#' Find shared and dataset-specific markers
#' @description Applies various filters to genes on the shared (\eqn{W}) and
#' dataset-specific (\eqn{V}) components of the factorization, before selecting
#' those which load most significantly on each factor (in a shared or
#' dataset-specific way).
#' @param object \linkS4class{liger} object with factorization results.
#' @param dataset1 Name of first dataset. Required.
#' @param dataset2 Name of second dataset. Required
#' @param factorShareThresh Numeric. Only factors with a dataset specificity
#' less than or equal to this threshold will be used. Default \code{10}.
#' @param datasetSpecificity Numeric vector. Pre-calculated dataset specificity
#' if available. Length should match number of all factors available. Default
#' \code{NULL} automatically calculates with
#' \code{\link{calcDatasetSpecificity}}.
#' @param logFCThresh Numeric. Lower log-fold change threshold for differential
#' expression in markers. Default \code{1}.
#' @param pvalThresh Numeric. Upper p-value threshold for Wilcoxon rank test for
#' gene expression. Default \code{0.05}.
#' @param nGenes Integer. Max number of genes to report for each dataset.
#' Default \code{30}.
#' @param printGenes Logical. Whether to print ordered markers passing logFC,
#' UMI and frac thresholds, when \code{verbose = TRUE}. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param verbose Logical. Whether to show information of the progress. Default
#' \code{getOption("ligerVerbose")} or \code{TRUE} if users have not set.
#' @param factor.share.thresh,dataset.specificity,log.fc.thresh,pval.thresh,num.genes,print.genes
#' \bold{Deprecated}. See Usage section for replacement.
#' @return A list object consisting of the following entries:
#' \item{value of `dataset1`}{data.frame of dataset1-specific markers}
#' \item{shared}{data.frame of shared markers}
#' \item{value of `dataset1`}{data.frame of dataset2-specific markers}
#' \item{num_factors_V1}{A frequency table indicating the number of factors each
#' marker appears, in dataset1}
#' \item{num_factors_V2}{A frequency table indicating the number of factors each
#' marker appears, in dataset2}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' result <- getFactorMarkers(pbmcPlot, dataset1 = "ctrl", dataset2 = "stim")
#' print(class(result))
#' print(names(result))
#' result$shared %>% group_by(factor_num) %>% top_n(2, logFC)
getFactorMarkers <- function(
factorShareThresh = 10,
datasetSpecificity = NULL,
logFCThresh = 1,
pvalThresh = 0.05,
nGenes = 30,
printGenes = FALSE,
verbose = getOption("ligerVerbose", TRUE),
# Deprecated coding style
factor.share.thresh = factorShareThresh,
dataset.specificity = datasetSpecificity,
log.fc.thresh = logFCThresh,
pval.thresh = pvalThresh,
num.genes = nGenes,
print.genes = printGenes
) {
.deprecateArgs(list(factor.share.thresh = "factorShareThresh",
dataset.specificity = "datasetSpecificity",
log.fc.thresh = "logFCThresh",
pval.thresh = "pvalThresh", num.genes = "nGenes",
print.genes = "printGenes"))
dataset1 <- .checkUseDatasets(object, useDatasets = dataset1)
dataset2 <- .checkUseDatasets(object, useDatasets = dataset2)
if (any(isH5Liger(object, dataset = c(dataset1, dataset2))))
cli::cli_abort("Please use in-memory {.cls liger} object for this analysis")
if (is.null(nGenes)) {
nGenes <- length(varFeatures(object))
if (is.null(datasetSpecificity)) {
datasetSpecificity <- calcDatasetSpecificity(object,
dataset1 = dataset1,
dataset2 = dataset2,
doPlot = FALSE)[[3]]
useFactors <- which(abs(datasetSpecificity) <= factorShareThresh)
if (length(useFactors) == 0) {
c("No factor passed the dataset specificity threshold",
i = "please try a larger {.var factorShareThresh}.")
if (length(useFactors) == 1 && isTRUE(verbose)) {
cli::cli_alert_warning("Only 1 factor passed the dataset specificity threshold.")
