
Defines functions .is.opened .deparse .is.verbose .verbose .getContent .handleContent .handleAttachment .handleError .handleResponse .handleResponseOrCallback .authorizationHeaderBearer .authorizationHeaderRockr .url rockr.delete rockr.put rockr.post rockr.get print.rockr rockr.connect

Documented in .authorizationHeaderBearer .authorizationHeaderRockr .deparse .getContent .handleAttachment .handleContent .handleError .handleResponse .handleResponseOrCallback .is.opened .is.verbose rockr.connect rockr.delete rockr.get rockr.post rockr.put .url .verbose

#' Connect with Rocker.
#' @title Rocker connection
#' @family connection functions
#' @param username User name in Rocker R server. Can be provided by "rock.username" option.
#' @param password User password in Rocker R server. Can be provided by "rock.password" option.
#' @param url Rocker R server url. Can be provided by "rock.url" option.
#' @param opts Curl options as described by httr (call httr::httr_options() for details). Can be provided by "rock.opts" option.
#' @return A rockr connection object.
#' @export
#' @import httr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #### The below examples illustrate the different ways to connect to rockr ####
#' # explicit username/password connection
#' conn <- rockr.connect(username='administrator', password='password',
#'                     url='https://rocker-demo.obiba.org')
#' # explicit access token connection
#' conn <- rockr.connect(token='HYG16LO0VaX4O0UardNbiqmr2ByBpRke',
#'                     url='https://rocker-demo.obiba.org')
#' # connect using options and user credentials
#' options(rockr.username='administrator',
#'  rockr.password='password',
#'  rockr.url='https://rocker-demo.obiba.org')
#' conn <- rockr.connect()
#' # connect using options and personal access token
#' options(rockr.token='HYG16LO0VaX4O0UardNbiqmr2ByBpRke',
#'  rockr.url='https://rocker-demo.obiba.org')
#' conn <- rockr.connect()
#' # connect using ssl key pair
#' options(rockr.opts=list(
#'    sslcert='my-publickey.pem',
#'    sslkey='my-privatekey.pem'))
#' conn <- rockr.connect(url='https://rocker-demo.obiba.org')
rockr.connect <- function(username=getOption("rock.username"), password=getOption("rock.password"),
                        url=getOption("rock.url"), opts=getOption("rock.opts", list())) {
  if (is.null(url)) stop("Rocker R server url is required", call.=FALSE)
  conn <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
  # Username
  conn$username <- username
  # Strip trailing slash
  conn$url <- sub("/$", "", url)
  # Domain name
  conn$name <- gsub("[:/].*", "", gsub("http[s]*://", "", conn$url))
  # Version default value
  conn$version <- NA
  # Server response encoding
  conn$encoding <- "UTF-8"
  if (!is.null(opts$encoding)) {
    conn$encoding <- opts$encoding
    opts$encoding <- NULL # not a httr/curl option

  # httr/curl options
  protocol <- strsplit(url, split="://")[[1]][1]
  options <- opts
  # legacy RCurl options to httr
  if (!is.null(options$ssl.verifyhost)) {
    options$ssl_verifyhost = options$ssl.verifyhost
    options$ssl.verifyhost <- NULL
  if (!is.null(options$ssl.verifypeer)) {
    options$ssl_verifypeer = options$ssl.verifypeer
    options$ssl.verifypeer <- NULL

  # authentication strategies
  if(!is.na(username) && !is.null(username) && nchar(username) > 0
     && !is.na(password) && !is.null(password) && nchar(password) > 0) {
    # Authorization header
    conn$authorization <- .authorizationHeaderRockr(username, password)
  } else {
    stop("rockr authentication strategy not identified: either provide username/password or API access token or SSL certificate/private keys", call.=FALSE)

  conn$config <- httr::config()
  conn$config$options <- options
  conn$handle <- httr::handle(paste0(conn$url, "/", sample(1000:9999, 1))) # append a random number to ensure urls are different
  conn$rid <- NULL
  class(conn) <- "rockr"

#' @export
print.rockr <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("url:", x$url, "\n")
  cat("name:", x$name, "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$session)) {
    cat("  id:", x$session$id, "\n")
    cat("  subject:", x$session$subject, "\n")
    cat("  createdDate:", x$session$createdDate, "\n")

#' Generic REST resource getter.
#' @family REST functions
#' @param conn A rockr connection object.
#' @param ... Resource path segments.
#' @param query Named list of query parameters.
#' @param callback A callback function to handle the response object.
#' @return The response output object.
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
rockr.get <- function(conn, ..., query=list(), acceptType='application/octet-stream, application/json', callback=NULL) {
  r <- GET(.url(conn, ...), query=query, accept(acceptType), add_headers(Authorization = conn$authorization), config=conn$config, handle = conn$handle, .verbose())
  .handleResponseOrCallback(conn, r, callback)

#' Generic REST resource creation.
#' @family REST functions
#' @param conn A rockr connection object.
#' @param ... Resource path segments.
#' @param query Named list of query parameters.
#' @param body The body of the request.
#' @param contentType The type of the body content. Default is 'application/x-rscript'.
#' @param acceptType The type of the body content. Default is 'application/octet-stream, application/json', i.e. a serialized R object or an error message.
#' @param callback A callback function to handle the response object.
#' @return The response output object.
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
rockr.post <- function(conn, ..., query=list(), body='', contentType='application/x-rscript', acceptType='application/octet-stream, application/json', callback=NULL) {
  r <- POST(.url(conn, ...), query=query, body=body, content_type(contentType), accept(acceptType), add_headers(Authorization = conn$authorization), config=conn$config, handle = conn$handle, .verbose())
  .handleResponseOrCallback(conn, r, callback)

