
Defines functions nsgaperm_simMutation nsgabin_raMutation nsgareal_raMutation nsgareal_polMutation nsgaperm_oxCrossover nsga_spCrossover nsgareal_sbxCrossover nsga_lrSelection nsga_tourSelection nsgaperm_Population nsgabin_Population nsgareal_Population

Documented in nsgabin_Population nsgabin_raMutation nsga_lrSelection nsgaperm_oxCrossover nsgaperm_Population nsgaperm_simMutation nsgareal_polMutation nsgareal_Population nsgareal_raMutation nsgareal_sbxCrossover nsga_spCrossover nsga_tourSelection

## Real Value NSGA operators ----

# Generate a real random population ----
#' @export
nsgareal_Population <- function(object) {
    lower <- object@lower
    upper <- object@upper
    nvars <- length(lower)
    population <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = object@popSize, ncol = nvars)
    for (j in 1:nvars) {
        population[, j] <- runif(object@popSize, lower[j], upper[j])

## Binary NSGA operators ----

# Generate a binary random population ----
#' @export
nsgabin_Population <- function(object) {
    population <- matrix(as.double(NA),
                         nrow = object@popSize,
                         ncol = object@nBits)
    for (j in 1:object@nBits) {
        population[, j] <- round(runif(object@popSize))
    storage.mode(population) <- "integer"

## Permutation NSGA operators ----

# Generate a permutation random population ----
#' @export
nsgaperm_Population <- function(object) {
    int <- seq.int(object@lower, object@upper)
    n <- length(int)
    population <- matrix(NA, nrow = object@popSize, ncol = n)
    for (i in 1:object@popSize)
      population[i, ] <- sample(int, replace = FALSE)

## Selection Operators ----
#' @export
nsga_tourSelection <- function(object, k = 3, ...) {
    switch(class(object)[1], nsga1 = {
        popSize <- object@popSize
        front <- object@front
        fit <- object@dumFitness
        sel <- rep(NA, popSize)
        for (i in 1:popSize) {
            s <- sample(1:popSize, size = k)
            s <- s[which.min(front[s, ])]
            if (length(s) > 1 & !anyNA(fit[s, ])) {
                sel[i] <- s[which.max(front[s, ])]
            } else {
                sel[i] <- s[which.min(front[s, ])]
        out <- list(population = object@population[sel, ],
                    fitness = object@fitness[sel, ])
    }, nsga2 = {
        popSize <- object@popSize
        front <- object@front
        cd <- object@crowdingDistance
        sel <- rep(NA, popSize)
        for (i in 1:popSize) {
            s <- sample(1:popSize, size = k)
            s <- s[which.min(front[s, ])]
            if (!anyNA(cd[s, ])) {
                sel[i] <- s[which.max(cd[s, ])]
            } else {
                sel[i] <- s[which.min(front[s, ])]
        out <- list(population = object@population[sel, ],
                    fitness = object@fitness[sel, ])
    }, nsga3 = {
        popSize <- object@popSize
        front <- object@front
        fit <- object@fitness
        sel <- rep(NA, popSize)
        for (i in 1:popSize) {
            s <- sample(1:popSize, size = k)
            s <- s[which.min(front[s, ])]
            if (length(s) > 1 & !anyNA(fit[s, ])) {
                sel[i] <- s[which.max(front[s, ])]
            } else {
                sel[i] <- s[which.min(front[s, ])]
        out <- list(population = object@population[sel, ],
                    fitness = object@fitness[sel, ])

#' @export
nsgareal_tourSelection <- nsga_tourSelection
#' @export
nsgabin_tourSelection <- nsga_tourSelection
#' @export
nsgaperm_tourSelection <- nsga_tourSelection

#' @export
nsga_lrSelection <- function(object, r, q) {
  if (missing(r))
    r <- 2 / (object@popSize * (object@popSize - 1))
  if (missing(q))
    q <- 2 / object@popSize
  rank <- (object@popSize + 1) - as.vector(object@front)
  prob <- 1 + q - (rank - 1) * r
  prob <- pmin(pmax(0, prob / sum(prob)), 1, na.rm = TRUE)
  sel <- sample(1:object@popSize,
                size = object@popSize,
                prob = prob, replace = TRUE)
  out <- list(population = object@population[sel, ],
              fitness = object@fitness[sel, ])