H <- getMatrix(object, "H", dataset = c(dataset1, dataset2))
H_scaled <- lapply(H, function(x) {
scale(t(x), scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)
labels <- list()
for (i in seq_along(H_scaled)) {
idx <- apply(H_scaled[[i]][, useFactors, drop = FALSE], 1, which.max)
labels[[i]] <- useFactors[idx]
names(labels) <- names(H_scaled)
V1_matrices <- list()
V2_matrices <- list()
W_matrices <- list()
vargene <- varFeatures(object)
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
if (isTRUE(printGenes)) {
"Performing wilcoxon test between {.val {dataset1}} and {.val {dataset2}} basing on factor loading."
} else {
name = "Testing between {.val {dataset1}} and {.val {dataset2}}",
total = length(useFactors), type = "iter", clear = FALSE
for (j in seq_along(useFactors)) {
i <- useFactors[j]
W <- getMatrix(object, "W")
V1 <- getMatrix(object, "V", dataset = dataset1)
V2 <- getMatrix(object, "V", dataset = dataset2)
# if not max factor for any cell in either dataset
if (sum(labels[[dataset1]] == i) <= 1 ||
sum(labels[[dataset2]] == i) <= 1) {
cli::cli_alert_warning("Factor {i} did not appear as max in any cell in either dataset")
# filter genes by gene_count and cell_frac thresholds
normDataList <- getMatrix(object, "normData",
dataset = c(dataset1, dataset2))
normData <- cbind(normDataList[[1]][vargene, labels[[1]] == i],
normDataList[[2]][vargene, labels[[2]] == i])
cellLabel <- rep(c(dataset1, dataset2),
c(sum(labels[[1]] == i), sum(labels[[2]] == i)))
wilcoxResult <- wilcoxauc(log1p(1e10*normData), cellLabel)
log2fc <- wilcoxResult[wilcoxResult$group == dataset1, ]$logFC
names(log2fc) <- wilcoxResult[wilcoxResult$group == dataset1, ]$feature
filteredGenesV1 <- wilcoxResult[wilcoxResult$logFC > logFCThresh &
wilcoxResult$pval < pvalThresh,
filteredGenesV2 <- wilcoxResult[-wilcoxResult$logFC > logFCThresh &
wilcoxResult$pval < pvalThresh,
W <- pmin(W + V1, W + V2)
V1 <- V1[filteredGenesV1, , drop = FALSE]
V2 <- V2[filteredGenesV2, , drop = FALSE]
topGenesV1 <- character(0)
if (length(filteredGenesV1) > 0) {
topGeneIdx1 <- order(V1[, i], decreasing = TRUE)[seq(nGenes)]
topGenesV1 <- row.names(V1)[topGeneIdx1]
topGenesV1 <- topGenesV1[!]
topGenesV1 <- topGenesV1[V1[topGenesV1, i] > 0]
topGenesV2 <- character(0)
if (length(filteredGenesV2) > 0) {
topGenesIdx2 <- order(V2[, i], decreasing = TRUE)[seq(nGenes)]
topGenesV2 <- row.names(V2)[topGenesIdx2]
topGenesV2 <- topGenesV2[!]
topGenesV2 <- topGenesV2[V2[topGenesV2, i] > 0]
topGeneIdxW <- order(W[, i], decreasing = TRUE)[seq(nGenes)]
topGenesW <- row.names(W)[topGeneIdxW]
topGenesW <- topGenesW[!]