#' Generic REST resource update.
#' @family REST functions
#' @param conn A rockr connection object.
#' @param ... Resource path segments.
#' @param query Named list of query parameters.
#' @param body The body of the request.
#' @param contentType The type of the body content. Default is 'application/json'.
#' @param callback A callback function to handle the response object.
#' @return The response output object.
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
rockr.put <- function(conn, ..., query=list(), body='', contentType='application/json', callback=NULL) {
  r <- PUT(.url(conn, ...), query=query, body=body, content_type(contentType), add_headers(Authorization = conn$authorization), config=conn$config, handle = conn$handle, .verbose())
  .handleResponseOrCallback(conn, r, callback)

#' Generic REST resource deletion.
#' @family REST functions
#' @param conn A rockr connection object.
#' @param ... Resource path segments.
#' @param query Named list of query parameters.
#' @param callback A callback function to handle the response object.
#' @return The response output object.
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
rockr.delete <- function(conn, ..., query=list(), callback=NULL) {
  r <- DELETE(.url(conn, ...), query=query, add_headers(Authorization = conn$authorization), config=conn$config, handle = conn$handle, .verbose())
  .handleResponseOrCallback(conn, r, callback)

#' Utility method to build urls. Concatenates all arguments and adds a '/' separator between each element
#' @return The URL string
#' @import utils
#' @keywords internal
.url <- function(conn, ...) {
  utils::URLencode(paste(conn$url, paste(c(...), collapse="/"), sep="/"))

#' Constructs the value for the Opal Authorization header
#' @return The header string
#' @import jsonlite
#' @keywords internal
.authorizationHeaderRockr <- function(username, password) {
  paste("Basic", jsonlite::base64_enc(paste(username, password, sep=":")))

#' Constructs the value for the Bearer Authorization header
#' @return The header string
#' @import jsonlite
#' @keywords internal
.authorizationHeaderBearer <- function(jwt) {
  paste("Bearer", jwt)

#' Process response with default handler or the provided one
#' @return The response content object
#' @keywords internal
.handleResponseOrCallback <- function(conn, response, callback=NULL) {
  if (is.null(callback)) {
    .handleResponse(conn, response)
  } else {
    handler <- match.fun(callback)
    handler(conn, response)

#' Default request response handler.
#' @return The response content object
#' @keywords internal
.handleResponse <- function(conn, response) {
  headers <- httr::headers(response)

  if (response$status>=300) {
    .handleError(conn, response)

  disposition <- headers['Content-Disposition']
  if(!is.na(disposition) && length(grep("attachment", disposition))) {
    .handleAttachment(conn, response, as.character(disposition))
  } else {
    .handleContent(conn, response)

#' Handle error response
#' @return Always ends with a stop() call
#' @keywords internal
.handleError <- function(conn, response) {
  headers <- httr::headers(response)
  content <- .getContent(conn, response)
  if (.is.verbose()) {
    warning(httr::content(response, as = "text", encoding = conn$encoding), call. = FALSE)
  msg <- paste0("[", http_status(response)$message, "]")
  if (!is.null(content)) {
    if (!is.null(content$message) && content$message != "") {
      stop(paste0(msg, " ", content$message), call.=FALSE)
    } else if (!is.null(content$error) && content$error != "") {
      stop(paste0(msg, " ", content$error), call.=FALSE)
  stop(msg, call.=FALSE)

#' Handle the file content.
#' @return The response content object
#' @import mime
#' @keywords internal
.handleAttachment <- function(conn, response, disposition) {
  headers <- httr::headers(response)
  content <- .getContent(conn, response)

  filename <- strsplit(disposition,"\"")[[1]][2]
  filetype <- mime::guess_type(filename)
  if(is.raw(content)) {
    if (grepl("text/", headers$`content-type`) || (grepl("application/", headers$`content-type`) && grepl("text/", filetype))){
      as.character(readChar(content, length(content)))
    } else {
      readBin(content,what = raw(),length(content))
  } else if (length(grep("text/", headers$`content-type`))) {
  } else {

#' Handle the response content, unserialize when necessary.
#' @return The response content object
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.handleContent <- function(conn, response) {
  headers <- httr::headers(response)
  content <- .getContent(conn, response)

  if(length(grep("octet-stream", headers$`content-type`))) {
  } else if (length(grep("text", headers$`content-type`))) {
  } else {

#' Wrapper of httr::content()
#' @return The response content object
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.getContent <- function(conn, response) {
  headers <- httr::headers(response)
  if (is.null(headers$`content-type`)) {
  } else if (startsWith(headers$`content-type`, "text/")) {
    httr::content(response, as = "text", encoding = conn$encoding)
  } else {
    httr::content(response, encoding = conn$encoding)

#' Verbose flag
#' @return The same output as httr::verbose() or NULL
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.verbose <- function() {
  verbose <- NULL
  if (.is.verbose()) {
    verbose <- httr::verbose()

#' Verbose option
#' @return The verbose option logical value
#' @keywords internal
.is.verbose <- function() {
  getOption("verbose", FALSE)

#' Turn expression into character strings.
#' @return The deparsed expression in a single string
#' @keywords internal
.deparse <- function(expr) {
  expression <- deparse(expr)
  if(length(expression) > 1) {
    expression = paste(expression, collapse='\n')

#' Check connection is opened, calls stop() if it is not the case.
#' @return Void
#' @keywords internal
.is.opened <- function(conn) {
  if (is.null(conn$session)) {
    stop("Connection is not opened, use rockr.open() to create a new R session")

Try the rockr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rockr documentation built on March 12, 2021, 5:06 p.m.