#' @export
nsgabin_lrSelection <- nsga_lrSelection

#' @export
nsgaperm_lrSelection <- nsga_lrSelection

#' @export
nsgareal_lrSelection <- nsga_lrSelection

## Crossover Operators ----
#' @export
nsgareal_sbxCrossover <- function(object, parents, nc = 20) {
    parents <- object@population[parents, ]
    n <- ncol(parents)
    children <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = 2, ncol = n)
    for (j in 1:n) {
        parent1 <- parents[1, j]
        parent2 <- parents[2, j]
        yl <- object@lower[j]
        yu <- object@upper[j]
        rnd <- runif(1)
        if (rnd <= 0.5) {
            if (abs(parent1 - parent2) > 1e-06) {
                if (parent2 > parent1) {
                  y2 <- parent2
                  y1 <- parent1
                } else {
                  y2 <- parent1
                  y1 <- parent2
                if ((y1 - yl) > (yu - y2)) {
                  beta <- 1 + (2 * (yu - y2) / (y2 - y1))
                } else {
                  beta <- 1 + (2 * (y1 - yl) / (y2 - y1))
                alpha <- 2 - (beta^(-(1 + nc)))
                rnd <- runif(1)
                if (rnd <= 1 / alpha) {
                  alpha <- alpha * rnd
                  betaq <- alpha^(1 / (1 + nc))
                } else {
                  alpha <- alpha * rnd
                  alpha <- 1 / (2 - alpha)
                  betaq <- alpha^(1 / (1 + nc))
                child1 <- 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) - betaq * (y2 - y1))
                child2 <- 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) + betaq * (y2 - y1))
            } else {
                betaq <- 1
                y1 <- parent1
                y2 <- parent2
                child1 <- 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) - betaq * (y2 - y1))
                child2 <- 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) + betaq * (y2 - y1))
            if (child1 > yu) {
                child1 <- yu
            } else if (child1 < yl) {
                child1 <- yl
            if (child2 > yu) {
                child2 <- yu
            } else if (child2 < yl) {
                child2 <- yl
        } else {
            child1 <- parent1
            child2 <- parent2
        children[1, j] <- child1
        children[2, j] <- child2
    out <- list(children = children,
                fitness = matrix(as.double(NA), ncol = n))

#' @export
nsga_spCrossover <- function(object, parents) {
    fitness <- object@fitness[parents, ]
    parents <- object@population[parents, ]
    n <- ncol(parents)
    children <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = 2, ncol = n)
    crossOverPoint <- sample(0:n, size = 1)
    if (crossOverPoint == 0) {
        fitnessChildren <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(fitness))
        children[1:2, ] <- parents[2:1, ]
        fitnessChildren[1:2, ] <- fitness[2:1, ]
    } else if (crossOverPoint == n) {
        children <- parents
        fitnessChildren <- fitness
    } else {
        fitnessChildren <- rep(NA, 2)
        children[1, ] <- c(parents[1, 1:crossOverPoint], parents[2, (crossOverPoint + 1):n])
        children[2, ] <- c(parents[2, 1:crossOverPoint], parents[1, (crossOverPoint + 1):n])
    out <- list(children = children,
                fitness = fitnessChildren)
#' @export
nsgabin_spCrossover <- nsga_spCrossover
#' @export
nsgareal_spCrossover <- nsga_spCrossover

#' @export
nsgaperm_oxCrossover <- function(object, parents) {
    parents <- object@population[parents, ]
    n <- ncol(parents)
    cxPoints <- sample(seq(2, n - 1), size = 2)
    cxPoints <- seq(min(cxPoints), max(cxPoints))
    children <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = 2, ncol = n)
    children[, cxPoints] <- parents[, cxPoints]
    for (j in 1:2) {
        pos <- c((max(cxPoints) + 1):n, 1:(max(cxPoints)))
        val <- setdiff(parents[-j, pos], children[j, cxPoints])
        ival <- intersect(pos, which(is.na(children[j, ])))
        children[j, ival] <- val
    out <- list(children = children, fitness = rep(NA, 2))

## Mutation Operator ----
#' @export
nsgareal_polMutation <- function(object, parent, nm = 0.2) {
    mutate <- parent <- as.vector(object@population[parent, ])
    n <- length(parent)
    upper <- object@upper
    lower <- object@lower
    delta <- upper - lower
    delta1 <- (mutate - lower) / (upper - lower)
    delta2 <- (upper - mutate) / (upper - lower)
    mut_pow <- 1/(nm + 1)
    u <- runif(1)
    if (u <= 0.5) {
        xy <- 1 - delta1
        val <- 2 * u + (1 - 2 * u) * (xy^(nm + 1))
        deltaq <- (val^mut_pow) - 1
    } else {
        xy <- 1 - delta2
        val <- 2 * (1 - u) + 2 * (u - 0.5) * (xy^(nm + 1))
        deltaq <- 1 - (val^mut_pow)
    mutate <- deltaq * delta
    for (i in 1:n) {
        if (mutate[i] < lower[i]) {
            mutate[i] <- lower[i]
        if (mutate[i] > upper[i]) {
            mutate[i] <- upper[i]

#' @export
nsgareal_raMutation <- function(object, parent) {
    mutate <- parent <- as.vector(object@population[parent, ])
    n <- length(parent)
    j <- sample(1:n, size = 1)
    mutate[j] <- runif(1, object@lower[j], object@upper[j])

#' @export
nsgabin_raMutation <- function(object, parent) {
    mutate <- parent <- as.vector(object@population[parent, ])
    n <- length(parent)
    j <- sample(1:n, size = 1)
    mutate[j] <- abs(mutate[j] - 1)

#' @export
nsgaperm_simMutation <- function(object, parent) {
    parent <- as.vector(object@population[parent, ])
    n <- length(parent)
    m <- sort(sample(1:n, size = 2))
    m <- seq(m[1], m[2], by = 1)
    if (min(m) == 1 & max(m) == n)
        i <- rev(m) else if (min(m) == 1)
        i <- c(rev(m), seq(max(m) + 1, n, by = 1))
    else if (max(m) == n)
        i <- c(seq(1, min(m) - 1, by = 1), rev(m))
    else i <- c(seq(1, min(m) - 1, by = 1), rev(m), seq(max(m) + 1, n, by = 1))
    mutate <- parent[i]

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