topGenesW <- topGenesW[W[topGenesW, i] > 0]
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
if (isTRUE(printGenes)) {
cli::cli_h2("Factor {i}")
cat("Dataset 1:\n",
paste(topGenesV1, collapse = ", "),
paste(topGenesW, collapse = ", "),
"\nDataset 2\n",
paste(topGenesV2, collapse = ", "), "\n")
} else {
cli::cli_progress_update(set = j)
# utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
# order is V1, V2, W
topGenes <- list(V1 = topGenesV1, V2 = topGenesV2, W = topGenesW)
pvals <- lapply(topGenes, function(tg) {
wilcoxResult[wilcoxResult$feature %in% tg &
wilcoxResult$group == dataset1, "pval"]
# bind values in matrices
V1_matrices[[j]] <- data.frame(feature = topGenesV1,
factor_num = rep(i, length(topGenesV1)),
logFC = log2fc[topGenesV1],
pval = pvals$V1)
V2_matrices[[j]] <- data.frame(feature = topGenesV2,
factor_num = rep(i, length(topGenesV2)),
logFC = log2fc[topGenesV2],
pval = pvals$V2)
W_matrices[[j]] <- data.frame(feature = topGenesW,
factor_num = rep(i, length(topGenesW)),
logFC = log2fc[topGenesW],
pval = pvals$W)
if (isTRUE(verbose) && !isTRUE(printGenes)) cat("\n")
V1_genes <- Reduce(rbind, V1_matrices)
V2_genes <- Reduce(rbind, V2_matrices)
W_genes <- Reduce(rbind, W_matrices)
outputList <- list(V1_genes, W_genes, V2_genes)
outputList <- lapply(seq_along(outputList), function(x) {
df <- outputList[[x]]
# Cutoff only applies to dataset-specific dfs
if (x != 2) {
df[which(df$pval < pvalThresh), ]
} else {
names(outputList) <- c(dataset1, "shared", dataset2)
outputList[["num_factors_V1"]] <- table(outputList[[dataset1]]$gene)
outputList[["num_factors_V2"]] <- table(outputList[[dataset2]]$gene)
#' Calculate a dataset-specificity score for each factor
#' @description This score represents the relative magnitude of the
#' dataset-specific components of each factor's gene loadings compared to the
#' shared components for two datasets. First, for each dataset we calculate the
#' norm of the sum of each factor's shared loadings (\eqn{W}) and
#' dataset-specific loadings (\eqn{V}). We then determine the ratio of these two
#' values and subtract from 1... TODO: finish description.
#' @param object \linkS4class{liger} object with factorization results.
#' @param dataset1 Name of first dataset. Required.
#' @param dataset2 Name of second dataset. Required.
#' @param doPlot Logical. Whether to display a barplot of dataset specificity
#' scores (by factor). Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param do.plot \bold{Deprecated}. Use \code{doPlot} instead.
#' @return List containing three elements.
#' \item{pct1}{Vector of the norm of each metagene factor for dataset1.}
#' \item{pct2}{Vector of the norm of each metagene factor for dataset2.}
#' \item{pctSpec}{Vector of dataset specificity scores.}
#' @export
calcDatasetSpecificity <- function(
doPlot = FALSE,
do.plot = doPlot
) {
.deprecateArgs(list(do.plot = "doPlot"))
H1 <- getMatrix(object, slot = "H", dataset = dataset1)
if (is.null(H1)) {
cli::cli_abort("No {.field H} matrix found for dataset {.val {dataset1}}.")
# V: List of two g x k matrices
V <- getMatrix(object, slot = "V", dataset = c(dataset1, dataset2))
W <- getMatrix(object, slot = "W")
k <- nrow(H1)
pct1 <- rep(0, k)
pct2 <- rep(0, k)
for (i in seq(k)) {
pct1[i] <- norm(as.matrix(V[[dataset1]][,i] + W[,i]), "F")
pct2[i] <- norm(as.matrix(V[[dataset2]][,i] + W[,i]), "F")
if (isTRUE(doPlot)) {
100 * (1 - (pct1 / pct2)),
xlab = "Factor",
ylab = "Percent Specificity",
main = "Dataset Specificity of Factors",
names.arg = seq(k),
cex.names = 0.75,
mgp = c(2, 0.5, 0)
) # or possibly abs(pct1-pct2)
result <- list(pct1 = pct1,
pct2 = pct2,
pctSpec = 100 * (1 - (pct1 / pct2)))
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