(tab$strokeAlpha)>1))
    stop("stroke.alpha must be comprise between 0 and 1")  
  if (any(as.numeric(tab$strokeLwd)<0))
    stop("stroke.lwd must be positive")
  if (any(as.numeric(tab$fillAlpha)<0) || any(as.numeric(tab$fillAlpha)>1))
    stop("fill.alpha must be comprise between 0 and 1")
  if("label" %in% tested.names)
    tab$label <- paste("\"", as.character(tab$label), "\"", sep="")
  if("popup" %in% tested.names){
      tab$popup <- sapply(as.vector(tab$popup), function(x) knitr::knit2html(output = NULL, text = x,
                                                                             options = c('fragment_only', 'base64_images')))
      tab$popup <- gsub("\\n", "<br>", tab$popup)
      tab$popup <- gsub("\"", "\\\\\"", tab$popup)
    tab$popup <- paste("\"", as.character(tab$popup), "\"", sep="")
  class(tab) <- c("splpolygons")

#'Define a Raster Data Layer
#'\code{spLayer.SpatialGridDataFrame} defines a new data layer from an object \code{SpatialGridDataFrame}.
#'@param name a character string to name the layer.
#'@param x a spatial object (see Details).
#'@param layer which layer to select?
#'@param cells.col a vector of any of the three kinds of \R color specifications giving a gradient to color the grid.
#'@param cells.alpha a vector of numeric values in \eqn{[0, 1]} setting grid opacity.
#'@param legend a legend object created with \code{\link{layerLegend}}.
#'@param ... additional arguments to pass to the function.
#'@method spLayer SpatialGridDataFrame
spLayer.SpatialGridDataFrame <- function(x, name = NULL, layer,
                                         cells.col = heat.colors(12), cells.alpha = 1,
                                         legend = NULL, ...){
  if(!inherits(x, "SpatialGridDataFrame"))
    stop("x must be an object of class SpatialGridDataFrame")
  spLayerControl(name = name, legend = legend)
  x <- x[layer]
  x.bbox <- bbox(x)
    proj4string(x) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
    warning("The coordinate system of the grid has not been recognized. It is assumed to be EPSG:4326")
  x <- raster(x, layer = 1)
  x <- projectRaster(from = x, projectExtent(x, crs = CRS("+init=epsg:3857")))
  x <- as(x, "SpatialGridDataFrame")
  cells.col <- col2hexa(cells.col, alpha.channel = TRUE, alpha = cells.alpha, charstring = FALSE)
  legend$layer <- name
  tab <- list(x = x, name = name, cells.col = cells.col, x.bbox = x.bbox, legend = legend)
  class(tab) <- c("splgrid")

#' Testing user inputs
#' This function tests arguments validity for the function \code{\link{spLayer}}.
#' @inheritParams spLayer.SpatialPoints
#' @param holes a logical indicating whether to use the \code{hole} slots of the \code{SpatialPolygons} object.
spLayerControl <- function(name, size = 1, legend = legend,
                            stroke = TRUE, stroke.col = 1, stroke.lwd = 1, stroke.lty = 1, stroke.alpha = 1,
                            fill = TRUE, fill.col = 1, fill.alpha = 1, label = "", popup = "", holes = FALSE){
    if(is.vector(name) && length(name)==1){
      name <- as.character(name)
      stop("name must be a single value character vector")
    stop("size must be numeric")
      stop(("Missing value for size not allowed"))
      stop("size must be positive")
    if(!inherits(legend, "layerlegend")){
      stop("The legend is not valid. Objects passed with the 'legend' argument must be created with the 'layerLegend' function.")
    stop("stroke must be set on TRUE or FALSE")
    stop("fill must be set on TRUE or FALSE")
    stop("holes must be set on TRUE or FALSE")

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rleafmap documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:08 p.m.